Sunday, October 19, 2014 – Anniversary Sunday Rideau Park United Church 2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa K1H 7L9 613-733-3156 Welcome to Rideau Park United Church. Please note: Audio loops are available from the ushers. Prayer requests for today’s services can be noted on the lists at the entrances. Childcare for pre-schoolers is available in room B-12 (lower hallway). Quiet activity boxes are also available for children in the chapel each Sunday. *Indicates where the congregation is invited to stand as able. After the service, you are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation in Beecroft Hall. October 19, 2014 - Anniversary Sunday We Gather Together Prelude: “Down Ampney” Sumsion Lighting of Chancel Candles: 2 Samuel 22: 29 “Indeed, you are my lamp, O Lord. God lightens my darkness.” *Call to Worship: One: People of God, look around and see the faces of friends and strangers. ALL: People of God, look around and see all the images of God assembled here. One: Ancient scripture meets modern rhythms, hymns of tradition meet the refreshing Spirit of new life. All: In each one, God’s Spirit shines for all to see. One: People of God, let us worship. *Processional Hymn: 232 VU “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You” With Touch of Brass Hymn to Joy *Prayer of Approach and Jesus’ Prayer (p. 921 VU) 9:30 Joyful Noise: 11:15 Touch of Brass Use Your Gifts Use Your Gifts Mayo Mayo Listening for God’s Presence and Voice A Time for All God’s Children/ Time of Reflection Responsive Reading: Psalm 99, p. 819 VU (with sung refrain) 9:30 Touch of Brass: Osse Shalom arr. By Susan Nelson Elizabeth Inrig - Clarinet Scripture: Exodus 33: 3-5, 12-23 Anthem: 9:30 Carolyn Scollick Thy Kingdom Come Scripture: Matthew 22: 15-22 Sermon: Sirett 9:30 Carolyn Scollick “From institution to movement; the church of milk and honey” Guest Preacher: Éric Hébert-Daly *Hymn: 154 MV “Deep in Our Hearts” John Oldham Offering Ourselves in Service Offering Offertory Music: Soloist: “Come Celebrate This Morn” Katie Jourdeuil *Offering Dedication: 227 VU: verse 3 For the harvests of the Spirit, thanks be to God. For the good we all inherit, thanks be to God. For the wonders that astound us, for the truths that still confound us, most of all that love has found us, thanks be to God. Prayer of Thanksgiving and Concern J.S Bach The Life and Work of the Church *Hymn: 331 VU “The Church’s One Foundation” Aurelia *Commissioning and Benediction Voluntary: Flourish for an Occasion Harris We welcome this Anniversary Sunday Éric Hébert-Daly as our guest speaker. Born to an Acadian family, Éric has been a lay worship leader for the United Church of Canada for the last decade. He is now student-clergy and in his first year of part-time studies at United Theological College at McGill University. He's been an active member of the new "collective" model of church in West Quebec (Grace United). Éric is also the National Executive Director of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS), former National Director of one of Canada's major political parties, founding board member of Theatre Wakefield and enjoys spending what little free time he has with his partner at his home in Wakefield, Québec. Please keep in mind worshippers who have limited mobility. Parking in the parking spots beside Cunningham makes it easier for them to come to church, so if you don’t have the need, please use a parking spot on the Beecroft side or in the back parking lot. Thank you. PLEASE NOTE: The Fall Congregational Meeting which had been scheduled for Wednesday November 5, has been changed to Wednesday November 19 at 7:00p.m. Details to follow. Rideau Park News 2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9 (613) 733-3156 Sunday, October 19, 2014 Upcoming Worship Events Sunday, Oct. 19 Meditative Service 3:00p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2 Our Hearts Remember 3:00p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2 Daylight Savings Ends Meditative Service – Oct. 19 at 3:00 p.m.: All are welcome at this gentle service of scripture, prayer, song, sharing and silence. An opportunity to join with others to reflect on God’s word to you and God’s presence in your life. Rideau Park presents: FUTURE STARS! Come and join us on Sunday, October 26 at 3:00p.m. for a marvelous concert featuring the choir leads of RPUC Choir and friends. Sponsored by the Dianne Ferguson Fund. RPUC Refugee Fund proudly presents, as a fund raiser: “T’was a Dark and Stormy Night… “ Spooky tales told by The Ottawa Storytellers...Brass music to match the tales and send a shiver up your spine, played by Al Ridgeway and the North Winds Brass. Don't miss this new “Tales & Tunes” concert! Wednesday, October 29, 7:30p.m., at Rideau Park. Tickets on sale at the office (even on Sunday), and at the door: $20 adults / $15 seniors and students / $10 kids 13 & under. All welcome! Info: LAST Time to Buy Berries! Frozen blueberries, raspberries and/or cranberries can be ordered until TODAY, Sunday, Oct. 19!!! Berry orders must be accompanied by the exact amount of cash in an envelope or a cheque made out to the Rideau Park United Church Women – no post-dated cheques, please. The berries will be available for pick-up here at Rideau Park United Church on Friday, November 7 at 7:00p.m., so please mark your calendars. The price of 2 kg of blueberries is $20, 2.5 kg of raspberries cost $28, and 2 kg of cranberries are $16. Order forms are available on the Duty Officer’s desk. Questions? Please contact either: Peggy Rader or Marcia Gosse for more information. Sunday, November 2, at 3:00P.m. - Our Hearts Remember: A meditative service of worship during which we remember, and celebrate, the lives of our loved ones and friends, who have passed away during the past year. A commemorative candle for each person, which may be taken home as a keepsake, will be lit during the service. The Bazaar count down is quickly moving towards November 1. Remember to buy your Tea Room tickets - $6.00, which includes your ticket stub allowing you to pick up a free book when you make a purchase in Book Alley. Rideau Park Bakers: please help us to supply sweets for both the Bake Table and the Tea Room. Men, women, teenagers, and those that are even younger, get creative as you bake and bake and bake! Below is the chart for the drop off times of all your donations: Activity Room Wed. Oct. 29 1-5pm and 6-8pm Thurs. Oct. 30 9- 5pm and 6-8 pm Fri. Oct. 31 9am - 8pm Sat. Nov. 1 9-11am X (6 to 8pm ONLY) X X (by 10 am AT THE LATEST) X Baking Table items to sell at the bazaar C6 Baking squares to be used in the Tea Room Book Alley C12 Crafts of all Kinds B21 X Deli C6 X Garden Centre B21 X (9am - 3pm ONLY) X Kitchen C12 X X Ladies’ Boutique B21 Jams & Preserves C6 Silent Auction Walkway X X X X X X X X X B20 X X X Toy Store B9 X X X General Store B12 X X X X The Christmas Pageant is coming! We will be having our 15th annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 14. All children and young people are invited to participate! Notices and rehearsal schedules will be available on the Sunday School counter starting on Saturday, October 26 and the sign-up for parts (speaking, non-speaking and behind-the-scenes) will be held Sunday, November 2. Anyone needing more information or wishing to volunteer can contact Andrea Laliberté. Time to make pies! Pie making will begin again on Thursday, October 23 at 9:00 a.m. in Beecroft Kitchen. Call Mabel Bannerman for more information at. Fall Faith Exploration: “Speaking Christian “ on Monday evenings, October 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17 and 24 at 7:30p.m. Do you sometimes have trouble expressing your faith or find yourself questioning how you hear faith expressed? Marcus Borg covers such questions in his book. Copies available through the office ($15). Join the discussion Monday evenings or online at The Worship and Music Committee are having a visioning meeting on Tuesday evening October 21. It will be a time of reflection about worship at RPUC and a time of visioning for the future. The more perspectives we can gather the better. All are welcome to join in. We meet in the Church Parlour at 7:30p.m.; we will be done by 9:00p.m. You are invited to attend the ANNUAL ECUMENICAL DAY OF SHARING AND PREPARATION for WORLD DAY OF PRAYER to be held on Saturday, October 25, from 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. at Rideau Park United Church. The focus country for 2015 is THE BAHAMAS. Contact persons: Rosalie Alexander or Lise Gauvin. Rideau Park Book Club has been reading Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northrup. This is a 19th century book that was made into an Oscar-winning film in 2013. We will meet to discuss our reading on Sunday, October 26, starting around 10:45a.m. in the parlour. Everyone is welcome to come and join us! South Gloucester United Church would like to invite the congregation of Rideau Park United to hear Rev. Lillian Roberts as our guest speaker on Sunday, October 26 at 9:00a.m. A reception will follow the service. Rev Roberts is relocating to a new position in Northern Ontario, effective November 1, 2014 and this is our event to thank Lillian for her ministry. If you have questions, please contact Joan Johnston 613-521-0333 Co-Chair SGUC Council or CHURCHPOST: The next deadline for Churchpost is coming - please submit articles by Sunday, November 2 at noon, to Marcia Gosse or place your article in the Churchpost slot outside of the Church Administrative Assistant’s office. Thank you. Variety Show – November 8 at 7:00p.m.: If you are under 18 years old and wish to showcase your musical talents, then please sign up on the Music bulletin board in the upper hallway. Limited opportunities, 20 spaces. Filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. To be followed by a reception. Cracks Festival : November 7, 8 at Dominion Chalmers UC : Cracks is a festival that explores the intersection of art, spirituality and social justice. Cracks is for spiritually-inclined people who want to connect through informative workshops, inspiring art-making, out of this world music and exhibits that awaken you spiritually. Whether you want to roll up your sleeves to make art, take in a panel conversation about social justice, meet an author, put on your sacred dance shoes, or while away time in the chapel listening to local musicians – there is something for everyone. To find out more please visit “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” - Leonard Cohen Activities Calendar: October 19-25 Sunday: Meditative Service 3:00pm Sanctuary Youth Bible Study 7:00pm Parlour Monday: Playgroup 9:30am B12 Cross Stitch 10:00am Parlour Knitting 12:30pm Parlour Ringing Praise 6:30pm Sanctuary Touch of Brass 7:15pm Sanctuary Fall Faith Exploration 7:30pm Parlour Oasis 8:00pm Brackenridge Tuesday: Playgroup 9:30am B-12 La Bell Ensemble 7:15pm Sanctuary Worship and Music 7:30pm Parlour Wednesday: Playgroup 9:30am B-12 Bible Explorations 9:30am Parlour Harmony Club 11:00am Beecroft Thursday: Pie Making 9:00am B. Kitchen Playgroup 9:30am B-12 Quilters 9:30am Parlour Euchre 1:00pm Parlour HearSay 5:45pm Parlour Note-Able Sound Chimes 6:15pm Sanctuary KinderPraise 6:15pm B-9 Seraphs 6:15pm B-12 Cherubs 6:15pm B-13 Joyful Noise 6:45pm B-12 Grace Notes 6:45pm Sanctuary Chancel Choir 7:30pm Sanctuary Friday: Multiple Families Playgroup 10:30am B-12 Saturday: Elizabeth Bryce—Minister Steve Clifton—Minister Georgina Fitzgerald—Minister Ted Colwell—Interim Minister Ian Bevell—Music Director Debi Brown—Administrator Debby Gerro—Admin. Assistant Paul Sorg—Custodian Coffee Hour Volunteers Oct. 19 Karen Humphries & Rob Blake Kimberly & Caitlin Allo Ada McEwen & Morley Craig Oct. 26 Joanne Rodgers & Ron MacPherson Hope Ross-Papezik Vera & Randy Lidstone Sunday Duty Officers Oct. 19 9:30am 11:15am Lynda Becker Judy Paré Oct. 26 9:30am 11:15am Barbara Robinson Hyacinth Wade-Howard Counting Volunteers Oct. 20 Brian Hamilton Oct. 27 Susan Vaughan Main Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm Ministers’ pager number: 613-786-4340 Visit our website: Prayer Chain: Ext 227 or Church Staff: 613-733-3156 Mon-Thurs ext 224 Tues-Fri ext 225 Tues-Thurs ext 226 Tues-Thurs ext 229 Mon-Wed ext 223 Mon, Wed-Fri ext 228 Tues-Fri ext 229 Mon, Wed-Fri ext 229
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