October 25, 2014 TODAY 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM SABBATH SCHOOL We are so glad you have joined us in fellowship today. What a wonderful privilege to worship the Creator on His day of rest. It is our prayer that each one will sense the presence of the Holy Spirit as we spend time together today. Shake a hand, share a hug, and make a new friend! Fourth Quarter 2014, Lesson 4 Adult Lesson Study – “Being and Doing” Memory Text: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (James 1:22 KJV) Sabbath School begins at 9:30am and you are welcome to join the class of your choice. Classrooms and Children’s divisions are listed on the bulletin board in the foyer. Please check with a Deacon or Greeter if you need assistance. WORSHIP SERVICE ______ _ _10:45 AM Prelude Announcements & Welcome Praise Sing Opening: Invocation Jeannie Kolbo Caris Praise Team Majesty Offering Wisconsin Budget Dedication Prayer Offertory Jeannie Kolbo Prayer Requests Richard Wilde Children’s Story Ken Schleis Scripture Ecclesiastics 12:13&14 Special Music Message Hymn Kayla Page Brodonosky, Misael & Bidmar Moya “Revelation’s Final Verdict” Pastor Allan DeLong “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” Benediction Postlude #647 Pastor Allan DeLong Jeannie Kolbo __________________________________________________________________ Deacon: Chris Vande Hei SUNSET TODAY: 5:51 pm Welcome to the Green Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church! Greeter Elder: Roland Bruntz NEXT FRIDAY: 5:42 pm FIRST READING Sara Schaetzka—from Green Bay SDA Church to Fletcher SDA Church, Henderson, NC Aileen Yingst—from Green Bay SDA to Brunswick SDA Church, Brunswick ME 2:00pm—Pathfinder/Adventurer Outreach 7:00pm—Revelations of Prophecy Seminar THIS COMING WEEK SUNDAY 9:00an—Share Him Mission Meal MONDAY 7:00pm—Revelations of Prophecy Seminar TUESDAY 7:00pm—Revelations of Prophecy Seminar 1:00pm—LINKS meet in the Chapel WEDNESDAY 12:00-3:00pm—Community Service Center Open 1:00pm–Women’s Prayer Time at Barb Falish’s home THURSDAY 7:00pm—Revelations of Prophecy Seminar FRIDAY 7:00pm—Revelations of Prophecy Seminar NEXT SABBATH 10:45--Worship: Pastor Bill Ochs Praise Team: Micky Wilde & Friends. Children’s Story: Dave Stonebrook. Scripture Reader: James Collins. Elders: Roland Bruntz & Richard Wilde. Deacon: Jeff Des Jardins. Special Music: Jeannie Kolbo & Becky Ziesmer Plan on staying for the vegetarian Fellowship Meal following the service next Sabbath; bring a dish or two to pass and enjoy the food and friendship. Table service is provided. Happy Birthday! We are celebrating this week with... Oct.25: Joe Dorin Oct.29: Ernie Reinhardt Oct. 30: Mildred Johnson Please call the church office if your name is missing. (920) 494-5245. “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 PRAYER REQUESTS “I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.” Psalm 116:1&2 NIV Jesse & Amber FitzGerald are thankful that baby Eelyn continues to improve but would appreciate ongoing prayer in her behalf. Those who would like to send a card or note of support can mail it to them C/O Ronald McDonald House, 8948 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee WI 53226-4802 Please continue to remember this family in prayer. Prayers are appreciated for Pat Reinhardt who was hospitalized earlier this week. She is now at home recovering with Ernie. Please continue to pray for Jane Morris (Aunt Jane to many) who is in Santa Maria Nursing Home. Pray each day for God’s continued blessing on the “Revelations of Prophecy” series with Pastor DeLong. Our church is now equipped with Hearing Loop. If you need help accessing this service, please inform one of the greeters UPCOMING EVENTS... Nov 7-9 Elders Retreat at Camp Wakonda Nov 18 Seniors Thanksgiving Meal Nov 21-23 Church Planting Rally at Waukesha SDA church Dec 5-6 WI Conference Youth Rally at WA Dec 7 Morning Song Christmas Concert at the Weidner Center Dec 13 AJA Christmas Program Dec 20 Green Bay Church Christmas Service ANNOUNCEMENTS DIG DEEPER BIBLE STUDY GROUP…will resume following the conclusion of the Revelations of Prophecy seminar. Please come out and support these meetings, and bring a friend! DEAR CHURCH FAMILY...Thank you for your cards, hugs, prayers & support in the recent passing of Jeanie, it brought such comfort. Please continue to pray for Jeanie’s husband Mark and her girls Angela & Amanda and their families. ~The Mommarts family THANK YOU…I just wanted to thank everyone for the surprise birthday cakes to celebrate my 70th and Elizabeth Magray’s 88th birthdays; that was so thoughtful of you. ~Sylvia Engel GARDEN SEASON IS OVER…Thanks to everyone who brought vegetables & fruit to share, as well as to those who took what they could use. God blessed abundantly, and as we share with other we grow in our faith in God’s promises to provide. Sylvia Engel WANTED…The church office is updating the email data base, and would like to include your email address for the purpose of communication and updates. This will greatly assist us in our efforts to keep in touch with you, and your email address will not be shared or given out. If you have any updated contact information, please remember to notify the church office. (920) 494-5245 or gbsdasec@gmail.com .................................................................................................................... REQUEST FOR PASTOR’S VISIT Name Address _________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER BLANK Name ____________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________ Church Transferring From ______________________________ INFORMATION FOR CHURCH OFFICE (Change of Address or Phone Number – Important) Name _______________________ New Phone _______________ New Address ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________ (Place in morning offering plate or give to Church Clerk or Head Elder)
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