FIXED POINTER VS MOVABLE POINTER FOR ATTITUDE INDICATORS KMC KELLY MANUFACTURING COMPANY POINTER HORIZON BAR ROLL DIAL AIRPLANE FRAME FIXED POINTER This is the more common of the two types of attitude indicators. The illustration above shows a 10° right bank. The pointer and airplane move 10° with the aircraft while the horizon bar and roll dial are gyroscopically stabilized. We call this a “fixed pointer” instrument because the pointer is fixed to the frame. POINTER HORIZON BAR ROLL DIAL AIRPLANE FRAME MOVABLE POINTER This illustration shows a 10° right bank. The roll dial and airplane move 10° with the aircraft while the horizon bar and pointer are gyroscopically stabilized. The roll dial is fixed to the frame but the pointer is not. This type of instrument is sometimes referred to as a “sky pointer” because the pointer always points up. KELLY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 555 S. TOPEKA • WICHITA, KS 67202 • U.S.A. VISIT US AT: WWW.KELLYMFG.COM
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