Canning Jars, quarts & pints, $5/dz, 410–218–1340. Diana RWS Model 34 Break Barrel Air Rifle, Magnum, made in Germany, .177 pellets, 1000 fps, Beeman SS2 scope, exc cond, cost >$300, sell 4225, 410–531–6020. Curtain Rods, many types, new wood poles, finals, brackets, rings in white & wood stains, different sizes avail, directions provided, some various Hunter Douglas shades, $2 to $10, can send pics & measurements, 410–596–2505. Lenox Bone China, Royal Kelly pattern, (2) 5 piece place settings, $100, 410–654–0660. Lone Wolf Climbing Tree Stand, super light cast alum, super quiet, never used, hand climber, $150, 202–841–3775. Cabelas Hang On Tree Stand, steel folding seat, heavy duty chain, $40, 443–340–2463. Crab Steaming Pot, made from beer kegs, holds 1 bushel crabs, vg cond, $90, 301–829–0404. HUNTING & FISHING 50 Cal Thompson Center Encore Muzzleloader, w/VX II 3x9 Leupold scope, walnut stock, blued barrel, primer iginition, bullets power primers & accessories, $450, Walt 443–812–1501. 4 Power Scope, $45; CVA black power 50 cal, $65; Mossberg over/under 12 gauge silver reserve, $500; Mossberg rifle 22 bolt action, $125; Wolf 50 cal black power, $130, 410–795–2156. Canon Gun Safe Combination, $425, 410–795–2156. 22 Ruger Convertible Stainless, need paperwork, $410, 410–795–2156. Ammo, 225 Winchester, 55 grain pointed soft point, 36 live rounds & (2) boxes once fired brass, all boxes old style yellow Winchester Super Speed, $25 firm, Bill 443–745–5122. Ammo, Western .38 Smith & Wesson (not 38 special), 145 grain Lubaloy bullets, 36 rounds in the old style yellow Winchester–Western box, $20, Bill 443–745–5122. Ammo, 52 rounds of 25 auto, comes in (2) boxes, (1) Winchester (old style yellow box) & (1) box of Western, (very old style), $20, Bill 443–745–5122. Sierra Bullets for Reloading, .303 caliber, .3 diameter, 150 grain spitzer, 59 bullets total, green Sierra box, $5, Bill 443–745–5122. 22 Short long Rifle Pump, Winchester mdl 1906, gr cond, good blue, 1910, $900/obo, 443–277–4147. Remington 521T Junior Special Bolt Action Rifle, 22 bolt action, 7 shot, $300; Knight 50 cal muzzle load rifle blued/syn stock, $250, 301–829–0404. Spotting Scopes, Redhead 20–60x60, w/tripod in soft case in hard case, like new, $150; Tasco 18xxxxx36 in case, $45; Jason binoculars 10x50, $20; Bushnell binoculars NIB $30, 410–218–1340. Progressive 12 Gauge Reloader MEC Grabber, retails new >$400, sell $125/obo, 410–795–9639. Ol’ Man Climb Stand, 400 lb capacity, never used, $150, 202–841–3775. Marlin 39A Lever Action, .22 rifle, made in 1969, exc cond, 98–99%, w/scope & leather sling, $625 firm, 410–245–1119. 1981 Fox by Savage Arms Co, dbl barrel, s/s, 12 gauge, 28” barrel, exc cond, Fox head engraved in metal on bottom, beautiful gun, $775, serious inquiries only, Janie 410–875–2626. Diana/RWS P5 Magnum Air Pistol, powerful German air gun, s/n 03293204, practically new, still in box, 0.177” caliber, pellet spd 700 fps, single pump cocking, adj fiber optic sight, adj trigger weight, right handed grip, 410–531–6020. Epoxy Floor Coating • Garages • Game Rooms • Laundry Rooms • Basements FULLY INSURED Pyrodex RS Muzzleloader Powder, 1 lb, $15, 301–829–0404. Kirk Stieff Sterling Silver, Repousse Pattern, baby spoon, $65, 410–654–0660. 1979 Winchester Shotgun, 410, single barrel, full choke, 26” barrel, in brand new cond, never been shot, $225, serious inquiries only, Janie 410–875–2626. Genesis Epoxy Coatings, Inc. Loggy Bayou Cheap Seat Tree Stand, very light, $40, 443–340–2463. 16 Gauge Wads, for reloading shells, 8 1/2 bags, 3 bags Rem SP 16 for 1 1/8 oz loads, 2 1/2 bags of precision reloading wads for 1 oz loads, 3 bags of Balistic products wads for 1 oz loads, almost 4 lb of 473 Winchester shotgun powder, $75/all, Bob 301–471–8789. FREE ESTIMATES 17 Years Commercial & Government Experience 443-398-1730 Family Owned & Operated Over 20 Years Experience G eorg e ASP Br a n t o n Finest Quality Asphalt Paving H A LT PAV I N G Reasonable Rates Quality Work Hunting Rifles, (9), & (1) black powder muzzle loader, call or email for list & prices, 410–730–7050 or Specializing in Residential Driveway Paving CUA Black Power, (1), 50 cal, $65; (1) wolf black power 50 cal, $130, (1) new gun safe, $275; (1) 4x fixed scope rings, $45; new elec smoker, $130, Bud 410–371–4438 • Resurfacing of Existing Driveways • Parking Lots • Private Roads • Patching/Repairing • Prompt and Professional Service Licensed • Satisfaction Guaranteed • No Money Down Contract Ruger Mini–14 Target Rifle, black & gray laminate stock w/thumb hole, .223 cal, ss matte finish, w/Leupold scope, VX–I 3 –9x40 mm, extra clips ammo, $1200/obo, 301–898–3154. Loc–On Tree Stand, 443–340–2463. gr cond, Bonded Insured MHIC# 86711 $40, PSE Compound Bow, 60–70 lb, sights, release, quiver, arrows, case, Pro silhouette target bow converted to hunter, accurate older mdl, hard hitting, exc cond, w/new bowstring, >$1100 invested, $200/all cash, 410–489–4415. Thompson Encore Pro Hunter Rifle, 50 cal, black powder, 28” ss barrel, camo thumbhole stock, Randy 301–831–5979. Weatherby Vanguard Rifle, w/muzzle brake, 300 Weatherby, Pentax scope 4x16 w/scope covers, box of ammo incl, shoots great, gr cond, $950/obo, 410–489–7328 lv msg. Ammunition, .22 long rifle hollow point, American Eagle, 38 grain copper plated, $60/brick of (400); .40 hollowpoints, Federal 155 gain HST, $30/box of (50); .40 hollowpoints, Federal 165 grain Hydra–Shok, $35/box of (50), 443–609–4900. US Army Issued Military Sleep Systems, 4 pcs, incls (1) light weight patrol bag 30–50 degree, (1) winter extreme cold bag (10 degree), (1) camo Gortex bivy cover (waterproof), (1) black compression bag, all parts snap together to make set good to 40 degress, USA made, 410–802–6078. FREE ESTIMATES 410-294-8620 Now for Fall Paving! Vacuum Cleaners Serviced • All Makes & Models FREE ESTIMATES, FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY 9/14C Floor Lamp, Victorian style, w/fringe shade, gr cond, $20, 301–854–5458. NOW SERVING RESIDENTIAL! 9/10/14H HUNTING & FISHING 9/24/14H HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Get One Room Of Carpet Deep Cleaned & Shampooed Circular Dry Foam FACTORY AUTHORIZED PROVIDER Your Carpet Will Look Great Again CELEBRATING 90TH ANNIVERSARY SALE! 90 YEARS OF SERVICE 1924-2014 SPECIAL $ 19.99 Regularly $39.99 6050 Rossville Blvd. • Baltimore, Howard, & Carroll Metro Areas CALL TODAY! AL LEWIS 410-574-1880 • CELL 443-857-3860 Savage Model 110 30/06, w/scope & accutrigger, $425; Ruger M77 30/06, w/Redfield scope, $725, 410–218–1340. Pocket Knives, (50) knives, new in boxes, $100; Ninja Viper 27” Machete w/case & box, $10, 410–549–8895. Remington 700, 270 cal, several to choose from incl, (1) left hand, w or w/o scopes, $375 & up, 410–218–1340. HELP WANTED LICENSED JOURNEYMAN PLUMBERS Place your ads online: • • Fax: 301-854-0069 Sell your old furniture & make some new home changes. Rt. 108 Monthly Advertiser 3/12/14H HoCoMo, Rt.108 & HoCoMo West Classifieds Minimum 6yrs experience, good work ethic, mostly commercial work. M-F 7:30-4. Clean background & driving record. Read plans & run job from start to finish. Fax or email to apply October 2014 27
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