CENTRIFUGE Discovering hidden CENTRIC 200 / 200 R ADVANCED CENTRIFUGES MAIN ADVANTAGES: > Robust Design, QUIET RUNNING > Brushless Drive System, MAINTENANCE FREE > Automa.c Rotor Recogni.on System, SAFE TO USE > Speed Limita.on System, SAFE TO USE > Microprocessor Controlled Func.ons of Cover, Time, Speed and Temperature > Adjustable Accelara.on and Braking System > Special START - STOP Features > Fast Spin & Quick-COOLING® Features > Up to 10 Programs Centrifuge CENTRIC 200 / R (mark R means with refrigerang system) is universal laboratory centrifuge, designed for use in medical, industrial and scienfic laboratories for separang substances with different relave densies by centrifugal force. The maximum rotaonal speed of 16.200 RPM gives the centrifugal force of 25.000 x g. A wide usage of programming opons and an electronic operaon control allow a trouble-free use of the centrifuge. With a special drive, quiet maintenance-free operaon without any carbon dust polluon is guaranteed. Device is equipped with user-friendly opons which make the operaon and standard se'ngs easier for you. Built-in error-detecng funcons keep the user from entering incorrect values and check the complete operaon. The centrifuge has the possibility to save programs. In the program store you can save up to 10 different data sets. The centrifuge always keeps the last run program in its memory for an unlimited amount of me allowing the program to be restarted at any me - even if the centrifuge was turned off during operaon. All important operaon parameters can be seen at a glance. The se'ngs are executed with knobs and keys on the control panel. The interior of the centrifuge is also easy to clean. We are able to offer you a device that combines funconal variety with praccal applicaons. TECHNICAL DATA Code for 230V 115V CENTRIC 200 CENTRIC 200R 456.500 1456.500 456.700 1456.700 Power supply Power requirement 230V / 50-60Hz 115V / 50-60Hz centrifuge compressor 200W / Fuses 200W 530W 2x10A T - 230V 2x16A T - 115V Isolaon category Max. rotaon speed I 500 to 16.200 rpm, in steps of 10 rpm Max. centrifugal force 25.000 x g Max. load 30 x 2,0ml Max. kinec energy 6.200Nm Max. density of meterial to be centrifuged 1,2g/ml Time 0 - 99 min, HOLD funcon Program se'ngs 10 programs Acceleraon 0 - 9 levels Deceleraon 0 - 9 levels Range of control for refrigeraon / - 9°C to + 40°C Refrigeraon me »fast cool« / + 20°C to + 4°C in app. 20min + 15°C 0°C (at ambient temp. + 20°C) / R 404 A Sample temperature at max. speed Cool ing medium PermiCed ambient temperature + 2°C to + 35°C PermiCed max. relave air humidity 75% Communicaon Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight DOMEL, d.o.o., Otoki 21, 4228 Železniki BU Laboratory Systems, Na Plavžu 79, 4228 Železniki Phone: +386 4 5117 500 Fax: +386 4 5117 501 WEB: www.tehtnica.si E-mail: info@tehtnica.si RS-232 230 x 308 x 394 mm 282 x 360 x 665 mm 18kg 50kg TRADE MARK Accessories for CENTRIC 200 / 200 R Fixed angle rotors with aluminium lid Max. capacity (ml) Max. speed (RPM) Max. centrifugal force (x g) Radius (mm) Acceleraon to max. speed (s) Braking from max. speed (s) ANGLE ROTOR RA 24 incl. aluminium lid Code No. 456.600 ANGLE ROTOR RA 30 incl. aluminium lid Code No. 456.620 24 x 2.0 16.200 25.000 86 16 15 30 x 2.0 14.000 21.457 98 15 14 ANGLE ROTOR RA 12 Code No. 457.370 ANGLE ROTOR RA 16 Code No. 457.360 Fixed angle rotors Vial dimensions ø x l (mm) Max. capacity (ml) Max. speed (RPM) Max. centrifugal force (x g) Radius (mm) Acceleraon to max. speed (s) Braking from max. speed (s) PCR strip ROTOR Fixed angle rotor Vial dimensions ø x l (mm) Max. no. of vials Max. speed (RPM) Max. centrifugal force (x g) Radius (mm) Acceleraon to max. speed (s) Braking from max. speed (s) Fixed hematocrit rotor 16 x 105 12 x 10.0 5.000 3.200 115 15 14 12 x 82 16 x 5.0 5.000 2.930 105 15 14 Capilares dimensions ø x l (mm) Max. no. of capilares Max. speed (RPM) Max. centrifugal force (x g) Radius (mm) Acceleraon to max. speed (s) Braking from max. speed (s) Code No. 457.380 6 x 20 48 (6 x 8) 14.000 19.500 86 15 14 HEMATOCRIT ROTOR with reading device Code No. 456.630 1.6 x 75 24 14.000 20.160 92 15 14 We reserve the right to alter specificaon details etc. without prior noce or liability! DOMEL, d.o.o., Otoki 21, 4228 Železniki BU Laboratory Systems, Na Plavžu 79, 4228 Železniki Phone: +386 4 5117 500 Fax: +386 4 5117 501 WEB: www.tehtnica.si E-mail: info@tehtnica.si TRADE MARK
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