CRF and this event triggered the Annual Statutory Meeting

Distributed to all residents of Four Lakes Golf Club
Published and paid for by the
Four Lakes Home Owners Association, Inc.
CRF and this event triggered the Annual Statutory Meeting
with management. The prime focus of this meeting was to
reach an understanding as to how it was determined which
homes received base-lot increases which varied from no
raise up to a maximum raise of 2%. The simple (?)
explanation is that property managers have a goal market lot
rent for all properties. As we know, all of us have a limit to
our yearly base rent increase of either $5 or equal to the CPI
for our area. These incremental annual raises, at times, are
outpaced by the increase in the market lot rent. For homes
that are near this market rent value, the rent increase was
either zero or less than the CPI of 2%. For homes that are
substantially less than the market value, the rent increase was
the full 2% as specified in our prospectus. As a rule of
thumb, the longer a resident has owned their home, the
further away from the market value they are, so they will
have the higher rent increases. Those that have owned their
home for a shorter period of time should be nearer the
market value and therefore receive a smaller increase.
HOA Office Phone/FAX 293-4950
on the web, again, at our original site:
If anyone has questions regarding their personal increase,
please bring your rent increase letter to our property
managers for examination or explanation.
HINT: The calendar and schedule at the website is a pdf
version in (more readable) color that can be printed
either single-sided or double-sided - your choice
e-mail HOA Office at:
e-mail Managers’ Office:
President’s Remarks
Mark Miesmer
Hello to all Four Lakes residents, both full-time and
winter residents. I hope we all had a great summer for I
am sure we will have a great winter. Many activities are
planned with something being offered for everyone.
These activities are mentioned throughout the newsletter
and deserve your attention if you desire to participate in
any of them.
As mentioned previously this year, your HOA Board has
decided to limit the distribution of the HOA Newsletter to
HOA members only. This policy change will take place
starting with the January 2015 issue. Please see Ed
Murphy’s Membership Director’s article in this issue for
more information. A new-member application is
included in this issue and will also be in the December
In another attempt to control costs, I have been in contact
with our printer to determine if there is a savings in cost
if we decide to print on lighter-weight paper. Due to the
relatively small size of our monthly order, the savings
would be negligible, at most.
We have all received our annual rent increase letters from
Four Lakes Home Owners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
November 13th at 7 p.m. in the Great Room
Everyone is invited!
HOA Board of Directors 2014/2015:
Mark Miesmer, President
Mario Belgiorno, Vice-president
Jack Schroeder, Secretary
Beth Winsor, Treasurer
Jim Akers, Public Information Officer
Kirk Miesmer, FMO Liaison
Ed Murphy, Membership
Mark Polnak, Operations and Assets Manager
Debbie Younger, Newsletter chair
--------------------------------------------------------------------Newsletter editor: Mary Grindol
October 17, 2014 thru May 7, 2015
May 15, 2015 thru October 10, 2015
Page 2
Treasurer’s Report
Welcome Committee
Beth Winsor
From Mary Allard
Your Money:
The following is a summary of
financial activity since my last report
in the October Newsletter:
At the September 11th meeting, new
officers for the Welcome Committee
were nominated and elected. Officer
positions are for one year; effective
October 1, 2014:
Chairperson...........................Mary Allard
Vice-chairperson...................Rose DeLucia
Secretary................................Patti Knopick
Treasurer................................Erleen Blackwell
As of October 24, 2014, your HOA has
$5,993.26 in the checkbook and $31,904 in
savings. We currently have 455 paid HOA
These are the specific transactions:
Many thanks to Gail Price for filling in as our interim
chairperson for much of 2014. Her leadership from the start-up
of the Four Lakes Welcome Committee in October 2012, has
Newsletter Printing
($1,002.38) been an important part of the welcome team’s success to-date.
Webmaster Fee
($75.00) Oops!! Correction to last month’s report:
Newsletter Editing Supplies
Sharon and Jim Murphy (not Murray) at 3005 Pine
BOD Expenses
Valley Dr.
($1,308.94) This month we visited and welcomed to the community:
Charles (Charlie) and Patricia (Patti) Green (VA) at
Cinema House
952 LaQuinta Blvd.
Newsletter Ads
James (Jim) and Betty Hatch (NY) at 901 LaQuinta
Membership dues
Newsletter Insert
$1,954.87 All your Four Laker neighbors welcome you and invite you to
join in on all the fun-filled events and activities here at Four
I will have copies of the complete financial report
W E L C O M E!
for October on the HOA bulletin board shortly
after the end of the month. Feel free to pick up a Membership
Ed Murphy, Membership Director
Please remember to place a basket by
your door for Four Lakes mail. By
law, HOA (and your friends) cannot
place notes in your mailbox!
Everyone is invited to join now and enjoy the benefits that are
part of the Homeowners Association. You will have a vote and
a voice at the March Annual Meeting in which directors are
elected, an Appreciation Lunch in February, and the monthly
HOA Newsletter delivered to your door. Also, with increased
membership, it will show the support that the Board has from
the community when on occasion, we have issues with CRF. If
we have 80 to 90% participation in membership, it will carry
more weight than our current 55%.
Enclosed in this month’s newsletter, you’ll find the application
for HOA membership. This is for new or lapsed member
(those who haven’t renewed since 2012.) Pay now and you’ll
be good through February 2016. This is NOT for
RENEWALS! Renewal forms will be mailed out as usual, in
January. Thanks in advance, to all who demonstrate continued
support by joining and maintaining membership in HOA.
Cinema House
From Sonia and Ed Overstreet
November Cinema House
Sun., Nov. 2, Tues., Nov. 4, Thurs., Nov. 6
The Fault in our Stars PG-13
126 Minutes
A powerful moving film of two teens who face
unlikely challenges; their courage and dedication to
each other prove that while life isn’t perfect, love can
still be extraordinary. Stars Laura Dern (Little
Fockers) and Sam Trammell (TV’s True Blood).
November Concert Video
At the Cinema House, Wed., Nov. 12th at 7:00 p.m.
“Bon Jovi – Live at Madison Square Garden”
2 Hours 23 Minutes
page 3
Thurs., Nov. 27 - No Movie – Happy Thanksgiving
Sun., Nov. 30, Tues., Dec. 2, Thurs., Dec. 4
22 Jump Street
112 Minutes
Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, as undercover cops, are
sent off to M.C. State University to track down a new
designer drug that college kids are using to help them
focus. A comedy with plenty of jokes and loud laughs.
Volunteers are still needed for Cinema House
concession sales and for operator duties.
Sign up and/or call Ed Overstreet
for training at 295-9257.
DVDs are available for loan at Jackpot and
Coffee Talk. Donations are requested.
Four Lakes
Sun., Nov. 9, Tues., Nov. 11
A Million Ways to Die in the West R 116 Minutes Laughter Society
A hilarious western comedy filled with one-liners and Submitted by Charlotte Lohr
an all-star cast that includes Seth MacFarlane, Amanda
Please check out Ann Colotti’s website,
Seyfried, Neil Patrick Harris, Charlize Theron and, for information on The Laughter
Liam Neeson.
Society and the other organizations of Four Lakes. There
are clips of several of our “stand-up” routines on the
Thurs., Nov. 13 – No Movie – HOA Meeting
Sun., Nov. 16, Tues., Nov. 18, Thurs., Nov. 20
Welcome back to our neighbors and friends, we missed
115 Minutes
A deliciously entertaining comedy about starting from you.
scratch. When a gifted chef quits his demanding job at
The Laughter Society has been hit with a series of health
a trendy LA restaurant and goes to Miami to pick up
the pieces of a promising career he decides to team up issues with several of the members and because of this,
we have cancelled our show in January. We thank the
with his ex-wife, best friend, and his son, to launch a
members of the Four Lakes Veterans Organization for
no-frills food truck business. Taking to the road, he
reignites his passion for the kitchen and along the way, their understanding and their offer to sponsor us again in
the future.
discovers a renewed zest for life and love. Stars
Scarlett Johansson with Dustin Hoffman and Robert
We will perform at Coffee Talk on November 25th. We
Downey Jr.
look forward to seeing you there.
Sun., Nov. 23, Tues., Nov. 25
Please contact Charlotte Lohr, or any member of the
Wish I Was Here
105 Minutes
Laughter Society, if you are interested in joining our
Zach Braff stars as a 35 year-old struggling actor,
group. If you aren’t inclined to perform, remember that
father, and husband who finds himself at a major
we need set makers, make-up artists, stage hands, and set
crossroad in his life. He starts to home-school his
children when his father can no longer pay for their
private education. Through teaching them about life
Have a great fun-filled month.
his way, he gradually discovers some of the parts of
himself he couldn’t find. Also stars Kate Hudson and
Mandy Patinkin.
Page 4
From the Managers’ Office
Jeff and Pam Julian
“Accountability Breeds
Response-Ability.” Stephen R. Covey
Did You Know?: Four Lakes Golf Club has the
distinction of being recognized as a 4-Star Premier
Bridge #10 (Renovation)
Bocce Ball Court (Renovation)
Flower Pots (Auxiliary)
Fitness Room (2 Sauna Heaters)
Blinds in Great Room (Auxiliary)
Shuffleboard Courts (Renovation)
Tennis Court Nets
Golf Driving Mat
Spotlight: Mark Nieder:
Meet the Staff!
(L-R: Ritchie, Rolando, Mo, Rick, Glen, Bruce in seat)
Mark and his assistant, Hector
Remember when the area by the dock was nothing but a
bunch of weeds and brush? Today, it’s a wonderful place
to watch the sunset or just take in the wildlife. Mark
Nieder, in remembrance of his father, a long-time resident
of Four Lakes, honored his father with an area that all Four
Lakes Residents can enjoy. Stop by and take a look.
Friendly Reminders:
Payments (Checks): When writing checks PLEASE
ALWAYS place your lot number on the check. (This is
our method of tracking).
Water Bills: Please remember that we can only accept
checks for water bill payments. The water bill and lot rent
must be paid separately.
Ken, Bob, Bill
Home Improvements: Please remember that All additions
or changes i.e. painting, major landscape changes, etc., to
So often we tend to forget to recognize those who put in
the original manufactured home and its exterior aluminum
the long hours and hard work that keep Four Lakes the
and concrete package MUST have prior written approval
envy of Polk County. Pam and I are so grateful for having from management (this is to maintain uniformity of the
a Great Staff. They make us look good everyday.
How’d we Do? We had a busy summer. Following are
just a few improvements that have been completed over
the summer. We will continue to look for other projects
that will maintain our Premier standing.:
Card Room (Renovation)
Library (Renovation)
Street Signs (Repainted)
Your Feedback!: Your feedback and input is extremely
valuable to Pam and me. It lets us know what is important
to you as a resident. We invite you to share your ideas and
thoughts about the neighborhood. We exist to serve you,
the community, so let us know how we are doing!
Pam and Jeff
Federation of Manufactured Home Owners of
Florida (FMO)
page 5
Attention Foodies!
Cooking Club To Form
From: Carol Hamilton
During the month of October, Russ and I began informing the
residents of Four Lakes that the Federation of Manufactured
Home Owners (FMO) had announced a membership rate
increase effective November 1, 2014. We used this opportunity
to contact members who would be up for renewal during the
months of November and December to let them know that we
had received authorization to submit their renewals by the end
of October at the pre-increase rate.
At the same time, we hit the streets to visit with many nonmembers to offer them the same opportunity of the lower rate
during the month of October.
If you love to cook or love to
eat this is for you!
The Food Club of Four Lakes will begin meeting
on Tuesday, November 4th in the Great Room at
6 p.m.
The scheduled Tuesday meetings are:
Nov 4th
Dec 9th
Jan 6th
Feb 10th
Mar 10th
Apr 7th
May 5th
We were overwhelmed by the terrific response given by so
many of our neighbors. Ten early renewals were submitted, and
we had more than twenty new memberships issued.
Bon appetit!
Buon Appetito!
For more information please call:
Marlene Morrish 875-7535
We feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to visit with so
many Four Lakes residents, and are always pleased with their
hospitality. Thank you all for your support and friendship.
Citizens Assisted
By Russ Hamilton
If you need assistance in renewing your membership or
becoming a new member, contact me at 863 514-5222.
Four Lakes Chorus Music Notes
On Tuesday, November 4th, at 3 p.m., there
will be a meeting in the Cinema House of
anyone, chorus members or not, who want to assist with the
Holiday Tour of [Four Lakes] Homes, on December 14th.
We are still seeking one more home in the Four Lakes
community to place on the tour. If you are proud of the way
your home looks when it is decorated for the holidays, please
consider adding your home to the list. Contact Roger
Danforth, chorus president, if you would like to do so.
We still need a volunteer to run the sound system for the
chorus. The equipment has been upgraded, and we will teach
you how to do it. Call Larry Lincoski at 401-3659.
It is not too late to join the Chorus and sing in the annual
Christmas concert on Sunday evening, December 14th at
7:30 p.m. If you enjoy singing four-part harmony, come to
rehearsals on Tuesdays from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The Citizens Assisted Patrol
(CAP) program is about to
reach a new level of coverage. Six new
volunteers completed their training in October
and are now on the streets of Four Lakes on a
regular basis. There are another six residents
who are currently undergoing the required
background check through the Polk County
Sheriff’s Department, and when they come
onboard, we will have all five shifts on the
streets of Four Lakes on a daily basis, Monday
through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
In addition, several teams are supplementing
their cart patrols with foot patrols at various
times of the day, so you may notice both the
Sheriff’s patrol cart and a foot patrol team out at
the same time.
When you see a CAP patrol unit on our streets,
keep in mind that these are your friends and
neighbors who truly care about everyone’s safety
at Four Lakes, and have volunteered part of their
week to keep this visible crime deterrent in
page 6
From Carol Fassett,
Do you like to fish in
freshwater or
saltwater? Do you
prefer to catch bass, bluegill, mackerel or red
fish? Why not join our fishing club and try one
or all of these?
From the Pro Shop
Gerry Cavanaugh
November Golf Events:
Course Maintenance, Fertilizing the Golf
The Pro Shop and the Golf Course will be closed all day on
Monday and Tuesday, November 10 and 11.
John Palm will take a group of our members on Tournaments:
a Tampa Back Bay trip on charter boats on
Golf Committee Tournament, Friday, November 7th at 8 a.m.
November 5th. Steve Pavlik will take a group
Four Lakes Veterans, Sunday, November 9th at 8 a.m.
of our members out on his pontoon boat on
Member-Member, Friday and Saturday, November 21 and 22
November 20th. Bud and I have a trip planned
at 12:30 p.m.
to the Skyway Pier on December 3rd for our
All Walkers, Joggers, Bikers, Non-playing Golf Carts, Joy
Riders, or Fisher Persons, PLEASE stay off the course
Don’t know where to get bait? Try one of these between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. (6 Days a week) and Sundays
places: Ron’s Tackle Box is in Lake Alfred,
7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Citgo Gas Station on 17/92, or the newly
opened R&M Chain-of-Lakes Bait Shop on
Rte. 17 in Dundee. When fishing at Skyway
Golf Committee
Pier, the bait shop is right there on the pier!
From Jackie Rieger
The club will help Four Lakes management put
up the outdoor Christmas decorations again this
year. We will also decorate one of the themed
Christmas trees for the Great Room.
On January 9, 2015, Elvis will be back in the
building. Bill J. Brooks will do a “Happy
Birthday, Elvis” show from 7 to 9 p.m. in the
Great Room. Club members will sell tickets @
$10.00 p.p. and we would appreciate your
Next meeting will be on Thursday, November
20th. Fishing will be between 7:30 and 11:30
a.m., lunch at noon, and meeting at 1 p.m.
Hope to see all of our members back by then.
See you all soon and keep on fishing!
Officers 2014 - 2015:
Bud Fassett, President
Jim Appleby, Vice-president
Jim Dionne, Treasurer
Carol Fassett, Secretary
Bruce Cummings appreciates the golfers who care about our golf
course. It helps the course look and play better. It is scientifically
proven that carts are the worst thing for the condition of any golf
course. Please be mindful of this by obeying the 90 degree rule.
page 7
Four Lakes Veterans Organization
Sales Office
Submitted by Vince Colotti,
Communications Officer
From Camille Challis,
Sales Manager, Four
Lakes Golf Club
Dinner Dance: There is still time for you to plan to
attend the 11th annual FLVO dinner dance on
November 8th. All residents are welcomed at this
annual event. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. with opening ceremony at 5:30
p.m. and dinner at 6:00 p.m. The County Seat Café will supply dinner
and music will be by “Double Take.” Tickets @ $17.50 per person will
be on sale at Monday Jackpot, Tuesday Coffee Talk and Wednesday
Bingo, November 3rd, 4th and 5th. This event is reserved-table seating
with eight per table.
Board of Directors: Mr. Bob Borelli is looking for a few good men to
fill upcoming open positions for the FLVO Board of Directors. Don’t
let this opportunity to serve your fellow veterans and the community
pass you by. Bob is compiling a list, so if you can spare a few hours a
month, please give him a call and let him know you’re interested.
History of Veterans Day:
World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” - officially ended
when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919 in the
Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However,
fighting had ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or
temporary cessation of hostilities between the Allied Nations and
Germany, went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of
the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally
regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.” In November 1919,
President Wilson proclaimed November 11th as the first
commemoration of Armistice Day. Congress, at the urging of the
veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by striking out
the word “Armistice” and inserting in its place, the word “Veterans.”
With the approval of this legislation on June 1, 1954, November 11th
became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.
Cemetery Flags: The FLVO, as it has done in past years, will place
flags on the graves of all veterans at Rolling Hills Cemetery at 9:00
a.m. Friday, November 7th. The flags will be removed at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, November 12th. The FLVO will also place flags
throughout the community to commemorate Veterans Day. All
residents are welcome to participate in the flag ceremony at the
At left, the FLVO color guard
presented The Colors at the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers and
Minnesota Vikings football
game on October 26th in
Tampa. Pictured left to right
are Mike Fox, Larry Schlosser,
Ginny Robinson, and Roger
Danforth. This is the fourth
time our veterans’ group has
been so honored.
We are off to a
fantastic start to the fall months with six
sales since September 18th - and we’re only
on the 20th of October, as I write this article.
The phones have been busy, and we get
many questions about the homes online as
people make plans to come down for the
winter months. Since getting a rental is
more difficult this year, some have opted to
purchase instead, so our days have been full!
In addition to corresponding with potential
buyers through emails and phone
conversations, we have listed a lot of homes.
I am appreciative of all of you who choose
to list with us, and I do not take it for
granted. Online, we have started putting a
“NEW!” sign on each new listing which will
show in place of the front of the home.
During this introduction period, once you
click on the “NEW” sign, the front of the
home will come up in the slide show.
We have sold 31 homes so far this year, and
look forward to a great season! Our closest
competitors in sales are tied at (4) sales each
for the year.
Our listing rate is 8% of the purchase price
or $1500, whichever is greater. If an owner
is uncomfortable with the job we do, and
feels he or she would have a better chance of
selling with another vendor, it is completely
understandable. Your home is your
business, and you must do what is in your
best interest with regard to getting your
home sold. Our goal is your goal – to sell
your home. And that is why, when we list a
home, we want you to approve the pictures
and the verbiage, and to make any changes
that you feel might help to meet our mutual
This Thanksgiving season, I am thankful to
work in a community where residents are
happy, high-caliber characters who represent
everything we are proud to call Four Lakes
Golf Club.
page 8
Four Lakes Charities Association
Card & Game Party: Don’t forget to attend this party on
November 4th from noon to 4:00 pm. We’ll have lunch at
noon, door prizes, 50/25/25, and our very popular Mystery
Gift. The Project Lead is Joanne Waugh (aka Mrs. Claus)
and can be reached at 875-6675 for any questions.
We Serve
Submitted by Beth Winsor
Wahneta Elementary School: Good News! The music
teacher from Wahneta has found a way to bring the
children here to Four Lakes for a Christmas concert. They
will perform for us on December 9th at Coffee Talk. As a
reminder, Santa’s Workshop will take place at the School
December 15 to 19 and many hands are needed to support
this event. If you would like to help out, please call our
Project Lead, Linda Scanlon, at 293-1828.
Wahneta Food Drive: The Food Drive for the Wahneta
School begins November 1st and runs through the
30th. There is a receptacle in the Great Room for your
donations and suggested items are listed on the bulletin
board. We are asking residents to drop off non-perishable
food items. Please consider donating the next time you
visit the Clubhouse. What a great way to clean out your
Poinsettias Sale: Please get your pre-orders in for the
poinsettias, which will be sold on Tuesday, December 2nd
from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the Clubhouse Parking lot for
$8.00 each. For more information, contact the Project
Lead, Pearl Richter at 299-8936.
Talent Show: Note that the date of this event has
changed to January 23rd and 24th. Signup sheets for all
who wish to be involved are in the Great Room. There
will be a meeting on Saturday, November 8th at 1:00 p.m.
in the Cinema House for all interested in participating in
any capacity. The Project Lead is Rita Place.
The next General Membership Meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday, November 25th in the Great Room at
1:00. Refreshments will be served following the
meeting. Everyone is invited so… please join us!
Pamper You Day: The recent “Mary Kay Pamper You
Day” was lots of fun and Charities benefited by receiving
25% of total sales. If you missed out this time, we plan to
do it again on Feb 21st, 2015. More details to follow from
the Project Lead, Judy Garlock.
Baked Goods Auction/Golf Membership Raffle:
Thanks to all who participated in this auction and raffle
held at the October Sociables Dinner Night. The auction
raised approximately $440, which was donated to the Four
Lakes Helping Hands. We hope everyone enjoyed the
event. Also, congratulations to Darell Beasley, the winner
of the One-Year Golf Membership Raffle, donated by
Charities and CRF.
Empty Rx Bottle Drive: We are collecting empty
prescription bottles for the Haley’s Center - a local free
clinic where no one is turned away. They receive
donations of medications from the local hospitals, but
have a limited supply of bottles. You will find a silver
box in the Great Room for collection of your empty pill
bottles. Be sure to remove your labels before placing
them in the box. Charities, as always, thanks you for your
Jack Benson looks to be sure no one will steal the
cake he just purchased at the baked goods auction.
Bob Morrish accepts the One-Year Free Membership
for the winner, Darell Beasley (who was out of State). It
was presented by the Charities Project Lead, Clare
Hamil, Charities Secretary, Linda Scanlon, and Four
Lakes Manager Jeff Julian.
page 9
Park Ministries
Helping Hands
From Chuck Blake
From Barb Roberts,
Helping Hands Coordinator
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord!
It is great to see so many of our winter friends
who have returned. Even though you may be
on vacation, please do not forget God, find a
church of your choice where you can serve
and enjoy Christian fellowship. If it is more
convenient for you, please come out and
worship and fellowship with us.
The weekly Sunday nondenominational Worship service,
is meeting every Sunday evening. Rev. Paul McFarland
preaches under the power of the Holy Spirit. We continue
to enjoy special music and singing from several of our
extremely talented Four Lakers who share their gifts with
On November third, our Bible Study Group will start a
study on Paul the Apostle. The Apostle Paul is one of the
complex and interesting figures in the New Testament.
Paul was the most important person in taking the message
of Jesus to the Gentiles. Join us as we explore God’s plan
for us today.
The Prayer List continues to be updated weekly or more
often if required. If you would like us to pray for you or
someone you love, or if you would like to be added to our
list of those who pray for others, please call me or send
me an email message to
Thanksgiving – November includes a day set aside to
think about all the things for which we are thankful.
Extend that thought for the entire month and think of at
least one thing each day that you can thank God for. I
thank God for all my friends here at Four Lakes.
Gospel Concert - Please mark your calendar for
November 23rd. Tim Hancock will be singing many of
your favorite gospel songs. Tim spent 21 years as a fulltime, commissioned song evangelist. Since December,
Pastor Tim has lead the Worship service at the Winter
Haven Church of the Nazarene.
The following fellow Four Lakers have passed away
since our last report:
o Earl Laub
o Noreen Pariselli
o Diane Packett
o Lloyd (Larry) Ruth
Every time I do this part of my report I realize how fragile
our life here on earth is. It is obvious that our community
is aging. I am so thankful that all believers have a hope
beyond this life. Please make sure that you have been
adopted into His family.
Park Ministries’ Helping Hands had a
meeting on October 15 to discuss plans for the coming year.
We had discussions about some changes that would enhance
our program. We have funds available and there was sharing
about how we could put these to good use. We need
volunteers to drive residents to the doctor, grocery store, or
other services in our area. We need volunteers to “sit” with
those that can’t be left alone while the caretaker has to leave
the home to run errands, or just take a break.
If you would like to volunteer for any of these needs or have
any questions about Helping Hands, please don’t hesitate to
call me at 863-224-4611. I am available to go with you on a
visit to meet anyone who needs your help. In most cases, I
will evaluate the resident to ensure that they are a candidate
for Helping Hands.
The residents of Four Lakes are good and helpful neighbors
and are the best asset we have.
Thank you for your continued support.,
Saving Aluminum Tabs for
Ronald McDonald Houses
Every Tuesday, a special container is placed at
the front door of the Clubhouse for aluminum
tabs. All during the rest of the week, stations
are near the Pro Shop and the bar in the Great
Room. These tabs are usually pure aluminum
(versus the rest of the can which may include
other metals) and so are quite valuable. Ronald
McDonald charities provide places where
families of ill children can stay while the child
is hospitalized.
Gospel Concert with Tim Hancock; 5:00 p.m., Sunday,
November 23. Cider and cookies after the service.
Sunday Worship services in the Great Room, every
Sunday, at 5:00 p.m.
Bible study in the Cinema House every Monday at
7:00 p.m.
We hope to see you there.
Page 10
From Susan McConnell, President
The Sociables’ Board of Directors want to give a special
thanks to Cheryl Morris who was chairperson of our
monthly “Dinner Nights” at Jackpot for the past two
years. Cheryl has resigned. Taking over as co-chairs are
Betty Brough and Bev Lowe. Cheryl is responsible for
the variety of dinners each month that resulted in the
name change from “Hamburger Night” to “Dinner
Night.” Thanks, Cheryl, for volunteering your time and
special talents to the community.
Also, special thanks to Joanne and Jack Lessor who, for
the second summer, coordinated the Coffee Talk kitchen
duties in the absence of Chairperson, Mary Grindol.
The Election Committee is starting to contact residents
hoping for three or more volunteers to run for the
Sociables Board in order to fill three vacancies. Say
“Yes” when contacted or better yet, contact us first: Bob
Buchman – 293-5719; Susan McConnell – 401-9348; or
Sally Murray – 298-8242. Your help is needed to help
keep our many activities going strong.
Christmas Party, Saturday, December 13th: You are
cordially invited to our Christmas Party, “All Things
Christmas.” Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m.
Dancing at 7 p.m. County Seat Café is the caterer and
Rusty Trumpet our Musical Performer. Tickets @
$17.50 per person sell from November 10th to
December 1st. Available at Monday Night Jackpot or
by calling Corrine at 294-5163. Tables are assigned
with 8 to a table. BYOB/Cash Bar. Suggested Attire:
Sunday Best to Dressy.
New Year’s Eve, Wednesday, December 31st: $5.00
will get you a table and allow you to ring in the New
Year. This is a “No Glitz, no Glitter” affair, just an
evening to be with your friends and neighbors to
remember 2014 and predict what 2015 will bring.
BYOB/Cash Bar. Bring your own snacks and
something to toast with. Doors open at 8:30 p.m.
Musical Performers: Krista & Terry Horner, now
known as “Danny & Sandy” from our spoof on the
musical Grease. Tickets will start selling December 1st
and end December 29th. Available at Jackpot, HOA
Meetings, or call Corrine at 294-5163. NO assigned
January 1st, New Year’s Day (Morning After
Party): Come join us for breakfast. All for only $5.00.
We have kept the cost down to show our appreciation
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 18th to the community for the support of our functions
throughout the year. Soooooooooo start the New Year
at 1:30 in the Great Room.
on the right foot and come for breakfast.
Sociables Dinner Night Menu
From Betty Brough, Co-chair
Our menu for Sociables Dinner Night on Monday,
November 10th will be soft tacos and a Mexican beans
and rice casserole (not spicy) along with a dessert. As
usual, tickets will be sold in advance at Jackpot, Coffee
Talk, and Wednesday Bingo.
Upcoming in 2015: Feb. 14th, Sock Hop; March
14th, Senior Prom; April 11th, Farewell /Senior
Thanksgiving Day Dinner
From Betty Brough
CRF will once again provide the turkeys for a Four
Lakes Family Thanksgiving Dinner at 4 p.m., on
Thanksgiving Day, November 27. The doors open at
3:30 p.m.. Sociables will furnish cranberry sauce,
gravy, and disposable plates and serving ware if
needed. The rest of your dinner will be table potluck,
the menu decided by the residents sharing your
table. There will be eight persons to a table. BYOB Sociables Party Committee
coffee and tea will be available. (The restaurant will be
Submitted by Corrine Waterman, Party Chairman
closed for the holiday and there will be no cash
bar.) Though disposable plates will be available, you
Halloween Party: Highlights from the party with the
winners of the Costume Contest will be announced in the may bring your own dishes and serving ware if you
wish. You may set your table anytime after 10 a.m. on
December Newsletter.
(Continued page 11)
We are looking for volunteers for the kitchen to help
with Sociables Dinner Nights. If you would like to help,
please call me at 294-9760 or Beverly Lowe at 2949425.
page 11
Sociables (Continued from page 10)
Thanksgiving morning. Decorations will be on the
table already, but you may decide to decorate your
own. Free reservation tickets are now available for
Four Lakes residents at Jackpot and Coffee Talk as
well as just before Bingo on Wednesdays. Single
residents may bring one guest. Tickets will be
available until Thursday, November 20th.
Events Committee
From Mark Polnak
Welcome back, seniors! Homecoming was wellattended and we hope everyone had a great time. The
next event is our pep rally on November 6th which
will be free - no need to purchase tickets. The evening
will consist of a bonfire, cheerleading, a pep talk from
coach Calhoun, and two skits with two more of your
favorite songs from Grease. Hot dogs and hamburgers
will be sold at a discounted price, so come on down,
eat, and enjoy the evening. Cash bar will be available
outside and in the Great Room. This will be a night of
laughter and fun so come and enjoy.
Sociables Coffee Talk
Every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.
November Speaker Schedule
4 Dr. Dave Barry
The Mission
11 Matt Simpson
Edward Jones & Company
18 Jerry Wagner
Steele Family Funeral Home
25 Four Lakes Laughter Society
FLGC Bingo Association Update
From Bev Eppler, Co-Director
Hello, Bingo players!
TOPS (Take Off Pounds
At the Charities Craft Fair on
November 1st, the Four Lakes Chapter
of TOPS Club will offer lunch at
reasonable prices - choices of chili,
chili dogs, chips, soda, and water. In
addition, at the FLVO Auxiliary-sponsored bake sale on
the same day in the same place, look for lower calorie
or healthier donations, marked with the TOPS Club
Some have wondered if we are having another golf cart
raffle this season. The answer is, “Yes, but it will
happen early in the new year.”
TOPS continues to meet Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. in the
Great Room. The meeting generally runs until about
10 a.m. Weigh-in starts at 8:15 a.m. Men and women
are welcome and spouses join TOPS Club, Inc. at
half price.
For more information, contact Leader Sharon Miesmer
at 875-3065 or Co-leader Rose Helm at 701-5758 and/or
check out the TOPS website at
Well, here we are, heading toward the end
of 2014 and looking forward to 2015!
We have had a good year and everything is going very
well for the Bingo Committee. Several people have
volunteered for setup and selling and also for verifying.
We want to say thank you to all of them.
Our next goal would be to get two more operators and we
would really be set.
We will not have Bingo on December 24 and December
31, but we’ll start 2015 off on Saturday, January 3. We
would love to see more people at Bingo on Saturdays.
Also, do not forget George, our bartender, who does such
an excellent job taking care of all of the Bingo players
with drinks, hot dogs and pub chips.
Until next month, happy Bingoing…
Any questions please call…
Bev Eppler
Curt Darling
Joel Fleischman
page 12
Activities Office
Wed. – Thurs., Dec. 10 - 11: St. Augustine Holiday
Jubilee: Explore the historic George Street and, after we
check into the hotel, we will have dinner at Barnacle Bill’s
Restaurant. We will celebrate “Nights of Lights,” have a
magical tour aboard the Holly Jolly Holiday Trolley, and in
the morning, enjoy a hot breakfast and then head down to hop
on the Red Train Trolley to visit many shops. $199. Wait list
only on this trip.
Annie Fleischman, Activities Director
Below is a list of our upcoming events:
Every Thursday morning: The Veggie Cart is now back!
You’ll find it in the golf cart parking lot, under the trees from
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Monday, November 3: Kumihimo Class is
returning. Learn to make beautiful beaded
bracelets. 10:00 a.m. in the Great Room.
Wednesday, November 5: Kelly Connelly from CH
Financial Services is returning for another financial seminar
in the Cinema House at 11 a.m.
Friday, November 7: We will enjoy the start of our next
Entertainment Series with “The Dukes.” Tickets are $10.
Limited number of tickets left.
Friday, December 12: The Beatle Maniacs, our next in the
Entertainment Series. Tickets are $10. It’s a great show!
We have quite a few people signed up for our January 25,
cruise. It is an 8-day cruise to Roatan Island, Belize City,
Costa Maya and Cozumel leaving from Tampa on the
Norwegian Sun.
Mon. - Thurs., February 9-12: Las Vegas trip. Round-trip
airfare on Southwest and 3 nights at Harrah’s. $889.
Tuesday, November 11: Winter Haven Hospital with a Blood
Tuesday, February 17: “Dancing With The Stars” Join us
Drive. Please Donate if you can! 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
at the Lakeland Center where some of your favorite dancers
Tuesday, November 11: MCC Marketing will be in the GR from the television show will perform live on stage. Watch
the waltz, meringue, rumba, and all your favorite ballroom
to answer all your questions about Medicare. 9:30 a.m.
dances. Before the show, we will enjoy a delicious dinner at
the Lakeland Center. $79.
Monday, November 17: A delightful
trip to the historical district of
Mount Dora. We will start by
wandering in the gift shops. Have
lunch on your own; there are so many nice places to have
lunch; then a two-hour Premier Boat Tour of Mt. Dora. You
will see beautiful Lake Dora, spring-fed Lake Gertrude,
historic homes, Palm Island’s boardwalk nature trail, and a
memorable lighthouse. $50.
Thursday, November 20: Ingram Financial Group another financial seminar in the Cinema House at 10:30 a.m.
Friday, November 21: Birthdays and Anniversaries with
Ella & JT, 7 p.m. in the Great Room. Free cake and cash bar.
Sunday, November 23: A trip to
Lakeland Center to see “Cirque
Holidaze.” This is a Broadway-worthy
spectacle with an international cast of
multi-talented artists who come to life
and perform astonishing feats of disbelief. Includes dinner
and orchestra seating at the Lakeland Center. $89.
Sunday-Wednesday, February 22-25: 3-night trip to
Savannah, Georgia. Includes hotel, Riverboat Dinner Cruise,
90 minute historic Savannah Trolley Tour, 1 day unlimited on/
off trolley ticket, cooking demonstration at the River House,
Tybee Island Tour with admission to Lighthouse and
Sightseeing Cruise, Savannah Bee Co. Tour, Mighty Eighth
Docent-led tour and lunch. Three breakfasts, two lunches and
three dinners. $549.
Wednesday, March 18: Tampa Bay Downs. Includes
reserved seating, lunch buffet, race program and an exciting
day watching the horses run. $57.
Monday-Thursday, March 23-26: Beau Rivage in Biloxi.
Trip includes round-trip motor coach, 3 nights at the Beau, 2
breakfast vouchers, $55 in free slot play and visits to the
Imperial Palace and the Palace casinos. $199.
September 13-24: an 11- day trip to Italy: The flyers are on
the table. If you are interested, please sign the sheet. There is
no obligation if you sign. When there are enough names, I
will have Scott from Travel & Cruise World come in and
Monday, November 24: We will be going back speak to all and answer any questions.
on the Victory Casino Cruise. You will receive
Monday - Sunday, November 2-8, 2015: Washington, D.C.
$20 in free play, a great lunch, entertainment,
Details to follow. Still looking into clearances.
and free drinks. $40. √in 8:15 a.m.
Friday, December 5: The Singing Christmas Trees at
Orlando First Baptist Church. Includes transportation, show
and dinner. $74.
Please come in and see me if you have an idea for a
trip. Remember, I need at least 32 people to run a
trip. Please try to participate.