church@9:30 imagine Music for Triptych on “Holy, Holy, Holy” - J. Blersch Meditation Kimberly Amin, organ Hymns of Praise O Worship the King #83 Blessed Assurance - arr. Kenny Clark Ivette Muñoz, Justin Rodríguez, Linette Rodríguez Welcome Linette Rodríguez & Greeting Song of Worship Come, People Of The Risen King - Keith & Kristy Getty, and Stuart Townend Chancel Choir and congregation Pastoral Prayer Beverly Maravilla Offertory We Will Glorify - Twila Paris, set. Jack Schrader (Offering Received) Chancel Choir From the Word Message Benediction Postlude Adapted from Exodus 19, Numbers 23, and Psalm 59 As If God Is God, Part 2 Chris Oberg Chris Oberg Toccata Brilliante - Paris/Bock Kimberly Amin, organ If personal prayer would be meaningful for you today, a prayer partner will be available to pray with you after the service in the left transept (Sierra Vista side). Or if you are looking for ways to get involved in this large church family, a leader will also be available to speak with you in the same left transept. GRACE W O RSHIP C O MMU NI T Y S ER V I CE GRACE W O RSHIP C O MMU NI T Y S ER V I CE Sabbath Worship :: October 10-11, 2014 First Service Liturgical Service @ 9:30 8:00 pm: Sam Leonor, speaker Next week: Iki Taimi 8:30 am: Gil Valentine, homilist; Katie Parsons, liturgist Next Week: Jim Weller This Week: Chris Oberg, speaker Next Week: Chris Oberg @ study 10:45 am: Sabbath School classes for all ages. Visitors are welcome to join any class. Special features are listed on inside page. @ noon This Week: Chris Oberg, speaker Next Week: Iki Taimi The Before or after your service or study, or while you’re waiting for your children, join us for community, a snack, and drink. Open from 9:30 am-11:45 am. **Services are streamed live online (** La Sierra University Church 11585 Pierce Street, Riverside, CA 92505 Office 951-354-7095 E-mail Website lsuchurch This Week church@study (10:45am). Destination Sabbath School features “The Power of Prayer,” coordinated by Josh Anguiano; Vaughn Nelson, lesson. This week in Journey, Corey Swensen will lead our discussion of Hosea. Sabbath Rest is until 6:20pm on October 11. Next Sabbath’s welcome is on October 17 at 6:11pm. This Sabbath’s offering is for Voice of Prophecy/World Budget. Fellowship Luncheon. Visitors are invited to potluck across the street in Sierra Vista Chapel after church@9:30 and church@noon. All are welcome. Members are invited to bring a dish. Blanket Club meets this Sabbath in the Ministry Center from 2:30-5:00pm. Come help us knit or crochet for the needy. Pathfinders. This Saturday there is a Pathfinder Induction at 5:00pm in Sierra Chapel followed by a potluck. Please be early. Food Friend-zy. Our first date of the school year is next Sabbath, October 18! Students, if you would like to sign-up to eat a homecooked meal with awesome church members after church@noon next Sabbath, please visit the Spiritual Life office. Members, if you would like to host a group of students, e-mail or call the church office. ‘Like’ our Facebook page, Food Friend-zy at LSUC, to keep up to date with Food Friend-zy events, stories, and pictures. Fall Festival. Mark your calendars for November 9 from 4:00-7:00pm. Make sure to invite your friends, family, and neighbors for an evening of fun for the entire family, contests, hay rides, jumpers, live music, and good eats! Pie Baking Contest. Invite everyone to participate. The rules are that you are allowed to submit one home baked pie per person. Donations. We need pumpkin pies donated to share for dessert. There is also a canned food drive for Community Services. Bring your non-perishable foods and place them at the entrance. Stuff the Bus. Coming on November 8. See our insert for where, when, and how you can give to Operation Safe House. Research Study about motivation for physical activity and physical activity levels. Individuals between the ages of 25-44, who are currently not physically active are needed to participate. Do a 3 minute screening at to see if you are qualified. Questions e-mail, Guide Magazine Needs Stories. Writer’s guidelines are available online at guidemagazine. org/writersguidelines. For more information, contact Laura Sámano at or submit your manuscript via e-mail to Planning Ahead Oct. 11 2:000-5:00pm: Blanket Club. Knit/crochet for those in need. Ministry Center 5:00pm: Pathfinder Induction Meeting. Potluck to follow. Sierra Vista Chapel 7:00pm: Chamber Recital Series Concert. Claudio Gonzalez/Carlos Flores. HMA. Fee Oct. 15 7:00pm: Prayer Meeting. Sierra Vista Chapel Oct. 17 5:30pm: Adventurer Club Meeting. Pathfinder Room 7:00pm: Department of Music Vespers. Hole Memorial Auditorium (HMA) Oct. 18 After church@noon: Food Friend-zy. Sign up to feed students in your home. 951-354-7095 4:00 pm: 2014 Invitational Choir Festival Vespers Concert. Sanctuary Oct. 25 6:00pm: Adventurer Induction Meeting. Sierra Vista Chapel Oct. 27 7:00-7:30am or 8:15-8:45am: Stories from the Heart. LLU Medical Auxiliary. Free Nov. 1 7:00pm: Wind Ensemble Concert. Featuring Hames Miller, trombone. HMA Nov. 8 Stuff the Bus. Church Parking Lot 3:00pm: Ordination Service for Vaughn Nelson Nov. 9 4:00-7:00pm: Fall Festival. La Sierra University Church grassy area Nov. 15 7:00pm: Orchestra Concert. HMA Lead Pastor Young Adults/Media Pastor La Sierra Univ. Campus Pastor Children & Family Pastor Discipleship & Nurture Pastor Youth Pastor Visitation Pastor Director of Finance Business Office Office Administrator Administrative Assistant Chris Oberg Devo Kritzinger Sam Leonor Beverly Maravilla Vaughn Nelson Austin Nystrom Justin Singh Steve Hemenway Victor Altamirano Jennifer Bello Rajina Schlitt 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 951-785-2083 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 714-350-1060 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 951-354-7095
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