DIARY DATES 20 7.00pm Reception Parents phonics/reading meeting 21 9.15am Harvest Mass 7.00pm Year 1 Parents phonics/reading meeting 24 SCHOOL CLOSED INSET 27th—31st HALF TERM 3 6.00pm FOS Christmas Fair planning meeting 4 9.15am Y3 Mass in the school chapel 6-13 Book Fair after school in the school Library 10 Bags2school 11 9.15am Key Stage 1 Mass 12 Year 4 Jesse Tree Workshop @ St Mary’s 18 Year 6 Mass in the school chapel 25 9.15am Y5 Mass in chapel 28 6.00-8.00pm Christmas Fair Dec Parent/Teacher meetings 1 2 Year 4 Mass Parent/Teacher meetings 9 Year 3 Mass 10 9.30am Key Stage 1 Christmas Play 11 9.30am Key Stage 1 Christmas Play 12 REAL time 16 9.15am whole school Mass 7.00pm KS2 Christmas service @ church 18 Christmas Disco KS1 6.00pm –7.00pm KS2 7.15pm– 8.30pm 19 Last day of term 5 5th January 2015 Spring term begins www.st-joseph-st-theresa.staffs.sch.uk 17.10.14 ISSUE: 430 Headteacher—Mrs PM Davies Tel 01543 510485 headteacher@st-joseph-st-theresa.staffs.sch.uk Tuesday 21st October 9.15 am MASS in the school hall followed by sale of Harvest Produce. ALL WELCOME Donations may be brought into school on Monday: tinned items or Tuesday: before Mass -fresh fruit/veg or hampers. Parents and parishioners are invited to purchase harvest items after Mass. All proceeds will be sent to CAFOD Thank you for supporting our School sponsored walk. The children really enjoyed walking this year. The weather was fabulous and to see the family of deer was a real bonus. Sponsor money received so far £917.65 Year 3 and Year 4 both have had great fun within their history days this week. Please look out for photos on the school web site on their class page. Busy Bees Kind Koalas A super week in Busy Bees! Thank you to everyone who completed the talk homework about Autumn. Please only bring things in to show on a FRIDAY. Talk homework: classroom rules see slip. Tricky words: his if the Amazing Astronauts Star Writers Maths Champs Please remember to bring back your PE kits on MONDAY. Have a lovely weekend, you have worked really hard. TUESDAY 21st October 7.00pm Phonics & Reading meeting for parents Nathan Morgan A super week full of hard work. Keep up the fantastic reading at home. Remember you can record if you have read another book other than your school book to get a sticker for your passport.. Talk homework: - see slip Making a sandwich Tricky words: slice bread how Thank you Miss Evans A superb week in Year 3 again—the Celts& Romans day was excellent. Your costumes were also fantastic. Talk homework: see slip Tricky words: balloons instructions paste Thank you Miss Higgs Talented Tigers Thank you for a great week and a fantastic Tudor day I hope you learnt lots of new things. Talk homework: see slip Tricky words: Bosworth Shakespeare exciting Thank you Miss Wright Tenacious Turtles Well done for all your hard work this week. Super effort with your stories, they are fantastic. Thank you Mr Johnston Legendary Lions STARS MONDAY 20th October 7.00pm Phonics & Reading meeting for parents Thank you Miss Bowen Talk homework: see slip– retell the story of Goldilocks Tricky words: they there their Thank you Mrs Windsor Joyful Gems’ CONGRATULATIONS to this week’s Thanks for a great week. Well done for a great WW2 afternoon & thanks to Mackenzie’s granddad. Talk homework: see slip Tricky words: Thank you Mrs Larner If your child is walking home at the end of school please remind them to use the crossing patrol and to cross all other roads carefully. Please remember to make your application for secondary school. Year 6 football tournament Congratulations to our Y6 boys football team who took part in an interschools competition on Saturday in Cannock. All the boys played really well drawing 2 games and narrowly losing 1-0 in their other games. Other sports results Football St Joseph Rugeley 3-1 St Joseph & ST Theresa St Joseph & St Theresa 0-0 St Thomas More Netball St Joseph & St Theresa 3-0 St Thomas More Casey Titley Sophie Nevitt Sophie Dickenson Pascal Lysiak Niamh Hicks Logan Partridge Harriet Hosell Levi Longmore Daniel Millington Lucy Kinsella Lewis George Katie Patrick Tia Stevens Sahara Hogg Super Signers Madison Evans Carys Morgan Rosie Pockson Isla Stevenson Spencer Hawksworth Caitlin Hamill Niamh O’Shaughnessy Tom Stevens Christian Morgan Massie Hewitt Sam Palmer Thomas Pockson Hope Dempsey Lunchtime Awards Behaviour & Cassie Rose Manners Lukas Boughton Alice Ansell Harry Tye Brooke Luke Logan Partridge Lauren Hiley Sophie George Andrew Brogden Finlay Jelley Thomas Nugent Liam Whittaker Sarah Cantrill Lilly Hughes Gifted & Talented Share and celebrate your success and achievements... Congratulations to Felicity Bladon Y2 who has achieved a 10m Swimming Award. Sophie Moody Y4 continues her dancing successes with: U10 Starters Sole 4th place, U12 Pairs beginners 1st Place, U10 Street 7th Place. Well done girls. School clubs starting next week Monday: Centrestage Drama for KS2 Y5 ICT Y1&2 Football Y4 Homework club Tuesday: Netball Pony club Wednesday: Art club Y6 Thursday: Lunchtime Story club Y1 & 2 Y5 Homework club Y3&4 Football Journalists Club in Year 2 Other clubs starting soon include: Science, Cooking, Gardening. Dates of the first ‘School Magazine’ coming shortly on headlines . . . School Attendance Class Attendance for the week beginning 6th October 2014: Well done to this week’s winner and to all those classes who have improved. Year Year Year Year Year Year Year R 1 2 3 4 5 6 92.67% 92% 95.33% 97.93%1st 95.94% 97.59% 97.14%
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