Great Decisions AIKEN LECTURE SERIES Saturdays, September 8–22, 10am–12noon 322 South Prospect Street Members and Non-members: $15 Feeding Nine Billion, Maintaining the Planet Join us for insightful, thought-provoking discussions about some of the most pressing foreign policy challenges that our country faces today. Great Decisions is a nation-wide civic education program supported by the Foreign Policy Association ( Exit from Afghanistan & Iraq by Michael O’Hanlon September 7 Ten years after September 11, 2001, the U.S. is winding down its military commitment in Iraq and slowly pulling out of Afghanistan. What exit strategy will help Afghanistan and Iraq build stable democratic nations? How can the U.S. continue to achieve its counterterrorism goals? What is the role of the U.S. in the future of the Middle East? Thursday, October 17, 5pm Join UVM and community members for the prestigious Aiken Lecture, hosted this year by the Jason Clay Rubenstein School of the Environment and Natural Resources. Speaker Jason Clay, Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund, will speak on the topic of “Feeding 9 billion, Maintaining the Planet.” A prime seating area will be saved for all OLLI members who arrive and identify themselves before 4:45pm. Community Cinema Community Cinema is a groundbreaking civic engagement initiative featuring FREE monthly screenings of films from the Emmy Award-winning series Independent Lens and is a partnership between OLLI at UVM, Vermont Public Television, and the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts. All films are screened at the FlynnSpace at 7pm and are followed by a lively panel discussion. Fall presentations include: by Larry Diamond Half the Sky by Maro Chermayeff Solar Mamas by Jehane Noujaim Rafea, who lives in a small Jordanian village, is 30 years old with four children and a husband eager to take a third wife. With encouragement from her country’s Ministy of Environment, she attends the Barefoot College in India to train to become a solar-energy engineer. The Barefoot College provides training to the rural poor to empower them to make their communities sustainable. Students include rural women from Kenya, Burkina Faso, Columbia, and Guatemal. by Augustus Richard Norton September 22 The popular revolts and upheaval of the Arab Spring have radically changed the face of the Middle East. What lies ahead for the Middle East’s transition to democracy? What are the prospects for the governments that have held out in this new order? With many longtime U.S. allies ousted, how will the U.S. recalibrate its relations with the new regimes? Throughout the year, OLLI at UVM displays the works of local artists in the Office of Continuing Education at 322 South Prospect Street. Each gallery exhibit is launched with a reception and lecture and discussion led by the artist. Information on upcoming exhibits is circulated via email and is also shared on the OLLI website. More Special than Ever: The UVM Library’s Special Collections at Fifty with Jeffrey D. Marshall Tuesday, October 23 The U.S. has had a history of advancing and supporting democracy around the world. What place does democracy promotion have in U.S. foreign policy today? With a choice of tools ranging from economic aid to military force, what are the appropriate yet effective methods that the U.S. should use to promote democracy? Middle East Realignment FREE to OLLI members and their guests As Goes Janesville by Brad Lichtenstein Tuesday, November 20 OLLI at UVM art exhibits OLLI One Night Stands: Hidden Treasures at UVM Inspired by his best-selling Pulitzer Prize-winning book, author Nicholas Kristof and celebrity activists travel to nine countries. They witness courageous individuals who are confronting oppression and creating meaningful solutions through health care, education, and economic empowerment for women and girls. September 15 By artist Binta Colley osher lifelong learning institute of the university of vermont FALL 2012 Courses & Events Tuesday, September 11 As Goes Janesville records two years in the lives of laid-off workers, business leaders, and elected officials trying to reinvent their lives and their Midwestern town amid the closure of their GM plant and America’s worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Promoting Democracy seek. learn. discover. grow. Become an OLLI at UVM member and register for courses: l e a r n . u v m . e d u / o ll i 8 0 2 . 6 5 6 . 2 0 8 5 Osher Lifelong Learning Insitutute of The University of Vermont University of Vermont—Continuing Education • 460 South Prospect Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Montreal Trip, Summer 2011 Tuesday, October 30, 5:30–7pm UVM Bailey Howe Library, Special Collections A Day in Montreal: Lunch at Jean Talon and Tour of the Botanical Gardens Join Jeffrey Marshall as he discusses the rare books, historical manuscripts and other artifacts in Special Collections dating from the 12th to the 21st centuries. Saturday, September 22, 11am–9pm Members: $70 | Non-members: $95 Pringle Herbarium: The UVM Botanical Collection with Michael Sundue with Cynthia Belliveau, Natalie Neuert, and Deborah Dalton Tour the market then enjoy the Botanical Gardens with the amazing Chinese Lantern display. Tuesday, October 23, 5:30–7pm Pringle Herbarium, 3rd floor Torrey Hall with Mario Martinez Join botanist Michael Sundue for a fascinating tour and talk about the collections and importance of the Pringle Herbarium, the third largest herbarium in New England. Mondays, September 24–October 15, 5:30–7pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Sacred Harp with Kerry Cullinan Spanish for beginners in a fun, relaxed atmosphere with OLLI members. Tuesday, September 25, 6:30pm Ira Allen Chapel Español Para Todos: Beginner Come experience the joy of shape-note singing with a community of fellow music lovers. classes • travel • lectures • discussions • films • active learning r e g i s t e r t o day ! l e a r n . u v m . e d u / o l l i 8 0 2 . 6 5 6 . 2 0 8 5 Argentine Tango in Burlington: A Multigenerational Creative Dance Experience with Elizabeth M. Seyler Mondays, September 24–October 15, 5:45–7:15pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Explore the history of Tango and learn the dance basics. Reading Shakespeare Aloud: Much Ado About Nothing with Natalie Neuert Mondays, September 24–October 15, 4–5:30pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Delve into one of Shakespeare’s most admired comedies through reading aloud and discussing with OLLI members. Beginning Watercolor OLLI members who register by September 16 receive an additional 10% discount on all OLLI four-session courses! Essential Digital Photography Tuesdays, September 25–October 16, 5:30–7:30pm Members: $120 | Non-members: $160 A beginner class that will guide you step-bystep through your first watercolor painting. OLLI Travel 2012–2013 OLLI trips are a great way to see the world, make new friends, and learn about different cultures. This winter, we venture back to Oaxaca, Mexico, for a “low touch” adventure where members can customize their own trips. In late May, we’ll head to London for a theatre-oriented trip with Natalie Neuert and UVM Shakespeare professor Andrew Barnaby. Interested? E-mail for more details. International Relations Wednesdays, September 26–October 17, 5:30–7pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Saturday, October 20, 1–4pm Members: $30 | Non-members $45 with Mark Carter Tuesdays, September 25–October 16, 5:30–7pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Wednesdays, September 26–October 17, 5:30–7pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 A hands-on class that covers the basics of photography to improve your photography skills. Ethics of the Food We Eat A lively presentation and discussion of the research of near-death experiences and other phenomena. Beginners Tai Chi and Qi Gong Tuesdays, September 25–October 16, 10am–12noon Members: $80 | Non-members: $120 with Christopher M. Judge Explore the complex ethical dilemmas in the choices made between the earth and the dinner plate. Participants will learn Tai Chi movements that will help to improve range of motion, flexibility, breathing capacity and strength. Thursdays, September 27–October 18, 5:30–7pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Monet’s Impressionism: Deconstructing Color Next to Color Oaxaca Trip, Spring 2011 with Joan E. Hoffmann Friday, September 28, 5:30–7pm Members: $10 | Non-members: $15 Watch Joan paint her rendition of Monet’s “Cliffs at Pourville” and engage in a lively art discussion of impressionism. Monet’s Painting Secrets: Using Warm and Cool Colors with Joan E. Hoffmann Saturday, September 29, 10am–3pm Members: $50 | Non-members: $75 Non-painters, beginners, and experienced painters are welcome as Joan walks you though how to work with color. with Mark Carter Thursdays, October 25–November 15, 5:30–7pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Learn about international relations with particular reference to the American situation, past, present, and future. Espanol Para Todos: Intermediate–Advanced Bridging Science & Spirit: Near Death Experiences, Ghosts and After-Death Communications with Mark Carter Basic Editing for Digital Photography with Lars Nielsen Learn how online communities such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogs work. with Fred P. Fengler with Lisa H. Newton, Ph.D. with Jean M. Cannon Social Networking with Mario Martinez Mondays, October 22–November 12, 5:30–7pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Alaska Trip, Summer 2012 Classical Painting: Dark and Light Values with Joan E. Hoffmann Saturday, October 6, 10am–3pm Members: $50 | Non-members: $75 Non-painters, beginners, and experienced painters welcome as Joan walks you through how to put good values in rich colors. The American Political System: An Overview with Lars Nielsen Saturday, October 13, 1–4pm Members: $30 | Non-members $45 Better understand your choices as citizens and voters in the overview of the American political system. Slow Yoga + Aging Well Discussion for Women with Jill Mason Saturdays, October 13–November 17, 2–4:30pm Members: $150 | Non-members: $225 Join a small group of senior women to share experiences of and thoughts about aging and to support each other in finding ways to make the coming years the best they can be. Continue to develop your Spanish skills by engaging in lively conversation with OLLI members. This course is designed for beginner and novice photographers who want to improve the quality of the photographs they have been taking through digital manipulation. Mexican Traditions: “The Day of the Dead Celebration” with Mario Martinez Fridays, October 26 & November 2, 5:30–7pm Members: $30 | Non-members: $45 Shifting to a Plant-Centered Diet: What to Eat and How to Cook It A hands-on experience learning about the celebration of Day of the Dead. with Patsy J. Jamieson French Cuisine and Conversation Wednesdays, October 24–November 14, 5:30–7:30pm Members: $110 | Non-members: $150 with Bern Terry Thursday, November 1, 5:30–7pm and Saturday, November 3, 10am–2pm Members: $85 | Non-members: $115 This hands-on cooking class will focus on highly nutritious (and tasty) foods that many of us know are good for us but perhaps don’t know how to incorporate into our diets. Prepare healthy, tasty, French “cuisine for all” while speaking French! Bridging Science & Spirit: The Case for Reincarnation with Fred Fengler Wednesdays, October 24–November 14, 5:30–7pm Members: $60 | Non-members: $90 Creative Memoir Writing with Martha R. Lang, Ph.D. Wednesday, November 7, 5:30–7pm Members: $15 | Non-members: $25 A class for anyone who wants to begin the process of memoir writing in a supportive environment. Explore questions such as “What evidence do researchers have that we have experienced past lives and even future lives?” and more. join now! “Sign up and try it! OLLI is a terrific value — between classes, lectures, and events it offers so much.” –OLLI Member, Spring 2012 f i n d m o r e i n f o r m at i o n a b o u t c o u r s e s & e v e n t s , b e c o m e a n o l l i m e m b e r , o r r e g i s t e r f o r c l a s s e s , o n l i n e at l e a r n . u v m . e d u / o l l i 8 0 2 . 6 5 6 . 2 0 8 5
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