Lindfield Lines Principal’s Report Term 4 Week 2 15 October 2014

Lindfield Lines
Principal: Craig Oliver
Deputy Principal K-2: Katrin Cornell
Deputy Principal 3-6: Caroline Desmond
Upcoming Events
Thursday 16 October
JB play at K-2 Assembly
Friday 17 October
Day 2 of PSSA and Rec Sport
Saturday 18 October
School Fair
Term 4 Week 2
15 October 2014
Principal’s Report
School Fair
Three more sleeps…
We are looking forward to a fantastic day! Despite the weather so far this
week, the forecast is looking very promising so we are expecting many
hundreds of people to attend this Saturday. Once again, please refer to
the information further on in the newsletter for last-minute details.
We expect that there will be heavy traffic congestion in the streets around
the school on Saturday. Please be mindful of this if you are driving to the
fair and allow yourself enough time to find a suitable parking spot. Please
note that the staff car-parks will not be accessible for anyone other than
staff members.
Ryde Schools’ Spectacular
What an amazing evening! Congratulations to each of our students who
were provided with the opportunity to perform at the Sydney Opera House
on Monday evening.
Further upcoming events can be
viewed by clicking on Calendar on
the home page of the school website:
The combined schools choir, our dance group, Tara and Tanisha (who
performed as part of combined schools’ string and dance ensembles
respectively) were absolutely sensational! It is so gratifying to see the
hard work of students and teachers, over many months, on display in such
a prestigious event.
Thank you once again to Mrs McWhinney, Miss Dunger, Miss Maclaine
and Dale Pope for the many hours they have spent working with the
students over the year.
5/6 Extension Class 2015 Applications
Extension class applications close this Friday at 3.30 pm. A note will be
sent home early next week to confirm the receipt of your child’s
application. A reminder that the testing day is Saturday 1 November 2014
between 9.00 am and 12.00 pm. Students should arrive at school by
8.45 am.
to Mrs Degan who, over the weekend, competed in the Medibank
Melbourne marathon. Mrs Degan finished as third female in her first
attempt at running a marathon. What an incredible achievement!
Craig Oliver
Deputy Principals’ Report
Lindfield Public School
Outstanding Band Program
Junior Band 2015 Information Evening
Come and learn all you need to know about the Junior Band in 2015 and the LPS Band Program as well
as hear our fantastic Concert and Junior Bands perform.
Thursday 30 October 2014
School Hall
7.00 pm to 8.00 pm
The Band Program is both rewarding and beneficial for our children. In addition to developing musical
and organisational skills, it is a lot of fun!
Junior Band welcomes students from Year 3 and upwards, generally in their first year of playing a
particular instrument. The band has a wide range of instruments to suit each student and plays music
designed to engage and entertain both them and their audiences. Each year, the Junior Band
participates in the school events such as fetes, assemblies, a small number of competitions and
performances, and most importantly, the annual music camp.
Junior Band instrument try outs will be held on Friday 14 November 2014 during school time.
Deputy Principals’ Report continued…….
It’s Back! Maths Fun Night
If you missed out last time, do not miss out this time! In order to cater for the demand of the Maths Fun
Night that was held last term, we are holding another session (the same as last term) on Monday
3 November 2014. There will be a K-2 session held from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm and a Year 3-6 session
held at 7.15 pm to 8.15 pm. This event will take place in the school hall. The Maths Fun Night notes will
be handed out today and the note also appears later in the newsletter. We look forward to seeing you
Application for entry into Selective High School Year 7 – 2016
Online application for Year 7 entry to selective high schools in 2016 opened on 14 October 2014.
Parents must apply online as no paper application forms are printed. All applicants are required to sit
the Selective High School Placement Test on Thursday 12 March 2015.
A letter was sent home this week to all current Year 5 students regarding the selection and application
process. An information session regarding Selective High School application will be held on Thursday
23 October 2014 in the 5/6M classroom at 8.00 am.
ICAS Mathematics Test Results
Congratulations everyone. The High Distinction and Distinction Certificates were presented at this
week’s assembly.
High Distinction
Year 3
Amy W, Kristina S, Kailash S, Kian S, Christine R,
Jonathan M, Claire B and Amy J
Year 4
Jessica W, Aidan T, Isaac S, Jack R, Arabella R,
Rion M, Zhan W, Amelia J, Lucie G, Felicity C, Hugo C
and Ben C
Toby L
Year 5
Lucinda S, Nelson L, Luke F, Senithi D, Nathan C,
Matthew B and Sophie B
Taiga Y
Year 6
Emily P, Pascale L, Tony K, Imogen G and Claudia E
Jeremy S
Life Education Van
We welcome Harold and Libby from the Life Education Van this week. Students will be enjoying their
lessons in the van over the next few weeks.
School Fair
We look forward to seeing you at the school fair this Saturday!
Katrin Cornell
Deputy Principal K-2
Caroline Desmond
Deputy Principal 3-6
Deputy Principal K-2:
Deputy Principal 3-6:
Craig Oliver
Katrin Cornell
Caroline Desmond
2015 Kindergarten Information
Starting ‘Big School’ is an exciting time, one to look forward to with the anticipation of a
wonderful year filled with new friends, happy memories and exciting learning
Thursday 6 November and
Thursday 13 November 2014
from 10.00 am to 11.00 am
Children visit Kindergarten
participate in various activities.
Children have morning tea on Camphor Laurel
playground (please supply morning tea for your
While the children are visiting the Kindergarten
classrooms, there will be an information session for
parents in the school library.
Please attend both Thursday 6 November and
Thursday 13 November orientation visits.
We look forward to meeting you!
Lindfield Public School, 218 Pacific Highway Lindfield
T: 9416 1903
School Contacts
School office hours are from 8.30 am to 3.15 pm Monday to Friday during school terms.
phone: 9416 1903
fax: 9416 2317
absentee line: 9415 6180
Principal: Craig Oliver
Deputy Principal K-2: Katrin Cornell
218 Pacific Highway
school email:
school website:
Lindfield Activity Centre (LAC):
Deputy Principal 3-6: Caroline Desmond
phone: 9416 1936
For all enquiries regarding placement for before and after school care vacancies please contact Dale Robins.
Parent & Citizens Association (P&C) Contacts
P & C President: Kelsie Alden
Contact Person/s
Email / Phone
Alec Taylor
Debbie Bryant
9416-1903 (ask for canteen)
Chess Club
Eric Tse
Class Parent Coordinator
Gillian Huyskens
Clothing Pool
Barbara Liebenberg (Convenor)
Greti Lindsay (Clothing Shop Manager)
Sarah Burnett
Claudette Mann
Kellie O’Keeffe
Kerry Richards
Social Justice
Nadja Leffler
Sandy Basten
Rufina Ismail
Lynne Sharp
Articles for Lindfield Lines
Please be mindful that all submissions for Lindfield Lines must be emailed to the school at no later than 9.00 am each Tuesday morning.
Inclusion / exclusion of articles is at the discretion of the Principal.
Notes Sent Home
Notes available to download from the school website:
Please look under the “Notes” tab.
14278 Year 4 Term 4 Newsletter
14279 Year 1 Term 4 Newsletter
14280 Year 3-6 Author Visit
14281 Year 3 Term 4 Newsletter
14281 Year 2 Swimming Carnival Volunteers
14285 K-2 Maths Fun Night
14286 3-6 Maths Fun Night
14287 EOI Year 7 Selective High School in 2016
Work on Display
Work on display in the office this week
1C and 2PT
K-2: Thursday 16 October 2014 at 2.00 pm in the hall.
KR will be presenting at this week’s K-2 Assembly. All KR visitors are warmly invited to attend.
3-6: Tuesday 28 October 2014 at 2.00 pm in the hall
PSSA and Recreational Sport
Round 2 for PSSA is this Friday 17 October 2014.
Touch Football:
All games are played at St Ives Village Green.
All games are at Hassall Park, St Ives for Juniors and St Ives Showground for Seniors.
Division 1 – Primula Oval, Lindfield
Division 2 – Lofberg Oval, West Pymble
Week 2 of recreational sport is this Friday 17 October.
Anaphylaxis at Lindfield Public School
Parents please note
At Lindfield Public School in 2014, we have a small number of children with a potentially life threatening
allergic reaction. They are found across our school from Kindergarten to Year 6.
How can parents help these children?
 If possible, choose alternative sandwich spreads to peanut butter and Nutella. If you have no alternative,
inform your child that these foods can trigger an anaphylactic reaction.
 Reinforce the school’s NO FOOD SHARING message.
Ryde Schools’ Spectacular
Senior Dance Troupe
Congratulations to the Senior
Dance Troupe who performed at
the Ryde Schools’ Spectacular on
Monday night.
They danced beautifully and made
LPS very proud. The huge round
of applause was a very clear
indication of how much the
audience loved their performance.
Well done to the dancers and
Miss Dale for their hard work and
fabulous performance.
combined rehearsals and
school rehearsals, the choir
performed the 15 songs they
learned, beautifully.
behaviour was outstanding
conductors perfectly. It was a
fantastic evening and the
children enjoyed it immensely.
They have worked hard all
year and their efforts paid off.
Congratulations to the Choir and also to Tara Sweeney for her violin
Great GATSby!
Gifted and Talented News
Selected students from Year 4 will have the opportunity to spend a morning at Killara High School
this term. They will join other students from local area schools in a history or visual arts workshop.
We are grateful to the High School for providing the students with this stimulating experience.
We have been delighted by the positive feedback from students who have challenged themselves
with our GATS newsletter ‘problem of the week’. This term we introduce rebus puzzles, a word of
the week and the ‘Maths Café’, created by Mrs Fuller. It’s well worth a visit!
Impress your friends! Expand your vocabulary. Find out the meaning and try to use the word
during the week.
A REBUS is a picture representation of a name, work or phrase. Each "rebus" puzzle box below
portrays a common word or phrase. Can you guess what it is?
(solutions next week)
Robyn Scott
GATS Coordinator
The Maths Café
Maths is a Verb!
Many people think of mathematics as just a subject that is taught at school or even as just a noun.
But it is more than that. Mathematics is about thinking, communicating, problem solving,
reasoning, designing, measuring, doing, investigating, building, working out, linking, counting,
discovering, patterning … how many more verbs can you think of?
As an indigenous elder from Utah states:
“Mathematics is a verb! In Ute we do not have just one word to describe mathematics—rather, we
name it as we use it. When we count, build, design, cook, hunt, or fish, we are doing mathematics.”
—Fabian Jenks, a Northern Ute elder from Fort Duchesne, Utah (from Math is a Verb, v)
A great book that explores how mathematics is embedded in our daily lives is called Math Curse by
Jon Scieszka. In this book, Mrs Fibonacci tells the children that everything can be thought of as a
math problem. One of the children is so involved that she cannot cope – it is a bit overwhelming to
think about. It is a very funny way of looking at mathematics. You can view a YouTube video of
the book at
At the Maths Café each week, we will have a problem to solve and a look at some famous
mathematicians from history. This first week is looking at Fibonacci.
Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician from the 12 th century. He is famous for The Fibonacci
Numbers or Sequence. He wrote about the following sequence of numbers:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55
Can you work out what Fibonacci discovered?
You can have a look at this website
which will give you more numbers and the explanation of how the numbers are sequenced. See if
you got it right.
He is also credited with introducing the decimal system to Europe. That is, the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 that we use today.
Problem of the Week
Terry was measuring a square bedroom. His mate Jen asked him, “What’s the area of the room?”
Terry told Jen his answer. Jen then asked, “How did you calculate that?”
Terry replied, “I added the side lengths together.”
Jen knew Terry had made a mistake, so she measured the room herself. Multiplying the length and
width, she came up with exactly the same answer as Terry!
How big was the room?
Answer next week. This problem came from the CSIRO – Maths and Stats by Email.
Ros Fuller
Entertainment Agenda – LPS School Fair
11.00 am
Ice bucket challenge – Mr Oliver and LPS Staff
11.15 am
Amadeus Strings – Conducted by Mark Stevens
11.30 am
Mozart Strings – Conducted by Adrian Mansukhani
11.45 am
Vivaldi String Ensemble – Conducted by Adrian Mansukhani
and Ravel String Ensemble – Conducted by Mark Stevens
12.00 pm
Bach String Ensemble – Conducted Mark Stevens
12.15 pm
Raffle Draw
12.30 pm
Karate for Kids demonstration
12.50 pm
1.05 pm
Concert band – Conducted by Sian Joyce
1:20 pm
Junior band – Conducted by Sian Joyce
1.35 pm
Stage band – Conducted by Tim Ferrier
1.50 pm
Intermediate band – Conducted by Tim Ferrier
2.00 pm
Pet Competition
All string ensembles, band and choir students are to meet outside the Beach Huts
(6J and 3R classrooms) 10 minutes prior to their scheduled performance time.
S AT U R D AY 1 8 O C T O B E R
10.00 AM - 3.00 PM
Proudly brought to you by:
Sponsored by:
3 sleeps to go....
LPS School Fair this Saturday 18th October
10am – 3pm
Lindfield Public School Grounds
Bring your friends and relatives!
Register for the Pet Competition and Wag Your Tail competition via the
website fair page!
Ride bands are still available on-line until Wednesday 15th.
Tickets will be available on the day for $30 per child for endless rides.
Last and final call for tombola jars - please drop them into the office!
Final call for help - we still have somes spots available to help out on the
day. Register online via the website.
Get baking! Your cakes are due for delivery this Friday 17th October.
Return your raffle tickets by Wednesday 15th October!
Check out the class artwork and get your bids ready!
All details are on the P&C website fair page:
This term’s roster is up in the canteen and has many vacancies. If you would like to volunteer,
please pop in and put your name down or ring Debbie and she will add you to the roster.
Don’t forget to put your orders in for Mangos. A tray of mangos is $25.00 (16 or 18 in a tray)
and will be available to pick up from the canteen in the first week of December. Our mangos
come delivered straight from the farm in Queensland. All orders are to be put into the canteen
by next Friday 24 October 2014.
You should have received home a new Term 4 menu this week. For summer, we have added
Watermelon Tubs $2.50, Fruit Salad (Fridays only) $2.50, Tuna Sushi (Fridays only) $3.50,
Toasted Ham, Cheese & Tomato Sandwiches $3.50, Homemade Banana & Choc Chip Muffins
$1.00, Frozen Shaky Shake Tub $2.00.
WEEK 2 (9.00 AM – 2.00 PM)
Thursday 16 October
Friday 17 October
Heather Roberts
Laura Stipo
Rose Morrison
Laura Stipo
Kerry Richards
Kellie Marshall
(9-12) Susan Mcleod
WEEK 3 (9.00 AM – 2.00 PM)
or to Volunteer for the
Monday 20 October
Verena Conti
Tuesday 21 October
Ada Fong
Sarinya Eyland
Wednesday 22 October
Jo Bush
Kate Quigley
Thursday 23 October
Kellie Marshall
Megan Bryant
Friday 24 October
Laura Stipo
Lucy Tynan(10.30)
Anthony Wilson
(9-12) Alison Williams
Any Canteen queries
please contact:
Debbie Bryant
9416 1903
(ask for Canteen)
Get your orders in for our Canteen Mango Fundraiser.
Mangos can be ordered by the tray for $25.00
(16 or 18 in a tray)
Mangos will be delivered fresh from north QLD
Please return your orders to the canteen by:
Friday 24 October 2014
With payment and completed form.
(cash, cheques ok)
Name: ____________________________________
Class: _______
Phone: ___________________________
Quantity: _________ trays
Price $25.00 tray Total: $_________
Mangos will be ready for pick up from the canteen in approximately
the first week of December.
Thank you for supporting our canteen.
Band Program
Week 2
Thursday 16 October JB Assembly
Week 3
Saturday 18 October – LPS Fair – showcase all bands
1.05 pm
1.20 pm
1.35 pm
1.50 pm
Wednesday 29 October CB to play for Year 2
Week 4
Thursday 30 October - JB 2015 Information night – 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm. JB & CB
Week 6
Friday 14 November – JB 2015 instrument try-outs (no parent requirements)
Week 7
Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 November CB Tour
Tuesday 25 November - Music Assembly – Awards and trophies presented IB to play
Week 8
Friday 28 November - Music Spectacular 5.30 pm SB, CB, IB, JB (DATE CONFIRMED)
Week 10 Presentation Day – CB to play
3.00 pm – 4.15 pm
7.40 am – 8.50 am
7.30 am – 8.50 am
3.00 pm – 4.15 pm
3.00 pm – 4.15 pm
7.20 am – 8.50 am
5.50 pm – 7.00 pm
JB2015 is coming….more info next week
Convenor – Alec Taylor
String Program
Corrections to String Program Term 4 schedule published last week
Week 2
Saturday 18 October
All Ensembles to perform at LPS School Fair
Week 6
Monday 10 November
Free Lesson 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm
Week 8
Tuesday 25 November
Music Assembly 2.00 pm
Week 8
Friday 28 November
Music Spectacular (6.00 pm at Killara High School)
Week 9
Tuesday 2 December
Vivaldi 2015 Auditions
Week 10
Monday 8 December
End of Year Concert and party
Week 10
Tuesday 9 December
Vivaldi to Play at Year 3-6 Lindfield Blue Assembly
Week 10
Wednesday 10 December
Presentation Day - Ravel and Vivaldi to Play
All String Ensembles will be playing at the School Fair this Saturday 18 October. The performance
time for each ensemble is as given below. Ravel will also be playing around the time of the Vivaldi
performance. All players must arrive at the school hall at least 15 minutes before their
performance, to be tuned by either Adrian Mansukhani or Mark Stevens. Dress is smart casual.
11.15 am:
Amadeus Ensemble
11.30 am:
Mozart Ensemble
11.45 am:
Vivaldi Ensemble
12.00 pm:
Bach Ensemble
Rufina Ismail
LPS String Program Coordinator
Violin and Cello Lesson
Is your child interested in learning to play the violin or cello?
The Lindfield Public School String Program is offering a
FREE INTRODUCTORY group violin and cello lesson to any child currently
in Years K – 5 interested in commencing violin or cello lessons in 2015.
Monday 10 November (Week 6)
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (your child will be given a 20 minute time slot)
LPS School Hall
Adrian Mansukhani – Director of Strings
Hea-Kyong (Heather) Suh – Cello tutor
You MUST register for the introductory lesson by contacting the String
Program Co-ordinator at no later than Friday
31 October. We will only have instruments available for children
who have registered by Friday 31 October.
If you are unable to attend the introductory lesson, please contact us at and we will email you a String Program
Information Booklet and a New Learner Application form for 2015.
Clothing Pool
Clothing Pool Opening Hours
8.30 am to 9.30 am Wednesdays and Thursdays
Don’t forget the ONLINE ordering option – easy and secure via the P&C website. Orders then
delivered to your child’s class, usually on Wednesdays or Thursdays. PLEASE include your child's
name and class in the additional customer information at the end of your check-out phase.
Swimming is now under way for our kids in years 2-6. SWIM CAPS ARE COMPULSORY –
NO CAP, NO SWIM! We stock caps in house colours (and you can also pick these up from
the canteen). We also have swim bags that have a handy little pocket to keep the goggles
and cap safe
Kindy Orientation is coming up on 6 and 13 November – thank you to those who have
volunteered to help on those days.
Our new raincoats have arrived! They are long and fully waterproof. Come and have a
Dr Shoe will be in the Clothing Pool for Kindy Orientation on
6 November from 11. 00 am to 12.30 pm and also on
Wednesday 3 December from 8.30 am to 9.30 am.
Lunch boxes $27.00
With removable panels that go in the freezer overnight and keep
lunch cool for up to 8 hours! (my spies tell me they are great for
We can order in the bigger size to fit the Tupperware or Nudie lunchboxes! Come and have a look
at our sample.
Our Upcoming Volunteers’ roster:
Week 2
15 October
16 October
Greti Lindsay
Susan Hobson
Alison Williams
Greti Lindsay
Shannon Garner
Keda Chhabra
Convenor – Barbara Liebenberg
Clothing Shop Manager – Greti Lindsay
Social Justice
Operation Christmas Child - The boxes are due back to school – extended until
Friday – return to the LPS office please! Also please return empty boxes if you ran
out of time this year.
Help your children realise that some kids have no school supplies,
soap, toys to hug, balls or even batteries! Empty boxes are still
available from the LPS office. For videos of kids opening their
boxes – or for tags or more information on what to put in a box, see
Let your child experience the joy of giving to a child who has never had a present
before! Boxes in previous years have brought joy to children in Cambodia, Thailand, PNG
and the Solomon Islands. LPS sent 111 boxes last year – 30 returned so far this year.
100% Hope Thank You - Assembly Visit
100% Hope founder, Australian Trishelle Grady will visit the assembly at school on
28 October at 2.00 pm to let the children know how our Book Week fundraiser is helping
to improve literacy at the special community for abandoned and orphaned children in this
difficult part of the world.
Parents and friends can meet Tishelle and her adopted baby Hope at the LPS school hall
at 7.00 pm, Tuesday 28 October – join us to be inspired by Trishelle’s amazing story!
For more information about registered charity 100% Hope visit:
100% Hope founder Trishelle Grady will share her story with us: on Tuesday 28 October
at 7.00 pm in the school hall.
For parents - the next SJ meeting is Wednesday 15 October at 8.00 pm to plan out
Term 4 – all welcome at Jane’s place – RSVP for details.
The SJ team will be opposite the K-2 toilets and we will be raising funds for Pori school’s
pit toilets and for school materials for the kids in Uganda. If any kids would like to serve a
shift at our two stalls – Slam Dunny and Ugandan Handicrafts – please email us at
Come and have some fun at our stalls on the day!
Nadja Leffler
Founder of Ugandan school and community –
100% Hope - to speak in Lindfield – in 2 weeks!
The founder of Ugandan school and home for improverished children,
100% Hope will visit Lindfield to share her amazing story.
If we think life can be a challenge at times, come and hear how one Australian woman has saved lives and
given a future to so many. She is providing children with a sustainable education and future that did not exist.
Year 4 teacher Miss Kate Waters volunteered in Uganda at 100% Hope for a month last year.
She said: “Trishelle Grady is a wonderful speaker with incredible insights.
She has achieved so much despite huge challenges.”
100% Hope founder Trishelle Grady will share her story with us:
Tuesday 28 October 7pm, in the LPS school hall
(feel free to still join us a bit later if that time is too early for you)
Please come along! We would love as many people as possible to come to what will be a truly memorable
evening and to encourage Trishelle in her amazing work. Please invite your friends too.
Put it in your diary now! Trishelle’s Ugandan
husband and adopted baby Hope will join us
Hosted by Lindfield Public Social Justice
Questions and rsvp please to:
Assembly Visit - Trishelle will also visit
assembly at school that day 2pm to let the
children know how our Book Week fundraiser
is helping to improve literacy at 100% Hope.
For more information about registered charity
100% Hope visit:
5th Year at LPS!
Let’s see if we
can beat our
2013 record of
111 boxes!
Operation Christmas Child
Boxes now due back in the front office.
Please return by Friday Week 2, 17th of October.
Help your child give a box of very simple gifts for
poor children overseas who have never ever
received a present!
We`ve sent boxes to Thailand, Cambodia, Papua New
Guinea, Vietnam and other places
Items to include: something to love, a toy, school things, clothing
and something for personal hygiene.
Check the website
Please remember $9 postage.
Yes there are still some empty boxes available at the office
Any Questions?
We are fortunate that Larissa and Oleg allow parents into the pool area to watch lessons and
squads. We remind parents that all siblings and friends must be supervised while in the pool area
and they are not permitted to run around the pool deck or grandstand. This is a distraction to our
coaches and the children in the water.
We also request that parents watch from the grandstand or outside the pool area. We can no
longer allow spectators to sit poolside on the wooden benches. Our coaches need a clear walking
space up and down that side of the pool.
Business as usual for this Saturday. The Fair will happen around us. All squads and classes will
continue as normal. However, access to the pool area will be restricted to booked swimmers and
I need assistance on Wednesday 19 November. Please email Lynne if you can help for just that
morning 7.40 am to 9.00 am.
The next grading session is Friday 24 th October at 3.15pm. If you have booked your child into
Block B or C then please bring them along for grading.
The bookings for Term 4 Blocks B, C and D Learn to Swim and all blocks are 2/3 full. Don’t miss
Term 4
Friday 10 October
Friday 24 October
Monday 27 October
Sunday 16 November
5.00 pm Seahorses Club night
3.15 pm Grading for Block B Learn to Swim
Learn to Swim Block B begins
Inaugural “Lindfield Laps” family fundraiser
For questions regarding any aspect of swimming at Lindfield please email.
Lynne Sharp - Swimming Administrator
Seahorses Swimming Club
All LPS students are welcome to come to Friday Club Night. 5.00 pm start. No charge.
The program for this week is as follows:
25m freestyle (1 lap)
50m freestyle (2 laps)
25m breaststroke (1 lap)
50m backstroke (2 laps)
25m backstroke (1 laps)
50m butterfly (2 laps)
100 IM (4 laps)
Our new Seahorses team competed for the first time last Saturday. They did exceptionally well for
their first meet and Larissa and Oleg are very proud of their swimmers. Most importantly, the
swimmers had a great time and the parents reported being made very welcome as the new Club to
the Area.
Ellie, Miki, Freya, Oliver, Jack and Consuela had top 3 finishes in several events. Others finished
in the top 8.
Our next competition is on 1 and 2 November. Everyone in the squad program is welcome to
compete as a Seahorse. If you are interested, please speak with Larissa who will guide you on the
most suitable meets and events to enter.
The Seahorses website page has been activated again on the P&C website. Details of coming
events, links to meet results and the Club Night program is on there. Access it via Classes and
Committees> Programs > Seahorses.
Lynne Sharp - Swimming Administrator
Swimming Metro North East
13-U Summer Sprint Meet 2014