RSTA_372_2029_cover_RSTA_372_2029_cover 09/10/14 3:02 pm Page 2 GUIDANCE FOR AUTHORS Editor C. David Garner FRS Commissioning Editor Bailey Fallon Editorial Board C. David Garner, Editor University of Nottingham Kazuyuki Aihara University of Tokyo Henrik Alfredsson KTH Stockholm Chunli Bai Chinese Academy of Sciences Russel Caflisch University of California, Los Angeles Giu-Qiang Chen University of Oxford Jack Connor Culham Centre for Fusion Energy Peter Coveney University College London Walter Craig McMaster University John Dainton Cockcroft Institute For Accelerator Science and Technology Caterina Ducati University of Cambridge Ben Feringa University of Groningen Baylor Fox-Kemper Brown University Isabelle Gallagher Université Paris-Diderot Nigel Goldenfeld University of Illinois Joanna Haigh Imperial College, London Yasuhiro Iwasawa University of Tokyo Bruce Joyce Imperial College, London Brian Kennett Australian National University Marta Kwiatkowska University of Oxford Ying-Cheng Lai Arizona State University Frank Larkins University of Melbourne Brian Launder University of Manchester Stephen Liddle University of Nottingham Joseph T. C. Liu Brown University Malcolm Longair University of Cambridge Mike Lovell University of Leicester John Meurig Thomas University of Cambridge Paul Milewski University of Bath Nicolas Moussiopoulos Aristotle University, Thessaloniki Alfredo Ozorio de Almeida Centro Brasiliero de Pesquias Fisicas (CBPF) Richard Pattrick University of Manchester Eric Priest University of St Andrews Commissioning Editor: Bailey Fallon (tel: +44 (0)20 7451 2214; fax: +44 (0)20 7976 1837; Editorial Coordinator: Ruth Milne (tel: +44 (0)20 7451 2633; Production Editor: Matthew Eland 6–9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG, UK C.N.R. Rao CSIR Centre of Excellence in Chemistry, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Ulrich Rist Universität Stuttgart Stuart Robinson University College, London Gordon Semenoff University of British Columbia Ingrid Stairs University of British Columbia Douglas Stephan University of Toronto Howard Stone Princeton University Bill Unruh University of British Columbia Tanja van Mourik University of St Andrews Bryan Webber University of Cambridge Paul Williams University of Reading Xuesong Wu Imperial College, London Maohai Xie Hong Kong University Vivian Yam University of Hong Kong Hiroshi Yamaguchi NTT Basic Research Laboratory Nan Yao Princeton University John Zarnecki The Open University AIMS AND SCOPE Each issue of Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A is devoted to a specific area of the mathematical, physical and engineering sciences. This area will define a research frontier that is advancing rapidly, often bridging traditional disciplines. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A is essential reading for mathematicians, physicists, engineers and other physical scientists. As well as theme issues, the journal publishes papers from the Royal Society’s mathematical, physical and engineering discussion meetings. For information on submitting a proposal for a theme issue, please consult the journal’s website at Selection criteria Theme issue topics are selected from proposals submitted to the journal. Each issue is guest edited by one or more experts in the field who invite all contributions (the journal does not accept unsolicited stand-alone papers). The criteria for selection of topics are scientific excellence, originality and interest across disciplines within biology. The Editor is responsible for all decisions on proposals and he makes these decisions based on the reports received from the referees and/or Editorial Board members. Publishing format Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A articles are published online and in print every two weeks. 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Cristina Marchetti and Epifanio Virga Article ID Introduction Perspectives in active liquid crystals 20130373 A Majumdar, MC Marchetti & EG Virga Articles Recent developments of analysis for hydrodynamic flow of nematic liquid crystals 20130361 F Lin & C Wang Vorticity, defects and correlations in active turbulence Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A | vol. 372 no. 2029 | 28 November 2014 28 November 2014 ISSN 1364-503X volume 372 number 2029 New trends in active liquid crystals: mechanics, dynamics and applications Papers of a Theme Issue organised and edited by Apala Majumdar, M. Cristina Marchetti and Epifanio Virga 20130366 Defect dynamics in active nematics 20130365 L Giomi, MJ Bowick, P Mishra, R Sknepnek & MC Marchetti Rheological signatures in limit cycle behaviour of dilute, active, polar liquid crystalline polymers in steady shear 20130362 MG Forest, P Phuworawong, Q Wang & R Zhou Aspects of the density field in an active nematic 20130364 S Mishra, S Puri & S Ramaswamy Dissipative shocks behind bacteria gliding 20130360 EG Virga Light-activated self-propelled colloids 20130372 J Palacci, S Sacanna, S-H Kim, G-R Yi, DJ Pine & PM Chaikin Tunable dynamics of microtubule-based active isotropic gels 20140142 G Henkin, SJ DeCamp, DTN Chen, T Sanchez & Z Dogic Actuation of flexoelectric membranes in viscoelastic fluids with applications to outer hair cells 20130369 EE Herrera-Valencia & AD Rey Active liquid crystals: challenges and new directions SP Thampi, R Golestanian & JM Yeomans The world’s first science journal Founded in 1660, the Royal Society is the independent scientific academy of the UK, dedicated to promoting excellence in science Registered Charity No 207043 Published in Great Britain by the Royal Society, 6–9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG 28 November 2014
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