PROSPEK DAN PERSPEKTIF REFORMASI BIROKRASI Ir.Deddy S. Bratakusumah, BE, MURP, MSC, PhD STAF AHLI PEMERINTAHAN DAN OTONOMI DAERAH KEMENTERIAN PAN DAN RB 0816968367 2014 PERMASALAHAN BANGSA Masalah Utama Bangsa Meskipun Indonesia telah sukses dalam memperbaiki ekonomi pasca berbagai krisis, namun masih terdapat beberapa masalah yang perlu diselesaikan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kemiskinan dan Pengangguran Kesenjangan Kesejahteraan Rakyat dan Keadilan Infrastruktur Birokrasi Korupsi Deddy S Bratakusumah, PhD Penghambat Investasi No 2010 2011 1 Birokrasi pemerintah 2 Korupsi Birokrasi pemerintah 3 Infrastruktur 4 Akses pada Pembiayaan 5 Inflasi Korupsi 2012 Birokrasi pemerintah 2013 Korupsi Korupsi Birokrasi Pemerintah Infrastruktur Infrastruktur Infrastruktur Ketidakstabilan Politik Akses pada Pembiayaan Akses pada Pembiayaan Peraturan Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan Ketenagakerjaan Etika Kerja Buruk (Bappenas, 2014) Kerangka Strategi Mengatasi Masalah REGIONAL COOPERATION GLOBAL ISSUES GLOBAL AGENDA COUNTRY RESPONS DOMESTIC ISSUES Deddy S Bratakusumah, PhD BETTER INDONESIA REFORMASI BIROKRASI Bureaucratic Reform The Bureaucratic Reform is the transformation of all aspects of the management of the Government toward a world-class Government in 2025 BR Policies and Guidelines • Presidential Regulation No.81/2010 concerning Bureaucratic Reform Grand Design: a Master Plan contains the policy direction of National Bureaucratic Reform during the period of 2010-25. • Ministerial (Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform) Regulation No 20/2010 concerning Bureaucratic Reform Road Map 20102014: a detailed plan of BR implementation from one stage to the next stage for five years (2010-14) with a clear target per year. Deddy S Bratakusumah, PhD Grand Design BR 2010-2025 2025 2014 Expected Condition Proportional number of civil servants clean government free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism Improving the quality of public services Improving capacity, performance and accountability of bureaucrats Improving the professionalism of state apparatus increasing the mobility of personnel between regions, between centers, and between central and local Increasing the salary and other forms of benefits Achieve good governance with the government as a professional bureaucracy, with high integrity, serving the public and the state Make a real contribution to the government’s performance in national and regional development Staging 3rd Five Year Target (2020– 2024) 2nd Five Year Target (2015–2019) 1st Five Year Target (2010–2014) Strengthening of the government bureaucracy to achieve a government which is free from corruption, collusion and nepotism and improvement of the , performance, accountability of the bureaucracy; and improved public services Implementation of targets achieved in the first 5 years and continuation of what has not been achieved in the various strategic components in the government bureaucracy Continuous improvement of the bureaucracy as followup to the bureaucratic reforms during the 2nd five years in order to achieve a world class government WORLD CLASS GOVERNMENT Bureaucratic Transformation 2025 2018 2013 • RULE BASED BUREAUCRACY • VISION AND PERFORMANCE BASED BUREAUCRACY • OPEN CAREER SYSTEM • CIVIL SERVANT MANAGEMENT • CLOSED CAREER SYSTEM • CIVIL SERVANT ADMINISTRATION • DYNAMICS BUREAUCRACY • OPEN SYSTEM • HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Bureaucratic Reform Targets increasing the capacity and performance accountability among bureaucrats establishment of clean government, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism increasing the quality of public services Bureaucratic Reform Regulations Ministerial Regulations • • • • • • • • • • • No 7/2011 Guidance for Ministries and Institutions Proposing Documents for Bureauctartic Reform No 8/2011 Guidance for Assessing Ministries/Institutions’ Proposal Documents and Road Map of Implementing Bureaucratic Reform No 9/2011 Guidance for Formulating Bureaucratic Reform Road Maps of Ministries/institutions and Local Governments. No 10/2011 Guidance for Change Management Implementation No 11/2011 Criteria and Success Indicators of Bureaucratic Reform No 12/2011 Guidance for Refining Business Process No 13/2011 Guidance for Implementing Quick Wins No 14/2011 Guidance for Implementing Knowledge Management Programs. No 15/2011 Approval Mechanism of Bureucratic Reform Implementation and Performance Allowance for Ministries/Institutions No 1/2012 Guidance for Assesment on Bureucratic Reform Implementation No 31/2012 Technical Guidance for Online Self Assesment on Bureucratic Reform Implementation. Change Areas Change Area Organization Systems and Procedures Laws and Regulations Human Resources Supervision Accountability Public Services Public Servant Mindset and Culture Expected Results Right sizing Systems, processes and work procedures that are clear, effective, efficient, scalable and in accordance with the principles of good governance More orderly , not overlap and conducive laws and regulations Human resources with high integrity, neutral, competent, capable, professional, high-performing and prosperous Increasing implementation of good governance and free of Colusion, Corruption and Nepotism Increasing the capacity and accountability of the performance of the bureaucracy Excellent service according to the needs and expectations of the community The bureaucracy with high integrity and high performance PEREMPUAN DALAM KONTEKS REFORMASI BIROKRASI Pernyataan Obyektif ...women would not make a full contribution to development ‘until there were more women involved in the planning process, in the adminstration at all levels, and in all sectors... (UN Assistant Sec Gen, in Col 1991) Kenyataan Obyektif ...although almost every nation grants women equality under the law, as citizens, as workers, and especially as employees in civil service systems, this legal equality is often not sufficient to ensure that women are able to contribute fully to national development... (Jeanne-Marie Col 1991) ...need some affirmative actions Dinamika Jumlah PNS 2003-2013 (BKN, 2014) JUMLAH Kecenderungan Peningkatan TAHUN Deddy S Bratakusumah, PhD Peta Jabatan PNS (BKN, 2014) Hambatan Dalam Upaya Keberpihakan 1. Sikap dan Budaya Masyarakat, 2. Kompetensi, 3. Kesempatan Untuk Kompetisi, 4. Pengaturan Promosi. Deddy S Bratakusumah, PhD Upaya Nyata Keberpihakan UU ASN • • • • Seleksi dan promosi secara adil dan kompetitif Menerapkan prinsip fairness Penggajian, reward and punishment berbasis kinerja Standar integritas dan perilaku untuk kepentingan publik • Manajemen SDM secara efektif dan efisien, termasuk peningkatan kompetensi • Melindungi pegawai dari intervensi politik dan dari tindakan semena-mena. Deddy S Bratakusumah, PhD Manajemen Pegawai ASN 1 2 REKRUITMEN PENGEMBANGAN PEGAWAI KEBUTUHAN DIDASARKAN ANJAB & ABK, SELEKSI PEGAWAI ASN MENGGUNAKAN CAT SEBAGAI HAK PEGAWAI ASN, SDM APARATUR SBG ASET SHG PERLU PENGEMBANGAN (DIKLAT, SEMINAR, KURSUS, PEMAGANGAN & PERTUKARAN PNS-SWASTA) 3 PROMOSI BASIS KARIR TERBUKA (KOMPETISI), HAK SETIAP PEGAWAI ASN YG MEMENUHI SYARAT 4 KESEJAHTERAAN BERDASARKAN BEBAN KERJA, TANGGUNG JAWAB, RESIKO PEKERJAAN & KINERJA 5 MANAJEMEN KINERJA MENJAMIN OBJEKTIVITAS PEMBINAAN PEGAWAI ASN YG DIDASARKAN PRESTASI DAN SISTEM KARIR, SERTA ADANYA SANKSI ATAS TDK TERCAPAINYA KINERJA 6 DISIPLIN & ETIKA RINCIAN KODE ETIK PROFESI DAN SANKSI 7 PENSIUN SEMANGAT FULLY FUNDED Perlu Pula Dilakukan • Sosialisasi untuk merubah sikap dan pandangan masyarakat terhadap perempuan karir, • Memperbaiki berbagai peraturan yang tidak memperhatikan kebutuhan perempuan, antara lain: - Sikap yang obyektif terhadap hak cuti hamil dan cuti haid Penyediaan tempat penitipan anak dan pemberian ASI di tempat kerja Penyediaan tempat penitipan anak dan pemberian ASI pada Asrama Diklat. Deddy S Bratakusumah, PhD Penutup Upaya nyata Peningkatan Peran Perempuan dalam Birokrasi telah ditingkatkan dengan terbitnya berbagai peraturan perundangan dalam kerangka Reformasi Birokrasi Dengan Reformasi Birokrasi akan dapat diwujudkan birokrasi yang bersih, berkualitas dan melayani Deddy S Bratakusumah, PhD Terima Kasih
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