LEGEND LAKES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCAITION OF VERO BEACH, INC. NEW BUYER PACKET Please complete the New Buyer’s Packet and Return to Legend Lakes Homeowners Association of Vero Beach MAIL: Legend Lakes Homeowners Association of Vero Beach, Inc. PO Box 651208 Vero Beach, FL 32965 EMAIL: accounting@legendlakes.org PHONE/FAX: 772-567-9595 / 407-264-8051 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.LEGENDLAKES.ORG AND REGISTER FOR COMMUNITY UPDATES. LEGEND LAKES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION OF VERO BEACH, INC. PO BOX 651208 VERO BEACH, FL 32965 Phone: 772-567-9595 Fax: 407-264-8051 TO: ALL NEW OWNERS FROM: LEGEND LAKES HOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS RE: ASSOCIATION REQUIREMENTS Please be advised that as a new owner at LEGEND LAKES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION OF VERO BEACH, INC., you are now a member of the Homeowners Association. This memorandum is to advise you of your responsibilities as a member of the Association. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. As a member of the association you are agreeing to abide by the Association Documents as recorded in the Indian River County Official Records. If you have not received a copy of these documents from the seller they are available to you online at the Legend Lakes website (legendlakes.org. Registration is not required). As a member of the Association you have read and agree to abide by the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, By-Laws and current Rules and Regulations as set forth by the Association Board of Directors. Make sure that your closing agent has verified that the homeowner’s fees on your new home have been paid. These fees are a lien against your unit, and you could be responsible if they are outstanding. Make sure your closing agent forwards a copy of your Warranty Deed, Homeowner Questionnaire, estoppel fee in the amount of $100.00 and capital contribution in the amount of $100.00 to the address above. It is you obligation to make sure that mailing addresses and telephone numbers are kept up to date with Legend Lakes HOA. Homeowners fees are $200.00 quarterly and due by the 10th day of the beginning of each quarter. Should you have any further questions concerning the Homeowners Association, please feel free to contact Legend lakes HOA at 772-567-9595. I UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH ABOVE AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH SAME. Purchaser: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________ Purchaser: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________ Property Address: ______________________________________________________________ Legend Lakes Homeowners Association of Vero Beach, Inc. HOMEOWNER QUESTIONNAIRE Prospective Buyer’s Name: Buyer #1: ________________________________________________________________________ Buyer #2: ________________________________________________________________________ Property Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home: _____________________________ Alternate: ________________________________ Cell #1: ____________________________ Cell #2:___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________ Alternate mailing/billing address (if different from property address): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Do you wish to include the following in the resident’s directory? (please check all that apply) ________ Phone _________ E-mail _______ both Name(s) of person(s) other than a homeowner to contact in case of emergency: Name: ____________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________ Email: ____________________________________ INTENDED USE OF HOME: Are you purchasing this unit for (please check one): _____ Personal Housing (___ full time/____ part time) _____ Rental (please provide the name of all tenants who will reside in the property, tenants phone numbers and dates of lease. See attached for additional tenant information. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO LEGEND LAKES HOA WITH A COPY OF THE WARRANTY DEED. LEGEND LAKES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 651208 VERO BEACH, FL 32965 Phone: 772-567-9595 Fax: 407-264-8051 TO: ALL TENANTS OF LEGEND LAKES FROM: LEGEND LAKES HOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS RE: ASSOCIATION REQUIREMENTS Please be advised that as a tenant in the LEGEND LAKES community this memorandum is to advise you of your responsibilities: 1. As a tenant you are agreeing to abide by the Association Documents as recorded in the Indian River County Official Records. If you have not received a copy of these documents from the owner/landlord, please request a copy. Otherwise they are available to you online at the Legend Lakes website (legendlakes.org. Registration is not required). 2. As a tenant in our community you agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations as set forth by the Association Board of Directors. 3. It is your obligation to make sure that Legend Lakes Homeowners Association has the names of all tenants and contact phone numbers. 4. During your residence in Legend Lakes any damage to the common area will be your financial responsibility (including damage to the gates, roads, lighting, gazebos, etc.) 5. Complete the attached tenant questionnaire and submit with this form. I/WE HAVE READ THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF LEGEND LAKES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THEM. I/WE UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH ABOVE AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH SAME. Tenant: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________ Tenant: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________ Property Address: ______________________________________________________________ Legend Lakes Homeowners Association of Vero Beach, Inc. TENANT QUESTIONNAIRE Tenants Names: Tenant #1: ________________________________________________________________________ Tenant #2: ________________________________________________________________________ Property Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home: _____________________________ Alternate: ________________________________ Cell #1: ____________________________ Cell #2:___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN MEMORANDUM TO THIS FORM WITH THE EXECUTED LEGEND LAKES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 651208 VERO BEACH, FL 32965 EMAIL: ACCOUNTING@LEGENDLAKES.ORG
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