The Church in Action WELCOME GUESTS: Today we would like to embrace our guests who are here for the “The Final Controversy.” We are thrilled to study together about Jesus’ love and second coming! Please feel welcome to attend our potluck after church. APPLE PIE MAKE: Pathfinders will take orders until Oct 16th for large "take and bake" or "take and freeze" pies made from Golden Delicious apples ($12 each). Pick them up Oct 19th at 11:00am at SAA’s gym. We will also sell 10lb bags of apples for $10. Email OR find a Pathfinder near you to order! SAA AUCTION: “A NIGHT AT THE ACADEMY AWARDS”: Sunday, Oct 26th at 3:30pm, McIntyre Hall The auction is in just 8 days! There will be an early bird special if you arrive between 3:30pm and 4:00pm - $100 in auction credit if your ticket gets drawn! Be sure to drop off your donation items at the school soon. Help make this important fundraiser a success! For general questions: contact Vonni Jo Webb at 360.610.1919. Babysitting: The senior class of 2015 is providing auction babysitting at the Mount Vernon SDA Church starting at 3:00pm. A pizza and trimmings supper costs $5. This is a fundraiser, so a donation of $3/child per hour is suggested. The class has fun activities LADISH BIBLE STUDY: planned that will keep your child happy and Starting Oct 20th, 6:30 - 8:00pm busy. Contact: Rachel Mountain at We would like to invite you to join us to study I 360.755.9261. John, pray together, help meet needs of those in our community, and support one another in SPRUCED UP THRIFT STORE HELP: our walk with Jesus. We meet twice a month The Thrift Shop needs volunteers. Any spare on the first and third Mondays at our home, time would be helpful. Please call Chris Peter30926 Prevedell Rd., Sedro Woolley. Please sen at Spruced Up on T/Th at 360.755.1141. call Alline Ladish at 360.770.6574. KINDERGARTEN HELP NEEDED: FLOOR HOCKEY: We are still in need of volunteers to help with Sunday nights at 7:00 - 9:00pm the children’s Sabbath school programs, esJoin us at the SAA gym for some great exer- pecially with Kindergarten. If you can help, cise and fellowship!! please call Carlos Rodriguez at 253.576.0340. SAA NEEDS YOUR HELP: SAA needs volunteers! They don’t want to eliminate any of their extracurricular programs, but can’t keep them going without help from you! To volunteer, please contact Lynn Fiedler at 360.755.9261. NOAH’S ARK PARTY: Sunday, Nov 2nd at 4:00 - 6:00pm The Social Committee is planning some fun for all our church families! There will be food, games, face painting, and lots of good times. If any adults or teams want to help out, please contact Jackie Langi at 253.592.5306. More details will follow. COMMUNITY ACTION BREAKFAST: Thurs, Oct 23rd at 7:15-9:00am The second annual Spirit of Hope PAJAMA PARTY: breakfast will be at the Skagit Valley Sabbath, Oct 25th at October is Inn, formerly known as the Cotton Tree 6:30 - 8:00pm Pastor Inn. Local business woman Valerie StafDon your jammies and join Appreciation ford will share her story of overcoming other church families for month! adversity. There is no charge for the dinner, games, and a bedbreakfast, but this is a fundraiser time story. We will be coland the hope is you will make a contrilecting winter hats, mittens bution. There are only eight spaces, so RSVP or gloves, pajamas, and scarves to donate to local charities. Contact: Natalie Rodriguez at quickly to Cindy Hartley at 360.303.8536. 253.576.0340. HOLIDAY FOOD BASKETS - OCT FOODS OF THE MONTH: PREGNANCY CHOICES FUNDRAISER: The holidays are fast approaching. While you Thurs, Oct 23rd at 6:00pm are out shopping, please remember to pick Pregnancy Choices has invited us to their fall up items for the food baskets. October foods fundraising event, “Giving Hope, Sharing are: canned pumpkin, cranberry sauce, and Truth, Saving, Lives” at Emmanuel Baptist evaporated milk. Donations can be left in the Church in Mount Vernon. Speaker Shawn “Food Basket” boxes in the office or in the Carney of 40 Days for Life will address two groups that evening: foyer. This list is only a suggestion and any donations will be much appreciated. 6:00pm - Jr High and High Schoolers 7:00pm - Main event (includes a dessert buffet.) If you have any Costco-style jars to fill with soup mixes for holiday baskets, please bring For info, contact or them to the church or contact Lillian Stutz at call 360.428.4777. 360.757.2616. DINNER WITH THE DOCTOR: Monday, Nov 17th at 6:30pm It is our third monthly dinner! Bring your friends and enjoy a plant-based meal and an interesting and relevant health topic with time for Q&A. More will be scheduled soon. If you would like to participate or plan to attend, please RSVP to Jane Fish at 360.848.7711 by Nov 10th. DELETE BLOOD CANCER DRIVE: Sabbath, Nov 8th at 5:00pm Support victims of blood cancer and become a donor! We will be hosting an evening for members to apply to the program. It is easy to register, and won’t take long. Prospective donors just fill out some forms and take a cheek swab. Donors need to be 18-55 years old, weigh at least 110lbs, and be in good general health. If you can’t donate or choose not to be on the donor registry, you can still make a financial contribution to the organization, which provides the procedure free of charge to both donors and recipients. BIBLE HIGHLIGHTERS FOUND: A small black case containing a nice set of Bible marking highlighters has been found. If you are missing this, it is in the Lost & Found in the coat room. Church office hours are 9:00am to 1:00pm Mon - Fri TODAY: 12:30pm - Church potluck in Fellowship Hall 7:00pm - “The Final Conspiracy” Evangelism series finale SUNDAY: 8:00am - Pathfinders “Apple Pie Make” in Fellowship Hall 8:30am - Men’s Ministry 4x4 Trek 6:30pm - Ladish Bible Study at their home 7:00pm - Floor Hockey at SAA MONDAY: 10:00am - 4:00pm - Spruced Up Thrift Shop open 10:30pm - 12:00pm - Ladies’ Bible Study at NCSDA TUESDAY: 10:00am - 4:00pm – Spruced Up Thrift Shop open 3:15pm - 4:15pm Children’s Choir practice 5:00pm - Personal Ministries Meeting 6:30pm - Pathfinders 7:00pm - Route 66 Bible Study WEDNESDAY: 10:00am - 4:00pm - Spruced Up Thrift Shop open 12:00pm - Bulletin deadline 7:00om - SAA Board Meeting THURSDAY: 10:00am - 4:00pm - Spruced Up Thrift Shop open 8:00pm - Women’s Study Group at Haggen in Burlington FRIDAY: 10:00am – 3:00pm - Spruced Up Thrift Shop open Church Office Church Fax Email Church Web Page Pastor Ben’s Blog 360-310-6822 253-576-6283 360-757-7577 360-318-6842 360-630-8614 360-770-4626 360-855-7614 360-766-6627 Spruced Up Thrift Shop Spruced Up Thrift Shop email Skagit Adventist Academy Skagit Adventist Academy Principal - Doug White Skagit Adventist Academy Admin Asst - Lynn Fiedler Skagit Adventist Academy Web Page 360-755-1141 360-755-9261 425-985-9555 360-755-9261 Sunset Next Friday: 6:18pm ACCESS US ONLINE: MailChimp: We are transitioning to a user-friendly program called for church mailings and the ENEWS (they will still appear in your regular email box.) To subscribe, go to: *** If you have received an email stating that you have been removed as a member from netAdventist, this is an error - you are still a church member! Please let Kristie know at the office so we can get it fixed: or 360.757.7577.*** Church Budget SAA Worthy Student SAA General Fund Fiscal Year as of Sept 30, 2014 Month as of Sept 30, 2014 Budget Received Budget Received $19,711 $13,834 $59,130 $41,110 $3,549 $3,351 Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow! Please note 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget figure Offering next Sabbath: Conference Ministries The Church Roster Deacon October 18 - Edwin Stickle October 25 - Marty Apt Elder October 18 - Dave Habenicht October 25 - Tami Rowe A/V Team Member October 18 - Timo Wilson October 25 - Todd Caswell, Karl Beck Sunset Today: 6:33pm Phones: Pastor Ben has a new phone number: 360.310.6822. Stewardship Corner 360-757-7577 360-757-7579 Senior Pastor - Benjamin Orian Associate Pastor - Ofa Langi Administrative Asst - Kristie Lindell Head Elder - Larry Paise Head Deacon -Dave Farnsworth Head Deaconess - Judy Hall Pathfinder Leaders - Jeremy & Kristi Schmidt Security - Bob Price Addresses: Greg & Michelle Fowler Children: Shiana, Julie, and Andrea 3424 324th St NW Stanwood, WA 98292 The Church in Business The Church Directory The Church This Week DIRECTORY CHANGES: Emails: Richard Fearing: Potluck Hosts October 18 - Maureen Parker - “Filipino” theme October 25 - Tressa Farnsworth - “Mexican” theme Greeters October 18 - Clayton & Darlene Heinrich, Gael & Gerry Rowland, Carol Atkins, Tressa Farnsworth October 25 - Patti & Marti Hendrickson, Maureen Parker, Sandra Wallenfelsz The Church Mission October 11, 2014 The mission of the North Cascade Seventh-day Adventist Church is to reveal the character of God through passionate worship, inspired teaching, love for one another and service to the community. Welcome to the North Cascade SeventhSeventh-day Adventist Church The Church in Worship 8:30am & 11:10am Gilson Girotto PRELUDE GATHERING SONG “Oh, Lord, You’re Beautiful”, p111 Pastor Ben Orian WELCOME & PRAYER MINISTRY MINUTE Personal Ministries WORSHIP IN GIVING Local Church Budget Second service Children’s Offering – SAA Worthy Student Fund Last Sabbath’s children’s offering: $389.94 Offertory: Gilson Girotto “The Best is Yet to Come" PRAISE IN SONG “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”, #290 WRITTEN WORD Psalms 91:1-4 SPECIAL MUSIC “Through” SPOKEN WORD “Surviving the Coming Tribulation” Beginners Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Primary 1 Primary 2 Juniors Teens Youth (Ages Birth – 3) (Ages 3 & 4) (Ages 5 & 6) (Grades 1 & 2) (Grades 3 & 4) (Grades 5 & 6) (Grades 7 & 8) (High School) Children’s Wing Children’s Wing Children’s Wing Children’s Wing Children’s Wing Youth House Youth House Youth House Adult Classes Jon Dahl : Adult SS Quarterly Sherry Price/Stuart Segall: Lives & Lessons Marge Wilson/Ken Rowland: Adult SS Quarterly Jonathan Fish: Adult SS Quarterly LeeRoy Jordan: Adult SS Quarterly Family Room Class: Four Faces of Jesus... Pastor Ofa Langi & Karyelle Nielsen: The Gap Sanctuary – West Back Section Fellowship Hall Fellowship Hall Classroom #1 Fellowship Hall Classroom #2 Fellowship Hall Classroom #3 Family Room The Fireside Room If you wish to leave the sanctuary to visit, please do so. If you remain in the sanctuary, please be quiet in respect to those who desire to listen to the postlude. North Cascade SeventhSeventh-day Adventist Church 800 Peacock Lane Burlington, WA 98233 Megan Rowland Scott Raines Pastor Ofa Langi Gilson Girotto POSTLUDE Children & Youth Classes Orchestra Pastor Ofa Langi BENEDICTION The Church In Study Marvin Hall Doug White Dave Habenicht PRAYER Se sure to attend and be inspired by Pastor Ofa’s final message of the series, Michael Beldin Loni Carambot CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Evangelism Meetings Finale Tonight Orchestra Recordings of sermons, prayer meetings, and other events are available on CD and can also be found on the church website in the media section. Welcome! The story is told of a shipload of travelers that landed in America more than 350 years ago. In their first year, they established a town. The next year, they elected their city government. In the third year, the government planned a road westward that would extend out of the town five miles. In year four, the town people tried to impeach their elected government for waste of public money. Ironic isn’t it? A group of people who had had enough vision to see three thousand miles across an ocean and all the associated hardships and challenges to get there. But in just four short years, a five mile road to the west ground everything to a halt. The people had lost their pioneering vision. With this in mind, here are two truisms: (1) When contentment sets in, progress stops. (2) Where there is no vision, the people perish. - Prov. 29:18. With a clear vision of what we can become in Christ, and how bright a light for His cause we can be, no ocean of difficulty is too great. And without vision, we will barely move past our current boundaries. I wonder, are we ready for what God has for us next? Welcome to the next phase at the North Cascade Seventh-day Adventist Church. Welcome to Worship. - Pastor Ben Upcoming sermons Oct 25th Nov 1st Nov 8th “When You Battle Yourself, Who Wins?” “The Paradox of Christianity” Pastor Ofa Pastor Ben Pastor Ben
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