Broughton-in-Amounderness Church of England Primary School Church Lane, Broughton, Preston, PR3 5JB Headteacher Mrs J Brennan Tel (01772) 862788 Fax (01772) 866145 Home School News: 6 Friday, 17th October 2014 Dear Parents A reminder that we are not in school next Friday due to the start of the half term holiday (24th October). Consequently there will be no Home School News next week - service will resume after the holidays! I hope you all have a well-deserved break – children are back to school on Monday 3rd November. We will then be in the run up to Christmas and the excitement of preparing for our Christmas activities – it promises to be a very busy half term! Parent Pay – Dinner Money Payments: A reminder that school dinner money payments are now available to view online through Parent Pay. Please ensure payments are made promptly through Parent Pay and not via the school office. Danger of Button Batteries: A doctor at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital is calling for parents to be made aware of the dangers of button batteries which may be fatal to their children. Please ensure you read the letter from Central Manchester University Hospitals at the end of Home School News. Stay & Play Availability: There is availability at the Stay & Play Club on Friday if you wish to use it occasionally. AQ If you think you will use the facility please register with the club, there is a one off £20 registration fee. Rates from September 2014:- £3.60 a.m. sessions, siblings £3.35 and £6.70 p.m sessions, siblings £6.20. If you need to use the club in an emergency situation the ad hoc fees if not previously registered with the club are: £4.00 a.m. session £7.50 p.m. session. There is no sibling reduction. This is available on 3 occasions The above fee is applicable whether the club is used for 10 minutes or a full session. All parents must provide emergency contact details. Christian Action Network Community Food Bank: School Council has once again agreed that this is a worthy charity and would like to co-ordinate donations from classes. Please could classes donate as follows? October: Staff November: Ash Class December: Elm Class January: Oak Class February: Yew Class March : Year 3 April: Year 4 May: Year 5 June: Year 6 July: All Houses of Parliament Visit: Junior members of the School Council had a fantastic day at the Houses of Parliament in London. They enjoyed a guided tour of Parliament followed by a law-making workshop in addition to meeting our MP Ben Wallace. Fortunately the weather was very kind to us. We were very proud of our children who were exceptionally well behaved on what was a very long and tiring but very enjoyable day! Chicken Rota – October Half Term Holiday: We are once again looking for families to volunteer to come to school over the half term (including Friday 24th October) and help to look after the school chickens. This will require a daily visit to school to ensure that the chickens have food & water and in order to collect the eggs and place them in egg boxes within the church porch ready for sale. The job normally takes a maximum of 10 minutes out of your day (we will provide those volunteering with an information sheet so you will know exactly what to do). Could you schedule in a day or two out of the week to help? If so please sign up! We have placed a calendar in the School Office area and are asking that people sign up against the days they are available to help – please also include a contact number. Lost School Cardigan: Please may I again remind parents to check their child’s uniform. Katie Taylor from Yew class has lost her new named cardigan. If you have any item of clothing that does not belong to your child, please return it promptly to school. Children in Need: Children in Need takes place on Friday 14th November. School Councillors would like everyone to dress up in pyjamas for a £1 forfeit that day. Samaritan’s Purse: Leaflets were sent home last week. All shoe boxes must be returned to school by Monday 24th November ready for collection by Samaritan’s Purse. French Club KS2: We are starting a French after school club for KS2 from 6th November - 3.30 p.m. to 4.15 p.m. If your child wishes to join, please write a note to Mrs Brennan. School Clubs: There will be no clubs week beginning 20th October. Clubs start straight after half term. FOBS Xmas Fayre - Saturday 22nd November 2.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.: Put the date in your diaries and come along and enjoy our gift/craft hall and food hall. The school choir will sing on the day in both halls and children will have the opportunity to 'make & do' at our Christmas craft tables whilst parents shop. There will be lots of lovely gifts to buy and lots of lovely snacks to eat. Ticket information will follow in the coming weeks. If anyone is interested in running a stall then please contact Lara Clark 07713 096969 or Helen Nelson 0785 2154520 for further information. See you there! Friends Of Broughton School AGM and first meeting of the year: We would like to invite you to attend our AGM on Wednesday 22nd October. This will start at 6.30pm and will take place in the school staffroom. Our committee will be voted in for the new academic year and plans will be discussed for events for the forthcoming year. Please do come along and share your ideas on what you would like to see take place and what you think we need to purchase for the benefit of our children. If you can't make it on the evening please feel free to email FOBS on with your ideas and suggestions. The Hall Players - Blood Brothers: The Hall Players are performing the play version of “Blood Brothers” by Willy Russell on the 6th, 7th and 8th November. It’s a fast moving, perceptive and entertaining work, which is funny yet ultimately tragic. It tells the tale of twin brothers, born into a large working class family and the consequences of one of them being adopted by a neighbouring middle class family. Their productions are performed in St Martin’s Parish Chapel Hall, Broadway, Fulwood, Preston. All plays start at 7.30 p.m. and tickets can be purchased from their box office (tel: 01772 863801) or on the door. Ticket prices are Adult £7 and Concessions - £6. Please do go along to support them! Morrison’s “Let’s Grow 2014”: Please bring your vouchers into school and place them in the collection box outside the school office. Why not ask friends and family if they have any spare vouchers – more vouchers means more gardening equipment for our school!!!! School Shop – Tuesday each week: Reminder - if you wish to purchase items of school uniform (excluding jumpers / cardigans / sportswear), envelopes, book bags, water bottles etc, please call at the school office before or after school on Tuesdays only. Attendance Award: This week the attendance award has been won by jointly by classes 4, 5 and Ash. Well done! Stars Of The Week Targets for week commencing 3rd November: CARING & WRITING This Week’s Stars Of The Week Awards: Class Reception Elm Oak Yew 3 4 5 6 Eli Cowell – For an “I can attitude all week Eva Hughes – A super friend to everyone Al-Amen Ahmed – Being kind to Miss Short Annabel Cutting – Fantastic piece of Assessed Writing Zaara Mir – A super powerpoint for worship Charlotte Alty – Always being ready to listen and learn Nicolas Leyland – For trying hard with the presentation of his work Archie Turner – For the perseverance he shows and the smiles he gives to make sure “HE CAN”! Olivia Leech – For helping others Elysia Ingham – Always trying hard with writing Finlay Hope-Delaney – Excellent Attitude Oliver Heath – Great teamwork in P.E. Beatrice Jones – A super kind, caring and pleasnt class member Sophie Prince – Great description in her assessed writing Alex Morris – Excellent attitude to work Sarah Prince – For her quiet, unassuming thoughtfulness 2 Diary Dates for this Term: Tuesday 21st October Thursday 23rd October Monday 3rd November Wednesday 5th November Monday 10th November Friday 14th November Saturday 22nd November Monday 24th November Week beginning Monday 24th November Friday 28th November Friday 5th December Tuesday 9th December Thursday 11th December Friday 12th December Tuesday 16th December Wednesday 17th December Friday 19th December Friday 19th December Monday 5th January Year 4 trip to Dewlay Cheese School closes for Half Term at 3.30 p.m. (Stay & Play is open). School reopens Baked Potato Day Bags2School collection – donate your unwanted clothes/bags etc for collection Year 4 trip to Springfields (Electricity Day) FOBS Christmas Fayre Shoebox collection by Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Art Week Decorate school with Christmas artwork Year 4 trip to Judges’ Lodgings (Victorian Christmas) Nativity Stories: KS1 – 2.00 p.m.; KS2 – 6.30 p.m. Nativity Stories: KS2 – 2.00 p.m.; KS1 – 6.30 p.m. Eucharist in Church – 2.40 p.m. – all parents welcome School Trip to Sleeping Beauty at Grand Theatre Blackpool - morning Christmas Parties/Disco KS1 – 3.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., KS2 – 5.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Carol Service in Church – 9.00 a.m. School Closes for Christmas Holidays School reopens Talk Homework: There is no Talk Homework next week. Kind Regards Mrs J Brennan Headteacher 3 13th October 2014 Parents Warned to be Aware of the Dangers of Button Batteries A doctor at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital is calling for parents to be aware of the dangers of button batteries which may be fatal to their children. Lithium button batteries that are used to power toys, key fobs, remote controls, birthday cards etc. can cause severe life changing injury or death in young children. Dr Kate Parkins, Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care says: “There have already been two reported deaths in the Greater Manchester area directly linked to children swallowing these batteries so it’s important parents are aware of the serious harm they can cause. Children under six years old are most at risk, but severe injury can happen in any age group. Most serious cases are associated with Lithium button batteries larger than 20 mm (the size of a 10p piece). These can get stuck in the throat or gullet (oesophagus) and this is where the battery can cause the most harm in as little as two hours.” “Repair can require feeding and breathing tubes and multiple operations. Parents need to be aware there may be no symptoms at first or that symptoms may be similar to other illnesses (eg coughing, drooling, not eating or drinking normally, tummy pain). Children can usually breathe with the battery in their throat so it may be difficult to spot.” “The button battery does not need to be bitten, damaged, crushed or leak to cause harm. New button batteries are most likely to cause harm (especially Lithium button batteries), but even those that no longer work can cause serious injury. When the battery gets stuck it causes injury by setting up an electrical current when in contact with lining of the throat or gullet (oesophagus). This causes a build-up of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) and can cause a severe burn. Damage can occur if the button battery is not removed in less than two hours, and is more likely to cause severe injury if it is not removed within 8-12 hours.“ Parents are advised to: 1. Keep devices with button batteries out of reach if the battery compartments aren’t secure, and lock away any loose batteries. 2. If a child swallows a button battery take them straight to the nearest Accident & Emergency Department. Do not let them eat or drink and do not try to make them sick. In Accident & Emergency doctors will check whether a button battery is stuck in the throat or gullet (oesophagus) using an X-ray. 3. If a child gets a button battery stuck in the nose or ear take them to the nearest Accident & Emergency Department as soon as possible. It is important that it is removed quickly (ideally in less than 2 hours) as the battery can cause permanent damage. - Ends – Issued by: Yvonne Davies Tel: 0161 276 8763 E-mail: @CMFTNHS Notes: Dr Kate Parkins is also Lead Consultant for NWTS (North West and North Wales Paediatric Transport Service) which is a collaborative venture between Royal Manchester Children's Hospital and Alder Hey Children's Hospital. 4 Broughton-in-Amounderness Church of England Primary School Church Lane, Broughton, Preston, PR3 5JB Headteacher: Mrs J Brennan Tel (01772) 862788 Fax (01772) 866145 Parlet/feedback results – Oct14 Friday, 17th October 2014 Parental Feedback Dear Parent / Carer Thank you to all the parents who completed and returned a feedback form. We value your opinions and use them to both understand what you feel we are doing well and where we can improve our practice. The feedback of what we do well included: Children enjoy coming to school. The teachers and staff know the children well – all staff are approachable. Good range of extra-curricular activities e.g. choir has been excellent. Prompt action when issues arise with individual children – staff are good at listening and are genuinely interested in children. Year 6 play – words can’t describe the talent that children in Year 6 have. Strong sense of community at the school where children are nurtured and cared for. Good behaviour of children. Extensive trips. Gardeners and seeds – brilliant idea. Quality of Education is truly outstanding. The standard of teaching excellent – both academic and social skills. The range of sporting activities is excellent. Teaching of Maths Money raising activities e.g. Family BBQ Outside vegetable garden – super involvement of KS1 planting and picking. Key areas that were raised as ideas for improvement and the schools initial response include: Children’s targets / projected levels being shared at the beginning of the year. This is available from the classteachers, please feel free to ask them. It is worth noting however that with the introduction of the revised National Curriculum this September (2014), assessment is changing and this is the last academic year in which SATs tests will be as they have been. Schools are still awaiting information as to how assessments for the next academic year (beginning Sept 2015) will look. Once we have been made aware of the format of assessment we will ensure we communicate this with you. Allocating teachers to year groups. I appreciate that changing teachers to a different class can cause parental concern as it is not in line with what was expected. However it is the normal course of practice in a school to both ensure teachers’ professional development and take an overview of the needs of the school as a whole. We are fortunate to have 2 male teachers in school and we recognise the value in diversity and allowing the children different teaching styles and approaches Parking. I am encouraged that you share the school’s and Governors’ concerns over the safety of our children and the parking issues that we have been experiencing. There are no additional parking facilities available so we must ensure we use what we have in the most efficient and considerate way we can. If you observe dangerous / illegal parking I would be grateful if you could discuss this with the individuals causing the concern and where you need my support, please let me know. I will continue to monitor the situation. Uniform which is named getting lost. We try to encourage independence in children and expect them to become responsible for their own belongings. All lost property is placed in the lost property bin which all parents can access. I believe other schools operate a system where parents volunteer to go through lost property and return any named items to the child. I would be happy to support this suggestion if volunteers want to put their names forward. Provide play equipment for lunchtimes. We spend money every year replenishing play equipment. Requests are managed by the school council. Supervision of children outside school. Parents / carers are responsible for their children outside of school. Please note that the school has previously requested that children do not climb on the walls around the cottage or dinner hall and do not swing on the trees within the school grounds. We would be grateful if you could support us with this request. Outdoor Adventure Play Area. This is unable to be used due to safety concerns. Our plans are to establish a safe path up to the field and then an all-weather path around the field with play equipment in bays along the path and safe ground underneath. The timing of this is dependent on the funds being available. Whilst it is not possible to respond to every point individually, for your awareness, other points raised include individual emails to parents if children have done something outstanding / more teams / use of school garden / start Sports Day at 9.00 a.m. / staff absence / notification of all injuries / air conditioning in dining hall. We will continue to assess where we can implement these suggestions for improvement There were some great ideas suggested that the school can build on: Take opportunities to expose children to female role models in business/industry. We would welcome this. Please contact your classteacher if you would like to come in and talk to a class about your work (Ash class already do this). Encourage a special talent in a child and provide time and training to participate at a local / national level. Children will always be given permission to take part in exams / activities individual to them and this is our practice. We will always encourage them – though we do not have the skill to provide higher level training in specialised areas. A calendar of after school clubs on the website – a great idea that is now available in the Parents’ section of the school website. Cost of trips. No child should miss out on any trip or visit because of financial constraints. If there is a problem, please speak to me or the classteacher in complete confidence. We particularly asked for your feedback on Worship Again many positives – especially Dave, and we agree. Suggestions for improvements include: More class assemblies – it is difficult to accommodate more than one a year for each class due to time constraints. Consider other religions / timing of Home School News arriving / including children in worship. o We do have a pattern of worship, themes for worship, and R.E. curriculum work which would address the World Faiths point:Monday Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - We have whole school worship. KS1 have Key Stage worship. KS2 have class worship, led by children on a rota basis so that all get a turn. KS2 have Key Stage worship KS1 have class worship. – led by children on a rota basis so that all get a turn. We have Singing Praise when we learn new songs and practice our favourites. We have whole school worship in Church. This is a celebration service and normally starts at 2.50 p.m. Eucharist (usually on the last Friday of a half term) starts at 2.40 p.m. Please remember that we have an open door policy. If you need more information about anything, please do contact myself or the class teacher, as soon as the query arises. We value the partnership we have with you, and recognise that it is children, families, teachers, and governors working together for the best outcomes for our children that makes our school outstanding. Yours sincerely Mrs J Brennan Headteacher
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