AIS Sample Handing Special 13 Apr 15 - 30 Jun 15 KUBOTA is a leading centrifuge manufacturing company based in Japan since 1920 with an established reputation for reliable performance. Kubota is an ISO9001 certified manufacturer for a broad range of high quality tabletop centrifuge, micro centrifuge, high capacity centrifuge, high speed centrifuge and refrigerated centrifuge to meet every customers requirements. All Kubota centrifuges are made in Japan and pass rigorous quality tests. 2420 Model 2800 Model Kubota 2420 Compact Table Top Centrifuge Kubota 2800 Compact Table Top Refrigerarted Centrifuge Max. RCF: 2610 xg Max. Speed: 4000 rpm Small footprint 37(W) x 64(D) x 37(H)cm Rotary knob for Speed, RCF & Time settings 2 types of Rotor (optional) : Swinging bucket rotor (RS-240) / Plate rotor (RMP-23) to suit most kind of tubes and plates from 1.5~50ml Kubota 2420 Compact Table Top Centrifuge + Swinging Bucket Rotor RS-240 Special price : $2,599.00 + GST Kubota 2800 Compact Table Top Refrigrigerated Centrifuge + Swinging Bucket Rotor RS-240 Special price : $5,250.00 + GST Swinging Bucket Rotor RS-240 Micro-plate Rotor RMP-23 FREE AIS Australian Instrument Services Pty Ltd 1&2, 21 Stud Road, Bayswater, VIC 3153 Accumax Smart Variable Volume Pipette (ANY 3, Valued at $600 + GST) ASP-125 (0.1-2.5µl) ASP-100 (0.5-10µl) ASP-200 (5-50µl) ASP-700 (2-20µl) Free Accumax SMART pipette x 3 when you purchase any Kubota 2420/2800 Centrifuge package above email: T: 03 9729 9399 0415 AIS Sample Handing Special 13 Apr 15 - 30 Jun 15 The VITL VTS is a Variable Temperature Heat Sealer for a wide range of microplates. The VTS is designed to deliver consistent sealing in low to medium throughput labroatories. Simple touch pad controls and display allow the user to adjust sealing temperature and time. Coupled with an audible alarm indicating correct sealing pressure, the VTS provides optimal sealing control and consistency. Film and Foil Microplate Seals User-variable time and temperature settings Unique, ergonomic lever action, specifically deisgned to avoid repetitive strain injury One-time seal with uniform heat distribution, no need to rotate or reseal Electronic feedback and LED display to ensure even and consistent micro-plate sealing Warms up in minutes VITL VTS Variable Temperature Sealer The VTS Microplate Heat Sealer requires at least one adapter plate which is sold separately Special price : $4,195.00 + GST Limted offer: VITL VTS Variable Temperature Heat Sealer + A&D MPA Single Channel Electronic Pipette $4,500.00+GST A&D Single Channel Electronic Pipettes MPA-10 0.5~10.0µl MPA-20 2.0~20.0µl MPA-200 10~200µl MPA-1200 100~1200µl Special price: $395.00+GST RRP:$495.00+GST AIS Australian Instrument Services Pty Ltd 1&2, 21 Stud Road, Bayswater, VIC 3153 email: T: 03 9729 9399 0415
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