Pittwater Press Ph: 9999 4035 Fax: 9979 5088 Mona St, Mona Vale 2103 Term 4 Week 2 14 October 2014 MAKE ONLINE PAYMENTS Principal’s Report—Jane Ferris Did you know that you can make payments to your child’s school online? We have launched a new online payment portal linked to our school’s website to make it easier for you to pay for school related payments. This is a secure payment page by Westpac. It is now possible for parents to make online payments to the school for amounts owing for students, via a secure payment page hosted by Westpac. Payments can be make using either a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card. The payment page is accessed from the front page of the school’s website by selecting $Make a Payment What expenses can be paid online? Voluntary School Contributions Subject contributions Excursions Sport Creative and practical arts Sales to students Other Items that can be paid include voluntary school contributions, subject contributions, excursions, sport, sales to students eg Year 12 Jackets, school magazine, (not canteen or uniform shop) and creative and practical arts activities (these include art diary, art club, choir and dance ensemble). There is also a category called Other—this is to cover items not covered in the previous headings. Other can be used to make a complete payment of a school invoice. When? This payment method will go live on Monday 20 October 2014. When you access the $Make a Payment you must enter the student’s name and date of birth. These details are entered each time you make a payment as student information is not held within the payment system. This is a secure payment system hosted by Westpac to ensure that your credit/debit card details are captured in a secure manner, these details are not passed back to the school. You have the ability to check and change any details of the payment before the payment is processed. Receipts can be emailed and/ or printed. Details of the payments made before 6pm are passed daily to the school where they will be receipted against your child’s account. As a receipt has been issued from the payment page a further receipt will not be issued by the school. For any enquiries regarding the Online Payment process please contact the School Administration Office. How? Log on to school at www.pittwater-h.schools.nsw.edu.au. Click on “$Make a Payment” and follow the prompts to make a payment via Visa or MasterCard. Click on the link below to access a presentation that explains the system in more detail. https://edit.pws.det.nsw.edu.au/web/pittwater-high-school/news/parent-online-payments Website: www.pittwater-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Principal: Jane Ferris Email: Pittwater-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au Deputy Principal: Renee Andrews; Relieving Deputy Principal: Rachel Fleming Welcome back!! Thank you to all students who have returned in the correct summer uniform, well organised and ready for the term ahead. A reminder to Year 10 students they can now officially wear the correct senior uniform. Year 11 into Year 12 Our Year 11 students have now begun their HSC year. The students have all been issued with their HSC assessment guide and school expectations. A reminder no student is to be withdrawing from a course until all paperwork is completed and they have received a new timetable from Ms Cesta. These students have also been allocated their mentors. Teachers will work with 2 to 3 students over the year to develop learning goals, study plans and assist them in any areas of need. Over the next fortnight teachers will be contacting parents and students to plan an initial goal setting meeting and time to reflect on Year 11. Throughout the holidays a number of workshops were conducted for our students sitting the 2014 HSC. Thank you to all the staff who conducted these workshops during the holiday period. Best wishes to all of our students who have begun their HSC. CALENDAR Friday 17 October Year 7/8 Netball Gala Day Monday 13 October HSC Exams Commence Wednesday 22 October P&C Meeting Friday 7 November HSC Exams End The P&C is seeking expressions of interest for the position of Assistant Supervisor for the Canteen. The next P&C meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 October at 7:30pm in A Block on the 1st Floor in the Teachers Common Room. Again, all parents most welcome! Hubert van Mierlo President—PHS P&C Assn. (Inc) We are looking for candidates with canteen experience who are available five days per fortnight. For more information please go to the P&C page on the school website: http://www.pittwater-h.schools.nsw.edu.au; or go to http://www.pittwater-h.schools.nsw.edu.au and navigate to Parents and Citizens > P&C News Students from Pittwater High School achieved outstanding results when they participated in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). Those students whose achievements were outstanding were rewarded with Certificates of Merit, Credit and Distinction. This year, 183 students participated in the competition, 72% gaining recognition of their achievements. The results were: YEAR MERITS CREDITS DISTINCTIONS 7 7 14 1 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL 13 4 7 4 1 36 20 12 14 7 8 75 5 5 4 2 3 20 DISTINCTIONS: Year 7: Max Facibeni Year 8: Michela Bates, Ryan Burke, Maximillian Nedbalek, Pippa Pryor, Monique Yakas Year 9: Lachlan Cassidy, Callum Hemsworth, Jenzy Ocampo, Samuel Preston, Samual Squire Year 10: Harry Hall, Chris Luo, Noah Mascall, Wakana Mori Year 11: Calum Baird, Max Crittenden Year 12: Milo Darmopil-Kerslake, Angus Leonard-Ewan, Tom Trbojevic. Congratulations to all for their participation. Mr Lepedjian (Mathematics Competition Coordinator) Mrs Sechi (Head Teacher) OCTOBER 2014 — PITTWATER HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PROGRAM MUSIC NEWS Term 4 Week 2 PERFORMANCE and MEETING DIARY DATES TERM 4—MEETINGS AND EVENTS DAY TIME/PLACE ENSEMBLES 14 October—PHS Music Ensemble AGM and OGM Tuesday 7.00 Pittwater RSL All parents welcome 21 October Tuesday 5.45 Performance Space Wellington Tour Participants 21 October Tuesday 7.00 Performance Space China Tour Meeting 11 November – Musicale Thursday PHS School Hall Senior Strings & Senior Stage 18 November – PHS Music Ensemble Presentation Night Tuesday PHS School Hall All Ensembles – Please make a note of this date in your diary NOW Senior Stage: Congratulations for your excellent performance at Manly Jazz Festival. As always, you did yourselves, Mr Pennings and your school, proud. AMEB Congratulations: Many congratulations go to the following students: Liam Doherty (Year 9) for passing Grade 6 in trumpet; Oscar Kirk (Year 11) achieved an ‘A+’ for Grade 5 Voice; Alisa van der Kwartel achieved an ‘A’ for Grade 4 clarinet. Well done! PH S E ns em bl e C om m i t t ee AG M: T h e AG M ta k es pl a ce o n Tu es day , 14 O c t ob er. We w ou l d l i ke a s m a ny par e n ts t o a t te n d as p oss i bl e , s o t ha t y ou g e t t o k n ow o n e a n o th er an d s o t h at y ou k n ow f irs t - ha n d w ha t ac t iv i t ies are be i n g u n der ta k e n o n b eh al f o f y our ch i l dre n. T he po si t i o n o f S e cre t ary i s st il l op e n , as is t he p os i ti o n of Sy m ph o n i c E ns em bl e p ar e n t. Ea c h o f t he se p os i ti o ns c o ul d be e as ily s har ed by tw o pe op le . Mu ch as I’d like to s tay on, once P a tr icia g oes , tha t’s it for me – num ber tw o da ug hter is not retur ning – s om e come on pe op le , thr ow y our name s into the ring!! M a ny th a n ks t o S a lly Sim o ns f o r ta k i n g ov er S e ni or St a g e f r om th e w o n der fu l Al li s on Me a do w s. CONTACTS: Secretary Treasurer Joanne Gwatkin-Williams: joanne@thevastydeep.com or 0437 408 801 ; Rick Elliott: icycold@outlook.com or 0400 461 941; Uniform Melissa Turnock: melisso.turnock@pilotesscene.com ; 041 4 452 152; Canteen Sheridan Femio: xeresfemio@gmail.com or 0414 594 905 Ensemble parents: Concert: Elizabeth Gardner elizgard@tpg.com.au (Thurs) 0414 704 812 and Helena Nobs: nobschiu@ozemail.com.au (Tues) 0417 434 547; Symphonic: Joanne Gwatkin-Williams: joanne@thevastydeep.com or 0437 408 801; Strings: Grace Marshall: grace.marshall@ioof.com.au or 0408 811 066; Junior Stage: Julie Rodgers: jl.rodgers@bigpond.com or 0438 635 048. Senior Stage: Allison Meadows: meadows2@iinet.net.au or 041 2 564 674 Orchestra: Caroline Cady cazcade@outlook.com or 0425 221 582 Band Captains: Pqtricia Gwatkin-Higson ond Yannick Barford Wed 15 Oct Anne Carolan, Nicole Graham Thurs 16 Oct HELPERS NEEDED– please call canteen to confirm Fri 17 Oct Rowena Kempton, Lana Mares, Alison Turner Mon 20 Oct Jenny McDowell, Katie Scharkie, Selena Webber Tues 21 Oct Natasha Zani, Gloria Hardman, Ann Clayton Wed 22 Oct Lara Floyd, Fiona Griffith – Helpers needed – please call canteen to confirm Thurs 23 Oct Glenda Hanks, Sheridan Femia Fri 24 Oct C Marshall, Sandra Avedissian Mon 27 Oct Lisa Stranack, Diana Shanks, Miriam Bookey, Janet Howard Tue 28 Oct Helena Nobs, Leigh Griffiths – Helpers needed – please call canteen to confirm If you are unable to make your rostered day please try to arrange a swap or advise canteen manager Katrina (ph 9999 4035, x122) WE DESPERATELY NEED HELPERS FOR THURSDAY If any parents, friends, family or grandparents would like to assist on any day helpers are needed please contact myself or Katrina in the canteen. A full day is 9am to 2.30 or 3pm A half day is 3 hours Fiona Griffith, canteen roster coordinator, packfund@optusnet.com.au; phone 0431 121 631
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