FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ELKINS 412 Randolph Avenue, Elkins, WV 304-636-3448

ELKINS, WV 26241
412 Randolph Avenue, Elkins, WV
Dr. Marvin L. Parli, Pastor
Follow us on twitter @elkinsfbc
Email: ~ Instagram: FirstBaptistElkins
Editor: Evelyn Lange - email:
Vol. 14—Issue 233
Praise the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary, praise Him in His
mighty heavens.
Praise Him for his acts of power; praise Him for his surpassing
Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the
harp and lyre.
Praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the
strings and flute,
Praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding
Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord. PRAISE THE LORD…
Psalm 150
How are you doing in praising God these days?
Notice the Psalm tells us to praise Him in His sanctuary. If
Wednesday Night Bible Study
had to be moved to Wednesday, October 8th at 6:00pm (due to Forest Festival festivities being held in the
you haven’t been in Church for awhile I encourage you to get
back at it! We are experiencing great worship here at FBC!
Praise Him in his sanctuary.
B. Praise and music has been something we have stressed here
at FBC for years. And God has blessed us with incredible
music leadership, now is no exception. I am thankful for the
choir which is sounding better than ever, a strong praise
team, and a wonderful instrumental section. We continue to
have great music. I am thankful for the addition of ASHLEN
WILSON as our new Director of Worship. Before Ashlen
began her first week I asked her to sing to Jesus…lead us in
singing to Jesus….that’s really her job description and she is
doing great. I am thankful for her willingness to serve, her
heart for God, and of course her musical ability. We are
blessed! Praise the Lord.
Pastor’s column continues on the next page...
Baked Ham with Pineapple Glaze
New Potatoes with butter & parsley
Sweet Corn
Cole Slaw Salad
Hot Biscuits
Pumpkin/Pecan Pie for Dessert
We hope you’ll plan to come and
join your church family for fellowship
and a wonderful meal prepared by
our great cooks of the Fellowship
Board at 6:00pm, followed by Bible
Study in the sanctuary at 6:30pm.
C. I have been so excited about the current series REFUEL. Just this past
week we shared together thinking about creativity and what is it that
holds us back from living creative joy filled lives. In the midst of that
discussion we touched on vulnerability. Creative joyful people have the courage to be vulnerable. Our fear of vulnerability
is a major player in keeping us from being seen, from going for it, from letting go and trusting God and praising God.
Now I am just telling you Church-you need to refuel…you need to get filled up with the power and presence of
God. This is a great series….I hope to see you in worship Sunday.
Opportunities for Service
There are lots of opportunities for service during the upcoming
Forest Festival. Several First Baptist Church Boards will be holding
food concession stands as fundraisers. Open on Thurssday, Friday
and Saturday, October 2nd, 3rd and 4th from 8:30am to 7:00pm.
They are asking members of the congregation for help in making
their projects a success.
They need workers for the concession stands, to collect money and
serve food and drinks, etc. If you could volunteer for just a few hours
it will be a great help.
Another way you could volunteer is to bake items such as cookies,
brownies, cinnamon rolls, pepperoni rolls, and/or other types of
baked goods. Just fill in the form below and turn it in to the church
office or drop it in the mail.
If you have any questions call the church office @ 304-636-3448.
Your help will be greatly appreciated. All proceeds will go for
church projects and improvements.
-------------------------------------------------YES, I'll be happy to volunteer to work one of the food booth
and/or donate baked goods. Just fill out the form and drop it by
the church office or mail to the church at 412 Randolph Avenue,
Elkins, WV 26241
Name: _______________________________________________
□ Thursday
□ Friday
Hours: __________________
□ Saturday
Hours: __________________
I will donate: (List item and quantity)
IN CONCERT at D & E College
OCTOBER 25, 2014 at 7:30 pm
Francesca Battistelli, Sanctus Real and Jon BauerCompassion International presents the “If We’re
Honest Tour” bringing together two of the top selling artists in recent years, Francesca Battistelli
and Sanctus Real. A message from Crossway
Records' Jon Bauer will also be featured.
Basically, making music for purely music’s sake or
trying to keep pace with rock ‘n’ roll’s definition of
what’s cool has never been an option. Instead, no
matter the season, whether it’s one characterized by
struggle, victory or something in between, Sanctus
Real remained sure and steady and have written
songs that honestly reflect the complex journey of
Actually their name: Sanctus means in Latin, Holy
and Read means King, therefore, Sanctus Real is
“Holy King” or “The King is Holy.”
The Church was able to purchase 20 reserve tickets
for the concert at a 20% discount. If you are interested in attending, call the church office at 304-636
-3448, your cost is only $16.00.
Tickets will be sold on a first come,
Be sure and check out the Church’s website ( in
between bulletins and newsletters to stay up to date on
announcements, current and upcoming events.
The Youth of First Baptist
are selling seats for the
Grand Feature Parade on
Saturday, October 4th.
They still have a limited
amount of second row only
chairs available…$5.00 each.
If you are interested, call
the church office at 304636-3448 to reserve yours.
Proceeds will go towards
youth mission trips/outings.
Parking spaces in the church
parking lot will also be sold
on a first come, first serve
basis on Saturday, the 4th.
All day parking = $10.00
After 5:00pm = $5.00
Proceeds will go towards
church improvements and
Our Congratulations to Bobby Fields
and Fiancé, Jill McKenzie, on the
birth of a son, Grayson Michael
Todd Fields, born on July 30, 2014.
Proud paternal grandparents are Bob
Fields and Linda Fields.
Chad and Kendra Cross announce the
birth of their first child, a son, named
Kole Jameslee Cross. He was born in
Colorado on September 2, 2014,
weighing 8 pounds and 9 ounces.
Proud grandparents are Leslie Paxton
and Jim Teter and Linda Cross and
the late Kenneth Cross. Special uncle,
Brian Cross and wife Shella and aunt,
Shannon Cross Putnam and husband
Nate and Emily Roberts are the proud
parents of a daughter, Gracelynne
Joyce, born on August 29, 2014. She
weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and was
19 inches long. She joins a sister,
Adelynne Michelle.
Grandparents are Don and Jen Roberts
and Travis and Sheila Arbogast.
Great-grandparents are Vic and Linda
Brandon and Kaylene Tice announce
the birth of Kenzington Jo, born on
September 23, 2014. She weighs 9
pounds and was 21 inches long. She
joins siblings Rhett Avery and
Bryleigh Jae.
Grandparents are Don and Jen Roberts
and Dave and Janet Tice, and greatgrandparents are Vic and Linda
Our Christian Love and Sympathy to... the Family of Clair Eldon "Bud" Daft. Our
thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Mary Anne Schmidlen Daft; and to the Daft
and Schmidlen Families on their loss. "Bud" passed away on September 10, 2014 at
his home in Beverly, WV at the age of 78 surrounded by his family.
...the Family of Arlene Kimberly Teter, age 52 years, who passed away on September 14, 2014 at Ruby Memorial Hospital.
TWe want to express our condolences to Sierra and Cody Pritt and Chris and Angie Teter on the loss of their mother and to
former husband and friend, Dave Teter and their extended family.
...Daniel "Danny" and Bonnie Keavney and son Russell on the death of brother and uncle, BIlly Joe "Bill" Keavney, age 75
years. Bill passed away on September 15, 2014 at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, WV. He had been a member of
First Baptist Church for 61 years, being baptized on August 30, 1953.
…Family of Edith Marie Lambert Ray. Mrs. Ray passed from this life on September 21, 2014 at Hospice Regional Inpatient
Center in Elkins following a long and courageous battle with cancer. Our sympathies are extended her children: Charlotte
Lambert and fiancé Sam Elza, Susie Phillips and husband Gary, Ester Fortney and husband Billy, and son, James Lambert.
Also to her sister, Sarah Woods and husband Hank, and extended family, Nia, Shane, Shania, Hunter, Mya, and Tiffany.
This Week’s Concerns: Roger and Jeanie Anderson, “Toots” Arbogast, Nathaniel
Brummett, Bill and Nana Carpenter, Voras Haynes, Chelsa Hughes Jones, Aaron &
"Jessi" Kittle, Alecia Koontz, Paul Mullins, Dave Murdock, Cadie McNaboe, Dennis
McNaboe's mother (Dolores McNaboe), Jennifer Mick, Anita Nesland's parents (Ray
and Mildred Dommer). Jill Newlon's Nephew (Brody Brakely), Erin Randall, LeNora Riel, Desiree Roberts, Margaret Taylor's
daughter-in-law (Grace Taylor), Liz Tincher, and Paul and Virginia Williams,
We Continue to Pray for: Imogene Armentrout, Lucas Bragg, Karen Callison, Chris Canales, Mark Cherveny, Jim Cost, Ava
Fiddle, John Fox, Singrid Gray, Betty Higgins, Clint Hannah, Jean Harris, Ruth Harrold, Wilma Jean Hawkins, Jim and Carole
Jackson, Andy Jones, Sylvia Judy, Hobe Koontz, Ruth Lewis, Bill McWhorter, Jeanette Phillips, Paulette Rowan, Rob Sturdivant, Rev. William Sullivan, Jamie Tincher, Jimmy & Laura Tincher, Paul Vance, James Vandevander, Schania Vandevender,
James White, Sr., Addison Williams, Barbara Wilmoth, Hank Woods, Patric Woods. And, our country and our men and
women serving in the military, both here and overseas.
First Baptist Church Nursing Home Residents
Colonial Place: Jane Hardesty, Millie Metheny, Virginia Ratliff, and Marguerite Taylor
ERCC: Barbara Compton and Paul Mullins
Good Samaritan: Geoff Newlon
Valentines Personal Care Home: Glenna (Wolfe)Drennen
Nella’s Nursing Home: Marie Young
First Baptist Elkins: The Body of Christ
As I look back on my time here at FBC Elkins I constantly have the
same thought that comes to my mind. That thought is “The Body of
Christ.” I am so very thankful for all this church has done to support,
encourage, and help me grow as a minister and leader in the church.
From the beginning, over two years ago, this church welcomed me
with open arms and gave me the opportunity to serve first in a part-time
capacity, and then full-time. I am so very thankful for the opportunity to
lead each of you in worship every Sunday.
As I leave, I am excited for FBC Elkins as to where I have left things, God has been so good to us and I know His
faithfulness will continue. The choir is strong and healthy, the worship team sounds as good as ever and we have a
top-notch sound/media team to help present worship so well. I am confident that the Music & Worship Ministry at
FBC will continue to grow and thrive under Ashlen Wilson’s leadership. She is a nice breath of fresh air and strong in
her faith for Christ. Allow her to make this ministry her own and help and pray for her along the way.
As far as the youth Group & BYF things are really on the up and up. We had a great summer of outings and a
retreat that brought the group closer together and closer to Christ. I know Katie Stalnaker & Sam McDaniels will
continue this and grow our Youth in the future, they are both mature Christians with high energy and I am so very
excited to hear of all they will accomplish.
In the College realm, BCM is going strong and had 20 in attendance last week here at the church! Please continue
to pray for this growing ministry and once again under the Leadership of Sam McDaniels, Olivia Hudok and the entire
Leadership Team. I know, it will continue to thrive as they grow throughout the year.
Once again thank you so very much for all the well wishes and the level of class you as a body have shown me over
the last two and a half years.
First Baptist Church of Elkins will always have a special place in my heart and please continue to keep your focus
on reaching people and growing disciples for Christ, because nothing else really matters.
This verse will always remind me of how FBC Elkins operates: “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in
all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.“
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NLT
It has been the utmost honor and privilege to serve here at FBC Elkins.
In His Service,
Nick Smith
Of the
Thursday, October 16—Friday, October 17, 2014
Vienna Baptist Church, 3401 Grand Central Avenue, Vienna, WV
Guest Speaker; Gary Mcintosh, Presidnt of the Church Growth Network and Professor of Christian
Ministry and Leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Annual Sermon Speaker: Greg Creasy, Pastor, Pea Ridge Baptist Church, Huntington
Executive Minister: David Carrico. West Virginia Baptist Convention
Worship Leader: Brad Krigbaum, Youth Minister and Interim Praise Band Director, New Hope Baptist
Church, Parkersburg.
Theme: From Survive to Thrive
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that
they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. -John 10:10