CONFERENCE NEWS Yee, Poterek are keynote speakers

Highl nts in
the NP
9 a.m.:
Registration and
9:30 a.m.:
Greg Yee.
10:30 a.m.:
Noon: Lunch,
networking and
1 p.m.:
2:30 p.m.:
Speaker Carolyn
$35 per person
or $30 per
person for a
group of four or
more coming
from one
and registering
Yee, Poterek are
keynote speakers
Rev. Greg Yee and Rev. Carolyn
Poterek will be the keynote speakers
at the North Pacific Conference’s
annual Leadership Matrix Saturday, March 1,
at Kent Covenant Church in Kent, Wash.
Yee, in his first year as superintendent of
the North Pacific Conference, will speak at
the morning session, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Poterek, associate pastor at First Covenant
Church in Seattle, will speak during the
afternoon session, at 2:30 p.m.
Yee and Poterek will be the bookends to a
number of workshops crafted to help pastors
and lay leaders do ministry in their local
Covenant churches. The day’s activities begin
at 9 a.m. and end around 4 p.m.
Yee was born and raised in Oakland, Calif.
He met his wife, Mary, at the University of
California-Davis, where he studied Human
Development. After his pastoral training
at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School,
he planted Parkwood Community, an
Evangelical Covenant Church, and served as
interim pastor at Glen Ellyn Covenant in the
Chicago area.
Prior to coming to the NPC, he served
Cascades Camp
to host 124th
annual meeting
124 years as a
be celebrated May
2-3, when the North Pacific
Conference Annual Meeting
will be held at Cascades Camp
and Conference Center.
The speaker will be Efrem
Smith, former Covenant pastor
and conference superintendent
who is currently president and
CEO of World Impact.
The two-day event
begins at 9 a.m. on Friday,
May 2, with the annual
Ministerium meeting. Also,
in the continuing education
component of the Ministerium
meeting, Andy Larson will
speak on Muslim/Christian
relations. Larsen is a former
Covenant missionary and now
on staff with Peace Catalyst
NPC Superintendent Greg
Yee will speak at the morning
Seattle First Covenant
Associate Pastor Carolyn
Poterek will speak at the
afternoon session.
What’s Distinctive about Covenant
Theology? Not much
Led by Rev. Dr. Stephen Bilynskyj
There’s no short answer
to the question, “What’s
different or distinctive
about what the Covenant
believes?” Part of the
reason is that Covenant
theology isn’t all that
“distinctive.” This seminar
explores the Covenant’s
Stephen Bilynskyj
rootedness in classic
Christian faith and its
commitment to a theological freedom that
is centered in Christ and scripture. Steve
is pastor of Valley Covenant Church in
Eugene, Ore., an instructor for the Covenant
Orientation program, a past president of the
Covenant Ministerium, and a fly-fisherman.
I’m a Covenant Worship Planner So What?
Led by Rev. Andrew Thompson
Through corporate
worship God gathers
us, forms us and sends
us. We plan and lead
worship services weekly.
How does our identity as
Covenant churches, with
our distinctive mission,
tradition, values and
affirmations, influence
the way we plan and
lead worship services?
By exploring these questions this seminar
helps to equip pastors, worship leaders and
worship committees to plan services that
deepen our corporate worship experiences
and strengthen our shared mission. Andrew
is lead pastor of Columbia Grove Covenant
Church, Wenatchee, Wash., a member of the
ECC Commission on Worship, and an adjunct
faculty member at North Park Theological
Seminary, where he co-teaches “Songwriting
for Christian Worship.”
Top Three things I Am Learning
About Congregational Vitality
Led by Rev. Peter Sung
Congregational vitality
is a challenging process of
change and growth.
I am learning about
the evangelism instinct
in everyone, the necessity
of patience, and the
definition of self. More can
be added to this list but in this seminar we
will explore these three as central to Jesus’
ministry and therefore crucial to ours. Peter
is lead pastor of Evergreen Covenant, Mercer
Island, Wash., a church that has been through
Veritas, EPIC, and Pulse.
Appreciative Inquiry: Jump-Start
Your Way to Missional Ministry
Led by Rev. Dr. Keith Carpenter
Designed to bring
people together
to envision greater
effectiveness in the future,
Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
has been utilized by all
kinds of organizations
for strategic planning
and to address adaptive
Keith Carpenter
challenges. This workshop
will examine how AI may be
used by churches seeking transformational
change or to sharpen their current missional
focus. Keith has been the senior pastor at
Kent (Wash.) Covenant Church for 26 years.
He holds an M.Div. and D.Min. from Fuller
Seminary, and is a candidate for the Ph.D. in
Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University.
Keith has facilitated Appreciative Inquiry
summits in several NPC churches.
Community Development with Soul
and Strength
Led by Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage
Liz is pastor of global
and local mission at Quest
Church in Seattle. If you’re
interested in community
development, outreach,
compassion or justice
ministries, please join
us as we learn together
how to do this work with
Liz Verhage
healthy souls and by
using our strengths. Using
on-the-ground examples, Biblical teaching,
assessment tools, and best-practice resources,
we will examine how leaders can exegete
their context, keep their souls healthy and
grounded, and craft strong ministries that
can meet both felt needs and impact longterm structural change in the name of God’s
Hope and Healing: The positive
role you can play in ministering to
survivors of abuse
Peter Sung
Led by Colleen Hicks, Kristin McKendall, and
Barbara Quesenberry
Abuse is about power and control. Abuse
is more extensive than
domestic violence. Abuse
of any type violates God’s
gifts of love and free will.
The church can serve a
unique role in healing past
and present abuse pain.
Without proper training
and education, however,
Colleen Hicks
the church can hide,
prolong, or further the
damage done by abuse.
This interactive training
will help participants
to be better equipped
to minister to survivors
of abuse and be a
positive force in shining
Christ’s love on this pain.
Presenters are members
of the Department of
Compassion, Mercy, and
Justice’s regional executive
team for AVA (Advocacy
for Victims of Abuse)
ministries. They have more
than 20 years of experience
providing counseling,
healing, education,
Kristin McKendall
leadership training, and
abuse crisis intervention ministry service.
Implementing Spiritual and
Relational Alignment in a Multi Generational Church
Led by Louie Praseuth and Lori Brown
In this session, we
will share best practices
and participants will hear
outcomes regarding
implementation of a
consistent content strand
at Emerald City Bible
Fellowship (ECBF). At
ECBF, we serve a multiLouie Praseuth
generational community
and this year, we are going
through “The Bible Story”
curriculum holistically as
a church. This effort has
taught us many lessons
in generational Biblical
teaching and going deeper
as a spiritual family. Louie
is youth director at Emerald Lori Brown
City Bible Fellowship in
Seattle, and Lori is a volunteer Christian
Formation leader at ECBF.
Preparing for Transition: Bringing
high school graduates into the
larger community of the local
Led by Bill and Claire Strunk
Recent research indicates that nearly half
MATRIX WORKSHOPS (Continued from page 2)
of kids who are
connected to a
youth group when
they graduate high
school will fail to
stick with their
faith in college. Join
us as we discuss
what it might look
Bill and Claire Strunk
like to prepare
students for this
transition and ultimately keep them plugged
into the local church after they leave home. In
2005, Bill and Claire established and directed a
college ministry for Washington State University
students, which eventually became a ministry of
Pullman Presbyterian Church. Their desire in their
work with students has always been that students
would engage with the local church and establish
a strong faith that will stand firm as they become
adults. Because of the mutual blessings that
come from intergenerational ministry, a primary
goal is connecting students into the life of the
congregation and connecting the congregation
into the lives of students.
Led by Rev. Carol Lawson
The enneagram is an ancient
pattern assimilated by the
historical Christian Church
to understand the nine basic
people types. This has proven
to be quite helpful in leadership
and spiritual formation over
recent years in the Covenant.
Basically, it’s a great tool to help
Carol Lawson
us understand how we and
others are “hard-wired” and
how that impacts our decisions, relationships, and
general engagement of life. Our time together
will help us learn about our own type and how
differently each of us behaves under stressful and
relaxed conditions. We will explore what we need
to know about each other to work and be together
more effectively. The way we lead, engage in our
relationship with God through spiritual disciplines
and how we make decisions can all be enhanced
by our awareness of what motivates us to respond
and behave in certain ways. Carol is Director of
Ministry Services in Ordered Ministry for the ECC
A Discerning Church
Led by Rev. Merrie Carson
Many American churches
make their congregational
decisions based on the
sum of individual personal
preferences, limited
information, and pragmatism.
Unfortunately, this promotes
disunity, with no assurance that
God’s will has been discerned
Merrie Carson
and done. This seminar outlines
a different way of discernment
and decision making that is more faithful to the
church’s identity as the “body of Christ,” and
includes the use of three key elements: (1) insights
from wisdom sources; (2) guidance from the Holy
Spirit through listening prayer and evaluation, and;
(3) contributions from the entire congregation or
group. Merrie is a member at Midway Community
Covenant, a spiritual director, and has a D. Min. in
Leadership and Spiritual Formation from George
Fox Seminary.
Go Ye Into the Social Media World
Led by Edward Gilbreath
Twitter, Facebook, and the
plethora of other social media
platforms have made the
world smaller and the world of
information more accessible.
Now, through smart phones,
tablets, and laptops, we’re able
to connect with people near and
far like never before. Social media
Edward Gilbreath
have also given us more ways to
engage and minister to the world
around us. In this workshop, Ed will share insights
about the rapidly changing media landscape and
its implications for the church. How should local
congregations utilize social media? What should
be the theological framework for its use? How do
we balance the disruption of digital technology
with our need for authentic human connections?
Participants will discuss both the benefits of
social media as well as its potential snares. Ed is
the executive director of communication for the
Evangelical Covenant Church. A veteran journalist
on faith and culture, his books include Birmingham
Revolution: Martin Luther King Mr.’s Epic Challenge
to the Church, and Reconciliation Blues: A Black
Evangelical’s Inside View of White Christianity.
Developing financial strength and
health in the congregation: Creating a
Culture of Generosity
Led by Rev. Don Engebretson
and Cynthia Halverson
Facilitating generosity and
funding God’s work through
God’s people are priorities in the
congregation, the conference
and, for the ministry of the
Covenant throughout the world.
Donn and Cynthia will share
Don Engebretson
how pastors and ministry leaders
can unleash and energize
congregational generosity by
exploring the essential steps to
creating lasting cultural change
within a congregation and the
role of leadership in developing
financial strength and health in
the life of the local church. Donn
is assistant to the ECC president
for mission funding/director for
global advancement. Cynthia is
executive director for advancement.
Matrix registration form: See Page 4
Continued from page 1
as associate superintendent
of the Pacific Southwest
Conference for 10 years.
It was there he served in
the areas of pastoral care,
multi-ethnic ministries, and
congregational development.
Within the denomination, he
has been active in a number
of Covenant ministries,
boards and commissions,
including the Board of
the Ordered Ministry, an
instructor and coordinator
with Covenant Orientation
– mission and ministry – a
member of the Covenant
World Relief Advisory
Board, founding member of
the Covenant Asian Pastors
Association and member
of the Covenant Ethnic
Greg and Mary have
been married for 23 years and
have three children: Jordan,
18; Erin, 13; and Caden 8;
and Shasta, their dog.
Poterek, a native of
Northbrook, Ill., joined the
staff at First Covenant in
March 2009 after serving
as youth pastor at Trinity
Covenant in Salem, Ore.
She currently serves on the
denomination’s Executive
Board, the Covenant World
Relief Commission, and
assists as a facilitator for
the Covenant’s Invitation to
Racial Righteousness.
Carolyn is currently
completing her doctoral
studies in Educational
Leadership at Seattle
University. Besides her
associate pastor duties at
Seattle First, she’s the
executive director of the
church’s Summit building, “a
gathering space.”
In her free time Carolyn
enjoys spending time with
her family and traveling.
She volunteers with Medical
Teams International and
is a consultant with 501
Conference leaders hope
Leadership Matrix will give
NPC churches the necessary
tools to bring growth and
vitality to their congregations.
Leadership Matrix Registration Schedule: 9:00 am 9:30 10:30 12:00 1:00 pm 2:30 st
Saturday, March 1 , 2014 Covenant Church Kent 12010 SE 240th St., Kent, WA 9 am – 3:30 pm Registration Deadline: Feb. 21st, 2014 Morning Seminars (10:30 AM) Registration and coffee Plenary session with Greg Yee Workshops Lunch/Networking/Fellowship Workshops Plenary session with Carolyn Poterek (AM01) What's Distinctive about Covenant Theology? Not much. Led by Rev. Dr. Stephen Bilynskyj (AM02) “Top Three things I Am Learning About Congregational Vitality.” Led by Rev. Peter Sung (AM03) HOPE AND HEALING: The positive role you can play in ministering to survivors of abuse. Led by Colleen Hicks, Kristin McKendall, and Barbara Quesenberry (AM04) Implementing Spiritual and Relational Alignment in a Multi -­‐ Generational Church. Led by Louie Praseuth and Lori Brown (AM05) Enneagram. Led by Rev. Carol Lawson (AM06) Go Ye Into the Social Media World. Led by Edward Gilbreath Afternoon Seminars (1:00 PM) (PM01) Developing financial strength and health in the congregation: Creating a Culture of Generosity. Led by Rev. Donn Engebretson and Cynthia Halverson (PM02) Covenant Identity in Worship Planning. (I'm a Covenant Worship Planner -­‐ So What?) Led by Rev. Andrew Thompson (PM03) Appreciative Inquiry: Jump-­‐Start Your Way to Missional Ministry. Led by Rev. Dr. Keith Carpenter (PM04) Community Development. Led by Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage. (PM05) Preparing for Transition: bringing high school graduates into the larger community of the local church. Led by Bill and Claire Strunk (PM06) A Discerning Church. Led by Rev. Merrie Carson Please choose 1 seminar from each session. Seminar descriptions are available online at http://covchurch-­‐­‐matrix/ * Seminars are subject to change. Please visit our website for updates. Registration Fee: $35 per person OR $30 per person for a group of four or more people coming from one st
congregation and registering together. Registration Deadline: Feb. 21 , 2014 Online registration available at: Church: Name E-­‐mail Seminar Choices Fee 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________________________________ Please choose 1 seminar from each session. Seminar descriptions are available online at Total Fee: $ ____________ http://www.covchurch-­‐ * Seminars are subject to change. Please visit our website for updates. North Pacific Conference Registration Fee: $35 per th person OR $30 per person for a group of four or more people coming from one 9311 SE 36 Street Suite 108, Mercer Island, WA, www.covchurch-­‐, 206.275.3903 and rfee
egistering together. Return congregation form with total
to North
Pacific Conference. Registration deadline is Feb 21st.
Registration deadline: February 25th, 2010 4Online registration THE NORTH
available at: CONFERENCE
ttp:// Return form with total fee
to North
Conference. Registration deadline is Feb 21st.
J2M schedule
When: Nov. 6-9.
Thursday in Seattle: Nisei Veterans
Committee Hall, International District
Friday in Pasco and Toppenish: Broetje
Orchard, Yakama Nation Tribal Center,
Mending Wings Ministries, White Swan
Saturday in Portland and Seattle:
Gentrification/Alberta Street Renewal
Project, Northwest African American
Sunday: Worship at Emerald City Bible
Fellowship, Seattle
Cost is $375 for all journey expenses
Next ‘journey’ to
Pacific Northwest
sites planned
for November
After this I looked, and
there was a great multitude
that no one could count, from
every nation, from all tribes
and peoples and languages,
standing before the throne
and before the Lamb, robed in
white, with palm branches in
their hands.
– Revelation 7:9
The North
Pacific Conference,
along with the
Evangelical Covenant Church,
is committed to developing
tools and resources to assist
congregations, and the body of
Christ in the Pacific Northwest,
in moving forward in the area of
racial righteousness.
We hope you will accept
our invitation to join us on
this journey toward racial
righteousness by participating
in the Journey to Mosaic, Nov.
Journey to Mosaic is
a multicultural ministry
experience of the North Pacific
Conference. J2M helps us
explore and experience our
racial reality here in the Pacific
Northwest —from our history
to the present. We visit sights
of significance in our racial
history, and hear from speakers
who have lived through events,
such as the imprisonment of
Americans of Japanese descent
during World War II and the
treatment of Native Americans
in residential schools and
reservations. Experiencing
these sites and stories, and
sharing our own stories as the
body of Christ, gives us the
opportunity to work together
to bring about a more authentic
expression of God’s kingdom
here on earth.
Journey to Mosaic—Pacific Northwest
November 6-9, 2014
Sponsored by the North Pacific Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church
“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every
nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb.” Rev. 7:9
Journey to Mosaic—North Pacific
Dates: November 6-9, 2014
The Journey to Mosaic- North Pacific brings together Christians from diverse backgrounds for an interactive
experience that explores the stories of Asian-Americans, African-Americans, Latinos and Native Americans
in the Northwest. This mobile seminar seeks to break down racial and ethnic barriers that exist in the body
of Christ, and to create space for conversation with the experience that moves us from knowledge to
understanding. We seek to build up a Christian community that embodies the diversity of the kingdom of
God as reflected in Revelation 7:9.
On this 4-day bus trip, participants will travel to sites of cultural significance and historical and presentday racial injustice, and we will witness a sampling of Christian ministries living out the Kingdom of God
with justice. Through films, tours, prayer, and partner and large-group discussion, the Journey to Mosaic
will open doors to a powerful journey of spiritual transformation. $375 (price subject to change)
Space is limited. A $50 deposit is required, along with this registration form (below), to secure your seat on the bus.
Send deposit and registration form to:
North Pacific Conference
9311 SE 36th St. Suite 108
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Tel: 206.275.3903
Fax: 206.275.3596
Registration: (please type or print)
Date of Birth: ____________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________
E-mail address: _____________________________
Church: _________________________________
Race/Ethnicity: _____________________________
Female _______ Male ________
Register with a partner:
Partner: _______________________________ Partner’s race/ethnicity: _________________________
A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your seat. Total J2M cost is $375. Please make
checks payable to “North Pacific Conference”
Signed: ________________________________________
Date: _________________________
Registration Deadline: October 15, 2014 or while space is available
Another action-packed year for Cascades
It always feels like summer
has just wrapped up when it’s
time to start thinking about the
next one.
Get ready, because “Spring
Adventure Weekends” at
Cascades are right around the
corner. This year, families
at the Father & Son and the
Mother & Daughter retreats
have the opportunity to choose
from different activity tracks
to customize their weekend
together. Mothers and daughters
can pick between the “horselovers” option or the “jewelry
making” option, while fathers
and sons can choose either
“shooting sports” or “building
and craftsmanship.” The Spring
S.A.L.T. Service Retreat, the
Adult Horse Roundup Retreat,
and the Grandparents &
Grandkids Retreat are all back
by popular demand as well.
Elementary-aged campers
will hop aboard the “Brightwood
Express” this summer, as
Brightwood takes on an “around
the world” theme. New options
Summer youth camps continue to be a hit at Cascades.
like a silly lineup of team sports
with a twist and a fun combo of
theater-inspired activities – as
well as some favorite camp
classics – will keep campers
playing, learning, and growing
all week long.
This summer at Camp
Timber Rock, junior high-aged
campers will take a trek into the
woods on an epic lumberjack
adventure. Campers will
Best-selling author
to speak at annual
fall women’s retreat
This year at our annual women’s
26-28 retreat we have the privilege of
hosting Carol Kent, a best-selling
author and a popular international public
speaker best known for being dynamic,
humorous, encouraging, and Biblical. She
is a former radio show co-host and her
messages have been featured on Focus on
the Family. She has been a keynote speaker at
Women of Faith, Time Out for Women, and
Heritage Keepers arena. She has also been a
featured speaker at many of the Extraordinary
Women and Women of Joy events.
Carol has spoken internationally and
regularly appears on a wide variety of
nationally syndicated radio and television
broadcasts. Past appearances have included
the Billy Graham Prime Time TV Special,
have the opportunity to learn
new skills like how to run an
espresso machine and publish a
newspaper, without missing out
on all of their favorites like the
zip-line and the climbing wall.
Big changes are in store
for Rainier Kids Day Camp
this summer, as well. With
2014 comes a brand new
grant-subsidized pricing
model, making day camp more
Dateline NBC, CNN LIVE, Focus on
the Family and Prime Time America.
Carol has also been a keynote speaker for
the televised and nationally syndicated
women’s conference sponsored by Church
Communications Network.
She is the president
of Speak Up Speaker
Services, a Christian
speakers’ bureau,
and the founder and
director of Speak
Up Conferences, a
ministry committed
to helping Christians
Carol Kent
develop their speaking,
writing, and leadership skills. She and her
husband, Gene, have founded the nonprofit
organization, Speak Up for Hope, which
benefits inmates and their families. She holds a master’s degree in
Communication Arts and a bachelor’s
degree in Speech Education. She has taught
speech and drama, and directed women’s
ministries at a large midwestern church.
She is also on the advisory boards of the
Advanced Writers and Speakers Association
accessible for our neighbors
in the greater Yelm area. In
addition, weekly themes like
“Circus Mania” and “Wacky
Water Fun” will give campers
who attend multiple sessions a
unique experience each time they
We’re excited for all of the
ways God is going to continue
to work in and through Cascades
this year.
and MOPS International.
Her books include: Miracle on Hope
Hill (Howard), Between a Rock and a
Grace Place (Zondervan), A New Kind
of Normal (Thomas Nelson), When I Lay
My Isaac Down, Becoming a Woman of
Influence, Mothers Have Angel Wings,
Secret Longings of the Heart, Tame
Your Fears, Speak Up With Confidence,
and Detours, Tow Trucks, and Angels in
Disguise (all NavPress). She has also cowritten with Karen Lee-Thorp the Designed
for Influence Bible Studies (six books in the
series, NavPress). Her articles have been
published in a wide variety of magazines.
She has been featured on the cover of
Today’s Christian Woman and Christian
Living Today.
The retreat team will meet in a few
weeks to do their annual planning and
prayer for the direction of this year’s
retreat. We look forward to see what God is
going to do in the fall. Mark your calendars now for Sept.
26-28. If you are interested in joining the
retreat team, please contact, Lorie Harmon
by email,
Fuller professor to speak at Pastors-Spouse Retreat
Chap Clark will be the
6-8 speaker at the Pastors and
Spouse Retreat, Oct. 6-8
at Cascades Camp and Conference
Clark is Professor of Youth,
Family, and Culture at Fuller
Theological Seminary in Pasadena,
Calif., and President of Foothill
Community Ministries, Inc.,
the parent organization for the
ParenTeen and HURT Seminars.
He is also the executive director of
the Young Life partnership Student
ANNUAL MEETING (Continued from the cover)
The annual meeting banquet begins at 5:30 p.m.
Smith will speak at the worship service, which
follows at 7 p.m.
The Covenant Men’s breakfast begins at 7:30
a.m. on Saturday, followed by the annual business
meeting, which runs from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Efrem’s personal and professional story paints
a compelling picture of an urban church leader of
deep faith who has managed leaders and budgets,
and transforming people and ministry wherever he
has served. His track record in leading Christian
Community Development efforts, serving as a pastor,
church planter and leader of the Pacific Southwest
Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church
have prepared him for this moment. Throughout
his career, Efrem has had a passion for the urban
poor, theological education, and training indigenous
leaders for service in the Kingdom.
As a preacher, motivational speaker, and
author, Efrem Smith is internationally recognized
for his passion to see lasting life transformation,
communities revitalized to reach the marginalized,
and further Kingdom advancement within our
churches. World Impact is an urban missions
organization committed to the empowerment of the
urban poor through the facilitation of church planting
movements and leadership development.
Serving as founding pastor of The Sanctuary
Covenant Church, a multi-ethnic church in
Minneapolis, Minn., Efrem also co-founded and
was president for The Sanctuary Community
Development Corporation. In his previous role,
Efrem was the Superintendent of the Pacific
Southwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant
Church, providing leadership to 160 churches within
California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, and Utah.
As an itinerant speaker and preacher with
Kingdom Building Ministries and the Evangelical
Covenant Church, he has been a keynote speaker
for such events as Athletes in Action, Campus
Crusade for Christ, Youth Specialties, Compassion
International, Thrive, and CHIC. Author of “Raising
up Young Heroes,” “The Hip Hop Church,” and
“Jump,” Efrem’s new book “The Post Black, Post
White Church” was released in August 2012.
Efrem is a graduate of Saint John’s University
and Luther Theological Seminary. He is currently
seeking his doctorate in Church Leadership from
Bethel Seminary in Minneapolis. He and his wife,
Donecia, along with their two children, Jeada and
Leadership Project.
Chap is the Senior Editor of
YouthWorker Journal, and has been
a leader in organizations such as
Young Life and Youth Specialties for
more than 30 years.
When not at Fuller, Chap and his
wife, Dee, live in Gig Harbor, Wash.
Chap Clark
Cov. pastor
to speak at
men’s retreat
all men!
Join us
from Sept. 19-21 at
Cascades Camp and
Conference Center to
fellowship with other
men from across the
Pacific Northwest
and strengthen your
relationship with
God in a casual,
relaxed, and fun-filled
We’ve got a killer
lineup with Rev.
James Amadon of
Highland Covenant
Church speaking,
and the guys from
St. John’s Covenant
Church leading
worship. Experience
special Men of
Faith-only activities,
powerful worship
sessions, and hearty
man-food. Come
ready to be inspired,
equipped, and
recharged as you
grow in your faith and
fellowship in the great
outdoors of Cascades!
Efrem Smith, former Covenant pastor and superintendent
of the Pacific Southwest Conference, will speak at the
Friday night worship service during the annual meeting.
Lodging and meal options
Please register at the Cascades Camp and
Conference Center for the annual meeting:
Option 1: $50 includes (May 1st lodging, May 2nd
breakfast, lunch & dinner)
Option 2: $50 includes (May 2nd lodging, dinner,
May 3rd breakfast & lunch)
Option 3: $100 includes (May 1st lodging, May 2nd
breakfast, lunch & dinner, May 3rd breakfast & lunch)
Option 4: $22 includes (May 2nd day only with
breakfast, lunch & dinner)
Option 5: $14 includes (May 3rd day only with
breakfast & lunch)
For lodging, bedding is $20 per person
Register @ or send in registration fees to:
Cascades Camp & Conference Center @ 22825
Peissner Rd SE, Yelm, WA 98597
Registration Deadline: April 21
Annual Meeting registration form: See Page 8
Mireya, live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Efrem
has received many awards, such as the Role Model
Award from the Hennepin County Community
Coalition and the Community Service Award from
Saint John’s University.
North Pacific Conference 2014 Annual Meeting
124th North Pacific Conference Annual Meeting, May 2-3, 2014
Cascades Camp & Conference Center, Yelm, WA
Name (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Rev.) _____________________________
Registration Fees
# of
Name Preferred on Badge_____________________________
(Name is “Richard” or “Janice”; for a badge you may want “Rick” or “Jan”)
Delegate: Church or Commission _________________________
General Conferee
Name (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Rev.)_____________________________
Name Preferred on Badge_____________________________
Delegate: Church or Commission__________________________
General Conferee
Annual Mtg Delegate Registration
(Saturday, May 3 )
Ministerium Business Mtg &
Continuing Education
(Friday, May 2 )
General Conferee
$ 0
State__________________________ Zip Code______________
Daytime Telephone (_______)
E-mail address _______________________________________
Total $ ________
Lodging & Meal Reservation at
Cascades Camp & Conference Center.
** Please bring your own bedding/towels and toilet items**
Register online at:
9311 SE 36 Street #108
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Friday, May 02, 2014 Morning Afternoon Evening 8
Registration Deadline: April 21, 2014
Saturday, May 03, 2014 7:30 AM Breakfast 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Annual Business Meeting Ministerium Business Meeting & Worship 7:30 AM Breakfast Covenant Men's Breakfast 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM Registration 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM 12:00 PM Lunch 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Ministerium Continuing Ed 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Registration 5:30 PM Dinner 7:00 PM Worship Service 9:00 PM Dessert Reception THE NORTH PACIFIC CONFERENCE NEWS
12:30 PM Lunch