TRUNKLINE Fall 2014 Republican Party of Ozaukee County W62 N248 Washington Avenue, Suite 5 • P.O. Box 684 • Cedarburg, WI 53012 • 262-377-1902 Keep Wisconsin Growing! We Have Work To Do I’m honored and humbled to be the Republican nominee for Congress and I’m thankful for the amazing support I received in Ozaukee County. We couldn’t have done it without you — thank you. Now that the dust has settled after the August 12 primary election, we can take a moment to reflect. It was a tough campaign, but I think all of the candidates ran great campaigns to be proud of. I’m glad to be able to call my competitors, Tom Denow, Sen. Joe Leibham and Rep. Duey Stroebel, my friends. We have so much work to do out in Congress. Washington is broken and in desperate need of Wisconsin’s conservative, common-sense reforms that got our state back on the right track. In just a few short years, we turned Wisconsin around, and that will be my mission in Congress. With so much to do in Washington, it’s tempting to put the cart before the horse, but this race isn’t over. We must win in November, and my Democratic opponent won’t be easy to defeat, especially in this district, which is far from a done deal for Republicans. In fact, Democrats have prevailed in statewide contests in the district before, and Barack Obama won it in 2008. Democrats will be looking to repeat those victories again this year — unless we stop them. To ensure that we send a bold, conservative leader to Congress in November, we must unite and work hard every single day. Fortunately, there are many ways to help and we’re going to make it even easier to volunteer for our campaign by opening up a Grothman for Congress field office in Port Washington. Located at 110 South Wisconsin Street in Suite 2, our office will be organizing volunteers every day to canvass local neighborhoods and make calls for our campaign and the entire Republican ticket. We can’t afford to take this election for granted. Now’s the time to get off the sidelines and get involved. It’s not just about winning elections… It’s about the future of our country. Help elect conservatives to Congress in 2014, and you might be part of America’s historic turnaround that we’ll be talking about years from now just like we talk about the bravery and courage displayed by the Republicans in the State Legislature back in 2011 that turned Wisconsin around. Time is of the essence. Please join our campaign today by visiting, emailing us at, or calling us at (262) 903-8835. Continued inside Let me start by saying “thank you” to everyone that has been there for my family and I over the past several months. I cannot begin to adequately express how much your support has meant to us. You should never under estimate what a few words of encouragement can mean to someone on any given day. Our faith in God and your support is what kept us going during this campaign. We were able to stay positive and on message throughout the campaign because of the overwhelming encouragement and feedback we received on a daily basis. I am confident that with such a strong support network that I can get a great deal done in Madison. My campaign was based on grassroots support and I will continue to reach out to all of you and will look for your guidance and direction in order to best serve the 60th district. The task of keeping Wisconsin growing may seem daunting to some but I see it a great opportunity. I am anxious to partner with my colleagues and Governor Walker to make a difference for generations to come. I will look for long term sustainable solutions to our problems not just quick fixes to get through an election cycle. In order to keep Wisconsin on track we need significant reforms that will stand the test of time. We need to prioritize our expenditures and make tough decisions. You grow the economy not by providing large incentives to businesses but by removing obstacles to growth. Employers and entrepreneurs are looking for certainty in the market. We need to reform our tax code, lessen regulations, provide skilled workers, provide clarity in health care and invest in infrastructure. I will push for an overall reduction in state employees, there are currently over 70,000 full time equivalent employees on the state payroll. Consolidation, privatization and regionalization of services are a great place to start. I will ask for a repeal of common core and look for the State to partner with local school boards to create state standards and return the control back to the local school boards. I will ask for a complete expansion of school choice Continued inside Republican Party of Ozaukee County Officers Jeff Johns, Chairman Jake Curtis, 1st Vice Chair Keith Kaiman, 2nd Vice Chair Bill Worth, 3rd Vice Chair Mary Lou Mueller, Secretary Barbara Bauzenberger, Treasurer Chairman’s Corner Ozaukee County Turnout Is Key The Republican Party of Ozaukee County had a very active year so far with the 6th District Congressional and 60th District Assembly primaries. These two primaries drove attendance for all of our events in the Spring through the Summer up to August 12th. It started with our Lincoln Day Brunch on April 27th that included a first look at the candidates for the 6th District Congressional seat and a straw poll. Following that we had two well attended and successful Pints and Politics. Our June Pints & Politics was at the Stilt House in the City of Cedarburg followed by the July Pints & Politics held at The Hub at Cedar Creek in the Town of Cedarburg. This event was coupled with a Candidate Forum for the 6th and 60th races in Ozaukee County which was the only forum that included all candidates. We also participated in four parades throughout the county and had our annual tent at the Ozaukee County Fair which proved to be another successful event, adding over 100 new members. I want to thank those RPOC members that either volunteered or participated at our events this summer. Also, a big applause is in store for the RPOC members that committed to running for office this year, including Glenn Grothman and Duey Stroebel for the 6th District Congressional seat, Robert Brooks and Jean Opitz for the 60th District Assembly seat, Jim Johnson for Ozaukee County Sheriff and Mary Lou Mueller for Clerk of Courts. I commend these individuals for their time commitment with their respective campaigns. Moving on to the November election, Glenn is the only one with an opposing candidate and will need our support going forward to keep the 6th District Congressional seat Republican. Keith Kaiman and Carol Boettcher overseeing the Straw Poll at the RPOC Tent at Ozaukee County Fair. As we look ahead, we have approximately seven weeks to November 4th Election Day and we have a lot of things to accomplish. The polls are for real and tell us the race for Governor and Lieutenant Governor is very close. It is also imperative that we keep the State Attorney General in the Republican column as well. The Democrats are actively working against us, and they won’t stop until Election Day. In fact, they’ve been working hard to put expensive ballot referendums to a vote this November in many counties and Municipalities across the state. They are doing tricks like these to help turn out the Democrat vote so they can win. To counteract this, there are many things that you can do right here in Ozaukee County to re-elect Scott Walker for Governor and Rebecca Kleefisch for Lieutenant Governor and elect Brad Schimel for State Attorney General and Glenn Grothman to Congress. We need a big turnout in Ozaukee County and we need your help. The following are things you can do for us to be successful. • S top by the RPOC’s Victory Center in Cedarburg where you can pick up a yard sign and campaign material for Scott Walker/ Rebecca Kleefisch, Brad Schimel and Glenn Grothman. • S top by the Glenn Grothman for Congress Victory Center in Port Washington where you can pick up Glenn’s yard signs and campaign material. •C ontact Chris Martin, RPW Southeast Regional Director, at 608-320-5290 and volunteer to help in door-to-door campaigning. • S top by our September Pints & Politics on Thursday, September 18th at Salotto Zarletti’s in Mequon where you can come out and meet other RPOC members to discuss how to work together to win in November. • S end in the enclosed invitation in to attend our Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 18th at The Hub at Cedar Creek where Glenn Grothman will be our featured speaker. David Fuchs, Bruce Duncan, 24th District Assemblyman Dan Knodl and Mary Glen Fuchs at the RPOC’s Tent at the Ozaukee County Fair. Amy Johns and Sri Vasudevan at the Fish Days Parade in Port Washington in July. Additional information on all of these items is on our website at We cannot let voter apathy to set in and take this election sitting down. We need to take this election seriously so our positive, pro-growth agenda can continue. If we don’t, we will wake up on November 5th having Mary Burke and Susan Happ leading our state and losing a Republican seat in Congress to Mark Harris instead of our home grown candidate — Glenn Grothman, a Homestead High School 1973 graduate. Let’s keep moving Wisconsin forward! Jeff Johns Republican Party of Ozaukee County Chairman You’re invited to our Annual Oktoberfest Hosted by the Republican Party of Ozaukee County Saturday, October 18, 2014 The Hub at Cedar Creek 1814 Washington Avenue Cedarburg, WI 53012 We Have Work To Do, continued Together, we’ll win in November and bring some strong, principled, conservative values to Washington. Please sign up to volunteer today. Thank you again for your continued support, and God Bless. Glenn Grothman 6th District Congressional Candidate Featured Speaker: Glenn Grothman 6th District Congressional Candidate 5:30 to 6:00PM Cocktails 6:00PM Opening and Introduction 6:15PM Dinner 6:30PM Featured Speaker 7:00PM Elected Officials Keep Wisconsin Growing! continued and let the local schools determine enrollment caps. I will look for new ways to fund our tech schools and look for alternatives to their current taxing authority. I will push for further reforms to subsidy programs that create an environment for people not to work or prosper. We can keep Wisconsin growing! Reservation Form Name(s):______________________________________ ______________________________________ We need to stay on course and we need Governor Walker. Please consider volunteering this fall. ______________________________________ Robert Brooks City:______________________________________ 60th District Assembly Candidate Address:______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Occupation:______________________________________ Employer:______________________________________ ______________________________________ m Individual - $40 m Couple - $75 m Bronze Host - $125 (Includes 2 meals and VIP recognition) Number attending _______ m Silver Host - $250 (Includes 3 meals and VIP recognition) Number attending _______ m Gold Host - $500 (Includes 5 meals and VIP recognition) Mary Lou Mueller Clerk of Courts, Keith Kaiman, Jeff Johns and Carol Boettcher participating in the Fish Day Parade in Port Washington. Number attending _______ Return Reservation Form and check to RPOC, PO Box 684, Cedarburg, WI 53012 by Tuesday, October 14. Republican Party of Ozaukee County W62 N248 Washington Avenue, Suite 5 Cedarburg, WI 53012 To help save postage costs, please notify us of a change of address or duplication of this mailing Paid for by the Republican Party of Ozaukee County, Barbara Bauzenberger, Treasurer Upcoming Events September Pints & Politics When: Thursday, September 18 6:00PM to 8:00PM Where: Salotto Zarletti 1515 W. Mequon Rd. Mequon, WI 53092 RPOC Oktoberfest When: Saturday, October 18 5:30PM to 8:00PM Where: The Hub at Cedar Creek 1814 Washington Ave. Cedarburg, WI 53012 Election Day When: Tuesday, November 4 7:00AM to 8:00PM Where: Your local voting booth Trunkline is a publication of the Republican Party of Ozaukee County. It’s purpose is to publicize the actions of the executive committee and upcoming events and activities of the party as well as to provide a forum for elected officials to report business and inform members of pertinent issues. Please forward any comments, articles or upcoming events to Jeff Johns at with a subject lie RPOC Trunkline or leave a message at our office phone 262-377-1902. RPOC Chairman Jeff Johns receiving Wisconsin Award for the RPOC from RPW Chairman Brad Courtney and Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch at the Republican Party of Wisconsin’s State Convention in May.
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