First Christian Church October 2014 Sunday School at 9:30 Worship at 11:00) Disciples of Christ The Net DO JUSTICE, LOVE KINDNESS, WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD. Inside this issue: From Your Elders Friendship 2 Thanks 3 Prayers and Concerns 3 Movie Talk 4 In Sympathy 4 Board Meeting Highlights 4 World Outreach Committee 5 Wednesday Happy 5 Hour Potluck Dedication of “Pete’s Place” 6 Birthdays 6 Hazardous Waste & Electronics Recycling 6 Indian River Fruit Sale for C.U.M. 7 Earth Keepers 8 Christian Education 9 Calendar 10 Ministry Schedule 11 From The Board Sherry Riley Excitement is building as members of First Christian Church anticipate the arrival of Cyd Cowgill as our settled pastor beginning November 3rd. Your Board members are taking the lead in welcoming Cyd and her husband Ben to our fellowship. Her spiritual leadership will mark a new beginning in the life of our congregation, building on the long range planning we were able to undertake with our consultant, Dick Hamm and our interim, Kim Steinhorst’s guidance. As Chair of the Board, I would like to highlight some of the reasons our Search Committee found Cyd an ideal candidate for this church, and your Board was unanimous in recommending her to the congregation. Sue Tatom and Joyce O’Quinn presented to the Board what they had discovered and why they felt Cyd was their candidate of choice. Cyd’s energy and enthusiasm are evident from her very first words. She is brimming with positive, confident, and contagious joy and hope. Cyd has a vision for First Christian Church and a strong desire to become our leader. She knows our Strategic Plan better than we do! She came to our interviews prepared to ask us hard questions as well as answer our inquiry. Cyd was especially interested in our youth. She has participated and provided leadership for young people at Craig Springs for several years. Cyd is a respected leader and facilitator. She is well organized and prepared. She gave thoughtful and satisfying answers to our questions and then asked questions of her own about our individual spiritual formation as well as our experiences in the life of First Christian Church. Cyd has a passion for pastoral care. She intends to cultivate a personal relationship with each member of our congregation. She responded to situational questions with an emphasis on grace and love. Cyd’s references are stellar. The Search Committee spoke to many people who have worked with her in different contexts. They were glowing in their feedback. Several people in our own community had known about or worked with Cyd. They expressed their high regard for her as a person and as a pastor. Cyd grew up in First Christian Church in Winston Salem and was ordained a Disciples of Christ minister on October 2, 1988. Cyd is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She completed her theological training at Vanderbilt Divinity School with a Master of Divinity Degree. I would like to thank the members of the Search Committee – Bob Knodel and Sue Tatom, the Cochairs; Joyce O’Quinn, Bill Crow, Kaitlyn Seekings, Jim Poats, and Mike Walker. Your faithfulness and diligence has come to fruition as we embrace Cyd Cowgill as our settled pastor. Your service to our church has been invaluable. It was a blessing to work with each one of you. Blessings and peace to everyone, Sherry Riley Congregational President and Board Chair First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 From Your Elders Julia Timmons Friendship A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure. There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend, and no scales can measure his excellence. A faithful friend is an elixir of life; and those who fear the Lord will find him. Whoever fears the Lord directs his friendship aright, for as he is, so is his neighbor also. I have been reflecting over the last months about friendship. The verse from the Book of Sirach in the Apocrypha, Chapter 6:14-17 happens to be my favorite Bible verse. I was first exposed to these abandoned books in college religion classes. Later this verse was one used as a devotion during Yokefellow fellowship group for Lynchburg College students, led by Jan Linn, former LC Chaplain. What is a friend? …someone who is always there, no matter the time, the distance, the span between conversations. …someone who listens and hears …someone you trust, with whom you can share the deepest truth of your heart …someone who is forgiving, who does not judge …someone who sees your strengths, gifts and talents and helps you grow in them …someone with whom you can truly be who you are, without fear …someone who doesn’t mind your faults, your dirty laundry, your weakness …someone who stands with you while others fade away …someone who can agree to disagree and never holds grudges …someone who accepts a person as they are, without conditions I am reminded daily how essential friendship is to each of us. I am also reminded daily in my work with students with disabilities at Lynchburg College, we never know the burden others may be bearing silently. Sometimes when I encounter an individual who is particularly annoying, needy, mean, negative, or whinny I ask myself, “What path have they walked which led them to this place? What life experiences have they faced? What heavy rocks are in the backpack they carry every moment, everywhere they travel which color their view of life? How can I lighten the weight, ease the burden?” My faith calls me to walk in their shoes, “judge not lest ye be judged,” and offer “sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” Who will you meet today who covets your friendship? Food Drive in October Phil Stump First Christian Church conducts food drives in May and October for the Rivermont Area Emergency Food Pantry (and in August for the Churches for Urban Ministry Food Pantry.) Thank you for your generous donations in May and August. Although the Rivermont Food Pantry is currently operating in the black, over the summer the disbursements outnumbered the income by almost three to one. So please consider bringing a non-perishable food donation this October and place it in the box in the narthex. Also please consider donating $17 to provide a starter-bag (each order the pantry fills contains at least one bag of food—the starter bag—and more bags for larger families.) The need is very great—thanks for your help! Please make your check payable to FCC and in the memo line write Rivermont Area Food Pantry. First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 We Hold These Sisters and Brothers in God’s Tender Mercies: Mattie Bergener (Cynthia Ramsey’s aunt) Donna Bohlcke The Family of Emma Davis (Charlotte Land’s sister-in-law) Dianne Hall James (Jim) F. Hatcher (Oeida Hatcher’s father) Jay Lindsey Hazel & Joel Mason (Georgia Delbridge’s parents) Herb Moore The Family of The Reverend Paul Parker (The Reverend Linda Parker’s brother) Sally Southall David Timmons Angela Zigler (Chris Badgett’s mother) Youth/Children’s Ministries Homebound Members: Betty Arington Roxy Barksdale Mary Bea Cline Frank Erwin Elfriede Hasse Peggy Hobbs Chery Scruggs Jeff Wilson If you are going into surgery, are ill, or plan to be hospitalized, please let us know. We will remove people from the prayer list after three weeks. If you would like to leave your loved one on the prayer list, please let the office know. Announcements Ward Green has taken on a new job in Washington, D.C. He is working for a company that is in contracts with the FAA. It's quite a change from living in Lynchburg all of his life. His office is right next to "the Mall" and this is a frequent place for his lunch break. It's bitter sweet since he's left the nest, but then again we are so happy for him in this new adventure in his life. Please pray that this new transition will continue to be a wonderful time for him. Thanks Dear Members of the Congregation, Food to eat. A safe and warm place to live. Family stability. These are but a few examples of what First Christian Church’s recent gift of $400 means to clients of Virginia Legal Aid Society. On Behalf of the Board Directors, the staff, and the clients to whom they are so dedicated, thank you for your contribution. Your thoughtfulness will make it possible for low-income families, elderly people, and those with disabilities to have their voices heard and their basic human needs met. In fiscal year 2013-2014, VLAS closed 3,426 civil cases, helping 7,838 people in Central, Southside, and Western Tidewater Virginia. I appreciate your commitment to fairness and equality for all people, including the poorest residents in our area. Your gift this year is especially welcome. For poor people the recession continues in full force and every gift helps us meet the increased need for our services. Sincerely, David B. Neumeyer Executive Director, Virginia Legal Aid Society The family of Elizabeth Hamner Dillard Ogden Is grateful to God for her life, For your friendship, And for your Kindness and prayers. First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 Board Meeting Highlights Sherry Riley The Stewardship Campaign planning is underway . The campaign will start October 26, budget requests are coming in from committees and departments so we know what the final budget will look like. The Property Committee will have some significant expenses because some of the older air handlers will need to be replaced in the near future. The Outreach Committee has invited Sharon Stanley Rea to speak on Understanding Children in Crisis and Immigration Issues on October 26. On November 12 there will be information on Disaster and Readiness Training and the speaker will be William Perrow from the City of Lynchburg. The Worship Committee has scheduled the pastor on call and elder on call during the time before Cyd arrives. Lisa Schafer will have a copy of the names in the office. The Evangelism Committee will have the member quilt moved from the narthex to the fellowship hall and will also move some furniture, thus making room and creating an area more inviting to visitors. The Elders discussed the Faith Leaders Class and identifying future faith leaders. The Elders Retreat will be on November 11. Thirty members of First Christian Church attended Roanoke’s Pride in the Park. The Board approved a letter to Westside Christian Church expressing our gratitude for Cyd, acknowledging their loss, and sending our blessings in their search process. Movie Talk Nita Floe Hempfling The Movie Talk group will meet at 7:00 p.m. on October 27, in the parlor (hosted by Jeff and Debbie Wilder). After the death of Robin Williams, the group decided to discuss one of his old movies, "Patch Adams", This is a true story about Hunter "Patch" Adams who, after spending some time in a mental institution, decides to become a doctor. He uses humor to help treat his patients. The movie is available on Netflix, but is too old for Redbox. If you would like to see the movie but do not have access to Netflix, please contact Nita Floe Hempfling, 239-8118. In Christian Sympathy Condolences To the families of The Reverend Dr. Bennett Gerardy (Son-in-Law of Marilyn Taylor) July 17, 2014 Elizabeth Hamner Dillard Ogden (Mother of Jean Ingram) August 29, 2014 Emma Davis (Sister-in-Law of Charlotte Land) September 14, 2014 First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 World Outreach Committee Lou Gregory, Chair Faith in Action/ Central American Children in Crisis According to information sent to World Outreach and Social Justice Committee from Refugee and Immigration Ministries’ Director, Dr. Sharon Stanley Rae; thirty-seven thousand children arrived in this country between January and July 2014 primarily from three countries hardest hit by drug related violence: Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Fifteen percent of these children were placed in Virginia, Maryland and DC. Children are arriving still with refugee-like stories, having escaped conditions of extraordinary violence and extortion by gangs and drug lords. They are fleeing “join or die” gang recruitment, human trafficking, sexual violence, daily extortion, violence by drug cartels, social cleansing by abusive police forces, and horrible poverty. Often the regional governments are not able or likely unwilling to protect their citizens or bring perpetrators to justice compelling families to relocate to other cities and countries to escape. Parents have been forced to make agonizing decisions to send their children away to seek safety in light of the very real threat to their children’s lives. Director of Refugee and Immigration Ministries of The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as our pulpit guest on October 26 at First Christian Church Lynchburg. Not only will she be our guest speaker at the 11:00 am service, she will stay to have lunch and lead us in a discussion of the crisis at our borders and how we might choose to respond. We feel very lucky to have Dr. Stanley-Rae, as our pulpit guest and invite you to join us on the 26th of October for lunch and a lively discussion afterward. Dr. Stanley-Rae is a dynamic speaker and great discussion leader so put this date on your calendar: Sunday, OCT. 26th for worship, lunch and discussion. For questions contact Lou Gregory chair World Outreach and Social Justice or 434The World Outreach and Social Justice Committee 229- 5571. has invited The Reverend Dr. Sharon Stanley Rae, Wednesday Happy Hour Pot Luck Supper Jeff Wilder Wednesday Happy Hour Pot Luck Suppers are back once again. Come and join your church family for some good food and great fellowship, not to mention stimulating conversation! We’ve picked out some fun (and some challenging) themes this year—see below. Just prepare a dish to share and come enjoy the fun. If you have questions or need more information, just call Jeff Wilder or the church office. See you on Wednesday! October 1 – Movie Food October 8 – Breakfast Food October 15 – Minister's Favorite Food October 22 – Pie October 29 – Something That Starts With the First Letter of Your Last Name November 5 – Vegetarian November 12 – Comfort Food November 19 – Literary Food November 26 – No Happy Hour :( December 3 – Holiday Colors December 10 – Favorite Childhood Food December 17 – Finger Food December 24 – No Happy Hour :( December 31 – No Happy Hour :( January 7 – New Recipe January 14 – Chili January 21 – Italian January 28 – Take Out Night February 4 – Soup February 11 – Romantic Food February 18 – Picnic Food February 25 – Heritage Meal March 4 – Which Came First? (Must have chicken or egg in it) March 11 – German March 18 – Irish March 25 – Grandma's Recipe April 1 – Bar-B-Que April 8 – Easter Food April 15 – Mediterranean April 22 – Family Favorite April 29 – Facebook Recipe May 6 – Mexican May 13 – Favorite Church Salad May 20 – Mom's Favorite May 27 – From the Barnyard June 3 – Restaurant Copy Cat June 10 – Stuff It June 17 – Dad's Favorite June 24 – Budget Stretcher First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 Dedication of “Pete’s Place” President Kenneth R. Garren, and Mrs. Sheila J. Garren cordially invite you and a guest to join them, and the family of Dr. D.L. “Pete” Warren ’12 DHL at the Dedication Celebration of the “Pete’s Place” Club & Organization Room Drysdale Student Center A Place for Leadership, Service, Diversity, Wellness Lynchburg College, 1501 Lakeside Drive, Lynchburg, Va. Saturday, October 25, 2014 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. The College is pleased to recognize Mrs. Rebecca Burnette DuFour '82, LC Trustee, and Dr. Richard P. DuFour, Dr. Rosel H. Schewel '71 MEd, '83 EdS, '00 DEd, LC Trustee, and Sen. Elliot S. Schewel '00 DHL, who made the original challenge grant for the Pete’s Place Challenge RSVP by October 20 800-621-1669 or 434-544-8665 Birthdays—A Time to Celebrate! 10/4 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/13 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/21 Joseph Southall Donna Storm Charlie Grainger Will Poats Leslie Phillips Chris Wilson Sally Southall Catherine Driskill Maggie Kicklighter Emily Sitzler Matthew Tatom Bill Cloyd Mike Campbell 10/22 10/24 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/30 10/31 Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Dianne Hall Julia Timmons Sandy Knodel Scott Baker Caroline Crow Andy Tatom William Schneider Herb Moore Austin Tatom Patsy Warren Steve Southall Terri Barron Bryan Rice Vera Brandt Once again, the Earth Keepers at First Christian Church invite you to bring the following items (which should NEVER be placed in your normal trash collection) to the church anytime from October 5—October 10. They will be taken to the city collection site very early on the morning of October 11. You may leave the items on the lower level behind the Health Information Table. Please DO NOT bring any items before October 5, as we have very limited storage space. Items accepted for recycling: Acids/Bases Aerosols Antifreeze Auto Starter Batteries Brake Fluids Cleaners Corrosives Drain Openers Flammables Furniture Herbicides Kerosene Lighter Fluids Oil Base Paint Oven Cleaner Oxidizers Pesticides Photo Chemicals Poisons Polishes Pool Chemicals Solvents Strippers Thinners Used Motor Oil Weed Killers Wood Preservatives Fluorescent Light bulbs CD's Circuit boards Electronic components Computer accessories Computer monitors Computer Printers Scanners Plotters Computer systems (CPU units) External Disk and Hard Disk Drives Laptop and Notebook Computers Network Hubs Modems and Routers Televisions (console, projection-screen, plasma, LCD) Toner Cartridges (ink and laser jet) First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 Churches for Urban Ministry Annual Fruit Sale FLORIDA INDIAN RIVER GROVES Orders end Sunday, Nov. 2 Fruit delivery by Thursday, Dec. 11 Proceeds from this sale help support ministries of Churches for Urban ministry, which include Camp Timothy, the Food Pantry, a male mentoring program, and II Timothy (a tutoring program), and other projects that help provide emotional, spiritual, and physical programs for children. Your help is greatly appreciated. Name:___________________________________________ Phone Number:_________________________ Cell Number:______________________ Number of Boxes Total Money 10 lb navel oranges ____________________ @ 19.00 ____________________ 20 lb navel oranges ____________________ @ 27.00 ____________________ 10 lb red grapefruit ____________________ @ 19.00 ____________________ 20 lb red grapefruit ____________________ @ 27.00 ____________________ 10 lb mixed fruit ____________________ @ 19.00 ____________________ 20 lb mixed fruit ____________________ @ 27.00 ____________________ 10 lb tangelos ____________________ @ 19.00 ____________________ 20 lb tangelos ____________________ @ 27.00 ____________________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ____________________ Make check payable to: C.U.M or Churches for Urban Ministry Mail to: First Christian Church, 3109 Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24503 Or turn your order into: Sherry Riley, Phil Stump, or you may leave at the church office ALL ORDERS MUST BE PRE-PAID. Churches For Urban Ministry Annual Fruit Sale First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 Earth Keepers In October 2013 I was diagnosed with Psoriasis. Progressively it became worse and worse. Summer and sun are supposed to help psoriasis – for most people exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun makes this condition better. Mine is apparently photosensitive, and I became much worse in the summer heat. In the meantime, in January I was diagnosed as prediabetic. WHAT? There is no diabetes in my family!! Time for some introspection and some serious consideration about the way I was taking care of my body. My diet was horrible – lots of sweets, breads, packaged foods, soda…. My weight was the highest it had been in my life – EVEN higher than during pregnancy. Mari Normyle was the Dean of the department I work in at Lynchburg College, and as part of her leaving to explore new horizons, she placed a large number of books on a table in our workroom “for grabs.” One which caught my eye was Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. What an eye opener. Barbara’s family moved from Arizona to western Virginia to a family farm. They pledged initially to reduce their carbon footprint by eating everything local and growing as much as they could on their land. The abundance of food variety in our grocery stores is a direct result of shipping foods from all over the world. The environmental cost in fuel burned is devastating. Additionally, most of the fresh produce is genetically modified artificially. Several major companies control upwards of 90% of all the seed production in the world. Heirloom crops, native to various areas of the world are disappearing. Packaged convenience foods carry heavy loads of chemicals, sugars and unnatural ingredients. As winter eased into spring and summer, I resolved to make some serious changes in my diet. Gardening, organically, was first on the list. I attended a class at Lynchburg College on Sustainable Gardening. I purchased seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Company. Our neighbor graciously gave us access to a large field behind his home to set up shop. David built Julia Timmons Fort Knox – woven wire fence with three rounds of electric above and one round at the base, powered by a solar charger. Groundhogs and deer drooled all summer! Soil was tested and dolomite was added. We found horse manure on Craigslist – really clean and fresh. Another neighbor loaned us his heavy duty tiller to break ground and rid the area of crabgrass and ground ivy, mixing in the manure, my compost and the dolomite. We dug out Grampy Jonas’ old manual garden tiller, with which I made the rows and did the fine tilling. Seeds were sown, watered and nurtured. The harvest, though late, has been bountiful. I broke out the pressure canners and supplies. I picked, snapped, simmered, chopped, peeled, sweated, and preserved. As I worked, I reflected on my gardening heritage. One of my pressure canners was my grandmother’s. What did she grow? How hot was it in the kitchen as she processed and canned? How in the world did she control the canner pressure with her old stove? Dad, sitting under the big crab apple tree, sipping coffee between weeding and mulching, 100 degrees out! Sitting on the big screened porch at the family farm in Bedford County, snapping beans, shucking corn and shelling butter beans (which I did not eat)! My cupboard is full to overflowing – canned green beans, tomatoes, pickles, tomato sauce, salsa, relish, pasta sauce, pizza sauce, beets; frozen corn, squash, pumpkin, and herbs; sweet potatoes and butternut in cold storage. I am exhausted, but thrilled. In my own little way, I am making a difference, both in my own life and health, and in my responsibility to take care of the earth. Organic gardening isn’t easy, but is deeply rewarding. I compost, use heritage seed and seed save, nourish rather than deplete my land, offer healthy food for the bees so important to our survival, save water. There is a deep fulfilling joy in sustaining the earth, smelling the fresh crops, wiggling my toes in the compost, falling into bed exhausted and satisfied. As I pop the first jar lid open this fall, appreciate the first spaghetti sauce and my health improves, I am thankful in my small little plot of land I can also be a good steward of God’s gift of the earth… “Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” Genesis 1:29 First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 Christian Education News Margaret Dunifon TRUNK OR TREAT and HAUNTED HOUSE Plans are being made for this annual fun event. Stay tuned for details! WANT TO BE AN ACOLYTE? Fourth through twelfth graders are invited to serve as acolytes for the worship services. If you are interested, please see Margaret Dunifon. CHECK IT OUT! The library has a large selection of devotional, meditation, and prayer books. If you are looking for something for personal reflection/prayer time or in a group setting, come see what there is. And check out anything you would like! SUNDAY SCHOOL Adults Four classes are available for adults. Who Are the Disciples of Christ? Want to know more about our denomination and what being a Disciple of Christ is all about? This class continues through October 19. You need not have attended other sessions to come. Meets in the Hugh Toler Room. Spirituality. Sherry Riley will continue leadership of a group studying In the Sanctuary of Women by Jan Richardson. Drawing from the often hidden wellsprings of women’s wisdom in Jewish and Christian traditions, In the Sanctuary of Women gathers together six women from scripture and history whose lives invite us to move more deeply into our own. A copy of the book is in the library and may be checked out for use in class. Meets in Room 22. Bible Study. This study of the book of Mark is led by Jeff Wilder. Discussion is always lively here! Meets in parlor. Book Study. Beth Packert and Rich Burke lead this class, which studies a wide variety of books. The book for fall is Joseph Dan's Kabbalah: A Very Short Introduction. New members are always invited to join this study. Meets in Room 21. Youth (Middle and High School) A new curriculum is being used with youth. It is called re:form and is described as God-caffeine for youth ministry. Each lesson features a hilarious animated short film that frames a theological question that youth might really ask. An Anti-Workbook with individual and group activities aids the discussion that follows. Topics for October are— October 5—Is the Bible true? October 12—Why does the Bible contradict itself at times? October 19—Is the New Testament more important than the Old Testament? October 26—Why are there so many versions of the Bible? Children (ages 4 through 4th grade) Children will continue to learn through the rotation model, which teaches one Bible story a month, approaching it a different way each Sunday. The story for October is the wedding at Cana. Activities are-October 5—Telling the story with stick puppets October 12—Looking at various art depictions of the story, then making our own October 19—Games and crafts October 26—We will have a Jewish wedding, complete with chuppah and horah Toddlers Wee Believe, a curriculum written and designed for preschoolers, is now being used during the Sunday school hour. It nurtures the development of faith through age-appropriate Bible stories with the following learning goals— To know that God loves the child. To know that God loves all of us. To experience the church as a safe, loving place. To hear stories from the Bible. To recognize key Bible persons by name. YOUTH GROUP This group for middle- and high-schoolers meets on Sundays immediately after worship. Lunch is shared together, followed by discussion, study, games, sharing time, and worship. First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 5 Sunday 9:30 am Sunday School 10:15 am Choir Practice 10:30 am Fellowship Time 11:00 am Worship 12:15 pm Youth Group 12 6 Monday 4:45 pm Phil. Of Yoga Study 6:00 pm GS Meeting 13 7 Thursday Friday 5:50 am Early AM Study 11:00 am Bible Study 5:00—10:00 pm RC to use Parking Lot Wednesday 9:30 am La Leche League 1:00 pm Beginners Yoga n Voters 7:00 pm Passages 10 3 Centering Prayer WMSG Mental Health Support Happy Hour Potluck 9 2 8:00 am 9:30 am 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 9:30 am La Leche League 5:50 am Early AM Study 1:00 pm Beginners Yoga 11:00 am Bible Study 3:00 pm League of Women Voters 7:00 pm Elders Meeting 7:00 pm Passages 8 Centering Prayer WMSG RR Garden Club Outreach Committee Happy Hour Potluck 5:50 am Early AM Study 11:00 am Bible Study 17 9:30 am La Leche League 1:00 pm Beginners Yoga 7:00 pm Mother to Mother (post partum support grp.) 7:00 pm Passages 5:50 am Early AM Study 11:00 am Bible Study 15 8:00 am Centering Prayer 9:30 am WMSG 5:30 pm Mental Health Support Group 6:00 pm Happy Hour Potluck 9:30 am La Leche League 1:00 pm Beginners Yoga 3:30 pm Mom & Baby Yoga 7:00 pm Passages 31 24 30 29 23 8:00 am Centering Prayer 9:30 am WMSG 6:00 pm Happy Hour Potluck 9:30 am La Leche League 1:00 pm Beginners Yoga 7:00 pm NO Passages 22 8:00 am Centering Prayer 9:30 am WMSG 6:00 pm Happy Hour Potluck 16 8:00 am 9:30 am 2:00 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 1 October 2014 Tuesday 9:30 am Mom & Baby Yoga 6:00 pm Daisy GS 6:00 pm Stewardship Comm. 14 28 9:30 am Mom & Baby Yoga 21 4:45 pm Phil. Of Yoga Study 9:30 am Mom & Baby Yoga 5:00 pm Gateway 10:30 am Grainger (Trents Ferry/Peakland Parish) Montgomery Circle 7:00 pm Movie Talk 7:00 pm Prayer Shawl group 6:00 pm GS Meeting . 20 9:30 am Sunday School 10:15 am Choir Practice 10:30 am Fellowship Time 11:00 am Worship 12:15 pm Youth Group 3:00 pm Reception (Hawa) 5:00 pm Cabinet Meeting 6:00 pm Board Meeting 19 4:45 pm Phil. Of Yoga Stud 6:00 pm GS Meeting 27 4:45 pm Phil. Of Yoga Stud 6:00 pm GS Meeting 9:30 am Mom & Baby Yoga 6:00 pm Daisy GS 9:30 am Sunday School 10:15 am Choir Practice 10:30 am Fellowship Time 11:00 am Worship 12:15 pm Youth Group 26 9:30 am Sunday School 10:15 am Choir Practice 10:30 am Fellowship Time 11:00 am Worship 12:15 pm Youth Group For your convenience, this calendar is kept up to date online. To view, please go to and click “Good News” then click “ Calendar”. 4 Saturday 11 Electronics and Hazardous Waste Recycling 18 25 First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 SUNDAY OCTOBER 5 OCTOBER 12 OCTOBER 19 OCTOBER 26 PULPIT GUEST The Reverend Nathan Brooks The Reverend David Gellert The Reverend David Gellert The Reverend Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rae Diaconate Linda Edlin 384-6872 Anne Boynton OPEN & CLOSE Jim Poats Steve Gatzke Mark Storm Steve Wilson GREETERS Vera Brandt Elaine Casey Janet McBride Marion Stump Phil Stump Scott Baker Jen Riddel Jim Norwood Sherry Riley Noel Owens, Debbie Wilder Janet McBride CHILDREN’S SERMON Joyce O’Quinn Sandy Knodel Debbie Wilder Lynn McBride WORSHIP LEADER Mike Walker Klawa Thresher Bob Knodel Lou Gregory NURSERY WORKER Maz Selby Elaine Casey Bryan Cox Gerald Edlin Morgan Holt Bryan Rice Kaitlyn Seekings Gateway Trents Ferry / Peakland Parish Niro Rasanayagan The Reverend Cyd Cowgill, Minister (To begin on November 9) Dr. Oeida Hatcher, Director of Music Dr. Cynthia Ramsey, Organist Lisa Schafer, Administrative Assistant The Newsletter is published monthly. All content © 2014 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) 3109 Rivermont Avenue Lynchburg VA 24503 (434) 384-8626 Fax (434) 384-2861 Church Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00 am—1:00 pm Email: Website: Follow fcclynchburg on twitter, facebook, YouTube and Zenfolio NEWSLETTER INFO DEADLINE: All articles for the newsletter are due no later than 8:00 am Next Info Deadline: Monday, October 27, 2014. All articles submitted for publication are subject to available space and may be edited for grammar and content. Susan Allen Linda Edlin (Susan Allen) Music at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church The public is invited to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church for the following events: Sunday, November 2 at 4:00 pm : Concert by the Wren Master Early music quartet from the College of William & Mary playing on period instruments. This concert is supported by a grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. Friday, November 7 at 7:30 pm: Opera on the James Showcase Young visiting artists performing beloved opera selections and musical surprises! First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) 3109 Rivermont Avenue Lynchburg VA 24503-1399 Return Service Requested First Christian Church Statement of Calling Essential Affirmations Find us Online: First Christian Church, Lynchburg, is a congregation which is seeking to grow in the faith, knowledge, and love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ. We are open and affirming in welcoming all who desire to join us on their journey. We believe in God, creator and sustainer of all, who has been revealed in Jesus Christ; that God loves all unconditionally without regard to race, gender, age, ethnicity, cultural or religious background, economic status, mental or physical ability, sexual orientation, family configuration, or other distinctions, and we are called to welcome as God welcomes; and that we are called to ministry as “a priesthood of all believers” and are endowed with gifts for that ministry. /FirstChristianDOCLYH First-Christian-ChurchDisciples-of-Christ-ofLynchburg-VA/53324158287 Through worship, education, fellowship, nurture, and service in the community and wider church, we strive to “become a dwelling place for God” (Eph. 2.22), encouraging each other in discipleship and in discovering and using our gifts by which the Holy Spirit brings wholeness and healing to all the world. First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
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