29th Sunday In Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Render unto Caesar Jesus words today from the Gospel of Matthew are often misunderstood. The Pharisees are testing him and trying to entrap him into admitting having divided loyalties between God and the Roman emperor. In response to their trickery, Jesus tells them to ‘repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.’ What does Jesus mean by this? Is Jesus telling us that we should be responsible followers of God by following his laws and also responsible citizens by obeying the laws of the state? Many commentators have interpreted Jesus’ words here to mean that we ought to strike a careful balancing act between loyalty to God and the State, and that we often need to compartmentalize our loyalties when the commands of God and the State are at odds. This interpretation is not one that is accepted by the Catholic Church. Jesus is not telling us to divide our loyalties between two rival authorities, as if God and the State are of equal authority. Instead, he is telling us that we must choose between loyalty to God and to the state. We must follow one of the other; there must be no compromise. When our loyalties are at odds between the two, we must choose God. Being a follower of God commands our total devotion and obedience. We must give God our all. On reading this passage one is often tempted to think that Jesus is telling us to be clever in how we are to compromise His teachings. But Jesus reminds us here that being His follower makes great demands on us and often requires us to make difficult sacrifices. God takes priority. We do indeed render unto Caesar, but only when it does not get in the way of rendering unto God. - Fr. Patrick ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Alaska Catholic Conference Letter Manna Bags Affordable Care Act Presentation Trunk or Treat/Halloween Carnival Mortgage Pay-Off Celebration Avivara Update Thank You Gene Ori Bishop Tobin’s Quick Response Help We Need You! ♦ Pews, Tables and Chairs Fall Cleaning Sat. Oct. 25th Page 2 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish 2901 East Huffman Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Phone……………….……...(907)345-4466 Fax…………….…………...(907) 345-6361 Web…….…………….…..www.akseas.net Church Staff Father Tom Lilly…….……..….…Ext.715 Pastor frtom@akseas.net Father Patrick Brosamer……… Ext. 716 Parochial Vicar frpatrick@akseas.net Bonnie Bezousek…………….…Ext. 718 Director of Faith Formation bonnie@akseas.net Fr. Patrick Brosamer ………...Ext. 716 Youth Ministry frpatrick@akseas.net Steve Siebs…………………………..Ext. 734 Director of Stewardship steve@akseas.net Marilyn Picou…..……………......Ext. 713 Bookkeeper marilyn@akseas.net Debbie Reaume………………...Ext. 710 Secretary/Scheduling debbier@akseas.net John Emery…………….………...Ext. 731 Director of Information Technology jemery@akseas.com Pastoral Council Members Dave Agosti Margaret Anderson Bonnie Bezousek Father Patrick Brosamer Janet Cowley Caroline Eddens Jessica Gutzwiler Sharon Hayhurst Father Tom Lilly Keith Manternach Lawrence Oraeki Bob Ourso Marti Pausback Jim Petrash Steve Siebs Diana Weber Finance Council Members Rita DeLaTorre Dave LeClair Fr. Tom Lilly Mayette Morein Marilyn Picou For Your Information… Visitors We welcome you! Please let one of our hospitality or pastoral ministers know you’re visiting with us, so we can say hello! New Parishioners We welcome all who wish to join our parish family! Please ask one of our hospitality members for a registration form. You will then receive a welcome packet with lots of exciting news about our parish and our Welcoming Committee will contact you. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you are interested in becoming a Catholic please contact Cheryl Roderer at 2500050 roderer@gci.net or Joan Adler at 602-1561 or jvadler716@gmail.com Perpetual Adoration For information on adoration or to sign up for a weekly hour with our Lord, please contact Steve Siebs at 830-4472 or adoration135@hotmail.com Sick and Homebound Please contact the Parish Office if you would like Communion brought to you or a loved one, or if we can help you in any way. www.akseas.net Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows P.O. Box 378 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Phone……………….……...(907) 783-1171 Web…www.chapelourladyofthesnows.org Maggie Donnelly………….…....529-4912 Mission Contact akskidogs@gmail.com Joan Lower……………………...223-3112 Reservations reservations@chapelourladyofthesnows.org Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton School 2901 East Huffman Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Phone……………………....(907) 345-3712 Fax………………….….…...(907) 345-2910 Web……..………..…..…..www.akseas.com School Staff Jim Bailey…………...………...…644-9723 Principal jimbailey@akseas.com Secretary peggy@akseas.com Peggy Dennehy…………………345-3712 Keith Morris Physical Education Hospital Visits When you’re in the hospital and would like a visit, please let us know by calling the Parish Office. Due to privacy policies, we will not be notified by the hospital if you have been admitted. Please help us by calling. Nicole Scherer Volunteer Hotline Spanish Music Beth Lottridge Computer & Library Bonnie Siebs Before and After School Care Lora Caitlynn Fowler volunteer@akseas.net Mary Duer Sacrament of Baptism Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for baptism preparation. Class dates vary to fit your needs. Daria Seckers Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Aide Lisa Orizotti First Grade Teacher Sacrament of Reconciliation Reconciliation is celebrated on Wednesday from 5:30 - 6pm and Saturday from 4:00 - 5:00pm and any time by calling the Parish Office and talking with a priest. Lou Ann Verbout Sacrament of Holy Matrimony Couples planning to marry are requested to make arrangements early, but at least five months in advance of the proposed date. Fourth Grade Teacher Bulletin Deadline Wednesday at Noon debbier@akseas.net Second Grade Teacher Ali Ann Stramilova Third Grade Teacher Rachel Marie Jansen Caroline Bradshaw Fifth Grade Teacher Eddie Ezell Sixth Grade Teacher School Board President Eric Ward 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Page 3 Please Pray For: + MASS SCHEDULE + Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sunday: 8:30am 11:30am 5:30pm Holy Days: 9:00am and 7:00pm Monday to Friday: 9:00am Monday to Thursday 6:00pm (during Lent) Rosary follows Mass Reconciliation Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm Saturday 4:00pm to 5pm Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows Sundays and Holy Days: 6:00pm Mass Cards Giving the gift of a Mass is a wonderful way to celebrate a variety of occasions in the lives of your family and friends. Be sure to stop by the office to see our Mass Card selection which includes cards for: Birthdays, Spiritual Intentions, Get Well, Anniversaries and Repose of the Soul. We would be more than happy to help you. Liturgical Schedules Liturgical schedules for Sacristan, Hospitality and Lectors can be found on our web site at www.akseas.net/ Ministries_Schedule.html Readings For The Week Monday, October 20th Ephesians 2: 1-10 Psalm 100: 1-2, 3, 4, 4-5 Luke 12: 13-21 Tuesday, October 21st Ephesians 2: 12-22 Ps. 85: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14 Luke 12: 35-38 Wednesday, October 22nd Saint John Paul II Ephesians 3: 2-12 Psalm 96: 1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 10 Luke 12: 39-48 Thursday, October 23rd Saint John of Capistrano 2 Corinthians 5: 14-20 Psalm 16: 1-2, 5, 7-8, 11 Luke 9: 57-62 Friday, October 24th Saint Anthony Mary Claret Isaiah 52: 7-10 Psalm 96: 1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 10 Mark 1: 14-20 Saturday, October 25th Ephesians 4: 7-16 Psalm 122: 1-2, 3-4, 4-5 Luke 13: 1-9 Sunday, October 26th 30th Sunday In Ordinary Time Exodus 22: 20-26 Psalm 18: 2-3, 3-4 1 Thessalonians 1: 5-10 Matthew 22: 34-40 Sarina Germany Solita Encarnacion Irene Peterson Deb Raburn Laura Young Ken Young Laura Turpin Henry North Linda Lappi Joe Shaw June Goard Mike Schneider Chuck Berns Dorothy Miller James Malneritch Glenda Miller Katie Elliott Cindy Davis Julia Gebert Bennie & Julie Rodriguez Repose of the Soul: Gordon Lilly, Father of Fr. Tom Alex Torre, Son of Steve & Debbie Torre Austin Rykus, Son of Kenton & Cheryl Schoch Catherine Evans David Christopher, brother of Carol Connelly Mass Schedule and Intentions 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 5:30pm 2nd Int. 8:30am 11:30am 2nd Int. 5:30pm 2nd Int. 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 2nd Int. 9:00am 9:00am 5:30pm 8:30pm 11:30am 2nd Int. 5:30pm Sp. Int. Marilyn Roth Sp. Int. Maureen Vincent People of the Parish Sp. Int. Jim and MaryAnn Bove Charles Hickey ROS Marvin and Eileen Glassman ROS Gordon Lilly ROS Sp. Int. Solita Encarnacion Alex Torre ROS Fred Picou (1st anniversary) ROS Evangelina Villasenor ROS Col. Sam Roberts ROS Alex Torre ROS David Christopher ROS People of the Parish David Goodwin ROS James Irany ROS Col. Sam Roberts ROS Pray for Our Priest Each Day Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priest of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Amen Mon, Oct. 20 Tues, Oct. 21 Wed, Oct. 22 Thurs, Oct. 23 Fri, Oct. 24 Sat, Oct. 25 Sun. Oct. 26 Rev. Alfred Fisher Rev. Leo Desso Rev. Leroy Clementich Rev. Stanley Allie Rev. Alan Abele Rev. Donald Bramble Rev. Gerald Brunet Page 4 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows www.akseas.net Faith Formation Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration “Those who stand before the Lord are therefore fulfilling an eminent service. They are presenting to Christ all those who do not know him; they keep watch in his presence on their behalf.” --- Pope John Paul II Adores Needed for the following hours: SUNDAY: MONDAY: TUESDAY: THURSDAY: SATURDAY: SATURDAY: SATURDAY: 6 PM to 7 AM 3 AM to 4 AM* 1 AM to 2 AM 6 AM to 7 AM* 3 AM to 4 AM 11 AM to NOON 7 PM to 8 PM *We are in need of co-adorers for these hours. Hourly substitutes are also needed. Please call: 830-4472 Or email: adoration135@hotmail.com “With the Rosary, the Christian people sit at the school of Mary and are led to contemplate the beauty on the face of Christ and to experience the depths of his love.” St. Pope John Paul II The Rosary is prayed in the church each weekday immediately following the 9:00am Mass. Please participate in this prayer that is so easy and yet so rich. SCHEDULES and TIMES PS-KN ~ 11:30-12:45pm 1st– Adults ~ 10:00-11:15am October 19,26 November 2, Community Sunday, “Manna Bags” November 9,16,23 A WEEKLY SCRIPTURE STUDY FOR ADULTS Celebrating the Lectionary Sundays ~ 10:00am ~ POC ROOM (room next to the elevator) Immerse yourself in scripture and grow in your faith! CHLDCARE PROVIDED IN NURSERY! COMMUNITY SUNDAY Sunday, November 2, 2014 10-11:00AM Manna Bags In the Bible, the food miraculously provided for the Israelites in the wilderness during their flight from Egypt – “good things which have been provided as sustenance”.Y ou are invited to meet the need of the hungry by assembling a bag of food sustenance to our homeless friends on the street. Please help donate to “fill” the bags with :canned tuna or chicken , granola or cereal bars bags of peanuts, sunflower seeds Beef jerky or Slim Jims Small boxes of raisins Individual pudding cups wrapped packages of crackers ,wrapped packages of cookies small cans of zip top fruit or fruit cups Individual size chips or pretzels ,hard candy, Please drop donating items in box located in church foyer. THANK YOU for your generosity! Martha and Mary Women’s Ministry Thursday, November 13th 11:30 –1:00pm Pray with Women of Joy Icons Presenter: Maureen Cowles Year as Please remember to stay for lunch. Director of Faith Formation: Bonnie Bezousek bonnie@akseas.net or 644-9718 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Youth Ministry HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NIGHT 7:00-9:00PM October 23 ~ Evening with Fr. Patrick and slideshow of pictures from the Holy Land October 30 ~ Halloween Costume Party , Pumpkin carving, Food and Fun! Bring a friend to the Thursday Youth Night! YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Check out Facebook SEAS CAYAC for Young Adults activities and events. If you need more information please contact: Oriele Jones at ojones@stbenedictsak.com CONFIRMATION RETREAT Road to Emmaus: “Receive the Promise of the Holy Spirit” November 14-16, 2014 Birchwood Camp If you would like to chaperone, be a small group leader, help coordinator games, please contact Bonnie Bezousek. This is an awesome retreat for both confirmandi and adults! Confirmation Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:00PM Mass Church Contact with questions or concerns: Fr. Patrick at frpatrick@ akseas.net or Bonnie Bezousek at bonnie@akseas.net Stewardship Opportunities Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics in good standing who have received Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Must have a firm belief in and love for Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Respect for Life – A chairperson to lead the group in the Gospel of Life. Liturgical Receptions – Leads a group that prepares and/or serves refreshments for celebrations such as First Communion, Confirmation, etc. Page 5 Stewardship October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time As indicated many times previously in these reflections, it is difficult to reflect comprehensively on the totality of the readings for a particular Sunday, and it is often more effective to focus our thoughts on something smaller, although significant. Saint Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, our second reading, offers one of those insights. Most scholars believe that the letter to the people of Thessalonica, Greece (the Thessalonians) was perhaps the first of the many letters Paul wrote. Note that in his opening greeting, Paul makes it from not just himself, but from Silvanus and Timothy as well. As successful as Paul was as an evangelist and an apostle, he recognized early on that it was not something he could do or accomplish alone. In addition to God’s help, St. Paul gathered a team around him, which he used and empowered in many ways. Sometimes each of us may think we are more efficient operating alone. Stewardship on the other hand calls us to see that we are part of a community, and that community can accomplish more as a group than any one of us can individually. That is the strength of community stewardship, a faith-filled people working hand in hand to build the Kingdom of God. There is a Tibetan proverb which states, “If you help someone to the top of the mountain, you reach the peak also.” October 1% & Youth Collection Benefits Providence Hickel House The Walter J. and Ermalee Hickel House is a hospitality house that offers an affordable, comfortable “home away from home” for outpatients and their families receiving medical attention at a Providence Health & Services Alaska facility. The Providence Hickel House also takes food donations for their fully equipped kitchen where the residents to prepare their meals. For additional information please call Visit their website at http:// at 907-212-4100 or alaska.providence.org/locations/guesthousing/Pages/ default.aspx. Our Gifts of Treasure Annual Budget FY2015 Year to Date Needed 10-12 Year to Date Received 10-12 Sunday Collection 10-12 Building Maintenance Fund 10-12 $1,420,622.00 $408,672.00 $363,790.54 $15,286.00 $275.00 Thank You for Your Generosity! Page 6 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows Capital Campaign Even though our newly-remodeled school building is open our fundraising efforts continue as we seek to pay down our mortgage. We now have a truly-beautiful faith formation space of which we can be justifiably proud. Thank you to everyone who has sacrificed to make this project a reality. Thank you for your continued support of our Capital Campaign to renovate our school/faith formation building. We are at 86% of reaching our goal of $3.0 million with one year remaining in our campaign! Thank you very much for helping in this effort! Total Amount Pledged to Date: $2,580,570* Cash Amount Received to Date: $2,157,809* Total Number of Participants: 392 * $64,708 Pledged prior to start of Campaign Please call Steve Siebs in the Office of Stewardship and Development with any questions at 644-9734. Thank You! A special thanks to Gene Ori for volunteering to change out our parish sign. Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus 2014 Pot of Gold Raffle Grand Prize: $15,000 9 addition Prizes: $1,000 each $25 per ticket Limit of 3,000 tickets~tickets are selling fast! Drawing: Friday, December 5, 2014 Holy Family Cathedral Anchorage, AK Permit #563 Need not be present to win Tickets available from Knights of Columbus ***Proceeds will be used for K of C charitable activities www.akseas.net Service, Peace and Justice “The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience.” (Evangelii Gaudium, 2). World Mission Day, Oct. 19th: A Message from Pope Francis: “Humanity greatly needs to lay hold of the salvation brought by Christ… The joy of the Gospel is born of the encounter with Christ and from sharing with the poor. For this reason, I encourage parish communities, associations, and groups to live an intense fraternal life, grounded in love for Jesus and concern for the needs of the most disadvantaged. Wherever there is joy, enthusiasm, and a desire to bring Christ to others, genuine vocations arise…There has been a growing awareness of the identity and mission of the lay faithful in the Church, as well as recognition that they are called to take an increasingly important role in the spread of the Gospel.” The full message is available on the Peace and Justice Bulletin Board. Avivara Update: Next weekend we are blessed to host Ann Austin, a co-director of Avivara in Guatemala. Ann, formerly a teacher in the Seattle area, spends her days during the school year traveling to various pueblo schools, offering classes to students as well as teacher. As well she and the other staff members seek students for scholarships. As the school year comes to a close and fund-raising commences, Ann and the rest of the staff hope to fund scholarships for 90 students, among whom 20 would be attending university level classes. Ann will be available throughout the weekend, including a special Saturday evening gathering at a private home. If you wish to learn more about her work and the children of Guatemala, contact Pat at 345-0306 for further information. Mortgage Pay-Off Celebration: Habitat for Humanity staff and volunteers celebrated with Wilson and Gedalia Rosario as they held a mortgage burning. Fifteen years after moving into their home, they own it, even paying it off early. Photos of the happy family and friends can be seen on the Peace and Justice bulletin board and Facebook page. Family House Celebration, Nov. 2nd, Noon-1:30pm, St Mark’s Lutheran Church, 3230 Lake Otis Parkway: As the Rosario family pays off their home, the Dak/Jal family begins the journey to own their own home. They’ve fulfilled their work commitment and embark on the financial one. Come and celebrate with them. 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Respect Life BISHOP TOBIN’S QUICK RESPONSE TO A PRO-ABORTION CATHOLIC POLITICIAN In Rhode Island, LaSalle Academy, a Catholic school removed the photo of an alumna from its halls after she endorsed abortion in her campaign for governor. Gina Raimondo had publicly stated, at a Planned Parenthood PAC’s endorsement of her candidacy Sept. 25, that she does not support the Church’s teaching on life and would work to support abortion. "You know the Catholic Church has a clear position, and I have a clear position,” the state general treasurer said, according to ABC. “And I am clearly pro–choice and as I've said, I as Governor, support the decision in Roe v. Wade." Rhode Island Bishop Thomas Tobin responded the same day in a statement on his Facebook page: “It is always disappointing when a Catholic candidate for political office abandons the teaching of the Church on the dignity of human life for the sake of self-serving political gain,” he said. “Such actions demonstrate an inexcusable lack of moral courage. “Pope Francis has explained how evil abortion really is, that every aborted child bears the face of Jesus Christ,” he continued. “Similarly, I wish to remind Catholics of the Diocese of Providence, in the clearest terms possible: Abortion is a sin, and those who provide it, promote it and support it will be held accountable by Almighty God for the unjust death of unborn children.” Raimondo said as well that she is “more pro-choice” than her Republican opponent and that she opposes the Hobby Lobby ruling in support of religious freedom for employers. According to the Providence Journal, the candidate also said she would oppose efforts to incorporate an option in the Rhode Island health insurance exchange that would exclude abortion or contraception. She has even pledged to seek repeal of a 1997 Rhode Island law banning partial-birth abortion. Many bishops and cardinals, Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Thomas Olmsted, Charles Chaput, Raymond Cardinal Burke, Leo Thomas Maher, John Cardinal O’Connor, William Weigand, Thomas Nauman, Joseph Martino—to name a few— have grappled with the scandal brought upon the Church with prominent Catholics espousing pro-abortion positions. This prayer vigil to end abortions will run through Sunday November 2ND from 8AM to 8PM in front of Planned Parenthood at 4001 Lake Otis Parkway. Go to http:// www.40daysforlife.com/anchorage/ to sign up for vigil hours and bring a pro-life sign or pick one up at Golden Donuts at Tudor and Lake Otis. Page 7 Health Ministry Your faith has made you whole. Lk 8:48 Health Ministry Team invites you to HEALTH INSURANCE OPTIONS OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Presented by Samantha Longacre Anchorage Neighborhood Health Certified Application Counselor OCTOBER 25 1 PM or OCTOBER 29 7 PM Miki Center Classroom Learn about which plan is morally acceptable, signing up for coverage, and what the plan offers. The Office of the Archbishop has approved this presentation. Page 8 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows A Note from Fr. Tom "Thank you, Lord Jesus" I have wonderful and heartfelt news to share with you. Following 94 years of faithfulness to God and to his family my dear father, the greatest man I have ever had the pleasure to know, went home to be with our Lord on Friday, September 26th. I entrust my Dad into the mystery of our Savior's love with deep gratitude and profound joy. While, of course, I feel a personal sense of loss, the overwhelming emotion I feel is gratitude. My brothers and I each had a chance to say goodbye to Dad while he still knew us. We have had plans in place for awhile now as to how we would honor Dad's memory upon his death. He has been cremated and has returned to my younger brother Doug's home in Idaho where he will remain until a family gathering at the cabin he built as a teenager near Mount Rainier next August. Following this celebration of life Dad will be buried with his father and extended family near his boyhood home of Queen Anne Hill in Seattle. My Dad loved South America, especially Bolivia. This past weekend I had the opportunity to concelebrate Mass in his memory at Our Lady of Mercy in Potosi, one of his most favorite towns. Trusting in our Lord's abundant gift of mercy, and through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, I am completely at peace with Dad's death. May we pray together for our loved ones, living and deceased. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of my father's life and for welcoming him into Your arms! Someday we will all be as lucky as my Dad. Written with love, SEAS BABY CRIB Many Anchorage babies are in need of disposable diapers (especially sizes 4, 5 and 6) and baby wipes, as well as baby formula and baby food. The items you place in the SEAS Baby Crib downstairs will benefit clients of St. Francis House. Thank you for your continuing generosity. www.akseas.net PARISH ACTIVITIES Monday, October 20th 9:00am Mass & Rosary 6:00pm Baptism 7:00pm CSSI Class (POC) Tuesday, October 21st 9:00am Mass & Rosary 10:00am Magi Group 10:00am Scripture Class (POC) 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Foyer) 7:00pm RCIA (1-3 & 2-4) 8:00pm Young Adult Fellowship Wednesday, October 22nd 6:00am CSSI 9:00am School Mass and Rosary 10:00am Preschool Gym Play (Miki Gym) 5:30pm Reconciliation 6:30pm Scouts Leaders Mtg. 7:00pm Boy Scouts Mtg. 7:00pm Choir Practice Thursday, October 23rd 9:00am Mass and Rosary 7:00pm Al-Anon (room 1-3) 7:00pm High School Youth Fellowship 7:00pm Adult Faith Formation 7:30pm K of C Officers Mtg. Friday, October 24th 9:00am Mass and Rosary 9:00am Art and Environment 6:00pm Trunk or Treat Saturday, October 25th 9:00am Parish Fall Cleaning ALL ARE WELCOME 1:00pm Affordable Care Act Workshop 4:00pm Reconciliation 5:30pm Mass Sunday, October 26th 8:30am Mass 9:30am Coffee and Donuts 10:00am Faith Formation Classes 1st grade to Adult FF 11:30am Mass 11:30am Preschool/Kindergarten Faith Formation Classes 5:30pm Mass 7:00pm Family Basketball Help! We Need You! Are you looking to help someone? Consider volunteering to set up a few tables in the Miki after the Saturday 5:30Mass. These tables will be use for Sunday “Donuts and Coffee” gathering. Our elderly parishioners would be most grateful. Please contact the parish office 345-4466x734 if you are interested. 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Page 9 The Altar Guild and Knights of Columbus St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Presents PEWS, TABLES AND CHAIRS What He really wants is for us to clean his House. What He got was unconditional loving service. Come Join Us and Spend an Hour or FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24TH FROM 6PM—8PM Now welcoming donations of bagged candy AND Don’t forget to try and sign up your trunk beforehand. You can find the Trunk or Treat bin and signup sheet In the foyer. Come see the decorated trunks, enjoy some snacks, and More... Get dressed up, and have some fun! Come Trunk or Treat with us! We’d love for ALL of you to come! TRUNK SET UP BEGINS @ 5PM For more information please free to contact Shannon at 230-4922. Two Helping Clean up the Church Pews and Miki Tables & Chairs. Saturday, October 25th from 9am – 11:30 am A Stewardship Production MILITARY RECOGNITION BOARD In the foyer there is a display of men & women in the military from our parish. If you have a son, daughter, husband, wife, grandchild or any other family member in the military please submit their name and, or picture to Debbie at the office. Let us continue to pray for these dedicated people & their families. Food for Saint Francis House Food is collected for St. Francis House in our foyer and delivered after the 2nd Sunday of the month (Sunday, November 9, 2014) Please bring your non-perishable items to donate to the foyer. Thank you for helping feed the hungry! Page 10 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows www.akseas.net The 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Page 11 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Auction Kindergarten enjoyed going to the play “Beauty and the Beast Jr.”, and gave it a thumbs up! We are currently working on Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes in Language Arts. In science we are enjoying all of the students animal reports which have been very informative. If you walk down the school hallway, you may have noticed all the reports hanging on the bulletin board. Kindergarteners are looking forward to Halloween and All Saint’s Day. The students will be honoring the kindergarten tradition of celebrating All Saint’s Day by dressing up as our favorite Saint . We will have an “All Saints” parade around the school. During the month of October we have been saying the rosary with the whole school. We always keep our parish family in our prayers. We hope you all have a great week! First graders are working on a beautiful birch tree painting for our school auction. We are so lucky to have Mrs. Boedecker helping us with this big project. When it is finished and framed the painting will be on display at the school and then sold to a lucky winner at the auction. Big kudos to Helen Boedecker for her inspiration with this project. Third grade students are learning about the geography of the United States and the Cardinal directions. We are reading about planets in our solar system in language arts. We are studying about strategies for figuring out word problems in math, in addition to mastering the addition fact family of 9s. We are working away at the number of the day; each day students round and add and subtract with a specific number. All students have mastered rounding and this keeps us in practice! We are discussing St. Theresa of Avila who celebrates her feast day this week in religion, and students are all reading individual saints books in preparation for the feast of All Saints. The Fourth graders are beginning their altar server training and are so excited to be more involved in the Mass! Part of their training allows them to serve at the daily Masses. Our 31st Annual Auction “An Evening in Paradise” is Saturday, November 8, 2014 at the Anchorage Marriott Downtown starting at 5:00 pm. Tickets are available at the auction office inside the school. We are looking for donations of new items, basket items, and artwork. Donations can be dropped off at the school or picked up at your convenience. We also have advertising space available in our auction booklet. The Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows is a mission of Saint Elizabeth’s. The community opened the doors of its new Church on Christmas Eve 2005 and welcomes you to use the chapel and the Meadows Community Center for family and other gatherings. The Chapel is set in a small mountain community with year round and weekend residents, who seek refuge to ski, hike and generally renew their hearts and souls in the peaceful surroundings of the Girdwood valley. This is the perfect setting for weddings, retreats or public gatherings. Mass is Sunday at 6:00pm. Adoration First Monday 7:30pm to 8:30pmPlease contact Joan Lower 223-3112 or reservations@chapelourladyofthesnows.org CATHOLIC BOOKS & SUPPLIES Bishop's Attic │has free pickup service on Tuesday and Thursday for donated items. Please call 279-6328 to schedule. Proceeds of all sales support Catholic Social Services and programs at the Archdioceses. St. Paul’s Corner│ Looking for Catholic books, gifts, and items of faith? Come see what’s new at St. Paul’s Corner at the Holy Family Cathedral. Saturdays 10am-2pm; Sundays 11:30am to 5:30pm; Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 11am– 2pm. Fridays - closed. 646-3070 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR ADVERTISERS Call Office at 345-4466 for - ADVERTISING POLICY - or click here for online version Lopetrone Trucking, Inc. End Dump/Sidedump Snow Plowing and Removal Bob Lopetrone, Owner/Operator (907)349-3542, Home (907)632-4549, Cell (907)344-1173, Fax Thomas J. Wells, DDS., M.S., P.C. American Roofing ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY DIPLOMATE AMERICAN BOARD OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Quality Workmanship Licensed, Bonded, Insured Randall Hoskins Owner 2000 Abbott Road, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Telephone (907) 277-4546 Office 345-8700 Fax 345-8701 ELDER CARE Owner Larry Partusch GOING ON A SHORT VACATION OR LONG TRIP ? Private rooms, short term or Long term available Leave your loved one in good hands! RABE ASSISTED LIVING HOME Huffman Area Call Josie at 727-4723 WWW. RABEASSISTEDLIVINGHOME .COM Nile P. Ersland , D.D.S. RYAN P. Ersland, D.M.D. Family Dentistry 2525 Gambell Street, Suite 304 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907 / 276-1621 * fax 907 / 279-0562 drersland@alaska.net * www.drersland.com Partusch Plumbing & Northern Sheetmetal 344-5066 344-5016 “Your boiler & forced air furnace change out specialists” 8301 Schoon Street
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