St. Michael Catholic Church & Parish Center 607 Third Street Whittemore, Iowa 29th Sunday of the Year October 19, 2014 Welcome Mission Statement For St. Michael Parish Weekend Mass: Sunday 9:00 a.m. Daily Masses: 7 a.m. on Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Fri., 5:30 p.m. on Tues. Confessions: Tuesday 5:00 p.m. Rev. Edward M. Girres, Pastor…………………………..295-3435 Rev. Victor F. Ramaeker, Parochial Vicar........................884-2669 Rev. Mr. Joseph J. Straub, Deacon....................................884-2385 Sandy Long, Secretary........................................................884-2618 Parish Office and Hall.........................................................884-2618 Website…………………… Parish Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, 8:30 a.m.-Noon; Tues 12:30-4:30 p.m. Bulletin: Please submit items for the weekend bulletin by noon on Thursday. New Parishioners: Welcome! Please register by contacting the Parish Office. Sacrament of Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office for an appointment. First time parents should plan on taking baptism preparation classes. Godparents are to be Confirmed in their faith and one must be Catholic. Godparents are to be over the age of sixteen. Sacrament of Marriage: Parish Office should be notified at least 6 months in advance. Those to be married need to be old enough and free to marry. Need to be registered parishioners or have permission from their home parish to be married here. The Catholic party has to be baptized and confirmed. We are a community of Catholic people who live out our baptism by gathering for prayer and worship; by a commitment to grow in faith and wisdom and involvement in lifelong formation, to the education of our children in Catholic schools and in CCD; by living daily our sacramental life, and by reaching out to the needs of all people in loving service both in our community and to the need of the whole world. We are committed to spreading the Good News within the Parish Community as well as to new members. Parish Directors: Jean Schumacher & Dennis Kollasch Finance Council: Jill Book, Harry Bormann, Chris Bronk, Dennis Kollasch, Denny Lane, Pat Laubenthal, Ed Schmidt, Jean Schumacher and Joe Straub. Bishop Garrigan School Board: Lisa Baumann Holy Name: President - Dan Elbert; Vice-President - Kevin Berte: Secretary - Gavin Illg; Treasurer - Tom Illg. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month, September and November through April following 5:30 p.m. Mass. Rosary Society: President - Mia Bronk; Vice-President - Rose Walker; Secretary - Pam Kollasch; Treasurer - Sue Frideres. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of January, March, September, Your Will: The work of your life can continue after your death. Please remember St. November and December following 5:30 p.m. Mass. Michael Church in your will. In Memory Of PAT BAUMANN In Loving Memory Of Brooke & Madison Walker In Memory Of RAYMOND & MIKE BETTS In Memory Of MARLENE & MIKE BORMANN In Memory Of JOE & GLADYS ZOHBON Moe & Eileen Bormann & Families In Memory of EARL & ESTHER STEIER In Loving Memory Of KEN & FLORENCE FARRELL COURTNEY ANN & KAYLEE ANN LOWE In Memory Of JIM BUSCHERFELD In Memory Of In Memory Of In Memory Of The WILBUR “BUZZ” KNECHT FRANCIS MULLIN Deceased Members of the Ramaeker & Shriver Families In Memory Of In Memory Of L & G Incorp. In Memory Of ED KNECHT JOSEPH & JOSEPHINE KNECHT FAMILY WAYNE GOODMAN Gravel & Excavating Denny Lane & Brian Goodman Shop: 884-2282 EARL SCHMITT Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Turn your ear to me, Lord, and hear me. SUNDAY, October 19 7:30 a.m. Mass St Cecelia 9:00 a.m. Mass St Michael’s Parish Family World Mission Sunday Collection 10:30 a.m. Mass St Cecelia 3:30-7:00 p.m. Sts Peter & Paul Turkey Supper - West Bend MONDAY, October 20 7:00 a.m. Mass Gene & Ag Forey TUESDAY, October 21 5:30 p.m. Mass St. Joseph KCs 6:15 p.m. Parish Life Committee meeting - Parish meeting room WEDNESDAY, October 22 7:00 a.m. Mass Gerald Elbert THURSDAY, October 23 7:00 a.m. Mass Larry Devine 7:00 p.m. 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil - Central Park, Algona FRIDAY, October 24 7:00 a.m. Mass Eddie & Mary Elbert Adoration After Mass for 1 Hour SATURDAY, October 25 Bread Making Class 5:00 p.m. Mass at St Cecelia 6:30-8:30 p.m. Children’s Halloween Party - Community Center SUNDAY, October 26 7:30 a.m. Mass St Cecelia 9:00 a.m. Mass St Michael’s Parish Family 10:30 a.m. Mass St Cecelia Daily Mass Server Oct. 20-24: Norma Lane SUNDAY, October 26 9:00 a.m. Rosary Leader: Servers: Bailey Kollasch, Ella Nelson, Tara Kron Organist: Alicia Miller Cantor: Tom Illg Lector: Ron Kenyon Giftbearers: Steve & Deb Kollasch Family Hospitality: M/M Ed Schmidt, M/M Bernard Tigges Extraordinary Ministers: Brenda Bormann, Norma Bormann, Dave Fickbohm, Don Long, Joe Straub E.M.H.C. to Shut-Ins: Dan Elbert 884-2796 Washing of Purificators for Oct: Janet Muller Money Counters for Oct: Carol Bonnstetter & Janet Muller WORLD MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION is today, Sunday, October 19. Throughout the Missions, your support on World Mission Sunday keeps the following going day in and day out: * 9,000 clinics caring for the sick and dying; * 10,000 orphanages, providing a place of safety and shelter; * 900,000 children in some of the poorest parts of the world receiving an education and the knowledge of God’s great love; * 80,000 seminarians preparing for the priesthood; * 9,000 religious Sisters and Brothers in formation programs…..all of this taking place in 1,150 mission dioceses, mostly in Africa and Asia, where the poorest of the poor receive an education and health care, while experiencing the loving heart of our Lord through the service of priests, religious and lay faithful. A special envelope is enclosed in your annual giving packet. STS. PETER & PAUL ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER, today, Sunday, October 19, serving from 3:30-7:00 p.m. $10 Adults and $5 for kids 10 & under. Handicap accessible. Turkey with all the trimmings! Come and enjoy a delicious meal! PARISHIONERS CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS through October 13 were mailed out this week. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Sandy at the parish office. Also, last year’s financial report along with the FY15 budget was presented at Mass last weekend. Copies of this report are on the tables at the church entrances. PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE MEETING, Tuesday, October 21 at 6:15 p.m. in the parish meeting room. PARISH OFFICE will be closed from Tuesday, October 21-24. Sandy will be out of town attending an annual conference. ECUMENICAL 40 DAYS FOR LIFE PRAYER VIGIL: Come join Kossuth County Right to Life in peaceful prayer for an end to abortion. All are welcome to attend this Prayer Vigil on Thursday, October 23 at 7:00 p.m., Central Park, Algona. Corner of E. State St. and N. Phillips St. This will be candle-lit and the candles will be lit in memory of abortion victims. BREAD MAKING CLASSES: Pat Baumann will teach her method of making bread on October 25 and November 15. Class size will be limited to 5 people each time. The attendee should bring their bread maker/processor. There will be a charge of $25.00 per participant. Please sign up on the sheet in the west entrance. All funds raised will go to St. Michael Church. CHILDREN’S HALLOWEEN PARTY: Saturday, October 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Whittemore Community Center for children 5th grade and younger. Wear your costume! All children must be accompanied by an adult. Admission: One or more non-perishable food items per child for the Kossuth County Food Pantry. Hosted by the Whittemore Warriors 4-H Club. FLU VACCINE CLINIC will be held in St. Michael’s Parish Center on Wednesday, October 29, 7:30-8:30 a.m. Mark that date on your calendar and plan on getting your flu shot! HAT & MITTEN DRIVE: The Kossuth County Cluster Parishes Catholic Faith Formation Confirmation Class is conducting a Hat & Mitten Drive. All donations will be given to the Kossuth County Care Team for local distribution. Let’s fill the box that is located at the west entrance to the Church! AN INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN NORTHERN IOWA COMMUNITIES, Thursday, October 30, 1:00-3:00 p.m., St. Joseph Parish Center, 1305 Okoboji Ave., Milford. Registration starts at 12:30 p.m. The afternoon will include a video and a presentation by Timothy Duax, Branch Chief of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Iowa. Anti-trafficking resources will also be available. For more information, contact Carol Lee, 712-332-7236 or Sponsored by the Sioux City Diocesan Peace and Justice Commission and the Peace and Justice Committee of St. Joseph Parish. KC’S ESSAY CONTEST FOR HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS, deadline October 31. Details on website at Contact Al Laubenthal at 884-2509 for more information. DAA 2014: St. Michael’s 2014 goal is $9,399. As of Friday, Octo- ber 17, 56 pledges totaling $6,755.00 have been received at the parish office. If you have not yet returned your DAA pledge, please do so soon. ST. JOSPEH EDUCATION SOCIETY: Did you know that the St. Joseph Education Society is an organization made up of local clergy that works to provide funding for the education of seminarians, priests and deacons in our Diocese? A second collection for this organization will be taken up on the weekend of November 1st and 2nd. Learn more about this important mission of the Saint Joseph education Society at VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! St. Michael’s is in need of volunteers for many different areas. If you would be interested in serving in any of the following, please contact the parish office. * Parish Life Committee * Money Counters for the weekend collection * Organizing a 5K Walk/Fun Run in May 2015. * First Friday Eucharistic Adoration. * Children’s Liturgy * Rosary Leaders for Sunday Mass * Additional Lectors. Thank you to those who have already volunteered! REMEMBER THE FOOD PANTRY: Donations of nonperishable food items, paper products and toiletries may be left at each church entrance and we will make sure it gets delivered to the Food Pantry. Inspirational Spot: Contemplative prayer is standing before God without anything to show, to prove, or to argue, and allowing Him to enter into our emptiness. will donation. MATTHEW KELLY LIVE! Living with Passion & Purpose, Saturday, November 22, 2014, 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at St. Edward Parish, Waterloo. Registration fee is $39.00 per person (includes seminar materials and a copy of Matthew Kelly’s CD The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality.) Proceeds from the event will be used to help distribute Kelly’s new Confirmation program Decision Point free to Catholic parishes throughout the United States. Space is limited for this special event - register early. matthewkelly.htm INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP: If you have a special need for prayer, call Judy Erdman at 884-2228. Reflections - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but give to God what is God’s.” This is not a reason for paying taxes. It is a basic guideline for living. Our first concern should be to love one another. With that as a guide, our decisions become clearer. We may have a “right” to do certain things; but the greater law of love may lead us to a different choice. Consider some of the choices you have made. Were they guided by love or by your own interests? May your kindness, O Lord, be upon us who have put our hope in you. Psalm 33:22 Words of Wisdom Inside myself is a place where I live alone, and that’s where you renew your springs that never dry up. Pearl Buck, author The Lord’s Prayer may be committed to memory quickly, but it is slowly learned by heart. F. D. Maurice THE CATHOLIC GLOBE: Be sure and read all about the Bishop’s Dinner for Catholic schools in this edition of The Catholic globe. Visit for a photo gallery and video. Have news? Call 712-255-2550 or 800-352-9035. ANNUAL ELECTION NIGHT SOUP SUPPER sponsored by the Friends of the Whittemore Public Library will be held on Tuesday, November 4 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. or until the soup runs out. Donations of soup-making ingredients, pies and desserts and workers are needed. Please stop in or contact the Library to sign up. Serving Vegetable Beef Soup, Chicken Noodle Soup, Homemade Bread and a variety of desserts. All funds raised will go towards purchasing an AWE Computer for the children’s room. This is a very special, educational computer that does not require internet connection. Questions? Contact the Library at 884-2680. ST. MARY’S HUMBOLDT FALL FESTIVAL, Sunday, November 9, serving from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. Broasted Chicken Dinner includes chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, home grown corn, coleslaw, dinner roll, pie and drink $9.00 Adults. Children’s Menu includes chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, applesauce and bar for $5.00. Tickets available at the door. ST. CECELIA PARISH ANNUAL FALL DINNER, Sunday, November 9, serving from 4:00-6:30 p.m., KC Hall, Algona. Back by popular demand serving the same tender roast beef. Menu: Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes and gravy, Green Beans, Dinner Rolls, and Homemade Pie. Adults $10.00, Child 12 & under $5.00, 5 & under are Free. Dine in or Carry Out. KC POKER CLASSIC, Saturday, November 15, 5:00 p.m. Algona KC Hall. Poker tickets $50 per person. Contact Giles Struck for tickets or for information at 295-7480 or 341-0926. Proceeds to benefit Bishop Garrigan Capital Campaign. Pork Dinner served with free Brother Sebastian Weekly Collection Church Support……………………...2,430.00 Children…………………………. ……...5.00 Offertory………………………...….…172.25 Donation………………………………..30.00 Total Income……….……....2,637.25 Other Income: 3rd World Collection………………...…..20.00 In Memory Of CHARLES & JEFFREY C. ELBERT In Memory of LARRY STEIER In Memory Of Deceased Members Of JOHN & EMMA STEIER & BILL & ADELE FANDEL Families In Loving Memory of Don & Carolyne Laubenthal TONY & AUBREY LANE In Memory Of Deceased Members Of John & Fran Mosbach Family Charles & Marie Heinen Insurance - Real Estate - Investments Family Whittemore 884-2401 Joe Muller - Leland Metzger Sue Frideres - Tom Geelan Kossuth Veterinary Clinic 295-5647 Offices in Algona, West Bend and Bancroft JERRY WALKER Living & Deceased Members of the Frank & Jenny Kollasch Family Algona Realty 515-295-9467 Mary Straub Lavelle - Broker Mike Lavelle - Sales Manager In Memory Of BOB GENGLER Remember in Prayer JACK HENRY DR. T. J. LENSING HENRY & LILLIAN GEELAN LEONARD & MILLIE ELBERT Edna & Elliott Waldschmidt Please Pray for the In Memory Of In Memory Of JIM & MARY GEELAN Joe & Mary Straub & Families In Loving Memory Of Mary Helen Kollasch In Memory Of Helen & Joe Harig & Esther & Leo Walters In Memory Of In Loving Memory Of In Memory Of In Memory Of Bernard & Mary Ann Tigges 107 320 St. Fenton, IA 50539 515-889-2229 In Remembrance Of Joel & Sheila Reding Alfred & Helen Reding Clem & Doris McEvoy FARM & HOME SERVICES Algona 295-2401 Tigges Seed Sales In Memory Of KEYRON FOGARTY Please Pray for the Living & Deceased Members of the Frank & Inez Eisele Family Reding Seed Sales DeKalb & Asgrow Seed Mike Reding 712-424-3614 Cylinder Linda’s Sewing In Memory Of 515-889-2783 * Will do Alterations, Patching, Zippers, etc. EDWARD “BUD” BUSCHERFELD 312 Ash St. * Fenton, Iowa 50539 Linda Tieman Farmers State Bank In Memory of Serving the Area Since 1895 FRANCIS ILLG Member F.D.I.C. & Whittemore - - 884-2293 Algona - - 295-7221 * West Bend - - 887-2221 JANET ILLG SINGLETON In Memory Of Deceased Members Haag & Schumacher Families In Memory Of In Memory Of In Memory Of GERALD ELBERT Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Simon Elbert MARY ELBERT In Memory Of CHARLES R. & ANNA KOLLASCH MATT & JUSTINE BECKER In Memory Of VINCENT & LAURA SALZ EDDIE &
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