29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – 19 OCTOBER 2014 “Then he said to them, “Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (19 October Readings: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5; Matthew 22:15-21) Announced Mass intentions Sat., Oct. 18 Sun., Oct. 19 Mon., Oct. 20 Tues., Oct. 21 Wed., Oct. 22 Thurs., Oct. 23 Fri., Oct. 24 Sat., Oct. 25 Sun., Oct. 26 5:00PM Mass – Beverly Whelly+ th 29 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00AM Mass – Deceased Members of the Cotter Family+ 9:30AM Mass – Holy Cross Parishioners Deceased Members of the O’Keefe Family+ Margaret Rule+ 11:15AM Mass – Louise Haac+ NO MASS 9:30AM Mass – Thomas Thomas+ 12:15PM Mass – Muthusamy Panniah+ 10:00AM Communion Service held at Windsor Park Manor 12:15PM Mass – Deceased Members of the Gardner Family+ Inez Chung (lvg) 12:15PM Mass – Margie Weir+ Fr. James Raphel CMF (lvg) Fr. Gilles Njobam CMF (lvg) 5:00PM Mass – Stella Dawson+ th 30 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00PM Mass –Teresa Johnston+ 9:30AM Mass – Roger Patry (lvg) 11:15AM Mass – Holy Cross Parishioners Events Calendar 8:00AM Development and Peace workshop 9:30AM Prayer Group – Rm. A Sun., Oct. 19 9:30AM Children’s Liturgy COFFEE SUNDAY after all morning Masses Mon., Oct. 20 12:00PM Potato Peelers – Hall 7:00PM FAITH FORMATION – Hall Tues., Oct. 21 10:00AM Pastoral Care/Bereavement mtg 7:00PM Finance – Library 8:00PM A.A. – Hall Wed., Oct. 22 7:00PM Parish Pastoral Council – Rm. A 7:30PM Choir (9:30) practice – Church Thurs., Oct.23 12:45PM Club 55+ - Live, Learn & Laugh Free lunch will be served – Hall 7:00PM Choir (11:15) practice – Church Fri., Oct. 24 1:00PM African Angels – Rm. A Sat., Oct. 25 9:30AM Prayer Group – Rm. A Sun., Oct. 26 9:30AM Children’s Liturgy 12:30PM Baptisms – Church PANCAKE BREAKFAST after all morning Masses Club 55+ - WARM CLOTHING DRIVE at all the Masses Sat., Oct. 18 Please pray for our brothers and sisters who are sick… -Our parishioners— Ron Black, Teofina Dubé, Tony Goveas, Betty Hubbard, Alice Johnson, Romeo Maione, Charlotte McCarthy, Edwina Laturnus, Mike McDonald, Beverly Olivastri, Madelyn Scanlan, Santa Sedlar, Alma Serrette, Joe Tonin, Rene Venasse, Caroline Wallace, Conrad Sheck -Immediate family members—George Arnold (brother of Fran Hadley), Jennifer Barns (niece of Trish Brighton), Bev Birch (wife of Deacon Bob Birch), Vic Edwards (husband of Deanna HeneyEdwards), Estelle Freed (daughter of Helen Dick), Emmett Juneau (nephew of June Kelly), Emily MacLeod (daughter of Marilyn & Martin), Lisa Nancarrow (daughter of Janet & Robin), Eric Polspoel (husband of Jacinthe Bourdeau), Maria Rodrigues (mother of Caje), Mary Scheer (wife of Deacon James Scheer), Maurice Trombley (brother of Marlene Pouliot) Our Condolences and Prayers — For the departed soul of Mona Hamilton+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pastor’s Column… THE LORD ALONE IS OUR KING The readings today revolve around true relationship with God. We sing in the psalm that the Lord is King over all the earth. In effect, God says to every ruler what he tells King Cyrus in today’s first reading: ‘For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name ... though you do not know me.’ The Lord raised up Cyrus to restore the Israelites from exile and rebuild Jerusalem. The Gospel passage today is a good example of the saying: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” In this Gospel the Pharisees join forces with the Herodians in an effort to entrap Jesus on the question of paying taxes to Caesar. These two groups would have been very unlikely allies. The Herodians would have favored paying taxes to Caesar, while the Pharisees would have opposed this. Yet they approach Jesus with the question: “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” Jesus is in a tough spot. If he said yes he would be considered a supporter of the Roman occupation of Israel. If he said no, he could be seen as an insurrectionist. Jesus shrewdly sidestepped the question by asking to see the coin used to pay taxes. When given the coin Jesus asked “Whose image is this and whose inscription?” They replied “Caesar’s.” Jesus then said; “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” While the coin bore the image of Caesar, the unasked question in this exchange is “What bears the image of God, and therefore needs to be given to God?” The answer of course is us. We are all made in the image and likeness of God. God bless you. Fr. Gilles Njobam CMF Associate Pastor Parish News and Community Life… HOSPITALITY Mark your calendar for our ANNUAL OLD-FASHIONED OLD PARISH SUPPER which will take place on Saturday, HOLY CROSS’ 2014 FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM PROGRAM: For November 15. More details in next weekend’s bulletin. the seventh consecutive year, Holy Cross will be holding a six-session Faith Formation Program. The theme of this PASTORAL CARE year’s program is based on the very popular Apostolic OUR TRAINED PASTORAL CARE TEAM MEMBERS are Exhortation, EVANGELII GAUDIUM (“The The Joy of the available to visit and/or bring Holy Communion to the sick, Gospel”) by the Holy Father Pope Francis. house-bound, bound, lonely, or bereaved. If you would like to access The following is the outline of the program: Mondays, October 20 & 27:: Presentation by Deacon John Kennedy on the Gospel of St. John. This is presentation will include two videos by Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche Community, who retraced the footsteps of Jesus in the Holy Land. Mondays, November 03 & 10: His Excellency Excellency, Christian Riesbeck, Auxiliary Bishop of Ottawa, will enlighten us with a deeper understanding of Pope Francis Exhortation to live “The Joy of the Gospel”. Join us from 7 – 9 p.m. in the parish hall. Free Free-will offering will be generously accepted. Please do not miss this opportunity to ‘lift high our souls’. WARM CLOTHING DRIVE DRIVE—"Baby, It's Cold Outside": Winter is quickly coming upon us. We are in need of co coats, jackets, boots, hats, scarves, mitts etc. When cleaning out your closet, please bring these items to Church with you on the weekends of October 25/26; November 01/02 & 08/09 and place them in the box provided in the entrance of the Church Church. All these items will be going to Shepherds of Good Hope and Harmony House. Thank you in advance for helping those in need to stay warm! our services, please call Sue Kennedy at 613-523-4748. Social Action... MISSION, PEACE, AND DEVELOPMENT You are missing something if you haven't checked out the bulletin board at the MPD corner of the church; great photos, maybe you are in one. Committee members were out in force as Holy Cross hosted the diocesan council of Development and Peace with its launch of the fall educational campaign. The catchy title Sow Much Love highlights the importance of food security and the threats against it. Thanks hanks all for your generous response to our parish food drive; we delivered 194 grocery bags to the needy families who use our local food banks. ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP – CARITAS’ FOOD FOR ALL CAMPAIGN: Development and Peace, Peace a member of Caritas Internationalis,, is in its fourth year of focus on ecological justice. In a video, Pope Francis calls on us to support the efforts of Caritas organizations around the world. He said, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. The words of our Lord call us today, telling us not to turn away, indifferent, when we know our neighbour is hungry. I encourage the faithful to participate in Caritas’ Food for All campaign and raise a voice for the hungry, particularly during the week of action in October.” Tip: Be open to learning about “Sow Much Love” campaign of Development and Peace that advocates for ecological justice for small family farmers (www.devp.org). CLUB55+: Join us for the first session of LIVE, LAUGH, LEARN and LUNCH on Thursday, October 23.. Come and enjoy a Other interests… catered lunch at 12:45 pm. All seniors 55 JASON EVERT CHASTITY PRESENTATIONS: “Parenting for Purity”, Thurs., Nov. 06 at 7 p.m. p.m at St. Paul High School: and over are welcome to join us!! “Love or Lust” (for youth grades 7-12), 7 Fri., Nov. 07 at 6:30 p.m. at Blessed Sacrament Church; “How to Save Your MEMORIAL SERVICE: On SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 02 at Marriage—Before Before Meeting Your Spouse” Spouse (young adults), Fri., 2:00 p.m., Holy Cross Parish Community “ will hold a MEMORIAL SERVICE to Nov. 07 at 8:30 p.m. at Blessed Sacrament Church; “Men’s celebrate the lives of the loved ones of Breakfast with Jason Evert”, Sat., Nov. 08 (further details parishioners who passed away in the last 2 TBA). To register for these events, please contact Ted years. Letters of invitation to attend the Hurley at thurley@archottawa.ca / 613-738-5025 ext. 231. service have been sent to the next of kin and their family members. If anyone wishes to have the name of a deceased immediate family member included in COLLECTION REPORT the Memorial Service, please call June Kelly at 613 613-73712 October 2014 – $4,499.50 (env) / $871.55 (loose) 7139. All are welcome. ~ Thank you for your generosity and support ~ 40 Days for Life Campaign – September ember 24 24–November 2: Great News – Halfway through these 40 days of prayer and fasting, internationally the lives of 199 babies have been saved from abortion. To register for vigil hours, across the Have you considered a gift in your WILL to provide street from the abortion facility at 65 Bank St., from 7am 7am–7pm for the faith life of future generations? daily or Proclamation of the Word time slots, 11am 11am–2pm daily, contact Parish Pro-Life ife Rep Warner Besserer at IN YOUR GENEROSITY, please consider a donation or bequest to Holy Cross Parish. m.w.besserer@rogers.com or Campaign Life Coalition at 613-729-0379.
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