Document 354314

· GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS 60137 | PHONE: 630.469.7540 | FAX: 630.469.7590
CLERGY (630) 469-7540
Rev. David J. Hankus, D. Min., Ph. D.
Rev. John Sebahar
Deacon John Moeller
Deacon Matthew Pidgeon
MINISTRY CENTER (630) 469-7540
As members of Christ’s family,
through St. James the Apostle Parish, we:
WORSHIP the Lord by
proclaiming His Word and
celebrating His Sacraments,
GROW by learning more about
God’s loving plan for us,
RESPOND to the call of Christ by
sharing our talents, gifts and our love,
REACH OUT to the universal community
by loving and serving our neighbors.
Saturday Vigil | 5:00 P.M.
Sunday | 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 A.M.
Monday - Thursday Daily Mass | 8:00 A.M.
Friday Communion Service | 8:00 A.M.
On the Holy Day | 8:00 A.M., 12:15 & 7:00 P.M.
Saturday | 3:30 - 4:30 P.M.
Monday - Thursday
Deacon John Moeller
Jean Moeller
Kevin Burrow
9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Joseph Harmon
Jennifer Andrews
St James Youthministry
Mary Pieranunzi
Lisa Gilligan
ST. JAMES SCHOOL (630) 469-8060
Monday - Friday
Nancy James
7:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE (630) 858-5646
Monday - Wednesday
Thursday - Friday
Deacon Matthew Pidgeon
9 A.M. - 4 P.M. & DURING CLASS
9 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Lisa Weesner
Sunday, October 19, 2014 | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” MATTHEW 22:21
Church and State
There has been much debate recently in our courts regarding the separation of church and
state. Whatever the outcome of these decisions, there is certainly enough matter for discussion. For
some people it seems that the state may actually be against religion in terms of its preventing prayer in
public school and not allowing nativity sets on public property. The courts may say that rulings are
made in the name of freedom, stating that the government cannot impose religious symbols or
practice on the people. Yet we as Christians truly must treasure the freedom that we have to gather
each Sunday as a faith community. We all know there are many parts of the world where worshipers
of various faiths gather at the risk of arrest, imprisonment and even death.
I do not think I can settle the debate of church and state separation in this article. However,
our Gospel today reminds us that we do have a responsibility to support civil government, which
ideally, is to serve its constituents. Jesus did not want the people to neglect their taxes. He did want
them, however, to give both government and religion their due attention and support. The question
we ask is, “What belongs to ‘Caesar’ (symbolic of the government)? What belongs to God?” Let us
reflect on these questions and try to discern how we can best be both good civil servants and servants
of the Gospel. We know that if we follow Jesus and live His way of life, we will also want to be good
and upstanding citizens in our community, state and country.
Father David
After All Weekend Masses on the St. James Hall Stage
Hospitality Weekend, October 18/19
Baby Quilts
Toddler Quilts
Lap Quilts
Variety of prices and sizes are available
Cash or check only
Questions? Call Geri at 630.858.0785
Page 2 | October 19, 2014 | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
will be
on sale
at the door!
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 19, 2014 | Page 3
We Offer Our Prayers
If you would like to add a name to the parish prayer
list, please call Mary at the Ministry Center at
630.469.7540 or drop a note into the collection
basket, attn: Mary Pieranunzi. Thank you!
Kristin Acciavatti
Father Antczak
Kay Baldwin
Jeffrey Belgrave
Robert Bernicky
Joe Botsch
Patrick Brennan
Dorothy Brown
Jim Brown
George Cemei
Michael Chechula
Rosaria Cinquegrani
Carol Clesceri
Joan Colucci-Turos
Bob Connolly
Frances Connelly
Irene Connors
Charlie DeMory
Chuck DeMory
Dennis DesParrois
Ken Duffield
Paul Dusek
Angeline Errichiella
Charlie Fanning
Janet Fehlon
Mary Lou Fehlen
Mary Felder
Michael Fisher
Barbara Fisk
Kristen Fisk
Amy (Serra) Frese
Tim Frieling
Maria Gentile
Hazel Gillespie
Tom Goff
Laverne Hartnett
Carol Hauser
Marybeth Heggedus
Patricia Helene
Susan Huynh
Edward Jage
Val Kazmier
Art Kloeckner
Regina Kowalski
Bea Kuhn
Chuck Lohenry
Mary Mamolella
Alan Mandel
Gloria Marion
Mark Mueller
Spencer Mehr
Jennifer Murphy
Father Tony Nugent
Francis Omana
Dorothy Paperiello
Anthony Pecoraro
James Pelletiere
Samantha Pelletiere
Robert Power
Father Jim Radek
Jackie Radke
Cora Reda
Ron Redini
Frank Reidy
Retha Remke
Doris Rieser
Angela Rinaldi
Linda Roeng
John Rudnick
Carol Sandowski
Margo Smetana
Doris Smith
Donna Stahelin
Dean Stanley
John Stephenson
Henry E. Thompson
Bob Trczinski
Joseph Turos
Dorothy Vercruysse
Tony Vopenka
Alexis Velasco
Lilly Wagner
Kim Weisenborn
James Wenzel
Michael Westby
Glenn Winter
Mary Winter
“Those who believe in me,
even though they die, will live.”
—John 11:25
William Farley,
husband of Patricia “Anne” Farley;
father of Kathryn, William J. and
Kevin (Michelle); grandfather of Amy,
Robert, Megan, Emma, Sean & Kevin
Richard McKillip,
father of Brian McKillip
Therese Banner
Pvt 2 John Buckley
David Canestrini
Maj. Jonathan W. Craig
Capt. Brad Crosson
Michael Dahlke
Sgt. Ryan P. Darin, USMC
Chaplain Capt. Chris Doering
Trevor Fisk
Michael Ford
Capt. Thomas Fox
Tech Sgt. Allen J. Gould
CPL. Anthony Greenwell
Daniel Gregorio
Capt. Jason Hendrix
Zachary Hickey
Pvt. Christina Howard
Jeffrey T. Jamrok
Jason Jung
Matthew Kulpa
Captain Donato Latrofa
Patrick Leen
Justin T. Lewandowski
John Brian Lewellyan
David Marlow
Jesse Meyer
Jamie Mirabella
Joe O’Brien
LCPC Connor Pope
Drew Price
Dan Rickert
Andrew Root
Alison Slucas
Michael Spake
Captain Christine Zens
If you would like us to remember a current member
of the military in our prayers and added to the above
list, please call the Ministry Center during normal
office hours at 630/469-7540.
Page 4 | October 19, 2014 | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Worship Commission
Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to
Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship
indicate that I am as faithful about giving “to God
what belongs to God?”
October is the Month of the Rosary
Every day at 7:30 A.M., before daily Mass, a group of
parishioners known as “The Rosary Group”, gather
to recite the rosary. We pray for all and each person,
saying their beads with us, adds to our strength.
You are invited to join us—the Blessed Virgin will
be happy to see you and so will we!
Readings for the Week
Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21
Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48
Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19;
Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59
Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9
Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51;
1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
Saints and Special Observances
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
World Mission Sunday
St. Paul of the Cross
Wednesday: St. John Paul II
Thursday: St. John of Capistrano
St. Anthony Mary Claret
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary
The collection amount for the weekend of
October 11/12 was $15,962.43
The ACH collection amount for the week ending
October 12th was $5,345.00
Your generosity is most appreciated and needed. Thank you!
We are blessed to have you with us today—and
every weekend! Our liturgies are enhanced by your
presence and participation. We hope that you find
the experience here at St. James to include a warm
and inspiring celebration of the Eucharist and the
faith that we profess.
If you would like to register at St. James the Apostle or
are registered and need to make changes, please complete
the form below and place it in the offertory basket or mail
it to the Ministry Center: 480 S. Park Blvd, GE 60137.
Name: ____________________________________________
City/Zip: _________________________________________
[ ] New Parishioner
[ ] New Address
[ ] New Phone Number
[ ] Moving, please
remove from
membership list
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 19, 2014 | Page 5
Sustaining St. James the Apostle
In the aftermath of a meeting that Pope Francis had
with U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-Moon and other U.N.
officials at the Vatican this past May 9th, the general
media exploded with stories that either the Pope
was a hard core socialist or had a great belief that
socialism was the necessary economic system
required to assist the poor or those in poverty.
he is not condemning the benefits of progress, but
voicing concerns about those who live in poverty
and have few opportunities to achieve any sort of
prosperity. The bigger question, of course, is how to
eliminate poverty. Not an easy task as this has
existed since the beginning of time. And
furthermore, how does a member of St. James the
Apostle Parish in Glen Ellyn, Illinois fit into this
In a counter to media attempts to seat the Pope with
the kings of socialistic belief, Cardinal Timothy
The Catholic Church has educated more people
Dolan of New York, also past president of the
United States Council of Catholic Bishops, wrote an
through its schools and universities, has healed more
people in its hospitals and clinics and has brought
article in the May 23rd edition of The Wall Street
word of Jesus Christ to hundreds of millions, if
Journal to dissect the Pope’s comments and
not billion people throughout the world. The
intentions. He set out to explain in intelligent and
Church does not condemn nor criticize
theological detail what Pope Francis was
freedom and private property. A properly
actually speaking about and what he and
“When the Pope
instituted free market system fosters
Catholics believe, or should believe about
questions Trickle Down greater productivity and prosperity than
Economics, he is not any other system known to the human
race. However, the Church teaches that
Preliminary to discussing this article,
condemning the
the true value of any economic system
Father David has several times over the
benefits of progress, relies on the personal virtue of the
past several weeks thanked the parish
family for its generosity in support of the but voicing concerns individuals who take part in it and the
morality of their day to day decisions. If
parish and other parish obligations. We
about those who
your business is a noble vocation, it
devote this section of the bulletin to
live in poverty...”
should serve the common good with a
economic and administrative issues and,
great deal of generosity sprinkled in
as a reminder to one and all, we are not owners of
amongst any self-interest.
what we possess, but rather we are stewards whose
job it is to use our possessions to profess and
Our goal every day should be to do those things
support the majesty and message of Almighty God
necessary to warrant an invitation into the Kingdom
and His Son, Jesus Christ.
of Heaven. No matter our station in life, our personal
lives and interaction with those around us should
Pope Francis says that economic and social activity
always be geared to the goal of eternal life in heaven
must be based on the virtues of compassion and
with God the Father Almighty. Pope Francis and the
generosity. Borrowing very gently from the article,
Church remind us that daily our quest should be
Cardinal Dolan states that the Church believes
that our hearts and our actions should be in
prosperity and earthly blessings can be a good thing
solidarity with an openness to care for those less
at that human nature desires to work and produce
fortunate than we are.
and enjoy the fruits of their labors. The Pope,
however, is concerned that a “throwaway culture”,
Your parish is grateful each and every day for your
an “economy of exclusion” and a “culture of death”
and generosity. God bless you!
corrode human dignity and marginalize the poor.
When the Pope questions Trickle Down Economics,
Bob Galgan
Page 6 | October 19, 2014 | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Christian Education
October 2014:
St. James the Apostle School
Annual Fundraiser
All Parishioners
are invited to
visit our table
in St. James Hall
today during
Discover how
you can
become a winner
while supporting
Catholic Education!
And the Winner Is...
The winner of the 2014-2015 RESQ Raffle on
October 13th is Mary Glaudell! Congratulations!!
Raffle tickets for our weekly drawings for the 20142015 year are on sale all year long. For more
information, please call or email the RE Office: 630858-5646/
High School Youth Ministry:
the Walk
October 26th: St. Daniel
Challenges St. James to a
night of games, fellowship and
We will meet at St. Daniel’s in Wheaton
LIFE Youth Ministry:
November 1-2 ,
5:00 P.M. -7:00 A.M. at St. James
Middle School and High School students
will experience a night of homelessness
by sleeping outside on St. James
grounds. All money raised from the
event will support families in the
Bridge Program.
We will start with 5:00 P.M. Mass. Come
join us for this night of awareness,
service and fun! Bring Your Own Box!
Bridge Communities humbly requests
that participants try and raise $50 for
the homeless families they serve.
Contact Jenn Andrews
630.469.7540 x24/
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 19, 2014 | Page 7
Christian Service
For those who have your feet wet out praying
by the abortion clinic, you are invited to learn
how to talk compassionately to women both
before and after they make this life-changing
decision. On Sunday, October 25th, there will
be a sidewalk counseling seminar at St. Isaac
Jogues Parish, 306 W. 4th Street in Hinsdale
from 12-4 P.M. It is sponsored by the Pro-Life
Action League and the Women’s Centers of
Greater Chicagoland. The cost is $10, which
includes lunch. You can register by contacting
Pro-Life Action League at 773-777-2900 or
We are halfway there through our 40 Days for
Life Vigil! Come out on Sunday, October 25th
to hear Steve Karlen, Regional Director fo 40
Days for Life share some great stories outside
of Aanchor Health Center, 1186 Roosevelt Road
in Glen Ellyn. To register on the new website to
come out and pray, visit the website, -OR- you can contact
the coordinator Christine Kania:
for help with registering yourself, or call her at
For more information about the 40 Days for
Life Vigil, contact Peggyann Pyle via phone at:
630-469-5366 or via email: -OR- Carol
Wright at 630-469-2165/
St. James the Apostle Parish will be praying on
Wednesday mornings from 7:00 A.M. until
10:00 A.M. and on Sunday afternoons 1:00 P.M.
to 4:00 P.M.
Prayer and fasting from home is appreciated as
well. Thanks for all of your support!
PADS Volunteers Needed
St. James the Apostle is committed to helping PADS
with the Interim Housing program and we cannot
do that without your help. As one of the Support
Teams, St. James provides meals and site volunteers
on the 2nd Thursday of each month from October
through April. Our group of volunteers offers meals,
hospitality, and a safe environment for program
participants to sleep. There are different ways in
which you can support this important ministry.
Site volunteers monitor the site in various shifts
from 6:00 P.M. Thursday to 8:00 A.M. Friday. The
overnight shift is my most pressing need at this
time. Duties include: setting up sleeping area for
men and women, preparing/serving dinner, signing
in participants, monitoring participants and
facilities while they are sleeping, preparing sack
lunches for the following day, preparing/serving
breakfast to participants in the morning, and
cleaning up the site after the guests leave at 7 A.M.
Cooks provide the food that is used in the three
meals provided to our guests. Volunteers are
scheduled on a rotation basis for various food
categories each month. This is a wonderful
opportunity for individuals who are not able to serve
at the site.
There are other ways in which you can support this
ministry if you are not able to volunteer in one of
these two positions. Please contact Jane Yasak, St.
James Site Coordinator, at (630) 653-0121
or if you are interested in
volunteering with PADS. Thank you.
Page 8 | October 19, 2014 | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 19, 2014 | Page 9
St. James the Apostle Parish
Christmas Basket Program
SALE, SALE, SALE. St. Elizabeth’s Parish, SVDP and Catholic Charities are making their Christmas Basket
Family lists and checking them twice. The lists will arrive at St. James in November. You can lighten the
burden of buying food for your Christmas Basket family if you buy food on sale between now and
Thanksgiving. Buy early. The St. James Christmas Basket Committee is forming to distribute food and
clothing to St. Elizabeth’s Church and other local needy families. We have ONE and only 1 meeting. Please
join us! We will meet on Nov. 5th from 7:30 - 8:30 P.M. in St. James Hall 2/3—Enter through Door E. We
need new volunteers to replace members who have moved away. If you are interested in helping, contact
Chuck Reiss: OR 630-858-5381.
Sharing a Personal Computer: If you have a PC that is a Duo Core PC or newer, without a floppy
drive, Windows 7 or newer, we can find a new home for it @ St. Elizabeth’s Parish or local families. We
request a $20 contribution to be donated with each PC so that we can include additional memory or printer
ink with the transfer. We especially need flat monitors and working printers with ink. Please include the
operating system CDs to help reduce our transfer costs. Contact Chuck Reiss at 630-858-5381 or via email
Catholic Charities – We’re Here to Help
Are you struggling to put food on the
table? Unable to pay for the travel expenses to get
to your job? Do you know someone who has
stopped taking vital prescription medication
because she can no longer afford it? Catholic
Charities is here to help. We can provide food
and travel vouchers; clothing and furniture
vouchers; financial assistance for prescriptions;
rent/mortgage assistance; and information/referral
to other community resources. For more
information call 630-495-8008 or visit
Need to Talk? We all want to lead healthy and
satisfying lives, but sometimes it’s a struggle. At
Catholic Charities, we have experienced
counselors who can provide affordable services
when problems arise. Special accommodations can
be made for individuals or families who are
struggling financially, Counseling services by
appointment only. Call 800-240-7011. To learn
more, visit
Please Help Us Be Fair in Our Efforts
to Help Those In Need
The Diocese has sent out information regarding the
less than honest people who routinely stand outside
of various parishes of the diocese with children,
some in strollers, asking for a handout. In each case,
they have been asked to come inside the parish,
speak with the priest and fill out the information
they are asked to complete in order to receive
charity from the St. Vincent de Paul Society. They
repeatedly refuse to do so. Please refrain from
giving to these people. They do not honestly
represent themselves or their current situation.
If you encounter anyone in our parking lots during
the weekend Masses, please alert one of our parish
deacons. In addition, you may always direct
someone in need to the information box located
outside the door of the Ministry Center with flyers
that contain a list of where those in need may
contact resources, including our own St. Vincent de
Paul Society. Using their system to minister to those
in need, the St. James St. Vincent de Paul Society
will use your contributions to their ministry for
your intended purpose of helping the poor in our
area. Thank you for helping us to help others.
Page 10 | October 19, 2014 | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Life Commission
2014 Family Golf Outing Recap
A beautiful fall day greeted our attendees at our twelfth Annual Family Golf Outing on Sunday, September 21
at the Village Links of Glen Ellyn. Our Village Links venue drew 36 golfers and 40 additional dinner guests.
As a result we were extremely pleased to generate almost $2,000 which will be donated to the St. James
Tuition Assistance Fund. Our thanks to our pastor and staff, golfers, dinner guests, our volunteers and the
generosity of our sponsors and donors who made this year’s Outing another success.
We would like to congratulate both the team winners and the individual contests winners. We again used a
scoring system this year that enabled golf foursomes, who did not post the lowest net score, to still be able to
win a prize. The first place winners of the “Eagle” flight, was the team of Tony Carey, Jim Kawalczyk, Bill
Richerson, and Terry Olton. The “Birdies’ Flight winners were John and Marilyn White and Leo and Janet
Culligan. The “Bogeys” Flight winners, was the team of Mike Finnane, Don Sheldon, Bill Scheidhauer and
Jean Ives.
Individual honors went to Andy Zgutowicz for the Longest Drive (Men) and Janet Culligan for the Women.
Andy Zgutowicz also came closest to the pin. Vince Spinosa had the longest putt for Men and Jean Ives won
the Women’s prize. John White hit the straightest drive for Men, while Marilyn White won the Women’s
prize. Jerry Haggerty was once again able to drive his 2014 Chevrolet Impala back to his dealership when no
one sank a Hole in One.
For the first time at our Outing we had three of the tossed balls of the “Rollin-on-the Green” contest ended in
the cup. Splitting the $450.00 half of the pot were Mary Ellen Finnane, Dorothy Vercruysse and Grace
Bellino. Thanks to all our parishioners who participated in this year’s contest.
Following a wonderful steak dinner in the new banquet room at the Village Links, over 87 free door prizes,
donated by local merchants and a special group of prizes donated by the DuPage Woodworkers Club were
awarded. The Super Raffle, which featured prizes worth over $3,000, was the highlight of the evening and
Mary Ellen and Mike Finnane, long time supporters of the Outing, won the top prize of a $500.00 basket of
Gift Cards.
The committee wishes to once again thank our Hole Sponsors and the many merchants and
parishioners, especially Jerry Haggerty Chevrolet, Vanee Foods and BP Wash & Go
(Mark Gil), who contributed generous prizes for the Outing.
Thank you again for the compliments and suggestions we have received form the
attendees, and from the support of all the Golf Committee members. Special
thanks to our volunteers: Lyla Baker, Geri Nowakowski, Aileen Scheidhauer, Alice
Melady and Barb Kohout, without whom the Outing would not be possible.
2014 Family Golf Outing Committee
Jack Baker
Mike Finnane
Steve Gawron
Bob Nowakowski
Don Sartore
Bill Schiedhauer
Tom Shanley
Vince Spinosa
Joe Pokonosky
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 19, 2014 | Page 11
The 2014 Family Golf Outing Committee
wishes to thank all these who
contributed to the success of our event
and ask you to patronize them.
Adelle’s Restaurant
Mark Mackey Agency
Alfie’s Inn
North Side
Sports Bar & Grill
Arrowhead Golf Course
BP (Mark Gil)
Barone’s of Glen Ellyn
Buck Services
Busy Bee Barber Shop
Butterfield’s Pancake House
Cantigny Golf (Mike Nass)
Casey’s Restaurant
Clesle Family
Cray, Kaiser Ltd.
Danby’s Station Café
Don’s Auto Ade
Bud and Bette Dusel
DuPage Woodworkers Club
Einstein Bros
Rollin’ On the Green Winners
For the first time at the Family Golf Outing, 3 of the
275 rolling balls fell in the hole. The lucky winners
are shown below, receiving their winnings from CoChairman Tom Shanley.
Paisley on Main (Sue Cleary)
Bob & Ellen Rehm
Rosati’s Pizza
Schuessler Family
Shannon’s Irish Pub
(Jennifer Shannon)
St. James CCW
St. James School PTO
Smash Burger
Tap House Grill
Trader Joe’s
Vanee Foods
Vercruysse Family
Village Links (Pro Staff)
Vitorio’s Ristorante
Waterleaf Restaurant @COD
Ellyn’s Tap & Grill
Williams Kampp
Funeral Homes
Dan & Carol Wright
Golden Wok
Yogli Mogli
Green Family
Green Branch Florist
(Noel Luchinski)
Heart & Sole Fitness
(Darlene Galgan)
Heineken (Joe Boucher)
Jerry Haggerty Chevrolet
Jon Gabriel Salon
Knights of Columbus
Council 9806
Malloy’s Fine Liquors
Page 12 | October 19, 2014 | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
General Parish Information
Parish Offices:
The Main Parish Offices are located in
the Parish Ministry Center, located in
the far Northeast corner of the Parking
Lot on Park Blvd.
» Office Hours
Monday through Thursday:
9 A.M. - 4 P.M.; Fridays: 9 A.M.-2 P.M.
» Baptism
Parents are required to attend a
Baptismal Preparation Class prior to
their child’s Baptism.Classes are held
on the 2nd Sunday of the month at
10:30 A.M. in St. James Hall 2/3, which
can be accessed from the outside
entrance, Door E. Baptisms are
celebrated at 12:45 P.M. on Sundays—
Pre-registration for both the class and the
Sacrament are required. Please call the
Parish Ministry Center to pre-register
at 630.469.7540.
» Marriage
Arrangements for the Sacrament of
Marriage are to be made at least six
months in advance through an
appointment at the Parish
Ministry Center at 630.469.7540.
Please contact the parish prior to
reserving a space for your wedding
» Sacrament of the Sick
For a homebound person to receive the
Sacraments of the Anointing of the
Sick and/or Reconciliation, please
contact the Ministry Center at
630.469.7540 and inform the secretary
of your request. Father David will then
be notified and will contact you to set
up a time for a visit.
» Hospital Visits
If you should be admitted to any of the
local hospitals and would like a visit
from Father David, please call the
Ministry Center and ask the secretary
to inform him. If the person
hospitalized is unable to call
personally, an immediate family
member may call us. If you are aware
of any upcoming surgery or hospital
stay for yourself and would like to
receive the Sacrament of the Anointing
of the Sick, Father David would be
happy to administer the sacrament
before you are admitted to the hospital.
Please call him at the Ministry Center
at 630.469.7540 or speak to him before
or after Mass.
» Funerals
Arrangements for a funeral at St. James
the Apostle are usually made through
the funeral home you have chosen.
They will contact the Parish Office to
schedule a Funeral Mass. Staff
members will then work with you to
plan the funeral liturgy. If you are
planning a Memorial Mass without
the assistance of a funeral home, please
call the Ministry Center at
(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Persons interested in joining the
Catholic Church and learning more
about our beliefs and way of life, are
invited to please contact Deacon John
at the Parish Ministry Center,
» Religious Education and
Sacramental Formation
Classes are offered for Pre-School (age
3 - Kindergarten) Sun: 9:30 - 10:30 A.M.;
Gr. 1-5—Tues: 4:30 - 6:00 P.M. ; Weds:
4:30 - 6:00 P.M. or 6:30 - 8:00 P.M.
Middle School Gr. 6-7-8 in small
community, home settings Wed. or
Sun. Evenings. The Religious
Education Office is located in the
Education Center, adjacent to the
Main Church entrance on Fawell Blvd.
» LIFE Youth Ministry
The High School Youth Ministry
gathering, the Walk, is held on the 2nd
Sunday of the month from 6 - 8:00 P.M.
and immediately follows LIFE Mass
on the 4th Sunday of the month from 7
- 8:00 P.M. Middle School Service
Sundays are held on the 1st Sunday of
the month, beginning with 11:30 A.M.
Mass, followed by a service
opportunity that qualifies for the
service hours required as part of
preparation for the Sacrament of
Confirmation celebrated in eighth
grade. The Youth Ministry Office is
located in the Parish Ministry Center.
General Information
» Mass Cards
Mass cards are available at the Parish
Ministry Center during regular
business hours. A $10.00 donation is
» Registration
New members of the community are
asked to call the Parish Ministry
Center to register, Monday to
Thursday from 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. or Friday
from 9 A.M. - 12 P.M. Please also
remember to notify the Ministry
Center if you are moving out of the
» Bulletin Articles
Articles must be submitted to the
Parish Ministry Center or
electronically to by
10 A.M. on the Friday which comes 9
days prior to the Sunday Bulletin in
which they are to appear. Please
include your name /number. There may
be a change in deadlines due to holiday
weekends. Please watch the bulletin for
information regarding these times. Staff has
final approval on all bulletin articles.
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 19, 2014 | Page 13
This Week@St. James
Monday, October 20
6:30 P.M. Finance Committee Meeting
Ministry Center DR/K
RE Office
7:00 P.M. RE Board Meeting
7:00 P.M. AE Fall Decorating
Church/CN /SJH 1
Faculty Lounge-Door G
8:00 P.M. AA Recovery Meeting
Tuesday, October 21
11:30 A.M. Young at Heart Seniors
St. James Hall 1/K-Door D
1:30 P.M. School Cantor Rehearsal
4:30 P.M. Catechesis Classes
All Classrooms
St. James Hall 1
4:30 P.M. Safe Touch
6:00 P.M. High School Bible Study
Ministry Center
Ministry Center
7:00 P.M. RCIA
St. James Hall 1-Door D
7:00 P.M. Knights of Columbus
Wednesday, October 22
7:30 A.M. School Cantor Rehearsal
8:00 A.M. Students at Mass
St. James Hall 1
4:30 P.M. Safe Touch
4:30 P.M. Catechesis Classes
All Classrooms
St. James Hall 1
6:30 P.M. Safe Touch
6:30 P.M. Catechesis Classes
All Classrooms
Thursday, October 23
2:15 P.M. Crusader Players Rehearsal
St. James Hall 1
4:15 P.M. Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Church-Door B or C
7:30 P.M. Liturgical Choir Rehearsal
Friday, October 24|Ministry Center Closes at 2 P.M.
8:30 A.M. Picture Day
St. James Hall 123/K
St. James Hall 1/K
2:00 P.M. Setup Pasta Dinner
Saturday, October 25|Diaconate Convocation Weekend
7:30 A.M. Cursillo
Ministry Center
Church-Door B or C
3:30 P.M. Confessions
4:30 P.M. Cantor Warm-Up
Church Narthex
4:30 P.M. Trivia Night Ticket Sales
4:30 P.M. Thanksgiving Meal Sponsorship Church Narthex
6:00 P.M. Knights of Columbus Pasta Dinner St. James Hall 1/K
Sunday, October 26
7:00 A.M. Trivia Night Ticket Sales
Church Narthex
7:00 A.M. Thanksgiving Meal Sponsorship Church Narthex
7:00 A.M. Cantor Warm-Up
9:00 A.M. Liturgical Choir Warm-Up
Preschool RE Rooms
9:30 A.M. Early Childhood Classes
St. James Hall 2/3-Door E
10:00 A.M. Teen Ensemble Rehearsal
11:00 A.M. Cantor Warm-Up
2:00 P.M. Diocesan Youth Rally
6:00 P.M. HSYM: St. Daniel Challenge Night Offsite
Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 18
5:00 P.M.— Joseph Janusek—Rich and Irene Miksanek
Sunday, October 19
7:30 A.M.— Harriet Ives—Ives Family
9:30 A.M.— Dane Menger—Menger Family
11:30 A.M.— For the Parishioners
Monday, October 20
8:00 A.M.— Irene Miksanek—Miksanek Family
Tuesday, October 21
8:00 A.M.— Mary Ann Wallace—St. Vincent de Paul
Stanley Jachec—Cooney Family
Alice Knapp—Don and Doris Rieser
Anna Carroll—Jack and Lyla Baker
Wednesday, October 22
8:00 A.M.— Myra Ewen—West DuPage Cluster
Thursday, October 23
8:00 A.M.— Harriet Ives—Ives Family
Norbert Hund—Marie Hund
Retha Remke—Dan and Mary Kay Blott
Don Straza—Marge Pekel
Friday, October 24
Saturday, October 25
5:00 P.M.— The Parishioners
Sunday, October 26
7:30 A.M.— James Leakakos—Greg & Debra Leakakos Family
9:30 A.M.— Dee Aloisio—Bob and Geri Nowakowski
11:30 A.M.— Cozzi Family—Joan Cozzi
Page 14 | October 19, 2014 | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time