Curriculum vitae

See also:
1) Basuppgifter (på engelska)
Personal data
Maria Fransisca Josephine Zevenhoven-Onderwater
Kaskilankuja 1 a 2
FIN-20540 Turku FINLAND (since April 1993)
+358 2 2501848
Date and place of birth: December 22 1964 in Voorschoten (Holland)
Civil state:
Married to Prof. dr. ir. C.A.P. Zevenhoven, “Ron”
Educational Background
Secondary school:
S. Adelbert College Wassenaar
Diploma VWO (pre-university education) May 1983
Pregraduate studies
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Start: September 1 1983
Final exam: October 24 1989
Special topic: Chemical Process Technology, Particle Technology
Prof. B. Scarlett M.Sc. (Supervising professor) and G.M.H. Meesters Ph.D. (Project leader)
Postgraduate Studies(TkL)
Åbo Akademi University Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory for Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Kaj H. Karlsson (Supervising professor)October 1, 1993-2002
Complexation of sodium, calcium and magnesium and aluminium ions on a silica gel surface
Postgraduate Studies (TkD)
Åbo Akademi University Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
Process Chemistry Centre
Prof. M.M. Hupa (Supervising professor)
March 1998-2002
Ash forming matter in biomass fuels
Introductory course in Moodle, Advanced course in Moodle October 2012
First aid (8h) October 2012
Professional or employment record
First Employer
Tebodin B.V. Consulting Engineers,
Department of environmental affairs and industrial safety
January 1990 - January 1992
Second employer:
Dutch Trade Union Confederation
Policy advisor on environmental affairs and occupational health and safety
January 1992 - May 1993
During this period
Member of commissions of the Social Economic Council
Member of the commission for determination of acceptable levels of toxic compounds on working
Third employer:
Åbo Akademi University
Post graduate researcher
October 1993Assistant in Inorganic Chemistry
August 1999-August 2004
Post doc- researcher and project manager (environmentally oriented research in combustion
August 2004Tillf. Universitetslärari i kemi
September 2012-February 2013
Current salary: Kravnivå 6; Prestationsnivå 6
Granted salary bonus Feb 2000-July 2004 as a reward for extraordinary research efforts and
Ekokem apurahoitus May 2006“CCA-puujätteen ja kunnallisten jätevesien lietteen yhdistetty
lämpökäsittely arseenipäästöjen kontrolloimiseksi”
Parental leave Dec 1994-Oct 1995 and Oct 1996-Aug 1997
Language abilities
Persons you may contact (references)
Prof. TkD Mikko Hupa
Åbo Akademi
0400 630801
Doc. TkD Bengt-Johan Skrifvars
Director of TopAnalytica
040 5246403
2) Forskning och vetenskaplig verksamhet (på engelska)
Fuel characterisation, biofuel residue energy recovery, ash forming matter, heavy metals, waste,
biomass, peat, biorefinery, combustion characteristics
Future research (Se Forskningsplan):
Environmentally related high temperature chemistry.
For example:
 Extensive analyses of new fuels for energy recoverey in cooperation with the University of
Adelaide (algae).
 Kinetics of solubility of ash forming matter and heavy metals from fuels, ashes and soil
 Release of heavy metals under high temperature treatment from fuels, ashes and soil
 Chemical thermodynamics of ash forming matter
Project leader:
Coordinator Nordic graduate school Biofuels2
EU projects:
Company related:
Fortum Säätiö 2x
SAFEC (Foster Wheeler)
POLKU (Syke)
Project participation
EU Projects:
Finlands Academy:
Company related:
Foster Wheeler ,
Metso Power,
Kanteleen Voima,
Visiting researcher at Sandia National Laboratories Livermore, California, USA
Dec 1999-Jan 2000
Publications list
Until 1990 : Maria F.J. Onderwater
last update of this page : January 2013
HI index (google scholar: search string Maria Zevenhoven,Åbo Akademi ): 10
Ash-forming matter and ash-related problems
By Zevenhoven, Maria; Yrjas, Patrik; Hupa, Mikko
Edited by Lackner, Maximilian; Winter, Franz; Agarwal, Avinash K
From Handbook of Combustion (2010), 4, 493-531.
Refereed journal articles
Mass transfer limitation in thermogravimetry of biomass gasification
By Benedikt Nowak, Oskar Karlström, Peter Backman, Anders Brink, Maria Zevenhoven,
Severin Voglsam, Franz Winter, Mikko Hupa
From J Therm Anal Calorim (2013) 111:183–192
Characterization of Ash-Forming Matter in Various Solid Fuels by Selective Leaching and Its Implications
for Fluidized-Bed Combustion
By Maria Zevenhoven, Patrik Yrjas, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, and Mikko Hupa
From Energy Fuels, 2012, 26 (10), pp 6366–6386
Automated dynamic chemical fractionation method with detection by plasma spectrometry for
advanced characterization of solid biofuels
By Warunya Boonjob, Maria Zevenhoven, Paul Ek, Mikko Hupa, Ari Ivaska, Manuel Miró
From Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry – 2012,27, 841-849
Fluidized bed combustion of mixtures of rapeseed cake and bark: the resulting bed agglomeration
By Piotrowska, Patrycja; Grimm, Alejandro; Skoglund, Nils; Boman, Christoffer; Ohman, Marcus;
Zevenhoven, Maria; Bostrom, Dan; Hupa, Mikko,
From Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26 (4), pp 2028–2037.
Residues from the production of biofuels for transportation: Characterization and ash sintering tendency
By Patrycja Piotrowska, Maria Zevenhoven, Mikko Hupa, Jacopo Giuntoli, Wiebren de Jong
From Fuel Processing Technology, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 1 November 2011
The fate of chlorine, sulfur, and potassium during co-combustion of bark, sludge, and solid recovered
fuel in an industrial scale BFB boiler
By Emil Vainio, Patrik Yrjas, Maria Zevenhoven, Anders Brink, Tor Laurén, Mikko Hupa, Tuula Kajolinna,
Hannu Vesala
From Fuel Processing Technology, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 26 November 2011
CFD Based Ash Deposition Prediction in a BFBC Firing Mixtures of Peat and Forest Residue
By Lundmark, Dan; Mueller, Christian; Backman, Rainer; Zevenhoven, Maria; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan;
Hupa, Mikko
From Journal of Energy Resources Technology (2010), 132(3), 031003/1-031003/8.
Combustion Characteristics of Biomass Residues and Biowastes: Fate of Fuel Nitrogen
By Giuntoli, Jacopo; de Jong, Wiebren; Verkooijen, Adrian H. M.; Piotrowska, Patrycja; Zevenhoven,
Maria; Hupa, Mikko
From Energy & Fuels (2010), 24(10), 5309-5319.
Fate of Alkali Metals and Phosphorus of Rapeseed Cake in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Part 2:
Cocombustion with Coal
By Piotrowska, Patrycja; Zevenhoven, Maria; Davidsson, Kent; Hupa, Mikko; Amand, Lars-Erik; Barisic,
Vesna; Coda Zabetta, Edgardo
From Energy & Fuels (2010), 24(8), 4193-4205
Fate of Alkali Metals and Phosphorus of Rapeseed Cake in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Part 1:
Cocombustion with Wood
By Piotrowska, Patrycja; Zevenhoven, Maria; Davidsson, Kent; Hupa, Mikko; Amand, Lars-Erik; Barisic,
Vesna; Coda Zabetta, Edgardo
From Energy & Fuels (2010), 24(1), 333-345
Chemical forms of ash-forming elements in woody biomass fuels
By Werkelin, Johan; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; Zevenhoven, Maria; Holmbom, Bjarne; Hupa, Mikko
From Fuel (2009), Volume Date 2010, 89(2), 481-493
Application of chemical fractionation methods for characterisation of biofuels, waste derived fuels and
CFB co-combustion fly ashes
By Pettersson, Anita; Zevenhoven, Maria; Steenari, Britt-Marie; Åmand, Lars-Erik
From Fuel (2008), 87(15-16), 3183-3193
Fouling tendency of ash resulting from burning mixtures of biofuels. Part 3. Influence of probe surface
By Theis, Mischa; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; Zevenhoven, Maria; Hupa, Mikko; Tran, Honghi
From Fuel (2006), 85(14-15), 2002-2011
Fouling tendency of ash resulting from burning mixtures of biofuels. Part 2: Deposit chemistry
By Theis, Mischa; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; Zevenhoven, Maria; Hupa, Mikko; Tran, Honghi
From Fuel (2006), 85(14-15), 1992-2001.
Bed agglomeration tendencies of wood derived fuels in FBC
By Maria Zevenhoven-Onderwater, Marcus Öhman, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Rainer Backman, Anders
Nordin, Mikko Hupa
From Energy and Fuels, 20, (2006), 818-824
The prediction of behaviour of ashes from five different solid fuels in fluidised bed combustion
By Maria Zevenhoven, Jan-Peter Blomqvist, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa
From Fuel, 79(9), (2000), 1353-1361
The ash Chemistry in Fluidised bed gasification of biomass fuels: Part I- Predicting melting Characteristics
of ashes
By Maria Zevenhoven, Rainer Backman, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Mikko Hupa
From Fuel, 80, (2001), 1489-1502
The ash Chemistry in Fluidised bed gasification of biomass fuels: Part II-Ash behaviour prediction versus
bench scale agglomeration tests
By Maria Zevenhoven, Rainer Backman, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Mikko Hupa, Truls Liliendahl, Christer
Rosén, Krister Sjöström, Klas Engvall and Anders Hallgren
From Fuel, 80, (2001), 1503-1512
Refereed papers in conference proceedings
Systematic studies of ash composition during cocombustion of rapeseed cake and bark.
By Piotrowska P., Skoglund N., Grimm A., Boman C., Öhman M., Zevenhoven M., Boström D. and Hupa
From Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Naples (Italy),
June 2012.
Fate of alkalis during co-combustion of biodiesel residues with coal in a semi-industrial CFB boiler
By Patrycja Derda, Maria Zevenhoven, Mikko Hupa, Kent Davidsson, Lars-Erik Åmand,, Håkan Kassman,
Edgardo Coda Zabetta,
From 9 International conference on Circulation Fluidised Bed Conversion (CFB9) in Hamburg, May 2008
Trace elements from fluidized bed pyrolysis of a coal-sewage sludge mixture
By Maria Zevenhoven, Jaakko Savolahti, Loay Saeed, Rainer Backman, Ron Zevenhoven, Mikko Hupa,
19th International Conference on Fluidised Bed Combustion, May 2006, Vienna, Austria
The Abo Akademi Finland database - solid fuel characterizationBy Zevenhoven, Maria; Yrjas, Patrik; Backman, Rainer; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; Hupa, Mikko
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion (2005), 18th, 667-678.
Appearance of trace elements in co-firing fuels
By Zevenhoven, Maria; Backman, Rainer; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; Hupa, Mikko
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion (2005), 18th, 697-717
Chemical forms of ash-forming matter in woody fuels for FBC
By Werkelin, Johan; Zevenhoven, Maria; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; Hupa, Mikko
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion (2005), 18th, 755-761.
Co-firing in FBC- A challenge for fuel characterisation and modelling
By Maria Zevenhoven, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Patrik Yrjas, Rainer Backman, Christian Mueller, Mikko
From 17th International Conference on Fluidised Bed Combustion, May 2003, Jacsonville, Florida USA
CFD based ash deposition prediction in a BFB firing mixtures of peat and forest residue
By Christian Mueller, Dan Lundmark, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Rainer Backman, Maria Zevenhoven, Mikko
From 17th International Conference on Fluidised Bed Combustion, May 2003, Jacksonville, Florida USA
Predicting the ash behavior of different fuels in fluidized bed combustion
By Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; Zevenhoven, Maria; Backman, Rainer; Hupa, Mikko
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion (2001), 16th, 1130-1145
Searching for improved characterization of ash forming matter in biomass
By Maria Zevenhoven, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Patrik Yrjas, Mikko Hupa, Laura Nuutinen, Risto Laitinen
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion (2001), 16th, 11121129.
“Investigation of biomass inorganic matter by advanced fuel analysis of conversion experiments”,
By Korbee Rob, Kiel Jacob , Zevenhoven Maria , Skrifvars Bengt-Johan, Jensen Peter, Frandsen
From the proceedings of Snowbird, Utah Nov. 2001
Non-refereed papers and manuscripts
Ash forming elements in torrefied birch wood – changes in chemical association,
By Tooran Khazraie Shoulaifar, Nikolai DeMartini, Maria Zevenhoven, J.H.A. (Jaap) Kiel,
Mikko Hupa
From the Proceedings of the International conference on impacts of fuel quality on
power production and the environment, Puchberg, Austria, September 23rd-27th , 2012
Systematic studies on defluidization temperatures of rapeseed cake and bark mixtures
By Piotrowska P., Grimm A., Skoglund N., Boman C., Öhman M., Zevenhoven M., Boström D. and Hupa
From Scandinavian-Nordic Section of Combustion Institute Meeting 2011, Trondheim (Norway),
November 2011 (Extended abstract and oral presentation).
By Patrycja Piotrowska, Maria Zevenhoven, Mikko Hupa Jacopo Giuntoli, Wiebren de Jong
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Impact of Fuel Quality on Power production and
the Environment, 2010
The fate of chlorine, sulfur, and potassiumduring co-combustion of bark, sludge, and REF in a 107 MWth
BFB boiler
By Emil Vainio, Patrik Yrjas, Maria Zevenhoven, Anders Brink, Tor Laurén, Mikko Hupa
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Impact of Fuel Quality on Power production and
the Environment,2010
Effect of Ammonium Sulphate Addition on the Combustion of High Chlorine and Potassium Biomass in a
12 MWth CFB – Characterisation of the Ash- and Nitrogen Chemistry using Sophisticated
By L.-E. Åmand, M. Zevenhoven, M. G. Grønli, F. Frandsen, F. Claesson, P. Piotrowska, O. Karlström, J.
Lindholm, J. Olsson, F. Lind, P. Markström,
M. S. Bashir, N. Ibrahim, K. Pathmanathan, L. Nørskov, S. Telschow, H. Wu, D. 7Flieg, S. Hjärtstam1, D.
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Impact of Fuel Quality on Power production and
the Environment,2010
Understanding the behavior of biomass fuels -characterization techniques advance...By Zevenhoven, Maria; Yrjas, Patrik; Hupa, Mikko
From International Technical Conference on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems (2010), 35, 466-477
Fuel characterization at Åbo Akademi-An Update
By Zevenhoven M., Piotrowska P., Giuntoli J., Hupa M.,
59th IEA-FBC, October 2009, Czestochova, Poland
Fine Particle Formation from Combustion of industrial and municipal waste in FBC
By Zevenhoven M., Skrifvars B-j., Hupa M., Lind T., Hokkinen J., Jokiniemi J., Moilanen A.,
From Twin World Congress and World resources Forum, September 14-16, 2009, Davos, Switzerland
Co-firing of sewage sludge with bark in a bench scale bubbling fluidised bed
By Yrjas P., Aho M., Zevenhoven M., Taipale R., Silvenoinen J., Hupa M.
From 20th International Conference on Fluidised bed combustion, May 2009, Xian, China
Fate of phosphorus during cocombustion of solid biofuels
By Piotrowska P., Zevenhoven M., Hupa M., davidsson K., Åmand L-E., Coda Zabetta E., Barisic V.
From 20th International Conference on Fluidised bed combustion, May 2009, Xian, China
NOX emissions during combustion of biofuel byproducts: distiller’s grains with solubles and palm kernel
By Jacopo Giuntoli, W. de Jong, M. Zevenhoven, P. Piotrowska, E. Monedero, M. Hupa, A.H.M.
From 6 International Biofuels conference, New Delhi. India, February 2009
Ash forming matter in peat- the role of iron
By Maria Zevenhoven, Mikko Hupa, Jaakko Lehtovaara. Stefan Storholm
From Finnish Swedish flame days, 28-29.1.2009
Ash forming matter in peat- the role of iron
By Maria Zevenhoven, Mikko Hupa, Jaakko Lehtovaara. Stefan Storholm,
From SNCI, 22-24.October 2008, Göteborg, Sweden
Analysis of bed material from co-combustion f biomass fuels in CFBC
By Piotrowska P., Zevenhoven M., Hupa M., Barisic V., Coda Zabetta E.
From SNCI, 22-24.October 2008, Göteborg, Sweden
Ash forming matter in peat- the role of iron
By Mikko Hupa, Maria Zevenhoven,
From 57 IEA-FBC 16-17.October 2008, Lisboa Portugal
Combined thermal treatment of CCA wood waste and municipal sewage sludge for arsenic emissions
By Johan Sipilä, Maria Zevenhoven, Ron Zevenhoven
From IEA/FBC, Madrid, Spain May 2007
Sewage sludge combustion. Is alkali available in sludge?
By Anita Pettersson, Maria Zevenhoven, Lars-Erik Åmand, Britt-Marie Steenari
From IEA/FBC, Madrid, Spain May 2007
Chemistry of the bed material of a 550 MW CFB burning a mixture of bar, peat and coal
By Vesna Barisic, Maria Zevenhoven and Mikko Hupa
From IEA/FBC, Madrid, Spain May 2007
The Åbo Akademi databases two ”practical” databases consisting of experimental data
By Maria Zevenhoven,Patrik Yrjas,Bengt-Johan Skrifvars,Mikko Hupa
From IEA/FBC November 2006 Dublin, Ireland
Heavy metals (EDD+Zn) in waste derived fuels for FBC
By Maria Zevenhoven, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Mikko Hupa
From IEA/FBC May 2006 Vienna, Austria
Prediction of deposit formation in biomass (Co-) fired FBC using an advanced characterization method
By Zevenhoven, Maria; Yrjas, Patrik; Backman, Rainer; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; Hupa, Mikko
From Proceedings of the International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel
Systems (2002), 27 (Vol. 1), 281-292
Development of advanced ash prediction tools in combustion systems
By Patrik Yrjas, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Maria Zevenhoven, Christian Mueller, Rainer Backman, Mikko
From Workshop on Novel Products from Combustion Residues, Morella, Spain, June 2001
Deposit and corrosion mechanisms for volatile fuels
By Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Tor Lauren, Maria Zevenhoven, Patrik Yrjas, Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa
IBEX reENERGY Combustion of recycled fuels and waste, Sollefteå, Sweden June 2001
Ash prediction versus bench scale agglomeration tests in FB gasification of biomass fuels
By Maria Zevenhoven, Rainer Backman, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Mikko Hupa, Truls Liliendahl, Christer
Rosen, Krister Sjöström, Klas Engvall, Anders Hallgren
From IEA/FBC, Turku, Finland June 2000
Predicting the performance of different fuels in fluidized bed combustion
By Mikko Hupa, Pia Kilpinen, Sirpa kallio, Jukka Konttinen, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Maria Zevenhoven,
Rainer Backman,
From ITIT Symposium on Effective Utilization of Low Grade Fuels by Fluidized Bed Technology, Tsukuba,
Japan, Dec. 1999
Comparison of ash behaviour of different fuels in fluidised bed combustion using advanced fuel analysis
and global equilibrium calculations
By Zevenhoven, M., Blomquist, J.-P., Skrifvars, B.-J., Backman, R., Hupa, M.
From 24th Int. Techn. Conf. on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems, Clearwater (FL) March 1999
Complexation of calcium, magnesium and aluminum ions on silica gel
By Zevenhoven-Onderwater, M.F.J., Rosenqvist, J., Karlsson, K.-H.
From 8th Int. Sympo. on Ceramics in Medicine, Sawgrass/Jacksonville (FL), November 1995, p. 497-500
Production of uniformly sized liquid droplets by mechanical vibrations
By Meesters, G.M.H., Onderwater, M.F.J., Scarlett, B.
From 2nd World Congress Particle Technology, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 1990, Vol. II, p. 397-404
“Ash forming matter in biomass fuels”
By Zevenhoven Maria,
PhD thesis, Sept 2001, Turku Finland
Complexation of sodium, calcium, magnesium and aluminium ions on a silica gel surface
By Zevenhoven-Onderwater, M.F.J.,
Lic. Tech. thesis, Åbo Akademi University, Lab. for Inorganic Chemistry, Turku, Finland, January 1998
The production of uniformly sized droplets by means of a longitudinally vibration technique
By Onderwater, M.F.J.,
M.Sc. (Tech) thesis, Delft University of Technology, Lab. for Particle Technology, Delft, the Netherlands,
September 1989
Green reports of the Åbo Akademi University Process Chemistry Group
The Environmental Impact and Cost Efficiency of Combustible Waste Utilisation –
The Potential and Difficulties of Ongoing Technology Developments- Report 08-05
By Maria Zevenhoven Mikko Hupa
From Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland, ISBN 952-12-0793-0
The chemistry and melting behaviour of Fly ash deposits in co combustion of Bark, Peat and Forest
residue, Report 01-01
By Zevenhoven, M., Lauren T., Skrifvars B-J., Backman, R.,
From Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland,ISBN 952-12-0793-0
The Utilisation of Biomass Ash 01-08
By Zevenhoven Maria
From Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland, ISBN952-12-0902-X
"The chemistry of biomass ashes in pressurised gasification Part 2", Report 99-1
By Zevenhoven, M., Backman, R.,
From Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland, ISBN 952-12-0370-6
The chemistry of biomass ashes in pressurised gasification Part 3, Report 99-6
By Zevenhoven, M., Skrifvars B-J., Backman, R.,
From Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland, ISBN 952-12-0497-4
The chemistry and melting behaviour of Fly ash deposits in co combustion of Green Liquor sludge and
spruce bark. Global Equilibrium calculations, Report 99-10
By Zevenhoven, M., Lauren T., Skrifvars B-J., Backman, R.
From Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland, ISBN 952-12-0566-0
The chemistry of biomass ashes in pressurised gasification, Report 98-2,
By Zevenhoven, M., Backman, R.,
From Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland, ISBN 952-12-0236-X
Other reports
Nordic Graduate School of Biofuel Science and Technology, Final report 2007-2010,
By Zevenhoven M., Groning A-L. (ed),
Nordic graduate School of Biofuel Science and Technology 2,
Uniprint Åbo ISSN 1459-6407
Jätteiden kierrätyksen ja polton ympäristövaikutukset ja kustannukset. Jätehuollon vaihtoehtojen
tarkastelu alueellisesta näkökulmasta.
By Myllymaa, Tuuli, Katja Moliis, Antti Tohka, Simo Isoaho, Maria Zevenhoven, Markku Ollikainen ja
Helena Dahlbo
From Suomen ympäristö 39/2008. 192 s.Ympäristö.fi (2008)
Combined thermal treatment of CCA wood waste and municipal sewage sludge for arsenic emission
By Johan Sipilä, Maria Zevenhoven, Ron Zevenhoven,
From From Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland, (2007)
ISSN 0781-982X, ISBN 978-952-12-1883-5
By Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Maria Zevenhoven, Rainer Backman, Marcus Öhman, Anders Nordin
From Värmeforsk Project No B8-803
Other expert duties
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Energy and Fuels, FBC 18, FBC19, Clean Air Journal, Process Safety
and Environmental Protection, Fuel Processing Technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Special guest editor
Special issue Fuel Processing and Technology 2012
Member of the examination committee
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola: Håkan Kassman (2012)
3) Undervisning och handledning (på engelska)
Pedagogic studies (see also
University pedagogics I (Uniped1) (12ETCS)
Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Education: Yrkeslärare
2010- 2012
2nd grade teaching competence in Chemistry and other technical subjects
”..Pedagogiska studier för yrkeslärare - didaktisk linje – är avsedda för lärare vid
yrkeshögskolor, yrkesläroanstalter och fritt bildningsarbete. Utbildningen omfattar 60
studiepoäng (sp) som motsvarar 60 ECTS. Studierna innehåller 1. grundstudier 25 sp (i
pedagogik eller vuxen-pedagogik) och 2. ämnesstudier 35 sp.
Behörighetsvillkoren för personal inom undervisningsväsendet föreskrivs i förordning
986/98, i Lag om yrkeshögskola 255/3.3.95 inklusive förordning 256/3.3.95 och i Lag
om yrkespedagogisk lärarutbildning 356/2003, jämte övriga förordningar och
Pedagogiska studier om 60 studiepoäng ger - tillsammans med lagstadgad examen
inom yrkesområdet samt för området lagstadgad arbetserfarenhet - behörighet för
lärartjänst på alla utbildningsstadier....” (studiehandbok ÅA pedagogiska fakulteten)
“Pedagogiska konsekvenser av internationalisering av undervisning - Institution Kemiteknik”,
Åbo Akademi (grade 5/5)
Educational experience
August 1999-August 2004
Assistant in inorganic chemistry
Supervising students in 1st year laboratory course
Assistant in exercises
2002- (yearly)
Teaching in the course “Combustion Chemistry 1” on different subjects:
Ash forming matter
Heavy metals
Greenhouse gas emissions
Assistant in exercises (2009,2010)
Organising and partly teaching Combustion Chemistry 2 (2006, 2007,2008, 2009, 2010
and 2012) 5ETCS
Laboratory safety 2: September 2012-December, 2012
October 2007-2010
Coordinator of the Nordic Graduate School of Biofuel Science and Technology-2
Organising the Nordic course in “analytical tools in combustion processes” 12ETCS
Project manager Marie Curie, INECSE early stage training at Åbo Akdemi University
Competent for the lectureship in Inorganic Chemistry (Dec 2009)
”Goda kunskaper i undervisning på svenska” (provförläsning Oktober 2009)
Autumn 2011
Fysik 1 och 2 för sjöfart vid Aboamare
Spring 2012
ADB för sjöfart vid Aboamare
Supervision of students
3 diplomaworkers 2004, 2007, 2009,
1 PhD student 2007-2012: Patrycja Piotrowska-grading : “vid beröm”
Coursematerial and evaluation (see also
Above mentioned lectures in:
Combustion chemisry 1 and 2
Nordic course in “analytical tools in combustion processes at ÅA
Fysik 1 och 2 för sjöfart
ADB för sjöfart
Development of education
Utvecklingsarbete: “Pedagogiska konsekvenser av internationalisering av undervisning - Institution
Kemiteknik, Åbo Akademi (grade 5/5)
Member of the teaching board of the laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry: 2003-
4) Administration, förtroende uppdrag och ledarskap
(på engelska)
Leadership education
OPU 2012 Pedagogiskt ledarskap (10sp)
Leadership, administration and economy
Project leader(and involved in application for funding):
Coordinator Nordic graduate school Biofuels2
EU projects:
Company related:
Fortum Säätiö 2x
SAFEC (Foster Wheeler)
POLKU (Syke)
Expert duties
Operating agent: IEA-FBC: May 2002- May 2004
Contactperson for IEA-FBC Finland May 2002Coordinator of organising the International Conference on Fuel Impact on Power Production and the
Environment 2010, Saariselkä Finland
5) Samhälliga förtroende uppdrag (på engelska)
Support of gymasium and highschool in Pargas with respect to handling chemicals (GHS) autumn
Unga Forskare vid Åb Akademi: Participation in CSI afternoon for gymnasium students (autumn
November 2012