CROSS DOCK PROGRAM “OVERVIEW” What is Cross Dock? Replenishment Program of processing/receiving purchase orders Multiple store orders are consolidated into one weekly purchase order. Merchandise is delivered to an Exchange Distribution Center (DC) and quickly distributed to the stores. Only vendors with physical shipping points in the 48 contiguous states are permitted on Cross Dock. 2 Cross Dock Goals Reduce transportation costs Reduce store workload expenses Minimize total lead times from order to store sales floor Reduce inventory Provide PO full visibility tracking 3 Types of Cross Dock Cross Dock 2 (XDOC) Preferred Method – 95% fill rate by PO – Supplier picks/packs by line store allocations – No individual store or PO line minimums – Supplier repacks by store as necessary in conveyable cartons: • Minimum: 9x9x4 3# • Maximum: 36x24x24 70# – Each case is required to have the barcoded UCC128 shipping label Cross Dock 3 (XD3) 95% fill rate by PO – – – – 4 Large bulky items Supplier picks full case packs/items No individual store or PO line minimums Each case is required to have the barcoded UCC128 shipping label Processing Cross dock orders are fill/kill Ship inventory that is on hand involving no multi shipments/backorders Casepack, date extensions or other changes to a Cross Dock PO are not authorized once it has been transmitted If a purchase order cannot be filled on time according to supplier FOB status, it must be canceled in full & the buying team/TMS team notified so the replenishment ordering patterns are not skewed 5 Common XD Pitfalls Not notifying the Exchange a PO has been canceled – The replenishment system will not reorder the merchandise for at least 21 days if open due-in’s are not canceled in our system Ship date changes – If not shipped by the correct date a non compliance fee will apply and TMS might not be able to route FOB Destination vendors comply with the PO 1st destination date FOB Origin vendors comply with the PO requested ship date Holding a PO while awaiting backorders to arrive – The PO will go into pending status and will not be allowed to route (Backorders are not allowed in Cross Dock) 6 Common XD Pitfalls (continued) Advance Shipment Notice (1 ASN per PO with 1 ship date) Must be transmitted as soon as the carrier picks up Deviations result in vendor non-compliance assessments Crossdock POs may only have 1 shipping point. POs closeout after initial receipts Deviations result in vendor non-compliance assessments Crossdock cases must each have the required UCC128 shipping labels Deviations result in vendor non-compliance assessments 7 Questions? Contact: zzHQ
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