From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 1996 87: 717-724 B-chronic lymphocytic leukemias can undergo isotype switching in vivo and can be induced to differentiate and switch in vitro [see comments] F Malisan, AC Fluckiger, S Ho, C Guret, J Banchereau and H Martinez-Valdez Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. B-Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemias Can Undergo Isotype Switching In Vivo and Can Be Induced to Differentiate and Switch In Vitro By Florence Malisan, Anne-Catherine Fluckiger, Stephen Ho, Christiane Guret, Jacques Banchereau, and Hector Martinez-Valdez B-chronic lymphocytic leukemias (B-CLL) represent expandedclones of resting B lymphocytes that mostly express surface IgM (slgM). The present study shows that B-CLL cells, freshly isolatedfrom two patients, were slgM+, slgG-, and slgA- but expressed IgG and IgA transcripts. cDNA cloning and sequencing showedthat the VDJ segments associto those ated to y and Q heavy chain transcripts are identical from p transcripts, thus showing that B lymphocytes giving rise to CLL cells have undergone isotype switchingin vivo. Stimulation of theseB-CLL cellsthrough surface CD40in the presence of interleukin-l0 induced them to secrete IgG and lgA, proving that they can alsodifferentiate into Ig-secreting cells. Finally, CM-stimulated B-CLL cells were induced to switch towards IgE in response to interleukin-4, as shown by the presence of specific VDJ-Ce transcripts and the secretion of IgE. Therefore, B-CLL cellstested herein can undergo isotype switching in vivo and can be induced to undergo further isotype switching anddifferentiation in vitro. 0 1996 by The American Societyof Hematology. T mined by standard isotype-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).~~ Factors. Purified recombinant interleukin-4 (IL-4; lo7 U/mg) and highly purified recombinant I L - I O from Chinese hamster ovarytransfected cells (both from Schering-Plough Research Institute, Kenilworth, NJ) were used at the final concentration of 500 U/mL and 100 ng/mL, respectively. B-cell cultures. Purified leukemic B cells were cultured in Iscove’s medium (Flow Laboratories, Irvine, CA) enriched with S0 pg/mL human transfenin, O S % bovine serum albumin (Sigma), and S pg/mL bovine insulin (all from Sigma Chemical CO, St Louis, MO); and S% selected heat-inactivated fetal calf serum, 1 0 0 U/mL penicillin, and 1 0 0 pg/mL streptomycin (all from Flow Laboratories). For activation of B-CLL through the CD40 antigen, leukemic B cells were cultured in the presence of the anti-CD40 MoAb89 presented by a mouse Ltk- cell line stably expressing CDw32 (CDw32 L cells). Briefly, IO5 B-CLL cells were cultured in roundbottom microtiter trays under a final volume of 1 0 0 pL, with S,OOO irradiated (70 Gy) CDw32 L cells and 0.5 pg/mL of anti-CD40 MoAh89. Cytokines were added at the onset of the culture.” RNA preparation and northern blotting. Isolation of total RNA was performed by the method of Chomczynski.” Extracted unfractionated RNA (20 pg) was electrophoresed, under denaturing conditions, on 1% agarose gel (stained with ethidium bromide) using the method of LerachI3 and was transferred onto nylon membranes as described by Thomas.14The blot was hybridized to constant region cDNA probe Cp, Cy, and Ca labeled by 32P using the random priming kit according to manufacturer’s instructions (Boehringer, Mannheim, Germany). Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays. Total RNA (1 @g) was converted into single-stranded cDNA by a standard RT reaction using oligodT,,,.,,, (Pharmacia, LKB, Uppsala, Sweden) and Superscript (RNase H- Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase; BRL, Gaithersburg, MD) kit, according to manufacturer’s instructions. The PCRwas per- HE GENERATION OF functional antibodies is the result of multiple genetic changes at the Ig loci. During B lymphopoiesis, gene segments at the Ig heavy (H) and light (L) chain loci assemble in a defined, ordered manner.’.* This developmental pathway, allows the commitment and the maturation of hemopoietic progenitors cells into B lymphocytes, with functional heavy and light chains, expressing IgM at their ~ u r f a c e . ~ The . ~ non-self-reactive low-affinity cells develop further to express sIgD, giving rise to mature B cells, also known as naive or virgin B cells. At a later stage, which is driven by antigen and is T-cell-dependent (referred herein as immunopoiesis), B lymphocytes undergo affinity maturation through somatic mutations and isotype switching. During these distinct stages, B lymphocytes become the target of abnormal development, resulting in diverse forms of leukemia^.^,^ Thus, B-chronic lymphocytic leukemias (B-CLL) could phenotypically be identified in a transition stage between immature sIgM+, sIgD- and mature sIgM+, sIgD+ naive B cells. In this context, B-CLL cells are characterized by a marked increase of resting immature/ mature B cells expressing low quantities of surface Ig, in which the isotype most frequently found is IgM or the combination of IgM and IgD.7 It has been previously reported that B-CLL cells can proliferate and differentiate into Igsecreting cells after in vitro stimulation.’ However, it has not been formally shown whether such Ig secretion indeed results from in vivo and/or in vitro B-CLL isotype switching or from the contribution of contaminating normal B lymphocytes within the CLL population. In the present report, by analysis of the cDNA sequences of Ig genes expressed by B-CLL cells from two patients, we show that B lymphocytes that give rise to CLL cells have the capacity to undergo isotype switching and differentiation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients. Clinical features of patients FLA and PAS and purification of B lymphocytes from peripheral blood of patient FLA and from spleen of patient PAS have been previously described? Briefly, mononuclear cells were separated by standard FicolVHypaque gradient method and were next submitted to E-rosetting with sheep red blood cells. Nonrosetting cells were labeled with anti-T-cell and antimonocyte monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) and were subsequently incubated with magnetic beads coated with anti-IgG antibodies (Dynal, Oslo, Norway). Ig secretion. The secretion of IgM, IgG, IgA, and IgE was deterBlood, Vol 87, No 2 (January 15). 1996 pp 717-724 Fromthe Laboratory for Immunological Research, Schering Plough, Dardilly, France. Submitted March 7, 1995; accepted September I , 1995. F.M. is a recipient of a fellowship fromFondation Mkrieux. Address correspondence to Hector Martinez-Valdez, PhD, Schering-Plough, Laboratory for Immunological Research, 27 chemin des Peupliers. BP 11, 69571, Dardilly, France. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. oooS-4971/96/8702-01$3.00/0 717 From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. MALISAN ETAL 718 W a F M PAS Y [r Z K h K h + 650 bp ATACAGCTlTACC 3’; and VH6, S‘ TGCCATCTCCGGGGACAGTGTCTCT 3‘. Cloning u ~ t TheproductsfromtheRT-PCRwere directly cloned, without further processing. by the TA cloning kit as described by themanufacturer (Invitrogen, SanDiego, CA).” Sequencing reactions were performed using the Taq DyeDeoxyTermination Cycle sequencingkit (catalog no. 401 150; Applied Biosystems Inc. Roissy. France) and were analyzed on an Applied Biosystems automatic DNA sequencer. RESULTS Freshly isolated sIgM’, slgG-, slgA- R-CLL cells express y and a herny-chain trclnscripts. As previously described,” F M PAS 1 2 3 4 - 4.7 Fig 1. Homogeneity of the B-CLLcells. Monoclonality of the BCLL populations was evaluated through RT-PCR on the expression of K or A light chains. Amplifying sense primers were either VK (lanes 1 and 3)or V h (lanes2and 4) consensus primers, usedin combination with corresponding CK or CA antisense primers, respectively. formed as described by Saiki et al.’5 with minor modifications. A total of S pL of theRT reactionwasamplifiedusing 1 0 0 ng of each sense and antisenseprimers, 2.5 U ofTaq Polymerase (Cetus. Norwalk, CT). and S% dimethyl sulfoxide. Primers used were as followsforIgL chain: VK, S‘ GTGTTGACCCAGTCTCCAGCCTCC 3’; CK. S’ GCGCCGTCTAGAACTAACACTCTCCCCTGTTGAAGCTCITTGTGACGGGCAAG 3’; VA. 5‘ GCTGACTCAGCCGCCCTCTGTGTC 3‘; andCA. S’ GCCTCGAGCTATGAACATTCTGTAGGGGCCAC 3’. A totalof 35 cycles of amplification were performed ( I minute at 94°C. 2 minutes at 60°C. and 3 minutes at 72°C). A second round 10 pL of the was performed using the same primers. starting with first round. as described For IgH chain. cDNAandPCRwereperformed above. Two rounds of28 cycles wereperformed (30 seconds at 94°C. 30 seconds at 60°C. and I minute at 72°C). The primers used in thefirstroundwere as follows: S’VH consensus S’ TCTGAGGTGCAGCTGGTGGAGTCTG3‘ and Cp, S’ GAATTCTCACAGGAGACGAGGGG 3’; Ch. S’ TTCTTCCTCTAGAAGGCGACCGGT 3‘; Cy. S’ AAGTAGTCCTTGACCAGGCAG 3’: Ca. 5’ GGGTCAGCTGGGTGCTGCTGG3‘; CC.S’ TGTAAGGGAGGTACGGTGGAGGCA 3’; or JH, 5‘ TGAGGAGACGGTGACCAGGGTCCC 3‘. The second round was performed using 10 pL of the first round, usingthesameprimersexceptfor Cy , Cc,and Ca forwhich more 3’ internal primers were used in a seminested fashion: Cy, 5’ TTCCCGGGTAGCCAGAAG3‘; Ca. S’ CCCGGAGGCATCCTGGCTGGG 3’: andCc. S’ AGCGAGTGGCATTGGAGGGAATGT 3’. Sourhent blotrirtg m d /tyhrir/i:ofinns. PCR products were transferred to nylon membranes, as previously reported,“’ and hybridized with VH probeslabeledusingthedigoxygenin-deoxyuridinetriphosphate (dUTP) kit (Boehringer, Mannheim, Germany). The probes usedwere consensus oligonucleotide sequences to thesix VH families: VHI. S’ CAAGGCTTCTGGATACACCTTCACC 3‘; VH2. S’ CACCTTCTCTGGGTTGTCAGTCACC 3’; VH3. S‘ TGCAGCCTCTGGATTCACCTTCAGT 3’; VH4, 5’ CGCTGTCTCTGGTGGCTCCATCAGC 3‘: VHS, S’ TAAGGGTI’CTGG- 1.9 ”8- “ ‘ - 4.7 - 1.9 l - 4.7 Ca - 1.9 Fig 2. Comparative Northern blot analysis of IgM, IgG, and IgA mRNA levels expressed by the B-CLL cells FLA and PAS.Total unfractionated RNA (20 pg) from each B-CLL was electrophoresed on 1% agarose and transferred onto nylon membranes.The three blots prepared were hybridizedto constant region Cp. Cy, or Ca probes. Size markers (in kilobases) are indicated at right. Molecular sizes correspond to those reported e l s e ~ h e r e ? ~Autoradiography -~’ exposure times are as follows: Cp. 30 minutes; Cy, 1 hour; Ca. 16 hours. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. SWITCH B-CLL ISOTYPE CELLS CAN IN VIVO AND IN VITRO 719 5Y FM A 450 550 bp z f- 660 bp 1 2 3 4 5 FLA VH1 6 7 8 9 1 0 B-CLL cells B Fig 3. Expression of IgH genes by freshly isolated B-CLL cells FLA and PAS. (AI Presence of IgG and IgA transcriptsin addition t o IgM andIgD was evaluated by isotype-specific RT-PCR. This experiment was performed using a 5' consensus VH primer and a 3' primer Cp (lanes 1 and 6). Cy (lanes 2 and 7). C(I (lanes 3 and 8). C& (lanes 4 and 9). or CE (lanes 5 and 10). The upper bands correspond to the expected PCR products. The lower bands seem t o be RT artifact, because sequencing ofthose showed that theycorrespond t o truncated forms of the Igs (Songsvilai et at3' and our own unpublished observations). (B) To determine the origin of y and (I transcripts, the PCR products VDJCp (lanes 1 and 6). V D J G (lanes 2 and 7). VDJCy (lanes 3 and 8). VDJCa (lanes 4 and 9) and VDJCE (lanes 5 and 10) werehybridized t o VH-specific probes. Allthetranscripts expressed by FLA and PAS used VH3 and VH1 family, respectively. Lane 11 represents a control performed on normal B cells after consensus VH-JH amplification andVH-specific hybridization. PAS 550 bp 450 bp - P 6Y a& Normal B cells PAS p 6 y a & JH 3 f-400 bp VH2 VH3 660 bp 550 bp 450 bp 3 +400 bp VH4 4 + VH5 400 bp VH6 freshly purified B cells from the patients PAS and FLA are CD5'IgMK' and CD5' IgMA', respectively. Both surface and intracytoplasmic IgG as well as surface IgA were negative (data not shown). By using RT-PCR amplification of light chain transcripts (Fig I), it was shown that the CLL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 sample FLA exclusively expressed A light chain, whereas sample PAS only expressed K. These results stress the clonality of the B-CLL cells. In spite of the absence of both intracytoplasmic and surface IgG as well as surface IgA expression, y and (Y heavy- From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 720 MALISAN ET AL Fig 4. B-CLL cells FLA and PAS undergo isotype switching in vivo. The VDJ regions associatedto Cp. Cy, and Cm of the freshly isolated BCLL cells FLA (A) and PAS (B) were cloned, sequenced, and compared with the corresponding germline sequence.".40 chain W A S could be detected by Northern analysis (Fig 2). The majority of the transcripts were p, but significant levels of y and a transcripts could also be detected. Such level of expression of p, 7 , and a , reflecting corresponding mRNA frequency, was indicated by the sensitivity of detection, ie, p > y > a. Freshly isolated B-CLL cells show p, y, and a transcripts with a unique VDJ region. The expression of IgH genes was further analyzed using an isotype-specific RT-PCR (Fig 3A). y and a transcripts could be detected in addition to p and 6 transcripts, confirming the results obtained by Northern analysis. To establish the B-CLL origin of the y and a transcripts, analysis of their VH repertoire was performed. As shown inFig 3B, after amplification and VH-specific hybridization, the p (450 bp), y (450 bp), and a (550 bp) transcripts expressed by B-CLL FLA or PAS used the same VH family genes. Therefore, whereas the B-CLL cells FLA exclusively expressed a VH3 family gene, PASonly expressed a VH1 family gene, indicating that p, y , and a transcripts originated from the same leukemic clone. Furthermore, we investigated whether the freshly isolated B-CLL cells expressed transcripts showing identical VDJ segments associated to different constant region genes. To this end, the cDNAs corresponding to the p, y , and a transcripts, from B-CLL cells FLA and PAS, were cloned and sequenced. Consistent with the VH repertoire analysis, sequencing data shown in Fig 4A and B showed that p, y , and a heavychain transcripts shared the same VDJ segments, proving that the y and a transcripts expressed by B-CLL cells FLA and PAS is the result of in vivo isotype switching. Comparison and alignment of these sequences to corresponding germline genes, showed little or no somatic mutation, suggesting that the cells did not undergo affinity maturation and selection. IL-10 induces B-CLL cells to differentiate into IgG- and IgA-secreting cells. B-CLL cells were cultured in the CD40 system in the presence of IL-10, conditions that result in efficient differentiation of normal B lymphocytes."." Ig From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. B-CLL CELLSCAN ISOTYPE SWITCH IN VIVO AND IN VITRO FLA lo00 800 600 400 200 r FLA 1200 lo00 800 600 400 200 0 PAS PAS PAS L FLA Fig 5. IL-10 induces anti-CD40-activated B-CLL cells FLA and PAS to secrete IgM, IgG, and IgA. B cells were cultured for 14 days in the lo6 Bcells were cultured with 5,000 irradiated CD40system;ie, C M 2 L cells and 0.5 pg/mL of anti-CD40 MoAb8S in the presence or absence of 100 ng/mL IL-10. Their Ig content was measured in standard ELISA, and results were expressedas mean of triplicate determination. Standard deviation was less than 10%. (m),no cytokine: (01, IL-10. levels were measured in day-l4 supernatants in standard ELISAs. The addition of IL-IO resulted in a significant production of IgM, IgG, and IgA (Fig 5) without evidence of IgE secretion (data not shown), suggesting that IL-10 can induce CD40-activated B-CLL cells to differentiate into IgGand IgA-secreting cells. Note that the response of B-CLL to IL-l0 was not as efficient as that of normal B cells; ie, 100 to 1,100 ng/mL of IgG and IgA were detected for B-CLL 721 FLA and PAS as compared with 1,000 to 5,000 ng/mL for normal B-cell samples. Therefore, it is conceivable that the defect behind the B-CLL cells FLA and PAS studied herein lies on their incapacity to differentiate in vivo into Ig-secreting cells, rather than their inability to undergo isotype switching. Although such defect can be partly restored by physiological differentiation signals known to operate in normal B lymphocytes, no quantitative correlation is expected between the Ig transcripts observed in vivo and the levels of Ig secreted after in vitro stimulation. To rule out the possibility that secretion of Igs derived from contaminating normal B lymphocytes, which actively proliferate in the CD40 RT-PCR-amplified cDNAs, corresponding to the y and a transcripts from the CD40-activated B-CLL FLA in the presence of IL-10, were cloned and sequenced. We chose to examine FLA VDJ sequence because of its higher Ig secretion levels, in which the risk of contribution by contaminating normal B cells required to be ruled out. Sequence analysis of the y and a transcripts of stimulated B-CLL FLA cells and p transcripts of freshly isolated B-CLL FLA cells, as shown in Fig 6, showed that VDJ segments were identical, confirming that the secretion of IgG and IgA was of CLL origin. Expression of IgE by B-CLL cells is the result of isotype switching in vitro. As shown in Figs 3A and B, freshly isolated B-CLL cells FLA and PAS did not express E transcripts, indicating that they did not undergo isotype switching towards IgE in vivo. Therefore, the induction of in vitro isotype switching towards IgE was analyzed after the culture of the B-CLL cells FLA and PAS in the CD40 system in the presence of IL-4. As determined by ELISA experiments shown inFig 7, after in vitro stimulation, IgM and IgE secretion could be detected, but there was no induction of IgA and IgG secretion (data not shown). To establish, at the molecular level, that the secretion of IgE resulted from in vitro isotype switching, RT-PCR-amplified cDNAs, corresponding to E transcripts from B-CLL cells stimulated in the CD40 system in the presence of IL-4, were cloned and sequenced. As shown in Fig 8, the E heavy-chain transcripts show the same VDJ domain as p, thus showing that B-CLL cells can be induced to switch in vitro. DISCUSSION The present report shows at the molecular level that BCLL cells express isotypes other than IgM, as shown by the presence of p, y , and a heavy chain transcripts showing the same VDJ segments. However, the detection of IgG and IgA transcripts in these B-CLL cells does not discriminate from isotype switching taking place either before or after the malignant transformation event. On the other hand, although these cells express significant levels of mature y and a heavy-chain transcripts, they do not show cytoplasmic or cell surface expression of mature IgG and surface IgA (data not shown). Because the light chain is not a limiting factor for the assembly of the mature Ig, inasmuch as sIgM can be detected on the cell surface, these data suggest that transcription and translation of these B-CLL cells for IgG and IgA expression may be uncoupled. This apparent impaired translation can be released on cultur- From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. MALISAN ET AL FR1 CDRl TCTGAGGTGCAGCTGGTGGAGTCTGGGGGAGGCCTGGTCAAGCCTGGGGGGTCCCTGAGACTCTCCTGTGCAGCCTCTGGATTCACCTTCAGTTCCTATA CH GAGAAGCACTATGGACGTCTGGGGCCAAGGGGACCACGGTCACCGTCTCCTCAGGGAGTGCATCCGCCCCAAGCCCTTTTC GCCTCCACCAAGGGCCCATCGGTCTTC """_""""""-"""""""""""""""GCATCCCCGACCAGCCCCAAGGTCTTC .......................... Fig 6. Sequence analysis of the VDJ regions of y, a,and p transcripts confirmsthat IgG and IgA secretion isof CLL origin. RT-PCR-amplified cDNAs corresponding to y and a transcripts from the stimulated B-CLL FLA cellswere cloned and sequenced, and VDJ regions were compared with those of p transcript from the freshly isolated B-CLL cells. ing B-CLL cells in the CD40 system in the presence of IL10, resulting in a significant secretion of IgG and IgA. It is worth noting that it is necessary to apply this strong differentiation stimulus for these B-CLL to express IgG and IgA, because polyclonal activation with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan (SAC; data not shown) or CD40 activation without '8007 IgM a b r 400 r 0 FLA PAS n FLA PAS Fig 7. lL-4 induces anti-CW-activated B-CLL cells to switch towards IgE. A total of 10' B cells was cultured for 21 days with 5 x 10' irradiated CDw32 L cells and 0.5 p g h L of anti-CD40 MoAb89 with or without 500 UlmL IL-4, and their Ig content was measured by ELISA. Results were expressed asthe mean of triplicate determination. Standard deviation was less than 10%. (MI,no cytokine; (01. IL-4. IL-l0 does not allow IgG and IgA secretion. Furthermore, IL-10 alone does not allow production of IgGandIgA." Because isotype switching of normal B cells occurs within secondary lymphoid organs and, more specifically, within germinal centers of secondary follicle^,*^ it may be that translation of switched isotype transcripts necessitates signals that are given within these microenvironments.24.25 As a matter of fact, T cells bearing CD40 ligand and producing IL-l0 and IL-4 have been detected within germinal centers.*'.*' Thus, it is possible that the translation blockade of some leukemic cells may be because of the lack of germinal center microenvironment components related to the altered secondary lymphoid organ structure that is observed in CLL." It may be that the defect in FLA and PAS B-CLL cells lies in their incapacity to differentiate in vivo, rather than in their inability to undergo isotype switching. However, other reports described isotype-switched variants of CLLZyand BCLL cells expressing surface IgG."" It is likely that these variants may represent B-CLL cells that have differentiated after an encounter withthe relevant signals (eg, an auto antigen, as described in some CLL cases)." Although IL-10 has been suggested to act as a switching factor for CD40-activated B cell^,^'.^^ we cannot conclude whether the IgG and IgA production of E A and PAS BCLL cells obtained in response to the combination of antiCD40 and IL- 10 is the result of further isotype switching in vitro and/or the induction of IgG and IgA synthesis and secretion. In this context, the secretion of IgE, whose corresponding transcripts show the original VDJ gene, in response to CD40- and IL-4 signaling shows that CLL cells can be induced to undergo isotype switching in vitro. Such a result confirms and further extends the results of a previous study that showed the secretion of IgE by B-CLL cells cultured with hydrocortisone and IL,-4.34 In conclusion, the present study has shown that B cells giving rise to CLL cells have the capacity to undergo isotype switching and differentiate into Ig-secreting cells. Whether the presence of IgG and IgA transcripts in B-CLL represents a stochastic event or, indeed, is the consequence of a specific signal remains to be determined. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. E-CLLCELLSCAN 723 ISOTYPE SWITCH IN VIVO AND IN VITRO F LA CH GACGTCTGGGGCCAAGGGACCACGGTCACCGTCTCCTCAGCCTTTTTC GCCTCCACACAGAGCCCATCCGTCTTCC """""""""""""""""""~ PAS FR1 CDRl TCTGAGGTGCAGCTGGTGGAGTCTGGGGCTGAGGTGAAGAAGCCTGGGGCCTCAGTG~GGTCTCCTGCAAGGCTTCTGGATACACCTTCACC~CTACTATAT ""~"""_"""__""""~"""""~""""""~"""""~""""""""~""""""""-""" FRZ FR3 CDRZ GCACTGGGTGCGACAGGCCCCTGGACAAGGGCTTGAGTGGATG~ATGGATC~CCCTAACAGT~TGGCAC~CTATGCACAGAAGT~CAGGGCTGGGTCA """""_""__"""""~"~"""~"""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""- D CCATGACCAGGGACACGTCCATCAGCACAGCCTACATGGAGCTGAGCAGGCTGAGATCTGACGACACGGCCGTGTATTACTGTGCGAGAGCGTTGGT~TAGG ""--""~"""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""--"- CB TACTACTATGATAGTAGTGGTCCTGATGCTTTTGATATCTGGGGCCAAGGGACAAT~TCACCGTCTCTTCAGGGAGTGCATCCGCCCCAACCCTTTTTC --T---------------------------------------------------------------------GCCTCCACACAGAGCCCATCCGTCTTCC Fig 8. 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