The Net - First Christian Church

February 2015
First Christian Church
Disciples of Christ
Sunday School at 9:30
Worship at 11:00
The Net
Minister’s Thoughts
Inside this issue:
From the Board
Wednesday Happy
Hour Potluck
Welcome to FCC
Cares and
From Your Elders
Pancake Supper
and Talent Show
Movie Talk
Acknowledgements 6
Outreach—Week of
Ministry Schedule
Ukrainian Easter
Egg Workshop
The Reverend Cyd Cowgill
How can springtime, with all its beauty, be the backdrop
for such a dark season spiritually?
The question, of course, is a reference to Lent, the fortyday season of spiritual preparation for Easter. Lent is
dark because it focuses on death: death of the self as it
relates to the death of Jesus. Lent is a time of intense
introspection and self-examination. We are asked to
streamline and cut back and, hopefully, choose a
“discipline,” a practice that we will do regularly during
this 40-day period in order to keep us focused on God.
Lent seems so reductive, like everything is narrowing. If
you squint your eyes well enough and long enough, the
world seems to simply go dark.
Lent is certainly all of that AND it’s a whole lot more. Lent has been properly referred
to as a “clearing season,” a time of clearing away, sweeping away, the dusty layers
and detritus that keep us from seeing ourselves clearly. It sounds like spring cleaning,
doesn’t it? Doing some deep-cleaning that will reveal our true natures, the part of us
that really is related to God, that really does appreciate and understand what matters
in life. For me, the lengthening days, the warmer temperatures (eventually) and the
chirping birds all serve to encourage me in that direction. I believe that God wants us
to experience a spiritual springtime. Lent teaches us that the route to that springtime
lies in handling, as honestly as we can, some darkness.
Lent at First Christian Church is going to be a time of sweeping and clearing. Through
this year’s lectionary gospel texts, a combination of Mark and John, we’re going to
watch Jesus clear out some old assumptions about our relationship to God and who
matters to God. We will see Jesus overturn problematic thinking, the kind of thinking
that simply gets in the way of Kingdom values . . values like love, forgiveness and
compassion. We will courageously allow Jesus to hold a mirror before us that won’t
just reveal the warts and the enlarged pores, but will show us the unique, precious
persons we are, called to a life of fruitful discipleship, called to fulfillment in Christ.
That prospect is giving me spring fever already! See related articles in this newsletter
regarding Lenten activities at church, including worship and study. These activities
are for you. We offer them to help you engage in your own time of spiritual clearing.
As you contemplate Lent, don’t be afraid of the darkness to which this season calls us.
God is with us, God whose promise to us is an empty tomb at Easter. That is the real
gift of springtime!
Blessings, First Christian!
Sweeping away the dust with you,
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
From the Board
Greetings First Christian Church,
First Christian Church is such a great place to be,
and I am blessed to be the president of this
congregation, as well as a member. We, as a
community of faith, work together when we have
situations that need to be reevaluated. We, as
church leaders, are comfortable listening to the
congregational concerns, considering these concerns
as valid, and reexamining decisions that need more
attention. This is what the Board recently did in
response to concerns about the budget and the cuts
to Outreach. There were many in the congregation
that did not want cuts to Outreach, so we, as a
board, decided not to submit the budget to the
congregation for a vote. The Congregational voting
meeting turned into a Congregational information
session, led by Andy Tatom our chair-elect. The
budget and the information regarding our decisions
were given to the congregation for discussion. We
will be resubmitting the budget to the Stewardship
Committee for reconsideration within the next
several weeks. As a part of that discussion,
department chairs are looking into what can be
trimmed from their current budgets
so that
reductions to the Outreach Budget can be
With the installation of Cyd, our new minister,
and envisioning plans for the future, First Christian
Church is a good place for one to belong. We, as
leaders, have been collaborating with Cyd to
continue strengthening that relationship.
Miranda Cook (chair of the Elders), and I have met
for the second time for discussion, getting to know
each other, and keeping the leadership connections
strong. The Pastoral Relations Committee has met
with Cyd twice and communication between them is
ongoing. The leadership of First Christian Church
Sherry Riley
has been in a continual learning process. Andy
Tatom has been an essential part of that process as
chair-elect. You, as the congregation, are also a
part of the leadership chain that continues as we
include you in the process.
The budget is a concern for us. We do have areas
that need more funding and my request to you is
that you prayerfully consider looking at your pledge
and decide if you can increase your giving. Our
church is not one to be wasteful and we carefully
consider how we use these gifts. I have heard it said
that the money we give to our church reflects the
faith we have in God. Let your faith be abundant
and overflowing.
God is good, and our church has turned a page as
we continue to grow, welcoming new members, and
facing the future together with expectation, joy,
and continued excitement of where we are going as
a church. If you think about it, our church is like a
plant and as we grow we need more things like
bigger pots, more fertilizer, and more water. We
are a growing church and in order to grow we need
more resources. The future brings more
opportunities for growth and that will mean other
needs in the future. I feel that we have the
potential to do some amazing things. Our aim is to
flourish and be the living body of Christ on
Rivermont Avenue.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your
congregational President and Board Chair.
I appreciate everyone's effort in making First
Christian Church a place where God's love can be
Blessings and Peace to you all,
Sherry Riley
Congregational President
Happy Hour Potluck Suppers
We hope that you will join us for our Wednesday Happy Hour Pot Luck Suppers this month! We always
have such a good time sharing food and fellowship with our church family. Come, bring a friend, and bring
a themed dish to share. We’ll see you on Wednesday at 6:00 pm!
Themes for January
February 4 Soup
February 11 Romantic Food
February 18 More information coming . . .
February 25 . . . concerning Happy Hour during Lent
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
We Hold These Sisters and Brothers in God’s Tender Mercies:
Teresa Angell
Pat Baker (Carrie Dodge’s mother)
Mattie Bergener (Cynthia Ramsey’s aunt)
Jerry Buckner (friend of Jen Riddel)
Linda Cox
Melba Crank
Nell Glover (friend of Betty Brickhouse)
Ann Hallum (friend of Marion & Phil Stump)
Leesa Hudson
Herb Moore
Jeff Riddel (Jen Riddel’s brother)
Beckey Rosser (Julia Timmons’ mother)
Angela Zigler (Chris Badgett’s
Youth/Children’s Ministries
Homebound Members:
Betty Arington
Roxy Barksdale
Mary Bea Cline
Frank Erwin
Elfriede Hasse
Peggy Hobbs
Chery Scruggs
Jeff Wilson
If you are going into surgery, are ill, or plan to be hospitalized, please let us know.
We will remove people from the prayer list after three weeks.
If you would like to leave your loved one on the prayer list, please let the office know.
Welcome to First Christian Church
We Welcome into our Congregation:
Cliff, Ashley, and their son, Will Johnston. They moved from
Michigan to Lynchburg in early August. Clifford works for Cooper
Hotel Services in Memphis Tennessee as a Regional Director of
Revenue Management. Ashley was born and raised in Lynchburg
and grew up here at FCC, and is the daughter of Linda and Gerald
Edlin. She is a part time teacher in the Lynchburg school system.
They are all very happy to be a part of the Lynchburg community
and members of First Christian Church. Please update your
current directory to include the following:
JOHNSTON, Cliff and Ashley
1515 Arrow Street, Lynchburg, VA 24503
Ashley’s email: (Cell)( 434) 258-6148
Cliff’s email: (Cell)( 434) 258-6145
Nicholle (Nicki) Baugher. Nicki is originally from Fairfax county in Northern Virginia and moved to
Lynchburg in 1997. She attended Sweet Briar College, then moved to Fredericksburg, where most of her
family now resides. It took 13 long years, but being back in Lynchburg feels as much like home as it always
has. Nicki has officially been in the Lynchburg area since September, 2014. She is employed by Genworth
and has been attending FCC with her girlfriend, Melissa Meyers. Now, after four months of love and
hospitality, Nicki knew it was also time to call FCC home.
When free time exists, Nicki loves any type of live entertainment—from concerts to plays or stage
performances. As a former Music Major, the Arts are still a strong love in her life. She is very happy
participating in game night with Melissa and friends, and hopes to find some free time to become a more
active member of the Lynchburg Community, especially through outreach and activities at FCC. Please
update your current directory to include the following:
BAUGHER, Nicholle (Nicki)
913 Rockbridge Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24501 (434) 616-6758 (Cell) (540) 257-3777
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
From Your Elders
Elaine Casey
In January, we installed Cyd Cowgill as
our new senior minister. This was the
culmination of a long and arduous
journey for First Christian Church. It
took the Search Committee months of
hard work to find Cyd. At that point,
we could think, "Finally, we have a
minister so we can now rest and move forward."
My thought is that we need to rejoice in our
success, take a deep breath, and get ready to work
harder than we worked while searching for Cyd. We
have a wonderful new leader who is going to work
with us to grow. But we need to support her and
help her. We want our church to grow and flourish
but Cyd cannot do this alone. She is only one
We are facing many challenges over the next year
as we try to continue the work we want to do as a
church and fulfill our vision for the future. We need
to be able to help where we can, and
put our talents to use. We can all pray.
That is something you can do, no matter
of your age or health. We can give---give of our time and our resources. It is
disheartening sometimes to think that
we have to think of money, but if the
church is to carry out our work, we are going to
need the finances to do so.
One of the things I like about FCC is the outreach
and the support of the community and the world we
live in. We are always looking for ways to help
those less fortunate.
The Board and the Elders stand ready to help you
find your place to help us. A lot of hands are
needed to move us forward. To paraphrase an old
adage: "It takes a congregation to grow a church."
Let's all join together to grow FCC!!
Pancake Supper and Talent Show
Debbie Wilder
Needed: Talented (and not so talented) people for our Shrove (as opposed to
Strobe—note posters) Tuesday Talent Show.
Can you dance? Sing? Play an
instrument? Do a reading? We are also showcasing non-performance talents such
as knitting, painting, photography, crafts, etc. So please, contact Debbie Wilder
at 386-1613 to say “YES! I will share my talent
with the congregation.”
The Talent Show will be held on Tuesday,
February 17 following the Pancake Supper (see below). Come to see just
how talented the person sitting in the pew beside you really is!!
The Friday morning study group needs your help!
We are preparing for the February 17th Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner and need several flat electric
griddles to use in cooking the pancakes. So if you have one you can loan us, please leave it in the kitchen
off of the fellowship hall. Be sure to mark your name on the griddle and extension cord.
Also, we can use some extra help either in cooking, setting up and especially cleaning up after the talent
Finally, PLAN ON ATTENDING!! Here is your chance to be a part of a fun evening and to volunteer in
some capacity!
Our Congratulations to:
James Branchford Doss, III, Grandson of Dorothy P. Watkins. Mr. Doss was admitted to the Maryland Bar
on December 16, 2014 in a ceremony held at the Court of Appeals of Maryland in Annapolis. Jim is a recent graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law and is employed in the Legal Department at
ASRC Federal, an Alaskan Native Corporation.
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
Movie Talk
Nita Floe Hempfling
Movie Talk will meet on Feb. 16, at the home of Vera Brandt, 311 Legacy Oaks
Circle, to discuss the movie "The Birdcage". This is a comedy that will have
everyone laughing. The movie is available on Netflix. Watch it on your own,
then join your friends to eat popcorn and laugh some more as we discuss the
For more information, please contact Nita Floe Hempfling, 239-8118.
Birthdays—A Time to Celebrate!
George Riley
Miranda Cook
Melissa Meyers
Debbie Wilder
Alma Hundley
Pat Moore
Dorothy Watkins
Mary Ann Lippincott
Ken Burger
Wyatt Poats
Shirley Gilbert
Tom Seaman
Eddie Delapp
Kayleigh Allen
Jennifer Riddel
Jeff Sharpe
Stephanie McLemore
Shaun McBride
Nancy Young
New Addresses
Brenda and Nathan Brooks
THE SUMMIT, 1400 Enterprise Drive
Apt. # N224
Lynchburg, VA 24502
(434) 384-3787.
You can continue to reach them by cell:
Brenda – (434) 941-5141,
Nathan – (434) 941-1657
Melissa Meyers
913 Rockbridge Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24501
(434) 616-6785
Cell: (434) 660-0573
Mid-Week Lenten Worship Opportunities
Ash Wednesday Service, February 18, 7:00 pm
Wednesday worship following Happy Hour, February 25 – April 1
A brief, devotional service of prayer, scripture and Lenten readings
Maundy Thursday Service, April 2, 7:30 pm
Let’s Plan the Pastor’s Class
Rev. Cyd Cowgill
Join Reverend Cowgill and Margaret Dunifon in the Parlor following worship on February 8,
for a brief organizational meeting to plan this year’s Pastor’s Class. We will finalize the
schedule of Sundays, and the time of each session. All interested youth plus their families
are invited to attend. See you February 8!
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
Thanks from Kids’ Haven
I extend a heartfelt thanks to the Serenity Circle for providing a delicious meal to our Kids’ Haven Group
Night participants on Monday, January 12th. We could not begin to offer our support program in its current format without the help of friends like you. The meal you served provided our participants time to
connect with each other and our families a chance to enjoy each other’s company around the table before
they go into their grief groups.
On behalf of our participants, our volunteers and our board, I thank you for sharing the mission of Kids’ Haven with your generous gifts of both food and time. We look forward to a continued partnership with you
and the Serenity Circle of First Christian Church.
Julianna Thompson, Executive Director
Thanks from HumanKind—Pastoral Counseling Center
(The Serenity Circle, made up of recently retired women (a few are still working) generally tries to meet
about once a month for food and fellowship in each other's homes. Programs that support women and
children are dear to us. At our November meeting we donated 12 bags of food for the Salvation Army.
Sometimes speakers are invited to share information with our group. At our Christmas meeting our speaker
informed us about "Wheels on the James" which provides cycles for physically challenged children and
adults. The circle made a monetary donation to this organization and also brought cleaning supply donations
for Daily Bread. On January 12 we provided and served dinner at Kids Haven, a program for grieving
children. Members of this group include: Anne Cooper, Kay Green, Jody Roberts, Susan Frantz, Linda Edlin,
Nancy Sehn, Sandy Walker, Caroline Crow, Betty Brown, Jackie Jones, Patty Garbee, Stacy Cravens, Polly
Flint, Beth Huntington, and Linda Bush. If anyone would like to join this group of women please contact
Susan Frantz or Jody Roberts.)
First Christian Church is transforming lives! Through your congregation’s donation of $1,000 to HumanKind,
you will further the nurturing and transformative outreach to those in the care of the Pastoral Counseling Center.
With your support, the Pastoral Counseling Center will touch the lives of people living in difficult situations and
help them embrace the future, experiencing wholeness and healing. Because of your generosity, they will have opportunities to live into their God given potential.
Thank you for your partnership in this ministry and for your faithful support throughout the year.
Robert S. Dendy, Jr., President & CEO
Dear Members of First Christian Church,
You are empowering families with your support of HumanKind, formerly Presbyterian Homes and Family
Services and the Family Alliance. Thank you for your gift of $150 to assist a client of the Ways to
Work program.
Your willingness to provide emergency assistance allowed our client to avoid a financial crisis and maintain economic stability for their family.
Your support is changing the lives of people served through Ways to Work, giving them opportunities
for a brighter future.
As you can see, we recently adopted a new name-a short and simple name that quickly conveys what we
do. We serve people and meet human needs, with caring and kindness.
Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.
Warm regards,
Mark Morrison
Vice President of Development
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
Recipes from Cyd’s Installation Luncheon
Nita Floe Hempfling
Over 100 people enjoyed the luncheon following Pastor Cyd’s installation on January 4. A hearty “thank
you” goes to the many people who made the event possible: those who cooked the meal, served the meal,
set up the room, decorated the tables, and cleaned up the dishes. So many people requested a copy of
the recipes that we are including them here.
4 cups cooked chicken, chopped
1 cup celery, diced
½ tsp. each, salt and pepper
1 tablespoon lemon juice
¼ cup sour cream
1 cup mayonnaise
1 ½ cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 sleeve Ritz crackers
2 tablespoons butter
Mix all ingredients, except butter and crackers.
Pour into 9 X 12 baking dish sprayed with Pam.
Crush crackers. Spread over top of chicken. Place
thin slices of butter over crackers. Bake for 20
minutes, or until hot, on 350 Serves 8.
1 package (12 oz) cranberries
1 whole seedless orange, including rind, cut into
eight or more pieces
1 Granny Smith apple, pealed and cut into eight or
more pieces
¾ cups sugar
Place all ingredients except sugar in food processor
and grind until fine. Stir in sugar and refrigerate
until ready to serve. Serves 8
Passages Through Grief
Passages. . .
through grief
A group for those who have had significant loss -death, divorce, relationship strain, health issues.
Learn to understand and cope with grief. Bring hope back to your life.
6 sessions held on Thursdays, beginning February 19th.
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
First Christian Church, 3109 Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg
$75.00 per person (scholarships available)
Leaders: Mary Ann Lippincott, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist, Fellow, AAPC
Susan H. Williams, BSW, Certified Grief Counselor
For more information and to register, please call Susan Williams at 434.944.8458
Sponsored by First Christian Church and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
Christian Education
Margaret Dunifon
Earthkeepers are continuing to lead the discussion for this class which is studying Food, Ethics
and Sustainability edited by the Northwest Earth Institute. Seven short articles will be read
during the week and discussed on Sunday. Meets in parlor.
Book Study Beth Packert and Rich Burke lead this class, which studies a wide variety of books.
The group is now discussing Amy-Jill Levine’s Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables
of a Controversial Rabbi. Even though the group has spent several weeks on the book, new
members are always welcome. Meets in Room 21.
“Living with the Mind of Christ” This class is led by Reverend Cowgill. Is Christianity a religion of the heart? Or
is it a religion of the mind? Is it possible to get too stuck in one or the other? Join Cyd on each of the Sunday
mornings in Lent, February 22 – March 29, as she leads Living with the Mind of Christ, by James Harnish. The
study will focus on Philippians 2:5 . . Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. What exactly is
the mind of Christ? How would you describe his mind? Is it something we can achieve? How do you change
your mind once it’s already been set? Does the mind need a little bit of heart to keep it thinking straight?
Let’s talk through these questions together! We’ll meet at 9:30 am in the Hugh Toler classroom. All First
Christian adults are welcome and encouraged to attend. If we begin at 9:30, we’ll have 45 good minutes
together before choir members go across the hall at 10:15. Let’s “do” Lent together by studying together as
men and women growing in our faith. Bring your Bible and an open mind (pun intended).
Youth (Middle and High School)
Jeff Wilder leads this group. The class is a DVD/discussion format.
Children (ages 4 through 4th grade)
Children learn through the rotation model, which teaches one Bible story a month,
approaching it a different way each Sunday. We will spend two weeks learning about the
friendship between David and Jonathan, then focus on the Week of Compassion and Lent.
Activities are—
1—Read Judith Viorst’s Rosie and Michael and do a craft.
8—Science and archery (hopefully!)
15—Week of Compassion activities related to sharing. Children will receive banks to take home.
22—Week of Compassion and Lent activities.
Souper Bowl--The youth will be at the doors of the sanctuary at the end of the service on Super Bowl Sunday,
February 1, to collect money for Meals on Wheels and Rivermont Area Food Pantry. The names of
the two teams will be on the collection pots. Youth group meets immediately after the service.
Those holding the pots for the team that gets the most money will have their meal served and dishes
washed by the kids holding the other pots. So be prepared to donate to your favorite team. If you
do not have a fave, just put money in both pots!
Mission Trip 2016—The board has given the youth permission to raise money for a mission trip in the
summer of 2016. We hope to go on one of the denomination-sponsored missions to another part of
the country. By that summer the youngest of our group will be old enough to attend. The first
fundraiser will be a Valentine cookie sale on Sunday, February 8. Heart-shaped cookies and other
delectable goodies will be available for you to purchase for the sweethearts in your life.
Library News—Check it Out!
Margaret Dunifon
Love is in the air! And the library has many books about love: God’s love for you, love in
relationships, loving yourself, parent love, love poems, and more. Come in to see all there
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
Outreach—Week of Compassion
Rev. Sharon Stanley Rae
The following article was written by Sharon Stanley Rae, director of Refugee and Imigration Ministeries,
for the Week of Compassion Newsletter to be published the third of February 2015. Many thanks to
Sharon for her permission to publish in the FCC Newsletter.
“It continues to take a village to make a difference in this young woman’s
life” said Anne Gibbons, Associate Chaplain at Lynchburg College in Virginia. “I
know it sounds cliché, but Hawa has been blessed with an incredible team of
supporters, which she needs as she continues to face challenges ahead.” For
nearly a year, First Christian Church of Lynchburg’s Global and Local Outreach
Team, together with ecumenical friends throughout the city and partnerships
with Week of Compassion and Disciples Refugee and Immigration Ministries,
have continued to follow the story of an amazing young Afghani woman, Hawa
Bakhteyari. Hawa’s father was killed by Taliban supporters, and she has
experienced repeated violence due to her commitment to education and
refusal to marry as a young teen. Disciples’ Week of Compassion and Refugee
and Immigration Ministries (RIM) have helped the church channel and augment
funds for ongoing support for Hawa’s education and living expenses.
Last Fall, Hawa was also supported by her Lynchburg friends and Disciples and
ecumenical partnerships to apply for asylee status in the U.S., which could offer
protection from previous and potential persecution if she were made to return to
her homeland. After nearly three months of waiting, Hawa received a great New
Year’s gift—a letter which recommended approval of her asylum application,
pending a final security check. As Doug Ford, the Director of the Legal Aid Justice
Center at the University of Virginia wrote, “It is great news and importantly she
can apply for work authorization” now!
When First Christian Church announced the news in worship during Advent, the sanctuary erupted in
applause. As Hawa awaits final clearance, First Christian Church Outreach Chair Lou Gregory reports,
“Hawa has enthusiastically returned to college, where she has made many friends, and continues to study
English and other courses.” A local Catholic family of 6, whose father served with U.S. forces in
Afghanistan and understands well the need for protection of one like Hawa, has generously opened their
home--and their 16 year old daughter has even cleared out closet and drawer space to make room to
welcome Hawa. “I just hope I don’t bother her with my regular prayer practices,” Hawa has said.
Hawa’s team of faith supporters are continuing to meet to arrange for her work authorization, and to
consider future job and educational opportunities. The gift of having such a future demonstrates the best
of American protection and welcome. “My friend from my same village was
recently murdered upon return to Afghanistan” Hawa has said. God’s arms,
through local churches, legal assistance, Week of Compassion, and Refugee and
Immigration Ministries, have truly made a life saving difference to Hawa--and to
thousands more through our faithful support.
Rev. Sharon Stanley-Rea,; 202-957-7826
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
9:30 am Sunday School
10:15 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Fellowship Time
11:00 am Worship
12:15 pm Youth Group
9:30 am Sunday School
10:15 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Fellowship Time
11:00 am Worship
12:15 pm Pastor’s Class
informational meeting
12:15 pm Youth Group
6:00 pm Board Meeting
15 Week of Compassion
9:30 am Sunday School
10:15 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Fellowship Time
11:00 am Worship
12:00 pm Cong. Meeting
12:15 pm Youth Group
22 Week of Compassion
9:30 am Sunday School
10:15 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Fellowship Time
11:00 am Worship
12:15 pm Youth Group
4:45 pm Phil. Of Yoga Study
6:00 pm GS Meeting
4:45 pm Phil. Of Yoga Study
5:00 pm Gateway
(Rivermont Parish)
6:00 pm GS Meeting
4:45 pm Phil. Of Yoga Study
6:00 pm GS Meeting
4:45 pm Phil. Of Yoga Study
6:00 pm GS Meeting
February 2015
5:50 am
Early AM Study
9:30 am La Leche League
1:00 pm Beginners Yoga
5:50 am
Early AM Study
9:30 am Ukranian
Easter Egg Workshop
9:30 am Mom & Baby Yoga
6:00 pm Daisy GS
8:00 am Centering Prayer
9:30 am WMSG
5:30 pm Mental Health Support
6:00 pm Happy Hour Potluck
9:30 am La Leche League
1:00 pm Beginners Yoga
5:50 am
Early AM Study
9:30 am Mom & Baby Yoga
10:30 am G/M Circle
8:00 am Centering Prayer
9:30 am WMSG
2:00 pm Round Robin Garden
3:00 pm League of Women Voters
6:00 pm Happy Hour Potluck
(romantic food)
7:00 pm Personnel Meeting
9:30 am La Leche League
1:00 pm Beginners Yoga
3:30 pm Mom & Baby Yoga
7:00 pm Passages
1:30 pm—Elders @ LC
9:30 am Mom & Baby Yoga
6:00 pm Daisy GS
6:00 pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Talent Show
8:00 am Centering Prayer
9:30 am WMSG
5:30 pm Mental Health Support
6:00 pm Happy Hour Potluck
(picnic food)
7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service
9:30 am La Leche League
1:00 pm Beginners Yoga
7:00 pm Passages
5:50 am
Early AM Study
9:30 am Mom & Baby Yoga
8:00 am Centering Prayer
9:30 am WMSG
6:00 pm Happy Hour Potluck
(Heritage Meal)
For your convenience, this calendar is kept up to date online. To view, please go to and click “Good News” then click “ Calendar”.
Betty Brickhouse
Phil Stump
Ben Green
Jim Poats
Steve Gatzke
Vera Brandt
Elaine Casey
Marion & Phil
Jen Riddel
Marilyn Taylor
Vera Brandt
Debbie Wilder
Nathan Brooks
Joyce O’Quinn
Cindy Ramsey
Margaret Dunifon
Audrey Connor
Ben Cowgill
Andrew Wilds
Libby Gatzke
Susan Allen
Joyce O’Quinn
Linda Edlin
Vera Brandt &
Lorraine Flint
Linda Edlin
Kathy Green
Maggie Kicklighter
Caroline Crow
Chris Badgett
Amy Clavon
Emily Crowder
Shannon Lewellyn
Maureen McBride
Marvin Sehn
Nancy Sehn
Donna Storm
Gwyneth Terry
Rivermont Parish
Betty Brickhouse
Ukrainian Easter Egg Workshop
The Reverend Cyd Cowgill, Minister
Dr. Oeida Hatcher, Director of Music
Dr. Cynthia Ramsey, Organist
Lisa Schafer, Administrative Assistant
The Newsletter is published monthly. All content © 2015
3109 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg VA 24503
(434) 384-8626
Fax (434) 384-2861
Church Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00 am—1:00 pm
Back by popular demand is our Ukrainian Easter Egg
Workshop taught by Klawa Thresher. Take time and
come to learn the art of creating beautiful Easter
Eggs with Klawa.
Follow fcclynchburg on twitter, facebook,
YouTube and Zenfolio
All articles for the newsletter are due no later than 9:00 am
Next Info Deadline: Wednesday February 18, 2015
All articles submitted for publication are subject to available
space and may be edited for grammar and content.
When: Saturday, February 21, 9:30-11:30 am
Where: FCC Snidow Fellowship Hall
Spaces are limited - please RSVP to the office by
Friday, February 13. All materials to complete an
egg using the ancient batik process will be provided.
Cost: Free (but donations to help cover cost of
materials are welcomed)
Questions: Call Klawa Thresher (384-5577)
First Christian Church ● 3109 Rivermont Avenue ● Lynchburg, VA 24503 ● 434-384-8626
(Disciples of Christ)
3109 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg VA 24503-1399
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First Christian Church
Statement of Calling
Essential Affirmations
First Christian Church, Lynchburg,
is a congregation which is seeking
to grow in the faith, knowledge,
and love of God as revealed in
Jesus Christ. We are open and
affirming in welcoming all who
desire to join us on their journey.
We believe in God, creator and
sustainer of all, who has been
revealed in Jesus Christ; that God
loves all unconditionally without
regard to race, gender, age,
ethnicity, cultural or religious
background, economic status,
mental or physical ability, sexual
orientation, family configuration,
or other distinctions, and we are
called to welcome as God
welcomes; and that we are called
to ministry as “a priesthood of all
believers” and are endowed with
gifts for that ministry.
Through worship, education,
fellowship, nurture, and service
in the community and wider
church, we strive to “become a
dwelling place for God” (Eph.
2.22), encouraging each other in
discipleship and in discovering
and using our gifts by which the
Holy Spirit brings wholeness and
healing to all the world.
Find us Online:
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