MRASCo Newsletter Issue 110

The MRA Service Company Newsletter Issue 110
Hey June
CREG may be
coming to a close,
pending MEC
A GDCC Training
Day, open to all
MRA parties, will
be held on the 1st
July 2015.
Principle 13 has
been added to the
IREG have considered four MRA Issue Forms (MIFs) in regards to the
Erroneous Transfers process and an update to the Key Charging
Machine Number.
In regards to ECOES, PAPEG reviewed the Transaction Routing Flag
(TRF) and agreed that minimum criteria should be introduced into
MAP14 to aid the resolution of multiple Supplier issues.
CREG have been looking into extending the scope of materiality
testing when MRA Agreed Procedures (MAPs) may contain
material obligations; and have further discussed issuing rejected
material changes to the Authority for decision.
The MRA Service Company (MRASCo) website is due to be
updated in three core areas over the next few months.
Inside this issue
- Change Proposals
- Issue Resolution
Expert Group (IREG)
Change Proposals
This month’s MDB on 25th June 2015 will look at the following
Change Proposals:
- MRA Code
Governance Review
- Green Deal Update 4
- Security Expert
Group (SEG)
- Cross Code Engagement Group
- Prepayment
Allocation Process
Expert Group
- Business Process
- Assurance
- MRASCo Website
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MAP CP 0232 - Amending MAP14 to distribute unallocated
Key transactions
MAP CP 0227 - Amending MAP14 to resolve issues resulting
from disconnected MPANs
MAP CP 0233 - Amending MAP15 to enhance the TRF functionality
MAP CP 0235 - Amend MAP13 to specify invoicing frequency
MAP CP 0238 - Erroneous Transfers Escalations
MAP CP 0244 - Amendment to MAP18 to accommodate a
change to the processing timescale for Green Deal Charge
Period updates
DTC CP 3463 - Amendment to D0148 and D0303 to ensure
SMSO is aware of removal of asset
DTC CP 3466 - Catering for negative market share in the CFD
Supplier Invoice Backing Data Flow D0362
DTC CP 3468 - Mandating the Measurement Class Details
Group in the D0289 flow
Recently agreed Change Proposals can be viewed on the
Change Register, found on the MRASCo website.
If you need help with finding anything please contact the MRA
Change Admin team at
Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013
Issue Resolution Expert Group (IREG)
IREG met on 13th May 2015 and discussed the following:
Populating the ASC in ECOES
MIF158 was raised in July 2014 and IREG has since developed four solutions for updating
Maximum Capacity information in ECOES. During development discussions, two Requests for
Information (RFIs) were circulated before the group agreed obligations under DCUSA
needed to be considered before progression with a technical solution. The issue was
subsequently raised under DCUSA and a further RFI was issued.
IREG agreed to close MIF158 and noted that any further investigation into this issue would
be carried out under DCUSA.
MIF171 – Amendments to J0583 – Key Charging Machine Number
MIF171 looks to extend the length and logical format of Data Item J0583 due to Network
Service Providers’ (NSPs) decrease of available unique vend location IDs. IREG voiced
concerns about the solution and requested further details from the Prepayment Meter Forum (PPMF), including whether 8 digits were already in use, if they were reusing the numbers
and also if an alternative solution of changing the logical format to alphanumeric could be
MIF170 – Amendments to MAP10: Dual initiation of ETs
MIF170 sought views from IREG regarding the process to be adopted when both the old
and new Supplier had initiated Erroneous Transfers (ETs) for the same site. IREG agreed that
both requests should be responded to, however Suppliers should first check whether an ET
has been raised for a site before an ET is instigated. IREG agreed that a Change Proposal
should be raised to amend MAP10 to ensure Suppliers check whether a D0301 Data Flow
has already been sent.
MIF172 – Erroneous Transfer Escalations
MIF172 looks to address the escalation procedure outlined within MAP10, as there is
currently no timescale for a Contract Manager to respond to an escalated query. IREG
agreed that a 10WD timescale should be detailed within MAP10 for Contract Managers to
respond to an ET.
MIF173 – Change of Supplier Chains with at least one ET
MIF173 was raised to seek views from IREG to determine a process when complex ETs occur
that include more than two Suppliers. IREG noted complex scenarios were a rare occurrence and could not be dealt with over the Data Transfer Network (DTN); however, Suppliers
should resolve such occurrences via bi-lateral/multi-lateral agreements. As a result, IREG
agreed to expand MAP10 and raise a change into the MRA Change Process.
If you have any questions please contact the team at
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Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013
The MRA Service Company Newsletter Issue 110
Dates for the
11th June 2015
11th June 2015
23rd June 2015
23rd June 2015
25th June 2015
25th June 2015
3rd July 2015
8th July 2015
9th July 2015
28th July 2015
28th July 2015
30th July 2015
MRA Code Governance Review
The Code Review Expert Group (CREG) last met on 28th May 2015
and discussed the following:
Stage 2 Post Implementation Review (Materiality Testing):
Materiality Testing was first introduced into the MRA in June 2014.
Since the introduction, a number of observations have been raised
by Ofgem which led to two key areas being proposed to CREG:
Extending the scope of materiality testing when MRA Agreed
Procedures (MAPs) may contain material obligations; and
Issuing rejected material changes to the Authority for decision.
At the MRA Executive Committee (MEC) on 28th April 2015, MEC
advised that materiality testing should include MAP Change
Proposals (CPs). Also, where a material CP was rejected, the decision
should also be referred to the Authority in the same manner as a
decision to accept a material CP. Gemserv sought legal advice to
develop the necessary amendments to the MRA and MAP17,
however during the process it became evident a number of
assumptions were being made and needed to be further clarified.
As a result, CREG was invited to outline their preference for MDB to
remain as a decision making or a recommendation panel. Gemserv
are awaiting Ofgem to confirm its position regarding CREG’s
recommendation that MDB should remain as a decision making
body, ahead of legal drafting being raised into the MRA change
The Code Review Expert Group Closure Report
Over the past two months, Gemserv has been compiling a Closure
Report which seeks to set out how Ofgem’s Code Governance
Review objectives in addition to the CREG Terms of Reference (ToR
objectives have been met through the three stages of the project.
The Closure Report has been subject to CREG’s review and in summary, provides an overview as to how 17 workstreams have been
successfully closed to date. CREG recommended the Closure Report
be taken to MEC for approval alongside a recommendation to close
CREG and undertake a post implementation review in 12 months'
If you have any questions, please get in contact with the team at
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Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013
Deal Expert
Group (GDEG)
GDEG met on 14th May
2015 and agreed a
solution to change to the
functionality of the
GDCC, in order to cater
for Change of Supplier
events occurring for
Green Deal Plans at a
status of ‘NEW’. The
GDAA Panel Secretary
will be informed of the
progression of the
resolution of the issue, as
discussed at GDAA
Performance Report
Workshop held in May.
MEC have agreed to
reschedule the
implementation of
GDCC Release R09.0 to
5th November 2015, as
no changes were
identified as being
required for implementation on 26th June 2015.
A GDCC Training Day,
open to all MRA parties,
will be held on the 1st
July 2015. The training will
include an introduction
to the purpose of the
GDCC and a brief
overview of the MRA, as
well as an interactive
session on interpreting
Data Flows.
If you have any Green
Deal related questions
please contact us via .
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Security Expert Group (SEG)
The Security Expert Group has been tasked with reviewing and
developing potential system and process enhancements to ensure
security of the data held within the MRASCo systems is maintained.
SEG last met on 5th May 2015 and carried out an in depth review
of the Information Security Risk Assessment report. The report detailed 23 risks, the associated mitigating actions and the required
next steps. The outputs of the report shaped a number of drafting
proposals in relation to Information Security measures contained
within the MRA and its subsidiary documents.
The ECOES Consolidated Monthly Report Request For Information
(RFI) responses were reviewed, which resulted in SEG agreeing a
number of principles, such as one user per company group should
have access to the data and that a two factor user authentication
approach should be adopted. As a result, a further RFI was issued
to seek the industries views on what the two factor user
authentication approach should be. Responses to the RFI were
due by 2nd June 2015.
SEG agreed that the audit approach should be expanded to
detail that parties are required to provide evidence to support their
responses and that the audit scope should be clearly defined.
Finally, SEG agreed that the project team should carry out the
required analysis, and provide the Group with their resultant
findings and proposals. In line with this suggestion, SEG will next
convene on 3rd July 2015, but ahead of this meeting date, are
expected to be reviewing and providing feedback on a number of
workstreams. For further details please contact the MRA helpdesk.
Cross Code Engagement Group (CCEG)
CCEG was formed as a result of the newest Principle of the Code
Administration Code of Practice (CACoP) being introduced,
Principle 13, which outlines that Code Administrators (CAs) will
endeavour to work with each other on modifications that may impact multiple Codes.
Therefore, monthly meetings are being held between
representatives of the Distribution Connection and Use of System
Agreement (DCUSA), Supply Point Administrator Agreement
(SPAA), Balance and Settlement Code (BSC) and Gemserv to
ensure that upcoming changes can be addressed and progressed
efficiently across the Codes.
Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013
The MRASCo Business
Process Model has not
been updated since
2007 so the Business
Process Model Review
Group (BPMRG) aims to
update the process
diagrams to include any
implemented changes
that affect the diagrams
until May 2014.
Following the BPMRG
meeting on 13th May
2015, the BPM Team
have been using
Casewise to develop
and create varying
prototypes of the
processes outlined in
Phase One of Gap
Analysis. Once a
prototype has been
agreed for the
progression of MRA
changes, the diagrams
will be aligned to reflect
the best approach.
In preparation for Phase
2 of the model build, a
web platform called
Casewise Evolve, which
allows the design of
specific views for specific
audiences, will be
undergoing User
Acceptance Testing.
The next BPMRG meeting
will be held on 10th June
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Prepayment Allocation Process Expert
Group (PAPEG)
PAPEG has been developing solutions for the redistribution of
unallocated prepayment transactions and solutions to enhance
the current allocation process, outlined in MAP14. PAPEG last met
on the 18th May 2015 to discuss the following:
XREF Database
PAPEG concluded the discussions regarding the XREF database,
agreeing that the ECOES functionality should be amended to stop
returning MPAN details derived from XREF in the Prepayment
Metering Infrastructure Providers response file. To do so, a Change
Proposal has been drafted and is currently being reviewed by
Ahead of removing XREF from the allocation process, PAPEG
agreed four ways to reduce the reliance on the database to help
parties minimise the impact of routing transactions using ECOES
A system reconciliation, to compare the data held in ECOES
to that in Meter Operator systems, for which a Change
Proposal has been drafted and is being reviewed by PAPEG.
Mandating the frequency of the Redirected Reports, for
which a Change Proposal has been drafted and is being
reviewed by PAPEG.
Introducing a new report, the Routing Method Report, to
inform the recipient of transactions that have been allocated
based on the MPAN derived from XREF.
Formalising a process to enable Prepayment Meter
Infrastructure Providers to ensure that future transactions are
not routed via XREF subject to a request being received by
the respective Supplier. This process will be introduced into
Transaction Routing Flag
PAPEG reviewed the Transaction Routing Flag (TRF) in ECOES,
in order to determine whether the flag’s functionality could be
improved. The Group agreed that minimum criteria should be
introduced into MAP14 to aid the resolution of multiple Supplier
issues, which resulted in a Change Proposal being drafted.
If you have any questions please contact the team at
Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013
Who to
Don’t forget there is a
dedicated team
available to help with all
your MRA related
MRASCo Helpdesk:
- T: 020 7090 1029
- E: MRAhelpdesk@Gemserv.
The Market Assurance team continues to provide a wide range of
services. In May we;
Monitored weekly Controlled Market Entry (CME) reports and
worked closely with CME applicants to ensure compliance
with agreed operating conditions.
Conducted one CME exit audit, the results of which will be sent
to the Market Entry Programme Board (MEPB).
Held meetings with six applicants .
Worked with external and internal stakeholders to assess the
impact and possible next steps for the implementation of P272.
Commenced a possible re-qualification process, the paper
has been sent to the MEPB and if approved will be delivered
to MEC in July.
ECOES queries:
- T: 020 7090 1024
- E:
Any industry issues
regarding the MRA or its
associated products:
- T: 020 7090 1029
- E:
GDCC Helpdesk:
- T: 020 7090 1068
- E: GDCC@Gemserv.
For all other general MRA
- T: 020 7090 1029
- E: MRAhelpdesk@Gemserv.
MRA Assessment Service
May 2015 Statistics
In Entry Assessment
Pending Entry Assessment
In Controlled Market Entry
Pending Controlled Market Entry
MRA Website Update
The MRASCo website was last updated in August 2013. Following
feedback from the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS), as well as
responses from key industry stakeholders, requests have been put
forward for a review of the MRASCo website to improve various
For the latest news in SEC,
please see their website
The three core areas which will be updated are the Change
Tracker, the Contacts Database, and the News Bulletin.
Let us know your
thoughts on the
The updated Change Tracker is due to go live at the end of June
2015, upon the completion of User Acceptance Testing.
Please send your
comments through to:
Stephanie Catwell.
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Following this, the MRA Contacts Database will be updated. If you
would like to update your MRA Party Contact details held on the
MRASCo website or check the current details held for your Business,
please send a request to
Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013