Document 357441

Welcome to the Eisenbrauns spring 2014 catalog! Within these covers, you will find most
Eisenbrauns titles that have appeared or will appear in 2014 and a wealth of recent books
from our associated publishers. Whatever your field of specialty—archaeology, the ancient
Near East, languages, or biblical studies—you will find books addressing those interests.
Please visit our web site at for the best nonconference prices
on these and other Eisenbrauns titles.
If you wish to be kept informed of the newest releases and other related title information, you may subscribe to our BookNews and New and Noteworthy e-mails (http://listmail
Cover design: Andy Kerr.
Eisenbrauns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–12
Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Deo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Carta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
LoGisma Editore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Mohr Siebeck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17–19
Ugarit-Verlag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–21
Academic Press Fribourg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Yad Ben Zvi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Other Publishing Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Order Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover
Forming God
Standing in the Breach
Divine Anthropomorphism in the Pentateuch
Siphrut: Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures 12
An Old Testament Theology and Spirituality
of Intercessory Prayer
Anne K. Knafl
Siphrut: Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures 13
This volume examines divine anthropomorphism in the
Hebrew Bible, a study characterized by disagreement and
contradiction. In this work, Knafl analyzes divine anthropomorphism as a literary-contextual phenomenon and seeks to
build a typology from which secondary arguments regarding
theology or history of religion may be built.
ca. xiii + 313 pp. Cloth. 9781575063164. October 2014.
Michael Widmer
At the heart of this study is a biblical-theological approach to
central passages on intercessory prayers in the OT. Widmer
closely reads prayers by Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David,
Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, and Amos with the aim of
gaining a deeper understanding of the God whom the church
worships and confesses to be the Father of Jesus Christ.
ca. viii + 571 pp. Cloth. 9781575063256. Early 2015.
What Kind of God?
The “Image of God” in Eden
Collected Essays of Terence E. Fretheim
The Creation of Mankind in Genesis 2:5-3:24
in Light of the mīs pî pīt pî and wpt-r Rituals of
Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt
Siphrut: Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures 14
Terence E. Fretheim
Edited by Michael Chan and Brent A. Strawn
Siphrut: Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures 15
Terence E. Fretheim has long been a leading voice in Old Testament theology. In this volume, thirty of his classic studies
have been gathered together for the first time. Here readers
can find a compelling answer to the question that has motivated Fretheim’s work for more than forty years—namely,
what kind of God is the God of Scripture? The studies are introduced by a critical overview of Fretheim’s career and theology by the editors and a retrospective by Fretheim himself.
ca. 480 pp. Cloth. 9781575063430. Early 2015.
Catherine McDowell
When Gen 1–3 are read together, as the final redactor intended, these texts redefine the divine-human relationship
using three significant and theologically laden categories:
kinship, kingship, and cult. Thus, they provide an important
lens through which to view the relationship between God and
humanity as presented in the rest of the Bible.
ca. 300 pp. Cloth. 9781575063485. Spring 2015.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Male and Female Encounters and Other Issues
Tzvi Abusch
The studies gathered here all demonstrate Tzvi Abusch’s approach to ancient literature: to make use of the tools of literary, structural, and critical analysis in service of exploring
the personal and psychological dimensions of the narration.
The author focuses especially on the encounters between
males and females in the story. The essays are not only instructive for understanding the Epic of Gilgamesh, they also
serve as exemplary studies of ancient literature with a view to
investigating streams of commonality between ancient times
and ours.
ca. 160 pp. Cloth. 9781575063492. Early 2015.
The babilili-Ritual from Hattusa
(CTH 718)
Mesopotamian Civilizations 19
Gary M. Beckman
Hittite culture of the second millennium B.C.E. was strongly
influenced by Mesopotamian culture, in part through the mediation of the peripheral cuneiform civilizations of northern
Syria, in part through direct contact with Babylonia and Assyria. The text edited here (CTH 718) presents an extreme
example of this cultural impact, featuring incantations in the
Akkadian language (Hittite babilili) embedded within a ceremony set forth in the Hittite tongue.
xiv + 97 pp. Cloth. 9781575062808. October 2014.
Babylonian Creation Myths
An Edition of the Canonical Series of Lamaštu
Incantations and Rituals and Related Texts
from the Second and First Millennia B.C.
Mesopotamian Civilizations 16
W. G. Lambert
Mesopotamian Civilizations 17
Walter Farber
Lamaštu was one of the most important Mesopotamian demons, playing a dominant role in the magico-religious and
magico-medical beliefs and practices of ancient Mesopotamia for nearly two millennia. Walter Farber, who has studied
Lamaštu materials for decades, presents a comprehensive
collection of all of the known texts, the texts of the primary
incantations in a score format, and transliteration and translation of a number of ancillary texts.
xii + 482 pp. + 91 plates. Cloth. 9781575062587. 2014.
For much of the last half of the twentieth century, W. G. Lambert devoted much of his research energy and effort to the
study of Babylonian texts dealing with Mesopotamian ideas
regarding creation, including especially Enuma Elish. This
volume, which appears almost exactly 2 years after Lambert's death, distills a lifetime of learning by the world's foremost expert on these texts. The volume includes 70 plates
(primarily hand-copies of the various exemplars of Enuma
Elish) and extensive indexes.
xvi + 640 pp. + 72 plates. Cloth. 9781575062471. 2014.
The Sacrificial Economy
Assessors, Contractors, and Thieves in the
Management of Sacrificial Sheep at the Eanna Temple
of Uruk (ca. 625–520 B.C.)
Explorations in Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations 2
Michael Kozuh
In the mid-first millennium B.C., the Eanna temple at Uruk sacrificed a minimum of
nine lambs every day in its basic routine of offerings to its gods; in addition to these,
special occasions and festivals demanded the sacrifice of as many as 90 lambs in a
single day. All told, the Eanna sacrificed about 4,300 lambs per year. This book aims
to analyze the economic organization of this entire system of sheep and goat maintenance and utilization, to explore the economic and social relationships between the
Eanna and its herdsmen, and to integrate the study of the Eanna’s animal economy into
the developing picture of the Neo-Babylonian temple economy as a whole. Kozuh's
careful examination of the bookkeeping records, the management records, and legal
documents connected with this substantial enterprise sheds new light on an arcane
area of first-millennium Mesopotamian life that will be sure to enlighten our understanding of the daily life, economy, and social structure of this region.
xii + 324 pp. + CD. Cloth. 9781575062785. October 2014.
Children in the Ancient Near Eastern Household
Explorations in Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations 3
Kristine Henriksen Garroway
This book begins to explore the multiple definitions of child and the way the child
fits within a household. It examines what membership in the household looks like for
children and what factors contribute to it. A study addressing what a child is and how
a child's gender and social status affect her place in the household is vital to a proper
understanding of the ancient Near Eastern household.
Despite their importance, children have long been marginalized in discussions of ancient societies. Only recently has this trend begun to change within biblical and ancient Near Eastern scholarship. A recent wave of studies, especially in relation to the
Hebrew Bible, has started to address children in their own right. In light of the current
state of scholarship on children, the purpose of this book is threefold. First, Garroway
continues to fill out the picture of the child in the ancient Near East by compiling
child-centric texts and archaeological realia. In analyzing these materials, she surveys
the relationship between children and ancient Near Eastern society by examining the
extent to which structuring forces in a community, such as social status and gender,
contribute to the process of a child's becoming a member of his household and society.
Finally, this information provides a base for future research, for example, a cross-cultural study of children in the ancient Near East in Classical Antiquity.
xviii + 372 pp. Cloth. 9781575062952. October 2014.
No Stone Unturned
Greek Inscriptions and Septuagint Vocabulary
Critical Studies in the Hebrew Bible 5
James K. Aitken
For understanding biblical Greek in context, the importance of the discoveries of papyri was recognized early in the twentieth century, while inscriptions by comparison
were left unexplored. Those scholars who had intended to turn their attention to the
inscriptions were delayed by their work on the papyri and by the conviction that the
greater results would come from these. As a result, undue focus has been placed on papyri, and biblical Greek words have been viewed only through their lens, leading to the
inference that the Greek is specifically Egyptian and vernacular. This volume widens
the focus on Septuagint words by demonstrating how the inscriptions, coming from a
broader geographical region than papyri and containing a wider range of registers, are
a source that should not remain untouched.
This work explains the current state of the study of Septuagint vocabulary and outlines the competing roles of papyri and inscriptions in its interpretation, including the
limitations of focussing solely on papyri. The practical issues for a biblical scholar in
dealing with inscriptions are presented and some guidance is given for those wishing
to explore the resources further. Finally, examples are drawn together of how inscriptions can illuminate our understanding of Septuagint vocabulary, and thereby inform
the socio-historical position of the Septuagint.
ca. xiii + 129 pp. Paper. 9781575063249. October 2014.
The Old Greek of the Book of Job
Karl V. Kutz
The earliest Greek translation of the book of Job, the Old Greek, is fascinating because
it diverges significantly from our modern translations. The translator was willing to
expand, condense, clarify, paraphrase, or harmonize in order to illuminate the Hebrew text of Job. The translator’s free style often discloses what he, and perhaps his
religious community, considered to be implicit in the text—insights that would not be
revealed in a more literal translation. As a result, the Old Greek represents the earliest articulated interpretation of the book of Job and shows us, on a broader scale, the
process of exegesis and translation within Hellenistic Judaism. In this volume, Karl
Kutz allows us to witness the translator’s exegesis on a small scale with the treatment
of individual words and sentences, and on a larger scale with themes such as angels as
the agents of God's wrath, Job’s hope in a future resurrection, and the portrayal of the
characters in the book. Kutz elucidates the personal touch of the Old Greek translator
of Job and reveals the his unique perception of Job and his world.
Pp. ca. 250. Cloth. 9781575062891. Late 2014.
Eisenbrauns / Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Volume 4
The Ebabbar Temple Archive and Other Texts from the
Fourth to the First Millennium B.C.
Published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ira Spar and Michael Jursa, eds.
This long-anticipated work is the final volume of the CTMMA series and completes
the publication of all the cuneiform-inscribed tablets and inscriptions (excluding those
on sculptures, reliefs, and seals) in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Published are 183 texts that include 154 cuneiform tablets and tablet fragments, one inscribed clay bulla, fourteen clay cylinders, five clay prisms, and four stone inscriptions.
xcii + 343 pp. + 174 plates. Cloth. 9781575063270. 2014.
Mood and Modality in Hurrian
Languages of the Ancient Near East 5
Dennis R. M. Campbell
Campbell provides a formal and functional analysis of Hurrian modal morphemes.
Unlike the better-known Semitic and Indo-European languages of the ancient Near
East, Hurrian has a rich complement of modal endings. This sometimes bewildering
variety in the form and function of modal morphemes in Hurrian has been touched
on in a number of studies, but it has not received a detailed treatment until now. The
present book will be seen by some as a potentially radical departure from standard
understandings of how these endings work, but this was not the author’s intent.
ca. xiii + 354 pp. Cloth. 9781575063225. Early 2015.
An Akkadian Handbook
Paradigms, Helps, Logograms, and Sign List
Completely revised and expanded edition
Douglas B. Miller and R. Mark Shipp
In this handy, brief summary of basic information, students of Akkadian will find the
ideal companion to have at hand for basic work in the first years of study. While not
a replacement for the standard reference tools, students and scholars at all levels will
find this compendium a valuable tool. This is a completely reworked second edition
of the beloved 1996 book.
ca. vi + 326 pp. Paper. 9781575063065. November 2014.
Episodes and Anecdotes from the Ancient Mediterranean
J. Brian Peckham
In this magnum opus, the late Brian Peckham examines all of the evidence currently
available to paint as complete a portrait as is possible of the land, its history, its people,
and its culture. This complicated history shows up in episodes and anecdotes along
a frangible and fractured timeline. Individual men and women come forward in their
artifacts, amulets, or seals. There are king lists and alliances, companies, and city
assemblies. Years or centuries are skipped in the twinkling of any eye and only occasionally recovered. For this reason, the subtitle, Episodes and Anecdotes from the Ancient Mediterranean, is a particularly appropriate description of Peckham's masterful
(posthumous) volume, the fruit of a lifetime of research into the history and culture of
the Phoenicians.
xxii + 586 pp. Cloth. 9781575061818. November 2014.
A Monetary and Political History of the Phoenician
City of Byblos in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C.E.
History, Archaeology, and Culture of the Levant 6
J. Elayi and A. G. Elayi
Arwad (now in Syria), Byblos (now Jbeil in Lebanon), Sidon (Saida in Lebanon), and
Tyre (Sour in Lebanon)—the four major cites of Persian-period Phoenicia—all minted
their own coins. Archaeologists and historians have found these coins to be a major
resource for the reconstruction of Phoenician history. In A Monetary and Political
History of the Phoenician City of Byblos, the Elayis examine this history from their
numismatic vantage. The tour de force within this volume is the coin catalog, which
introduces 1,662 silver Byblian coins, also published in 25 plates.
xvi + 384 pp., including plates. Cloth. 9781575063041. 2014.
Drought, Death, and the Sun in Ugarit and
Ancient Israel
A Philological and Comparative Study
Coniectanea Biblica Old Testament Series 61
Ola Wikander
The goal of Wikander's study is to elucidate the interconnected motifs of drought
and death in the Bronze Age cuneiform alphabetic texts from Ugarit in Syria and the
survival of these motifs as they appear in the world and text of the Hebrew Bible. The
Ugaritic texts portray the sun goddess, Shapshu, as the sender of terrible drought; she
manifests the rule of the god of death through her burning rays. In the Hebrew Bible,
the study traces terminology that refers to the ancient motifs of drought, death, and the
sun in texts such as 1 Kings 17-18, Jeremiah 14, Hosea 13, and Malachi 3.
xiv + 318 pp. Paper. 9781575068275. 2014.
Eisenbrauns / Harvard Semitic Museum
Transitivity and Object Marking in Biblical Hebrew
An Investigation of the Object Preposition ʾet
Harvard Semitic Studies 64
Published by the Harvard Semitic Museum
Peter Bekins
Hebrew grammarians have found it difficult to explain the variable use of the object
preposition ʾet in Biblical Hebrew, which has typically been attributed to a weak emphatic sense or explained as stylistic variation. Drawing on the functional-typological
literature on Differential Object Marking (DOM), this study takes a fresh approach to
the problem by treating transitivity as a prototype category, which can be decomposed
into a cluster of interrelated parameters.
xxi + 234 pp. Cloth. 9781575069487. October 2014.
Dictionary of Qumran Aramaic
Edward M. Cook
The Aramaic texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls are among the most important discoveries for the history of Aramaic and for the background of early Judaism and
Christianity. They constitute a “missing link” between Biblical Aramaic and the later
Aramaic of the targums and midrashic literature. Among them are the oldest texts we
have of the Book of Enoch and Tobit, the earliest Aramaic translation of a portion of
Scripture (the Targum of Job), and many previously unknown texts.
Now, for the first time, there is a comprehensive dictionary of all the Aramaic texts
from the 11 Qumran caves, from a noted specialist in Qumran Aramaic. It is the first
dictionary devoted solely to this Aramaic corpus and contains a wealth of detail, including definitions, extensive citations of the sources, discussions of difficult passages,
and a bibliography. It will be an indispensable resource to anyone interested in the Dead
Sea Scrolls, the literature of early Judaism and Christianity, and the Aramaic language.
ca. viii + 264. Cloth. 9781575063416. Late 2014.
The Syntax of Volitives in Biblical Hebrew and
Amarna Canaanite Prose
Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic 9
Hélène Dallaire
Dallaire attempts to answer the following questions: Do volitives function in a similar way in Biblical Hebrew and Amarna Canaanite? Where and why is there overlap
in morphology and syntax between these two languages? What morphological and
syntactical differences exist between the volitional expressions of the languages? In
attempting to answer these questions, the author bears in mind the fact that, within
each of these two languages, scribes from different areas used specific dialectal and
scribal traditions (for example, northern versus southern, peripheral versus central).
Pp. ca. xiv + 230. Cloth. 9781575063072. November 2014.
Eisenbrauns / Harvard Semitic Museum
The Land between the Two Rivers
Early Israelite Identities in Transjordan
Thomas Petter
A survey of recent scholarship shows that historians who are
skeptical about any real history of early Israel have disparaged the idea that Israel had an early presence in Transjordan. This skeptical stance, however, is by no means shared
by everyone. By bringing together applicable anthropological research and relevant biblical, extrabiblical, and archaeological data, Petter explores this issue while outlining a
context-driven interpretive framework within which to plot
tribal ethnic expressions in the past.
xx + 154pp. ; 6 color maps. Cloth. 9781575062914. 2014.
Excavations at the Early Bronze IV
Sites of Jebel Qaʿaqir and Beʾer Resisim
Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 6
Published by the Harvard Semitic Museum
William G. Dever
This volume is the final report of excavations carried out in
the Hebron hills and the Negev desert in 1967-1980 on behalf of Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem and the University of Arizona. They were pioneering projects that helped
to illuminate what was then a poorly known “Dark Age” in
the cultural history of ancient Palestine, a nonurban interlude
of pastoral nomadic movements over several centuries (ca.
2400–2000 B.C.E.) in the early Bronze Ages.
viii + 366 pp. Cloth. 9781575069470. 2014.
Tell el-Borg I
Gezer VI
Excavations in North Sinai
The Objects from Phases I and II (1964–1974)
James K. Hoffmeier
Garth Gilmour
Between 1999 and 2008, a team of experts and specialists
worked together at Tell el-Borg, a site in north Sinai, in the
delta region of Egypt. This volume comprises the first report
on the site. Tell el-Borg, as it turned out, was composed of
four significant areas: the military zone where two forts were
found (Fields IV, V, and VIII), the public space (Field II), the
domestic area (Field VI), and the cemeteries (Field III and
VII). A second volume will appear in the next few years.
xiv + 520 pp. + CD with color photographs. Cloth.
9781575063058. 2014.
Publication of this volume continues the presentation of archaeological reports on the Hebrew Union College–Harvard
Semitic Museum Excavations at Gezer between 1964 and
1974. With the exception of objects previously published in
Gezer V, Gezer VI provides a comprehensive database with
listings of all of the objects recovered during both the Phase I
(1968–1971) and Phase II (1971–1974) HUC excavations
at the site. The volume also offers a summary of the stratigraphic history of Tell Gezer and other studies.
xv + 407 pp. Cloth. 9781575063126. 2014.
Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea,
Volume 1
Dossiers 1–10: 401 Commodity Chits
Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni
Some 340 Aramaic ostraca of the Persian and Hellenistic periods have been excavated
at 32 sites in Israel, from Yokneam in the north to Eilat in the south, with Arad and
Beersheba being the main contributory sites. By far, however, the largest cache of
texts is what has come to be known as “the Idumean ostraca.” These did not come from
formal excavations but began to appear on the antiquities market in 1991. Since then,
some 2,000 ostraca have reached 9 museums and libraries and 21 private collections.
Of these, the majority are still not formally published, and in this volume (and those
to follow) Bezalel Porten undertakes to provide a comprehensive edition of all these
texts, in many cases as an editio princeps.
Porten, with the expert epigraphic assistance of Ada Yardeni and hand-copies by her
as well, here provides the first volume of texts, organized by dossier based on the
primary personage cited in the text. Color photographs (where available), ceramic
descriptions, hand-copies, transcription, translation, and commentary are provided for
each text, along with figures and tables, and introductions and summaries of each
dossier. An included CD contains a catalogue of all the texts and three color key-wordin-context concordances, for words, personal names, and months for the entire corpus.
This publication will become the primary resource for information on these texts.
liv + 472 pp. + CD. Cloth. 9781575062778. 2014.
Family and Household Religion
Toward a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies,
Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies
Rainer Albertz, Beth Alpert Nakhai, Saul M. Olyan, and
Rüdiger Schmitt, eds.
This volume is the most recent collective contribution of a group of biblical scholars
and archaeologists who are engaged in an ongoing debate about the nature of family
and household religion in ancient Israel and its environment. It is intended to complement the volume Household and Family Religion in Antiquity, edited by John Bodel
and Saul M. Olyan, with an emphasis on cross-cultural comparison. This volume emphasizes theoretical and methodological challenges facing scholars of household and
family religion (e.g., the conceptualization of family/household religion, the problem
of identifying pertinent artifacts, and the difficulties inherent in using texts together
with material evidence).
The goal for this volume was to bring together a group of specialists in biblical studies,
epigraphy, and archaeology who would utilize a variety of humanistic and social-scientific approaches to the data and would also be willing to engage in dialogue and
debate. The essays published here reflect the energy of this vigorous debate and will
contribute, both individually and collectively, to the advancement of our knowledge
of Israelite family and household religion.
viii + 324 pp. Cloth. 9781575062884. 2014.
Celebrate Her for the Fruit of Her Hands
An Eye for Form
Essays in Honor of Carol L. Meyers
Epigraphic Essays in Honor of
Frank Moore Cross
Susan Ackerman, Charles E. Carter, and
Beth Alpert Nakhai, eds.
Jo Ann Hackett and Walter E. Aufrecht, eds.
Carol Meyers is renowned for her expertise in many fields:
the use of social-science methodologies to understand the
Bible and the world of Iron Age Israel; the archaeology of ancient Israel, especially important sites of the Second Temple
period; and the study of women in the Bible and in ancient
Israel. In this volume, some of Meyers's foremost scholarly
peers honor her by offering essays that build on her work and
depend on her expertise.
xx + 389 pp.. Cloth. 9781575063218. Late 2014.
At the first meeting of his class in Northwest Semitic Epigraphy at Harvard, Frank Cross would inform students that
one of the things each of them needed was an “eye for form.”
By this, he meant the ability to recognize typological or
evolutionary change in letters and scripts. Cross considered
epigraphy his primary field, so in this volume Cross’s colleagues, friends, and former students present a collection of
epigraphic essays in his honor.
xl + 383 pp. Cloth. 9781575063034. 2014.
Feasting in the Archaeology and Texts
of the Bible and the Ancient Near East
Memory and the City in Ancient Israel
Peter Altmann and Janling Fu, eds.
This volume contributes to the study of social memory in
ancient Israel in the late Persian and early Hellenistic periods
by exploring the city, both urban spaces and urban centers.
It opens with a study that compares basic conceptualizing
tendencies of cities in Mesopotamia with their counterparts
in ancient Israel. Its essays then explore memories of gates,
domestic spaces, threshing floors, palaces, city gardens and
parks, natural and domesticated water in urban settings, cisterns, and wells. Finally, the studies turn to particular cities
of memory in ancient Israel: Jerusalem, Samaria, Shechem,
Mizpah, Tyre, Nineveh, and Babylon.
vi + 362 pp. Paper. 9781575063157. October 2014.
This volume brings together the work of scholars using
various methodologies to investigate the prevalence, importance, and meanings of feasting and foodways in the texts
and cultural-material environments of the Hebrew Bible and
the ancient Near East. Thus, it serves as both an introduction
to and explication of this emerging field. The offerings range
from the third-millennium Early Dynastic period in Mesopotamia to the rise of a new cuisine in the Islamic period
and transverse geographical locations such as southern Iraq,
Syria, the Aegean, and especially the southern Levant. xii + ca. 300 pp. Cloth. 9781575063232. October 2014.
Ehud Ben Zvi and Diana V. Edelman, eds.
State Archives of Assyria — Back in Print
The acclaimed State Archives of Assyria series has had several titles out of print for the past few years. Eisenbrauns is reprinting all
of these titles in high-quality paperback editions. Make sure your series is complete today. New titles will continue to be published
by the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project and distributed by Eisenbrauns.
(Two additional titles, not pictured here, are in the process of being reprinted: Kataja and Whiting’s Grants, Decrees and Gifts of
the Neo-Assyrian Period [State Archives of Assyria 12] and Alan Millard’s The Eponyms of the Neo-Assyrian Empire 910–612 B.C.
[State Archives of Assyria Studies 2].)
Neo-Assyrian Treaties and
Loyalty Oaths
Court Poetry and
Literary Miscellanea
State Archives of Assyria 2
Simo Parpola and Kazuko Watanabe
State Archives of Assyria 3
Alasdair Livingstone
lxii + c. 130 pages + 10 plates. Paper. 9781575063324.
First published 1988.
xxxvii + 183 pages + 16 plates + 14 pages of scores.
Paper. 9781575063348. First published 1989.
The Correspondence of
Sargon II, Part 2
Imperial Adminstrative
Records, part 1
Letters from the Northern and
Northeastern Provinces
Palace and Temple Administration
State Archives of Assyria 5
G. B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola
State Archives of Assyria 7
F. M. Fales and J. N. Postgate
lxii + 261 pages + 13 plates. Paper. 9781575063355.
xxxvii + 272 pages + 2 plates. Paper. 9781575063263.
First published 1990.
Astrological Reports to
Assyrian Kings
Letters from Assyrian and
Babylonian Scholars
State Archives of Assyria 8
Hermann Hunger
State Archives of Assyria 10
Simo Parpola
xxix + 384 pages + 15 plates. Paper. 9781575063317.
First published 1992.
Imperial Administrative
Records, part 2
xxxix + 421 pages. Paper. 9781575063379. First
published 1993.
Letters from Priests to the
Kings Esarhaddon and
Provincial and Military
State Archives of Assyria 13
Steven W. Cole and Peter Machinist
State Archives of Assyria 11
F. M. Fales and J. N. Postgate
xxx + 221 pages. Paper. 9781575063294. First
published 1998.
xlii + 211 pp. including 54 illustrations. Cloth.
9789515702494. First published 1995.
Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
Selected Royal Inscriptions of
Neo-Assyrian Specialists
Crafts, Offices, and Other Professional
L , L , LET, Prism I, Prism T, and
Related Texts
Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire 4/1
Heather D. Baker
State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts 10
Jamie Novotny
This selection of Assurbanipal's inscriptions presents for the
first time full editions of the prism inscriptions I and T and
new editions of several important texts written on clay tablets
from the library collections at Nineveh. These texts describe
Assurbanipal's youth and education, military campaigns
against Egypt and Elam, and more.
xxvii + 137 pp. Paper. 9789521013447. 2014.
This volume is a companion to The Prosopography of the
Neo-Assyrian Empire (PNA), presenting a complete register of all individuals who are identified in the Neo-Assyrian
sources by a personal name as well as by some additional
designation, whether it be an office or professional title, or a
status or ethnic designation.
416 pp. Paper. 9789521013485. Late 2014.
The Anti-Witchcraft Series Maqlû
A Student Edition and Selected Commentary
Women and Power in the
Neo-Assyrian Empire
State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts 11
Tzvi Abusch
State Archives of Assyria Studies 23
Saana Svärd
The standard Babylonian series Maqlû, “Burning,” comprises eight tablets of incantations in which the text of almost
one hundred Akkadian incantations is recorded, and a ritual
tablet in which the incantations are cited by their incipit and
ritual directions are prescribed. This edition includes a transliteration of the eclectic text, a computer-generated cuneiform text, a detailed commentary on selected sections, and
computer-generated glossaries and indices.
xli + 201 pp. Cloth. 9789521013478. Late 2014.
This study, which focuses on women in the palaces of the
Neo-Assyrian Empire (c. 930-610 BCE), draws attention to
heterarchical power relations in which women were engaged
in the Neo-Assyrian palace milieu. Heterarchical power relations include power relations such as reciprocal power,
resistance, and persuasion. Although earlier research has
certainly been aware of women’s influence in the palaces,
this study makes explicit the power concepts employed in
previous research and further develops them using the concept of heterarchy.
ca. viii + 250 pp. Paper. 9789521013461. Early 2015.
Price TBD
Deo Publishing
The Days of Creation
Leviticus in Practice
A History of Christian Interpretation of
Genesis 1:1-2:3
Practice Interpretation 3
J. W. Rogerson (ed.)
History of Biblical Interpretation 4
Andrew J. Brown
Practice Interpretation takes the everyday social conditions
of people as they are described in the Bible and looks at
emerging issues that confront interpreters in daily life. The
latest volume in the Practice Interpretation series deals with
a much-neglected but fascinating part of the Bible, the book
of Leviticus.
98 pp. Paper. 9781905679249. 2014.
This book examines the history of Christian interpretation of
the seven-day framework of Genesis 1:1-2:3 in the Hebrew
Bible/Old Testament from the post-apostolic era to the debates surrounding Essays and Reviews (1860). Included in
the survey are patristic, medieval, Renaissance/Reformation, eighteenth-century Enlightenment, and finally early to
mid-nineteenth-century interpretations of the days of creation.
xii + 361 pp. Paper. 9781905679270. 2014.
Paul's Charismatic Imperatives
Journal of Pentecostal Theology Supplement 43
Robby J. Kagarise
Do not quench the Spirit! Strive for spiritual gifts! Walk in
the Spirit! In these imperatives, all from the hand of Paul, the
apostle regards the success of the Spirit’s work as dependent
on human cooperation. Does Paul's linking of divine power
with human agency derive from the influences of his religious background, or is it a product of his own experience
and thought? How does Paul think of the interrelation between Spirit and human agency? As the author answers these
questions we are given an illuminating view both of the path
along which Paul thinks the Spirit draws believers, and of
the nature of the Spirit's activity that Paul expects believers
to embrace.
244 pp. Paper. 9781905679324. 2014.
Interpretation of Tongues and
Prophecy in 1 Corinthians 12–14
Journal of Pentecostal Theology Supplement 41
Yongnan Jeon Ahn
Bringing spiritual experience into the domain of biblical
hermeneutics, this book will certainly stimulate current debates within this field, among both Pentecostals and Christians of other traditions. The author also applies a Pentecostal
hermeneutical methodology to Paul’s teaching on tongues
and prophecy in 1 Corinthians 12–14, opening possibilities
to a Pentecostal pneumatology that tends instead to focus on
the Lukan narrative. Paul’s texts are reconsidered not as doctrinal or situational documents but as dynamic communication within a living community.
xiv + 219 pp. Paper. 9781905679300. 2013.
Understanding Biblical Archaeology
Jerusalem in the Time of Nehemiah
An Introductory Atlas
2nd, revised edition (2014)
Paul H. Wright
Leen Ritmeyer and Kathleen Ritmeyer
Many of the places mentioned in the Bible can be seen to this
day. Cities like Jerusalem, Tiberias, Bethlehem, and Jericho
have lasted through the ages. Others like Megiddo, Hazor,
and Gezer are attested to by their ruins. Over one hundred
years of scientific archaeology have provided us with greater
insight into the lives and customs of the ancient peoples who
inhabited the region.
48 pp., with maps, plans, photographs, and illustrations.
Full color. Paper. 9789652208460. 2014.
Nehemiah was the great reformer who rallied the people to
repair the walls of Jerusalem that were broken down in the
Babylonian destruction of 586 B.C. In this guide, one of
the builders of the walls (a Tekoite) leads us around the city
and shows us the great work accomplished in those stirring
times. Profusely illustrated with photographs of a recently
constructed model, the book also contains rare photographs
of archaeological remains extant from the period.
72 pp., with original photographs, reconstructions, maps and
plans. Full color. Paper. 9789652208538. 2014.
The Sacred Bridge
Jerusalem in the Year 30 A.D.
Carta's Atlas of the Biblical World
2nd, revised edition (2014)
2nd, revised edition (2014)
Anson F. Rainey and R. Steven Notley
Open up the world of Jerusalem in the first century with Jerusalem in the year 30 A.D. The combination of artistic restorations and on-site photographs transports you back almost
2,000 years. See the remains from the period preserved in
and around the present-day walls of Jerusalem. Then walk
the streets of the city in the time of Jesus with the minutely
detailed reconstruction drawings.
72 pp., with original photographs, reconstructions, maps and
plans. Full color. Paper. 9789652208569. 2014.
Leen Ritmeyer and Kathleen Ritmeyer
This revised version of Carta’s acclaimed atlas provides 300
state-of-the-art maps to show as far as possible in terms of
modern knowledge the changes and historical processes that
affected the lands of the Bible. Included are all historical and
biblical episodes that can be depicted cartographically—migrations and settlements, battles and conquests, the location
and detailed movement of individual historical and biblical
Full color. Over 600 maps and illustrations, chronological
tables, extensive excurses and indexes, bibliography. Cloth.
9789652208491. 2014.
LoGisma Editore
New Results and New Questions on
the Reign of Suppiluliuma I
Hurrian Personal Names in the
Kingdom of Hatti
Eothen: Collana di studi sulle Civilta dell'Oriente antico 19
Eothen: Collana di studi sulle Civilta dell’Oriente antico 18
Stetfano de Martino and Jared L. Miller, eds.
Stefano de Martino
Francis Breyer, Ägyptisches in den
Mannestaten Suppiluliumas: Zur aktuellen Diskussion um Nib~ururiia und
tekri-; Francis Breyer, Tawananna, die
babylonische Queen des hethitischen
Großkönigs Suppiluliuma; Violetta
Cordani, Suppiluliuma in Syria after
the First Syrian War: the (Non-)evidence of the Amarna Letters; Stefano
de Martino, The Wives of Suppiluliuma I; Elena Devecchi, Suppiluliuma’s
Syrian Campaigns in Light of the Documents from Ugarit; Daria Gromova,
Syria in the Period before, during and
after the First Syrian War of Suppiluliuma I; Jared L. Miller, The Placement
of the Death of Tuthaliya III and the
Kinza/Nuhhashe Rebellion within the
Deeds of Suppiluliuma I; Boaz Stavi,
The Last Years of the Reign of Tuthaliya III Reconsidered.
Introduction; The Members of the
Royal Family of Hatti (Early Empire–Imperial Age–Between Tradition
and Innovation); Kings and Rulers
of Subordinated Countries; Hurrian
Personal Names in the Hittite Society
(Old Kingdom–Early Empire–Imperial Age); Hurrian Personal Names:
Sociological Distribution; State Officials and Dignitaries; Army; Royal
Messengers; Palace Personnel and People Living at Court; Scribes and Chiefs
of the Scribes; Cult; Experts of Medicine; Other or Unknown Professions.–
Bibliographical References; Personal
Names Examined
112 pages. Paper. 9788887621921. 2011.
163 pp. Paper. 9788897530107. 2013.
Empires after the Empire
Mangiare Divinamente
Anatolia, Syria and Assyria after Suppiluliuma II
(ca. 1200-800/700 B.C.)
Pratiche e simbologie alimentari nell'antico
Eothen: Collana di studi sulle Civilta dell’Oriente antico 17
Eothen: Collana di studi sulle Civilta dell’Oriente antico 20
Karl Strobel, ed.
Lucio Milano, ed.
Mario Fales, Transition: The Assyrians at the Euphrates between the 13th
and 12th century BC; Federico Manuelli, Malatya – Melid between the Late
Bronze and the Iron Age. Continuity
and Change at Arslantepe during the
2nd and 1st Millennium BC: Preliminary Observations on the Pottery
Assemblages; Anacleto D’Agostino,
The Upper Khabur and Upper Tigris
Valleys between the End of the Late
Bronze Age and the Beginning of the
Iron Age: An Assessment of the Archaeological Evidence (Settlement
Paterns and Pottery Assemblages); Fabrizio Venturi, The North Syrian Plateau
Before and After the Fall of the Hittite
Empire: New Evidence from Tell Afis;
Karl Strobel, The Crucial 12th Century
BC: The ‘Fall of Empires’ Revisited;
and three more essays.
336 pages. Paper. 9788887621877. 2011.
mitologici ittiti; Stefano de Martino, Il
banchetto nell'Anatolia ittita; Stefania
Ermidoro, Il banchetto nei testi letterari
della Mesopotamia; Salvatore Gaspa,
La cucina del dio e del re nell'alimentazione dell'impero assiro; Frederick
Mario Fales, Sul ruolo delle sostanze
alimentari nei testi medici, mesopotamici; Simonetta Graziani, I topi sono
un cibo divino!; and five more essays.
377 pp. Paper. 9788897530176. 2012.
Massimo Maiocchi, Il dolce sapore
della morte: simbologia delle offerte
rituali nella Mesopotamia protodinastica; Lucio Milano ? Maria Vittoria
Tonietti, Cerimonialità alimentare ad
Ebla: offerte, pasti, sacrifici; Simonetta
Ponchia, Cerimonialità e gestione delle
risorse alimentari negli archivi di alta
Mesopotamia; Sabina Crippa, Magici
alimenti o alimenti del magico?; Annamaria Polvani, Il banchetto nei testi
Mohr Siebeck
History, Ideology and Bible
Interpretation in the Dead Sea
Lebenskunst und Gotteslob in
Collected Studies
Anregungen aus Psalter und
Weisheit fur die Theologie
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 90
Devorah Dimant
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 91
Hermann Spieckermann
In this volume Devorah Dimant assembles twentyseven thoroughly updated and partly rewritten articles
discussing various aspects of the Dead Sea Scrolls that
she published over the past three decades.
The volume contains various articles by Hermann
Spieckermann covering wisdom literature, the Psalms
and Old Testament theology. Some of the articles have
not yet been published, most of them were published in
the previous decade and have been thoroughly revised.
xv + 610 pp. Cloth. 9783161510212. 2014.
Yahweh's Council
Its Structure and Membership
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. 65
Ellen White
How does God's government function and how is it
structured? Ellen White helps one gain a better understanding of Yahweh’s position and relationship to the
other divine beings and contributes to the academic
discussion surrounding monotheism and polytheism in
the Hebrew Bible.
xv + 223 pp. Paper. 9783161532931. 2014.
x + 500 pp. Cloth. 9783161519154. 2014.
Studien zur Verwendung des
Israel -Namens im Alten Testament
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. 68
Kristin Weingart
Kristin Weingart investigates the use of the name Israel
in the Old Testament as well as the underlying concepts
of Israel. She shows that the social construction of a
common descent forms the base of Israelite collective
identity in the pre- as well as post-exilic periods and
stands behind the various usages of the name “Israel.”
xvii + 439 pp. Paper. 9783161532368. 2014.
Language and Identity in
Ancient Narratives
The Relationships between
Speech Patterns and Social Contact in the Acts of the Apostles,
Acts of John, and Acts of Philip
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 370
Julia A. Snyder
Julia A. Snyder argues that methodological improvements are needed in how lexical significance in ancient
Greek texts is determined
xvi + 329 pp. Paper. 9783161532641. 2014.
Literature or Liturgy?
Early Christian Hymns and
Prayers in Their Literary and Liturgical Context in Antiquity
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 363
Clemens Leonhard and Hermut Lohr, eds.
The essays in this volume elaborate on the question of
how ancient pieces of liturgy might be found in the extant literature. It also asks how readers of these literary
texts can avert the risk of anachronistic reconstructions
of ancient liturgies.
vii + 222 pp. Paper. 9783161532184. 2014.
The Reception of Septuagint
Words in Jewish-Hellenistic
and Christian Literature
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 367
Eberhard Bons, Ralph Brucker , and Jan
Joosten, eds.
Some of the best specialists of Jewish-Hellenistic and
early Christian texts make an effort to improve Septuagint lexicography in this volume.
Reconsidering the
Relationship between Biblical
and Systematic Theology in
the New Testament
Essays by Theologians and New
Testament Scholars
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 369
Benjamin E. Reynolds, Brian Lugioyo, and
Kevin J. Vanhoozer, eds.
viii + 213 pp. Paper. 9783161529535. 2014.
The essays in this volume engage specific New Testament texts and theological doctrines by viewing them
through a number of different lenses
xiv + 308 pp. Paper. 9783161527197
Mohr Siebeck
Crucifixion in the
Mediterranean World
Conceptions of Gospel and
Legitimacy in Early Christianity
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 327
John Granger Cook
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 367
James A. Kelhoffer
John Granger Cook seeks better to understand the phenomenon of Roman crucifixion by investigating evidence from Latin texts and inscriptions, supplemented
by what may be learned from the surviving archaeological material, and other sources.
Commencing with James A. Kelhoffer's inaugural
lecture at Uppsala University, this volume makes
available sixteen revised and updated articles, originally published between 1998 and 2013, focusing on
method, gospel, and legitimacy.
xxiv + 522 pp. Cloth. 9783161531248. 2014.
xxiii + 400 pp. Cloth. 9783161526367. 2014.
From the Sayings to the
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 328
Christopher M. Tuckett
The 28 essays by Christopher Tuckett collected in this
volume represent a number of studies, originally published over a period of 30 years, seeking to throw light
on the way in which Jesus traditions were developed
and used in early Christianity.
xxi + 642 pp. Cloth. 9783161532887. 2014.
Synoptic Problems
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 329
John S. Kloppenborg
This volume contains a collection of twenty-one essays
of John S. Kloppenborg, with four foci: conceptual and
methodological issues in the Synoptic Problem; the
Sayings Gospel Q; the Gospel of Mark; and the Parables of Jesus. Kloppenborg, a major contributor to the
Synoptic Problem, is especially interested in how one
constructs synoptic hypotheses.
xiii + 737 pp. Cloth. 9783161526176. 2014.
Codex apocryphus gnosticus
Novi Testamenti
Christ Absent and Present
Band 1: Evangelien und Apostelgeschichten aus den Schriften
von Nag Hammadi und
verwandten Kodizes
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 2. 354
Peter Orr
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 326
Peter Nagel
This volume contains the Coptic texts and parallel
German translations of nine Coptic-Gnostic and Coptic-Manichaean Gospels and a few others texts.
A Study in Pauline Christology
In his letters, the Apostle Paul can express both the
confidence that Christ dwells in the believer (Rom.
8:10) and the longing for Christ to return so that believers can finally be united with him (1 Thess. 4:17).
Peter Orr develops the case that this under-explored relationship between the presence and absence of Christ
sheds important light on Paul’s Christology.
x + 259 pp. Paper. 9783161528835. 2014.
xvii + 397 pp. Cloth. 9783161533433. 2014.
Luke-Acts and Jewish
Soldiers in Luke-Acts
A Study on the Theology, Literature, and Ideology of Luke-Acts
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 2. 366
Samson Uytanlet
In this book, Samson Uytanlet observes that there is an
unnecessary disjunction between Luke's theology and
literature in previous studies on Luke-Acts: Luke’s theology is studied in light of Jewish writings whilehis literature is studied in relation with Greco-Roman works.
xviii + 327 pp. Paper. 9783161530906. 2014.
Engaging, Contradicting, and
Transcending the Stereotypes
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 2. 362
Laurie Brink
Laurie Brink demonstrates that the author of LukeActs employs a vareity of literary stereotypes to
characterize Roman soldiers. He then upsets these stereotypes; the soldiers do not wholly live up to their bad
xii + 222 pp. Paper. 9783161531637. 2014.
Mohr Siebeck
The Fate of the Dead in Early
Third Century North African
Scriptural Incipits on Amulets
from Late Antique Egypt
The Passion of Perpetua and
Felicitas and Tertullian
Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 84
Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 83
Eliezer Gonzalez
Eliezer Gonzalez analyzes how the Passion of Perpetua
provides us with early literary evidence of an environment in which the Graeco-Roman and Christian cults
of the dead, including the cults of the martyrs and
saints, appear to be very much aligned.
Text, Typology, and Theory
Joseph E. Sanzo
In the present volume, Joseph E. Sanzo addresses a
scholarly need by offering the first sustained study of
the scriptural incipits on Greek and Coptic amulets and
other apotropaic objects from late antique Egypt.
xiv + 219 pp. Paper. 9783161529658. 2014.
xii + 253 pp. Paper. 9783161529443. 2014.
Hippolyts Schrift In Danielem
Kommunikative Strategien eines
fruhchristlichen Kommentars
Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 85
Katharina Bracht
Katharina Bracht analyzes Hippolytus’ In Danielem,
perhaps the earliest preserved book written by a Christian author (c. 204 AD), focusing in particular on its
communication strategies in the communication triangle of pretext, commentary, and readership.
xx + 448 pp. Paper. 9783161520341. 2014.
Anthropologie und Ethik im
Fruhjudentum und im Neuen
Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen.
Internationales Symposium in
Verbindung mit dem Projekt Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi
Testamenti (CJHNT) 17.-20. Mai
2012, Heidelberg
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 322
Matthias Konradt and Esther Schlapfer, eds.
Tod und Sterben im Krieg bei
Die Intentionen von Bellum und
Antiquitates im Kontext griechisch-romischer Historiographie
Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaims 158
Soren Swoboda
Sören Swoboda deals with the lack of attention to Bellum and Antiquitates, basing his work on five subjects
which are associated with the description of death and
dying in war.
xvi + 601 pp. Cloth. 9783161528286. 2014.
Der Hochste
Studien zur hellenistischen Religionsgeschichte und zum biblichen Gottesglauben
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 330
Reinhard Feldmeier
This collection of Reinhard Feldmeier's essays is
linked by a common theme: the question about God,
posed repeatedly by Jews, Christians and Gentiles.
xiii + 561 pp. Cloth. 9783161527180. 2014.
xix + 587 pp. Cloth. 9783161527272. 2014.
Das Geheimnis der
Gegenwart Gottes
Zur Schechina-Vortstellung in
Judentum und Christentum
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 318
Bernd Janowski and Enno Edzard Popkes,
In this collection of essays, the authors depict the biblical-theological dimensions of the concepts of Shekinah
and demonstrate their potential for current reflective
processes in Christian and Jewish religious beliefs.
viii + 405 pp. Cloth. 9783161529917. 2014.
Die Septuaginta–
Text, Wirkung, Rezeption
4. Internationale Fachtagung
veranstaltet von Septuaginta
Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal
19.-22. Juli 2012
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament 325
Wolfgang Kraus and Siegfried Kreuzer, eds.
This volume contains studies of the text and the textual
history of the Septuagint, its philology and geography
as well as its theology and reception history.
xiv + 928 pp. Cloth. 9783161526534. 2014.
Introduction to the Grammar of Jewish
Babylonian Aramaic
Lehrbücher orientalischer sprachen III/3
Elitzur A. Bar-Asher Siegal
The dialect spoken and written by the Jews of Babylonia
from the third century CE onwards is known as Jewish Babylonian Aramaic. This is the first comprehensive description
of this dialect since Levias’ Grammar of Babylonian Aramaic of 1930. The current book offers a thorough reexamination of the grammar on the basis of a large corpus in its
manuscript witnesses. It not only synthesizes the results of
recent scholarship but introduces original insights on many
important questions.
359 pp. Paper. 9783868350845. 2013.
Samaritan Aramaic
Lehrbücher orientalischer sprachen III/2
Abraham Tal
This book is a compendious grammar of the Aramaic dialect
in which the ancient Samaritan literature is written. In a large
measure this dialect is still used in the synagogal service of the
community. As a Lehrbuch it is aimed at students interested
in learning this dialect which flourished, along with the Talmudic Aramaic of Palestinian Judaism and Christian Palestinian Aramaic, during the Roman and Byzantine period. The
material that forms the basis of this grammar is drawn from
Z. Ben-Hayyim's publications, mainly from his edition of the
liturgy, as recited in the synagogue (LOT IIIb), and from his
translated and annotated edition of the Samaritan Midrash.
180 pp. Paper. 9783868350814. 2013.
Ugarit-Forschungen 44 (2012)
Studia Mesopotamica 1 (2014)
Manfried Dietrich and Oswald Loretz, eds.
Jahrbuch für altorientalische Geschichte und Kultur
Providing a wealth of scholarly articles of the highest quality in the fields of history, archaeology, and linguistics,
Ugarit-Forschungen is a vital resource for every ancient
Near Eastern and biblical research library. Scholars from
several countries contribute dozens of articles and numerous
reviews to the 44rd volume of Ugarit-Forschungen, which
is dedicated to the memory of the eminent Semiticist, Pierre
x + 400 pp. Cloth. 9783868350906. 2014.
Manfried Dietrich, Kai A. Metzler, and Hans Neumann, eds.
Studia Mesopotamica (StMes) will be published once a year
and is dedicated to academic studies on the history, culture,
languages, and art of the ancient Near East from the 3rd millennium B.C.E. until the beginning of the Common Era. The
geographic scope of Studia Mesopotamica encompasses
Sumer and Akkade, Babylonia and Assyria, Syria, Elam,
and Iran. Additionally, Studia Mesopotamica will be open
to studies on the impact of ancient Near Eastern cultures on
contemporaneous and subsequent cultures through to the
Sassanid Empire. Studies on the history of science in the ancient Near East are also welcome.
vi + 433 pp. Cloth. 9783868350760. 2014.
The Other Face of the Battle
The Impact of War on Civilians in the Ancient
Near East
Alter Orient und Altest Testament 413
Davide Nadali and Jordi Vidal, eds.
This volume is the result of a project supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Technology, the aim of which was to
study the impact of war on the non-combatant population of
the ancient Near East. The book presents seven contributions
that analyse violence against non-combatants across a broad
chronological spectrum, stretching from the end of the third
millennium BCE to the middle of the first millennium.
v + 136 pp. Cloth. 9783868351026. 2014.
Die babylonischen Kudurru-Inschriften
von der kassitischen bis zur
frühneubabylonischen Zeit
Untersucht unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung gesellschafts- und
rechtshistorischer Fragestellungen
Alter Orient und Altest Testament 51
Susanne Paulus
This book is a study of Babylonian kudurru inscriptions from
1550 to 625 BCE. These stone monuments primarily record
royal land grants and were set up in temples as guarantees.
Thorough annotated editions of more than 120 inscriptions
form the basis of the research presented here.
xiv + 954 pp. + 96 illustrations. Cloth. 9783868350708. 2014.
Götter, Tempel und Kult der JudäoAramäer von Elephantine
Archäologische und schriftliche Zeugnisse
aus dem perserzeitlichen Ägypten
Alter Orient und Altest Testament 396
Angela Rohrmoser
The present work focuses on the topics of gods, temples, and
the cult of the Judeo-Aramaeans of Elephantine and in doing
so applies exegetical, historical-critical, and archaeological
methods. Primary and secondary sources are attributed their
intrinsic values without attempting to harmonize extra-biblical evidence with biblical texts in order to provide as varied a
perspective as possible on emerging Judaism.
xvii + 495 pp., including many illustrations. Cloth.
9783868350821. 2014.
Mantik im Alten Testament
Alter Orient und Altest Testament 411
Rüdiger Schmitt
The book argues that Ancient Israel constituted part of a specifically West-Semitic culture of divination in the first millennium BCE, in which intuitive forms of divination (vision,
audition, sometimes in a trance or in a state of ecstasy) and
simple forms of inductive divination, such as oracles, predominated. The divinatory practices of the first millennium
are examined on the basis of the textual record of the Old
Testament and the relevant archaeological and epigraphic
xii + 212 pp. Cloth. 9783868351002. 2014.
Academic Press Fribourg
A Religious Revolution in Yehûd?
Anfänge der ägyptischen Kunst
The Material Culture of the Persian Period as
a Test Case
Eine problemgeschichtliche Einführung in
ägyptologische Bild-Anthropologie
Orbis Biblicus Orientalis 267
Christian Frevel, Katharina Pyschny , and
Izak Cornelius, eds.
Orbis Biblicus Orientalis 264
Ludwig Morenz
The present volume discusses the material culture of Persian
Period Palestine/Israel against the background of Ephraim
Stern’s hypothesis that Judah witnessed a religious revolution during the transition between the (Neo)Babylonian and
the Persian period, resulting in an imageless monotheism.
x + 450 pp. Cloth. 9783727817533. 2014.
This introduction to ancient Egyptian image production connects millennia-old materials with contemporary enquiry,
applying a cluster of analytical methods. Several case studies—partly on well-known objects—address new questions
to images materialised in painting, rock engraving, or relief,
thus opening up new avenues of understanding.
xviii + 272 pp. Cloth. 9783727817496. 2014.
Comment devient-on prophète?
Actes du colloque organisé par le Collège de
France, Paris, les 4-5 avril 2011
Orbis Biblicus Orientalis 265
Jean-Marie Durand, Thomas Romer, and
Micael Burki, eds.
The contributions presented in this volume aim to shed new
light on various different aspects of prophetism and define
the socio-historical context not only of prophetic phenomena
as such, but also of the texts documenting them.
xii + 224 pp. Cloth. 9783727817502. 2014.
Le culte des pierres à Emar à l'époque
Orbis Biblicus Orientalis 320
Patrick M. Michel
The purpose of this book is to shed new light on the aniconic
cults of the ancient Near East, where previously standing
stone cults of Semitic and Anatolian populations were invariably studied separately. The study offers a synthetic view
of all the information currently available and then proceeds
to a renewed interpretation of cultic standing stones in Late
Bronze Age Emar.
viii + 320 pp. Cloth. 9783727817588. 2014.
Yad Ben-Zvi Press
Portraying the Land
Hebrew Maps of the Land of Israel from Rashi to the Early
20th Century
Rehav Rubin
The earliest known Hebrew map of the Land of Israel is that drawn by Rashi in the
11th century CE. In its wake, many maps were published by Jews. These maps depicted the Land of Israel and its borders, the route of the Israelites in the desert, the
tribal allotments, and other biblical topics. This volume, which includes many reproductions—mostly in color—presents the maps in two categories. The first, following
Rashi, were schematic maps, rectangular or square, without any artistic decoration.
The second category includes maps influenced by or copied from Christian cartographers, though their Jewish artists attempted to bring them in line with Jewish tradition.
291 pp.; large format; reproductions, mostly colored. Cloth. 9789652173669. 2014.
Eretz Israel in Medieval Arabic Sources (634-1517)
Selected [Hebrew] Translations
Uri Tal, ed.
The earliest Arabic sources including information about Eretz Israel date from the
second half of the 9th century CE. These were written by geographers, travelers, and
historians, as well as encyclopaedists (the latter especially relevant for the Mamluk
period). Uri Tal provides selected translations into Hebrew with extensive annotations,
in four parts: Part One: The Early Muslim Period (634-1099); Part Two: The Crusader
and Ayyubid Periods (1099-1260); Part Three: The Mamluk Period (1260-1517); Part
Four: many selections from the monumental work by Mujir al-Din. The volume’s
importance, in addition to making the sources available to readers of Hebrew, lies in
the extensive annotation to the texts and in the appendixes: detailed information about
terms, persons, and places, as well as a chronological listing of caliphs and sultans.
571 pp. Cloth. 9789652173621. 2014. Hebrew
The Yotserot of R. Samuel the Third:
A Leading Figure in Jerusalem in the 10th Century
Volume 1: Introduction and Yotserot for Genesis, Exodus,
and Leviticus
Joseph Yahalom and Naoya Katsumata, eds.
As attested by his designation as the Third, R. Samuel b. Hosha'ana filled the third
most important role in the Yeshiva of Eretz Israel in 10th-century Jerusalem, preceded
by the Gaon of Eretz Israel and the head of the yeshiva’s court. Samuel was a prolific
author of liturgical poems known as yotserot, writing one for each Sabbath of the year.
About 500 of his works were preserved in the Cairo Genizah, but ony a few have been
published to date. This annotated edition is a first effort to publish this great treasure,
together with an extensive introduction (pp. 15-122).
530 pp. Cloth. 9789652173645. 2014.
Other Publishing Partners
The Earlier Egyptian Passive
Karim Emami on Modern Iranian
Culture, Literature, & Art
Voice and Perspective
Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 14
Widmaier Verlag
Andreas Stauder
Modern Persian Studies Series 1
Persian Heritage Foundation
The study concerns passive voice in Earlier Egyptian (Old
and Middle Egyptian combined), providing a text-based
description of the relevant forms and constructions, and of
their functions in discourse. It is argued that the passive is
not merely a symmetrical pendant to the active, but a complex domain of its own, morphologically, semantically, and
in terms of its discourse functions.
xviii + 454 pp. Cloth. 9783943955149. 2014.
Compiled and edited Houra Yavari
Karim Emami
La serie teratomantica Shumma izbu
Testo, traditizone, orizzonti culturali
History of the Ancient Near East / Monograph 15
SARGON Editrice
Nicla De Zorzi
This two-volume work provides a comprehensive analysis of
one of the most important divinatory compositions from ancient Mesopotamia, the series known in the field as Shumma
izbu “If a malformed birth,” which deals mostly with malformed human and animal births. The first volume contains
analysis; the second volume contains a full edition, score,
and commentary.
1: xi + 334 pp.; 2: xviii + 620 pp.; + 1 dvd containing photos
taken by the author of tablets in the British Museum. Paper.
9788895672359. 2014. Italian.
The present volume of the Modern Persian Studies Series is a
collection of articles by the noted critic and translator, Karim
Emami, on art, cinema, theatre, and literature in Iran in the
dynamic 1960s, when culture and society were in the throes
of transformation. His work played a significant role in the
development of modern criticism in Iran.
xviii + 277 pp. Cloth. 9781934283417. 2014.
Paleonutrition and Food Practices in
the Ancient Near East
Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach
History of the Ancient Near East / Monograph 14
SARGON Editrice
Lucio Milano and Francesca Bertoldi, eds.
This volume presents a number of articles exploring different
aspects of foodways and nutritions in the ancient Near East.
Articles range in scope from diseases caused by malnutrition
to the economy of food production and consumption.
iv + 450 pp., including 249 illustrations. Paper. 9788895672113.
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