N j a i m MID-EAST Joseph Y. Obagi, LL.B. المحامي يوسف عبجي FOOD CENTRE A WORLD Avocat et Notaire Specialist in Civil Litigation COM 613 244-2525 T.: 613-567-4412; F.: 613-567-9751 joseph.obagi@connollyobagi.com christopher.Obagi@connollyobagi.com 782 GLADSTONE AVE TEL: 613-233-3437 خياطة برادي OTTAWA, ON. K1R 6X7 FAX: 613-238-5742 Our complete inventory online @ mbauto.com 2450 Lancaster Rd., Unit 43 613-739-9431 613-841-9134 SAAB GAS CENTR 1057 Cyrville Rd. Ottawa, ON K1J 7S3 Joe Barake Office: 613.860.7355 Mobile:613.327.4450 Fax: 613.745.7976 Call 736-7535 or 292-0123 For more information on Insurance, Estate, Retirement and Education Planning FAMILY DENTIST Moe C. Saab DR.G. KASSIS RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA 1596 Walkley Rd. Next to The License Bureau 613 - 738 - 1763 613-741-0725 ACME~FUTURE SECURITY CONTROLS INC. Acme — Future Security Controls INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Paul Orfali, M.G.A 5330 Canotek Rd., Unit 39 Ottawa Tel.: 613-745-0545 Fax: 613-745-6010 A to Z Fine Contracting Complete Renovation Elias Allaham 2609 Fenton Rd. Unit # 100 Ottawa, ON. K1T 3N3 Tel.: 613-793-8922 eallaham@hotmail.com 2170 Thurston, Ottawa, ON. 613-526-4224 INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE Looking for a family doctor? is now accepting new patients. ZOEMED CLINIC 460 West Hunt Club, Suite 106 (Corner of Merivale Rd) 613-820-3694 B. Sc. Pharm. Bell Pharmacy Josette Nahlawi / Sales Representative to Hamid Riahi Pierre Baliki, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C. Certified Financial Planner Dr. Jak Nehmé Antranik Boghossian Marketing with Power, Selling with Passion! TM 613-822-2221 Carpet . Rugs . Vinly . Hardwood Laminates . Ceramics . 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Michel Abboud 181 McArthur, Vanier 1221 Kilborn Ave. Ottawa, ON K1H 8L4 Tel.: 613-521-5451 Connect.com COMPLIMENTS OF Supply, Install & Renovation Complete Basement, Kitchen, Bath… Windows, Doors, Tiles & Ceramic… Www.WeGuaranteeHomeSales.com Josette@hamidriahi.com جوزيت حنالوي Au nom de la DÉMOCRATIE Ils ont saccagés tes Lieux Saints, tes Minarets et tes Églises, Au nom de la DÉMOCRATIE ils ont effacé les empreintes de toute ton Histoire, une histoire riche et aussi vieille que la civilisation humaine. Ils ont brulé tes champs de blé dorés et desséché tes sources d’eau limpide. Au nom des DROITS DE L’HOMME ils ont égorgé tes enfants et ont dévoré leur cœur! La Syrie ensanglantée!! Oh! Robot métallique qu’as tu fais de nous! Tu as remplacé tous nos cœurs par des clous! Nos yeux observent la détresse autour de nous, Caen égorge Abel et l’enfonce dans la boue! Nous sommes tous devenus des machines de haine! La vengeance est le flot qui coule dans nos veines! L’Amour avec les cœurs ont fuient notre planète! Nous sommes tous condamnés à la destruction complète! J’entends de loin de si loin tes cris stridents! Les seuls cœurs qui restent sont ceux des enfants! Ils nous implorent et nous supplient de leur tendre la main, Car c’est eux et eux seuls qui soient restés humains! Leurs larmes coulent de leurs yeux comme des torrents! Ils ont imbibé notre sol du flot de leur sang! Ils sont les vrais martyrs de cette guerre d’horreur! Créés pour mourir ou vivre dans la terreur! أسعار خاصة ألبناء الجالية Mais même nos oreilles sont bouchées par ce Satan! Qui cherche toujours à nous apaiser par nous aveuglant, Aveugle, sourds, muets, dénudés de sentiments, C’est ainsi qu’il nous veut pour rester triomphant! Serving you from two locations McEvoy Shields Funeral Home & Chapel 1411 Hunt Club Rd. 613-737-7900 Racine, Robert & Gauthier Funeral Home & Chapel 180 Montreal Rd. 613-241-3680 BULLETIN 2014 Elias Abou Hamad, B.B.A. 613-745-1886 Custom Draperies ● Valences ● Swags The Preferred Workroom Houda Abboudy MIKE BARAKE WE WILL WAIVE THE $ 2 CO-PAY JEAN NASSAR AND MARC NASSAR. 613 - 695 - 5561 1500 BANK ST. IN THE BLUE HERON MALL Suite 1100-200 Elgin St. MELKITE محمصة أوتاوا )(عاجوري إخوان __________________________________ ON ALL ODB ELIGIBLE PRESCRIPTIONS Christopher . Obagi, LL.B. المحامي كريستوفر عبجي OF TASTE! 1010 BELFAST RD. AT ST. LAURENT FREE DELIVERY Health Smart PHARMACY Assez de ferrailles! Assez d’armes à feu! Leurs flammes consument nos villes en tout lieux! Essayons dans cet enfer de retrouver la Vraie Valeur! L’Amour est notre seul espoir! l’Amour est le Vainqueur Dépensons nos millions pour racheter nos Cœurs! Mona Obagi STS. PETER AND PAUL MELKITE GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH 1161 NORTH RIVER ROAD, OTTAWA, ON K1K 3W5 CANADA Tel: (613) 746-6091 ● Cell: 613-252-6062 ● Cell: (613) 252-9333 E-mail address: parish@melkite.com * FAX: 613-749-7396 Parish Web Page: www.melkite.com Page to “like” on facebook: Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Melkite Catholic church - Ottawa Year 24 No 43 October 19 Third Sunday after Holy Cross Commemoration of the Holy Prophet Joel and of the Holy Martyr Varus الصليب َّ ا ألحد الث َّالث بعد والقدّيس الشَّ هيد فاروس.تذاكر القدّيس النّيب يوئيل Antiphon Prayer Celebrant : O Lord God, who keep all things in Your divine hands; who treat us all with patience and forgive our sins, remember Your mercy and compassion; visit us in Your kindness; protect our lives by the grace of Your Holy Spirit. For You are a merciful and love mankind, and to You we render glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. صالة ا ألنديفونة َّ ياء لكَّها بي ِده ُ ُ وي.الطاهرة .طيل أأانتَ ُه عللليلنلا اليلعلا َ اي َمن يَض ِبطُ ا َلش. أأُّيه ا َّالر هب ال ْإهل:املتفل ِ َ ُوص ْن حيلاتَلنلا بلنلعلحلة رو ِح. ِافتَ ِقدْ ان بصال ِح َك.تك َور َمحتَ َك َ َ ُأذ ُك ْر ر أأف.توب عىل خطاايان لك ُ َ وي َ وإا. َلن ََّك إا ٌهل رح ٌمي و ُم ِح ٌّب للبرش.ال ُقدهوس .اللرو ُ الل ُقلدُ س َأُّيه ا ال آ ُب. َليك نرف ُع اجملد ُ والابلن و ه َّ ال آ َن و . أآمني.لك َأو ٍان وإاىل ده ِر ادلَّ اهرين ****************************************** ) نش يد القيامة (ابللحن الث َّاين َ َّ أأ. أأُّيه ا احليا ُة اخلادلة.لت اإىل املوت مقلت ا ألملو َات ملن َ ول ّحا أأ.مت اجلح َمي بس ىن لهوتك َ ل َ َّحا نز ِ ." اجملدُ كل.معطي احلياة َ .حتت الرثى َّ رصخ َْت اي ُع َّقو ِات َ اي. " أأُّيه ا املس ُيح اإلهُنا:السامويّني Troparion of the Resurrection (2nd Tone) When You descended to Death, O Immortal Life, You destroyed Hades by the splendor of your Divinity, and when You raised the dead from under the ground, all the Powers of heaven cried out: O Christ our God, the Giver of life, glory to you. ) نش يد شفيعي الكنيسة القديسني بطرس وبولس (ابللحن الثاين اإشفعا اإىل س يد اللك أأن مينح املسكونة. ومعلام املسكونة،أأُّيا املتقدمان يف الكريس عىل الرسل . ولنفوس نا عظمي الرمحة، السالم Troparion (2nd Tone) O Peter and Paul, higher in rank than any other apostle, doctors of the world, intercede with the Master of All that He may give peace to the world and great mercy to us all. )قنداق اخلتام ( ابللحن الثاين علن أأصلو ِات ْ ْ ل تُلعلر. َو َوس َيطَتَ ُم ادلَّ امئة دلى اخللالل.اي نصري َة املس يح ّي َِني اليت ل ُُتزى ِ ارخني ا ِ البني ا َّ اخلطأأ ِة "هلل ّحلي:إليك ابإميان ُ . بل مبا أأن َِّك صاحلة ابدري اإىل معون ِتنا.إليك َ الص َّ حنن َ الط ِ مكر ."ميك ِ ّ املامي َة دامئا عن. اي وادل َة الإهل.اإىل الشَّ فاعة و أأرسعي اإىل الابَتال nd Kondakion (2 Tone) O never failing protectress of Christians, and their ever present intercessor before the Creator. Despise not the petitions of us sinners, but in your goodness extend your help to us who call upon you with confidence. Hasten O Mother of God, to intercede for us, for you have always protected those who honour you. ***************************** .اكن يل خالصا َ لقد،َّالر هب َّقويت وتسبيحي َ ِ ِ وإاىل،الرب تَأْديبا .املوت ل ْم ي ُسل ْحين أأ َّدبَين ه ِ فص ٌل ِم ْن رسا ِةل هل كورنثوس ِ القديس بو َلس َّالرسولِ الثّاني ِة اإىل أأ ِ اكن َ احلاِكُ بلدمشل ُ َ َ ي،اي اإخوة َ . أأ ِ ّين ل َأك ِذب،باركُ اإىل ادله هور َ يح الْ ُح ِ عَل إا ُهل و أأبو ربِّنا يسو َع املس ِ ِ حتت اإمر ِة ُ ّ فدُ ِل،عل يلت ِملن ُك َّلو ٍة يف َ ِ املِل َّ ََي ُر ُس مدين َة ّ ِادل َمشقيّ َِني ُمريدا أأ ْن يَقب َِض،احلارث َ ِ ِ ِ ِ َ ،السور ُ وجن اللر ِ ّب ٍ ِنزب ِيل م َن ه َ ا َّإن الافت.وت من يَدَ يه َّ فلا ِ ّإين أأنلتَلقل ُل اإىل ُر َبى.خلار ل يلفليلدُ ين ِ ِ ِ ِ ُ السامء الث َّالثة ُ ا ِ ّإين أأ.وإاَياءاته َأيف،عرشل َة سل لنلة َ َ منذ أأرب َ َع َّ يح اخ ُتط َف اإىل ِ عرف اإنساان يف املس َ َ َ ُ هللا يَعَل! و أأ ُ خار َج اجلسد؟ ُ اجلسد؟ َأيف،علرف أأ َّن هلذا الإنسلان ِ لست أأعَل! أأم ُ ،لست أأعَل َ َ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُ خار َج اجلسد؟ ،هللا يَعَل! قد اخ ُتط َف اإىل الفردَوس ومس َع لكلامت رسيَّلة ِ اجلس ِد أأم ُ ،لست أأعَل ، فال أأفتَ ِخ ُر اإل بلأأوهلاين، أأ َّما ِمن ِج ِة ن َفيس. ِمفن ِِج ِة هذا َأفت ِخر.إنسان َأ ْن ي َ ِنط َ هبا ٍ ل َ َِي هل ل ُ خار لَم أأ ُكن جا ِهال أل ِ ّين أأ ُ فا ِ ّإين لو َأ َر ّ ِ . ّ قول احل فلوق ملا َ لكين أأ ُك هف لئال ُيظ َّن أأح ٌد يب َ دت الاف ِت ِ ُأ،كِب ُلس ُح ّ ِو الإَياءات ُ عط َ ملالك،يت َشوكة يف اجلسلد َ ِ َ ولئال َأس ت.يراين علَي ِه أأو يس َح ُع ُه ِم ِ ّين َ بت اإىل َّالر ِ ّب َ جل َّ ُ َذكل طل فلقلا َل.ُفارقَين ِ و َل.يطان ل َي ِلط َحين ِلئَ َّال َأس تَ ِكِب ِ ثالث َّمر ٍات أأ ْن ت ِ الش َ َ ت:يل ِّ . أل َّن َّقويت تَمكُ ُن يف َالوهْن،كفيك ِنع َحيت تقر ٍ فبلك ّ ِ رسور إا َذن َأفتَ ِخ ُر َّ لتَس،ابحلري بأَوهاين .عل َّقو ُة املس يح َّ ِّ ليس تجِ ْب َ َكل َّالر هب يف يو ِم مس إا ِهل يعقوب ُ ول َيعضُ دْ كَ ا، الضي َ واس تجِ ْب لنا يو َم ندعوك،رب خ ِل ّ ِص امل َ ِِل اي ه )9 :11-13 :11( The Lord is my strength and my might; he has become my salvation. The Lord has punished me severely, but he did not give me over to death. A Reading from the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians (11:31-12:9) Brothers and sisters, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus (blessed be he EPARCHY SAINT SAUVEUR OF MONTREAL FOR THE GREEK-MELKITE CATHOLICS IN CANADA MOST REV. IBRAHIM M. IBRAHIM EPARCHIAL BISHOP 10025 BOUL. DE L’ACADIE, MTL., QC. H4N 2S1 TEL.: 514-272-6430 CLERGY OF THE PARISH ARCHIMANDRITE MAKARIOS WEHBI B.S.O. PASTOR FATHER IBRAHIM EL HADDAD B.S.O CO-PASTOR for ever!) knows that I do not lie. In Damascus, the governor under King Aretas set a guard on the city of Damascus in order to seize me, but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall, and escaped from his hands. It is necessary to boast; nothing is to be gained by it, but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows. And I know that such a person—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows— was caught up into Paradise and heard things that are not to be told, that no mortal is permitted to repeat. On behalf of such a one I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses. But if I wish to boast, I will not be a fool, for I will be speaking the truth. But I refrain from it, so that no one may think better of me than what is seen in me or heard from me, even considering the exceptional character of the revelations. Therefore, to keep me from being too elated, a thorn was given to me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I appealed to the Lord about this, that it would leave me, but he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.’ So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. ******************************** )11 -11 :7( إجنيل البشري ّ فصل رشيف من بشارة القديس لوقا ال َ يف اهور من تالمي ِذ ِه ُ واكن ي َ .اكن يسو ُع ُمنط ِلقا اىل مدين ٍة أ ُمسها انئِني َ .ذكل َّالزمان ٌ َسري َم َع ُه ِ ٌ اذا َم.ابب املدينة واكنت ه ِذه.وهو أ ٌبن وحي ٌد ُل ِ ّم ِه ِ فل َّحا قَ ُر َب من.وا ٌع كثري َ يت َمححو ٌل ِ َ َأ ودان ول َ َح َس. وقا َل لها ل تَبيك.حتَّن علهيا َ َّ فل َّحا رأآها َّالر هب.من املدينة َ ٌواكن م َعها ا ٌع غفري َ .رمَل ُ اب َكل َأ َ َّالن ُ فﭑس تَوى الْ َح.قول قُ ْم فسل َّ َح ُه.يت وبد َأ يتلكَّم َأُّيه ا الشَّ ه. فقال.عش فوقَ َف احلا ِملُون ٌ ِ فﭑس تَوىل عىل امجليع.اىل ُأ ِ ّم ِه َنيب عظ ٌمي وأفتقَد َ دون َ جف َعلوا يُح ِ ّج.خوف ٌّ لقد قا َم فينا.هللا قائلني ِ .ُهللا َشع َبه ُ The Holy Gospel according to St. Luke the Evangelist (7:11-16) At that time, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went with him. As he approached the gate of the town, a man who had died was being carried out. He was his mother’s only son, and she was a widow; and with her was a large crowd from the town. When the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, ‘Do not weep.’ Then he came forward and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, ‘Young man, I say to you, rise!’ The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. Fear seized all of them; and they glorified God, saying, ‘A great prophet has risen among us!’ and ‘God has looked favorably on his people!’ OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Church Secretary, Mrs. MONA OBAGI SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Divine Liturgy: 11:00 a.m. ORGANIZATION “Sts Peter and Paul Church: Parish Council” “Ladies Auxiliary” “Monsignor Habib Kwaiter Wednesday & Thursday Divine Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. Scholarship Foundation” Saturday Divine Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. “Melkite Catholic Youth Organization” ALL PARISHIONERS BOOKSTORE & GIFT SHOP Please notify us immediately of any change of Open every Sunday 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. address or phone number in order to keep & Weekdays by request our records updated Sunday, October 12, 2014 !من أآمن يب وإان مات فس يحيا Sunday, October 19, 2014 Memorial Divine Liturgy: Elias Abou-Assaf (40 days), Emily Abou-Assaf and Emile AbouAssaf, requested by Nassif Abou-Assaf (Foumia), George AbouAssaf (Marie), Hind (Issa El-Khoury), Anisseh Koussayer and the family. Violette Farah (one year) requested by her son Dr. Georges Farah and the family . The Martyr Abdallah Qobbahji (one week), requested by his nephew Ighnatios Rizkallah (Maha) and the family. Sunday, October 26, 2014 Memorial Divine Liturgy: Josephine Arbach (one year), requested by her daughters and their families. May their memory be eternal! ّفليكن ذكرمه مؤبدا ***************************************** Baptism At 1:30 p.m. Violet Adele, daughter of Ronaldo Sayah and Michelle Lutfy Congratulations to the proud parents and godparents! ***************************************** Synode sur la famille. La famille, embrassée comme dans une étreinte idéale, entre le Synode extraordinaire qui aura lieu au mois d’Octobre 2014 et le Synode général qui se tiendra en 2015. Un parcours original qui implique et interpelle toutes les composantes ecclésiales, mais non seulement. Dans le choix de la famille, avec ses défis inédits et ses grandes ressources, l’Église respire à pleins poumons, pour elle-même et pour l’ensemble de l’humanité. L'évangile sur la famille est la bonne nouvelle de l’amour divin qui doit être proclamé à ceux qui vivent cette fondamentale expérience humaine, personnelle, de couple et de communion ouverte au don des enfants, que représente la communauté familiale. Le magistère de l’Église sur le mariage doit être présenté et offert de manière communicative et efficace, afin de pouvoir atteindre les cœurs et les transformer selon la volonté de Dieu manifestée en Jésus-Christ PASTORAL ACTIVITIES Children’s Catechism (Oct. to May): Every Saturday 4:00 p.m., Child Focused Liturgy with Parents 6:30 p.m. TCG (teenager Catholic Group 13-15): Meeting every Friday at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 MCYO (Melkite Catholic Youth Organization 16 & over): meeting every second Friday 8 p.m. Arabic Bible Study: every Wednesday 7:30p.m. Choir / Evangelical Prayers / Pastoral Visits. Your generosity is very much appreciated Sunday Offerings Basket Collection Mass offering Donations Candles House Blessing TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 904.00 375.00 150.00 160.00 52.00 70.00 1,711.00
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