Marc Gasser Department of Philosophy Harvard University Emerson Hall 209a 25 Quincy Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Education 2015 (exp) Harvard University, Ph.D. in Philosophy Committee: Russell Jones, Alison Simmons, Gisela Striker, Mary Louise Gill (Brown) 2008 The University of Chicago, B.A. with General Honors & Special Honors in Philosophy Minors in Mathematics & Classical Studies (language variant) Research Interests aos aoc Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Mathematics Early Modern Philosophy, Epistemology, Mathematical Logic (incl. incompleteness theorems), Philosophy of Mind (esp. perception), Philosophy of Science Publications 2014 Structuralism and Its Ontology, Ergo (forthcoming) Presentations (*invited; °refereed) 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 °Aristotle on Perceiving Universals, UPenn/Temple Ancient Philosophy Workshop, April 5 Inference and Intuition in Aristotle’s Epistemology, Harvard M&E Workshop, March 3 Perception in Posterior Analytics A31, Harvard M&E Workshop, September 23 *Universals in Posterior Analytics A31, Tahoe Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, May 31 *On Induction in Posterior Analytics B19, Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, March 15 Aristotle on Perception and Scientific Knowledge, Harvard M&E Workshop, November 5 Autarkeia and Contemplation, Harvard M&E Workshop, April 23 °Autarkeia and Contemplation, UT Austin Ancient Philosophy Workshop, March 24 Structuralism Without Ontology, Harvard M&E Workshop, November 21 Teaching & Coursework f2014 s2013 f2013 f2012 s2012 f2011 Teaching Departmental Writing Fellow (writing tutor for undergraduate philosophy students) Instructor (sole teaching responsibility) for Philosophy 97, Perception Instructor (sole teaching responsibility) for Philosophy 98hf, Plato on Knowledge & Understanding Teaching Fellow for Empirical & Mathematical Reasoning 17, Deductive Logic Teaching Fellow for Philosophy 144, Logic and Philosophy Teaching Fellow for Philosophy 7, Introduction to Ancient Philosophy 1 Coursework (*not taken for credit) f2015 s2014 f2013 s2013 f2012 s2012 f2011 s2011 f2010 s2010 f2009 *Plato, Russell Jones *Greek Translation (Phaedo) *Greek Translation (Physics) *Knowledge & Abilities, Mark Richard *The Philosophy of Aristotle—Metaphysics, John Cooper (at Princeton University) *Euclid’s Elements, Books I and II, Benjamin Morison (at Princeton University) *Greek Translation (De Anima) (at Princeton University) *Aristotle and the Mind-Body Problem, David Charles (at Brown University) *Greek Translation (Cratylus) *Aristotle II—Posterior Analytics, David Bronstein (at Boston University) *Plato on the Value of Knowledge, Russell Jones *Greek Translation (Nicomachean Ethics, Ion) *Frege, Russell, and the Early Wittgenstein, Warren Goldfarb *Plato and Aristotle on Love and Friendship, Russell Jones *Topics in Logic, Peter Koellner *Greek Translation (Nicomachean Ethics) Philosophy of Science, Peter Godfrey-Smith Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, Ned Hall Topics in Set Theory, Peter Koellner *Aristotle on Truth and Meaning, Russell Jones *Philosophy of Mathematics, Charles Parsons *Logic Workshop *Greek Translation (Charmides) Set Theory: The Higher Infinite, Peter Koellner British Empiricism, Alison Simmons Aristotle: Ethics and Politics, Gisela Striker *Logic Workshop Ethics, Matt Boyle Logic and Philosophy, Warren Goldfarb Philosophy and the Exact Sciences, Peter Koellner Practical Reasoning Seminar, Derek Parfit & Thomas Scanlon *Plato: Symposium, David Elmer (Classics) Causation: Now and Then, Ned Hall & Alison Simmons Topics in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Peter Koellner Plato’s Metaphysics and Epistemology, Gisela Striker *Quine, Warren Goldfarb Other Academic Work & Service ay 14-15 ay 13-14 Departmental Writing Fellow (writing tutor for undergraduate philosophy students) Coordinator for the Harvard Minorities And Philosophy (MAP) chapter Research Assistant for Russell Jones Marc Gasser | 2 ay 11-12 ay 10-11 ay 09-10 Translation of Descombes’ Héritez de vous-même, for Richard Moran Philosophy graduate student representative Graduate admissions coordinator Coordinator for the Harvard Minorities And Philosophy (MAP) chapter Research Assistant for Peter Koellner Research Assistant for Russell Jones Translation of Leibniz’s Demonstrationes Novae De Resistentia Solidorum, for Jeff McDonough Philosophy graduate student representative Organizer for the Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness project Research Assistant for Peter Koellner Research Assistant for Russell Jones Organizer for the 2011 Mid Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (MAMLS) Harvard-MIT philosophy conference referee Graduate admissions coordinator Prizes & Awards 2014 2013 2012 2009 2007 2007 Bechtel Prize for best philosophy essay Departmental Term Time Fellowship, Spring term (spent at Princeton University) Certificate of distinction in teaching (for Logic and Philosophy) Harvard Presidential Scholarship Student Marshal (highest university honor) Phi Beta Kappa Languages Native French, read Ancient Greek and Latin, proficient in German This CV was generated in October 2014. 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