Lord of Life Newsletter We come together to know God and love one another. October 2014 L ord of Life Lutheran Church 15400 North Western Avenue Edmond, Ok 73013 (405)341-5113 lollutheranchurchedmond@gmail.com Lord of Life Ministry Tables Below you will see the mission and ministries of Lord of Life. Thank you for your generous stewardship in making the work possible. –Pastor Dawn Table of Joy [Tim Olson] Music (Melissa Kamm) Worship Visual Arts Altar Guild (Mary Bassett) Audio Visual Bulletin (Trisha Chapman) Children’s Music (Kathy Maassen and Melissa Kamm) Prayer Team (Pastor Dawn) Care Ministry Christian Education [Kylie Collier] Children Sunday School Children’s Church (Caitlin Cairns) LOL Kids Children’s Music (Kamm/Maassen) Vacation Bible School (Hudson/Collier/ Cairns) Spring Plant Sale (Deb Hudson) Youth (Malorie Adair) Confirmation (Pastor Dawn) LOL@LOL (Malorie Adair) Confirmation Camp 2015 Youth Gathering Adult Sunday School (Peter Schwiebert/Jane Malloy) Bible Studies: Young Parents’ (Susie Stussi) Tuesday Women’s (Pastor Dawn) WELCA (Judy Nybeck) Christian Service [Jane Ross] Church Supported Charities Tasty Mondays (Karne Beighle) Route 66 Food Pantry Oaks Indian Mission Faith Works (Susie Stussi) Hope Center Citizens Caring for Children Habitat for Humanity Edmond Community Thanksgiving Dinner (Tom Rider) church supported charities cont. Lutheran Disaster Relief Lutheran Prison Ministry (Rev. Nancy Brock) Tanzania Medical Mission (Karne Bieghle) Fair Trade Products (Jason Klinka) Connections [Deb Hudson] Evangelism Visitor Welcoming and Follow-Up Invitations to Special Services and Events New Member Meals & Gatherings Public Relations/Publicity Maintain Media Lists Foster Media Relations Create News Releases Manage Advertising Manage Signs Property [Dave Francis] Facility, Appliance, Mechanical Maintenance Technology/Audio-Visual Lights (Karne Beighle) Grounds Maintenance (Gary Goeringer, Gene Naukam) Gardens (Jane Malloy, Mary Young) Cleaning (Phil Johnson) Decorating Hospitality [Patty Greenemeyer] Meals/Brunches/Receptions for congregation Wedding and Funeral concerns Advent Dinner Meals for those in need Parish Life [Trisha Chapman, staff] Family Life Retreat (Jennifer Wymer) Active Older Adults Family Events Women WELCA (Judy Nybeck) Sewing/Knitting/Quilting UR Special Dresses (Dorothy Graesch) Prayer Shawls (Patty Greenemeyer) Bazaars (Chris Sims) Tuesday Women’s Bible Study (Pastor Dawn) Men Men’s Breakfast Stewardship [Doug Stussi] Yearly Stewardship Campaign Budget (Doug Stussi and Terry Bassett) Capital Appeal Campaigns Table of the Least Social Justice Advocacy and Education/Events Bread for the World Letter-writing Campaign Fair Trade Products (Jason Klinka) Tasty Mondays (Karne Beighle) Lutheran Prison Ministry (Rev. Nancy Brock) Green Table [Jason Klinka] Environmental Advocacy and Education/ Events Recycling Paid Administration Administrative Assistant (Trisha Chapman) Music Leader (Melissa Kamm) Accompanist (Kathleen Maassen) Custodian (Phil Johnson) Nursery Attendants (Megan and Rachel Kamm) Children’s Church Leader (Caitlin Cairns) Family Life (Trisha Chapman) Youth Lutheran Campus Ministry [Pam Platz] Develop Relationships with UCO Students, Faculty and Staff Provide Meals Engage Campus Musicians (Platz/Kamm) God will bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others. 2 Corinthians 9:8 Lord of Life Lutheran Church 15400 North Western Avenue Edmond OK 73013 (405) 341-5113 www.lordoflifelutheranok.org Staff Pastor Rev. Dr. Dawn Enderwood revdawnok@cox.net Music Notes ATTENTION! There has been a change in the Celebration Choir rehearsal start date! Because of Megan’s 18th birthday and Fall Break we will start choir rehearsals October 22 at 7 pm NOT the 8th as previously stated. We will be rehearsing songs for All-Saints Day, Advent, Christmas Eve and others! This will be a fun time of learning, laughing and singing! Plan on joining us on the 22nd. Administrative Assistant Trisha Chapman Music Melissa Kamm, Music Leader melissaraek15@gmail.com Kathleen Maassen, Accompanist Rick Wallenmeyer, Guitar Melissa Kamm, Music Leader New Par tner s in Ministry Lord of Life will receive new partners in ministry (members) on Reformation Sunday, October 26. I you want to say “yes” to Lord of Life, talk with Pastor Dawn. Volunteer Staff Financial Secretary Terry Bassett Hospitality Patty Greenemeyer Women of the ELCA Judy Nybeck Youth Malorie Adair Church Council Tim Olson, President Bart Dawson, Vice - President Doug Stussi, Treasurer Tom Glathar, Secretary Kari Govier-Brown Kylie Collier Dave Francis Deb Hudson Jane Iverson - Ross Bill McIlwaine Pam Platz Linda Richardson Roses For All Saints’ Sunday All Saints’ Sunday is November 2 on that day we will memorialize all the faithful who have died. White roses will be placed in the church in memory of loved ones. To participate, please fill out a special envelope that will an insert in the October 5, 12, and 19 bulletins. Roses are $2 each or $20 per dozen. Names will be listed in the bulletin. Roses may be taken home after the service on All Saints’ Sunday. Please place the envelope in the offering basket by Sunday, October 19th. Thrivent Builds Lord of Life will be working with other Lutherans to refurbish a Habitat for Humanity/Thrivent home in Oklahoma City on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 9, 10 and 11. Our goal is to send 12 workers, in the image of Jesus’ 12 disciples. Work days begin at 9am and end by 3pm. All materials, most tools and training are supplied by Habitat for Humanity. Sign up and help change a life. Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving Lord of Life wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and donation consistency for our congregation. Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account. Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card. Online Giving lets you go to http://www.lordoflifelutheranok.org/ at any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your online donation history. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. If you need assistance contact the church office at 341-5113. Tasty Mondays Tasty Mondays in October will be full of delicious dinners, busy bodies and wonderful words. Please join us for dinner at 6:00PM on October 13th for learn about “photosynthesis” and exercising with the YMCA. Saturday, the 12th at noon we will have lunch and learn about bones. Then, on Monday the 27th it is Bike Rodeo Night with the Edmond Bicycle Committee. We will need extra volunteers to help with fitting on helmets and spotting the courses for the riders. If you have a bike with or without training wheels or a big trike we would love to borrow it for the Rodeo. Also, please consider sponsoring or bringing dinner this semester. thex. Thanks! Oct 13 Oct 18 Oct 27 Monday, 6:00pm Saturday, 12noon Monday, 6:00pm The sign up sheet is in the Nar- YMCA & What is photosynthesis? Bones, Bones, Bones Bike Rodeo with Edmond Bicycle Committee Project 66 Community Food Pantry The Project 66 Community Food Pantry is in need of deodorant and razors. We will be collecting those items during the month of October. Please leave donations in the basket in the Narthex. WELCA Bible Study WELCA will meet the second Thursday, Oct. 9 at 5:00 pm in the church. All women welcome! Our theme for October is: "We Are Called" Theme verse: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’” Isaiah 6:8 Jingle Bell Bazaar The Jingle Bell Bazaar is Saturday, November 2, 9am-3pm. The JBB is one of Lord of Life’s most lucrative and fun fundraisers! We have many talented vendors this year. Let’s make this a very successful year for Lord of Life and our vendors! Here’s how you can help: Jingle Bell Bazaar Saturday, Nov 1st 9am-3pm Donate craft items to be sold at the Lord of Life table Bring baked goods for the bake sale - we are in need of pies, quick breads, cookies, homemade candies etc... Adopt a brisket. Sign up in the Gathering Space or speak with Patty Greenemeyer Volunteer to help with set-up on Thursday, Oct 30 or Friday, Oct 31 and reset / tear down on Sat, Nov 1st at 3pm Spread the word about the JBB through Facebook (for a virtual flyer, email us at lollutheranchurchemdond@gmail.com ). Hang up and or distribute flyers at your place of work, businesses you frequent and to friends and neighbors. Flyers will be available in the church office. Work during the Bazaar - we have several opportunities! Sign up for your preferred shift on the sign up sheets in the Narthex. Book Club WELCA The Book ClubBible meets atStudy Lord of Life on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted. Date October 28 November 18 January Book27 Club February 24 Book and Author Up at Butternut Lake by Mary McNear The Hotel Rivera by Elizabeth Adler undecided undecided AOA Active Older Adults (AOA) is a Lord of Life’s group for friends and members 50 years and better. AOA will be getting together in the Gathering Space for a POTLUCK and BUNKO at 5:00pm the second Saturday of many months. Mark your calendar! Plan to join the fun and bring along your favorite dish to share! AOA Bunko & Potluck: October 11, November 8 and, January 10 October Youth Service Project Who: Anyone in grades 6-12. Please feel free to bring friends What: Cleaning and disinfecting the Nursery. Let’s make it a healthy and safe environment for the littlest of worshipers :D We will, of course, have refreshments available. If you have a favorite worship CD, please bring it. When: Sunday, October 12 from 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm Family Life Family Fun Night! “Minute to Win It” game night & potluck. Fun for the whole family! Sunday, October 26th @ 4:30pm - 7:00pm In the Lord of Life Gathering Space. Please bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert to share. We hope your family will join the fun! Please RSVP to Trisha, email: lollutheranchurchedmond@gmail.com or call 341-5113
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