St. Andrew Roman Catholic Parish All Masses take place at St. Joseph High School - 3333 Greenbank Road. Parish Office: Office Hours: Located at St. Monica Church 2080 Merivale Rd, Nepean Ontario, K2C 3H1 Mon - Thurs 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fridays - Closed Phone: 613-723-9767 Fax:613-225-9143 Parish Administra on: 613-723-9767 Pastor: Fr. Frank Brewer (ext 3) Associate Pastor: Fr. Ma hew Keshwah (ext 4) For emergencies requiring a priest: Leave a message at 613-716-8335 Permanent Deacon: Deacon Eugene Margeson emargeson@archo Administra ve Assistant: Siobhan Peryer-Fait (ext 1) Parish School Coordinator: Janice Pilgrim (ext 2) Parish Ministry Informa on: Adult Faith Forma on (RCIA): Parish office: 613-723-9767 Sacrament Prep: Janice Pilgrim 613-723-9767 (ext 2) Music Ministry: Steve Evraire CWL: Linda Lovelace: Altar Servers: Tammy Hickey: tamarahick@sympa Children’s Liturgy: Line Joyal—Culbertson & Mellissa Applewaithe Pastoral Council: Serge Bosquet Finance Council: John Sco Building Commi ee: John Kane: Gym set up Team: Liem Nguyen: Ministers of Holy Communion: Paula Gallant Readers: Mellissa Applewaithe We are Barrhaven’s Roman Catholic Parish and we are serving our community in the center of Barrhaven. If you are new to our community, please find our Parish Registra on Form at the entrance of our church (Gym). Please know that we are honoured by your presence. Our parish serves the needs of our community in many different ways; prepara on for Sacraments, children's liturgy on weekends, social ac vi es, assistance to those in difficulty, comfort to the sick and those who mourn a loss. If we can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to call us. Upcoming Parish Events… Nov 15...Parish Pot luck supper (6:00 pm) Nov 16...St. Andrew Feast Day (coffee social) Nov 23...Feast of Christ the King Nov 25...Healing Mass at St. Monica Church Nov 30...1st Sunday in Advent Visit us at: Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:00 p.m. · Listening to Jesus with faith, we too, belong to God, and our ac ons in all things reflect the fact that God alone has supreme authority. Mass Sunday, October 19, 2014 9:30 a.m. In thanksgiving for new home by Rosaline John Wednesday, October 22, 2014 (MTHS) 1. 9:00 a.m. · Mass Saturday, October 25, 2014 5:00 p.m. Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:30 a.m. · Mass Weekend Masses at St. Andrew Parish Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Weekday Mass at Mother Teresa High School (440 Longfields Dr) Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (Oct 8,15 & 22) Weekday Masses at St. Monica Church: (2080 Merivale Rd) Monday 7:00 p.m. (9:00 am on holiday Mondays) Tuesday & Wednesday 7:00 p.m. No cing the Obvious: The coin offered to Jesus was commonplace. It was so familiar a sight that people no longer ‘saw’ it, so his enemies were caught off guard when Jesus pointed out the obvious. The obvious can escape us unless we take me to no ce. The Word of God is familiar to us. We know it is important. But what do we hear? O en Scripture needs pondering, diges ng, before we can begin to understand it. True, it is the task of the preacher to ‘make sense’ of the Scripture, to connect it with our lives and concerns, but there is a li le more to it. Proclaiming Christ: When the Scripture, the Word of God, is read aloud to the assembly gathered for prayer, it is no longer ink on paper. This proclama on is an act of prayer and faith. When proclaimed, it is Christ, the Word of God, present among us. For those who have ears to hear, the saving power of God is at work. This is Christ, speaking to us for our salva on. To show reverence and apprecia on for this gi , readers read as best they can. Hearers follow a en vely. Latecomers do not look for a seat, but wait. The pause following the reading is a moment to reflect. Thursday 9:00 a.m. (Coffee following Mass) Friday 9:30 a.m. 1st Saturday of the month 9:00 a.m. Weekend Mass Schedule at St. Monica Church: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Please remember in your prayers… those who are sick at this me. FOR OCTOBER Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most ba ered by war and violence. World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. World Mission Sunday: With the theme, “Sow Much Love” we recall today the fundamental mission of all Chris ans: to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Few of us have the opportunity or ability to do this directly, but our support is as important as the work of the missionaries themselves. Money is a very prac cal and real form of assistance, but alone it is not enough. We are to add the power of our prayer to their efforts and live in such a way that we may be a source of inspira on to others. With this kind of help, missionaries really are able to bring Good News to those they serve. You may use the special envelope in your set, or one in the pew and put it in with the regular collec on. May Christ lead us to know and share his love more and more powerfully each day. Parish Pot Luck Supper Welcome all parishioners, as we celebrate our Parish Feast Day! CHANGE OF DATE Now taking place on Saturday, November 15 a er the 5:00 p.m. Mass in the Atrium (parish will provide drinks) Please let us know if you are planning to a end and what you can bring to add to the table. NATIONAL COLLECTION FOR ‘EVANGELIZATION OF THE NATIONS’: A reminder that the next scheduled special collection is for the Evangelization of the Nations and will take place the weekend of October 18-19, 2014. At the instigation of Pope Pius XI in 1926, the second last Sunday of the month of October of each year is World Mission Day. The theme of this year is: To sow is to love. It is a time for Catholics throughout the world to pray for missions and to make a gesture of solidarity. The sums collected are used to sustain the poorest dioceses of the world through the Pontifical Commission of the Propagation of the Faith. Info: ( Sign up sheet can be found at the entrance to the church. A PRO-LIFE MASS: At Holy Rosary Church, 20 Grant St., We are looking for someone who can volunteer their me and talent to play the piano/keyboard at our 5:00 p.m. Mass usually on the second Saturday of each month. Teenagers studying piano are welcome that may like some experience accompanying a vocalist. This ministry would count for community hours. If interested, please contact Confirmation Parent Meetings: All Children (grade 6+) attending Catholic or Public schools wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2015 must be registered by their parents, in person, at ONE of the following one-hour meetings at St. Monica Parish Hall (2080 Merivale Rd.) Thursday, November 6 @ 7:30 pm Tuesday, November 11@7:30 pm Wednesday, November 12 @ 7:30 pm Saturday, November 15 @ 10:00 am The Church Is God’s Family: Love Is Our Mission “Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother…” (Mark 3.35) You Coming to F3 ?? *F3 = Faith, Fun, & Fellowship Visit: Email: Contact Person: Emilie Chan Events are held at St. Monica Church For students in grade 7—12 Next gathering...Fri Nov 14 from 7—9 pm the first Wednesday of every month, 12:15 p.m., for Pro-Life intentions. We plead with Our Holy Mother of God, Our Lady of Guadalupe to melt hearts, so that life may be revered from Life to Natural death. Info: Bernie (613-828-3636). ANNUAL FALL TEA & BAZAAR, ALMONTE: Holy Name of Mary Parish, Sat., Oct. 25, 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the Almonte Civitan Hall, 500 Almonte St., Almonte. Take a scenic tour to the Ottawa Valley and enjoy some tea, sandwiches & dessert with friends. Various tables featuring homemade goodies. Please join us. Info: (613-256-1034). ST. MARTIN DE PORRES PARISH DANCE: Knights of Columbus Council #6217, St. Martin de Porres Parish, will be holding a Parish Dance on Sat., Oct. 25, 7:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall, 3891 Old Richmond Rd. (Bell's Corners). Lorne Daly and his Band will provide the music and Chili will be served throughout the evening. Tickets: $15; available from Barry Nicholls (613-592-0345) or the Parish Office (613-828-6720). Proceeds to the Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids Program. ALL SAINTS CRAFT FAIR: All Saints High School, 5115 Kanata Ave. Nov. 1, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Admission: $1 or canned/dry food donation. 150 tables of fine crafts & gifts. Funds support Kanata Food Cupboard Christmas Hampers, Grands & Friends supporting African Grandmothers, and Ottawa inner city school. Info: Patti Koeslag (613-271-4254). 1. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PARISH SUPPORTERS! LAW OFFICE OF TED M. KELLY At a time of need or when planning ahead call: KELLY FUNERAL HOME Barrhaven Chapel 3000 Woodroffe Ave. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 1786 River Road, PO Box 131, Manotick K4M 1A2 TEL: (613) 692-2559 FAX (613) 692-2550 613-823-4747 Liturgica GIFTS & SOUVENIRS FOR ALL RELIGIOUS OCCASIONS 1260 OLD INNES RD., UNIT 602 (Innes Rd & St. Laurent Bl.) 613-745-1537 For all your Real Estate Needs Call Joe May, Broker (613) 884-4820 Re/Max Affiliates Realty Brokerage 129 Riocan Avenue O awa, ON K2J 5G3 Tel: (613) 216-1755 Email: Website: “Welcome one another, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15.7). (Archbishop T. Prendergast Pastoral Year Theme 2014) Klear Skies Watering Services Have your loved ones tombstone cleaned, restoring it to it's natural beauty. Call Vince @ 613-791-5940 to book an Appointment Place your ad here! Contact the parish office for more info about placing your ad. 613-723-9767
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