NATO Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence

NATO Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence
Capability Group (JCBRND CDG) Meets in Conjunction with
the FUTURE FORCES Exhibition & Conference
15 - 17 October 2014 Prague, Czech Republic
We are excited to announce that the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic together with the 11 edition
of FUTURE FORCES 2014 (FF14) will host the official meeting of the NATO JCBRND CDG this October in Prague.
Close cooperation between the Czech MoD and FUTURE FORCES 2014 in pursuance of hosting the working
group meeting gives our exhibitors the outstanding opportunity to meet the decision makers from leading
NATO and cooperating countries in CBRN defence.
The Open NATO CBRN Workshop will provide a unique forum for the exchange of CBRN information and ideas
among CBRN defence policy makers, doctrine thinkers, incident responders, technology developers,
acquisition professionals, and the supporting defence industry. This exchange will focus on the better
understanding and increased responsiveness to CBRN user’s needs. Selected speakers from CBRN defence
stakeholder organizations and agencies worldwide will discuss current issues and future direction. The
exhibition will showcase the broad array of CBRN defence equipment and technologies.
Who Will Meet at FUTURE FORCES? Over 400 Experts and VIPs Already Involved!
CBRN defence policy makers, doctrine thinkers, incident responders, technology developers,
acquisition professionals, and the supporting defence industry
NATO LCG DSS (Land Capability Group on Dismounted Soldier Systems) members
NATO Support Agency (NSPA) Personal Combat Equipment User Group (PCEUG)
European Defence Agency (EDA) Combat Equipment for Dismounted Soldier - Feasibility Study
Programme (CEDS-FSP)
NATO JCGISR CCDO (Joint Capability Group on Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)
Sub-group on Camouflage, Concealment, Deception & Denial, Obscurants members
MLCC (Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre) members
VIP DELEGATES - Officially invited ministerial delegations from 50+ countries
VIP DELEGATES - Officially invited delegations from international organisations, such as Director
General NATO ASG, Director General NOR, Director General NOS, Director General NCIA, Director
General of the Enterprise and Industry Directorate General of the European Commission a Director
Capabilities EDA, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Chairman of the EU Military Committee,
SACT, SACEUR, NATICK, DARPA, TARDEC, TACOM, Military Health Institute, etc.
Over 7,000 professional visitors
Where & When Will the Experts Meet with Industry?
FUTURE FORCES Exhibition & Conference, PVA EXPO PRAGUE
15 - 17 October 2014
Open NATO CBRN Workshop
Specialised two-day accompanying event for CBRN defence experts, industry leaders and R&D
16 - 17 October 2014, PVA EXPO PRAGUE within FUTURE FORCES Exhibition & Conference
Call for Papers is available to download as PDF file here
The aim of the workshop is to raise an awareness and participation of the diverse joint, interagency,
intergovernmental, multinational industry, and academia interest of the CBRN defence community, to promote
greater participation in global CBRN defence dialogue and ultimately leverage CBRN community to provide the
best support possible to current operations and soldiers.
The workshop is divided into four thematic sessions, enabling to discuss the future threats related to the
continuing WMD and technologies proliferation, identify the core capabilities that need to be maintained or
newly built in effective response to these threats, as well as the current challenges in CBRN related R&D and
requirements for contemporary CBRND equipment necessary for next generation battlefield in a
technologically advanced era.
The Open NATO CBRN Workshop is organised in close cooperation and with active participation of leading
representatives of the:
 NATO JCBRND CDG (Joint CBRN Defence Capability Development Group);
 United Nations;
 German Bundeswehr Research Institute for Protective Technologies and NBC Protection (WIS);
 NATO Science & Technology Organisation;
 NATO WMD Centre;
 NATO NBC Policy Branch;
 and other relevant stakeholders in the CBRN field worldwide.
List of Speakers and Distinguished Guests
Col. Jiri Gajdos, Director, JCBRN Defence Centre of Excellence, NATO
Col. Karel Huleja, MSc., Chief of the Chemical Corps, Armed Forces, CZE
Brig. Gen. J. B. Burton, Commander, 20th Support Command (CBRNE), USA
Brig. Gen. Rtd. Ioannis (John) Galatas, MD, MA (Terr), MC (Army), Consultant in Allergology & Clinical Immunology, VC
Greek Intelligence Studies’ Association (GISA), GRE
Brig. Gen. Maria R Gervais, Commandant, CBRND School, USA
Dr. Alexander Grabowski, Head, Decontamination and Water Purification Department (ABC-Schutz), DEU
Prof., Col. GS Jan Österreicher, MD, Ph.D., Director, Military Health Institute, CZE
Lt. Col. Jaroslav Bartoš, NATO JCBRND-CDG Member, 314th Weapons of Mass Destruction Warning Centre, CZE
Mr. Radomír Mikeš, MSc., Live Agent Training Co-ordinator, Military Research Institute, CZE
Ms. Rebecca K.C. Hersman, Principal Director, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Countering WMD, Office of
the Under Secretary of Defense, USA
Prof. Ĺke Sellström, UN Mission Chief Team Leader, European CBRNE Centre, EU
Dr. Maurizio Barbeschi, Team Leader/WHO Component, World Health Organization, UN
Mr. Scott Cairns, Team Leader/OPCW Component, OPCW/TS, UN
Mr. Khammar Mrabit, Director, Office of Nuclear Security, International Atomic Energy Agency
Dr. Raymond A. Zilinskas, C&B Non-proliferation Programme Director, James Martin Center for Non-proliferation
Studies, USA
Mr. Gerlof de Wilde, Research & Technology Directorate, European Defence Agency, EU
Mr. Stephen Donnelly, Technical Adviser/NRBC Operational Response, International Committee of the Red Cross
Prof. Dr. Anthony T. Tu, Emeritus Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Colorado State
University Fort Collins, USA
Mr. Wolfgang Rudishhauser, Head of NATO WMD No-proliferation Centre, NATO HQ
Mr. David Lavers, Director, CBRN Directorate, Australian Government/Department of Defence/CBRN Directorate, AUS
Prof. Meir Oren, MD, Director General, Hillel Yaffe Medical Centre, ISR
Col. Joel Lim Hock Heng, CBRE Defence Group Head, HQ CBRE Defence Group, SGP
Mr. William Lippert, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, INTERPOL General Secretariat
Mr. Mitchell Stern, Supervisory Special Agent, WMD Directorate, FBI HQ, USA
Dr. A. Louvet, Deputy Director, Technical Directorate DGA CBRN Defence, FRA
and others
Topics for Discussion and Company Presentations
The Open NATO CBRN Workshop is a two-day professional workshop divided into four thematic sessions:
Session A
Security Policy Aspects in CBRND
 Current WMD Proliferation Threats
 Illicit Technology Proliferation
 Terrorism
 Piracy
 Organized Crime
 Lesson Learnt from the Investigation of Alleged Use of CWA in Syria
 Current Problems with Syrians’ CWA Stockpiles Disposal
Session B
CBRND Capabilities
 Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities
 WMD Disablement (CBRN Render-Safe)
 CBRN Reach-back and Information Sharing
 W&R System and CBRN Hazard Prediction
 CBRN Medical Readiness and Countermeasures
 Civil-Military Cooperation
 Civil-Emergency Planning
 International and Interagency Cooperation
Session C
CBRN Protection – National Concepts
 National Concepts and Approaches to CBRND
 CBRN Training and Simulation
 Experience from CBRN Support to HVE’s
 CBRN Lessons Learned from OEF (Iraq, Afghanistan)
 Experience from OEF-HOA
Session D
Research & Development/Industry
 CBRN Defence Equipment Acquisition Outlook
 CBRN Technology Development Highlights
 Trends and Challenges in CBRN-related R&D
 Trends and Challenges in CBRN Defence Market
Altogether with the Open NATO CBRN Workshop, other three thematically interrelated events will take place
simultaneously, namely:
Open NATO Future Soldier Workshop
Unmanned Systems Workshop
Capable Logistician Workshop
This fact enables the speakers and exhibitors to take the different event’s floor, as well as the participants to
pick the most topical issues.
Individual Expositions; Beneficial Packages; Joint Association and National Pavilions
The prices for exhibit space start at 163 EUR per square meter only!
Equipped exhibition stand with additional services starts at 2,500 EUR only!
We are ready to offer you also favourable prices for combined participation in the exhibition and Workshop.
WORKSHOP INDUSTRY SLOT (Company Presentation or Live Demonstration)
1,500 € / 20 min.; Non-exhibitors: 3,000 € / 20 min.
Admission Fee: 225 € (exhibitors, speakers, partners, VIPs and distinguished guests free of charge)
2,200 €
Main Partner: 3,400 €
General Partner: 6,600 €
Exhibition Partnership
Partner, Main Partner, General Partner
REGISTER NOW! Don’t miss it, the number of exhibit spaces and workshop slots/tickets is limited.
Exhibition registration
Workshop registration
Patronage and Support
President of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Defence (CZE)
Chief of the General Staff (CZE)
Permanent Delegation to NATO (CZE)
Military Research Institute (CZE)
University of Defence (CZE)
Ministry of Interior (CZE)
Police Academy (CZE)
Defence & Security Industry Association (CZE)
NATO JCBRND Centre of Excellence
NATO CCIEP Working Group
European Defence Agency (EU)
and other authorities
Please talk to us about your requirements and we will endeavour to provide you with the facilities you need.
For more information about FUTURE FORCES 2014 please visit our website, see the
event presentation in PDF or contact our Team.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in October to Prague, the UNESCO World Heritage Site!