church@9:30 Comforting Christmas Prelude O Holy Night - Adolphe Adam Grace Chung, organist Songs of Praise O Come, All Ye Faithful As With Gladness Men of Old #132 #123 Joy Has Dawned - Getty/Townend First Service Frank Meza and team Prayer, Welcome Sam Leonor & Greeting Offertory Sergio Leiva, Anthony Leon, Luis Leon, Andres Maldonado (Offering Received) From the Word Isaiah 40:5 Message Comforting Christmas, Part 5 Sabbath Worship :: December 26-27, 2014 Austin Nystrom Liturgical Service @ 9:30 Grace Chung, organ If personal prayer would be meaningful for you today, please remain after the worship service. Prayer partners are available in the Sierra Vista Transept. Looking for ways to be involved in this large church family? Stop by the Parking Lot Transept to visit GRACE W O RSHIP C O MMU NI T Y S ER V I CE with leaders. GRACE W O RSHIP C O MMU NI T Y S ER V I CE 8:30 am: Sam Leonor, homilist; Esther Kinzer, liturgist. Next Week: Keith Helbley This Week: Austin Nystrom, speaker Next Week: Vaughn Nelson @ study 10:45 am: Sabbath School classes for all ages. Visitors are welcome to join any class. Special features are listed on inside page. @ noon This Week: Austin Nystrom, speaker Next Week: Vaughn Nelson Benediction Austin Nystrom Postlude Joy to the World - arr. Fred Bock 7:30 pm: Not meeting Next week: Lauren Lopez in Sierra Vista Chapel The Before or after your service or study, or while you’re waiting for your children, join us for community, a snack, and drink. Open from 9:30am-11:45am. **Services are streamed live online (** La Sierra University Church 11585 Pierce Street, Riverside, CA 92505 Office 951-354-7095 E-mail Website lsuchurch This Week church@study (10:45am). Destination Sabbath School meets in Sierra Vista Chapel with John Champlin teaching. This week in Journey, Peter Cress looks at the precocious childhood of Jesus as told in The Desire of Ages. Food Friend-zy. Food Friend-zy. Want to get acquainted with our university students? Host a group of students for a meal in your home on January 10, after church@noon. Call the church office or e-mail to This Sabbath’s offering is for our Local Church Budget. New Years Eve. Pray, eat, and play from 6:30pm ‘til midnight in Sierra Vista Chapel. Beth McCalla will host a game night with something light to eat. All are welcome. Bring a snack and game to share. Fellowship Luncheon. Visitors are invited to potluck across the street in Sierra Vista Chapel after church@study and church@noon. All are welcome. Members are invited to bring a dish. Sabbath Rest is until 4:48pm on December 27. Next Sabbath’s welcome is on January 2 at 4:52pm. Donation Receipts. Members, please make sure that our church office has your current contact information for your tax deductible receipts. Congratulations to Joelle Hejin Kim and Riley James Kim who will dedicate their lives to the Lord this Sabbath, as they get baptized during church@ noon by Beverly Maravilla. Science Granny classes for winter quarter starting soon. Register now for the second session of science experiments and discoveries for children grades 1-5. Grades 1-2 begin on January 12 and grades 3-5 on January 14. See for registration, schedule and other details. ONE Church. Mark your calendars for January 10 as we worship as ONE church in a combined service at noon. Community Services. Buy your copy of the Community Services’ cookbook in the church office. All proceeds benefit the food program. If you haven’t taken the time to check out how our church is helping the local community on a weekly basis, stop by Sierra Vista Chapel Wednesdays between 8:00-10:30am and consider becoming a volunteer. Church Chat will be held on January 31 at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. It is our formal opportunity to reflect on the previous year of what God has done in the life of this church, and to envision what we hope for in the year to come. La Sierra University Music department will host a FREE community choir for 3rd to 6th graders with rehearsals on Mondays from 6:15-7:30pm in HMA. It begins January 12, call (951) 785-2986. Job opening for a gift records coordinator to manage daily gift deposits, work with donor databases, and assist in data analysis. See Planning Ahead Dec. 26 Church Office CLOSED Dec. 31 Community Services Closed 6:30pm-midnight: Pray, Eat, & Play ‘til 2015. All are welcome to come w/a snack. SVC Dec. 31-Jan.2 Church Office CLOSED Jan. 3 All Services: Communion. Sanctuary Jan. 5 9:00am: Bulletin Deadline for January 10 Jan. 8 1:00-4:00pm: Game Afternoon. Bring your favorite game to share. SVC Jan. 10 12:00pm: ONE Church. Combined worship service in the New Year. Sanctuary after ONE Church: Food Friend-zy. Students are invited to members’ homes for lunch Jan. 12 Science Granny Starts for Grades 1-2. Register at Jan. 14 Science Granny Starts for Grades 3-5. Register at Jan. 17 3:30pm: Celebration of Kathleen “Kay” (Dixon) Lewis’ Life. Wong Kerlee Conf. LLU Jan. 31 5:00pm: Church Chat. Sanctuary Lead Pastor Young Adults/Media Pastor La Sierra Univ. Campus Pastor Children & Family Pastor Discipleship & Nurture Pastor Youth Pastor Visitation Pastor Director of Finance Business Office Office Administrator Administrative Assistant Chris Oberg Devo Kritzinger Sam Leonor Beverly Maravilla Vaughn Nelson Austin Nystrom Justin Singh Steve Hemenway Victor Altamirano Jennifer Bello Rajina Schlitt 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 951-785-2083 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 714-350-1060 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 951-354-7095 951-354-7095
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