16th Annual 3 Rivers Wet Weather Sewer Conference Monroeville Convention Center October 15-16, 2014 16th Annual 3 Rivers Wet Weather Sewer Conference Table of Contents Welcome2 Conference Information 3 Conference Schedule 4 Session Guide 5-10 Exhibitors 11-20 Registration Form 21 Many thanks to our conference sponsors: 2014 marks our 16th annual sewer conference. Yes, 16 years of hosting this educational two-day event is quite an accomplishment, but beyond that we should recognize the progress we have made together on resolving the wet weather issue. Just last year, municipalities submitted their feasibility studies to local regulatory agencies and ALCOSAN submitted its regional Wet Weather Plan (WWP) to the EPA. And in June, more than 200 local municipal, ALCOSAN and regulatory agency representatives attended an EPA municipal update meeting hosted by 3RWW. EPA presented the need for a collaborative approach to implementing the regional wet weather plan. Recognizing that the current WWP is unaffordable for our region, the EPA is providing us an opportunity to develop an alternative approach that will give the region more time and flexibility to achieve better environmental results at a lower overall cost. With that said, EPA expects significant progress over the next six years in sewer system regionalization, setting flow limits and developing flow reduction (I/I and GSI) approaches, so timing is critical. We need to capitalize on this opporutnity now. We planned this year’s conference with these goals in mind. We feel confident you will find valuable insight from our myriad of experienced speakers as well as from our more than 70 exhibitors. John W. Schombert Executive Director, 3 Rivers Wet Weather Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc. Civil Engineers and Surveyors Conference Information Registration The registration fee for this two-day event is $75 by October 3, 2014. Registration after October 3 is $85. Mail, fax or email (conference@3rww.org) your registration with a check payable to 3 Rivers Wet Weather OR register online at www.3riverswetweather.org and pay using a credit card through Paypal. (You do not need to have a Paypal account to complete payment.) Fee includes registration, conference materials, meals for both days and an opportunity to win an exhibitor-sponsored prize package. To avoid long registration lines at the conference, complete your registration by October 8. If you are not registered by this deadline, you will need to register on-site at the conference beginning at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, October 15. Walk-in registrations are not guaranteed to receive conference promotional items. For registration questions about the conference, contact 3 Rivers Wet Weather at 412-578-8375 or email: conference@3rww.org. Continuing Education A continuing education form will be provided at the conference so that attendance can be verified. Certified Wastewater Operators This two-day conference is a DEP-approved wastewater training program. Pennsylvania-certified wastewater operators can earn up to four contact hours by attending the two-day event. If you are a certified wastewater operator, please include your 5- or 6-digit DEP Client ID number on your continuing education form. Note: Class A, B and C wastewater operators need to complete 15 contact hours for the first renewal (3 years) and 30 for every renewal thereafter. Class D and E operators need 8 hours and 15 hours subsequently. Licensed Professional Engineers Licensed professional engineers may use the continuing education form to request a conference completion certificate from 3 Rivers Wet Weather. Your professional licensing board will determine the credit earned from attending the conference. Cancellations Cancellations must be received no later than noon on October 3 for a refund. Online and fax registrations are considered an attendance commitment; such registrations will be invoiced unless cancelled. Substitutions (from the same organization/company) may be made. However, 3RWW requests notification prior to the conference for preparation of registration materials. Room Reservations A block of rooms is reserved at the Doubletree Hilton (on-site next to the Monroeville Convention Center) for conference attendees and exhibitors at a cost of $132/night. Visit www.3riverswetweather.org under Annual Sewer Conference to make your room reservation at this special discount rate or call the Doubletree at 412-373-7300 on or before September 24, 2014. Directions The conference will be held at the Monroeville Convention Center, 209 Mall Boulevard, Monroeville, PA 15146. (Please note: It is located inside the former Wicke’s Furniture Store, not the former ExpoMart.) • From Pittsburgh via the Parkway East (I-376): Merge onto I-376 E/US-2E/US-30E via the ramp to Monroeville. Continue to follow I-376 E/US-22E. Use exit 10B for US-22 Business toward Monroeville. Merge onto US-22/William Penn Highway and continue to follow William Penn Highway. Turn right at Mall Blvd. The Monroeville Convention Center is located on your right (approximately 1/4 mile). • From the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76): Take Exit 57 to merge onto I-376 West toward Pittsburgh/US-22. Take the US-22 Business Exit on the left toward Monroeville. Merge onto US-22 William Penn Highway and continue to follow William Penn Highway. Turn left at Mall Blvd. The Monroeville Convention Center is located on your right (approximately 1/4 mile). • From the Airport: Head North on Airport Blvd. toward Pittsburgh. Make a slight right to stay on Airport Blvd. Merge onto PA-60 South via the ramp I-79 Pittsburgh/Pennsylvania Turnpike. Continue on US-22 East /US-30 East. Take I-376E (Look for signs I-376/Monroeville). Take exit 10B for US-22 Business toward Monroeville. Merge onto US-22/William Penn Highway. Turn right on Mall Boulevard. The Monroeville Convention Center is located on your right (approximately 1/4 mile). Parking Free outdoor parking is located right outside the South Gallery Entrance of the Monroeville Convention Center. Please note that the Convention Center may have another event being held simultaneously in the North Hall, which may affect parking. A large parking area also is available near the Center’s North Entrance, however, you will need to walk to the South Entrance to gain admission to the 3 Rivers Wet Weather sewer conference. 3 Conference Schedule Wednesday October 15, 2014 Thursday October 16, 2014 8:00-8:55 a.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibit Hall 8:00-9:00 a.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibit Hall 8:55-9:00 a.m. Welcome John Schombert 9:00-9:30 a.m. 9:00-9:30 a.m. Keynote Address: Improving Water Quality Through Greater Regionalization Dennis Yablonsky Allegheny County’s Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan Chad Davis & William McClain 9:30-10:00 a.m. Urban Stormwater Retrofit Program Larry Coffman 9:30-10:15 a.m. ALCOSAN Wet Weather Program Update Colleen Hughes & Tim Prevost 10:00-10:30 a.m. The Business Case for Public & Private Source I/I Removal Brandon Vatter 10:15-11:00 a.m. Break in Exhibit Hall 10:30-11:15 a.m. Break in Exhibit Hall 11:00-11:30 a.m. Sewer Regionalization Implementation Committee Update Caren Glotfelty 11:15-11:45 a.m. Asset Management Made Easy Rich McGillis 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m High Performance Modular Biofiltration Systems Warren Cohn 12:15-1:30 p.m. Lunch and Exhibit Hall 1:30-2:15 p.m. Show Us the Money! Todd Colley, Larry Gasparato, Suzanne Parks & Bud Schubel 2:15-2:45 p.m. Wet Weather and Your Public Image Terry Cole 2:45-3:00 p.m. Break 3:00-3:30 p.m. Overcoming Institutional Barriers to One Water Carol Howe 3:30-4:00 p.m. Lessons Learned from 28 Micromonitoring Projects & 600 Installations John Barton 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Making Satellite Sewer Rehabilitation Funding Make Sense S. Wayne Miles 12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch and Exhibit Hall 1:30-2:00 p.m. Water Quality: The State of Tributary Streams Within the ALCOSAN Service Area Anthony Igwe 2:00-2:30 p.m. A Watershed-Based Approach To Identifying and Implementing Water Quality and Quantity Improvements Kelly Lennon 2:30-3:15 p.m. Break in Exhibit Hall 3:15-3:45 p.m. Lessons Learned in Overcoming Hurdles to Green Infrastructure Michele Adams & Molly Julian 3:45-4:15 p.m. Green Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping and Modeling Sam Shamsi Key to session categories: Throughout the session guide, you will find these five symbols, which represent topic areas that are critical to solving the wet weather issues faced by our region. Regional Wet Weather Plan Implementation Source Reduction & Green Infrastructure Regionalization of the Sewer System 4 Flow Control Improving our Region’s Water Quality Session Guide Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:30-10:15 a.m. ALCOSAN Wet Weather Program Update 8:00-8:55 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:55-9:00 a.m. Welcome: John Schombert Colleen Hughes & Timothy Prevost ALCOSAN ALCOSAN’s Wet Weather Plan, submitted in 2013, identified an unaffordable $3.6 billion need for sewer infrastructure upgrades to bring the Pittsburgh region into compliance with the Clean Water Act. Since then ALCOSAN has been evaluating opportunities for integrating green infrastructure and inflow and infiltration reduction measures into the plan; strategizing with local leadership to regionalize inter-municipal trunk sewers; and discussing a Consent Decree modification with the regulatory agencies. This presentation will provide an update on these activities. 9:00-9:30 a.m. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Improving Water Quality through Greater Regionalization Dennis Yablonsky Allegheny Conference on Community Development The Allegheny Conference on Community Development was created 70 years ago to prepare Pittsburgh for the future by focusing on improving air and water quality, addressing flood control and supporting urban redevelopment priorities. Today, it remains committed to water quality in the region as vital to our quality of life and economy. As the ALCOSAN service area moves closer to implementing a revised Wet Weather Plan, it’s clear that how we manage wastewater and stormwater in the future of necessity will be different. Regulatory agencies, public officials, nonprofits and the private sector all expect that we will have greater regionalization of our water management infrastructure, changes in governance and a growing commitment to source reduction through green infrastructure and other ways. While we face challenges, we have the opportunity to develop a 21st century approach to one of our region’s greatest assets and competitive advantages – water. Dr. Colleen Hughes, a Senior Vice President with CDM Smith, has more than 20 years’ experience in urban water resource management, stormwater management, and regulatory compliance. Since 2006, she has served as ALCOSAN’s Wet Weather Program Manager leading the development of the regional Wet Weather Plan, supporting stakeholder participation, and integrating feedback for an affordable and adaptable implementation program. Contact: 734.353.0138 or hughescl@cdmsmith.com Tim Prevost is a Professional Engineer with 20 years’ experience related to sewer overflow programs. He has been ALCOSAN’s Manager of Wet Weather Programs for 11 years working on compliance with ALCOSAN’s Consent Decree and the development of ALCOSAN’s Wet Weather Plan with related programs in flow monitoring, water quality sampling, and conveyance maintenance. Contact: 412.734.8731 or timothy.prevost@alcosan.org 10:15-11:00 a.m. Break in Exhibit Hall Dennis Yablonsky, CEO of the Allegheny Conference on Community Development, is an experienced private business leader of two successful software companies, a nonprofit economic development professional and a high-ranking appointed government official. Prior to joining the Conference in 2009, Dennis served as Secretary of Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development where he played a lead role in the development and implementation of an economic stimulus program. He serves on several boards including RIDC, SIF and the Regional Opportunity Center. He is also a member of the University of Pittsburgh Institute of Politics Board of Fellows. Contact: 412.281.4783 or dyablonsky@alleghenyconference.org 11:00-11:30 a.m. Sewer Regionalization Implementation Committee Update Caren Glotfelty Allegheny County Parks Foundation The Sewer Regionalization Implementation Committee (SRIC), a joint project of 3 Rivers Wet Weather and the Congress of Neighboring Communities (CONNECT), is charged with developing a recommended process for adoption by municipalities and authorities to transfer 5 Session Guide Wednesday, October 15, 2014 ownership of multi-municipal trunk lines to ALCOSAN. Transferring ownership of the multi-municipal trunk lines will achieve economies of scale, advance system integration, and increase consistency in meeting water quality standards. The SRIC co-chair will provide an update on the committee’s activities and progress. Anthony Igwe Wade-Trim Caren Glotfelty is Executive Director of the Allegheny County Parks Foundation and serves on the Board of Directors of the Pittsburgh Sewer and Water Authority and co-chairs the Sewer Regionalization Implementation Committee. Previously, Caren was Senior Director of The Heinz Endowments’ Environment Program and Deputy Secretary for Water Management in the PA Department of Environmental Resources. She earned a master’s degree in regional planning from the University of Pennsylvania. Contact: 412.327.0669 or carenglot@gmail.com In the past 15 years, various water quality data collection and analyses have been carried out in the streams within the ALCOSAN service area. During this presentation, you will hear a summary and perspective on the state of the streams based on the data that has been collected and you will learn about success stories in Michigan and Ohio. The presenter will also outline the need for additional work and a potential path forward for the region. 1:30-2:00 p.m. Water Quality: The State of Tributary Streams Within the ALCOSAN Service Area Tony Igwe is a Practice Manager in Wade-Trim’s Pittsburgh office where he has overall responsibility for water resources projects. With a B.S in civil engineering from Mississippi State University and an M.S. in civil/environmental engineering from Wayne State University, Tony has been involved in wet weather-related projects for 20+ years. Contact: 412.454.5566 or aigwe@wadetrim.com 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Making Satellite Sewer Rehabilitation Funding Make Sense S. Wayne Miles CDM Smith The key to supporting increased sewer rehabilitation funding in satellite systems is an economic analysis approach that demonstrates the positive financial returns for satellite systems to invest in sewer rehabilitation, and how economic incentives can also play a role. This presentation will describe an effective ROI analysis approach and show through case studies that funding sewer rehabilitation at higher levels can be a financially sound decision that is necessary to control overall costs and customer rates in the future. 2:00-2:30 p.m. A Watershed Based Approach To Identifying and Implementing Water Quality and Quantity Improvements: A Case Study from the Chesapeake Bay Region Kelly Lennon Parsons Brinckerhoff A Senior VP with CDM Smith, Wayne Miles is a registered P.E., board certified by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, and has bachelors and masters degrees in environmental engineering from the University of Florida. He is a chapter author of two WEF Manuals of Practice on wastewater collection system issues and he co-authored the U.S. EPA guidance manual on conducting sanitary sewer system analyses. Contact: 919.787.5620 or milessw@cdmsmith.com Urban development has impacted the quality of local streams and rivers. Accelerated runoff due to increased impervious coverage associated with development can cause stream bank erosion and degradation, higher flash flood flows, increased pollutant loads delivered to our waterways, increases in combined sewer overflows and degradation of habitat quality of streams and wetlands. This session will highlight a watershed-based approach used in Baltimore to assess and implement water quality and quantity retrofits aimed at reducing the impacts associated with urban development. 12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch and Exhibit Hall Kelly Lennon is the Core Practice Leader for Parsons Brinckerhoff ’s Watershed Management & Resource Assessment and Manager of the firm’s Baltimore water practice where she has led the development of watershed assessment and implementation plans for the Chesapeake Bay. 6 Session Guide A western Pennsylvania native, Kelly has 16 years’ experience in the planning, analysis, design, technical direction, project management, and construction oversight of environmental and water quality improvement projects. Contact: 410.385.4162 or lennonk@pbworld.com Wednesday, October 15, 2014 3:45-4:15 p.m. Green Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping and Modeling: State of Technology Sam Shamsi Jacobs Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) will play an important role in the implementation of the region’s longterm wet weather plan in the near future. This session will provide a state of the art review of GSI mapping and modeling tools that can be used for proper planning and design of sustainable GSI facilities in the southwestern Pennsylvania region to ensure our investment in green solutions will be sustainable into the future. 2:30-3:15 p.m. Break in Exhibit Hall 3:15-3:45 p.m. Lessons Learned in Overcoming Hurdles to Green Infrastructure: Codes, Construction, and Maintenance ASCE Pittsburgh’s 2011 Distinguished Civil Engineer Award recipient, Dr. Sam Shamsi is the Northeast Wet Weather Practice Leader at Jacobs Engineering Group in Pittsburgh. He has taught GIS, hydrology, and water resources engineering courses at the University of Pittsburgh, Penn State University, and Youngstown State University. With a Ph.D. in civil engineering and 25 years’ experience, he has worked on wet weather projects for 3RWW, ALCOSAN, PWSA, and various Allegheny County communities. Contact: 412-298-7932 or sam.shamsi@jacobs.com Michele Adams & Molly Julian Meliora Design The need for better stormwater management is widely recognized, however, local codes, limited contractor experience, community expectations, and the maintenance requirements of green infrastructure (GI) measures can create project challenges. This session will highlight several case studies of GI projects that demonstrate the variety of challenges encountered in managing stormwater differently, while also providing examples for successfully overcoming hurdles in the future. Michele Adams is a Water Resources Engineer and Founder of Meliora Environmental Design. For 30 years, her work has encompassed environmentally sensitive site design with special focus on “water as a resource.” She was one of the authors of the Pennsylvania Stormwater Manual and has served for six years as a member of the U.S. Green Building Council Sustainable Sites Technical Advisory Committee (SS TAG), and currently serves on the American Rivers Science and Technical Advisory Committee. Contact: 610.933.0123 or michelea@melioradesign.com Molly Julian is a Biological Engineer specializing in water resources with a focus in the design of sustainable stormwater management systems, green infrastructure, and the conservation of natural resources. Molly has extensive project experience in designing sustainable stormwater systems in highly urban areas utilizing bioretention, tree trenches, porous pavement systems, and cisterns and the challenges of successful implementation. Contact: 610.933.0123 or mollyj@melioradesign.com 7 Session Guide 8:00-9:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast Thursday, October 16, 2014 infrastructure retrofits. This overview of the County’s Public Private Partnership (P3) for urban retrofit will cover the structure, operating approach, and financing of their P3 model and the benefits of implementing a P3 model, such as driving down costs, promoting innovation, and stimulating economic development and job creation. 9:00-9:30 a.m. Allegheny County’s Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan Larry Coffman, Deputy Director of Prince George’s County Department of the Environment (DoE) has 40 years’ experience in water resources and stormwater management. One of the nation’s leading experts on low impact development (LID), Larry ran his own environmental consulting firm specializing in LID for federal, state and local governments. In 2011 he worked for EPA Region 3 to develop innovative low-cost, green, urban retrofit technologies and alternative financing strategies for urban retrofit programs. Contact: 301.883.5965 or lscoffman@co.pg.md.us Chad Davis Michael Baker Jr. Inc. William McClain Allegheny County Department of Ecomonic Development To deal with problems of extensive damage from uncontrolled stormwater runoff and the history of flooding in Allegheny County, the Act 167 watershed planning process is underway. Attendees will learn about the results of Phase I of the plan and the final scope of services that will be completed for Phase II. Participants also will learn more about this essential stormwater management planning project within the region as well as how they can participate in the development of plan. 10:00-10:30 a.m. The Business Case for Public & Private Source I/I Removal Chad Davis is Assistant Vice President with Michael Baker International, headquartered in Pittsburgh where he leads the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. The Project Manager for the Allegheny County 167 Plan, he also serves on the Board of Directors for the Nine Mile Run Watershed Association. Chad graduated with an M.S. of engineering from Penn State University with a focus on water resources. Contact: 412.375.3077 or cdavis@mbakercorp.com Brandon Vatter Hatch Mott MacDonald Inflow and infiltration (I/I) can cause overflows, flooding and pollution of our waterways, and it needs to be managed holistically. A utility planning to implement an overflow reduction and/or stormwater management program should develop the business case for addressing stormwater from both public and private sources. This session will cover the five key steps to implementing a successful public and private source I/I removal program that addresses overflows, manages stormwater through source control and green infrastructure, and improves in-stream water quality. William McLain is a Planner with the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development and is the Project Coordinator for the Act 167 Plan. The Secretary for the Southwest Section of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association, William graduated with a B.S. in geography from Penn State University and holds a master’s degree in urban and environmental planning from The University of Virginia. Contact: 412.350.1361 or wmclain@alleghenycounty.us Brandon Vatter is an Associate and Watershed/Wet Weather Technology Expert for Hatch Mott MacDonald in Cincinnati where his work is focused on affordable water quality: integrated watershed management to obtain the optimum public investment to improve water quality. Brandon is a frequent speaker at national and internatoinal conferences and is also an author of WEF’s Green Infrastructure Implementation Manual and WEF’s Water Quality Trading Manual. Contact: 513.878.2759 or brandon.vatter@hatchmott.com 9:30-10:00 a.m. Urban Stormwater Retrofit Program: Using Public Private Partnerships to Meet Environmental, Economic and Social Goals Larry Coffman Prince George’s County Department of the Environment 10:30-11:15 a.m. Break in Exhibit Hall Faster, cheaper, and better is Prince George’s County, Maryland’s new business model for implementing green 8 Session Guide Thursday, October 16, 2014 Sediment Control and Storm Water Quality, he was a member the 2006 PA DEP BMP Manual Oversight Committee and is a member of the current PA Stormwater Technical Workgroup. Contact: 888.856.4505 or wcohn@acfenv.com 11:15-11:45 a.m. Asset Management Made Easy: Applying Best Business Practices to Develop Practical Asset Management Rich McGillis Sanitation District #1 of Northern Kentucky 12:15-1:30 p.m. Lunch and Exhibit Hall Today utilities are facing the challenge of deteriorating underground sanitary and storm sewer assets yet they have limited funds to upgrade their aging infrastructure. Many engineers and utility managers are struggling with how to properly and cost-effectively manage and renew their assets. This session will outline how SD1 developed and implemented a straight forward program to manage its assets utilizing best business practices along with lessons learned. The work that SD1 has done can be easily followed by other utilities as a guide and model for their own asset management programs. 1:30-2:15 p.m. Show Us the Money! Todd Colley USDA Rural Development Larry Gasparato PENNVEST Suzanne Parks First Commonwealth Bank Bud Schubel Allegheny County Department of Economic Development Rich McGillis has been SD1’s Collection Systems Director since 2010 and has led the department through a period of significant productivity gains and major restructuring. He has 15 years of public and private-sector work experience in the wastewater and stormwater industry. Contact: 859.547.1642 or rmcgillis@sd1.org Now that the initial wet weather planning is complete, municipalities have identified significant costs associated with the future implementation. Communities will be seeking access to limited grant resources. This session will explore the financing options available. A panel of experts will discuss the alternatives for municipal financing including PENNVEST, community grants, bank financing and bond issues from various public and private sources. 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. High Performance Modular Biofiltration Systems: A “2nd Generation” Solution for Stormwater Management An Area Specialist with USDA, Todd Colley works with the water and environmental programs in a nine-county area covering Southwest PA. The WEP program provides loans, grants, and loan guarantees for drinking water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage facilities located in rural communities. Contact: 724.482.4800, x117 or todd.colley@pa.usda.gov Warren Cohn ACF Environmental With the continued implementation of the EPA’s Clean Water Act and NPDES Phase II requirements, communities are seeking new ways to protect the waters of Pennsylvania from the adverse impacts of urban stormwater runoff. Cost effectiveness will be an essential component of incorporating progressive solutions to traditional stormwater management issues, which may include the use of low impact development and green infrastructure (LID/GI). Attendees will learn that a viable short cut to new solutions may be to look at existing technologies such as modular high-performance biofiltration systems (HPMBS) that, through incremental improvements, now offer enhanced performance and efficiencies. Larry Gasparato is the Project Specialist for the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) in the 10county Southwestem PA PENNVEST Region II. He is responsible for over 877 projects in excess of $2 billion dollars for drinking water, wastewater and storm water. Contact: 717.783.6673 or lgasparato@pa.gov Suzanne Parks is a Public Service Officer for First Commonwealth Bank, with 35+ years’ experience in the financial services field: 20+ working exclusively with public sector clients. Previously, she worked as the Senior Vice President of Public Finance at Arthurs Lestrange & Co. in bond underwriting. Contact: 412.690.2201 or sparks@fcbanking.com Warren Cohn has been a BMP Product Specialist with ACF Environmental for 14 years, assisting engineers, owners, contractors and regulators with geosynthetic solutions for stormwater management. A Certified Professional in Erosion and 9 Session Guide Thursday, October 16, 2014 barriers that arise when governments and utilities try to move toward OneWater. Also called integrated water management, OneWater includes a mixture of traditional grey infrastructure as well as new forms of green infrastructure and resource recovery. This presentation will summarize the findings from three detailed case studies: Pittsburgh (for regional perspective), Sydney, Australia (for city perspective) and a Hillsboro, OR utility (for utility perspective.) Participants will learn how the Pittsburgh region fits within a wider framework in progressing towards OneWater. Howard “Bud” Schubel is Manager of Construction at the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development where he has worked for 33 years. In his current role, Bud is responsible for managing large scale construction projects and engineering consulting contracts. Contact: 412.350.1044 or howard.schubel@alleghenycounty.us 2:15-2:45 p.m. Wet Weather and Your Public Image: Controlling the Narrative Carol Howe is Director of ForEvaSolutions, a research consulting business specializing in integrated urban water management. She leads the International Water Association’s (IWA) Cities of the Future “Transitioning Program” and formerly was Director of Australia’s Future Cities and Urban Water research programs. She is the author of numerous publications on urban water management and editor of several books. Contact: 724.457.6909 or chowe@forevasolutions.com Terry Cole Jacobs New demands for public communication are being created by wet weather challenges and consent decree driven investments. The reasons to communicate are compelling – the public often doesn’t see the problem or the investment – but many utilities struggle with taking control of the narrative being conveyed by the media, activists, elected officials, and ratepayers. This session will offer real-world lessons learned from wet weather programs across the country. Participants will leave the session with practical communication tips that can immediately be implemented and shared with utility leadership and other staff. 3:30-4:00 p.m. Lessons Learned from 28 Micromonitoring Projects and 600 Installations John Barton Stantec Consulting Services Terry Cole has 28 years of professional experience in tailoring strategic communications programs for utilities and public agencies. She served 10 years as Communications Leader for a utility in a rapidly growing community. A former newspaper reporter, she conducts media training for elected officials, management, and frontline staff. She is past president of the Georgia Association of Water Professionals, and a former national Director for the American Water Works Association. Contact: 678.333.0203 or terry.cole@jacobs.com Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) problems are prevalent in every municipality’s sewer collection system. There is no collection system that can completely locate and get rid of I&I sources and there is no removal program that can achieve a 100% reduction, but it is important to locate a source, remove it and finally prove that it was removed. During this session, attendees will learn how a micromonitoring program works, and hear about key findings from several micromonitoring projects and key lessons learned, particularly how to determine when micromonitoring is most effective. 2:45-3:00 p.m. Break Dr. John Barton leads flow monitoring research in Stantec’s Water Practice Area. He has supervised or advised on over 90 flow monitoring projects and published or presented more than 40 papers. He conducts flow monitoring training programs on flow monitoring strategies and pioneered Stantec’s micromonitoring program, which has included over 600 installations. He earned his Ph.D. in environmental engineering from the University of Cincinnati. Contact: 513.842.8200 or john.barton@stantec.com 3:00-3:30 p.m. Overcoming Institutional Barriers to OneWater: Learnings from across the U.S. and Australia Carol Howe ForEvaSolutions In 2013 the Water Environment Research Foundation, Water Research Foundation and Water Quality Research Australia commissioned research to explore institutional 10 Exhibitors A&H Equipment Company Booth D Founded in 1963. The region’s leading distributor of municipal and environmental equipment solutions. Combines topquality products and parts with expert, reliable support services for municipal, airport and contractor clients throughout Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Contact: Jason Kelley 412.257.1160 jasonk@ahequipment.com www.ahequipment.com Abel Recon Booth 4 Provides infrastructure services to municipal authorities as well as private entities in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia. Services include: structure rehabilitation, ultra-violet light cured-in-place pipelining, infrastructure cleaning and evaluation, chemical grouting and root control, storm water infrastructure remediation and CCTV inspection. Contact: Pat Godwin 412.526.3977 pgodwin@abelrecon.com www.abelrecon.com ACF Environmental Booth C Distributes and manufactures site development products. Systems and technologies that facilitate green infrastructure and low impact development will be featured at the booth. Contact: Greg Kramer, CPESC 412.475.0099 gkramer@acfenv.com www.acfenvironmental.com ADS Environmental Services Booth 62 With nearly four decades of experience and thousands of projects, offers comprehensive array of products and services to deliver information of the highest quality from flow monitors, software, field services and data processing to web-based alarming and statistical reporting. The right information at an affordable cost. Contact: Robert Grob 859.512.8204 rgrob@idexcorp.com www.adsenv.com Advanced Drainage Systems Inc. Booth 50 The world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of HDPE stormwater pipe. Features a full line of best management practices (BMP) products that meet Environmental Protection Agency and PA Department of Environmental Protection clean water requirements. Contact: Tiffany Duffy 412.515.6752 tiffany.duffy@ads-pipe.com www.ads-pipe.com ALCOSAN Booth 71 Provides wastewater treatment services to 83 communities including the City of Pittsburgh. Their 59-acre treatment plant is one of the largest wastewater treatment facilities in the Ohio River Valley, processing up to 250 million gallons of wastewater daily. ALCOSAN will provide information about its wet weather planning efforts, source control study, as well as ALCOSAN programs and services. Contact: Jeanne Clark 412-734-6222 jeanne.clark@alcosan.org www.alcosan.org ARCADIS Booth 18 A leading international company providing consultancy, design, engineering and management services in infrastructure, water, environment and buildings. Develops, designs, implements, maintains and operates projects for companies and governments. Enhances mobility, sustainability and quality of life by creating balance in the built and natural environments. Contact: Tanya McCoy-Caretti 814.242.1151 tanya.mccoy-caretti@arcadis-us.com www.arcadis-us.com AUMA Actuators Inc. Booth 41 Manufactures a complete range of electric actuators and manual operators for valves and dampers. Actuators are available for part-turn and multi-turn valves applied in both open/close and modulating services. Also offers actuator motor controls with interfaces for conventional I/O and digital communications. Contact: Dave Burry 412.835.3139 dave.burry@auma-usa.com www.auma-usa.com 11 Exhibitors Bright Dyes & Turbo Fog Booth 1 Offers NSF-certified (safe, non-toxic, biodegradable) bright, fluorescent dyes specifically developed for convenient use in water tracing, leak detection, septic inspection and flow monitoring. Also offers Turbo-Fog® Thermal Smoke Generator, the “original” liquid smoke capable of producing continuous uninterrupted dense, white smoke, using liquid smoke cartridges. Contact: Tim Muldoon 937.886.9100 tim@kingscotechemicals.com www.brightdyes.com www.turbo-fog.com Buchart Horn Inc. Booth 45 A full service engineering firm that supports communities in a wide range of wet weather and environmental issues. Capabilities include grant assistance, green infrastructure planning and design, I/I reduction programs, flow monitoring, system inspection and modeling, GIS and database development, sewer line separation and permitting assistance. Contact: Mark Karolski 412.261.5059 mkarolski@bh-ba.com www.bh-ba.com Chalmers and Kubeck Inc. Booth B A 60+ year-old company that supplies valves, pumps, gears, thermal spray, CNC machining, welding fabrication, engineering and reverse engineering. Provides field services 24/7, 365 days a year. The company stretches from Maine to Florida, but is still family owned and operated. Contact: Neil Gargano 724.384.1807 ngargano@candk.com www.candk.com Chester Engineers Booth 37 A leading engineering services firm that provides innovative energy, water and wastewater solutions to municipal and industrial clients across the United States and internationally. Headquartered in Pittsburgh PA since 1910. Has 18 offices in strategic markets and affiliates in the U.S. and worldwide. Contact: Ann Scott 412.809.6530 ascott@chesterengineers.com www.chesterengineers.com Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc. Booth 68 Delivers innovative design solutions and integrated expertise to advance clients’ strategic business objectives. Qualified and experienced stormwater professionals assist in protecting stormwater infrastructure while providing an effective maintenance/monitoring program to extend the life of facilities. CEC is invested in the sustained economic, social and environmental health of our communities. Contact: William Trimbath 800.365.2324 btrimbath@cecinc.com www.cecinc.com Cosmos Technologies Inc. Booth 44 An engineering consulting firm located in Pittsburgh PA and Cleveland, OH. Services include: civil/site design and development, water/wastewater engineering, water resources engineering, environmental management, construction management/ inspection, energy management and wastewater process development and commercialization. The company also provides 3-D laser scanning and MEP engineering. Contact: Frederick Douglas 412.321.3951 frederickdouglas@cosmostechnologiesinc.com www.cosmostechnologiesinc.com DLZ Pennsylvania LLC Booth 26 Professional services firm that provides complete engineering, architectural, and construction services to public and private entities with a multidisciplinary staff of more than 600 people in 20 offices in the Midwest. Meets the needs of small and large-scale projects nationwide. Consistently ranked as one of ENR’s prestigious Top 150 Design Firms in the U.S. Contact: Thomas G. Sisley 412.471.3709 tsisley@dlz.com www.DLZ.com 12 Exhibitors DN Tanks Booth 42 Designs, builds, inspects, retrofits, upgrades and services circular, wire-wound, prestressed AWWA D110 concrete tanks for durable, low-maintenance liquid storage including water storage, thermal energy storage (TES), and wastewater storage and management throughout North America, Canada, the U.S. and international locations. Contact: Frank Houston 717.521.7595 frank.houston@dntanks.com www.dntanks.com Doetsch Environmental Services Booth 70 With over a century of sewer cleaning experience, offers cleaning services and solutions for large-diameter, long-reach and difficult-access sewers. Contact: Joe Schotthoefer 810.499.9233 joe@doestschenv.com www.doetschenv.com Drnach Environmental Inc. Booth 13 Provides quality flow monitoring services throughout Wester PA. Due to terrain, hydrology, and age there is a serious need for sanitary system and combines-sewer system overflow monitoring, and inflow, infiltration, and CSO studies. Because of this need for quality flow monitoring, the employees at Drnach Environmental and surrounding municipalities are trained in flow meter care, calibration, installation and reporting. Contact: Eric Planey 412.384.4500 eric@drnachenvironmental.com www.drnachenvironmental.com Duke’s Root Control Inc. Booth 53 A full-service root control company dedicated to keeping sewer systems free of tree root growth. Through professional application of Duke’s herbicide, Razorooter®II, over 2,500 U.S. municipalities have extended pipe life, reduced SSO occurrences, and maximized asset value. Has successfully treated over 200 million feet of sewer line and continues to deliver results to municipalities through: asset management and CMOM solutions, EPA-registered products and 2-3 year guarantee. Contact: Lynn Heffron 315.472.4781 lynn@dukes.com www.dukes.com Dutchland Inc. Booth 38 Specializes in designing, manufacturing and constructing circular and rectangular prestressed pre-cast concrete tanks for wastewater treatment and portable water storage. Also supplies turn-key packaged extended aeration wastewater treatment plants capable of meeting the most stringent permits. Contact: Mike Schmidt 717.442.8282 mschmidt@dutchlandinc.com www.dutchlandinc.com Eisler Landscapes Inc. Booth 39 A landscape architectural design and landscape construction firm that is proud to be at the forefront of designing and implementing green infrastructure including green roofs, bio swales, permeable paving, rain gardens, wetlands, and E&S controls. Contact: G. Eric French 724.865.2830 eric@eislerlandscapes.com www.eislerlandscapes.com EJ USA Inc. Booth 3 Manufacturer of cast iron manhole frames and covers, curb inlets, catch basin frames and grates, tree grates, trench grates, valve boxes, utility castings. Also manufactures steel-fabricated frames and grates. PennDOT approved. Made in the U.S.A. Contact: Kevin Pushay 412.795.6000 kevin.pushay@ejco.com www.ejco.com Electro Scan, Inc. Booth 57 Locates and measures defects not previously found by CCTV. Represents the next generation in condition assessment offering the first tool that measures leakage rates in GPM for pre- and post-CIPP sewer mains. Results are immediately available on the Cloud to help manage, prioritize, and certify remediation. Contact: Janine Mullinix 916.779.0660 janine@electroscan.com www.electroscan.com 13 Exhibitors Erdman Anthony Booth 66 Founded in 1954. Has grown to become a leading infrastructure engineering firm in the eastern U.S. Has 300 professionals and is 100% employee owned. Experience spans a broad range of applications for government and private-industry clients. As multidisciplinary engineering resource that provides clients with services in the fields of civil engineering, transportation engineering, geospatial services, facilities engineering, as well as construction observation and commissioning services. Contact: Daniel Ziemianski 716.631.1241 ziemianskidj@erdmananthony.com www.erdmananthony.com Filterra Bioretention Systems Booth 69 A leading provider of manufactured stormwater biofiltration systems for treatment of stormwater runoff generated from parking lots, roadways, commercial and residential development. Available in a variety of sizes and configurations, easy to install, simple to maintain. More than 5,000 installations across 32 states. Contact: Paul Gallant 804.971.0401 pgallant@filterra.com www.filterra.com Flow Media Inc. Booth 31 Has supplied flow meters and process instrumentation for combined and sanitary sewer systems for 35+ years. Flow meters for analysis of inflow and infiltration. Other instrumentation includes flow recorders, loggers, gas detection, and composite samplers. Also provides calibration and repair of all equipment, including magnetic, ultrasonic and portable flow meters. Contact: David Martz 412.276.8055 sales@flowmedia.net www.flowmedia.net GAI Consultants Inc. Booth 34 Is dedicated to helping communities, utilities, and developers identify work with utilities to determine optimal water supply sources and solutions. Provides unique water and wastewater engineering and consulting services to both public and private clients throughout the United States. Seasoned licensed professionals deliver solutions that work. Contact: Jill Howard 260.969.8866 j.howard@gaiconsultants.com www.gaiconsultants.com GHD Booth 16 An international network of engineers, architects and environmental scientists serving the global markets of water, energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and transportation. PA offices specialize in wastewater engineering, including non-traditional approaches to attain measurable results to wet weather problems for over 30 years. Contact: Rulison Evans 724.831.5318 rulison.evans@ghd.com www.ghd.com Golden Equipment Co. Inc. Booth 54 Sales, service and parts for municipal equipment including street sweepers, sewer flushers and sanitary TV inspection. Refurbished/pre-owned equipment/rental and contracting also available. Contact: Jason Capizzi 800.242.1494 jcapizzi@goldenequipmentcompany.com www.goldenequipmentcompany.com Hatch Mott MacDonald Booth 28 A full-service engineering firm ranked #31 on ENR’s Top 500 Design Firms for 2014. Provides engineering services to local municipal governments and authorities; industrial and energy clients; and federal agencies. A local staff of 60+ employees includes civil, environmental, mechanical, electrical, geotechnical, and mining engineers; architects; geologists; and scientists. Contact: Steve Polen, P.E. 412.497.2950 stephen.polen@hatchmott.com www.hatchmott.com HDR Booth 17 Founded in 1917. An expertise-driven, national company delivering tailored solutions through a strong local presence. Business service areas include wastewater/water planning and design, water resources and supply, environmental engineering and sciences, and regulatory analysis and permitting. Employs 8,400 professionals nationwide and serves the region from its downtown Pittsburgh office. Contact: Kimberly Kennedy 412.497.6087 kimberly.kennedy@hdrinc.com www.hdrinc.com 14 Exhibitors Hydro International / DAS Group Booth 11 Has 25+ years’ experience in wet weather flow control. Screening for flood alleviation, watershed management, and collection and sanitary system management. This expertise provides Hydro with resources and operable installations required to ensure cost-effective wet weather solutions. Hydro is represented in Western PA and West Virginia by DAS Group. Contact: Matt Bodwell 207.321.2294 mbodwell@hydro-int.com www.hydro-int.com Infrastructure Technologies Booth 12 Specializes in pipeline inspection management solutions for water and wastewater assets. Our robust ITpipes software line enables clients to effectively collect and comprehensively manage their asset inspections. Coordinated services ensure your inspection program, processes, QA/QC and other related activities are a success. Contact: Ross Brown 262.347.7582 ross@itpipes.com www.itpipes.com Inland Pipe Rehabilitation LLC Booth 25 Has become the largest trenchless underground rehabilitation contractor in the nation. From record-breaking pipe bursting and epoxy resin-based CIPP systems, to advanced geopolymer liner technologies, IPR continues to fuel the trenchless industry innovation engine. Contact: Ryan Graham 281.639.3237 rgraham@teamipr.com www.teamipr.com Insight Pipe Contracting LP Booth 51 A full-service sewer maintenance contractor offering services from CCTV inspection and sewer cleaning to spot-repair lining and end-to-end lining. A locally owned, hometown contractor committed to a job well done and protecting the environment. Contact: Bob Carpenter 724.452.6060 bob.carpenter@insightpipe.com www.insightpipe.com Jacobs Booth 60 One of the world’s largest and most diverse providers of technical, professional, and construction services. Provides sustainable wet weather solutions using green and grey stormwater infrastructure. Offers wet weather expertise in many regions throughout the U.S. including Washington D.C., Atlanta, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Hartford and Chattanooga. The Jacobs team has worked on design or construction management of over 130 miles of water and wastewater tunnels in the last 10 years. Contact: Sam Shamsi 412.298.7932 sam.shamsi@jacobs.com www.jacobs.com JMT Booth 22 Provides water, wastewater and stormwater engineering and management services. Assists public agencies and private entities plan, develop, manage, and maintain water and sewer systems and facilities. Our services include: water and wastewater treatment; distribution and collection systems; facility operations support and commissioning; instrumentation and controls; environmental compliance. Contact: Tim Dean, P.E. 412.375.5114 tdean@jmt.com www.jmt.com KLH Engineers Inc. Booth 19 An environmental engineering firm serving municipalities and authorities throughout western Pennsylvania since 1982. Has provided services to more than 300 municipal clients and currently serves over 70 authorities and municipalities. Specializes in conceptual planning, detailed design, permitting, funding and rate analysis, and construction administration of municipal, water, wastewater, and storm water facilities. Contact: John Mowry 412.494.0510 jmowry@klhengineers.com www.klhengineers.com Land & Mapping Services Booth 52 Offers one of the widest ranges of services available in the surveying and mapping industry today. Services include: aerial photography, LIDAR, photographic lab services, control surveys, monumentation, analytical triangulation, digital mapping, digital orthos, GIS systems, GPS services (all accuracy grades), engineering surveys, boundary surveys, hydrographic surveys, forensic surveys, laser scanning and more. Contact: Jeffrey Gilmore 814.765.9370 jgilmore@mapres.com www.landandmapping.com 15 Exhibitors Layne Inliner LLC Booth 20 A licensed installer and owner of the Inliner® trenchless sewer relining process. Has successfully installed more than 17.6 million feet of CIPP throughout the U.S. Pipe diameters range from 6 to 90 inches and include traditional round as well as odd-shaped piping. Extends CIPP outside of the mainline with Inserv,® which allows for complete lining of the lateral and Inseal,® which completes the lining operations by providing a watertight seal at the mainline/lateral interface. Contact: Kathy Jarrell 614.529.6440 kathy.jarrell@layne.com www.layne.com LB Water Booth 47 Valve-added distributor of waterworks infrastructure products and services. Featuring products for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, inflow and infiltration and environmental stabilization. Contact: Vince Oswald 724.695.2255 vince.oswald@lbh2o.com www.lbh2o.com Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering Inc. Booth 2 Serves over 60 regional municipal clients and is a member of the 3 Rivers Wet Weather Program Management Team. Provides planning, design and construction phase services for wastewater, water, stormwater and general municipal infrastructure projects. Client performance reviews returned in 2013 for 40 projects resulted in a quality rating between “Excellent” and “Outstanding.” (4.72 out of 5). Contact: Dan Gilligan 412.264.4400 dgilligan@lsse.com www.lsse.com L.R. Kimball Booth 40 Established in 1953. A leading professional service company offering architectural and structural design services, civil and environmental engineering expertise, communications technology solutions and consulting. Committed to providing clients a tailored approach to meet their needs and budget requirements. Contact: Joseph F. Moon, Jr. 412.262.5400 joe.moon@lrkimball.com www.lrkimball.com Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Booth 21 Founded in 1940. Provides professional engineering and consulting services for public and private sector clients worldwide. Service areas include water, wastewater, stormwater, architecture, environmental, geospatial, municipal, civil, pipelines, utilities and transportation. Services span the infrastructure life cycle including planning, design, construction services and asset management/renewal. Contact: John Shannon 412.375.3076 jshannon@mbakercorp.com www.mbakercorp.com Mid Atlantic Storage Systems Inc. Booth 49 Sales and installation of municipal and industrial water and wastewater storage tanks. Contact: Greg Mullins 740.335.2019 greg@midatlanticstorage.com www.midatlanticstorage.com Mr. Rehab Inc. Booth 8 A professional sewer service company offering a full line of collection system investigation, maintenance, and rehabilitation services to the municipal and industrial sector. Focuses on trenchless and “no-dig” technology. Contact: James Clark 717.697.1242 jclark@mrrehab.com www.mrrehab.com National Gunite Booth 30 Provides repair and rehabilitation of sanitary sewers and storm culverts using reinforced, sprayed concrete. Contact: Lee Taylor 972.679.8279 ltaylor@nationalgunite.com www.nationalgunite.org PA Aggregates & Concrete Association Booth 48 Acts as the aggregate and ready mix concrete industry’s unified voice, representing more than 200 member companies across the state. A member-driven trade association which deals with those issues that are best solved through collective efforts. Contact: Bruce Cody 724.944.4117 bruce@pacaweb.org www.pacaweb.org www.specifyconcrete.org 16 Exhibitors Parson Environmental Products Inc. Booth 35 Established in 1985 with a single product, the Parson Manhole Insert. Over the next 30 years has grown as a company and increased offerings to include a complete line of manhole rehabilitation products and application equipment to create a onestop shopping experience. Contact: Craig S. Gaul 800.356.9023 craig4@ptd.net www.parsonenvironmental.com Pennoni Associates Booth 59 A multidiscipline consulting engineering firm employing 950 professional, technical, and administrative personnel in 27 offices throughout the eastern U.S. Offers services in civil/municipal engineering, surveying, land development, landscape architecture, MEP, environmental, transportation, construction services, geotechnical, fabrication inspection, underwater inspection, and structural engineering. Contact: John Skorupan 412.521.3000 jskorupan@pennoni.com www.pennoni.com Perma-Liner Industries Booth 63 Is a worldwide supplier of trenchless lining products. Offers the Perma-Lateral air inversion method, the lateral Pull-In-Place system, the Perma-Liner Sectional Point Repair system, the InnerSeal, Innerwrap, Lateral Connection Seal, the Perma-Main continuous lining system, Perma-Patch kits and heat assist equipment for rapid cure times. Contact: Rich Cristi 727.507.9749 rich@perma-liner.com www.perma-liner.com Pipeline Analytics Booth 9 Is the only WinCam certified software consultancy in the Americas. Currently distributes and supports WinCam VX – the industry’s most dynamic pipeline inspection software. Contact: Michael Russin 412.489.6229 mrussin@pipelineanalytics.com www.pipelineanalytics.com Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority Booth 72 Provides water and sewer services to more than 300,000 consumers throughout the City of Pittsburgh and in surrounding areas. The Authority’s vision is to provide water and wastewater services that meet or exceed regulations and customer expectations at the lowest possible cost. Contact: Brendan Schubert 412.255.2099 bschubert@pgh2o.com www.pgh2o.com Precision Laser & Instrument Inc. Booth 43 Offers comprehensive positioning solutions through sales, service, rentals, training and technical support of construction, survey and GIS/mapping equipment and accessories. This includes the latest hardware and software available. Contact: Christine Iksic 412.512.5665 cmi@laserinst.com www.laserinst.com Process Wastewater Technologies Booth 15 A leading global manufacturer of products for biological treatment, CSO/SSO, biosolids/sludge handling and municipal wastewater. Revolutionized the storm water and CSO treatment industry in the early 1990s by introducing continuous deflective separation technology to the market. Offers technologies for gross solids and sediment removal from large and small sanitary and combined sewer overflows, sludge thickening and dewatering and biological phosphorous and nitrogen removal. Contact: Bob Hawkins 410.238.7977 rhawkins@pwtech.us www.pwtech.us Rain for Rent Booth 29 Combines pumps, pipe, tanks, and filtration systems into creative solutions. Provides clients with turnkey systems for liquid handling projects, from engineering to on-site personnel. Visit rainforrent.com or call 800-742-7246 for planned and emergency projects 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact: Brian Gehrig 304.547.0479 bgehrig@rainforrent.com www.rainforrent.com 17 Exhibitors Raven Lining Systems Booth 5 Provides 100% solids, environmentally friendly coatings to protect infrastructure from corrosion and other aggressive operating conditions found in water and wastewater. Exhibits low permeability and high physical properties. Also renews severely deteriorated infrastructure. Certified applicators are expertly trained and supported to ensure efficient and proper application nationwide. Contact: Jeff Croll 800.324.2810 918.899.0996 crollj@ravenlining.com www.ravenlining.com RedZone Robotics Booth 7 Advanced pipeline assessment technology provides organizations with the knowledge and decision-making capabilities to successfully and proactively manage a collection system. Offers various equipment platform for all sizes of pipe, NASSCO, PACP, MACP, and LACP standards, and a GIS-centric database, web-based, asset management program to enable decision support for budget, planning, and work order management. Offers unique solutions to meet clients’ collection system needs. Contact: Sam Cancilla 412.476.8980, ext. 231 scancilla@redzone.com www.redzone.com Remington, Vernick & Beach Engineers Booth 33 Has responded to the world’s increasing environmental awareness by developing effective long-range planning tools for wastewater treatment systems. Service capabilities include: computer modeling analysis, system design, grant and loan coordination, mapping, master plan development /update, permitting and agency approval, and solid waste and soil erosion/sediment control. The firm has been supporting wastewater systems since its founding in 1901. Contact: Michael Meyer 412.263.2200 michael.meyer@rve.com www.rve.com Resiplast US / Spetec Chemical Grouts Booth 64 Offers chemical grouts made of high quality polyurethane. These resins have been specially developed for soil stabilization and waterproofing underground building constructions. Spetec offers high-quality products for civil engineering to stabilize soils, rock and seal water ingress in all types of structures. Products are mainly used for water/wastewater, manholes, tunnels, mining, metro systems, excavations, dams, ground barriers and foundations. Contact: Anthony Sandone 610.633.0360 anthony@resiplast.us www.resiplast.be Robinson Pipe Cleaning Company Booth A Offers full-length digital CCTV, sonar, laser profiling, sewer cleaning, main line chemical grouting, lateral grouting, manhole rehabilitation, sectional point repair liners, chemical root and CIPP lateral connection repair and lining. Contact: Barry Goble 724.921.2100 bgoble@robinsonpipe.com www.robinsonpipe.com RootX Booth 36 Manufactures and supplies the pipeline root control product RootX. Accepted by the EPA for both sanitary & storm use. Can be used in-house by municipal sewer crews to eliminate SSOs caused by root growth in pipes. Contact: Parke Raffensperger 503.364.2999 parke@rootx.com www.rootx.com Saertex multiCom L.P. Booth 6 A leading global manufacturer of UV Cure CIPP Glass fibre liners for the rehabilitation of storm and sanitary sewer pipes. An environmentally safe, high strength liner with sizes ranging from 6” – 50” made in the USA. UV equipment available for rent. Extensive training provided by highly experienced application technicians. No restricted territories. Contact: Mark McClymonds 724.996.1409 m.mcclymonds@saertex.com www.saertex-multicom.com Sauereisen Inc. Booth 10 Manufactures sealants, corrosion barriers and substrate repair materials for the protection and restoration of wastewater infrastructure. Offers materials for collection systems to treatment facilities to resist acidic environments and prevent water inflow & infiltration. Located in Pittsburgh since 1899 and uniquely positioned to service municipalities and engineers in the region. Contact: John Davis 412.963.0303 jedavis@sauereisen.com www.sauereisen.com 18 Exhibitors Sci-Tek Consultants Inc. Booth 61 A certified MBE civil, environmental, and geotechnical engineering and consulting firm. Offers expertise in site civil design, hydraulic engineering, water resources engineering and planning, transportation engineering, environmental permitting and compliance, site assessment and remediation, geotechnical subsurface investigations, analysis and design, and construction materials testing. Contact: Maria Atkinson 412.371.4460 matkinson@scitekanswers.com www.scitekanswers.com S.M. Sawchuk Sales Inc. Booth 56 The leader in providing state-of-the-art environmental instrumentation for industrial and municipal application for 30 years. Serves Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Western Maryland with quality products from Plasti-Fab and HACH/American Sigma. Contact: Steve Sawchuk 412.996.4521 sawchuk22@aol.com Source One Environmental LLC Booth 14 Specializes in the trenchless rehabilitation and water management market segments. Manufacturer of the PipePatch No-Dig Repair System, and national distributor of SealGuard Water Sealing Solutions. Also has launched a coatings division (Source One Coatings) to offer products for manhole rehabilitation and corrosion control. Contact: Mike Moore 810.347.5754 mmoore@s1eonline.com www.s1eonline.com Southwestern PA Engineering Outreach (SPEO) Booth 55 A non-profit organization whose mission is to provide opportunities, guidance and mentoring to existing and new minority and women owned engineering firms in the Western Pennsylvania area enabling them to be viable, competitive, self-sustaining members of the business community. Also provides mentoring opportunities for these businesses and through scholarships and outreach encourages youths to consider engineering as a career. Contact: Coreen Casadei 412.459.0114 ccasadei@collectiveefforts.com www.speo-pa.org SpectraShield Liner Systems Booth 58 Patented SpectraShield® liner is a spray applied layered polymer system that is used to rehabilitate and protect wastewater structures such as manholes, wet wells, or wastewater treatment plant facilities. SpectraShield stops groundwater infiltration, prevents corrosion, and has a 10-year warranty. Contact: Gary Mock 419.553.0839 gary@artcoatingtech.com www.spectrashield.com Tom Brown Inc. Booth 67 A distributor of specialty construction products for concrete rehabilitation in the waste and water industries and carries various national manufacturers’ products for manhole rehab and lining, infrastructure repair, and protective coatings and repair systems. Contact: Gerry Werner 412.606.1779 gwerner@tombrowninc.com www.tombrowninc.com Trombold Equipment Co. Inc. / Environment One Corp. Booth 46 Source for pumps & control systems. As gravity sewers begin to fail, infiltration & inflow become an expensive and continuing problem for communities. Avoid failing gravity sewers while saving money. Stop by the booth to find out more. Contact: Rob Trombold 724.625.4260 rtrombold@tepco-trombold.com www.tepco-trombold.com URS Corporation Booth 32 Offers specialized water, wastewater, flood control, stormwater and watershed management, water quality monitoring, construction management, and permitting services. We provide pipeline and pumping plant design services, surface and groundwater hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, brackish ground water desalination, and emergency-action planning. Safety is our Mission. Quality is our Standard. Contact: Ron Miller 412.503.4700 ronald.h.miller@urs.com www.urs.com 19 Exhibitors U.S. Municipal Inc. Booth 27 A full service equipment house specializing in sewer equipment such as combination sewer cleaning units, jetting equipment and televising/inspection equipment. Represents Vac-Con combination units, PipeHunter jetters and the Cues line of television equipment. Contact: Robert Griffiths 412.335.9303 rsg@usmuni.com www.usmuni.com Wade Trim Booth 23 Helps communities protect public health and preserve the environment by finding practical and sustainable solutions to wet weather issues from both capacity and water quality perspectives. Expertise includes collection system characterization through field inspection and metering, CSO long-term planning, hydraulic modeling and innovative CSO control alternatives development and design. Contact: Dan Goodwin 412.454.5566 dgoodwin@wadetrim.com www.wadetrim.com Xylem Dewatering Solutions d/b/a Godwin Pumps of America Booth 24 Maintains a fleet of 6,000 portable pumps and 3,200 pieces of related equipment for use in construction dewatering, mining, drinking water supply and water/wastewater bypasses. Available in sizes from 2” to 24”, the Dri-Prime pump features priming to 28’, dry-running and solids handling capabilities. For more information visit our website. Contact: Linda Bayne 724.266.6936 linda.bayne@xyleminc.com www.godwinpumps.com 20 Registration Form 16th Annual 3 Rivers Wet Weather Sewer Conference October 15-16, 2014 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monroeville Convention Center 209 Mall Boulevard Monroeville, PA 15146 Registration Information Fee: $75 per person on or before October 3, 2014; $85 after October 3. Make check payable to 3 Rivers Wet Weather. (Online registrations can be paid using a credit card via Paypal. You do not need to have a Paypal account to complete payment.) Fee includes registration, conference materials, continental breakfast, refreshments and lunch for both days. (Note: Walk-in registrations are not guaranteed conference materials.) Attendee Information First Name Last Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Title Organization __________________________________________________________________________________ Address Daytime phone __________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Email __________________________________________________________________________________ County __________________________________________ Methods of Registration Online: Fax: Mail: Questions Phone: E-mail: Cancellation Policy www.3riverswetweather.org If you do not cancel and do not attend, you 412.578.8065 will be charged the full registration fee. 3RWW Sewer Conference Requests for cancellation must be received 3901 Penn Avenue by October 3, 2014. Substitutions (from the same Building #3 organization/company) may be made at any time. Pittsburgh, PA 15224 However, we request notification prior to the conference for preparation of registration materials. 412.578.8375 conference@3rww.org Admission to the conference is afforded without regard to race, color, age, sex, religion, political affiliation, national origin or disability. If special accommodations are required, please contact 3 Rivers Wet Weather at least five working days prior to the program. Copyright © 2014 3 Rivers Wet Weather, Inc. 3 Rivers Wet Weather 3901 Penn Avenue Building #3 Pittsburgh, PA 15224 Certified Wastewater Operators and Professional Engineers: The 3 Rivers Wet Weather annual sewer conference is an ongoing DEP-approved course for certified wastewater operators, and provides professional development hours to meet engineers’ Act 25 requirements. Register today.
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