G, IVICFARLAND ¿L C. F. LOOIVIIS. TRACTOR. 192293,55?, APPLICATION FILED JULY 30.1914. Pa’fe‘ntod Apr. 10, 191'? XI ß ß_ „§_ „M ß _0 _ „wie _ y WE î 6 M_ _ß ___ „y @I _Y _W /N W7» _?, - G. IVICFARLAND ¿I C. F. LOOIVIIS. TRACTOR. APPLICATION FILED IuLY 30. I9I4. UCV/N. „wirMm wwwM @LIm fardiw/,._ È f7. ZW Ww@ß man statins cierren GEORGE IVICFARLAND AND CECIL IE‘. LOOMIS, 0F PEORIA, liLLïNÖ’IS. TRACTOR. 1,222,557.. Specification of Letters Patent. Application íiled July 30, 1914. To all 'whom ¿t may concern: Y Be it known that we, GEORGE MCFARLAND and CECIL F. LooMrs, citizens of the United Patented Apr. Mb, 119i?. Serial No. 854,176. and some of its mountings taken on _line m-œ ofFig‘l. _ Fig. 3 is a side elevation of the front steer States, residing at Peoria, in the county of ing ground Wheel showing an inclined sup Peoria and State of Illinois, have invented porting standard or pedestal for the same. certain new and useful Improvements in Tractors; and We do hereby declare that the - Fig. 4 is a plan of a portion of the same; and, ' following is a full, clear, and exact descrip Fig. 5 is an elevation of a portion of the tion of the invention, which will lenable Wheel and its standard or pedestal illustrat others skilled in the art to which it apper ing the position of the steering wheel in tains to make and use the same. 15 turning out of a straight course. This invention relates to tractors. It per The main frame is composed of but a tains' more particularly to the -manner ot single length of channel steel which is bent disposing the driving gearing and motor 'at substantially the middle of its length in upon a tractor of the three wheel type where two places leaving a short transverse front by to balance the Weight of said gearing and portion c and creating side portions À and B motor upon the traction or bull-wheel. 70 extending rearwardly the full length of the One' of the objects of the invention is to frame. The portion lB is straight the Jfull produce to -a main frame of peculiar form length of the completed frame and is bent 20 for a tractor of the three wheeled type in parallel to the portion a into the portion I). that it Will be at once very rigid, the least rll‘lhe opposite portion A extends from said amount of material will be required in its transverse portion av rearwardly and ont construction thereby keeping the cost of pro Wardly at an obtuse angle constantly in duction low, and the simplification of the creasing in distance from the portion lâ' 25 operation of shaping into the form required. until it reaches the full width et' the Íìnished The main object of the invention is to so frame, the length of the angled portion be dispose the Weight of the machinery upon -ing substantially two thirds of tht` length the frame of a three Wheeled tractor with reference to its three carrying or ground of the frame. Said portion À is then bent into a rearwardly extending portion c par Wheels that> the guiding of the machine by allel to the _portion B, thence being bent at means of the steering ground wheel will be an obtuse angle and extending rearwardly very positive there being no tendency of the toward the portion b forming the portion (Z machine to swing about onl its driving or which is connected with Z), the ends of d and traction Wheel. , l) being secured together by means of bolts Another and important object is to dis~ L for example. rll‘his forms a substantially pose the various parts of the driving mech triangular frame that is at once strong and anism upon the frame in such a‘relation to rigid, requiring the least amount ot metal the traction or “ bull ’l Wheel that a perfect balance of the machine Will result with no tendency to turn about or deviatë from a and cheaply produced. , F is a brace of channel steel lying upon 95 and extending transversely of the frame straight-ahead course. Also, to place the near the forward end and parallel to it is a several gears of the reducing gear of the brace G upon both of which is engine in such a position with regard to the similar mounted the engine or motor H by means of entire Weight placed upon the frame that cross members J, Figs. 1 and ‘2a. Said brace Í` the combined Weights Will be carried directly G extends but part way across the frame and upon the said tractor Wheel so as to obtain the largest amount of traction that can be it and the brace F lie above the top surface of the frame and are supported thereon, Since said brace G extends but part way Other objects and advantages with regard - across the frame a support is required for to structure Wlll be brought out as the de-> one of its ends which is furnished in a brace scription proceeds. K lying beneath it and secured at the one realized. ‘ in the accompanying drawings forming a end to the frame portion A, being bent at p right angles forwardly 4at its outer end, its Figure 1 is a plan of the complete tractor'. extremity being attached to the under side oit ï l1? Fig. 2 is a side elevation of the same. part of this applicationn 55 li, U the brace F. ln addition, there is secured Fig. 2B is a transverse section of the frame to the brace lí at the end last mentioned 2. 1,222,557 bull wheel and preferably slightly canted at ber L being secured to the _frame portion B an angle outwardly which assists in a more in any suitable manner. This peculiar con perfect steering of the implement. Atten membery L secured to it by bolts M said mem struction aids in bracing the two frame tionpwill now be directed to the front steer members A and B besides sustaining the ing ground wheel which „we consider of im driving machinery of the tractor in the best portance in the handling of the tractor. possible osition with regard to convenience, -In the several íigures this wheel is indi ¿accessibi -ty, and the disposition of the re cated by the reference _'character 17, the versing mechanism and clutch portion all frame being supported thereon through a hollow or tubular pedestal C’ as part of, 10 of which will appear presently. l' Extending longitudinally of the machine the described arm C through which extends is a brace N its ends having attachment to the rear end of the frame and the member G described. Parallel to said member N 15 is a similar member O attached at its ends to the same membersas said member N. P angles and carries said wheel, there being any suitable casting 20 for carrying the ped estal and protecting'the wheel bearing. indicates the “bull” wheel whose axle Q, is thereto a worm wheel 21 and a worm 22 on a The upper end of the shaft 19 has secured secured in any suitable manner at one end to ysteering rod 23 engaging it. 20 25 the frame part B and whose other end 1s secured upon the member O just described, it being observed that the said wheel has a position close to one side of the frame, in this instance the right hand side. Secured 4to the bull wheel is a ring gear R in mesh with which is a pinion S mounted upon a shaft T liournaled across th’e members N O, said shaft carrying a gear U which 75 a shaft 19 whose lower end extends at right The steering rod extends rearwardly to the driver’s seat and is provided with any usual steering wheel 24. The pedestal is inclined at an an 85 gle forwardly so that its lower end lies vahead of its upper end. The pedestal is provided with extensions 25 and 26 forming bearings for the steering rod. 30 Due to the fact that the axis about which the wheel 17 turns is inclined in a forward meshes with a pinion V on a shaft W jour direction, the said Wheel when turned out naled on the members N O B. This -shaft on a straight ahead course in turning side carries a large gear 2 in mesh with a pinion wise, or in turning a corner, the wheel must 3 on a shaft 4 axially coincident with the also take up an inclined position, its plane being inclined at an angle to the line of ad shaft 5 of the engine or motor H. ` The train of gears thus provided admits of vance as indicated in F ig. 5, it being ob running the engine at a high rate of speed served that the face of the Wheel tends to 35 and delivering at the bull wheel great power bank upon the soil whereby a large surface engages the soil to resist a tendency to skid due to the drive or push from behind deliv 6 is indicative of a clutch for connect ered by the traction Wheel l?. 'v `When a steering ground wheel turns ing the shafts 4 and 5, and? is a rock shaft 40 carrying a shifting fork 8 for shifting a part about a vertical axis its tendency is to skid (not shown) of said clutch. This sha t is for the reason that it does not have sufhcient rocked by means of a rod 8’ attached to a of its surface presented to theground sur due to the reduction or stepping down method. 90 100 105 face and to overcome this skidding tendency hand lever 83 through a rod 84, the said lever an extended rim is used from the wheel face 83 being easy of raccess from the driver’s seat. but this has not been found to yield the “ To this, however, we lay no claim to novelty, proper results and, in consequence, we have The pinion 3 described is one of a revers Vdevised the structure herein which is found ing gear-set which we have not believed nee in practice to prevent slîidding and cause the essary to illustrate and by which the tractor machine to act more quickly in turning out may be reversed in its direction of advance of a straight ahead course. 1n addition to in the field. 9 is a lever 'for operating said this advantage there is that of bringing that reversing gear-set' through a lever 10 at portion of the wheel which ñrst meets ob the rear of the machine near -the driver’s seat structions into line with the axis of the ped 11, the two levers being connected by a rod estal and shaft 19 so that blows transmitted 12. The shaft 4 is provided with a pulley to the frame will tend to lift it rather than 12@ 13 for driving any form of machinery from to fracture or snap the pedestal as often the engine when the tractor is to be used for happens when the latter occupies a vertical - bell-crank lever 82 connected in turn with a 45 50 55 60 that purpose. 14 is indicative of any usual or desired position. ~ Referring again to the mounting of the form of radiator for the cooling water for machine parts upon the frame, it is observed 125 the engine and 15 is a fuel supply tank. The that the engine or motor H is placed for other parts for the motor have not been illus ward of the bull wheel and close toit so that trated since they are not required for the it and the gearing between it and the trac understanding of the present invention. tion wheel is carried upon said wheel the 65 16 is a ground wheel located opposite the wheel 16 acting little more than to support 130 naaaeea a slight weight of that side of the frame'ìt/o which it is attached. ' Having thus described the invention, we claim :- rll‘hat is to say, the gearing made up of the' l. lln a tractor, in combination, a frame gears 2 and 3 and gears V and IlU, also gears and a traction wheel supporting the same S and R, are all placed around therbull including a gear fixed relatively to it, a mo wheel in such a way that the whole, in effect, tor mounted upon the frame forward of the is balanced upon the traction wheel, all of traction wheel, a speed reducing gear train the weights being distributed upon the frame intermediate the gear of the traction wheel with this end in view. The said traction and that ofthe motor and operatively en wheel thus practically supports all _ofthe gaging both, the weight of the motor and 75 4weight and when the power is applied the gearing being disposed close to the said' weight is in effect lifted upon said wheel through the pinion S and the gear R to ob tain the greatest traction possible. liti ‘ The disposal of the weights on the three wheeled tractors is usually such that too wheel. 2. ln a tractor, in combination, a traction wheel, a main frame mounted thereon, a gear fixed relatively to said wheel, a motor forward of the wheel parallel to its face, great weight’has‘been placed upon wheels a speed reducing gear-set interposed be other than the driving or traction wheel and tween the motor 4and the wheel and opera the weight 'on those wheels therefore loe~l -tively engaging both7 the said motor and the " comes a drag resulting in a tendency of the machine to turn around on the traction wheel, the’ latter acting as a pivot so that there is constant drag sidewise and an in different operation of the machine. 25 Now, by placing practically all of the weight' on the traction wheel, the wheel 16 merely acting as a support for carrying but little weight, comparatively, the front caster said gear-set being disposed adjacent the es traction wheel whereby in the operation of the machine the weight of the said motor, the gearing and the frame are substantially balanced upon and supported by said trac tion wheel. ` . 90 3. ln a tractor, in combination, a main frame, a traction i wheel supporting said frame including a gear fixed relative to it, a wheel 17 has absolute control of the direc motor lying forward of said wheel parallel 30 tion of movement; and by placing it directly > to its face, a Speed reducing' gear-set and a ahead of said traction wheelk there is no side reversing gear-'set interposed between the swinging or pivoting tendency while a turn Said gear arid the motor and operatively en to the right or left of said steeringwheel gaging both, the two sets and the motor be _causes the machine to answer at once 'to that ing disposed upon the frame at said traction 35 movement. wheel so thatV the 'center of gravity of the ' The rotation of the motor tends to lift the weights of the parts mentioned are substan front end of the machine and place the tially balanced upon the latter. weight thereof upon the axle ofv the bull t 4. :ln a tractor, in combination, a main wheel for the reason that the pinion S has a frame, a traction wheel supporting said tendency to climb upon the ring gear R in frame including a gear fixed relative to it, a 95 100 driving said bull-wheel. Therefore, with motor lying forward of said wheel parallel,I the disposal of the weights as described around the latter, the gearing V U S R be to its face, a speed reducing gear-set and a wheel and in front of it, and the heavy re gaging both, the two sets and the motor be reversing gear set interposed between the ing close to it, the motor being adjacent said said gear and the motor and operatively en~ versing gear being at the opposite side of the ing disposed upon the frame at said trac wheel with the climbing tendency, it is seenA tion wheel so that the center of gravity of the weights of the parts mentioned are sub weight, there being but little weight irn stantially balanced upon the latter, a sec posed upon the steering wheel and the ond 'wheel at one side of the frame, and a wheel 16. O front steering wheel at the forward eide of The motor l‘l, itwill be observed, lies par said frame. that said bull-wheel must carry all the 50 allel to the face of the bull-wheel so as te 55 better balance its weight and that of the re 5., ll'n a tractor, the combination with its main frame, and a traction ‘wheel including versing gears 2, 3, as equally as passible upon a gear, of secondary frame structure ein said wheel; thisbeing aided by the weight 'tending transversely cf the main .frame for of the radiator at lll. " lt is observed, further, that the motor in ward of the wheel, a _motor mounted on said order to be readily geared back to the bull posed parallel te the face of the wheel, a re ducing gear-set and a reversing gear-set ' mounted upon the machine frame and inter posed between the motor and the traction secondary :frame and having its shaft dis' wheel and placed as close to the latter as possible, and also in order to make use nf its weight, is )laced so as to parallel the face of the sait wheel, IÍi‘he disfpcsal of these wheel and operatively engaging both, por weights is an advantage as outlined, this dis tions of the gcarings sing disposed at op posal being apparently new in the posite ,sides of the wheel, the motor 1,222,557 A and the said- gearing being disposedv with one end of the shaft and the described gear reference to the wheel whereby in the opera of the traction wheel, a motor lying for ward of the traction wheel, a reversing gear thrust upon and substantially balanced set interposed between the motor shaft and 40 . tion of the motor in the field the weights are upon the said wheel. l the opposite end of the first described shaft,~ v 6. In a tractor, the combination with its the weights of the >described motor and main frame, a traction wheel including a gearings thus disposed being placed upon 45 gear, of a cross-frame structure forward of the traction wheel in the operation of the10 15 the traction wheel and supported upon the main frame adjacent the face of the traction wheel7 one end of the said frame structure being spaced from one side of the main frame, means extending across and secured to said main frame beneath the said frame structure for supporting it, a motor mount ed upon the frame Structure 'including its tractor in the field. _ 8. In a tractor, the combination with a traction wheel including a gear fixed- rela tively thereto, and a inaln frame, of an aux 50 iliary frame portion lying close to and sub stantially parallel to -the plane of the wheel, a cross _ frame structure forward of the> wheel, a motor mounted upon- the said drive shaft and a gear, the latter depending cross frame structure with its shaft substan 55 within the space between the said frame tially parallel to the ~face of the wheel, a structure and the main frame substantially shaft mounted upon the frame forward of 20 in a horizontal line with the axis of rotation and parallel to the face of the wheel, a re- ‘ of the traction wheel, longitudinal frame versing gear-set placed between the motor members lying substantially parallel to the shaft and onefend of the last described shaft, so plane of the traction Wheel, a reducing gear a reducing gear-set at the other end of the set mounted upon the main frame and said last- described shaft operatively engaging 25 longitudinal frame members, said gearsset the gear of the traction wheel, the described being interposed between the gear of the gear-sets being disposed at opposite sides of motor shaft and that of the traction wheel and engaging both, the gear of the set en gaging that of the motor shaft lying in the 30 space between the cross-frame structure and a portion of the said main frame, » 7.' In a- tractor, the combination with a the traction wheel whereby they, together with the motor in operation will be substan tially ’balanced upon and thrust upon the said traction wheel. In testimony whereof We aflix our signa tures, in presence of two witnesses. traction wheel, a frame mounted upon and 35 supported by it, a gear iixed relatively to the traction wheel, a shaft extending sub stantially parallel to the face of the wheel and extending beyond each side of the same, a reducing gear-set operatively engaging ' GEORGE MCFARLAND. CECIL F. LOOMIS. Witnesses: IJ. E. SUTHERLAND, L. M. Tainnnow. -
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