STRAFFORD R-VI SCHOOL DISTRICT YOUR SCHOOL NEWS O CTOBER /N OVEMBER 2014 WWW.STRAFFORDSCHOOLS.NET F ROM THE SUPERINTENDENT B Y J OHN C OLLINS , The 2014 - 15 school year is well under way and the beginning of the school year has gone very smoothly. All of the students and faculty are busy with the various activities and events planned for the school year. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has released the annual performance report for all public and charter schools in the state. Our district achieved a score of 96.4%. This score places our district in the highest category that can be achieved in the DESE rating system. The student enrollment for the district for the 2014-15 school year is 1,138. The elementary has 438 students, the middle school has 342 students, and the high school has 358 students. SUPERINTENDENT Construction of the new elementary is well under way and on target to be completed by July 2015. The outdoor restrooms and ticket booth at the football field have been completed and this has been a great improvement for our campus. On Tuesday, November 11 the high school will sponsor the annual Veterans Day Assembly. The ceremony will start at 7:45 am in front of the high school with the raising of the flag followed by a breakfast for all veterans and spouses. The assembly will take place in the Strafford School Auditorium at 9:00 am. All area veterans and spouses are invited to attend. As always we are looking forward to a great school year!!! VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 7:45 am - Flag Raising in Front of Strafford High School 8:00 am - Breakfast for Veterans and Immediate Family 9:00 am - Veterans Recognition Assembly in the Strafford Auditorium We invite all veterans and their families to join us for this special morning of activities so that we may express our appreciation and gratitude. This year's program will feature women in military service both on the home front and on the war front. The event is free and open to the public. Event organizers are searching for women who have served or are currently serving in auxiliary military units such as WASPS, SPARS, WAVES, Red Cross, Rosie the Riveters, Navy Nurse Corps, WAC, and others. If you have information, please contact Lori Phillips at 417-736-7000 ext. 1423. M ARK YOUR CALENDARS OCTOBER 10 No School Staff Development OCTOBER 14 & 16 Parent/Teacher Conferences OCTOBER 17 No School District Offices Closed NOVEMBER 26-28 No School Thanksgiving Break I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : DISTRICT NEWS 1 EARLY CHILDHOOD A ND ELEMENTARY 2 M IDDLE SCHOOL AND D ISTRICT 3 H IGH SCHOOL 4 ATHLETICS 5 YOUR SCHOOL NEWS P AGE 2 Strafford Elementary and Cogdill Early Childhood Center MICHELLE GARDNER, PRINCIPAL KARIE JULIAN, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL The elementary and early childhood buildings celebrated our grandparents on September 4 and 5. We had approximately 760 special guests visiting our classrooms during those two days. Grandparents enjoyed a short music program, a fun activity in the classroom and lunch (in the elementary) or a snack (in the early childhood). Grandparent’s Day is a very special time in our buildings. Making the celebration possible is definitely a team effort and we appreciate all of the help and support we receive during these two very busy days. The end of 1st quarter will be on Thursday, October 9. Students do not have school on Friday, October 10 due to a teacher workday. Parent teacher conferences will take place on October 14 and 16. Your child’s teacher has emailed information about scheduling a specific date and time to conference. We use Sign-up Genius to make the process quick and easy for everyone. If you do not have access to email, please contact your child’s teacher and he/ she will get you signed up. Conferences are a terrific tool and enable teachers to not only brag about the progress your child has made, but allows for an opportunity to discuss areas of concern as well. Our goal is 100% participation and we look forward to seeing each of you. Students with perfect attendance for the 1st quarter will celebrate their achievement with a special activity on October 9. Parents will be notified if their child qualifies for this reward. The shows are scheduled for 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm. We hope you will join us for a day filled with fun, while supporting our school! Early childhood students are invited to attend the fall Family Fun Night on Thursday, October 23 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm at the early childhood center. The theme is “Fall Harvest” and students are encouraged to wear costumes. The evening is free of charge and will include games, food, crafts and many fun activities. Fall parties are scheduled for Friday, October 31. Watch for more information in your child’s weekly newsletter. Red Ribbon Week is October 27 – October 31. This is a great opportunity for students, teachers and staff to participate in daily activities and recognize the importance of living a “Drug Free” lifestyle. Mrs. Willis, our school counselor, will be sending more information home as the date nears. The 3rd grade students will showcase their musical talents on Thursday, November 6. The concert will begin at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. The best way to connect with our school electronically is though the school website:, Facebook or parent email. If you are not receiving elementary notifications through email, please contact the office to ensure we have your correct email address on file. The Elementary Booster Club will be sponsoring the Kelly Miller Circus for the 2nd year on Sunday, October 19. This is one of only a few traveling shows still in existence today. PARENTS AS TEACHERS SPONSORED EVENTS Please join us for the first ever “Baby Fair” on Saturday, October 4 in the early childhood center from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. This is a free event and open to the public. There will be demonstrations about infant/child CPR, car seat safety, prenatal exercises, baby food making, and more. There will also be a photographer taking child and family photos. The Library, Pregnancy Care Center and other providers will also be included in the event. The next event is our annual viewing of “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" on Thursday, November 13 in the early childhood gymnasium at 6:30 pm. Learn the importance of family traditions, watch the classic movie, make a craft and enjoy a snack. Feel free to bring a blanket and pillow or a comfortable chair. Please RSVP to Carrie Davis at (417) 736-7000 ext. 1118 or Be sure to check the school website for more PAT information and upcoming events! O CTOBER /N OVEMBER 2014 P AGE 3 “I T ’ S GREAT IN THE M IDDLE ” MARCIA CHADWELL, PRINCIPAL Our 5th grade students are learning that it truly is great in the middle school. It’s always fun to watch their excitement over lockers and moving from classroom to classroom. We will wrap up our 1st quarter on Thursday, October 9. Parents can expect grade cards to be emailed out on Monday, October 13. If you do not receive your student’s grade card via email, please contact the office to correct the email address in Lumen. All students without a parent email address on file will have their grade cards mailed home. If you have had an address or phone change, please contact us to update our records. SHANE PIERCE, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Mark your calendars for the 5th grade music performance. It will be on Thursday, October 23 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. Our middle school student council will be attending districts on October 24 at Marion C. Early. They are currently holding the office of 2nd Vice-President and are looking forward to leading discussion groups with other middle school student councils that day. The middle school fall sports schedule is well under way. We have students participating in football, volleyball, cheerleading, and cross-country during the fall season. Our football coaches are Rodney Mullings and We were so pleased by the amount of students who Troy McMain, Morgan Hoey and Jessica Smythe are participated in our Spirit Week during Homecoming coaching volleyball, the cheer coach is Sara Kilmer, and Week!! Our spirit days were Maroon Out Monday Duane Fabro and Janet Clements are coaching the cross (students were asked to wear maroon to the home country team. We appreciate our coaches and the time volleyball game), Tie-dye Tuesday, Cowboy and Indi- that they invest in our students! ans Wednesday, Jersey Day Thursday, and Extreme School Spirit Friday. We invite you to check out pictures of our students dressed up for Spirit Week on our Facebook page. Please take the time to like our Strafford Middle School Facebook page if you haven’t already. Teachers will once again be scheduling parent conferences for all students who have a C- or lower in any class. Conferences for students whose grades are above a C- will be set by appointment only. Conference dates are set for October 14 and 16. FREE FLUVACCINES FOR STUDENTS The Webster County Health Department will offer the flu vaccine for students in kindergarten through 12th grade on October 22. Information and registration forms will be sent home by email or will be available to pick up in the building offices after October 7. These forms must be returned by October 14 for the health department to verify insurance. Any students that do not turn forms in by October 14 will not be able to get a flu shot. Please contact Nurse Anne with any questions at (417) 736-7000 ext. 1442 or YOUR SCHOOL NEWS P AGE 4 “HIGH SCHOOL NEWS” BRETT SODEN, PRINCIPAL The high school students and staff had a very smooth start to the 2014 - 15 school year. The enrollment in the high school this year is 358. We have 12 new students, 95 seniors, 90 juniors, 98 sophomores, and 75 freshmen. Parent/teacher conferences will be held on October 14 and October 16 from 3:45-7:45 pm. This is a great opportunity to visit with your child’s teacher about their progress so far this year. You can email or call the teachers to set up your conference times. Project Graduation will host the 2nd Annual “Dancing with the Stars” event on Saturday, October 18 at 7:00 pm in the gym. Come and enjoy the show as some of our staff and seniors dance the night away! We will continue to email our progress reports and report cards to parents. Parents that do not have an email will receive a hard copy in the mail as they have in the past. Please let the high school office know if you did not receive a progress report the week of September 10. This is a great time to come by the office FALL BLOOD DRIVE Friday, November 14 9:00 am-3:00 pm Max Evans Gym Walk-ins are welcome and community members have 1st priority! For appointments contact Valerie Poynor at MIKE WILSON, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL to get your parent portal information so you can keep up to date on your student’s grades. We continue to stress the importance of good attendance. Strafford students have the opportunity to enroll in the A+ program that pays for two years of college at a Missouri public community college or vocationaltechnical school. One of the requirements for students to qualify is to maintain a minimum of 95% attendance for their four years in high school. If your child needs to miss school due to an appointment, please try to schedule on days we are not in session or late in the afternoon. Strafford R-VI has an excellent website that is full of information, announcements, events and schedules regarding our schools. The guidance office has also updated their page and is a great resource for parents, especially those parents that have juniors or seniors. You can find our website at We also post a lot of information and updates to our Facebook and Twitter pages. Please remember to “like” those pages. SHS THEATRE DEPARTMENT PRESENTS “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” November 20-22 Shows at 7:00 pm each night Saturday matinee at 2:30 pm (Doors open 30 minutes prior to show time) Tickets: Adults $5 Students $3 Follow us on Facebook at StraffordHSTheatre! INDIAN PRIDE BAND EVENTS OCTOBER 4 - MISSOURI SOUTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY HOMECOMING OCTOBER 11- PITTSBURGH STATE UNIVERSITY HOMECOMING OCTOBER 18 - OZARK MOUNTAIN MARCHING FESTIVAL (REEDS SPRING) NOVEMBER 8 - SPRINGFIELD VETERANS DAY PARADE NOVEMBER 11 - STRAFFORD VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION O CTOBER /N OVEMBER 2014 P AGE 5 2014 FALL ATHLETIC INFORMATION DATE 10/02/2014 10/02/2014 10/03/2014 10/04/2014 10/04/2014 10/06/2014 10/06/2014 10/06/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/07/2014 10/09/2014 10/10/2014 10/11/2014 10/13/2014 10/13/2014 10/14/2014 10/16/2014 10/17/2014 10/20/2014 10/21/2014 10/21/2014 10/24/2014 10/25/2014 11/01/2014 11/03/2014 11/04/2014 11/07/2014 11/17/2014 11/20/2014 11/21/2014 11/22/2014 11/24/2014 11/25/2014 11/25/2014 SPORT PLACE 9-12 Volleyball Jr. High Volleyball Varsity Football 9-12 Volleyball 9-12 Cross Country Jr. High Volleyball 9-12 Volleyball JV Football 7-12 Cross Country Jr. High Football Jr. High Volleyball 9-12 Volleyball Varsity Football JV Volleybal 9-12 Volleyball JV Football Jr. High Football 9-12 Volleyball Varsity Football 9-12 Volleyball 9-12 Volleyball Jr. High Football Varsity Football 9-12 Cross Country 9-12 Cross Country Jr. High Girls Basketball Jr. High Girls Basketball 9-12 Cross Country Jr. High Girls Basketball Jr. High Girls Basketball Jr. High Girls Basketball Jr. High Girls Basketball Jr. High Girls Basketball Jr. High Girls Basketball 9-12 Girls Basketball Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Home Home Away TBA Away Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Away TIME 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM TBA 8:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM TBA TBA 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA 6:00 PM 6:00 PM TBA 6:00 PM 6:00 PM TBA TBA 6:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM OPPONENT Fair Grove High School Marionville Jr. High School Skyline High School Stockton Varsity Invitational Fayetteville Chile Pepper Festival Stockton Jr. High School Conway High School Skyline High School Catholic Irish Invitational Fair Grove Jr. High School Joel E. Barber School Skyline High School El Dorado Springs High School Fair Grove JV Tournament Carthage High School El Dorado Springs High School Marionville Jr. High School Hollister High School Ash Grove High School Volleyball Districts Volleyball Districts Stockton Jr. High School Football Districts Reeds Spring Invitational Districts at Springfield Underground Stockton Jr. High School Pleasant Hope Jr. High School Cross Country State Meet Skyline Jr. High School Catholic Jr. High School Strafford Jr. High Girls Tournament Strafford Jr. High Girls Tournament Fair Grove Jr. High School Ava Jr. High School Lebanon High School FALL HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS AWARDS ASSEMBLY The fall athletics awards assembly will be held on Monday, November 24 at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. All high school fall athletes and their families are invited to attend. Athletes from cheerleading, cross country, football, and volleyball will receive recognition and awards given by their coaches. The event is sponsored by the Booster Club. HOME SCHOOL INFORMATION NEEDED The district is attempting to determine how many home schooled students reside in the Strafford School District. If you are currently home schooling your child or children and reside in the district please contact Vicki Tate in the central office at (417) 736-7000 ext. 1500. Thank you for your cooperation. RED RIBBON WEEK October 27 - October 31, 2014 “Love yourself. Be drug free!” Monday: Crazy Hair Day - Hair’s to a Drug Free Life Tuesday: Hat Day - Hats Off to Being Drug Free Wednesday: Polka Dot Day - Spot Me Being Drug Free Thursday: Maroon & Red Ribbon Day - Indians Elect to be Drug Free Friday: Orange Day - Orange You Glad You’re Drug Free This is for all kindergarten though 8th grade Strafford students. Community Participation We want to encourage community participation by having families take part in the annual Red Ribbon photo contest. Families can also decorate their home front door, mailbox or fence with this year's theme and a red ribbon for a chance to win our school $1,000 and an iPad 2 for themselves. Here is the website with more information: STRAFFORD R-VI SCHOOLS 201 W. MCCABE STRAFFORD, MO 65757 BOXHOLDER STRAFFORD, MO 65757 CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID STRAFFORD, MO 65757 PERMIT NO. 15 RED RIBBON WEEK October 27 - October 31, 2014 “Love yourself. Be drug free!” Monday: Crazy Hair Day - Hair’s to a Drug Free Life Tuesday: Hat Day - Hats Off to Being Drug Free Wednesday: Polka Dot Day - Spot Me Being Drug Free Thursday: Maroon & Red Ribbon Day - Indians Elect to be Drug Free Friday: Orange Day - Orange You Glad You’re Drug Free This is for all kindergarten though 8th grade Strafford students. Community Participation We want to encourage community participation by having families take part in the annual Red Ribbon photo contest. Families can also decorate their home front door, mailbox or fence with this year's theme and a red ribbon for a chance to win our school $1,000 and an iPad 2 for themselves. Here is the website with more information: STRAFFORD R-VI SCHOOLS 201 W. MCCABE STRAFFORD, MO 65757 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID STRAFFORD, MO 65757 PERMIT NO. 15
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