TERM 1 WEEK 7 FEBRUARY 2015 Newsletter Engaging minds, Empowering success IMPORTANT DATES Wed Mar 11 Kindy Literacy & Numeracy Evening Thurs Mar 12 Bookclub Orders Due Fri Yr7 HS 2016 Placement Forms due Mar 13 Thurs Mar 19 TRHS Yr 6 Transition to High School Evening 6-8pm Sat Mar 21 P&C Trivia Night Wed Mar 25 P&C Easter Raffle Tickets due Mon Mar 30 P&C Easter Raffle Drawn Fortnightly Newsletters We are trialling fortnightly newsletters from this week onward. This will mean that weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 of each term. They will continue to be emailed, placed on School Stream and on the school website. Any urgent messages outside this fortnightly cycle will be sent via School Stream. Principal awards will continue to be distributed weekly and advised in the newsletter leading up to the assembly dates. Parent Volunteers All families received parent volunteer request notes for your consideration last week. Thanks to the 41 families who have returned them. Of particular need at the moment are canteen volunteers, parent reader tutors and class contacts for Carnivale organisation. P&C Trivia Night The BPPS P&C Trivia Night has been re-convened and will now be held on Saturday 21st March. Families are encouraged to make-up or join a table of 8-10. Please contact the P&C Fundraising Co-ordinator Sharon Bright on 0417 008 465. P&C Committee Executives Congratulations to all P&C executive members elected at last week’s AGM. (See over for details). Stage 2 Lessons P & C STUDENT BANKING THURSDAYS 8:20-9:00am in Uniform Shop All enquiries: Sandy Oswald 0431 455 911 UNIFORM SHOP 2015 Mon & Fri 8:30-9:00 am Tue, Wed, Thu 2:30-3:00pm Volunteers needed on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons between 2.30 and 3.00pm. If you can assist please contact Larissa on 0412 272 089. Photos of students from class 3 / 4 M engaged in lessons using lap top computers and some of their artwork are included in today’s newsletter. Swimming Champs Congratulations to Bohdi, Alannah and Shaylee who have been selected to represent our school and region at the NSW PSSA Swimming Carnival in Sydney. Bohdi won his event and was titled the North Coast Regional Champion for that event. Fantastic achievement by all three students! NC Regional Champion - Bohdi Dean Files Principal 97 Pioneer Parade, BANORA POINT NSW 2486 07 5524 1444 banorapt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au, www.banorapointprimaryschool.com.au Newsletter Engaging minds, Empowering success IN CLASS WITH 3/4M... Students of 3/4M have been quietly busy using computers in all Key Learning Areas. The students have produced Ken Done artworks that we are very proud of. The class have completed these to accompany our study of Australia in our HSIE unit. We learnt about Ken Done and also about the Sydney Harbour. Mrs Rachelle McArthur and 3/4M SWIM TEAM What a super effort our Far North Coast swimmers put in last week in their respective events at the North Coast Swimming Carnival at Ballina. Three BPPS students were selected to swim in the PSSA State Swimming Championships to be held at the Sydney Olympic Park Complex. We wish Bohdi, Alannah and Shaylee all the best in their events in Sydney in a fortnight. Mrs Janelle Gill Term 1 Week 8 Assembly PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS 1C Harpah R 2B Indiana B 3/4J Cooper J 5/6L Ashley G 1F Allan T 2C Alfie P 3/4M Jai P 5/6L Kelvin B 1JC Shiloh W 2D Leilani V 3/4S Nicholas B 6T Jade W 1JN Billy M 2N Tarynn P 3/4W Ellie C 6W Jake D Lib Kobei V 5/6L 1M Layla P 3/4D Riley J 5C Shelby A 1T Austin K 3/4DW Angus B 5J Remy C Term 1 Week 9 Assembly PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS 1C Ajae D 2B Kayla T 3/4J Cassidy O 5/6L Mikaeli O 1F Charlotte 2C Macie H 3/4M Kale N 6T Cameron B 1JC Dallas R 2D Will P 3/4S Taleah J 6W Riley B 1JN Indie H 2N Alex W 3/4W Paige R Lib Zach A 6W 1M Toby W 3/4D Grace E 5C Kaylan P 1T Sunny A 3/4DW Amara P 5J Brianna B Newsletter Engaging minds, Empowering success COMMUNITY NOTICES TWEED RIVER HIGH YR6 TO YR7 INFO EVENING An information evening for parents and carers and students in Year 6 is being held on Thursday 19th March at 6pm in the Sport and Entertainments Centre (SEC). Find out more about TRHS, the subjects, school structure, the organisation for Yr 7 2016 and meet the Principal, Deputy’s and staff. For more information please contact Tweed River High School on 07 5524 3007. P & C NEWS We would like to thank all those who attended last week’s BPPS P & C AGM. All positions were filled as follows: PRESIDENT: Kate Fewtrell VICE PRESIDENTS: Jody Kearney & Ruth Clark TREASURER: Karen Wicks SECRETARY: Sandy Oswald FUNDRAISING: Sharon Bright CANTEEN CONVENYOR : Cathy Barrington-Smith UNIFORMS: Larissa Morton Our next General P & C meeting will be held on Thursday the 2nd of April. Everyone is welcome! CANTEEN NEWS Each month the P&C will reward their volunteers with a chance to win a canteen voucher. Congratulations to Pauline T for winning this month’s prize. Thank you to all our volunteers for volunteering their time with us this month. REMINDERS P&C EASTER RAFFLE DONATIONS APPRECIATED Thank you to all the families who’ve made donations. Easter themed goods can be dropped off in the boxes at school office. AUTISM SPECTRUM - FREE 2 DAY WORKSHOP Dates: March 24 and 25th 2015 Venue: Twin Towns Club & Resort Cost: FREE- including resources, lunch, morning tea and refreshments. Full details and online registrations at www.positivepartnerships.com.au BAND POSITIONS VACANT BPPS Band is urgently seeking new members to play Trombone and Euphonium. Applications are open to students in years 4 and 5 who are keen to play. No experience in playing an instrument is required. The band is also looking for keyboard or piano players for both senior and junior band. This position needs to be filled by someone with keyboard or piano skills who is able to read music. Approximately AMEB grade 1 or 2. Contact BBPS Band Director Mary Seckold. CANTEEN ROSTER THU 12/3 FRI 13/3 MON 16/3 Rowena Sandy & Steph CLOSED TUE 17/3 WED 18/3 Training Sharon 97 Pioneer Parade, BANORA POINT NSW 2486 07 5524 1444 banorapt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au, www.banorapointprimaryschool.com.au
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