New Sites, New Methods The 14th Finnish-Russian Archaeological Symposium Scientific sessions on Wednesday 19 November – Thursday 20 November 2014 Full-day excursion to Lahti and Hollola on Friday 21 November 2014 Helsinki Hall of Culture, Alvar Auditorium street address: Sturenkatu 4 Organizers: The Finnish Antiquarian Society, National Board of Antiquities, Lahti City Museum Co-organizers: University of Helsinki, University of Turku, University of Oulu Program: Oral presentations (20 papers à 30 min with discussion), 2-day poster session Excursion guided by Hannu Takala, PhD, Lahti City Museum Participation: The Symposium is open to archaeologists, archaeology students, experts in cultural heritage and related fields of study, and all those interested. Participation fees: Symposium fee 20 €, students 15 € Pre-printed abstracts, coffee and social program included. Excursion fee 30 €, students 20 € Printed materials and lunch included. Organizing Committee: Pirjo Uino, National Board of Antiquities Mika Lavento, University of Helsinki & Finnish Antiquarian Society Juha Ruohonen, University of Turku Kerkko Nordqvist, University of Oulu Hannu Takala, Lahti City Museum A.N. Kirpichnikov, Institute for History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences E. N. Nosov, Institute for History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences A. I. Saksa, Institute for History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences In cooperation with the Archaeological Society of Finland. For more information and participation, please contact: Symposium Secretary Mervi Suhonen, Head of Scientific Committee Pirjo Uino, PROGRAM up-dated 19 November, 2014 Wednesday 19 November 9.00 Opening (Juhani Kostet, National Board of Antiquities) Keynote lecture: A. N. Kirpichnikov (St. Petersburg), Pirjo Uino (Helsinki) & E. N. Nosov (St. Petersburg) Finnish-Russian scientific cooperation in the field of archaeology. The results of the traversed path 1969–2014 Short break 10.00–12.00 Session 1 New Sites and Methods in the research of the Mesolithic and the Neolithic Hannu Takala (Lahti) & M. M. Shahnovich (Petrozavodsk) New Mesolithic sites from Lake Ladoga district Kerkko Nordqvist & Teemu Mökkönen (Oulu) The use of mineral raw materials in the Lake Saimaa area during the Neolithic V. M. Lozovskiy & O. V. Lozovskaya (St. Petersburg) Wood as raw material in the Mesolithic-Neolithic of Eastern Europe: from wooden implements to the reconstruction of paleo-landscape Elisabeth Holmqvist (Helsinki) Recent research in archaeometric artefact studies 12.00–13.00 Lunch break and poster session 13.00–15.00 Session 2 New Sites and Methods in the research of the Neolithic and Early Metal Age V. M. Lozovskiy & O. V. Lozovskaya (St. Petersburg) New investigations on the Stone Age peat-bog sites in Central Russia V. Ya. Shumkin, A. I. Murashkin, E. M. Kolpakov & T. N. Sapelko (St. Petersburg) Cultural and environmental factors of initial settling of Russian Lapland Jarkko Saipio (Helsinki) Ritual adaptation on the western edge of the Seima-Turbino phenomenon M. A. Yushkova (St. Petersburg) New group of sites of the 1st to 7th centuries AD in the south-west of Leningrad Oblast 15.00–15.30 Coffee 15.30–16.30 Session 3 New materials and interpretations in the North Petri Halinen (Helsinki) The Sámi Society of northern Fennoscandia during the end of Iron Age and Medieval period: an archaeological approach E. M. Kolpakov , V. Ya. Shumkin & A. I. Murashkin (St. Petersburg) Early Metal Age Dwellings in Eastern Lapland (investigations of Kola archeological expedition IHMC in 2004–2014) 16.30–18.00 Guided visit to the archaeological collections of National Board of Antiquities Thursday 20 November 9.30–11.30 Session 4 New Sites and Methods in Late Iron Age and Medieval studies N. V. Khvoshchinskaya (St. Petersburg) Modern views on the formation of Vod' tribe on the territory of North-West of Novgorod Land S. V. Bel’skiy (St. Petersburg) New archaeological sites of Middle Ages on Karelian Isthmus and Ladoga Karelia Ville Laakso (Turku) The later stages of Karelian Culture Juha Ruohonen (Turku) Cross on the Hill? Early Medieval Church of Ristimäki in Ravattula in Kaarina 11.30–12.30 Lunch break and poster session 12.30–14.30 Session 5 New Sites and Methods in the research of historical times Saksa A. I. (St. Petersburg) (Presentation in Finnish) The early stages of the history of Vyborg (the results of archaeological research 1998–2012) N. F. Solov’yova & V. A. Lapshin (St. Petersburg) Archaeological investigation of St. Petersburg by the Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS Päivi Maaranen (Helsinki) Metal detecting as archaeological activity: some notes concerning development of a hobby and consequences of increasing public interest in Finland 14.30–15.00 Coffee 15.00–16.00 Session 6 News in the fields of theory and research history Timo Salminen (Helsinki) M. A. Castrén’s archaeological research in Russia and Siberia, preliminary results of an ongoing publication project Slides and stories from Finnish-Russian archaeological symposia through decades by Pirjo Uino, A. N. Kirpichnikov et al. 16.00 Concluding remarks 18.00–23.00 Symposium dinner Venue: Pakin talo (street address Etupellontie 2, Helsinki (Pakila); public transport: bus 64) THE POSTERS D. V. Gerasimov (St. Petersburg), Kerkko Nordqvist (Oulu) & Oula Seitsonen (Helsinki) Multilayered Stone Age sites in the Karelian Isthmus: Chronological control, hiatuses and attachment to a place Oula Seitsonen, Kerkko Nordqvist & D. V. Gerasimov Prehistoric habitation and chronology in the eastern Karelian Isthmus: Lake Pyhäjärvi – Ozero Otradnoe -project 2005–2008 Aivar Kriiska, D. V. Gerasimov, Kerkko Nordqvist, S. N. Lisitsyn, Sarita Sandell & M. A. Kholkina Stone Age research in Narva-Luga Klint Bay area (2005–2014) A.I. Murashkin, E. M. Kolpakov, V. Ja. Shumkin & V. I. Khartanovich (St. Petersburg) Kola Oleny island cemetery as unique burial site in European Arctic E. Yu. Girya (St. Petersburg), E. M. Kolpakov (St. Petersburg) & A. Yu. Tarasov (Petrozavodsk) Traceologycal study of Karelia and Kola Peninsula petroglyphs (how and by means of what masterpieces of petroglyphic art were created) Friday 21 November 2014 Excursion day 10.00 Departure from Helsinki by coach 11.30 Guided visit to Lahti City Museum Introduction to the history of the museum collections City excavations 2013 and preservation policy of the archaeological find material Tour at the museum exhibitions Departure to Hollola by coach 13.30 Lunch Restaurant Kunnantupa, Hollola Guided tour in the medieval cultural landscape of Hollola Kapatuosia hillfort Medieval stone church 16.00 Departure from Hollola to Lahti Departure of the Finnish participants to Helsinki by coach Coffee break and free program in Lahti for the Russian guests Departure of the Russian colleagues from Lahti to SPB by express train “Allegro”
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