C chemical B R radiological biological N nuclear rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities 3 Programme Under the auspices of: (subject to change) Supported by: Gold-Sponsors: An Event of the German Association for Defence Technology – Centre for Studies and Conferences (SGW) Silver-Sponsors: under the auspices of the 19th - 21st October 2015 Maritim proArte Hotel Friedrichstraße 151 10117 Berlin, Germany Federal Ministry of Defence supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior Association of the German Army Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command Status: 27th March 2015 Conference language: English 2010 2012 2015 2018 2021 Bronze-Sponsors: Media Partners Organised by: www.cbrn-symposium.com With support of C B R 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities N Conference Ratio / Call for Papers 2015 Conference Ratio Key Facts The increased occurrence of natural CBRN hazardous substances, potential threats arising from industrial infrastructures, and the use of CBRN weapons (weapons of mass destruction/warfare agents) and CBRN hazardous substances used by both governmental and non-governmental actors are the main categories of CBRN threats. Up to 1.000 visitors 2 days main programme 4 plenary sessions 13+ panel sessions, 12+ poster sessions 2 poster sessions Wide spectrum of information These CBRN categories demand the development of a modern CBRN defence as part of a country’s overall defence and security system. These threat categories have in part been created and intensified through globalization and the (inter-) networking of all countries and societies. It coincides with a worldwide transfer of knowledge that knows no boundaries, also in areas of sensitive technologies. Threats that arise from proliferation also have decisive impact on the development of CBRN defence capabilities. 70+ international speakers Free of charge for authorities Large exhibition area Static & dynamic demonstration The adjustment of national and international CBRN defence capabilities to such conditions and threat categories must apply to every day hazard- and incidents situations, as well as to scenarios and situations of national importance, and within the deployment areas of the Armed Forces. Overall, the handling of situations caused by chemical, biological and radiological and nuclear hazards, up to damage caused by nuclear weapons, requires extremely sophisticated, often multidisciplinary procedures, not only within crisis management and command organizations, but also within civilian and military operational organizations. The goal of the CBRN defence is to secure the best possible protection of the respective population as well as the civilian and military mission personnel against the impact and effect of natural and anthropogenic CBRN hazards. This requires the cooperation of all authorities involved in national security planning for the prevention (avoidance) and provision (preparedness) and managing (response/ recovery) of CBRN hazards and incidents. CBRN hazards are a global danger, which must be dealt with in a common, internationally responsible manner. Furthermore, an efficient CBRN defence for all countries requires close cooperation of all involved departments as well as non-governmental organizations, within the framework of the respective national defence and security system. This is necessary; firstly, to be able to jointly develop crucial capabilities in a goal oriented approach, and secondly, to enable appropriate joint operations should this become necessary, depending on the scenario. This fundamental approach of an overarching cooperation between political leaders, ministries, administrations, research and teaching, the industry and not least the media in a national and international scale will guide us through the upcoming Symposium. Political and strategic topics will be discussed in the plenum, procedural and operative issues will be discussed in the expert panels. What you can expect from the 2015 Symposium Up to 1.000 guests from about 50 nations will attend the 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities, held in the Hotel Maritim proArte in Berlin October 20 th to October 22nd, 2015. This high-ranking international meeting is organised by the German Association for Defence Technology – Centre of Studies and Conferences and is under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Defence, supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, the Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command and the Association of the German Army. www.cbrn-symposium.com Supported by two German Federal Ministries and one Federal Office Topics - Evaluation/ Prognosis/ Consultation - Detection, Identification, Monitoring (BIO) - Integrated CBRN detection solutions - Detection, Identification, Monitoring (CHEM) - Medical CBRN Countermeasures and Support - Detection, Identification, Monitoring (RAD/NUC) - Individual and Collective Protection - Detection, Identification, Monitoring - Risk Analysis / Risk Assessment / Scenarios FORENSICS - Decontamination and Disinfection - Education, Training and Exercises - Protection and Disinfection in Epidemics – Procedures and Equipment Organizational Committee Colonel Hans-Christian Hettfleisch, MoD Lieutenant Colonel Frank Kämper, MoD Dr. Iris Gnedler, MoI Dr. Karsten Michael, Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) Dr. Karin Braun, BBK Dr. Dorothee Friedrich, BBK Colonel (ret.) Hans-Peter Weinheimer, BBK Colonel Henry Neumann, Commander, Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command Colonel Fabian Bosse, Deputy Commander, Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command Lieutenant Colonel Bernd Allert, Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command Hans Jakob Baum, Chair of CBRN Working Group, Association of the German Army (FKH) Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Wolf Rauchalles, German Association for Defence Technology (DWT) Stephan Brüss, German Association for Defence Technology 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities Programme on Monday, 19 October 2015 | Static and Dynamic Demonstration | Icebreaker-Reception Icebreaker at the 2nd Symposium 2012 Monday, 19 October 2015 Hotel Maritim pro Arte, 450 Attendees @ Ice-Breaker 12:30 Bus-Transfers from Hotel Maritim proArte to Julius-Leber-Barracks (Busses depart from Station “Unter den Linden”, 50 Meters from the Hotel) Individual Transfer only for DEU Forces, please use the Bus-Shuttles from the Hotel 13:30 Dynamic & Static Demonstration 1st www.cbrn-symposium.com CBRN Defence Capabilities by Bundeswehr (German) CBRN Capabilities in Civil Protection CBRN Defence Industry 18:00 Pre-Event Reception Icebreaker at the Officers Club Julius-Leber-Barracks 18:15 Welcome Notes 21:00 Reception ends 21:15 Bus Transfers from the Julius-Leber-Barracks to Bus-Station “Unter den Linden” C B R 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities N Programme on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 | 1st Conference Day | Main Programme Tuesday, 20 October 2015 07:30 Registration opens 08:00 Opening of the Exhibition Welcome Coffee, Dialogue with the Exhibitors 08:45 Opening of the Conference Major General (ret.) Wolfgang Döring, Managing Director of DWT, DEU Colonel Hans-Christian Hettfleisch, Conference Chair, MoD, DEU 09:00 Key Note Politics Dr. Katrin Suder, State Secretary, MoD, DEU 09:20 Political Opening Session Introduction in the Conference Vice Admiral Heinrich Lange, Director Forces Policy FüSK, MoD, DEU Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction – an Indispensable Essential for the Security of Nations (working title) Ms. Virginia Gamba Director and Deputy to the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, UNODA Session 1: Chemical Threats 13:30 13:40 14:00 14:20 Session 2: Epidemics 14:40 14:50 15:10 15:30 The Future of Weapons of Mass Destruction John P. Caves Jr., Deputy Director, WMDC, National Defence University, USA The Importance of Multilateral Cooperation in Preventing CBRN Attacks and Incidents Dr. Oliver Meier, International Security Division, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), DEU Capability driven collaboration - Exploiting synergies Sebastian Meyer-Plath, President Bruker Detection Division 11:00 Discussion Round (Topic tbd) Chair: Speakers: Dr. Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary General, NATO Vice Admiral Heinrich Lange, Director Forces Policy FüSK, MoD Ms. Virginia Gamba, Director and Deputy to HR UNODA John P. Caves Jr., Deputy Director, WMDC/NDU Dr. Oliver Meier, German Institute for International and Security Affairs 11:45 Luncheon / Dialogue with the Exhibitors www.cbrn-symposium.com Chair and Introduction: Peter Andreas Beerwerth, Federal Foreign Office, DEU The Global Threat of Chemical Weapons Ahmet Üzümcü, Director General, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (invited) The Political Planning Process for Rapid International Interventions Rebecca Hersman, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, USA Experiences from Operation RECSYR Commander John G. Refsnes, Norwegian Navy, NOR 15:50 16:10 Chair and Introduction: Surgeon General Dr. Norbert Weller, Medical Academy of the Bundeswehr, DEU The Global Risk of Epidemics Dr. Maurizio Barbeschi, GCR Department, World Health Organisation, WHO Lessons Learned from the EBOLA Epidemic N.N., ICRC (invited) The Use of the Mobile Laboratory Units in Support of the Ebola Outbreak Response in West Africa LtCol MC Dr. Roman Wölfel, Medical Academy of the Bundeswehr, DEU Biological Outbreaks: Containment and Consequence Management Dr. Stefano Miorotti, Cristanini, ITA Coffee Break / Dialogue with the Exhibitors Poster Sessions from 16:15-16:55 during Coffee Break 17:00 Parallel Panel Sessions 1-7 Panel 1: Detection, Identification, Monitoring (CHEM) Panel 2: Detection, Identification, Monitoring (FORENSICS) Panel 3: Medical CBRN-Countermeasures and Support Panel 4: Protection and Disinfection in Epidemics Panel 5: Evaluation / Prognosis / Consultation Panel 6: Integrated CBRN Detection Solutions Panel 7: 18:50 19:00 22:00 Panel organised by Gold-Sponsors 2015 Continuation of the Dialogue at the Evening Reception Speech: N.N. End of day one 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities Programme on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 | 2nd Conference Day | Main Programme Wednesday, 21 October 2015 07:30 08:00 Registration opens Opening of the Exhibition Welcome Coffee, Dialogue with the Exhibitors 08:30 Introduction Day two and Chair Session 3 Colonel Hans-Christian Hettfleisch, German MoD, Conference Chair Wednesday, 21 October 2015 Session 4: The way ahead in Europe 14:00 Chair and Introduction: Colonel Hans-Christian Hettfleisch, MoD, DEU and Dr. Iris Gnedler, MoI, DEU 14:10 CBRNE Action Plan N.N., DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Union (invited) 14:30 Horizon 2020+ Dr. Said Abousahl, European Commission - JRC 14:50 CBRN Capability Development Colonel Henry Neumann, Commander, Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command 15:10 Medical CBRN Defence Capabilities of the Bundeswehr Medical Services Colonel, MD Prof. Dr. Viktor Meineke, Medical Academy of the Bundeswehr, DEU 15:30 The Civil Emergency Planning Group CEPG NN, NATO HQ - IS / ASG OPS (invited) 15:50 EU Parliament Political Considerations Ms. Anna Elzbieta Fotyga, Chair Subcommittee on Security and Defence, European Parliament (to be invited) 16:10 Conclusions and Closing Remarks Colonel Hans-Christian Hettfleisch, Conference Chair, MoD MajorGeneral (ret.) Wolfgang Döring Managing Director of DWT 16:20 End of Conference Session 3: Nuclear and Radiological Threats 08:40 3: 08:50 09:10 09:30 09:50 10:10 10:30 Chair and Introduction: Wolfgang Rudischhauser, Director WMDC NATO HQ – IS/ESC A: Nuclear Terrorism Political Assessment of the Threat Giorgio Franceschini, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), DEU Experiences from a Reference Scenario Dr. Mario Burger, Labor Spiez, Switzerland, CHE B: Fukushima Daiitschi – Assessment of a Nuclear Disaster Experiences and Conclusions Colonel Shinji Iwakuma, Vice Superintendent Chemical School, JGSDF, JPN Experiences and Conclusions from a National Point of View Dr. rer. nat. Horst Miska, Chairman of the Commission on Civil Protection of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, DEU The future of CBRN Defence - A system integrator's point of view Dr. Bernhard-Christoph Halstrup, Rheinmetall, DEU Coffee Break / Dialogue with the Exhibitors Panel 7: Public industrial co-operation - a view from industry Poster Sessions from 10:35-11:00 during Coffee Break 11:10 12:50 Parallel Panel Sessions 8-13 Panel 8: Detection, Identification, Monitoring (RAD NUC) Panel 9: Detection, Identification, Monitoring (BIO) Panel 10: Decontamination and Disinfection Panel 11: Individual and Collective Protection Panel 12: Risk Analysis / Risk Assessment / Scenarios Panel 13: Education and Training 18:25 Chairperson: LtC (ret.) Wolfgang Widders Introduction by the Chairperson Mobile, compact and reliable CBRN decontamination systems for different scenarios Dr. Patrick Marcus, Kärcher Futuretech GmbH Protected airmobile CBRN defense Dipl. Ing. Rainer Lutz, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH&Co. KG A comprehensive approach to Warning & Reporting for CBRN incidents Informatiker Holger Effertz, Technisch-Mathematische Studiengesellschaft mbH Discussion / Q&A 18:50 Continuation of the Main Programme 17:00 17:10 17:35 18:00 Luncheon / Dialogue with Exhibitors www.cbrn-symposium.com C B R 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities N Programme Structure on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 | 1st Conference Day | Panel Sessions Panel 1: Detection, Identification, Monitoring (CHEM) 17:00 17:10 17:30 17:50 18:10 Chairperson: Introduction by the Chairperson Revolutionizing the traditional way of chemical agent decontamination with chemical agent disclosure spray and next generation enzymatic decontamination Markus Erbeldinger, Ph.D., FLIR Systems, Inc., USA Application of an IR standoff detector for estimating surface contamination Thomas Wolf, WIS, DEU Rugged, Handheld Mass Spectrometry for Priority CWA and TIC Detection Dr. Christopher Brown, 908 Devices Inc., USA Surveillance of Chemical Threats by Combining Active and Passive Standoff Detection Systems Frank Wilsenack, WIS, DEU Panel 2: Detection, Identification, Monitoring - (FORENSICS) Chairperson: Panel 3: Medical CBRN Countermeasures and Support Chairperson: 17:00 Introduction by the Chairperson 17:00 Introduction by the Chairperson 17:10 CRBN Mixed Samples - Safe Handling and Preparation Bärbel Niederwöhrmeier; WIS, DEU 17:30 Hair External Contamination as a Tool for Detection of Individual Contamination after Vapour Exposure to Chemical Warfare Agents Simulants Marie Spiandore, Laboratoire de Chimie de l’Environnement, FRA 17:50 C-IED/CBRN Exploitation: Procedures for Sampling of Potentially Contaminated Forensic Samples Günter Povoden, BMLVS AT NBC Defence School, AUT 18:10 Experience of Medical Forensics in Poisoning Cases and Possible Relevance for CBW Investigative Mechanisms Dr. John Hart, SIPRI, SWE Dr. Sadik Toprak, University of Zonguldak, TUR 17:10 Forensic Analysis of Protein Adducts in Plasma as Prove of Exposure to Nerve Agents and Sulphur Mustard: Capabilities of the German Medical Chemical Defence Program PD Dr. rer. nat. Harald John, Bundeswehr Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, DEU 17:30 Medical Management of CBRN Casualties from Role 1 to Role 2: a French Perspective Colonel MD Prof. Frederic Dorandeu; IRBA, FRA 17:50 A Novel Device for Preventing Acute Radiation Syndrome and Reducing Cumulative Marrow Dose Oren Milstein PhD, StemRad Ltd., ISR 18:10 Assessment of Radiation Induced Individual Health Injuries and Prognostic Clinical Evaluation using Integrative “Dosimetry” Strategies Colonel MD Matthias Port, Bundeswehr Institute for Radiobiology, DEU 18:30 Discussion / Q&A 18:30 Discussion / Q&A 18:50 Continuation of the Main Programme 18:50 Continuation of the Main Programme 18:30 Discussion / Q&A 18:50 Continuation of the Main Programme Panel 4: Protection and Disinfection in Epidemics Procedures and Equipment Chairperson: 17:00 Introduction by the Chairperson 17:10 Development and Production of a Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) for the Rapid Detection of Ebola Zaire Virus (ZEBOV) under Field Conditions Eva Felder, Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology, DEU 17:30 GIS-Use Cases in Epidemic Situations Thomas Hoffmann, ESRI Deutschland GmbH, DEU 17:50 The Challenge of Purifying Extremely CBRN-Contaminated Raw Waters – Water Purification System ‘WAA Dekon’ of the German Armed Forces N.N., Kärcher Futuretech, DEU 18:10 Room and equipment decontamination using H202 vapour (HPV technology) N.N., Bundeswehr Hospital Hamburg, DEU 18:30 Discussion / Q&A 18:50 Continuation of the Main Programme www.cbrn-symposium.com Panel 5: Evaluation/ Prognosis/ Consultation Chairperson: 17:00 Introduction by the Chairperson 17:10 Space perspectives and possible tools in support of CBRN issues in local and global scale Prof. Amnon Ginati, ESA 17:30 The use of standards and Web Services for CBRN Information Management Eric Juel Ellinghaus, Bruhn NewTech / ESG, DEU 17:50 Applied Knowledge Management in the JCBRN Defence COE – Organizational measures, Semantic Web Technologies and Visualization Tools for a constructive CBRN-KM. Captain Dietmar Trees, JCBRN Defence COE, CZE 18:10 Topic to be determined N.N., N.N. 18:30 Discussion / Q&A 18:50 Continuation of the Main Programme Panel 6: Integrated CBRN Detection Solutions Chairperson: 17:00 17:10 17:30 17:50 18:10 18:30 Introduction by the Chairperson Biological Reconnaissance within the Constraints of both Analytical Requirements and Legal Limitations Dr. Hermann Dreyer, Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles, DEU Approach to a Total CBRN Commitment Peter Wahlin, Saab, SWE CBRN Detection Using UGV N.N., Cobham Mission Equipment - Unmanned Systems, DEU CBRN Reconnaissance – a Dual Use Capability Alexander Müller, Bruker Daltonik GmbH, DEU Discussion / Q&A 18:50 Continuation of the Main Programme 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities Programme Structure on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 | 2nd Conference Day | Panel Sessions Panel 8: Detection, Identification, Monitoring (RAD/NUC) Panel 9: Detection, Identification, Monitoring (BIO) Chairperson: Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstock, Fhg INT Chairperson: Dr. Bärbel Niederwöhrmeier, WIS 11:10 Introduction by the Chairperson 11:20 Recent R&D advances in modelling and decision support systems at CEA – Examples of use in the framework of CBRN-E exercises Patrick ARMAND, PhD, CEA, FRA 11:40 Car-borne measurements of radioactive material Monika Risse, Fraunhofer Institute INT, DEU 12:00 LLR Mobile Detection Systems for Gammas and Neutrons with Training/Simulation capabilities using realistic scenarios Dr. Jürgen Böttcher, Thermo Fischer, DEU 12:20 Topic to be determined N.N., N.N. 11:10 Introduction by the Chairperson 11:20 Field Based Multiplex Detection of Biothreat Agents Christopher Pöhlmann, Bruker Daltonik GmbH, DEU 11:40 Rapid, Reliable and Easy On-Site Identification of Biological Threats Dr. Sebastian Ziewer-Arndts, analyticon instruments gmbh, DEU 12:00 Rapid and Easy Detection of Biowarfare Agents - A Field Exercise Dr. Sybille Pagel-Wieder, miprolab GmbH, DEU 12:20 Hyperspectral Laser Induced Fluorescence as a Method for Standoff Detection and Classification of Biological Hazardous Materials Anita Hausmann, DLR, DEU 12:40 Discussion / Q&A 12:40 Discussion / Q&A 12:50 Luncheon / Dialogue with Exhibitors 12:50 Luncheon / Dialogue with Exhibitors 14:00 Continuation of the Main Programme 14:00 Continuation of the Main Programme Panel 10: Decontamination and Disinfection Chairperson: 11:10 Introduction by the Chairperson 11:20 Use of Chlorine Oxidants and Butyldiglycol for Decontamination of Skin, Equipment and Vehicles OFAp Dr. Martin Weber, ZI SanDstBw Munster, DEU 11:40 Vacuum Decontamination Chamber - The next Generation N.N., Kärcher Futuretech, DEU 12:00 Gaseous Hydrogen Peroxide Gassing - The Solution for the Inactivation of Fungi and their Spores Inside of Military Vehicles and Tanks Udo J. Werner, MBS MaschinenBeratungsService, DEU 12:20 Tailored Systems and Solutions: Decontamination and Disinfection in Military and Civil Scenarios - Challenges and Developments Thilo Schuppler, OWR, DEU 12:40 Discussion / Q&A 12:50 Luncheon / Dialogue with Exhibitors 14:00 Continuation of the Main Programme Panel 11: Individual and Collective Protection Panel 12: Risk Analysis / Risk Assessment / Scenarios Chairperson: Chairperson: 11:10 Introduction by the Chairperson 11:20 Comprehensive Air Treatment - A Decisive Requirement for Future Collective Protection Systems (COLPRO) N.N., Beth-El Industries, ISR 11:40 Solar Light Activated Photocatalysts and Functionalized Textiles for Self decontamination Individual Protection Against Toxic Agents - ”Safe Coat” Jan Voigt, WIS, DEU 12:00 Physical Protection for Pilots with NBC-Tasks Dr. Oliver Burkhardt, Autoflug GmbH, DEU 12:20 Topic to be determined N.N., N.N. 11:10 Introduction by the Chairperson 11:20 Synthetic Biology - The next “Dual Use” Risk Dr. rer. nat. Annika Vergin, Bundeswehr Planning Office, DEU 11:40 Fostering Biosafety and Biosecurity in a Changing World: The Toolbox Approach of the German Partnership Program for Excellence in Biological and Health Security Joachim von Bonin, GIZ, DEU 12:00 Critical Infrastructure Protection and CBRN – The Forgotten Dimension? Martin Neujahr, Bruker Daltonik GmbH, DEU 12:20 Topic to be determined N.N., N.N. 12:40 Discussion / Q&A 12:40 Discussion / Q&A 12:50 Luncheon / Dialogue with Exhibitors 12:50 Luncheon / Dialogue with Exhibitors 14:00 Continuation of the Main Programme 14:00 Continuation of the Main Programme www.cbrn-symposium.com Panel 13: Education, Training and Exercices Chairperson: 11:10 Introduction by the Chairperson 11:20 Threat Identification and Emergency Response to CBRN Emergencies: TIER Ahmadreza Djalali, CRIMEDIM, FRA 11:40 Competence-based Training: With Simulation to Success! Dr. Uwe Katzky, szenaris GmbH, DEU 12:00 Topic to be determined N.N., N.N. 12:20 Topic to be determined N.N., N.N. 12:40 Discussion / Q&A 12:50 Luncheon / Dialogue with Exhibitors 14:00 Continuation of the Main Programme C B R 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities N Poster Sessions All Posters will be presented on both conference days P1 Identification of Biological Warfare Agents as Contaminants in Spices and Herbs Myriam Kruse, Sylvia Schirmer, Bärbel Niederwöhrmeier, WIS, DEU P2 On Site Detection of Chemical Contamination on Surfaces via HAPSITE® by Combining SIM with Provisional Swipe Analysis Captain Gerald Bauer, MSc, BMLVS AT NBC Defence School, AUT P3 Direct Mass Spectrometric Laboratory Analyses of Low-Volatile Compounds Björn Klein, Dr. Vanessa Kunde, WIS, DEU P4 Vapour Pressure Determination of Hazardous Chemical Agents by Simultaneous Thermal Analysis Dr. Arne Ficks, Dr. Martin Jung, WIS, DEU P5 A High Performance for Life Support in Mission: Potable Water Jeldrik Moritz; WIS, DEU P6 Microemulsions as Adaptable Reaction Media for Decon Agents Dr. Martin Jung, WIS, DEU P7 Analytical Estimation of Shelf Life for Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RDSL®) R.Bogan, B. Klaubert, T. Zimmermann, Bundeswehr Central Medical Service, DEU P8 Detecting Chemical Warfare Agents using the µRAID™ Franziska Lange, Wolfgang Heller, Thomas Elßner, Bruker Daltonik GmbH, DEU P9 Catalytic Oxidation and Pressure Swing Adsorption Friedrich Hesse, Beate Trier, WIS, DEU P10 Solutions for the Next Generation Permeable CBRN Protective Garments Karola Hagner, Friedrich Hesse, David Liebscher, WIS, DEU P11 Zodiac with Mask 2000 and COTS Boots Friedrich Hesse, Beate Trier, Karola Hagner, WIS, DEU P12 Oxidative Decomposition Behaviors of Liquid Chemical Warfare Agents on Substrates by Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor and Additional Ammonia Gas Sam Gon Ryu, Hyun Bae Park; Agency for Defence Development, KOR www.cbrn-symposium.com 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities Floor Plan of the Conference Centre www.cbrn-symposium.com C B R 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities N Conference Venue / Hotel In the middle of Berlin, between the Brandenburg Gate and the Gendarmenmarkt, the Maritim “proArte” is a designer hotel that is waiting to welcome you. Its modern architecture, harmonious design and expressive art create a unique environment. The splendid avenue "Unter den Linden" with its elegant shops is just a stone's throw away. Explore the "genuine" Berlin on foot, with its traditional pubs, fashionable restaurants and cultural highlights. MARITIM proArte is the conference hotel, special rates (10% discount for the current internet-rate for the first 200 rooms) are available for participants. HOTEL BOOKING CODE A booking link is available at www.cbrn-symposium.com HOTEL BOOKING CODE or book your room directly at www.maritim.com => CBRN 15 <= => CBRN 15 <= MARITIM Hotel proArte Friedrichstraße 151 D - 10117 Berlin Friedrichstraße Station Conference Brandenburg Gate www.cbrn-symposium.com Alexanderplatz 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities Exhibition and Sponsoring Options Basic Options Sponsoring Options Mini-Booth / 1.200,- Euro Gold Sponsoring - Exhibition Stand of 1 m² and an advertising column - Stand in the area for small and medium sized companies - Bar table and Barstool included - Free Entry for 1 Member of your Company - Basic Services (see below) Basic-Booth / 2.900,- Euro - Exhibition Booth of 6 m² (3x2 Meters) - Exclusively in this size - Free Entry for 2 Members of your Company - Basic Services (see below) Exhibition Booth / 510,- Euro per m² - Exhibition Booth of your choice - Free Entry for 2 Members of your Company (<10 m²) - Free Entry for 3 Members of your Company (<15 m²) - Free Entry for 4 Members of your Company (<20 m²) - Basic Services (see below) Outdoor Live-Demo / 0,- Euro per m² (Only in combination with a booth in the indoor exhibition) - Exhibition Space in outdoor area (Julius-Leber-Barracks) - Be part of the Bundeswehr Live-Demonstration and present your capabilities on Monday, 19 Oct, 13:30-18:00. - Spaces from 50 - 200 m² available Advertisement in the Conference Magazine - Advertisement in the Conference Magazine (2.500 copies) - 1/1 page 4c: 1.000,- Euro - 1/2 page 4c: 700,- Euro - U4 page 4c: 1.750,- Euro Visitor Information Materials / 500,- Euro - Your information for each visitor of the conference - Give aways / information booklets / ... Stand „Economy“: - Octanorm-System Stand, (printable) walls of 100 x 250 cm - Expo-Rips-Carpet (10 colours available) - Illumination of the Stand - Electricity (up to two 3-socket connections included) - Front banner 200 x 50 cm with your company logo - 20% discount for additional tickets - Booth cleaning at night Silver Sponsoring - Exhibition Booth of 20 m² - Key Note Speech Industry (2nd day, ~ 25 UT minutes) O LD - Speech in a Panel Session (~ 20 SO minutes) - Free Entry for 6 Members of your company Included in all Booking Options Upgrade „Basic“ Stand „Basic“: Bronze Sponsoring / 8.900,- Euro - Services „Economy“ - Communication area (Table + Chairs / Bistro Table + Barstools) - Counter (printable) - Sideboard[s] as needed - Brochure stand[s] as needed - Lockable Storage Area - Expo-Rips or Velour-Carpet (20 colours available) - Exhibition Booth of 12 m² - Speech in a Panel Session (~ 20 minutes) - Free Entry for 4 Members of your company (+speaker) - 1/2 Page Advertisement in the conference Magazine - Sponsoring Services (see below) Lunch/Dinner Sponsor / 15.900,- Euro - Exhibition Booth of 9 m² - Company branding during Lunch/Dinner - Free Entry for 4 Members of your company - 1/2 Page Advertisement in the conference Magazine - Sponsoring Services (see below) Icebreaker Sponsor / 14.900,- Euro - Sponsoring of the official Icebreaker-Reception - Dinner Speech of 10-15 minutes - Exhibition Booth of up to 12 m² - Free Entry for 4 Members of your company (+speaker) - Sponsoring Services (see below) Basic Services Sponsoring Services The Basic Options contain a Basic Booth (Carpet, white Walls) in the “Octanorm-System”, WLAN, Electricity, Booth Cleaning, Security-Charge and your Company Logo and Profile in the Conference Magazine. The Sponsoring Packages contain a Basic Booth (Carpet, white Walls) in the “Octanorm-System”, WLAN, Electricity, Booth Cleaning, your Company Logo and Profile in the Conference Magazine, Security-Charge, Inserts for the Visitor-Information and 20% discount for additional tickets. www.cbrn-symposium.com Included in all Options - Exhibition Booth of 30 m² - Key Note Speech Industry (1st day, ~ 30 T minutes) OU - Your own Panel Session (~ 105 LD O S minutes) - VIPLuncheon with up to 50 guests - Free Entry for 10 Members of your company Surcharge: 80,- Euro / m² Upgrade „Premium“ Stand „Premium“: - Services „Basic“ - Smooth Wood-Construction, ME Stretchframe or Cross-Bar Construction - 20 colours for Carpet, Laminate or Parquet - Presentation Technology (Screen[s], Beamer) - Stand Graphics, Printed Bordures - High-Power-Connection (if required) Surcharge: 180,- Euro / m² Contact for Sponsors and Exhibitors Stephan Brüss, Director Conference Management and Marketing Tel.: +49-228-41098-12, GSM: +49-171-4704799, stephan.bruess@dwt-sgw.de 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities Re-Facs to: +49 228 4 10 98 - 19 / -29 or online at www.cbrn-symposium.com We take part in the „3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities“ as mentioned below. Registration Deadlines: Exhibitors: October 2nd, 2015 / Attendees: October 16th, 2015. Cancellations: Attendees may cancel free of charge until October 8th, 2015. Later cancellations will be fully charged. A substitute attendee can be nominated at any time. The conference rates include access to the main and panel program, the exhibition areas, the Ice-Breaker-Reception, lunch, dinner and refreshments. Industry rates also include the conference summary. Exhibitor Cancellations: until June 1st, 2015: 25% charge / until July 1st, 2015: 50% charge / later than August 3rd, 2015: full charge. The easiest way to register: online at www.cbrn-symposium.com (Free attendees will receive no confirmation of registration if registering by facsimile) Attendees (Please Register Online to Receive a Confirmation) Basic (+80,- € / m²) Premium (+180,- € / m²) Outdoor Exhibition at Julius-Leber-Barracks on Oct 19 Outdoor Exhibition 0,00 Euro Attendees Exhibitors / Sponsors Exhibitors and Sponsors Indoor Exhibition at Hotel Maritim on October 20/21 Booth of _____ m² 510,00 Euro per m² Mini-Booth 1.200,00 Euro Basic-Booth 2.900,00 Euro Bronze Sponsoring 8.900,00 Euro Icebreaker Sponsor 14.900,00 Euro Lunch Sponsor 15.900,00 Euro Dinner Sponsor 15.900,00 Euro Silver Sponsoring 17.900,00 Euro Gold Sponsoring 38.900,00 Euro Free attendance (0,00 €) Options for Research and Industry Rate includes Attendance at Main- & Panel Programme Rates include Attendance at Main- & Panel Programme, Ice-Breaker, Luncheon and Dinner, Drinks & Refreshments, Conference Summary on CD Armed Forces, Police, Parliament Authorities, Diplomatic, Press Research, Universities, Students, others 250,00 Euro Industry both days 985,00 Euro Industry 1st day only Industry 2nd day only Conference CD (not attending) 585,00 Euro Monday, 19 October, 2015 Dynamic Demonstration Bus Hotel => Barracks Ice-Breaker Reception Bus Barracks => Hotel 485,00 Euro Tuesday, 20 October, 2015 90,00 Euro Optional for Free Attendance Main Programme Catering-Package, all Caterings 42,02 € Panel 1 Panel 2 Conference Summary CD 40,00 € Discounted Rates Research & Industry Panel 3 Exhibitor included ticket -100% Panel 4 Exhibitor additional ticket -20% Panel 5 Speaker in the Conference Programme -50% Panel 6 Panel 7 All prices subject to German VAT (19%) Luncheon Walking Dinner Wednesday, 21 October, 2015 Main Programme Panel 8 Panel 9 Panel 10 Panel 11 Panel 12 Panel 13 Luncheon Company / Institution / Unit* Title / Rank First Name / Prénom* Invoice Address* Phone / Facs E-Mail* City, Date* * mandatory /obligatoire www.cbrn-symposium.com Signature*, Stamp Surname / Nom* Important notes: With your accreditation you agree to the storage of your personal data for events of the German Association for Defence Technology - Centre for Studies and Conferences according to GE law. You will receive an entrance card ca. 3 weeks in forefront of the conference in case your registration has been successful and accepted. Only complete and precise accreditations will be accepted. All prices subject to German VAT. Free attendance to be verified by the organizer. According to the our security standards your participation might have to be approved by German security authorities. Liability: In case of cancellation for any reasons, registered participants and exhibitors will be notified immediately and any participation and exhibition fees will be reimbursed. In this regard, the liability of SGW shall be limited to the participation and exhibition fees. Organisation: Studiengesellschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wehrtechnik mbH Hochstadenring 50, D-53119 Bonn, www.dwt-sgw.de Managing Director: LtCol (ret.) Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Wolf Rauchalles, Tel.: +49-228-41098-0, Facs: +49-228-41098-19, info@dwt-sgw.de; Sparkasse KölnBonn, IBAN:D536 3705 0198 0053 0033 80, BIC: COLSDE33 VAT Nr.: DE 189 475 986, HRB 7692, AG Bonn
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