www.pentlandps.vic.edu.au/ SCHOOL VALUES Happiness, Learning, Trust, Honesty, Respect, Communication, Teamwork. PRINCIPALS DESK 13/11/2014 Dear Parents, This Sunday we are conducting our final working bee for 2014. The focus will be on painting. All brushes and paint supplied. As the areas to be painted are located outdoors wet weather may result in our working bee being cancelled. Next year we plan to open our school canteen 4 days per week. Our canteen will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We will be seeking parent support to assist in our canteen in 2015 and we are in search of someone to coordinate our canteen. We have received wonderful support from parent volunteers in the past. I wish to sincerely thank those who have and continue to work in our canteen. If you are interested in volunteering to work or coordinate our school canteen please contact Karen Berton in our office. We are busily planning for the 2015 school year. In 2015 we will be implementing a school structure based around eight grades. All of our current specialist programs will be conducted in 2015. We are in the process of addressing all of the staffing requirements associated with having eight grades. Our eight grade structure will be; A grade Prep, a grade Prep/1, a grade 1, a grade 2, a grade 3, a grade 4, a grade 4/5 and a grade 6. Our specialist areas will remain as Physical Education, Art/Craft, Music/Choir, LOTE (Chinese) and IT. Shortly we will be confirming teaching roles and responsibilities for 2015. We are preparing class list for our grades in 2015. If you have any queries or concerns regarding classes in 2015 please contact our office. Last term we informed families that the Educational Maintenance Allowance program will be discontinued by the Victorian Government. We will be providing further information regarding the changes to EMA. Our school has received limited funding to support families in need. We will be sending home a form for families to complete in order to seek assistance. Requests for support will be considered on a case by cases basis. Families will have to provide a valid Health Care Card. Details will be sent home to families shortly. Our students and teachers are busily preparing for our school concert. Shortly tickets will go on sale. As our enrolment has gradually increased over the last few years ticket sales will be conducted slightly differently this year. The ticket price will remain the same as the last year, $5.00 per ticket. There will be limited wheel chair access. Free parking for prams will be located outside in the area beside the canteen. Families will be able to request additional tickets. We will redistribute additional tickets as they become available. Earlier this year our Parents Club conducted our annual chocolate drive/fundraiser. At this stage we still have 13 families who have not returned either chocolates or money. WE will be contacting these families shortly. As each box of chocolates costs $50.00 we have $650.00 of unpaid chocolates. This significantly reduces the fund raising efforts by our Parents Club. Recently we have experienced an increasing number of students arriving late to school. We strongly encourage families to assist is having their children arrive to school on time as our student learning programs commence at 8.45am. Thanks for your support with this. Next week our Grade 3&4 students head off to school camp at Queenscliff. Buses depart at 9.00am from Pentland Primary School. If you have any queries or concerns regarding our grade 3/4 camp please contact your child’s teacher. Please find a moment to check the list of important dates. We have a wide range of events planned already for the remainder of the school year. Have a great week. Andrew & Sue PRINCIPAL Key Dates for 2014 Date Event/s Wednesday 12/11/14 B&G Sub Committee Meeting Clubs Thursday 13/11/14 Finance sub committee meeting Friday 14/11/14 2015 Prep Free Play Session Monday 17/11/14 Grade 3-4 Camp Tuesday 18/11/14 Grade 3 –4 Camp Wednesday 19/11/15 Grade 3—4 Camp Monday 24/11/14 Book Fair Tuesday 25/11/14 Book Fair Wednesday 26/11/14 Book Fair Final School Council Meeting & Dinner Tuesday 02/12/14 Choir Performance—Providence Wednesday 03/12/14 Parents Club Lunch Friday 05/12/14 School Picnic Monday 08/12/14 Parent Helper’s Morning Tea Tuesday 09/12/14 Year 6 –7 Transition Whole School Orientation Day Friday 12/12/14 School concert—start 6.30pm Tuesday 16/12/14 Grade 6 Graduation Wednesday 17/12/14 Reports sent home Friday 19/12/14 Last day of term—early dismissal .10pm HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION NEWS HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION. With the good weather getting closer, its is the time to start thinking about what we are packing in our children's lunch boxes. We all want a happy and healthy lifestyle for our children. The following information gives us some ideas to promote a healthier alternative for our kids with some great ideas with fruit and vegetables. Exercise is another factor that contributes to our health. We know that most kids would prefer to sit in front of the box or the screen of ipads, computers, etc. Below is also some ideas to keep our kids off these devices and involve the whole family in a healthier lifestyle. Remember WE AS ADULTS ARE ROLE MODELS FOR OUR CHILDREN. TERM 4 PHYS ED NEWS. Firstly I would like to congratulate Abbi Sylvia and Ricky Williams in representing Pentland at the Regional Athletics Championships at the end of Term 3. Both students did Pentland proud in the Discus. With our Fitness Testing completed for Term 4, many of our students have shown some VERY impressive results in the Beep Test. The Beep Test is a 20m shuttle run with 21 levels. Each level has between 7-16 20m shuttles which progressively gets faster. Some of our outstanding results are below. The ( ) below show how many 20m shuttles the student completed Grade 2’s Riley O- 5.3 (35) Bailey W- 6.3 (44) Jack W- 6.10 (51) Grade 3’s Matt C- 5.3(35) Toni Lee CA- 5.4 (36) Aaliyah H -5.4 (36) Ely S- 5.4 (36) E- 7.5 (56) Grade 5’s Kasey D-5.6 (38) Jessica P-6.2 (43) Isabella BS- 7.5 (56) Grade 6’s Isabella B-5.6 (38) Haylea S-5.9 (41) Ricky W- 6.10 (51) Josh K- 7.1 (52) Coby K- 7.8 (59) Cody L- 8.11 (72) Grade 4’s George W- 5.6 (38) Koby C -7.4 (55) Last week was also HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION WEEK. We have had some fun challenges at school with every student attempting the PLANK challenge (results below), House team Tug-O-Wars with Newcombe being the winning team, the Grade 6 students versing the Teachers. The students were too strong for the teachers and the final event being Teachers V Students in PLANK CHALLENGE- The plank (also called a front hold, hover, or Challenge Ball. The teachers came out winners in this event.abdominal bridge) is an isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining a difficult position for extended periods of time. The most common plank is the front plank which is held in a push-up position with the body's weight borne on forearms, elbows, and toes. PREPS Ashlee D -1min 30s Brodie D- 2mins 9s Tianna- 2mins 20s Lachlan C- 2mins 29s Blake B- 2 mins 59s Serena A- 3mins 41s GR.1’S Elsie D- 1min 03s Lachlan S- 1min 03s Aliah J- 4mins Cienna S-5mins 03s GR.2’S Natalie- 1min 26s Shaylah D-1min 30s Bailey W- 2mins 28s Maggie W- 2mins 30s Paige F- 2mins 36s Audrey A- 3mins Mahlia B- 6mins Grade 5’s Alissa P-2mins 01s Jessica P-2 mins 05s Isabella BS-2mins 24s Aliesha A- 3mins 01s Grade 6’s Coby K-5mins 08s Grade 3’s Martin P- 1min 28s Aaliyah H- 6 mins 12s Naturelle R- 2 mins Toni Lee CA- 3 mins Grade 4’s Jake M- 2mins 03s George W- 2mins 10s Alexander B- 3mins 07s Koby C- 3 mins 19s Congratulations to all of the students mentioned. Also a special mention to our Grade 2 students Jack and Bailey who have been selected for the U/12 Basketball Squad team. We wish them the best of luck. A great achievement for the age of 8. Well done Boys. Local Police Update Many crimes are opportunistic and preventable. Police are targeting thieves in your area, but we also need you to play a part to help yourself. You can help drive down crime in your local community by taking simple steps to protect your home, car and personal property. In nearly 20% of residential burglaries, entry was through unlocked doors and windows. In more than 50% of thefts from cars, there was no sign of forced entry. Make sure doors and windows are locked and don’t leave valuables on display in your home or in cars. For more information, tips and checklists visit www.wishilockedit.com FOR SALE Size 6 Pentland Primary School Rain Jacket $20—worn once. Please contact front office for details Attendance Parents it is important for your child’s education that they attend school each day unless they are ill. If they are ill, home of course is the best place for them. Please remember to send a note with them when they return to school or do this via our school website. Advertise Here We welcome families to place adds in the newsletter. Ads are $10 per term and can be arranged by calling the school, email or visiting the office during school hours. Department of Education and Early Childhood (DEECD) Reminders Building your child’s resilience All young children will face challenges and setbacks. Your child might be upset when their ball rolls off the mat and under the TV. Your child might be disappointed that a friend can’t come and play. Or they might be frustrated at not being able to ride their new scooter. Sometimes those challenges are on a bigger scale – becoming ill, moving to a new city or starting at a new education and care program. Resilience is the ability to handle tough times – to keep trying (persevering), to adapt to change, and to meet challenges. Resilient children take considered risks and cope with the unexpected. They persist when faced with challenges or when their first attempt isn’t successful. Being resilient is an important part of your child’s sense of identity and wellbeing. Myths and misunderstandings Resilience is about strength of character, not about being tough. Telling a four-year old not to cry won’t make your child strong – it will only teach them to hide their feelings when they feel angry or sad. Telling your child always to be happy and positive does not build resilience. Nor does excessive praise – in fact, if you praise everything that your child does, they may be less likely to deal with setbacks. Praise can result in children only trying to please adults. Encouragement gives information, feedback and supports independence. A child needs to feel valued and accepted to be resilient. They need to know that you are there and they can get help and support. This encourages them to take risks and try new things. The more things your child tries, the more experience they have of problem solving, learning from their mistakes and persevering. What does this mean for me? As your child’s first and most important teacher, you play an important role in supporting your child to be resilient. Be prepared to let your child struggle for a bit. If your child’s ball rolls away and they cry, wait and see if they will crawl and get it without your help. Notice and acknowledge your child’s efforts: say things like: I liked the way you kept trying until you were able to finish that puzzle. Treat mistakes as learning. Avoid fault finding or criticism as this will stop your child from trying new things. Talk about the things your child has learnt (as well as what you have learnt) through their mistakes. Model resilient behaviour. How do you react when things go wrong? How do you respond to loss and disappointment? Your child learns from what you do. If your child is old enough, explain that now and then everyone has a difficult or unhappy time. It’s a normal part of life and most problems can be worked out. Give your child time to do the things they are good at. They’ll develop a sense of achievement and learn that we get good at things by practising and persevering. Help your child to have realistic expectations. If your child is learning to ride a bike without training wheels, let them know that this will take time. Unrealistic expectations will cause disappointment. If success is achievable, encourage your child to keep trying (but don’t pressure them). Acknowledge their frustrations: It will get easier the more you do it. If your child is struggling, break the task into smaller steps, or make it easier so your child can experience some success. You don’t need to look for chances to build your child’s resilience – they’ll occur naturally.
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