From by guest on January 26, 2015. For personal use only. Lymphokine Induction Melchor By of NK-Like Alvarez de Mon. Manuel 0. Cytotoxicity Juan Casas, T cells from patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) exhibit defective natural killer (NK) activity. In this study, we have analyzed the cytotoxic-inducer effects of gamma interferon (‘y-IFN) and supernatants containing interleukin 2 (II 2 sup). T cells from patients with B-CLL were incubated with ‘y-IFN or IL 2 sup. “y-IFN in a 1 5,000- B CELL to 20,000-dalton CHRONIC molecular lymphocytic characterized by the mulation of B cells, which leukemia monoclonal are arrested tant; did these patients also show functional malities.2’3 In addition, it has been from B-CLL cytotoxicity against poiesis It has been demonstrated their ability without prior and control that classic 2 (IL There 2)89 tioned medium. 2 supernatants This study examined (IL 2 sup) on T cells tion with NK normal NK hemato- cells, defined IL reports describing the in vitro from B-CLL activity against that short-term 2 sup can T cells from induce strong B-CLL by targets (IFN) cells’#{176}” that lyse tumor cell culture with lymphokine-condi- of cytotoxic demonstrate unstimulated present in these of this disease, in the surveillance are also of killer long-term the induction Our results natural cellular to lyse a number of tumor cell line activation, are modulated by interferon interleukin that from and phenotypic abnorshown that E rosette- of both the induction targets during is and accudifferentia- patients mediate defective and antibody-dependent tumors and in the and viral infection.6’7 line effect of IL patients in tumor target cells. hours) incuba- (18 NK-like patients activity that lack in classical activity. AND MATERIALS METHODS Patient population. Twenty-six previously untreated patients with clinically, histologically, and immunologically defined B-CLL (according to the Chronic Leukemia Myeloma Task Force 1973)12 From the . Supported Fondo of de Hierro, by Grants Address March reprint Interna, Internal No. 369/81, 18, 1985; requests Clmnica 135/82, and accepted July Alvarez de Hierro, Immunology, Madrid. 0671/83from Social, to Dr M. Puerta and Autbnoma, de la Seguridad Porres, 4, 28035 Madrid, Spain. (e I 986 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. 0006-4971/86/6701-0036$03.OO/O 228 Medicine Universidad de Investigaciones Submitted Medicina Departments Puerta the Spain. 26, 1985. de Mon, ci San Toribio, by gel filtration target cells; of this NK-sensitive chromatography directed was against (c) was not correlated with supernaand NK- the basal levels of NK activity; and (d) was not associated with a development or augmentation of the proportion of lymphocytes with classic NK cell phenotype. Taken together. these results demonstrate that unstimulated T cells from B-CLL but patients. not lack incubated ‘y-IFN, have of classic a 1986 NK by Grune strong briefly (1 8 hours) NK-like cytotoxicity. with IL 2 sup despite the activity. & Stratton, Inc. were studied. Their median age was 68 ± 9. Controls were 14 healthy, age- and sex-matched individuals. Culture medium. RPMI 1640 (Microbiological Assoc, Walkersville, Md) supplemented with 1% L-glutamine (Flow Lab, Irvine, UK), 0.5% HEPES (Flow Lab), and 1% penicillin streptomycin (Difco Lab, Detroit) was used for cultures. This will be referred to as complete medium. Isolation oflymphoid cells. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMs) were obtained from the heparinized venous blood of the subjects by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifugation. T lymphocytes were separated by their capacity to form stable rosettes with neuraminidase-treated sheep red blood cells (SRBCs). Briefly, ESRBCs (T cells) were obtained after incubation of PBMs with neuraminidase-treated SRBCs for two hours at 4 #{176}C and centrifugation on a Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. The interphase, containing mainly B cells, null cells, and macrophages, is referred to as non-T cells. A Tcell purity of9O% to94%(51% ± 6% OKT4, 41% ± 10% OKT8) in the control group and 78% to 94% (36% ± 5% OKT4, 34% ± 4% OKT8) in the B-CLL group was obtained after subjecting pellets to hypotonic lysis in order to eliminate SRBCs. Production ofIL 2 supernatants. IL 2 sups were obtained from human tonsil lymphocytes stimulated with 1% phytohemagglutinin (PHA) (Difco Lab) for 24 hours, as previously described.’3 The culture supernatants were concentrated by double-step precipitation with (NH4)2S04 and dialyzed against phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4. The remaining PHA was removed by chicken red blood cell absorption, as reported elsewhere.’4 Partially purified IL 2 was obtained by gel filtration chromatography.’5 The IL 2 activity was recovered in fractions corresponding to a molecular weight (mol wt) of 15,000 to 20,000 daltons. IL 2 was also obtained from a tumor T cell line. The Gibbon lymphosarcoma cell line, MLA-144, provided by Dr H. Rabin (Frederick Cancer Research Center, Frederick, Md), spontaneously releases a factor that is biologically and biochemically similar to human IL 2.16 MLA-I44 cells were cultured at 2 x 106 cells per milliliter in complete medium without serum for 48 hours. After the culture Clmnica Luisa B-.CLL fraction are indications but that T cells cytotoxicity.4’5 The defective NK activity patients may play a role in the development since NK activity is thought to be involved Maria From Dur#{233}ntez (b) resistant (B-CLL) expansion in their tion pathway at an early stage.’ There not only B cells are affected in B-CLL, positive cells killer (NK) weight Laguna, Alberto obtained not modulate the very low or undetectable levels of NK activity present in the T cell population. However. the IL 2 sup induced a potent cellular cytotoxicity against NKsensitive and NK-resistant tumoral target cells. This cytotoxic inducer effect (a) was present in lectin-free IL 2 sup and Rafael de Land#{233}zuri, and in T Cells Servicio de Martin de period, supernatants were collected and concentrated as previously described. To study the production of IL 2 by the T cells from either patients or controls, 5 x 106 cells from each subject and control were resuspended in 1 mL of complete medium supplemented with I % fetal bovine serum (FBS) and cultured for 24 h in the presence of I % PHA in round-bottom culture tubes (Falcon, Oxnard, Calif). At the end of the culture period, the supernatants were collected and stored at - 20 #{176}C until tested. IL 2 assays were performed as previously ‘7 PHA-stimulated L ofcomplete cultures. medium Blood, Purified with T cells were 10% FBS and 1% PHA, Vol 67. No 1 (January), cultured in 200 at a density 1986: pp 228=232 of From by guest on January 26, 2015. For personal use only. NK-LIKE ACTIVITY IN T CELLS FROM 229 B-CLL 1.5 x i0 cells per well, in triplicates in 96-well plates (Dynatech, Billingshurst, UK) for three days. Plates were incubated at 37 #{176}C in a 5% CO2 humid atmosphere. On day 2, 1 Ci of [3H]-thymidine was added, and 24 hours later, cultures were harvested (Skatron, AS., Lyerbyen, Norway) and counted in a liquid scintillation counter. Cell cultures with IL 2 sup. Cell cultures were set up in macrowells (1.6 x 106 cells per milliliter) in complete medium supplemented with 10% FBS and in the presence or absence of different concentrations of IL 2 sup. The cultures were carried out for variable periods. Cells cultured with ‘y-IFN. As previously described, effector cell populations were cultured in macrowells (1.6 x 106 cells per milliliter) in complete medium supplemented with 10% FBS for 18 hours. In the last two hours, we added I ,000 IU/mL of human ‘y-IFN (specific activity 2 x l0 lU/mg protein HEM) (Research Inc. Rockville, Md). Cytotoxicity assays. Cytotoxicity was quantified by a 5’Crspecific release assay using the following tumor target cells: K-562, Chang, MI- 1 , Alab, Raji, Molt-4, Molt-4-Thioguanin resistant, and iurkat. Assays were performed at effector-target ratios of 50, 25, and 12:1 in 96-microwell, round-bottom plates. After a fourincubation, 100 L of supernatant from each well was collected and analyzed in a gamma counter. The specific lysis (SL) and lytic units (LU) were calculated as previously Cell surface markers. Indirect immunofluorescence (lIF) with the monoclonal antibodies (OKT4, OKT8 [Ortho, Raritan, Ni], and Leu 1 lb [Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, Calif] was performed as described.’9 Samples were prepared as described for IIF’9 and analyzed with an EPICS-C Flow Cytometer (Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, Fla). j r- Ei -t -J 4o 0 EFECTOR/TARGET ceLL RATIO Fig 1 . NK activity of T cells from B-CLL patients and normal controls at different effector-target cell ratio. The thick horizontal segments represent the geometric medium of each population. The shaded areas represent two standard deviations of the mean of each population. The extremes of the rectangles represent the rank of distribution of the data for each population. K-562 cells were used as target cells. . Controls; . B-CLL. RESULTS activity NK non-T cells from I 3 normal As can B-CLL lack a significantly of population contaminating observed CLL NK was cells present experiments did not inhibit (data in not due to inhibition non-T cells (range, NK ofthe by and the ‘y-IFN investigated K-562 capacity 20 that Therefore, respect cells. was at time x LU T non-T the cytotoxic when cells of we from activity activity 2 sup. B- < IL against 4 LU to ‘y-IFN, x 10_6 cells; used. cytotoxic-inducer T cells from K-562 cytotoxic (P < .05, of T cells signed-ranked activity Wilcoxon B-CLL patients (patients I, II, patients). When together, the 1). After incubation with was a significant increase were IV, and the all the normal test). In contrast, either or unresponsive minimally of all increments treatment were Wilcoxon signed-ranked in VI) data observed in 40 this effect 12 cases two hours LU x lO_6). period of incuof of B-CLL IL 2 with with were test). ranked = very the levels and the NK were .05, values after (P > .05, when all examined, we least squares observed of the analyzed activity of cytotoxicity basal of were after NK activity (Fig 2). The incubation with IL 2 sup of T cell from each of the B-CLL patients induced a significant increase in their ability to lyse K-562 target cells, which proved significant when all the cases in their lytic for I 8 hours after between treatment ‘y-IFN controls T cells (rest significant other hand, < 1,000 in the to ‘y-IFN so 12 patients not statistically test). On the ‘y-IFN method) target To this end, the T with IL 2 sup, and was tested against an increase incubation 10_6; and after 18 hours, in the following experiments, was routinely compare the (Table there the data from either patients or controls observe a significant correlation (P of normal In preliminary experiments, 2 sup could induce cytotoxic This revealed maximal after 0 these lymphokines IU/mL of “y-IFN, from cell-enriched levels of NK activity and T cells from controls NK activity were incubated for 18 hours with did cytotoxic IL whether target that units bation To activity by the small number 6% to 22%), since activity in T cells from B-CLL patients. cells were incubated for two or I 8 hours subsequently, their cytotoxic activity (lytic NK activicells from not shown). Modulation we low or absent with normal PBMs, T, and B-CLL and from cells. untreated depressed activity in mixing patients cells non-T with with normal controls (P < .0001, Mann-Whitney Neither PBMs nor non-T cells from B-CLL any significant cytotoxic activity (data not shown). mediated The 26 patients showed compared U test). T, and controls were separated to study their be observed in Fig I , E rosette-positive ty. T ofPBMs, cytotoxicity together observed that the by IL 2 sup were obtained induced also (P .0 1 , Wilcoxon analyzed We < highest signedlevels precisely of in those patients who did not show spontaneous cytotoxic activity and did not respond to ‘y-IFN. We did not observe any correlation, either in B-CLL patients or in normal controls, between the basal levels of NK activity and the killing activity after incubation with IL 2 sup (Fig 2). From by guest on January 26, 2015. For personal use only. ALVAREZ 230 Table 1 . Effects of ‘y-IFN and IL 2 Sup on C ytotoxic Activity of T Cells B-CLL Against K-562 Target Cells With -y-IFN After Treatment IL 2 Sup With Subjects Patients 50/1 25/1 I 13 3 II 12 8 Ill 10 5 2 IV 5 2 0 V 3 0 0 VI 3 1 0 VII 12/1 ET AL Lysis Specific Treatment After Basal . From MON DE 50/1 25/1 12/1 50/1 25/1 0 14 9 1 35 14 5 24 18 7 6 2 4 12/1 5 13 34 24 16 3 0 70 60 49 4 0 70 50 26 0 0 47 34 19 2 1 76 60 46 4 3 0 14 3 1 35 14 9 VIII 19 12 0 44 21 11 49 35 15 lx 13 9 1 19 13 11 43 23 19 x 17 9 4 29 22 16 51 38 26 Xl 14 10 6 34 27 14 49 42 23 XII 19 16 11 30 22 15 50 42 31 18±13 12±9 Patients (±s) 11±6 6±4 2±3 50±14 6±6 36±15 23±13 Controls (i±s) T cells hours, 45±18 from (1 y-IFN analyzed for 1 2 B-CLL .000 cytotoxic 36±15 patients and lU/mL) being activity against 25±17 six normal added K-562 in the 72±15 controls were last hours; target two cells. The incubated data 61±9 for or complete are given 45±22 1 8 hours either medium plus with 20% as the percentage 76±20 complete IL 2 sup. of specific 66±25 medium; After complete this 51±26 medium period of time, lysis at effector-target for the cell ratios the first cultures 16 were of 50: 1 , 25:1, 12:1. and This finding led us to study the possibility that the T cells from B-CLL patients could be deficient in their synthesis of IL 2. We B-GIL ThTROIS (A-I) cells (B-I) found from that nine IL 2 production patients were by PHA-stimulated similar to that controls (Fig 3). However, the proliferative stimulation of the T cells from these S T of six normal response B-CLL to PHA patients S CPM V. (K53) 0810010 r’OM8e S 0 S 0 S 0 8-CLL o S #{149} S (B-2) WNTROLS (A-2) #{149} 5 0 I2 c0 SS. S 0S 5 0 5 0 0 S : 0 S S N 0 0S ,. .O314 F, 0O3 S 40 S S S S 0 8s S a 40 ZJ 40 LYSIS #{149}1. ECIFIC (8ASt 40 60 813 LEVELS) V2 Fig 2. Correlations between the basal levels of cytotoxicity and (A) the lytic activity of T cells from B-CLL after incubation with ‘y-IFN (A-i ) or IL 2 sup (A-2) and (B) the lytic activity of T cells from controls after incubation with ‘y-IFN (B-i) of IL 2 sup (8-2). The cytotoxic against activity K-562 is expressed target cells as a percentage at an effector-target of specific cell ratio lysis of 50:i. ‘/5 L-2 .JP DILUTiONS Fig 3. Proliferative response of long-term cultured human T after a 36-hour incubation period. in culture. with different proportions of IL 2 sup produced by T cells from either B-CLL patients (#{149}) or normal controls (0). cells From by guest on January 26, 2015. For personal use only. NK-LIKE ACTIVITY (34,407 IN 15,709 ± decreased with that (P of T CELLS FROM cpm/I.5 231 B-CLL x i0 cells) .01, Mann-Whitney the normal controls was U test) (87,082 < significantly _______________ C14660 when compared ± 21,179 cpm/ MT-I 1.5 x 10 cells). ALAS We also ruled cytotoxic activity out the possibility that by IL 2 sup was due contaminating non-T cells, since we the enhancement of to activation of the did not observe any cytotoxic activity when non-T cells from B-CLL patients were incubated with IL 2 sup (data not shown). To investigate whether could still from the the T cell produce observed be present line, effects in the MLA-144, IL 2 constitutively. tive experiment in the cytotoxic similar to that were IL 2 sup, due we used which have As can be seen (Fig 4), activity to PHA that to in one representa- C Finally, and to further cytotoxic activity in T cells patients. We investigated the target cell specificity from B-CLL patients after incubation with be seen in Fig 5, short-term lytic activity against both target sup incubation NK-sensitive with from Fig of the IL 2 sup. B-CLL T cells As can IL 2 sup induced and NK-resistant previous NK-like results demonstrated activity in the that T cells B-CLL patients, we studied whether this cytotoxic-inducer effect could be explained by an increase in the percentage lymphocytes with the classic NK cell phenotype. In experiments not modify present in IL 2 from of five we observed that incubation of the IL 2 sup did the low percentage of Leu I 1 cells (<1%) the T-enriched populations from the B-CLL patients. I IILLS f’JOJBATED IL-2 SI..P FROM x,% % 11% 5. Cytotoxic This paper, ing the nature 10 T cells from 81 10 00 of B-CLL against above all, poses an intriguing question regardof the IL 2 sup-induced cytotoxicity generated in the T cells obtained origin of these effector from untreated B-CLL cells may be explained patients. The by (a) the activation of already mature NK cytotoxic cells; (b) the of pre-killer NK cells into effective cytotoxic cells; or (c) the recruitment of a different cell population not related to the NK pathway. Our data suggest that this last differentiation possibility is the most likely. this contention. First, there basal levels of NK activity The following reasons was no correlation and the cytotoxicity support between the acquired after incubation with IL 2 sup. Second, mature NK cells responded to IFN with an increment in their lytic activity, using T cells enhancement. from B-CLL patients, (Other authors have observation.4’5) Third, sup against was active target cells. Finally, effector lymphocytes after the incubation the cytotoxicity both we did not observe also reported this generated NK-sensitive there was no with phenotype with IL 2 sup. recent reports in the possibility that, in some systems, by IL 2 are not typical mature that acquire cells.’5 LEWS 1; acquire LYTIC 4. 10 by the and IL 2 NK-resistant I I 1 10% Fig activity 50 LYSIS DISCUSSION Furthermore, se. 40 SPEOAC different target cells. T cells were incubated with either complete medium (EJ. closed bars) or 20% IL 2 sup (EJ. open bars). After 18 hours of treatment. the cultures were analyzed for cytotoxic activity against Chang. MT-i . Alab. Molt-TG. Raji. K-562. Molt-4. and Jurkat target cells. The data are given in percentage of specific lysis at an effector-target cell ratio of 50:1. but this WITH *.A-44 siam 30 % delineate cells. Finally, since the induced strong s MLA-144 sup induced an increase of T cells from B-CLL patients of IL 2 sup. strong MOIT-4 .IURKAT shown the molecules responsible for the enhancement of the cytotoxic activity, we used a semipurified preparation of IL 2 obtained by gel filtration chromatography (1 5,000 to 20,000 mol wt). As can be seen in Fig 4, this preparation also induced RAJI K-%2 supernatants been TO t,OT- Cytotoxic activity UNITS (LU of T cells ‘ OELLS) from B-CLL patients after treatment with different IL 2 preparations. T cells were incubated either with complete medium (basal levels) or with the indicated concentrations of IL 2 from the T cell line MLA-i44 (a). from a semipurifled preparation obtained by gel chromatography (mol wt 1 6.000 to 20.000 daltons) (b). or from a standard preparation (c). After 1 8 hours of treatment. the cultures were analyzed for cytotoxic activity against K-562 target cells. The data are given in lytic units. LU i O#{149} cells. as described in the text. human thymocytes cultivated de novo cytotoxic Grimm et al’#{176} showed strong cytotoxic mature NK cells. The literature support the the effector cells generated NK cells. We have observed in the presence of IL 2 sup activity against tumor target that PBMs incubated with IL 2 activity cells. Although the mechanisms tions remain to be determined, models have several similarities this report. For example, these by IL 2 in populations devoid have neither the specificity induction of cytotoxic of classic NK cells against NK-resistant target underlying these observathe effector cells in these to those described by us in effector cells can be generated ofspontaneous NK nor the phenotypic relationship classic NK cells is unknown. Several pathological conditions of these in addition effector activity markers cells to B-CLL and of with have From by guest on January 26, 2015. For personal use only. ALVAREZ 232 been found to have similar immunological including an inverted 14/18 mitogen, and a loss of NK immunodeficiency syndrome, shown that the depressed abnormalities, ratio, a poor response activity.#{176}23 In the Rook et a123 have NK activity present these patients cannot be restored by ‘y-IFN, to normal levels by treatment with IL 2 sup. identical to those it is possible and other with obtained that by us with the defective diseases could NK in PBMs those B-CLL patients. present Thus, treatment of IL 2; (b) the in B-CLL; and of lymphokines signifi(c) the in this ACKNOWLEDGMENT thank studies are needed in order to understand between the effector cells mediating NK presence We express our thanks to C. Lorences and 0. Peraile for their excellent technical collaboration, to Dr Millan for the statistical analysis, and to Dr J.H. Kehrl for reviewing the manuscript. We also in B-CLL by in vitro in the ET AL of IL 2. 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For personal use only. 1986 67: 228-232 Lymphokine induction of NK-like cytotoxicity in T cells from B-CLL M Alvarez de Mon, J Casas, R Laguna, ML Toribio, MO de Landazuri and A Durantez Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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