2014 C A L L APOGCE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition 14 - 16 October 2014 • Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia F O R P A P E R S CHANGING THE GAME: OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS Dear Colleagues, The 2014 SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE) will be held 14 - 16 October 2014 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia. On behalf of the Technical Programme Committee, we invite you to submit a paper proposal for the conference. In consideration of the continued changes affecting the oil and gas industry, the theme of the conference is Changing the Game: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions. Significant changes in the energy business continue to create both challenges and opportunities in relation to producing oil and gas. Each year the game changers make a difference. We have successfully created a new “conventional” production solution from “unconventional” Coal Seam Gas, continued to routinely set offshore and onshore drilling records, and relentlessly evolved oil and gas development techniques. We are challenged by regulators and the public to demonstrate high standards on health, safety and environmental performance. We, the petroleum industry, are all looking for the next game changer – the significant step which revolutionises. We are pushing out “Peak Oil” decade by decade. There is no evolution; there is revolution. We are revolutionising the game through seizing opportunities, seeking challenges and providing and optimising solutions. We are constantly progressing and sometimes – we completely change the game. The APOGCE conference provides a great platform for networking and sharing of breakthroughs and creative ideas as well as best practices through case studies, and discussions of pertinent issues of the oil and gas industry. In order to ensure an exciting and interesting programme of events for the 2014 APOGCE, the Technical Programme Committee has invited renowned speakers and scheduled numerous technical paper sessions and panel sessions covering topics such as “Oil & Gas Reserves and Resources: Do the Rules Match the Game?” and “Accelerating Field Production: Fast-Tracking Development Plans and Execution”. The conference will also feature activities and programmes organised to inspire the younger generation and broaden their knowledge of the energy industry such as the Young Professionals Workshop, the Regional Student Paper Contest, Education Day and Teachers’ Day. There is no better time to be part of this great industry. Demonstrate your involvement in this prestigious event by submitting a paper proposal prior to the 10 February 2014 extended deadline Thank you in advance for your participation. With your support, we believe that the conference will be a successful and signification event. On behalf of the 2014 APOGCE organising committees, we look forward to welcoming you to Adelaide, the elegant and iconic capital of South Australia, set against a stunning backdrop of striking cultural attractions and picturesque parklands, beaches, vineyards and coastal delights. See you in Adelaide at the 2014 APOGCE! Sincerely, Diana Hoff Conference Chairperson Tony Lake Technical Programme Committee Chairperson SUBMIT PAPER PROPOSALS AT www.spe.org/events/apogce/2014 SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 10 FEBRUARY 2014 GUIDELINES FOR ABSTRACTS Technical papers/posters presented at the 2014 APOGCE will be selected from abstracts submitted to the Programme Committee. Early submission is particularly important to ensure that the committee members have ample time to review the abstracts. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE PROCEDURES Abstracts are evaluated on the basis of the information supplied on the abstract form in accordance with the following criteria: 1. The proposed paper/poster must contribute to petroleum technology or be of immediate interest to the oil and gas industry. 2. Data in the proposed paper must be technically correct. 3. The substance of the proposed paper must not have been published previously in trade journals or other professional or technical journals. 4. The proposed paper must have necessary clearance before submission. Any problems concerning clearance should be outlined when the proposed paper is submitted. 5. The proposed paper must be written in English. ABSTRACT CONTENT The abstract must be a minimum of 200 words and no more than 300 words in length, and should include the following: 1. DESCRIPTION: Outline the scope and nature of the work upon which the paper is based (e.g., field data, lab data, original analysis, or computer work). 2. APPLICATIONS: Describe the possible applications of the information provided in the paper. 3. RESULTS, OBSERVATIONS, AND CONCLUSIONS: Summarise the results and major conclusions to be presented in the paper and state how these differ from previous work on the same subject. State whether new information will be revealed and whether data from field, lab, or computer work will be included. 4. TECHNICAL CONTRIBUTIONS: Describe the significance of the subject matter in the proposed paper by listing up to three technical contributions or additions to the technical knowledge base of the petroleum industry. ACCEPTED ABSTRACTS 1. Authors of abstracts selected for the Conference Programme will be notified in late March 2014. 2. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be required to provide a manuscript for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. This event is operated under a “No-Paper No-Podium” Policy whereby if a manuscript with the associated forms is not received by the due date will be withdrawn from the programme and not allowed to present. 3. Please note that if accepted, your paper may be published, as submitted, in conference information media, including the Conference CD-ROM Proceedings and on the SPE website. 4. Detailed instructions on the preparation of manuscripts and presentations will be sent to corresponding author of each accepted paper. 5. SPE assumes no obligation for expenses by authors for travel, lodging, food or other incidental expenses. A WORD ABOUT COMMERCIALISM SPE has a stated policy against use of commercial trade names, company names, or language that is commercial in tone in the paper title, text or slides. Use of such terms will result in careful scrutiny by the Programme Committee in evaluating abstracts and the presence of commercialism in the paper or poster may result in it being withdrawn from the programme. COPYRIGHT All authors of papers/posters presented at the conference will be required to complete and submit a copyright release form to SPE or submit the copyright exemption from where applicable. TECHNICAL CATEGORIES CHANGES, CANCELLATIONS, AND WITHDRAWALS SUBMITTAL SPE and the Programme Committee consider an accepted abstract as a commitment to present. If extenuating circumstances prevent the author from making the presentation, it is that author’s obligation to find an alternate presenter and notify their SPE Programme Lead and their session chair(s) (if applicable). Withdrawals must be made in writing to the SPE office as soon as possible. Under no circimstances can a submitted abstract be changed once it has been submitted. Cancellations, particularly after a paper has been accepted and publicised, are viewed by the Programme Committee as highly unprofessional. Use the technical categories included in this leaflet to indicate the category that best describes your abstract. A primary choice is required; however, a secondary choice is optional. 1. Obtain necessary clearance from your management. 2. Completed abstract must be received by 10 February 2014. 3. Submit your abstract online at www.spe.org/events/ apogce/2014. SPE ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL STUDENT PAPER CONTEST This contest will be held in conjunction with 2014 APOGCE for undergraduate and postgraduate students. SPE Student Members from the Asia Pacific region are invited to participate in the contest. For further information, please contact: Justin Kijam, SPE Membership Services Specialist at jkijam@spe.org Society of Petroleum Engineers Level 35, The Gardens South Tower, Mid Valley Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 60.3.2182.3000 • Fax: 60.3.2182.3030 • Email: klprog@spe.org TECHNICAL CATEGORIES The Technical Programme Committee invites paper proposals for the following categories: 1. Business and Management - Alliance & Partnering - Contracting & Procurement (Win–Win Operator/ Supplier Relationships) - Cost and Schedule Estimation - Decision Making Under Uncertainty - Economic Evaluation of Offshore Field Development Concepts - Fiscal Terms - Government Assurance - Government Regulation - Hedging - Insurance - Mergers/Acquisitions - Oil and Gas Economics and Decision Making - Opportunity Framing - Political Uncertainty - Project Management - Reserves Management - Risk Analysis (Probability) - Scenarios - Stage Gated Asset Development - Time to Market - Uncertainties and Market Forces 2. Case Studies 3. Completion & Production - Artificial Lift - Coiled Tubing Operations - Complex Completions - Damage Removal - Early Production Facilities - High Water Cut Stimulation - Hydraulic Fracturing - Open Hole Completions - Pressure Maintenance - Sand Control - Separate Zone Production Technology - Smart Wells/Intelligent Completion - Thru-Tubing Intervention - Well Stimulation Design - Workovers 4. Deepwater & Subsea - Compliant Towers - Deepwater Drilling and Production - Development of Marginal Offshore Fields - FPSO Concepts and Developments - Novel Floating Production Concepts - Production Management - Subsea Technology/Development - Tension Leg Platforms; Spars and Semi-Submersibles - Water Depth Frontiers - Workovers 5. Drilling (Well Construction) - Batch Drilling/CTD Drilling - Cementing - Coiled Tubing Operations - Completion - Directional - Drilling Automation & Smart Drilling System - Fluids - HT/HP - Operations - Pore Pressure Prediction - Tubulars - UBD/MPD - Well Control - Well Integrity - Wellbore Stability 6. Facilities & Operations - Abandonment / Decommissioning - Asset and System Integrity - Corrosion and Erosion - De-Bottlenecking Facilities - Facilities Concept - Floating LNG Flow Assurance FPSO’s Fuel Efficiency Gas to Liquids Hostile and Remote Environments Managing Solids Mobile Offshore Production Units Multiphase Pumping and Metering Not- Normally-Manned/Unmanned Pipelines Project Governance Project Management Rotating Equipment Water Disposal 7. Gas Supply - Deliverability and Swing Management - Gas Field Developments - Gas Field Monetisation - Gas Reserves Management - Gas Storage and Transport - Pipeline Transportation - Sources of Supply & Demand - Stranded Gas 8. Gas Technology - Associated Gas Management and Disposal - CNG - Compression - Compact LNG - Cryogenic Applications - Gas to Liquid Technology - High CO2 / High Inerts/Sour Gas - Hydrate Control - Liquid Storage and Disposal - Membrane Separation - Onsite Electricity Generation - Transportation Technology 9. HSE and Society - Carbon Price Signals - Community Development - CO2 Sequestration - Energy Efficiency - Environmental Protection - Greenhouse Gas Management - HSE - Land Title - Regulatory Aspects - Safety Cases - Sustainability - Well Integrity 10. Human Resources - Benchmarking - Competency Measurement and Development - Experience Gap - Leadership - Management - Outsourcing - Recruitment - Remuneration - Supply and Demand Forecast - Training and Development - Workplace / Environment - Young Professionals (YP’s) 11. IOR/EOR/EGR - Chemical Flooding - Fast Tracking EOR Implementation - Field Implementation, Surface Facilities and HSE Challenges - Gas Pressure Maintenance - Gas Injection / CO2 Flooding - Miscible Methods - Near Well Bore IOR - New Techniques - Sweep Improvement and Profile Modification - Thermal Methods - Waterflooding 12. Knowledge Management - Collaborative Environment - Corporate Knowledge Retention and Monetisation - Data Acquisition - Data Management - Global Best Practice: Effective IT - Knowledge Sharing - Remote Monitoring/ Witnessing - Telemetry - Value of Data Management 13. Onshore/Offshore Support - EPC Capability & Capacity - Offshore Support Vessels - Pipelaying Capability & Fleet Capacity - Rig Fleet Management - Rig Capability & Fleet Capacity 14. Reservoir Characterisation - 4D Seismic - Advanced Reservoir Geomechanics - By Passed Pay - Fluid Properties - Formation Evaluation - Geomechanics - Geostatistics - Laboratory to Simulator - Open Hole and Cased Hole Logging - Petrophysics - Phase Behaviour - Relative Permeability - Residual Oil and Gas Saturations - Sedimentology and Depositional Modelling - Seismic Technology - Thin Bedded and Low Resistivity Reservoirs - Well Diagnostic - Welltesting and Pressure Transient Analysis 15. Simulation, Artificial Intelligence & Modeling - Assisted History Matching - Model Conditioning - Network Modeling - Numerical Simulation - Stream-tube Modeling - Up-Scaling 16. Surface and Sub-surface Integration and Optimisation - Automated Field Optimisation - Dynamic Appraisal - Front End Evaluation - Integrated Asset Development - Integrated Production Model - Multidisciplinary Field Development - Parallel Appraisal/Development - Phased Developments - Real-Time Data - Reducing Cycling Time - Reservoir/Asset Management - Simulation & Forecasting 17. Unconventional Resources - Coal Seam Gas - Coal Bed Methane - Formation Testing - Gas Hydrates - Geothermal - Heavy Oil - Hydraulic Fracturing - Liquids from Coal - Oil / Gas Shale - Tight Gas/Oil - Underground Coal Gasification - Unconventional Field Development Conference Chairperson Diana Hoff Santos Ltd. Technical Programme Committee Chairperson Tony Lake Beach Energy Ltd. Conduct Committee Chairperson Helena Wu Santos Ltd. TECHNICAL PROGRAMME COMMITTEE MEMBERS Arif Azhan Abdul Manap PETRONAS Research Sdn. Bhd. Saifon Daungkaew Schlumberger Overseas, SA Jeremy Meyer Ikon Science Laurent Alessio LEAP Energy Brian Davidson StrataGen Engineering Shige Miyazaki Independent Guy Allison U. New South Wales Paolo Gavioli Baker Hughes Eamonn Montague Santos Ltd. Ferry Anantokusumo BP Berau Carl Greenstreet Santos Ltd. Arvo Nagel Origin Energy Ltd. Leslie Armentrout Hess Corp. Abdolrahim Ataei PETRONAS Mathew Barley Santos Ltd. Steve Begg U. of Adelaide Peter Behrenbruch Bear and Brook Consulting Pty. Ltd. Jan Bon Santos Ltd. Keith Boyle Chevron Thomas Burger ExxonMobil Graham Bunn Origin Energy David Capon Beach Energy Pradyumna Rai Chaliha RPS Energy Kerati Charnvit M-I SWACO Bruce Gunn RISC Pty. Ltd. Henricus Herwin Total Stephen Henzell WorleyParsons Md Mofazzal Hossain Curtin U. Andy Ion INPEX Browse Ltd. Mark Jackson BHP Billiton Petroleum Ray Johnson Armour Energy Ltd. Zis Katelis Gaffney, Cline & Associates David Kersey Saudi Aramco Steve Laking Environmental Resources Management Kosmos Lavergne PT. Pandu Selamat Utama Liu He RIPED of CNPC Mathhew Loth Schlumberger Oilfield Services Farah Sabryna Nasarudin Baker Hughes Dean Norcross Weatherford Jaime Moreno Ortiz Schlumberger Guillaume Plessis NOV Grant Prideco Khalil Rahman Baker Hughes D.M. Anwar Raja Ibrahim PetroMalaysia Sdn. Bhd. Mike Robinson FMC Technologies Hank Rogers Halliburton Pashupati Sah Calsep A/S Sandeep Sharma Carbon Projects Pty. Ltd. Simon Smith Origin Energy Robyn Tamke Apache Energy Ltd. Simon Chipperfield Santos Ltd. Camverra Jose Maliamauv Landmark – Halliburton Salim Taoutaou Schlumberger Yildiray Cinar The U. of New South Wales Dipak Mandal PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. Raj Tewari PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. David Collecott Weatherford Andrew Marron OMV E&P GmbH Paul Worthington Gaffney, Cline & Associates Elie Daher United Safety Cholid Mas Schlumberger Xiong Chunming RIPED of CNPC SUBMIT YOUR PAPER PROPOSALS at www.spe.org/events/apogce/2014 SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 10 FEBRUARY 2014 Scan this code for more information or contact: klprog@spe.org / 60.3.2182.3000
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