St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Ascot Vale Newsletter 74 Roseberry Street Ascot Vale VIC 3032 ------ST MARY’S P: 03 9370 1194 CELEBRATES ONE HUNDRED AND ONE F: 03 9370 1068 YEARS E: 17th October 2014 W: Parish Priest: Fr Justin Ford 123 St Leonards Road Ascot Vale VIC 3032 P: 03 9370 6688 F: 03 9370 9112 E: Upcoming Event MONDAY, 20TH Oct CHILDREN’S WEEK BOOK WEEK COMMENCES TUESDAY, 21ST Oct WALK TO SCHOOL DAY THURSDAY, 23rd Oct 2014 ST MARY’S HAS TALENT To All in our school Community Further to last terms much admired school performance of “Every Picture Tells a Story,” what a tribute to the diversity of Performing Arts at St Mary’s was our annual student led, “St Mary’s Has Talent.” Not only were we entertained with singers from our Foundation Year to Year Six, but there were also much admired gymnastics, as well as skilled pianists. Whether the children performed in groups or as soloists, their confidence was supported by a very appreciative audience of children, parents, friends and staff. The afternoon of showcasing St Mary’s talent commenced with a guest appearance of the St Columba’s College Dancers and their routine set the scene for what was indeed termed in times gone by as a “variety concert” (without those well remembered tap dance routines). At the conclusion of the afternoon, in congratulating the performers, we acknowledged all who had contributed to the concert, especially our Student Leadership Team, who compered, judged and provided the backup music and graphics and Ms Lind for co-ordinating a school event that we all now look forward to. WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY FRIDAY, 24TH Oct SCHOOL DISCO SUNDAY, 26TH Oct Year Four children and the School Choir lead the Parish Mass MONDAY, 27TH Oct Social Justice Day TUESDAY, 28TH Oct Incursion for 6CM The energy level of the “St Mary’s Has Talent” continued in this somewhat exhausting Week WEDNESDAY, 29TH Oct Two. Despite the return to somewhat wintry weather the spirit of participation in school life Fathers’ Association did not diminish. Perhaps all in the school community were looking forward to today’s Ice Oktoberfest 2014, Marby Bucket Challenge and wondering what Dot Crowley would look like with wet hair or the Park Football Club. (7.00 constant question I received as to what suit I would be wearing. This afternoon no doubt will p.m.) reveal the answers. However, the week’s realities were such events as Tuesday’s Western Region Athletics Carnival where four of our children (Kye Lynch, Bridgette Anile, Liv Mullane THURSDAY, 30TH Oct and Tom Jackson) represented St Mary’s. That evening our Year Three children and their “Music Count us in” parents gathered at school for the Sacrament of Reconciliation Seminar, facilitated by Father SACRAMENT OF Justin and Caith Malone. Placing the Sacrament into its historical context and being informed RECONCILIATION (7.00 about the meaning of the Sacrament gives further dimension to our understanding of what we P.M.) used to call the Sacrament of Penance. Wednesday evening the School Improvement MONDAY, 3RD NOV. Committee gathered to be part of a process where the present school Semester Written Report was evaluated and recommendations made for the a change of format for 2015. And SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY today the Staff Ice Bucket Challenge (we have raised $800 for the Motor Neurone research) TUESDAY, 4th NOV. may be the highlight for many, but it was also the day our Year Three and Four children participated in the Ascot Vale Sports Carnival and our Social Justice Student leaders attended MELBOURNE CUP DAY the Mission Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral. th Next week is Children’s Week. Children's Week celebrates the right of children to enjoy childhood. It is also a time for children to demonstrate their talents, skills and abilities. Our focus at St Mary’s will be activities based on celebrating Book Week, as well as a Walk to School Day on Tuesday, World Teachers’ Day on Thursday and the Disco on Friday. My very best wishes. Take Care Graham THURSDAY, 6 NOV. ST MARY’S MULTI CULTURAL DAY MONDAY, 10th NOV. Year Six Incursion 2 BOOK WEEK 2014 St Mary’s will be celebrating Book Week next week, Week 3 of Term 4, 20th – 24th October. This year, the theme is “Connect to reading.” Once again, we are going to run some special activities for the children in order to promote Book Week and Literacy within the school. We have 3 authors visiting the school. On Friday 24th the children will participate in some Book Week activities related to the short listed books and we will also be having a Book Week FUNNY HAT parade. The children are encouraged to make a hat related to a book character or wear a novelty hat. No plain baseball caps please. We hope to make Book Week a very happy experience for all the children (and staff…). NEXT WEEK IS BOOK WEEK 2014 3 EDUCATION IN FAITH SPHERE THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION WE KNOW ABOUT CATHOLIC GUILT, BUT WHAT ABOUT CATHOLIC PEACE AND JOY? Last Tuesday evening the Level Three students and parents gathered in the upstairs common area in preparation for the upcoming celebration of First Reconciliation. Fr. Justin gave a presentation explaining some of the Church doctrine and the history of the Sacrament before the parents were given information about the ceremony. It was wonderful to see so many people in attendance. A few points of interest about the Sacrament of Reconciliation: • Reconciliation is a gift given freely by God. We can choose to respond and receive this gift or not. There are times in all relationships where we need to accept that we have done the wrong thing, say we are sorry and seek forgiveness. Then we try and make it up to that person somehow. When we are truly forgiven we feel such relief, joy and love for the person who has forgiven us. It is exactly the same with God. Whenever we forgive, whenever we are forgiven, our hearts are changed. • Too often in today’s society we see people avoiding responsibility for their actions. We can tend to forget that we are human and that we all make mistakes and that we will all continue to make mistakes. Turning to God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation enables us to restore the peace between God and us, just as the peace can be restored between family members, friends and work colleagues. The act of verbalising and admitting that we have committed sin is the first and necessary step for anyone who is trying to restore a relationship. Previously a lot of emphasis has been placed on Catholic Guilt but have we been forgetting Catholic Peace and Catholic Joy? Guilt is a necessary step in the process of forgiveness but we are not meant to dwell on the guilt. We are meant to pass through the stages of Reconciliation and open our hearts to the peace-filled knowledge that God loves us more than we can ever imagine. • The peace and the joy that comes from knowing the great mercy of God is a wonderful gift. The prodigal son returning to his father, the shepherd who seeks the lost sheep and then rejoices when it is found are examples of the way God lovingly enfolds us in his arms the minute we turn to him. This is the treasure that the Level Three students will receive on the 30th October, a treasure that they will have access to for their whole lives. Please pray for these students and their families, that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit to accept the love and joy and peace of Christ. Caith Malone REL 4 STUDENT WELLBEING SPHERE During Week Two of the CASEA Programme the focus of the group was on Feelings. Children discussed how they identified and expressed their own feelings, and talked about how to recognise how others are feeling. In particular the importance of recognising feelings by looking at facial expressions and body language, and listening to a person’s tone of voice, were discussed. The session also focused on Strong Emotions. The aim was to assist children in understanding that some emotions are more intense than others. They also learned to identify how to recognise their body’s “warning signals” so that they can identify when they are becoming angry. All children from Foundation Level to Year Three participated in classroom activities that focueds on identifying and recognising feelings. Next week: Managing Strong Emotions BUILDING CHILDREN’S SELF-ESTEEM Self-esteem is feeling good about yourself. It is important for children feel good about themselves most of the time. Self-esteem enables children to try new things, make friends and manage problems they meet along the way. A sign of low self-esteem is when the child regularly says, “I’m dumb,” “I’m ugly,” or who believes bad things about themselves. Parents can help children overcome these negative self- beliefs. Here are some suggestions: Praise your child – Talk about the things your child does well. If you need to talk about weaknesses, focus on talking about strengths first. Also, praise your child for trying and making improvements. Avoid put downs – If your child hears often enough that she/he is lazy or stupid, she/he will start to believe it and act accordingly. Encourage your child to think of what she/he does well. Teach your child to set goals – Help your child to set some goals that are easy to achieve. Offer encouraging comments and constructive suggestions along the way. Talk about making mistakes – Tell your child that it is okay to make mistakes – we all learn from our mistakes. Help your child to work out his/her own mistakes, rather than taking control yourself. Help your child to think realistically – if your child says she/he is not as good as the other children at school or sport, help him/her to think of things in a different way. For example, “I might not be the best in the class at maths, but I’m good at drawing and spelling.” 5 Encourage independence – Show confidence in your child’s abilities by letting your child do things for themselves as soon as they are ready. This will help develop a sense of responsibility. Tell your child you love them – Spending time with you child and being available to them will let him/her know you value him/her as a person. Teach your child to be a good friend – Children who feel liked by other children will have higher self-esteem. Encourage your child to bring friends home to play. Low self-esteem can be a sign of more serious emotional problems. If your child has been sad or miserable for a long time, consider seeking professional advice YEAR SIX GRADUATION CELEBRATIONS WILL BE IN WEEK TEN. TH SUNDAY, 7 DECEMBER At the 10 30 a.m. Parish Mass, our Year Six children accompanied by their 2014 Foundation Year Buddies will be responsible for the prayers and the readings. At this Mass, the School Choir will lead the singing, and our Foundation children for 2015 will be welcomed to the Parish. As well morning tea will follow Mass. This will be co-ordinated by the parent representatives of FCC, FKC, 6SG, and 6CM. WEDNESDAY, 10TH DECEMBER “Big Day Out” “Fun Fields” (Whittlesea) COST $20.00 THURSDAY 11TH DECEMBER At the final School Mass at 9.00 a.m. our Year Six children of 2014 will “hand over” their leadership of the school to the Year Sixes of 2015. FRIDAY 12TH DECEMBER At 3.25 p.m. the Year Six children conclude their year at St Mary’s. YEAR 6 PARENTS…....SAVE THE DATE!! GRADUATION MASS – Friday, 12th December 2014 at 6.00 p.m. Followed by a GRADUATION CELEBRATION from 7.30 p.m. at Riverside Golf Club for Year 6 students, parents/guardians & teaching staff 6 SEASONS 2014 This year 11 children attended a grief and loss group called Seasons. This group has been an important part of our school life for the past 2 years. Sebastian and I have both been able to share our experiences and express our feelings without being judged. We have 1 session a week where we all get together and talk about what had happened in the previous week and if there had been any changes. Often we look into our Seasons journal, where we complete activities and worksheets. We also get lollies!! At the end if most sessions we meditate for about five minutes to relax us for when we go back to class. This year we went to “Bounce” for an end of year Seasons celebration. We took the 37 tram to the Moonee Ponds Junction, and then a few minutes later we caught the 59 straight to Mathews Avenue. It was a 10 minute walk to Bounce. When we arrived we all got our bounce socks and started jumping! There were many areas to play in, like the performance area, where there was a wall to jump on, the slam dunk area, the free jumping area, the air bag (a big pillow) and dodge ball (our favourite). Overall the day was a blast, and so was the year so we’d like to say thank you to Mrs Lind for all her hard work. By Alex 5NT and Sebastian 5AA 7 STAFF ON LEAVE FOR TERM THREE AND FOUR th st Kathryn Carey (19 September – 21 October Term Three (Week Ten) – Term Four (Week Three) Faye Nardella will be on leave until the conclusion of the 2014 School Year. Faye will be caring for her unwell husband. TUCKSHOP CLOSED NOVEMBER 10TH – 30TH. 2014 TERM FOUR – WEEK THREE – CHILDREN AND BOOK WEEK th Monday, 20 October 8.55 a.m. School Assembly 3 45 p.m. Walk to School Day, Free Breakfast Professional Development - Staff Meeting 3.45 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting Thursday, 23rd October 9.00 a.m. School Mass (FCC) Friday, 24th October 2.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. School Assembly (Book Week) School Disco Sunday 26th October 10 30 a.m. The Year Four children are responsible for the readings and the prayers, and the School Choir leads the singing. Morning Tea will follow the Mass. Tuesday, 21st October nd Wednesday, 22 October WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY 2014 TERM FOUR – WEEK FOUR Monday, 27th October 8.55 a.m. School Assembly Social Justice Day Tuesday, 28th October a.m. 3.45 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 6CM INCURSION Professional Development - Staff Meeting Parish Advisory Board Wednesday, 29th October 3.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting Fathers’ Association “Oktoberfest” Marby Football Club Thursday, 30th October 9.00 a.m. 7.00 p.m. School Mass (6SG) “Music Count Us In” Sacrament of Reconciliation. a.m. 3.00 p.m. Interschool Sports School Assembly (5AA) st Friday 31 October 2014 TERM FOUR – WEEK FIVE Monday, 3rd November SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY Tuesday, 4th November MELBOURNE CUP DAY th Wednesday, 5 November 8.55 a.m. 3.45 p.m. School Assembly Professional Development - Staff Meeting Thursday, 6th November 9.00 a.m. School Mass (6CM) St Mary’s Multi-Cultural Day Friday, 7th November a.m. 3.15 p.m. Interschool Sports School Assembly (3TM) TO ENABLE PLANNING FOR 2015 TO BE FINALISED, PLEASE INFORM THE SCHOOL OFFICE IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT RETURNING TO ST MARY’S NEXT YEAR (OTHER THAN YEAR SIX). THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION. 8 LEARNING AND TEACHING SPHERE St Mary’s Talent Show The auditions started late last term. There were different types of acts such as singing, dancing, acting, gymnastic acts, cooking and people on the piano. The judges where Matilda, Dominique, Gemma and Liberty while the speakers were Tommy and George. The first auditions where great and kicked off the St Mary’s Talent Show very well. My favourite auditions were Aoife singing Let it Go, Milla and Holland doing gymnastics and Cameron singing Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Lights. After three weeks of auditions it was finale time! (I wasn’t here for it though) but the winners where Aoife, Lucia and Emily. I watched all of the auditions and found them very interesting. This was my last time watching the St Mary’s Talent Show as I am going to high school next year. I hope everyone enjoyed it and did well in the Finale! By Mairead 6 SG SPECIALIST AWARDS CLASS HEALTH & P.E ITALIAN PERFORMING ARTS FCC Angus R Adele A Adelle A FKC Alexandra W Mary N Michael M 1JD Olivia C Benjamin N Scarlett M 1VM Xavier F Xavier F Nash M 2MB Harry F Harry F Harry F 2RL 3TM Orlando G Zach V-H Dylan Q Grace R 3HW Georgia M Olivia F Martin P 4JK Julia S Phoebe B Anthony P 4JM Semhar A Semhar A Katelyn S 5AA Sara R Alexander H Sara R 5NT Elijah G Angus H Xavier H 6CM Junior P Elise B Matthew D 6SG Mairead L Dylan D Daniel M NO AWARDS THIS WEEK. Library Isabella H Julia R BOOK CLUB October Book Club order forms have been sent home this week. Could ALL orders be sent back to the school NO LATER than MONDAY 20th OCTOBER Please make sure that envelopes are CLEARLY labelled with your child's name and class and that the correct money is enclosed. Thank you. ATTENTION EVERYONE !!!!! On Monday 20th October at our morning assembly we will have a visitor from the “Lost Dogs Home.” Her name is Tracey and she will be bringing her dog, Stella, which she adopted from the lost dogs home. Stella is great with children and may perform some of her favourite tricks. Tracey will talk about the lost dogs home, how to take care of dogs and most importantly the puppy factories. I have been reading a lot about puppy factories and how cruel this is for the dogs/puppies. I am very interested in raising awareness of puppy factories and also stopping the puppy factories. Unfortunately a few months ago, the government passed a law which still allows puppy factories to go on. We should all try to stop these puppy factories by not buying from them. I will like everyone to sign a petition that says “STOP PUPPY FACTORIES NOW” so that I can send it to the government. Your support would be much appreciated. I will be distributing these petitions to every class next week. 9 Annalise 3HW HIGHLIGHTING LITERACY AT ST MARY’S FOUNDATION, BRIDGETTE YEAR ONE, TYRA THE HAUNTED HOUSE I see zigzagged lightning blasting in the pitch black sky. I see broken gold lanterns and a dusty booby trap under the old spiral staircase. I hear clocks ticking left and right. I hear were wolves howling at the blue moon. I hear green and red zombies and silky ghost making a weird spooky growling sound. I feel old torn webs all over the dark black house. There are all kinds of different cobwebs silky webs black webs and blue webs. I feel damp wet walls and water dripping from the roof. I feel zombies Hands coming out of the old couch. I smell old blood all over the super dark house. I smell the gross smell of zombie’s dark red blood. I smell old rusty skeleton’s bones all around the brown floor. I taste disgusting stale air all around the mysterious room. I taste gross sandwiches on the brown floating table. I taste sparks of lighting going onto my dark red tongue. YEAR THREE, DANIEL YEAR TWO, AUDREY How Do You Make Vegetable Soup? The Three Sisters Long ago in a far away land there lived three sisters, Elena, Maria and Kelly and a dog called Daisy. Every day they went for a walk. Vegetable soup is healthy for you, but how do you make it? Add any kind of vegetables into a pot of water and cook them until they are soft. They should be soft enough to eat without chewing. They should be ready to serve at any moment. Don’t forget to add salt and pepper! One day when they were going for their usual long stroll, Wella the wicked witch scooped them up and flew them really fast back to their castle and locked them in their bedroom. They were really upset. The vegetable soup is so soft and tasty that you could gobble it up without chewing it that much. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s gobble it up! A week later Elena, Maria, Kelly and Daisy all of a sudden started to cry. They just wanted to get out before Wella the ugly witch came back. Two weeks later the girls had stopped crying. Then Wella the ugly witch came in and was about to kill them. A CINQUAIN POEM But Wella the wicked witch didn’t know that the beautiful girls had a bucket of water. So the smart girls threw the bucket of water at Wella the ugly wicked witch and she melted. The girls were so cheerful they sang, “The wicked witch is dead the wicked witch is dead.” Dinosaurs Giant, hungry Eating, walking, destroying Killing dinosaurs for food Dino 10 YEAR FOUR, LILY The Wizard One day I went to my basement which I call my cave. When I went down there I saw a wizard in black clothes. He had a sparkly and shiny wand. When I went closer I saw he’s eyes were gold and he was not blinking. “I am going to take over the world,” he said in a crackled voice. The wizard started leaving so I tackled him to the ground and he lifted me up and threw me in the corner and left. I was hurt and scared. When he left I searched him up online. When I typed the wizard dressed in black with gold eyes Google said the wizard has been around for a long time. No one has tried to destroy him and the only way to destroy him is to break his wand. I ran around my neighbourhood to find him. I found him at the last house, so I quickly sprinted up to him and I tackled him. I was trying to find his wand but I could not find it. He laughed and said, “You will never find my wand child.” I thought to myself where would a wizard hide his wand. Then I saw something pecking out of his hat. It was his wand! I pulled it out and broke it. Then the wizard disappeared never was seen again. YEAR FIVE, MELINA MINA'S DIARY Dear Diary, Today was a very weird day, probably the weirdest day in my life to be honest and this is how it went. Michael took me to the garage and told me that it would be dirty and dangerous. As we were walking in, blue bottles and spider webs were falling from the roof. Michael turned to me and told me to "trust him." So I did. Michael was worried that I would not be able to see what he could see. Then Michael shone the torch on a man behind the tea chest. He looked pale in the face, his suit was ripped and dirty. I could see him and then Michael squeezed my hand tightly. The man looked at us and he said, "Brown Ale. Nectar, drink of the Gods." We stared at him. I asked him who he was. He said, "Mr Had Enough Of You." Michael told him about what the Doctor said about Arthritis and then he gave him the Cod Liver Oil Capsules. I went to go and touch his face, it was cold and dry. I asked him again who he was, and he replied, "Mr Nobody." I leaned forward to touch his hands they were so cold it was like they had just been stuck in a bucket of ice. His hands were as stiff as a statues’, and then I immediately said, "Calcification." Michael told me to feel his shoulder blades and I did. I was surprised. I felt bumps and lumps. I thought to myself, what could he be? Then after thirty minutes of us begging him he finally agreed to let us help him. YEAR SIX, MATTHEW Freddy’s Journey There it was, right in front of my eyes. He was about ten metres away from home when another car came hurtling around the corner and collided into Dad’s car. I was there, the locals were there. They were devastated. Dad was a big hit to the locals. They all loved him, and to see him die right in front of you wasn’t a good feeling. No one was nearly as devastated as me though. The next couple of days were hard. Mum and I weren’t getting along after Dad passed away. We were having arguments daily. Rusty, my dog, and I went for walks every day. I found it released 11 stress and anger when doing this. We found a nearby train station once, with no one around and very quiet. In fact all you could hear was the sound of the wind gusting and the birds’ chirping. From then on whenever we went walking that’s where we went. Rusty and I are best friends. I love him. He’s the only friend I have, as there are not many kids in my town. One day I was walking home with Rusty. It was a longer walk than usual because Mum and I had an immense fight. We were walking down an alley when a little red ball dashed over the fence of someone’s house. A man popped his head over the fence. “Hello!” he said with a lot of enthusiasm. “Hello,” I said back. “I’m Jim, but everyone calls me Old Jim.” I didn’t know the man as I had not walked down this way before. “I’m Freddy, but everyone calls me Freddy Jnr.” The man and I had a very enjoyable conversation. “Well, I better head off.” “Okay, off you go! Goodbye.” “Bye!” That man cheered me up, when I got home and marched through the door I had a big smile on my face, though mum didn’t notice. Over the next couple of weeks Old Jim and I spent a lot of time together. He came with Rusty and I on walks. We played football and cricket in his backyard. Once he even took us to watch the horse’s race. It was great! One night I brought him home with me. He could tell that mum was struggling with things around the house. He’d had a lot of experience when it came to housework from when he was younger, though he was quite old now. Mum and I were a lot happier with Old Jim around. I think he was the reason we didn’t fight anymore. I guess I could say he was my best friend, besides Rusty. One day I walked home with a huge grin on my face, I walked in and mum was in tears. “Freddy, I have some bad news.” My smile turned into a frown in less than a spilt second. “Last night,” she let out a little cry, “Last night, Old Jim passed away. He was suffering with cancer this whole time.” I started tearing up. I just couldn’t hold it in. It didn’t take long before I sprinted to my room bawling my eyes out. Mum decided to leave me in there for a while until she called me out for dinner. A week later mum got a call from a man. When she got off the phone, I asked her who it was. She didn’t tell me, but she seemed happy about it. A few days later, we heard a knock on our door. Mum ran to the door to open it. She opened it and there was a man. He looked a lot like Old Jim, only a bit taller and he had a beard. It was Old Jim’s brother. He came over for Jim’s funeral. He was over in Ireland, when he heard the bad news. He came straight over, leaving his wife and son. That week we held the funeral. It was a cold, wet morning and there weren’t many people around. Not long after Jim’s brother left, Mum and I were getting along like we used to when Dad was around, helping each other around the house. I even offered for mum to come on the walks with Rusty and I. It was a way to remember Old Jim because we never want to forget him. 12 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT PLEASE NOTE THE SCHOOL WEBSITE HAS BEEN UPDATED WITH THE TERM FOUR OVERVIEWS AND THE CAMP AUSTRALIA REPORT. STAFFING NEWS. This week Caith Malone has accepted a teaching position at Kolbe Catholic College, Greenvale commencing in 2015. Rita Murphy has informed St Mary’s that she is concluding her primary teaching at the end of 2014. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Last Thursday, I attended a Student Wellbeing Professional Learning Seminar, “Creating Calm: Recognising & managing anxiety in the school environment.” The day was led by distinguished Professor Ron Rapee Department of Psychology and Director of the Centre for Emotional Health at Macquire University, Sydney. The day focused on assessment, treatment and prevention of anxiety in children and adolescents within the school setting. The workshop covered general information on anxiety disorders including diagnostic criteria, assessment techniques and current research findings on factors that maintain anxiety and how this links with treatment approaches. An extremely informative day with lots of food for thought! Sandra Lind SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE The following are some of the discussion points from the School Improvement Committee Meeting of October 15th. The focus of this meeting was on evaluating the present Semester Report Format, as well as considering recommendations for 2015 written reports. These recommendations were in the context that there is now a more flexible approach to School Reports. (Progression Points however are still mandated) A following is a useful link • Nicola and Michael presented to the School Improvement Committee and the staff assisted with the group discussion. The evening was a Positive meeting, with the Parents comments often being similar to the staff viewpoint (e.g. reports are time consuming) Other discussion points. • The need for a more consistent link between the Celebration of Learning Folios and the Semester Report. • With links between the Celebration of Learning Folios and Semester Reports, as well as the presence of students at the Learning Conversations, consideration need to be given to increasing the discussion time from the present 10 minutes. Please note the parent comments will be recorded in the School Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes and distributed to staff, as well as the wider community. At the commencement of the 2015 School year, these comments will be considered as part of the consultation process to develop our own St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Semester Report Form. 13 COMMUNITY Thank you to the many people who supported the Parents and Friends Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings last Sunday. Over $1600 was raised. This money will be allocated to providing the new Year One Classrooms with Interactive Television Screens. To all the Staff, Parents and Students, Tracey and Maryanne would like to inform you all that due to circumstances on a personal level the canteen will be closed from November 10th until November 30th. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. The Canteen will re-open on Monday 1st December. Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding and look forward to seeing you all soon. Kind Regards, Tracey Doyle & Maryanne Giarrizzo Our school is taking part in Walk to School on Tuesday 21st October. Those children that take part in Walk to School Day can enjoy a free breakfast provided by the Council here at school when they arrive. Walk to School encourages primary school children to walk to and from school, to highlight the ways walking improves children’s health and wellbeing. Walking to and from school can help children get the daily physical activity they need And there are plenty of other benefits. Walking to school can help to reduce traffic congestion, parking difficulties and the associated environmental impacts. You might like to: • walk with your child to and from school and enjoy the chance to talk, help your child learn road safety skills, and get to know the local neighbourhood together • arrange for your child to walk with other families or friends, giving them time to socialise and share their journey • drive part of the way to school and walk the rest, particularly if you live a long way from school, or have limited time • mix it up – if your child enjoys riding their bike or scooter, that’s fine too! For more information about VicHealth, visit 14 NATIONAL HISTORY CHALLENGE We are pleased to announce that Sachi Debski has won the Primary prize in the National History Challenge. Madeleine Piscopo has been awarded a Certificate of Excellence. We congratulate both girls on their outstanding achievements. MULTICULTURAL DAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH All families should have received a letter last week regarding MULTICULTURAL DAY. Please let the office know if you didn’t receive yours! DRESSING UP IS OPTIONAL! Children may dress in traditional costume if they wish OR in colours representing a particular country or a novel costume, e.g. Chinese lantern!! All families will receive information regarding a home activity to complete before the day! There will be no other homework set for students in Weeks 4 and 5. IT’S GOING TO BE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO CELEBRATE THE CULTURAL DIVERSITY OF OUR SCHOOL. CAROLS IN QUEENS PARK Our Arts & Culture Team at Moonee Valley City Council is seeking parents and children who love to sing to join our festive and fun Community Choir. Choir members will learn new songs, make friends and perform at this years’ Carol’s in Queens Park Concert on Sunday, 7 Dec, 2014. Music will be provided and no experience necessary. Below in this NEWSLETTER is an A5 JPEG flyer about how to get involved. Rehearsals When: Thursday 13, 20, 27 November and 4 December, plus a sound check prior to Carols on 7 December Time: 6.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. Where: Bradshaw Street Community Hall, Essendon Anyone interested in joining the choir can speak to Erin in the Arts and Culture department at or 8325 1896 URGENT HELP NEEDED FOR CHURCH FLOWERS We urgently need the help of 2 volunteers to join an established Church Flowers and Cleaning team for St Mary's Church. The group is currently staffed by some parents from St Mary's, however anyone would be welcome. The duties are - light cleaning, sweeping and mopping and arrangement of the altar flowers. Training will be provided if required. At present we have 6 groups which means you would only be required to help out once every 6 weeks for an hour, usually on a Friday morning, but this is negotiable. If you can help, could you please leave your details with Lauren at the front office. 15 CANTEEN NEWS To All Staff, Parents and Students, Hope everyone has enjoyed the warmer weather! Thank you again for those who have put their names down on our Canteen Roster. Menu for the Week: Monday: Penne Pasta with a Napoli Sauce Chicken Schnitzel Rolls/Wraps No Chicken Soup Wednesday: Chicken Rice Paper Rolls Chicken/Beef Mamee Noodle Cups Chicken Schnitzel Rolls/Wraps Friday: Penne Pasta with a Napoli Sauce No Chicken Soup Canteen Helpers: Monday Pauline McElligott Kylie Robinson Wednesday Shani Kinross Doris Piscopo Friday Donna Melican Helen Gibson Thank you everyone for your ongoing support and have a good week. Tracey and Maryanne. WEEKLY CAKE RAFFLE TERM 4, 2014 A note is sent home to all members of the “class responsible” a week PRIOR to the rostered date! DATE CLASS RESPONSIBLE Friday October 24th 1JD Friday October 31st 1VM Friday November 7th FCC Friday November 14th FKC Friday November 21st NO RAFFLE Friday November 28th 3HW Friday December 5th 3TM 16 COMMUNITY ADVERTISEMENTS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 FUNDRAISER FOR FRIEND WITH CANCER PRIVATE SCREENING HOSTED BY RAFFAELLA & JOSEPH LIBRANDI WED. 19TH NOVEMBER, 2014, 7:30 p.m. VILLAGE CINEMAS - AIRPORT WEST RATED PG Thought provoking, it will make you think about the choices you make and provide food for thought. TICKET SALES ONLY THROUGH Raffaella Librandi or by email au NO TICKET SALES ON THE NIGHT TICKETS - $20 pp. inc. Value $35 SMALL POPCORN + DRINK INC. Trailer link utube link to 24 MOONEE VALLEY LIBRARIES Launch: Monday 1st December 4 p.m. Avondale Heights, Flemington, Niddrie and Sam Merrifield What’s On For Children: th Halloween Thursday 30 October 4.30 p.m. Avondale Heights, Flemington, Niddrie and Sam Merrifield Grandparent’s Storytime Wednesday 22nd October 6.30 p.m. Sam Merrifield Thursday 23rd October 6.30 p.m. Niddrie Summer Reading Cub Join the Summer Reading Club, a great programme to keep kids reading over the summer break. . 25 Junior Golf Lessons & Play… now Indoors! Say “good-bye” to playing Golf on a ‘windy-wet’ day or a ‘windy-hot’ day. Give your CHILD the ability to learn how to play GOLF without the distractions of freezing cold winters and blazing hot summers. Our GOLF CLASSES are all conducted INDOORS. The Ascot Vale Leisure Centre, (with S.N.A.G GOLF AUSTRALIA), will be introducing a 4 WEEK JUNIOR GOLF ACADEMY, & GOLF PLAY INDOORS for the very first time. “So we welcome the students of St.Mary’s P.S”. It’s NEW because the Golf Equipment is new to Australia. It’s EASIER because the Golf Equipment & Golf Balls are larger, making it easier to HIT. It’s EXCITING because you need to LEARN & DEMONSTRATE not only putting skills but Chipping, Half-Swing, & Full-Swing Skills, (and your not just staring at a large TV screen). Overall, we give your child all the Golf’s Skills under ONE ROOF. To register your child, we will be conducting a FREE GOLF CLASS on SUNDAY, the 26th of OCTOBER, at 1 p.m. The free golf class will be available till 4 p.m. So allow your child to experience our Golf Equipment and Golf Training Aids. Your child will also play a round-of-golf...INDOORS! (please come in & try it). Book at the CENTRE….or…book your FREE GOLF CLASS by calling George on 0425-707-068, See you Sunday, the 26 of Oct. th 26 or email him on 27 28 29 30 31
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