President U Thein Sein arrives in Milan

9th Waning Day of Thadingyut 1376 ME
Volume I, Number 17
Friday, 17 October, 2014
President U Thein Sein arrives in Milan
Nay Pyi Taw, 16
Oct — President U
Thein Sein and party
arrived in Milan, Italy
on Thursday morning
via Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Thailand to attend the 10th
Asia-Europe Meeting
and related meetings.
The president and
party were welcomed by
Myanmar Ambassador
to Italy U Myint Naung
and officials at Melpensa Airport. They were
put up at NH President
Hotel in Milan.
According to the
shedule the president
will attend the EU-ASEAN Leaders Retreat,
the opening ceremony
of the 10th ASEM, the
plenary summits and
the dinner hosted by the
Italian President.
Romans established
Milan on the plains of
central Italy in about
400 B.C. Milan is the
second most populous
city with 1.3 million
of population. Italians
name Milan city as
Milano. Milan is the
main industrial city of
Italy and a major world
fashion capital.
U Thein Sein and
party arrive in Milan,
Italy to attend 10th
Asia-Europe Meeting
and related
Blue Plaque installed at Yangon’s Central Fire Station
Central Fire Station in Yangon installed with fourth commemorative blue
plaque of Yangon Heritage Trust.—Photo: Aye Min Soe
Yangon, 16 Oct —
Yangon Heritage Trust
installed its fourth commemorative Blue Plague
of Yangon at the Central
Fire Station in Kyauktada
Township on Thursday.
The Central Fire Station near Sule Pagoda
in downtown Yangon is
included in the heritage
building list compiled by
Yangon City Development
Committee and is one of
the oldest buildings remaining in Yangon that retains its original use.
The Central Fire Station, positioned at the
center of the city, is a key
Yangon building as it has
been executing vital work
for the city on a daily basis
for more than a century.
The Vice Chairman
of Yangon Heritage Trust,
Daw Moe Moe Lwin, said
that YHT is very proud to
recognize this important
heritage building by installing the Blue Plaque.
“It is representative of
very remarkable architecture which complements
the streetscape of Sule
Pagoda Road. The road
leading towards the Sule
Pagoda, together with the
Central Fire Station on its
left side, has been a showcase of a unique urban
street scene for decades.
The Fire Force deserves
the credit for maintaining
the building always in fresh
and good condition despite
its old age,” she said.
Yangon first established a fire brigade in
1883, which was supplemented by volunteers from
school boys of St Paul and
St John schools. The city
was largely constructed
of timber until the 1890s,
and faced constant threat
of wide-scale damage from
In 1896, the volunteer
brigade was replaced with
a fulltime salaried brigade
composed of professional
fire-fighters. In 1911, the
municipality acquired land
on Sule Pagoda Road to
erect a modern Central Fire
The building, a fine
example of Edwardian architecture, is endowed with
a 100 feet watch tower and
was completed in 1912. It
was the first fire station
in Myanmar to introduce
petrol or steam driven
machines that replaced
the horse-driven engines.
The commemorative Blue
Plaque stands as part of
Yangon Heritage Trust’s
efforts to highlight historical buildings and renowned
residents who contributed
(See page 2)
Governments are
responsible for
improving the
status of rural
peasant farmers:
Vice President
U Nyan Tun
EITI practice
to contribute
to tax reform
system relating
to natural
Border affairs
looks into
in western
A strong
economy makes
the world go
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Budget procedures explained at Pyithu Hluttaw
Nay Pyi Taw, 16
Oct—The Machine and
Supervisory Committee distributes
the price list of vehicles,
machinery, machine and
by local companies and
office equipment distributed by local companies
to ministries and government organizations for
each year so that they can
draft budget proposals in
a uniform manner, Deputy Minister for National
Planning and Economic
Development Daw Lei
Lei Thein told the Pyithu
Hluttaw (Lower House) on
She was responding
to a question raised at the
Pyithu Hluttaw on prices
in the budget allocations
of ministries. If prices in
budget proposals are not in
accord with the price list,
ministries and government
organizations are asked
to draw the budget proposal in accordance with
the list before the budget
proposals are submitted to
the union government, she
National Planning and
Economic Development
Ministry and government
organizations are also required to follow the directives of the President
Amyotha Hluttaw
Office in purchasing by
inviting open tender in a
transparent manner, according to the deputy minister.
Budget proposals of
the ministries are examined by the three committees responsible for
and equipment and other
expenditures respectively and by the Ministry of
Finance before the budget
proposal are enacted as
law, she said.
At the Pyithu Hluttaw session today, Deputy
Minister for Education Dr
Zaw Min Aung responded
(from page 1)
to the narrative of the city.
Yangon Heritage Trust believes that the introduction
of commemorative Blue
Plaques will make Yangon’s
history accessible to people
of all age and backgrounds.
This is the fourth Blue
Plaques in Yangon from
YHT’s initiative following City Hall, AYA Bank
Headquarters and Armenian
Royal Philips agreed to
contribute US$ 75,000 for
the Yangon Blue Plaques
initiative. Aside from the
highlighting key cultural
heritage locations, the contribution will also support
the research and curation
of historical sites, and creation and installation of
Blue Plaques that will share
the historical relevance and
background of notable people and places across the
Deputy Minister for
Education Dr Zaw
Min Aung answers the
question raised by a
to the question raised by a
defence services representative who asked whether
monitoring measures are
taken to ensure that all
school-aged children are
learning at school.
The deputy minister
said it is difficult to monitor the schooling of all
school-aged children in
some areas and the ministry has to place emphasis
on admission of schoolaged children every year.
The Pyithu Hluttaw
(Lower House) Session
approved the coastal and
inland water transport bill.
Electricity consumers to be offered
deserved compensation for their losses and damage
Representatives of Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House) participate
in Thursday’s session.—mna
Blue Plaque
installed. . . .
Deputy Minister for
National Planning
and Economic Development Daw Lei
Lei Thein replying to
Pyithu Hluttaw
Nay Pyi Taw, 16 Oct
— Amyotha Hluttaw representatives discussed the motion tabled by U Sai Kyaw
Zaw Than of Shan State
Constituency calling for the
union government to take
special measures to protect
the public from electrical
Concerning with the
motion, Deputy Minister for
Electric Power U Maw Tha
Htwe said that educative
measures for electric safety
are disseminated to the public through leaflets, posters,
talks, radio and television
programmes and columns
in newspapers and journals
to protect the public from
electrical risks.
To protect the public
from the electric shocks
from broken wires, earth
rings, earth bar system, line
guards and line link connections have been installed on
power lines, according to
the deputy minister.
Power lines in townships are also tested for 30
kg load and priority has
been given to replace old
electric lines and service
lines with insulated wires
multi-transformer system, which replaces
large transformers with
small ones to reduce the
electricity load on power
lines, has been introduced,
the deputy minister said.
Arrangements are also
underway to conduct training courses to enhance the
skills of power line and
maintenance workers, the
deputy minister added.
In conclusion, the
deputy minister said that
electricity consumers will
be offered deserved compensation for their losses
and damage in accordance
with the law depending on
social security funds and
incomes from electricity
The Amyotha Hluttaw
approved the motion after
representatives voted for it.
Union Border Affairs Minister looks into development
programmes in western Myanmar
Nay Pyi Taw, 16
Oct— Union Minister for
Border Affairs Lt-Gen Thet
Naing Win, Vice Chairman
of the Central Committee
for Implementing Peace,
Stability and Development
in Rakhine State and government officials inspected
development programmes
of his committee in western
Myanmar state.
At the arrival of
on Tuesday, the union
minister and officials inspected the constructions
of Buthidaung-Taungbazar-Wanatyone and Taungbazar-Bandoola
before facilitating the development projects.
On Tuesday, the union
minister and party checked
the resistance of roads
and bridges along Buthidaung-Ngakyitaut road.
He also viewed the
Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Thet Naing Win explains development plans for
Rakhine State.—mna
construction of concrete
road and bridge in Maungtaw township, Mawrawady
village school constructed
by the grants of Indonesia and houses for migrant
people from Bangladesh.
The union minster
held discussions with local
officials on development
projects at the Maungtaw
district administrative office. The union minister
then looked into basic
sewing course for local
women and inspected the
construction of dormitory
for the trainees. He later reminded to ensure the norms
of construction project to
the responsible persons at
India-funded school construction project in Myoma ward and a vocational
school constructed with the
ministry budget for 20142015 fiscal year, before
leaving for Buthidaung
Township where a school
is being constructed with
the grant of Indonesia.
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Governments are responsible for improving socioeconomic status of
rural peasant farmers: Vice President U Nyan Tun
Nay Pyi Taw, 16
Oct—Vice President U
Nyan Tun addressed a
ceremony that celebrated
the World Food Day at
the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation here on
Thursday, sources said.
In his speech, U Nyan
Tun said that the United
Nations has set its objective of ‘Zero Hunger’ in its
Millennium Development
Goals as food shortage
will not guarantee social
wellbeing, pointing out
the need for world nations
to join hands in ensuring
global food security.
With the world’s population expected to rise
up to around 10 billion
in 2050, food production
needs to be doubled to
Vice President U Nyan Tun with union ministers and officials of UN agencies at ceremony to mark World Food Day.—mna
feed the rising population,
he cited scholars as calculating.
The theme of the
World Food Day is “Family Farming: Feeding the
EITI practice to contribute to tax reform
system relating to natural resources
Union Minister U Soe Thane highlights important role of Extractive
Industries Transparency Initiative at Conference on Natural Resource
Governance in Myanmar.—mna
Nay Pyi Taw, 16
Oct—The Conference on
Natural Resources Governance in Myanmar took
place at Myanmar International Convention Centre
in Nay Pyi Taw on Thursday.
Chairman of Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) of Myanmar Committee Union
Minister at the President
Office U Soe Thane said
that Myanmar is to submit the EITI work report
in 2016. It is necessary to
lay down sound foundations for sustainable development of EITI tasks. He
stressed the need to take
responsibility and accountability for EITI sector.
While giving priority to
long-term development of
economy, the country must
try hard to reduce utilization of natural resources in
doing businesses.
EITI Chairman Ms
Hon Clare Short said that
EITI tasks will be undertaken in four states of
Myanmar. She expressed
her opinion that natural resources are to be used for
the people and it is necessary to systematically manage incomes obtained from
natural resources so as to
improve living standard of
the people.
Chairman of Myanmar
EITI Tripartite Group Deputy Minister for Finance Dr
Maung Maung Thein and
party discussed implementation of Myanmar EITI
process, and Managing
Director Daw Hla Hla Kyi
of Myanma Petrochemical
Enterprise and officials reform experiences of Staterun corporations, management of future fund for
natural resources.
Myanmar EITI Director Economic Adviser to
the President Dr Zaw Oo
and Head of the UK Department for International
Development in Myanmar
Mr Gavin McGillivary explained future tasks.
Government officials
are urged to protect the
civic organizations in implementing the EITI tasks
to be free from disturbances and threats. Knowledge
dissemination about EITI
tasks are to be carried out
for enabling the people to
know information on natural resources.
Practising EITI will
attract foreign investment
and build the trusts among
the government, companies
and people. It can contribute towards acceleration of
tax system reform process
concerning the natural resources.—MNA
World, Caring for the
Earth”, with the year of
2014 being designated as
the International Year of
Family Farming, he stated.
The vice president
said that family farming is
considered a meritorious
and praiseworthy profession in developing countries, including Myanmar,
adding that governments
are responsible for improving the socioeconomic
status of peasant farmers,
especially in rural areas.
Speaking of rural development tasks, Vice
President U Nyan Tun said
that Myanmar is making
efforts to bring down its
poverty index to 16% in
2015 by allotting land use,
loans, providing scientific
farming methods and technical assistance, and distributing high-yield seeds.
According to the Food
and Agriculture Organization, the world witnesses
over 800 million malnourished people on a daily basis, 100 million less than
last decade.
Statistics show that
one out of eight people
all over the world are now
undernourished on a daily
The vice president
pledged that Myanmar
will cooperate with regional countries in the
fight against hunger while
implementing its sustainable development of the
agricultural sector.
After the speech, Vice
President U Nyan Tun de-
Transport Ministry to write
new Merchant Shipping Act
Yangon, 16 Oct—
Ministry of Transport is
planning to write a new
Merchant Shipping Act as
there are loopholes in the
existing 1923-Act, according to the ministry.
The Union Attorney-General Office has advised the ministry to write
a new act instead of amending the 1923-act which was
also amended in 2007, ac-
cording to an official of the
The new act will be included with issues related
to safety, crews, training
for crews and signing contracts.
The ministry will hire
one consultant from Sri
Lanka and one from Africa
to write a navigation section of the Act.
MIC designates Kokang
Economic Zone
Nay Pyi Taw, 16 Oct—The Myanmar Investment
Commission released Notification No. 59/2014 on 3
October announcing that a 1,007 acres (4075153.029
square meters) of land plot was designated as the economic zone in Kokang Self-Administered Zone.
The information related to the economic zone was
posted at—MNA
clared “Myanmar National
Launching of Zero Hunger
Challenge” open.
Representatives from
the Food and Agriculture
Organization and the United Nations delivered addresses on the occasion.
Vice President U
Nyan Tun presented certificates of honour to
officials of the Food and
Agriculture Organization,
the Japan International
Cooperation Agency, the
Korea International Cooperation Agency, the M.S
Great Wall Co Ltd and
New Ayar Company, for
their contributions to Myanmar’s agricultural development.
Global Hand
Washing Day
held in Lewe
Nay Pyi Taw, 16
Oct— A ceremony to mark
the Global Hand Washing Day was held in Basic
Education High School
of Lewe Township, Nay
Pyi Taw Council Area on
Medical Superintendent Dr Su Su Tun of 100bed hospital and health assistant Daw Thin Khaing of
Lewe Township Health Department, gave educative
talk about Ebola epidemic
and facts about global hand
washing day, sources said.
A total of 120 students
of No.3 BEHS of Lewe
hands properly.
Friday, 17 October, 2014
local news
Facts about human rights shared
to people
Nyaunglebin, 16 Oct
— Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
held a talk about human
rights at Thiri Yadana Hall
in Nyaunglebin of Bago
Region on Wednesday.
Vice Chairman of the
commission U Sit Myaing
gave lectures on human
rights, citizens and fundamental rights in the constitution, member U Soe
Phone Myint on provisions
in the world human rights
charter and member U Yu
Lwin Aung, on formation
of Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
and its endeavours.
They replied to queries
raised by those present and
gave pamphlets to the attendees.—Nay Lin (Nyaunglebin)
Nay Pyi Taw
Police stations understaffed
in Pathein
Yangon, 16 Oct —
Police stations in Pathein
are understaffed and the
capacity of the police in the
area dipped below 60 percent, according to U Zaw
Win Kyaw, a police officer
in the township.
There are only 1,135
police personnel in the
township although there
should be 1,929 personnel,
sending the police-population ratio to 1:1835, he
added. “There are only 161
police officers and the rest
is other ranks. It is essential for the police to operate
efficiently. So, emphasis
should be given to training
for the police at every level
than to expansion of the police force,” said U Zaw Win
“Every police station
in the district is understaffed. So, some policemen have to assumed duty
for a long time. Fortunately, the area is peaceful
and crime is not rampant.
If there is disturbance of
some kind, we do not have
policemen to handle the situation,” said U Thein Zaw
Oo, a police officer from
Pathein No.2 police station.
Pathein District, which
is making up of Pathein
Township, Yaykyi Township, Thabaung Township,
Kyonpyaw Township and
Kyaunggon Township, has
a population of over two
At a Hluttaw session
on 11 October, U Myint
News sites
International White Cane Day
2014 marked in Mandalay
Htwe, a police officer in
Yangon Region, admitted
that although basic needs of
the police are provided with
the approval of the Hluttaw, only 50 percent of their
needs could be fulfilled.
The Ministry of Home
Affairs has provided every
policeman with costs for
uniform and healthcare, increased salary, and miscellaneous expenses since November 2013. In addition,
every policeman is allowed
to receive K 1,000 for daily
ratio in Yangon Region is
1:1,375, according to U
Myint Htwe, who invited
the public and the media
to participate in the efforts
to reduce crimes. He also
admitted that the police in
Myanmar have to carry out
various duty and cannot
still fulfill the need of the
“Policemen have to
work all day long but they
are notorious. This may
have something to do with
their low salary. Most people do not trust the police
and do not want the police
to be involved. Fewer peo-
ple are joining the police
these days. However, if we
are to build a better country, we need a better police
force,” said Ko Aye Chan, a
concerned citizen.
(Edited by MWT (GNLM))
Mdy Sub-printing
House to get fourbuilding staff quarter
Mandalay, 16 Oct
— A ceremony to drive
stake for construction of
the staff quarter was held
at the Sub-printing House
(Mandalay) of News and
Periodicals Enterprise between 20th and 21st streests
and 82nd and 83rd streets in
Pale Ngweyaung Ward in
Aungmyethazan Township of Mandalay on
Dr Myint Kyu drove the
stake for the staff quarter.
The staff quarter will
be a four-unit four-storey
building. Aung Zay Thun
Company will construct
the building in 2014-15
fiscal year.
Min Htet Aung
Sub-printing House)
Mandalay, 16 Oct—
The International White
Cane Day 2014 was
launched in front of Zaygyodaw Clock Tower at
the corner of 26th and 84th
streets in Mandalay on
A total of 320 participants from 14 schools for
the blind and organizations
together with 136 helpers
took part in the activity.
The participants started their walk from the
clock tower and ended at
the city hall. Local people
and social organization
members took care of them
to be free from danger and
traffic accidents along their
route and donated juice,
purified drinking water and
snacks to them.
At the ceremony to
mark the International White Cane Day 2014
held at the City Hall, the
Mandalay Mayor made a
speech and a participant of
the activity spoke words of
The Region Minister
for Planning and Economic
presented commemorative
trophies to 14 schools for
the blind and organizations.
The music bands of
schools for the blinds presented songs and music to
the audiences.
A total of 47 wellwishers donated K4.01 million
to the fund for the blinds.
Tin Maung
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Indian PM launches key
labour reforms
New Delhi, 16 Oct — Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday unveiled key labour reforms aimed at easing
business and turning this country into a
manufacturing hub.
“The ease of business is essential to
the success of Make in India initiative.
Shramev Jayate (labour triumphs) has the
same power as Satyamev Jayate (truth tri-
umphs) does for the development of our
nation,” he said in the national capital.
Modi added: “Labour problems must
be seen through the eyes of the shramik
(worker) not industrialists. People must
change their attitude towards those who
do manual labour.” Some of the labour
reforms include the minimum wage being
raised to 15,000 rupees (300 US dollars)
from 6,500 rupees, and the minimum pension fixed at 1,000 rupees.
The reforms also intends to end the inspector raj or terror rule of inspectors that
has grappled the industry for many years.
“Inspector Raj, we heard this since
our childhood and we thought it is for policemen, only but then we realized it’s a lot
more,” Modi said, adding that inspectors
from now on won’t be able to raid business
units at their whims.
Moreover, each of 700,000 industrial
units in the country will also get a unique
Labour Identification Number.—Xinhua
Defence minister’s visit to China
to boost military ties
Hanoi, 16 Oct — A
high-ranking Vietnamese
military delegation led by
Minister of Defence Phung
Quang Thanh is going to
pay a visit to China to boost
The visit, scheduled
for 16-18 October, aims at
strengthening the comprehensive and friendship cooperation between the two
countries’ armies, according to an online newspaper
of the Vietnamese people’s
army on Thursday.
During the visit, the
two sides will discuss
measures to promote bilateral defence ties for the
maintenance of peace and
stability between the two
armies and peoples.
The visit is expected
to create common awareness of regional and international security issues,
contributing to healthy and
sustainable development of
the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, as well
as to reaffirm that defence
cooperation is among the
key pillars in the relations
between the two parties
and states.
During the visit made
at the invitation of Chinese
Defence Minister Chang
Wanquan, the two sides are
set to sign a technical memorandum on the establishment of a direct contact line
between the two defence
ministries, according to the
Vietnamese army’s online
Three injured in bomb blasts in E India
New Delhi, 16 Oct—
At least three people were
injured in two explosions
that took place in the eastern Indian state of West
Bengal on Thursday, said
police. The first explosion
took place in a house in
Hatichapa village in Malda
district north of state capital Kolkata, in which two
people were injured.
The other blast occurred inside a house in
Samsherganj in Murshidabad district also north
of Kolkata, injuring one
person. The authorities are
probing a blast which took
place on 2 October in West
Bengal’s Burdwan district.
Police said “anti-socials and criminals who often store crude bombs are
disposing them off resulting in such explosions.”
Rescue personnels transfer bodies of victims to Kathmandu from an avalanche site
at the Thorong La Pass in Mustang, Nepal on 15 Oct, 2014. —Xinhua
Asian, European leaders set to
begin summit
Milan, 16 Oct —
Asian and European leaders will kick off their biennial summit meeting on
Thursday in Milan with
the aim of bolstering cooperation between the two
regions on economic and
other issues.
During the two-day
summit of the Asia-Europe
Meeting, or ASEM, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to share the
positive effects of his policies, dubbed Abenomics,
on the world’s third-largest
economy since he took office in December 2012.
The prime minister
also plans to outline Japan’s contribution to global issues such as the deadly
Ebola virus, climate change
and disaster prevention.
On the sidelines of the
multilateral summit, Abe is
scheduled to hold bilateral
meetings with the leaders
of Thailand, Vietnam, host
Italy and Luxemburg on
He will also meet with
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko for the first
time on Friday while looking for a chance to make
unofficial contact with
Russian President Vladimir
Putin, according to the Japanese government.
Japan has faced a
tough balancing act between maintaining solidarity with the West against
Russia’s actions in Ukraine
and needing to solve bilateral issues with Moscow,
most notably a long-standing dispute over the sovereignty of four Russian-held
islands off Hokkaido.
Putin and Poroshenko
are due to hold their first
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (front) arrives
in Milan on 15 Oct, 2014, to attend a two-day AsiaEurope Meeting summit that will begin the following
day in the Italian city.—Kyodo News
direct talks since late August on a diplomatic solution to the situation in eastern Ukraine.
Meanwhile, Japan is
also trying to arrange contact between Abe, South
Korean President Park
Geun Hye and Chinese
Premier Li Keqiang to lay
the groundwork for potential official meetings on the
sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
forum summit in Beijing
next month.
Abe has been unable
to hold one-on-one talks
with Park or Chinese President Xi Jinping, a rare
situation for East Asia, as
Japan remains at odds with
the two Asian neighbors
over territorial and historical issues.
In addition, Abe will
attend the first summit
meeting between Japan
and the Nordic-Baltic
Eight group for regional
cooperation, to be held on
Friday after the conclusion of the ASEM summit.
NB-8 comprises Denmark,
Finland, Iceland, Norway,
Sweden, Estonia, Latvia
and Lithuania.
ASEM was launched
in 1996 as a forum for dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe.
Kyodo News
Nepal rescue workers resume search
for dozens of missing hikers
Kathmandu, 16 Oct —
Mountain rescue teams in
Nepal resumed their search
for dozens of missing
climbers on Thursday after
unseasonal blizzards and
avalanches killed at least
20 people in an area that
is a popular trekking route
with tourists.
The death toll, which
included eight foreigners
and a group of yak herders,
was expected to rise with so
many unaccounted for after
brought by the tail end of
cyclone Hudhud that struck
eastern India last weekend.
A Facebook page set
up on Wednesday to help
friends and relatives trace
loved ones trekking in
Nepal quickly filled with
concerned posts from the
United States, Canada,
Australia and South Korea.
“The weather is good,”
said Baburam Bhandari,
district governor of Mustang district, the area worst
hit by the disaster. “One
army helicopter has already
left for the site and more
helicopters will be pressed
into service later.”
Rescue teams are focused on the area around
the Thorang-La area near
Annapurna, the world’s
10th highest mountain. Rescuers called off their search
after light faded and blizzards set in on Wednesday.
The hikers’ deaths
come during the peak trekking season in Nepal, home
to eight of the world’s 14
highest mountain peaks, including Mount Everest. For
the past two days, Nepal
has been lashed by heavy
rains brought on by the
cyclone that has battered
neighbouring India since
last weekend.
The weather triggered
blizzards at high altitudes.
Ground teams of soldiers
and police joined army helicopters looking for survivors or bodies.
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Western sanctions have positive effect N Korea circulates
on Russian public opinion — Ivanov draft UN resolution
Moscow, 16 Oct —
Western sanction have had
a good psychological effect
on Russians, especially on
those liberal-minded, the
head of the Kremlin administration Sergey Ivanov
said in an interview with
the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily on Thursday.
“On the one side, the
sanctions have done certain
harm and I openly admit
it,” Ivanov said. “And on
the other, they — strange
as it may seem — have had
a positive psychological effect on the public opinion.”
representatives of the so-called liberal community told me,
‘Listen, at last we got it
that in spite of efforts we
had undertaken to become
Europeans and in spite of
all our actions, we have
been, so to speak, rubbed
out in a very unfair way’,”
Ivanov said.
on own human
rights issues
Sergey Ivanov
HK police appeal to protesters to cooperate
with police as street demonstration continues
Hong Kong, 16 Oct
— Hong Kong police said
on Thursday that two men
were arrested for disorderly conduct in public place
and assaulting police as a
crowd of people once again
charged into Lung Wo
Road in Admiralty in the
early morning.
Three police officers
were injured.
At around midnight
of Wednesday, a number
of people rushed out into
Lung Wo Road, which
caused severe traffic congestion. Some drivers accused the protesters of
choking off traffic. Scores
of police officers soon
blocked the people and the
demonstrators retreated to
the pavements. Ten minutes later, traffic resumed.
Some protesters threw
water bottles and traffic indicator boards on the road.
A 38-year-old man was
arrested for disorderly conduct in public place as he
kicked a bottle which hit a
private car traveling on the
During the arrest, a
large crowd of protesters
attempted to obstruct police and surrounded the
police. The police said that
their repeated advice and
warnings were ignored.
The protesters attempted
to charge the police and
therefore police fired pepper spray to disperse the
During the incident,
another 24-year-old man
was arrested for assaulting
police officer. A total of
three police officers were
injured, according to the
Majority of the police
withdrew and the protesters dispersed in Lung Wo
Road after dawn.
The police appealed
to the protesters not to obstruct and charge the police, and reiterated that any
acts endangering public
order and public safety will
not be tolerated.—Xinhua
New York, 16 Oct
— North Korea circulated
a draft UN resolution on
Wednesday that signals its
willingness to engage in
human rights dialogue and
calls on the international
body to positively respond
to its efforts.
The text specifically welcomes the North’s
willingness “for human
rights dialogue and cooperation.” It also encourages
member states “to resume
the human rights dialogue
between the DPRK and
the countries concerned,
contributing to removal of
mutual concerns and misunderstanding.”
The three-page document, which was obtained
by Kyodo News, was referring to North Korea’s official name, the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea
and was distributed to representatives from dozens of
countries who attended the
brief, closed-door meeting.
The unusual move
comes after Japan and the
European Union distributed a draft resolution last
week to select countries
asking the Security Council
to consider referring North
Korea to the International
Criminal Court for its human rights abuses.
In light of a UN commission of inquiry that
earlier this year chronicled
abuses of an estimated
80,000-120,000 political
prisoners, as well as the
abductions of Japanese
and other nationals, there
seems to be a new momentum to do more.
On top of circulating
the resolution — that also
notes the talks between
North Korea and Japan on
the abduction issue and
hopes “positive changes”
on the Korean Peninsula
will help towards reconciliation, North Korean officials presented their own
human rights assessment
last week.
Kyodo News
by her relatives during five
years through 2012, sources familiar with the matter
said on Thursday.
Obuchi, minister for
economy, trade and industry, spent money on 38 occasions on her sister’s design office and at the shop
operated by her sister’s
husband, both in Tokyo,
the sources said.
An expert said it would
be a problem for the minister to use her political funds
for private purposes.
According to her political funds reports filed during the five years, two of
the 38 outlays were made
to the design office and the
rest to the clothing-sundries shop.
showed nine of the outlays
topped 100,000 yen, including 853,965 yen paid
on 28 Dec, 2009.
While apologizing for
the matter at a committee
session of the House of
Councillors, Obuchi said
it was “within the limits
of political activities” to
pay her relatives from the
political fund as she used
neckties and handkerchiefs
designed by her sister as
souvenirs when she traveled abroad or as gifts.
Meanwhile, the weekly Shukan Shincho magazine carried on Thursday
an article on inappropriate
spending involving Obuchi’s political organization in Gunma Prefecture.
It said the political group
shouldered more than 20
million yen for theatergoing or other events attended
by her supporters in 2010
and 2011.
Obuchi refuted the article, saying she believes
supporters paid for the
events themselves. The
minister told the Diet session that she is aware that it
would be illegal if her political organizations made
supplementary payments.
As a second-time
minister, Obuchi, 40, became industry minister
last month in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s reshuffled Cabinet. She was
first elected as a House of
Representatives member in
2000, following the death
of her father Keizo, a former prime minister.
Kyodo News
Murphy: Putin’s visit does not Minister spent 3.6 mil yen from
political funds on kin’s businesses
harm Serbia-US relations
US Senator Christopher Murphy
Belgrade, 16 Oct —
US Senator Christopher
Murphy talked with MPs,
members of the group of
friendship with the United
States, at the Serbian parliament on Wednesday.
During a one-hour
meeting, Murphy said that
he does not see why Russian President Vladimir
Putin’s visit would harm
relations between the US
and Serbia.
Serbia already has a
clear objective of EU membership, and I do not see
any reason why Russian
President Vladimir Putin’s
visit would damage our relations, the American senator said.
When asked about his
country’s expectations concerning Serbia’s chairmanship of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation
in Europe (OSCE), Murphy said that the organization will have a major role
in resolving the Ukraine
US Ambassador to
Serbia Michael Kirby, who
took part in the talks, underscored that Serbia is expected to make this chairmanship unique, and noted
that this would be a chance
for diplomatic solutions.
Speaking about the
halt in the South Stream
construction, Murphy said
that this is a good chance
for Serbia to think about
other energy solutions, and
added that the US also accepted a new energy policy, so it does not have one,
but several suppliers.
This is something you
should consider. In the future, Serbia could think
about gas imports from the
US too, the senator said.
Asked whether the US
is satisfied with the implementation of the Brussels
agreement on the normalization of relations between
Belgrade and Pristina,
Murphy noted that further implementation of the
agreement also depends on
the formation of a Kosovo
Speaking about economic cooperation, Murphy said that the US considers investing in the steel
production and placing
American goods on the
Serbian market.
He said that he will
soon organize a conference
dealing with opportunities
for investing in the Balkans
in the US state of Connecticut which he represents in
the Senate.
Industry minister Yuko
Obuchi speaks during a
committee session of the
House of Councillors in
Tokyo on 16 Oct, 2014.
Obuchi spent a total of
3.62 million yen from
her political funds in
connection with a design
office and a clothingsundries shop run by her
relatives over five years
through 2012, sources
familiar with the matter
said the same day.
Kyodo News
Tokyo, 16 Oct — Industry minister Yuko Obuchi spent a total of 3.62
million yen from her political funds in connection
with a design office and a
clothing-sundries shop run
Friday, 17 October, 2014
US sees some progress in Iran nuclear talks, still aims
for November deal
US Secretary of State John Kerry (C) walks to his car with Austria’s Foreign
Minister Sebastian Kurz (R) as he arrives at Vienna International Airport, in Vienna
on 15 Oct, 2014.—Reuters
Vienna, 16 Oct — A
senior US official said
some progress was made in
high-level nuclear negotia-
tions with Iran on Wednesday but much work re-
mained to be done, adding
the goal was still to reach
a deal by a late November
The State Department
official spoke after about
six hours of talks between
US Secretary of State John
Kerry, Iranian Foreign
Minister Mohammad Javad
Zarif and European Union
foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in Vienna.
Iran and six world
powers — the United
States, France, Germany,
China, Russia and Britain — aim to end a decade-long nuclear standoff
by a 24 November target
date, although Teheran and
Moscow have both indicated that more time may be
With less than six
weeks to go, Western officials say important dif-
naval base
in lockdown,
bomb squad
Sydney, 16 Oct — A
naval base in the Australian state of Victoria is in
lockdown and a resident of
the base is in custody, with
a police bomb squad heading to the scene to investigate unspecified “hazardous
material”, security officials
said on Thursday. An exclusion zone of 400 metres had
been declared around a residential apartment at HMAS
Cerberus, a naval training
base on the Mornington
Peninsula, 75 km (45 miles)
southeast of Melbourne,
Victorian police said.
Police took the security measures after a routine
search of the apartment
found a number of unspecified items on Thursday
morning. A statement from
the Australian Defence
Force said “hazardous material” had been found, but
gave no further details.
A bomb response unit
and members from the arson and explosives squad
were enroute, a Victorian
police spokeswoman told
Reuters. The resident was
understood to be in the custody of other naval officers,
the spokeswoman added.
She declined to comment
further on the items found in
the apartment or the nature
of the threat.—Reuters
ferences still remain, especially over the future
scope of Iran’s production
of enriched uranium, which
can have civilian as well as
military uses.
“We’ve been chipping
away at some of the issues.
Everybody has put ideas on
the table to see if we can
move the ball forward,”
said the US official, who
declined to be named.
“We have and continue to make some progress
but there’s a substantial
amount of work to be
done,” the official said.
The negotiations are
centered on curbing Iran’s
atomic activity, which
Teheran says is peaceful
but the West fears may be
aimed at developing nuclear weapons capability, in
exchange for lifting sanctions.
“We hope Iran decides
to take advantage of this
historic opportunity,” the
senior US official said.
“We can foresee a way
forward through a verifiable agreement that both
resolves the international community’s concerns
about ... Iran’s nuclear programme and also provides
the Iranian people with
more economic opportunity and an end to isolation,”
the official added.
Senior officials from
the six powers and Iran are
due to meet on Thursday in
the Austrian capital.
There was no immediate indication that Kerry
would stay on for further
talks on Thursday, which
would mean deviating
from his plan to head back
to Washington early in the
Merkel ally leaves option
open of arming PKK
Members of Bring Back our girls take part in a protest against the abduction of
schoolgirls for 183 days, in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, on 15 Oct, 2014.—Xinhua
Malaysia’s arrest of IS
suspects include country’s
main recruiters
Kuala Lumpur, 16 Oct
— Islamic State’s main recruiters in Malaysia, who
funded trips to Syria for
converts and used Facebook to attract young supporters, were among the 14
suspected militants arrested earlier this week, Malaysian authorities said late
on Wednesday.
The three Malaysians
played individual roles to
promote, recruit and finance trips to Syria, the police said in a statement.
The arrests on Monday and Tuesday included
an assistant director from
Malaysia’s ministry of energy, green technology and
water, whose task was to
fund trips for recruits to
enter Syria, and is linked to
three wanted Abu Sayyaf
Another key player in
the operation is a 34-yearold who fought in Syria for
four months before returning in April this year. The
suspect’s role was to guide,
encourage and share experiences with aspiring militants, said police.
The third person, a
37-year-old, used a Facebook account to promote
and upload propaganda
material and recruited female university students to
be sent to Syria.
Malaysia has arrested
37 suspects tied to the Islamic State since April. The
authorities estimate at least
30 Malaysians have left for
Syria and at least 15 have
died in Syria while fighting
for the terrorist organization. The arrests this week
also included a 14-year-old
high school student and a
family of five.—Reuters
Berlin, 16 Oct — A
senior ally of German
Chancellor Angela Merkel
has left open the possibility of arming the Kurdistan
Workers’ Party (PKK) as
part of efforts to defeat Islamic State (IS) militants.
Germany is sending
weapons to Kurds in northern Iraq but Merkel has
previously ruled out supporting the PKK, which
has spent decades fighting
for autonomy for Turkey’s
Kurds and is listed as a terrorist organization by the
European Union and the
United States.
Turkey, which has so
far resisted pressure to join
US-led efforts to fight IS
militants in northern Iraq
and Syria, would oppose
such a move.
“I know the problems
that Turkey has with the
PKK but to sit back and
watch as IS takes important
border towns and develops
increasingly into a threat
for global security cannot
be the solution,” Volker Kauder, the leader of
Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in parliament,
told Spiegel Online.
“I do not rule out supporting other groups. But
this would have to be done
with Turkey, not against it.
That also applies to support
for the PKK,” Kauder added.
US-led efforts to halt
the militants have focused
in the last few weeks on
the Kurdish Syrian town
of Kobani, near the border
with Turkey.—Reuters
German Chancellor and leader of Christian
Democratic Union (CDU) Angela Merkel (R) listens to
party’s faction leader Volker Kauder during a meeting
of party leaders in Berlin, on 26 Aug, 2014.—Reuters
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Friday, 17 October, 2014
A strong economy makes
the world go round
By Kyaw Thura
he Asia-Europe Meeting, known as
ASEM, is a forum for dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe, which
is organized with the objectives of addressing
economic, cultural and political issues and cementing the relationships between the two regions while upholding mutual respect and equal
ASEM takes place every two years in Asia
and Europe alternatively. Now, the 10th ASEM
Summit is being hosted in Milan, Italy, with the
By Kyi Mun
Think the most,
Feel the noblest,
Act the best.
- Anonymous
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
- The Bible.
Dare to think deeply, and dare to do well.
- Sun Tzu BC 500
THINK means: Be of opinion; Consider; Exercise
mind; Form connected ideas; Conceive Motions of Doing; Form Conception of: Contemplate.
- Oxford Dictionary
THINK can be creatively understood in the following
T for Thoroughly consider Cause & Effect, Means &
End, etc.
H for Hope and Expect to Win
I for Insight
N for New & Better Ways of Doing Things Must be
K for Knowledge of People, Plant & Profit must be
Developed and Shared
MEANS & END, etc.
We should have the habit of carefully considering:
* Cause & Effect
* Means & End
* Seed & Fruit
* Right & Wrong
* Good & Bad
* Gain & Loss
* Win & Lose
theme “Responsible Partnership for Growth and
Security”. The theme reflects a key opportunity
to enlarge the scope of the relationship between
Asia and the EU.
Today’s world requires European and Asian
countries to work closer than ever before so that
both sides can enjoy growth and prosperity and
ensure security and preserve stability. Now is not
the time for Europe and Asia to take dominant
positions for the simple reason that Asia needs
Europe and vice versa, which is why they should
cooperate to advance and benefit together.
With its businesses flourishing at unprecedented rates, Asia is now seen as an engine of
global economic growth. At the same time, Asia
needs to depend on Europe for its technical knowhow and its largest share of marketplace all over
the world. In addition, the European Union has
richer experience and expertise to share with
Nowadays, every country needs to commit itself to an open global economy in strengthening
trade and investment links with the rest of the
As for emerging economies, the role of
small- and medium-sized enterprises cannot be
overestimated. These days, every continent has
come to considered SMEs an essential part of
economic recovery and a constant source of employment.
All things considered, the establishment of
the Asia-Europe connectivity through a network of actions and projects will bring greater
opportunities for investment, growth, prosperity, stability and understanding as well.
* Progress & Regress
* Justice & Injustice
We should always contemplate what St. John had
“Not to go forward is to turn back; and not to be gaining is to be losing.”
We should hope to win with all our heart and soul.
We should dare to hope and dare to expect big wins in our
lives. We can hope in the following ways:
To Win
To Engineer Win-Win Outcomes
To Get Win-Lose Results
To be Rewarded with Lose-Win Results
To reap Lose-Lose Outcomes
Our strongest hope should be to create Win-Win Outcomes and to establish Win-Win Relationships.
We should nurture a tremendous hope and a great expectation to win victory in our lives.
We should always develop our insight. We must see
the big picture. We have got to see far into the future. We
should form the habit of thinking BIG. Always think big
and think nothing but:
INSIGHT is SEEING THROUGH. Insight is defined as:
Always think with foresight, hindsight and insight.
We have got to explore dynamically the opportunities and
possibilities to see the CONTENT by penetrating the
FORM. It means just don’t see the FORM only; try to
Formerly, it was said:
Don’t fix if it ain’t broke.
Now, it is said: Fix it, even if it ain’t broke!
We have to outthink, out-plan, outdo and outperform
our competitors. We should aim always to be at the vanguard of the forward march. We have got to:
Think Creatively,
Innovate Uniquely, and
Differentiate ourselves from the competition in
such a way that we are the peerless HAMSA among a
flock of ducks.
Our MANTRA should be:
Change, Transform and
Constantly Pursue Self-Renewal!
People matter; people count. Leaders come and go;
but the people remains. Only the people are invincible,
just like the waves come and go; but the waters of the
oceans remain. Only the waters of the oceans are indestructible.
Our Planet has been afflicted in many ways. The bad
effects of greenhouse gas, pollutions in many spheres of
the planet, ozone depletion, climate warming, rain forests
destruction and the like are imperiling the people and the
planet itself. We have to defend the people and the planet;
and it should be our sustained mission to be unwaveringly
dedicated to.
Profit: Profit is all right. We only have two ways:
To live and move and have our being profitably, or
To be outdone, conned and beaten into bankruptcy.
We should always think positive, possibility thoughts.
We had better think success, believe in success and move
forward to success. With all our hearts and souls, we
should think along the line of: “Conceive, Believe and
Achieve.” In thinking about life and life journey, we had
better focus on the following:
To dare nobly,
To will strongly, and
Never to falter in the path of duty.
Yangon, Oct 16— Coca-Cola Myanmar is set to
treat thousands of people
across Myanmar with entertaining music concerts
themed around the “Coca-Cola Uplifting Break”
experience. The afternoon
music shows will feature
performances by popular
artists Sai Sai Kham Leng,
Eaint Chit, Mi Sandi, Bunny Phyo, Me N Ma Girls
and Jet San Htunas part of
Coca-Cola Happiness Jour-
ney stops in various cities
including Monywa, Pyay,
Taunggyi, Pathein, and
Mandalay from 12 October
to 6 December 2014.
This is first time that
Coca-Cola will bring its
specially-designed convoy
of Coca-Cola trucks to cities outside of Yangon and
To be part of the Happiness Journey activities
and attend the concerts in
the various cities, people
can redeem tickets by simply collecting six (6) Coca-Cola, Sprite or Max+
plastic bottle caps or cans
and presenting them to the
redemption booth staff to
receive two (2) tickets to
the event. Submitting a mix
of bottle caps and cans is
also allowed and the number of tickets a person can
redeem is only limited by
the amount of caps and cans
they can collect.
The location of the
ticket redemption booth in
each city is advertised on
promotional banners placed
at participating consumer
goods stores and provision
shops across each of the cities. For the first Happiness
Journey stop in Monywa,
consumers can visit the redemption booth located at
the entrance of the National
Sports Stadium in the city
from 5 to 12 October to redeem their tickets.
Kyaw The-ein (MNA)
Write for us
We appreciate your feedback and contributions.
If you have any comments or would like to submit
editorials, analyses or reports please email wallace. with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only able to
publish “Letter to the Editor” that do not exceed 500
words. Should you submit a text longer than 500
words please be aware that your letter will be edited.
U Kyi Mun residing in Yangon is a consultant of
NAING Group Capital Co.,Ltd.
GOLD PRICE, FE RATE (16-10-2014)
Yangon Gold Price
Buying K656,000 per tical: Selling K657,000
Mandalay Gold Price
Buying K655,900 per tical: Selling K656,900
USD Buying K991: Selling K996.5
SGD Buying K778: Selling K786
Euro Buying K1,255: Selling K1,275
Friday, 17 October, 2014
local news
20 villages
of KhinU
enjoy supply
of electricity
KhinU, 16 Oct—As
electrification is one of the
factors for socio-economic
development of people, 20
villages in KhinU Township of Sagaing Region
have been supplied electricity round the clock.
Five of 20 villages had
enjoyed electricity since
the time of previous government. Under the supervision of the rural energy
development committee,
15 more villages have the
opportunity to use electricity on a self-reliant basis.
The local people spent
K70 million for installation
of a 11/0.4kv (200) KVA
A ceremony to launch
the supply of electricity
was held at the transformer on 15 October. Township Electrical Engineer U
Aung Myint Soe switched
on the power line.
Sagaing Region Hluttaw representative U Aung
Myo Nyein and Chairman
of Township Management
Committee U Yazar Aye
urged the local people to
maintain the transformer
and power lines for durability.
KhinU Soe Wai
Ancient votive tablets found in Zabuthiri Tsp
Nay Pyi Taw, 16 Oct — Ko Zaw
Lwin and party of Alyinlo Village in Zabuthiri Township found ancient votive
tablets while digging pits for construction of the refectory, 12 feet east of Hsinma Yintha Pagoda on 11 October.
The votive tablets are six inches
long and four inches wide in the shape
of banyan plants. They found 73 votive
tablets in good condition and 39 cracked
tablets, totalling 112. Some alphabets
can be seen on the tablets under the Buddha images.
The votive tablets are being kept at
Aung Hsuhtoopan Dhammayon in the
precinct of the pagoda for public obeisance.—Ko Pauk (Okkarmyay)
DAC workers dredging drains, upgrading
roads and bridges in PyinOoLwin Tsp
PyinOoLwin, 16 Oct —
Heavy rains in September
caused damages and blockage at the drains in urban
area and eroded the roads in
PyinOoLwin Township of
Mandalay Region.
Now, Township Development Affairs Committee
is carrying out maintenance
of roads and drains and sanitation.
Officials and workers
of the committee dredged
the drains along the circular road, traffic junction
near the combine office and
along the road to National
Kandawgyi Gardens. They
also upgraded the damaged
bridge on the road and repaved the road to the gardens.
They also carried out
to get
access to
dredging the drains along
both sides of Ziwaka Road
so as to prevent overflow
of drains around the urban
areas.—Saw Ye Htaik (PyinOoLwin)
Myanmar to host Super Series Myanmar
2014-2015 for Sepak Takraw event
Mandalay, 16 Oct —
The International Sepak
Federation-ISTAF will organize the
Super Series Myanmar
2014-2015 to be hosted by
Myanmar at Nay Pyi Taw
Wunna Theikdi Gymnasium from 30 October to 2
Thailand, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, China and host
Myanmar men’s team and
Voltive tablets displayed
at Aung Hsuhtupan
Dhammayon of
Hsinma Yinthaboh
Pagoda in Zabuthiri
Railways workers repair
rail tracks for prevention
of train derailment
Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia
and host Myanmar women’s teams will take part
in the Super Series source
Natogyi, 16 Oct —
The Bagan-Mandalay train
caused derailment near
DaungU Station of Natogyi
Township in Mandalay Region on 9 October.
There was no injured
in the incident. Workers
and officials of Myingyan railway maintenance
squad and Natogyi Station
cooperated in repairing the
rail tracks. Thanks to their
efforts, the train could pro-
ceed to its destination after
some hours delay, said the
station superintendent of
Natogyi Station.
While officials were
engaged in upgrading the
rail tracks, concrete sleepers and gravel for the Bagan-Mandalay
section, the heavy rain hit
the township, causing derailment for the train.
Khin Zar Mon Myint
Mohnyin, 16 Oct —
The Amyotha Hluttaw representative of Kachin State
Constituency No 6 inspected progress in construction
of a 13 miles and one furlong long Mohnyin-Nanmon hilly road on 14 October.
Kachin State government allotted K678.5 million for construction of the
road in 2014-15 fiscal year
for development of over
50,000 local people residing around Indawgyi Lake
of Mohnyin Township.
“In the first year, a plan
is underway to construct the
34 feet wide earthen road at
first. One 15 feet long reinforced concrete bridge, one
10 feet long bridge and six
five feet long bridges will
be constructed along the
road. There will not cause
landslides on the new road.
In coming year, the earthen
road will be upgraded to
the gravel one,” Engineer
U Aye Lwin of Mohnyin
Township Public Works.
Local people had made
attempts to construct the
one-hour drive road from
Mohnyin to Indawgyi Lake
frequently, but missions
failed due to lack of modern
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Ramped up air strikes stall Islamic State advance on Syrian town
Mursitpinar, 16 Oct
— The advance of Islamic
State fighters on Kobani
stalled on Thursday according to a monitoring
group, after US-led coalition warplanes launched
their heaviest bombardment yet on the militants,
who have been assaulting
the Syrian border town for
nearly a month.
Last week Turkish and
US officials said Islamic
State were on the verge
of taking Kobani from its
heavily outgunned Kurdish defenders, after seizing
strategic points deep inside
the town.
A dramatic ramping
up of coalition air strikes
reached a new crescendo
in recent days, with Islamic
State targets around Kobani being hit nearly 40 times
in 48 hours. The barrage
has halted the militants’
advance, with Kurdish
sources saying that Kurdish
YPG fighters had managed
to retake some territory.
The four-week assault
has increasingly been seen
as a key test of US President Barack Obama’s air
strike strategy, and Kurdish leaders have repeatedly said the beleaguered
town cannot survive without arms and ammunition
reaching the defenders,
something neighbouring
Turkey has so far refused
to allow.
Islamic State has been
keen to take the town to
consolidate its position in
northern Syria after seizing
large amounts of territory
in that country and in Iraq.
A defeat in Kobani would
be a major setback for the
Islamists and a boost for
Jet planes roared over
Kobani on Thursday and
gunfire echoed across the
Turkish border from the
town, as fighting steadily intensified through the
morning, a Reuters witness
There were six air
strikes overnight to the east
of Kobani and clashes had
continued throughout the
night according to the UK
based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, who
said neither side had made
significant gains.
“Islamic State are trying to drive the YPG from
the south to get more road
access into the town,”
Rami Abdulrahman said by
“There were also
clashes 6 km (4 miles) west
of the city, by the radio
tower,” he added.
Sources within Kobani said Kurdish forces had
pushed back Islamic State
in southern and eastern
parts of the town, which
has been surrounded on
three sides by the militants.
“We have seized back
quite some territory yesterday,” a Kurdish commander who gave her name as
Dicle told Reuters early on
“The clashes are still
ongoing. We have seen
many corpses of IS fighters yesterday, some had
swords with them,” she
A journalist in Kobani
Libyan army, residents
battle Islamist militants
in Benghazi
Benghazi, (Libya), 16 Oct —Libyan army troops and
armed residents clashed with Islamist fighters in the eastern
port of Benghazi on Wednesday, killing at least 13 people,
a day after a renegade former general who backs the army
vowed to retake the city from the militants.
Libya’s second largest city is caught up in a chaotic
struggle for control between an alliance of Islamist militia
groups and the army, which is backed by forces loyal to former general Khalifa Haftar.
Gunfire could be heard in several districts from early
morning, residents said. At least nine soldiers were killed and
two wounded, and four civilians were found dead on a street,
a toll likely to rise, hospital medics said.
Fighters from one Islamist group, Ansar al-Sharia, attacked the camp of an army tank battalion, one of the last
bases still controlled by government forces since militants
drove army special force units out of Benghazi months
ago. Later war planes, belonging to forces allied to Haftar,
could be heard bombing suspected Islamist positions, residents said. On Tuesday, Haftar had promised to “liberate”
Benghazi. Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni and Haftar’s
spokesman Mohamed El Hejazi said the army had seized the
17 February camp belonging to the “Majlis al-Shura” forces,
an umbrella group of Islamist militias.—Reuters
Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Kobani, seen from near the Mursitpinar border crossing on the TurkishSyrian border in the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa Province on 16 Oct, 2014.—Reuters
said that air strikes had allowed Kurdish forces to go
on the offensive for the first
time since Islamic State
launched their assault four
weeks ago.
“We walked past some
(YPG) positions in the east
yesterday that were held by
IS only two days ago,” Abdulrahman Gok told Reuters by telephone.
“Officials here say the
air strikes are sufficient
but ground action is needed to wipe out IS. YPG is
perfectly capable of doing
that but more weapons are
Hundreds of Islamic State militants
killed in Kobani strikes
Washington, 16 Oct
— US-led air strikes have
killed several hundred Islamic State fighters around
the Syrian town of Kobani, the Pentagon said on
Wednesday, but it cautioned that the town near
Turkey’s border could still
fall to the Sunni militant
The US-led coalition
has launched about 40 air
strikes on the mainly Kurdish town of Kobani in the
past 48 hours, the largest
number since the strikes
inside Syria began on 22
September and illustrating
the difficulty of staunching
a nearly month-long Islamic State offensive on the
Rear Admiral John
Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, said bad weather in
Iraq had freed up coalition
firepower to attack Kobani
targets. But he added the
situation was fluid, with the
Kurdish militia still controlling the town, although
with pockets held by Islamic State.
“The more they want
it, the more resources they
apply to it, the more targets
we have to hit,” Kirby said,
adding: “We know we’ve
killed several hundred of
them.” The strikes, he added, had degraded Islamic State’s ability to move
around forces and sustain
themselves, “and it’s not
like they have a whole heck
of a lot of ability to reconstitute that.”—Reuters
Yemen’s Houthis advance near
al-Qaeda stronghold
Shi’ite Houthi rebels are seen in Sanaa
on 9 Oct, 2014.—Reuters
Sanaa, 16 Oct — Houthi movement and the
Yemen’s new Shi’ite Mus- hardline Sunni Muslims of
lim powerbrokers sent the militant network.
fighters towards an alWitnesses said dozQaeda
on ens of cars carrying armed
Wednesday, raising the pos- Houthi fighters were seen
sibility of clashes between arriving in the city of Ibb,
the politically ascendant bordering al-Bayda prov-
ince, a bastion of al-Qaeda
in the Arabian Peninsula
AQAP, which views
Shi’ites as heretics and
Houthis as pawns of Iran’s
revolutionary Shi’ite theocracy, last week claimed
responsibility for a suicide
bomb attack on a Houthi
gathering in the capital Sanaa that killed at least 47
That attack was seen
as a sign of AQAP’s anger
at the Houthis’ takeover of
Sanaa on 21 September, a
lightning assault that saw
the group impose its will
on the weak and fractured
administration of President
Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
Residents said some
Houthi fighters had gath-
ered at the main stadium
in Ibb, 150 km (90 miles)
south of Sanaa.
“The governor and his
aides received the armed
men outside the city and
entered with them,” a provincial official said. Another convoy of several
cars carrying Houthis was
later seen on the outskirts
of Taiz, a city 50 km south
of Ibb. There was no immediate word on the intentions of the Houthi fighters
in Ibb. They arrived hours
after clashes between Houthis and fighters from an
al-Qaeda-linked group, Ansar al-Sharia, killed at least
10 and wounded dozens in
Radda in al-Bayda province, residents and medical
sources said. —Reuters
Friday, 17 October, 2014
science & technology
Spacewalking astronauts begin preparing station for new space taxis
Cape Canaveral, 16
Oct — A pair of spacewalking NASA astronauts
hustled through an electrical repair job outside the
International Space Station
on Wednesday, then began
work to prepare the outpost
for new commercial space
Station flight engineers Reid Wiseman and
Barry “Butch” Wilmore
floated outside the station’s
airlock shortly after 8:15
am EDT to begin a 6-1/2hour spacewalk.
Their primary job was
to replace a voltage regulator that failed in May,
cutting out one of the station’s eight power channels. The work needed to
be done during a nighttime
pass around Earth when the
NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman (R) and Barry Wilmore work inside the
International Space Station on 1 Oct, 2014.— Reuters
Stop the hop: for huge ancient kangaroos,
hopping was dicey
Washington, 16 Oct — Kangaroos
hop, right? Well, not all of them.
Scientists said on Wednesday
that a biomechanical and statistical
analysis of fossil bones of a group
of huge extinct kangaroos shows
that the largest of the bunch in all
likelihood could not hop as their modern-day relatives do with aplomb.
The study focused on a group of
big-bodied, short-faced kangaroos
called sthenurines that lived in Australia from about 13 million years ago
until about 30,000 years ago, disappearing after the
first humans arrived on the continent. These kangaroos
were more heavily built than modern ones and had faces reminiscent of a rabbit. The largest, a species called
Procoptodon goliah, weighed about 530 pounds (240 kg),
stood 6-1/2 feet (2 metres) tall and was 10 feet long (3
The study found important anatomical differences in
sthenurines’ limb bones compared with other kangaroos.
In terms of locomotion, they were unlike today’s
kangaroos, with an anatomy ill-suited for hopping. They
likely walked in an upright bipedal stance — putting one
foot in front of the other, just like people — in a way
modern kangaroos cannot, the study found.
This was facilitated by larger hips and knee joints as
well as stabilized ankle joints unlike today’s kangaroos
but like animals that walk or run. They also had a relatively inflexible spine not conducive for hopping.
“Today’s kangaroos mostly use hopping as their fast
gait — although tree kangaroos rarely hop. But for slow
speeds they use a type of ‘pentapedal’ walk, using all
four legs and the tail,” said Brown University
paleontologist Christine Janis, who led the
study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE.
An artist’s rendering shows a big-bodied, short-faced
kangaroo called a sthenurine that lived in Australia
from about 13 million years ago until about 30,000 years
ago, in this undated handout.—Reuters
Australian scientists reveal “unprecedented” sea
level rise over past 150 years
Canberra, 16 Oct—
Australian scientists have
made the alarming discovery that sea levels have risen more in the past century
than at any other comparable period in the past 6,000
years. Researchers from
the Australian National
University (ANU), based
in Canberra, found that the
20-centimetre rise in sea
levels since the start of the
20th century, caused largely
by global warming and the
melting of polar ice, was
The ANU study, a
lengthy analysis of historical sea level trends, showed
levels have remained steady
for thousands of years before rapid rises over the
past 150 years, since global
The study looked at the
fluctuation of ocean levels
over the past 35,000 years,
based on ice volume changes around the world.
collection of about 1,000
ancient sediment samples
off Britain, north America, Greenland and the
Seychelles formed the ba-
sis of the research, which
was recently published in
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Researchers could pick
submerged sediments that
may include tree roots, suggesting a previously lower sea level, or molluscs,
which can be measured
against the fossil record to
determine the previous sea
level. The study has been
described as the most comprehensive paper of its kind
looking at the period.
Professor Kurt Lam-
beck, from the ANU, said
sea levels have been oscillating by no more than 20
centimeters over several
“In the last 6,000 years
before the modern onset of
sea level rise, the sea level
has been quite stable,” he
“We see no evidence
for oscillations in sea level greater than say plus or
minus 25 or 30 centimetres,
on timescales of 100 years
or longer, there’s just no
evidence for that.”
solar arrays are not generating power. The station, a
$100 billion research complex, flies about 260 miles
(420 km) above Earth.
After collecting their
tools and making their way
to the right-side exterior
truss, the astronauts had
just 35 minutes to unbolt
the failed unit and install
the replacement. The bolts,
however, were not cooperative. “The PGT (pistol grip
tool) doesn’t have enough
power to turn it right now,”
Wiseman radioed to Mission Control in Houston. “I
can feel it binding up.”
switched to a ratchet
wrench to unbolt the failed
device, known as a sequential shunt unit, or SSU.
“Now it’s time for Wise-
man to apply a little muscle,” NASA commentator
Rob Navias said during a
live broadcast on NASA
That did the trick,
clearing the spot for the
new SSU. Wiseman again
ran into problems installing
the replacement, but as the
minutes ticked down toward daylight, he was able
to use the power tool and
then the ratchet wrench to
tighten the single bolt holding the SSU in place.
With less than two
minutes before the station
passed back into daylight,
flight controllers tested
the new unit and reported
it was working properly,
“Whoo-hoo,” the spacewalkers radioed to Mission
Control.— Reuters
Google tests waters
for potential ultra-fast
wireless service
San Francisco, 16 Oct — Google Inc is preparing to
test new technology that may provide the foundation for a
wireless version of its high-speed “Fiber” Internet service,
according to telecommunication experts who scrutinised the
company’s regulatory filings.
In a public but little-noticed application with the US
Federal Communications Commission on Monday, Google asked the agency for permission to conduct tests in California across different wireless spectrums, including a rarely-used millimetre frequency capable of transmitting large
amounts of data.
It is unclear from the heavily redacted filing what exactly Google intends to do, but it does signal the Internet giant’s
broader ambition of controlling Internet connectivity. The
technology it seeks to test could form the basis of a wireless connection that can be broadcast to homes, obviating
the need for an actual ground cable or fibre connection, experts say. By beaming Internet services directly into homes,
Google would open a new path now thoroughly dominated
by Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and other entrenched cable and
broadband providers. It could potentially offer a quicker and
cheaper way to deliver high-speed Internet service, a potential threat to the cable-telecoms oligopoly, experts said.
“From a radio standpoint it’s the closest thing to fibre
there is,” said Stephen Crowley, a wireless engineer and
consultant who monitors FCC filings, noting that millimetre
frequencies can transmit data over short distances at speeds
of several gigabits per second.
“You could look at it as a possible wireless extension
of their Google Fiber wireless network, as a way to more
economically serve homes. Put up a pole in a neighbourhood, instead of having to run fibre to each home,” said
A technician gets cabling out of his truck to install
Google Fiber in a residential home in Provo, Utah
on 2 Jan, 2014.—Reuters
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Nikolic: Incident was intended
to destabilise whole region
Belgrade, 16 Oct — Serbian President
Tomislav Nikolic has condemned the incident at the Serbia-Albania football match on
Tuesday and demanded that the security services, the police and customs services treat
the event as the final warning, because the
next such case could result in human casualties.
The obvious intention of those who organized and put in action the plan involving
a drone with a flag of Greater Albania was to
cause riots in Serbia and try to destabilise the
entire region, he believes.
“Sporting events are not the place for
provocative political messages,” he stressed,
adding that the incident was a promotion
of an unscrupulous and impossible idea of
Greater Albania, which was to cause a strong
reaction at the stadium and throughout Serbia. According to the president’s press service, Serbia has done everything to put the
past behind it and develop friendly relations.
and the upcoming visit by Albania’s Prime
Minister Edi Rama is expected ti be a signal
for establishing excellent relations.
“After the assassination of the efforts
to establish a friendship between Serbia and
Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic
Albania, it is obvious that Albania will
need decades, if not centuries, to become a normal country, without hatred
against the Serbia, said Nikolic, who
expects Albania’s top officials and public to condemn the Tuesday incident.
The drone lacked only an explosive device to give the impression of
being linked to terrorist number one
in the world, and it is particularly disturbing that extremists have sprayed
graffiti on the monastery Visoki Decani
and that hundreds of Kosovo Albanians
are participating in terrorist activities in
Iraq and Syria, he noted.—Tanjug
N Korea sought talks with top
presidential aide
Seoul, 16 Oct— North
Korea’s top military official
Hwang Pyong So sought
talks with South Korea’s
national security adviser
after the two navies briefly exchanged gunfire near
the western sea border last
week, Yonhap News Agency reported on Wednesday.
Hwang, newly appointed director of the
North Korean military’s
General Political Bureau,
sent a letter to Kim Kwan
Jin on 7 October requesting an “emergency oneon-one” meeting with him,
a Unification Ministry official told reporters. Kim,
however, turned down the
offer, the official said. Kim
is chief of the National Security Office at the presidential office, the top presidential aide for President
Park Geun Hye on national
security issues.
On Wednesday, the
two Koreas instead held
rare high-level military
talks at the truce village of
At Wednesday’s talks,
South Korea rebuffed
that South Korean naval
boats stop sailing to the
western sea border area,
that South Korean activists halt the flying of balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang leaflets and that the
South Korean media stop
slandering North Korea,
a South Korean Defence
Ministry spokesman said.
“We maintained the North
should respect the western
Northern Limit Line, and
that a government ruled by
free and democratic rule
can’t control the activities
of civic organizations and
mass media,” Kim Min
Seok said.
The talks were headed
by a general-level officer
from each side.
Tensions on the Korean Peninsula spiked after
the skirmish near the maritime border on 7 October
and North Korea’s firing
at balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang leaflets on
Friday, prompting the South
to return fire. South Korean
activists flew balloons carrying a large quantity of
anti-North Korean leaflets
from a border area north of
Seoul on Friday morning.
North Korea has demanded that the South Korean government restrict the
launches of such balloons
and, while threatening to
fire at them, had never
previously done so. The
South Korean government
maintains that it cannot ban
freedom of gathering and
expression by civic groups
under the country’s democratic system.
Kyodo News
Fukushima students awarded for film about US-aimed balloon bombs
Newark, 16 Oct — A
group of junior high school
students from Fukushima
Prefecture won an award
in a global video contest on
Wednesday for their short
film on bombs attached to
balloons by Japanese military forces during World
War II.
Ten students from
Nakoso 1st Junior High
School in Iwaki City created the five-minute documentary as part of the Kid
Witness News programme
run by Panasonic Corp of
Primary and secondary schools in the program
receive video production
equipment on loan from
Panasonic. The goal is for
students to be creative and
learn communication skills
by making their own films.
In their video titled
“There Once Was War
Here,” the Fukushima students researched a desperate practice from the end
of the war in which bombs
were attached to large balloons and released from Japan’s Pacific coast in hopes
they would reach the United States.
The film describes
how the 10-metre wide
balloons were made from
Japanese paper and features interviews with
residents who remember
when the balloons were
launched from an area
near the school.
The film claims over
9,000 of the balloon bombs
were released, and around
300 made landfall in the
United States.
“It made me realize
Students from Nakoso 1st Junior High School in Iwaki City, Fukushima
Prefecture, Japan, receive an award for their five-minute documentary, “There Once
Was War Here,” at ceremony for the Kid Witness News global video contest near
New York on 15 Oct, 2014. — Kyodo News
how senseless war is and
how wonderful it is to live
in a peaceful country,” said
Miku Komatsu, 15, one of
three students who worked
on the piece last year and
traveled to Panasonic
North America headquarters in New Jersey for the
award ceremony.
The group won the
Best Witness Award and
was one of seven finalists chosen from over 500
participating schools from
around the world.
Panasonic launched
the program in the US in
1989 and started the global
contest in 2008.
A group of middle
school students from Germany won the Grand Prize
for a film on remembering
the holocaust.
Kyodo News
Cuba, Vietnam agree to enhance
bilateral cooperation
Havana, 16
— Cuba and Vietnam
on Wednesday signed an
agreement to boost cooperation in various areas,
local media reported.
Cuban Minister of
Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo Malmierca
and Vietnamese Construction Minister Trinh Dinh
Dung signed the document, which covers cooperation in such areas as
agriculture and fishing, biotechnology, health, tourism and sports.
The two ministers
agreed that Cuba’s new
foreign investment law,
which offers investors better tax breaks and more
legal protections, provides
a favourable environment
for Vietnamese firms.
“The Asian country
was represented by a large
government and business
delegation, the largest one
that has ever attended in a
bilateral intergovernmental meeting,” the official
news agency Prensa Latina
During this session
of the Intergovernmental
Commission, which began
on 7 October, Vietnamese
business leaders toured
Cuba’s new mega-port of
Mariel, located 50 km west
of Havana, and the beachside resort of Varadero.
In September, Malmierca visited Vietnam and
met with Prime Minister
Nguyen Tan Dung, to promote business opportunities offered by Cuba’s new
port development.
Couples attend the 2014 young workers collective wedding in Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, on 15 Oct, 2014. A total of 100 couples participated in
the collective wedding. —Xinhua
Friday, 17 October, 2014
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Weather report
17th October, 2014: Rain
or thundershowers will be
fairly widespread in Kachin
State, scattered in Sagaing
Region, Shan and Chin
States, isolated in Mandalay, Magway, Yangon,
Ayeyawady and Taninthayi
Regions, Rakhine State
and weather will be partly
cloudy in the remaining Regions and States. Degree of
certainty is (80%).
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Claims Day Notice
MV uni assure voy No (373N)
Consignees of cargo carried on MV Uni assure
voy No ( 373N ) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 17.10.2014 and cargo will be
discharged into the premises of H.P.T where it will
lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject
to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8
am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day
now declared as the third day after final discharge of
cargo from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted
after the Claims Day.
Shipping Agency Department
Myanma Port Authority
Agent for: M/s evergreen shipping
Phone No: 2301185
Claims Day Notice
MV fu xin shan voy No (117)
Consignees of cargo carried on MV fu xin
shan voy No (117) are hereby notified that the
vessel will be arriving on 17.10.2014 and cargo will be
discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it will
lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject
to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8
am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day
now declared as the third day after final discharge of
cargo from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted
after the Claims Day.
Shipping Agency Department
Myanma Port Authority
Agent for: M/s cosco
shipping co., ltd
Phone No: 2301186
Book marks Empress Michiko’s 25th anniversary with Red Cross
Tokyo, 16 Oct — A
book marking the 25th anniversary of Empress Michiko becoming honorary
president of the Japanese
Red Cross Society has
been published to show her
activities with the organi-
zation. She was appointed
honorary deputy president
of the organization in 1959,
the year in which she married Crown Prince Akihito — the current emperor
— and became the crown
princess. She was made
Photo shows the book titled “Kogo Heika Itsukushimi”
(Her Imperial Majesty: compassion), published by Sekai
Bunka Publishing Inc, marking the 25th anniversary of
Empress Michiko becoming honourary president of the
Japanese Red Cross Society.—Kyodo News
Potters set
dried earthen
lamps for
ahead of the
festival on
the outskirts
of the eastern
Indian state
capital city
on 15 Oct,
honorary president in 1989,
the year in which the couple assumed the titles of
emperor and empress.
The empress has attended the annual Red
Cross conference in Japan
every year. She has also
bestowed Florence Nightingale Medals, which are
given by the International Committee of the Red
Cross to honour nurses and
other people with distinguished achievements, at
The book titled “Kogo
Heika Itsukushimi” (Her
Imperial Majesty: compassion), published by Sekai Bunka Publishing Inc,
comes with many photos of
the empress giving encouragement to people involved
in relief and rescue operations in disaster areas.
Also shown is a scene
from the 1960s when she
is seen using a sewing
machine to make infant
underwear as part of disaster relief activities. It
also showcases activities
in which the empress has
taken an interest, including
those of volunteer interpreters at the 1964 Paralympics
in Tokyo.—Kyodo News
Mt Fuji gets
season’s 1st
snowcap, 16 days
later than average
Kofu, (Japan), 16
Oct — Mt Fuji got its first
snowcap of the season on
Thursday, 16 days later
than average but three days
earlier than last year, the
Kofu Local Meteorological
Observatory said.
The Kofu observatory confirmed that the
3,776-metre mountain was
covered with a thin layer of
snow from its peak to the
eighth station, and people
in the Tokyo metropolitan area could also see the
snowcap on Japan’s tallest
According to the observatory, the mercury
on Mt Fuji dropped on
Wednesday and the snowfall is believed to have
started the same day. At 7
am on Thursday, the temperature at the mountain’s
peak stood at minus 12.3
C, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.
Kyodo News
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Michael Jackson tops Forbes list of highest-earning dead celebrities
New York, 16 Oct — Five years after his death,
singer Michael Jackson is generating a fortune and is
the top-earning dead celebrity, raking in an estimated
$140 million in the past year for his estate, Forbes said
on Wednesday.
He earned more than twice as much as singer Elvis
Presley, who died in 1977 and came in second with $55
million, and three times more than cartoonist and Peanuts comic strip creator Charles Schulz, who took third
place with $40 million.
“Few celebrities prove the point that there is (financial) life after death better than Michael Jackson,”
according to Forbes. It is Jackson’s second straight year
Los Angeles, 16 Oct
— Joan Fontaine’s best actress Oscar trophy that she
won for her role in Alfred
Hitchcock’s 1941 movie
‘Suspicion’ is slated to go
under the hammer later this
Fontaine, who died
last year at the age of 96,
became the only actress
to ever win an Oscar for a
Hitchcock movie. She was
also nominated for best actress for her role in another
Hitchcock movie ‘Rebecca’.
The sale of Oscar statuette is very rare because
starting from 1950, the
Academy has barred the
winners, their estates or
heirs from selling the trophy before first offering it
to the Academy for USD 1.
The Oscar trophy is
estimated to fetch between
USD 200,000 and USD
300,000, reported Ace
atop the list. He regained the title in 2013, a year after being pushed into second place by actress Elizabeth Taylor.
Jackson’s second album released after his death, “Xscape” debuted at No. 2 on the pop charts in the past year
and the singer also appeared as a hologram at the Billboard
Music Awards. Two Cirque du Soleil shows, “Immortal”
and “One,” account for much of Jackson’s earnings along
with his music catalogue and publishing empire.
Taylor, who died in 2011, came in at No. 4 with $25
million and reggae singer Bob Marley completed the top
five with $20 million in earnings in the year to October
2014. Marley died of cancer at the age of 36 in 1981.
Joan Fontaine’s Oscar
trophy to be auctioned
A monument for
late musician
Michael Jackson
is pictured as a
fan (rear) takes
pictures of his
childhood home
in Gary, Indiana
on Jackson’s
birthday August
29, 2014. Jackson, who died in
2009, would have
been 56.
not worried
about haters
The Oscar trophy is estimated to fetch between
USD 200,000 and USD 300,000.—PTI
Apart from the Oscar
trophy, other memorabilia
such as Fontaine’s paintings, furniture and jewellery will also get auctioned
by Christie’s.
Among the items,
Chagall’s painting ‘Vase
of Flowers in the Window’ will be sold in an
auction in New York
on 6 November. It is
expected to bring USD
400,000-USD 600,000.
Proceeds from the
auctions will go to the Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals
for Monterey County
in Northern California.—PTI
Kendall, Kylie Jenner named among
influential teens of 2014
New York, 16 Oct — Reality
TV sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner
have made it onto Time magazine’s
most influential teens of 2014. The
sisters have been named on the
annual list alongside the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize recipient Malala Yousafzai, 17, and
transgender activist Jazz Jennings,
The young stars were recognized for their business ventures,
hosting red carpet events and even
publishing their own novel.
“Together, the ‘Keeping Up
With the Kardashians’ co-stars
hosted red-carpet events, released
clothing and nail polish lines and
even published a dystopian youngadult novel this past summer
(though yes, they had some help).
“But they’ve had solo success
too — Kendall with modelling
(she’s walked the runway for designers like Marc Jacobs) and Kylie with pseudo-entrepreneurship
(she’s launching a line of hair extensions and hopes to get into acting). Next up: a multimillion-dollar mobile game?,” the magazine
Los Angeles, 16 Oct —Kristen Stewart is fine with people who
hate her as an actress. The actress,
who played the lead role in vampire
romance ‘Twilight’, says she is fine
with people judging her on the basis
of her initial movies.
“Honestly, I don’t care. It’s
fine. I’m really happy doing what
I’m doing,” the actress, 24, told the
Daily Beast.
“I’m sure there are a ton of
people out there who would
hate (all) my movies just as
I’m sure there are people
out there who are obsessed
with Twilight and say, ‘I
watched the series, and she
completely let me down,
and then I watched every
one of her other movies,
and I … hate her!’ And that’s
cool! Just don’t watch my movies,” she said.
Stewart will be next seen in
‘Clouds of Sils Maria’, ‘Still Alice’
and ‘Camp X-Ray’, in which she
plays a green guard at Guantanamo
Beijing Dance Theater previews “Wild Grass” in New York
Dancers of Beijing Dance Theater preview the Wild Grass for media in New
York, the United States on 15 Oct, 2014. The Wild Grass, inspired by the poems of
Lu Xun, one of the most famous modern Chinese writer and poet, is presented to
celebrate individual’s will to persevere in a hostile environment.—Xinhua
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Messi had nothing to do with tax affairs, father insists
M a d r i d , 16 Oct —
Barcelona and Argentina
forward Lionel Messi had
nothing to do with his own
tax affairs and should not be
included in an investigation
into an alleged fraud, his
father Jorge has insisted.
Messi and his father,
who have denied wrongdoing, have been accused of
defrauding the Spanish state
of more than 4 million euros
(£3.21 million) by filing
incomplete returns for the
years 2007 to 2009.
Income from Messi’s
Argentina’s Lionel Messi
reacts during their international friendly soccer
match against Hong
Kong in Hong Kong on
14 Oct, 2014.— Reuters
F r a n k f u r t , 16 Oct
— China, the world’s second-biggest book market
after the United States, has
long been a consumer of
works from other countries,
now it is making a push to
export its own literature
abroad, helped by the e-book
Industry players at the
Frankfurt Book Fair said
they had observed a change
in Chinese exhibitors’ focus from acquiring foreign
rights to selling the products
of China’s developing publishing sector.
With sales volumes of
nearly $18 billion, China is
the largest buyer of rights
and licenses for books published overseas.
Now Chinese publishers, most state controlled,
are jumping aboard their
government’s “Go Out”
policy instituted in 1999 to
promote Chinese investment
Beijing is encouraging
publishers to develop digital
content to create more competitive companies and prepare them for stock market
listing. It has urged banks
to provide loans and pushed
for agreements with wireless
operators like China Mobile
to propel the digitization of
“While there has long
been demand from international publishers to license
works to China, there is
also a huge drive underway to license titles in the
opposite direction,” said
Tom Chalmers, Managing
Director at IPR License,
a digital market place for
book rights.
“China is full of available titles with international
appeal, and many Chinese
publishers have cited selling to international publishers as their key priority.”
Thanks to a rapidly growing middle class
spending heavily on its children’s education, publishers
in China have developed a
broad range of learning materials they now feel ready
to sell to the world.
In Frankfurt, the book
trade’s biggest annual gathering, about 40 publishers
displayed their wares on the
stand of the China Publishing Group (CPG), including
bilingual picture books retelling classic Chinese tales
with colourful illustration
and designed for children
learning either Mandarin
or English.
image rights was allegedly hidden using a web of
shell companies in Uruguay, Belize, Switzerland
and Britain. “In actual fact
I want to be quite cautious
over this (topic),” Jorge
Messi said in an interview
with Spanish radio. “I have
always said it, he (Lionel)
had absolutely nothing to do
with it, so there is no need to
talk about it”. “My lawyers
are dealing with this issue so
it’s something with me and
has nothing to do with him”.
Lionel Messi has been
resident in Barcelona since
2000 and gained Spanish
citizenship in 2005.
He is one of the world’s
highest-paid athletes and
earns just over $40 million
(£25.07 million) a season in
wages and bonuses, according to Forbes magazine.
He also pulls in some
$23 million in endorsements
from partners including
Adidas, Samsung, PepsiCo
and Turkish Airlines and is
fourth on Forbes’s latest list
of top-earning athletes.
Publishers aim to take Chinese literature
to the world
Japan, Australia discuss
cooperation over submarines
Tokyo, 16 Oct— Defence Minister Akinori Eto
and his Australian counterpart David Johnston met
on Thursday in Tokyo to
discuss future bilateral cooperation, including in the
area of defence equipment,
as Australia aims to replace
its aging submarines.
In a landmark decision
in April, Tokyo eased its
decades-old rules on the
transfer of defence equipment and technology, and
Japan and Australia have
already picked marine hy-
drodynamics as their first
area of joint study.
Australia has shown
strong interest in Japan’s
Soryu-class diesel-electric
submarines, seen as highly
advanced with their stealth
Prime Minister Shinzo
Abe has been trying to
strengthen bilateral ties between Tokyo and Canberra,
both allies of the United
States, against the backdrop
of China’s growing assertiveness in the region.
Kyodo News
A woman sorts books at a booth during preparations
for the upcoming book fair in Frankfurt,
on 7 Oct, 2014. — Reuters
The rapidly growing
e-book market, the advance
of digital audio books and
digital libraries are helping China’s publishers to
become less dependent on
their rather loose network of
foreign branches and agents.
These new technologies
reduce their need to build a
traditional distribution chain
to deliver books around the
world and allow them to
concentrate on electronic
platforms instead.
The China International
Publishing Group (CIPG)
promotes a multi-lingual
database of Chinese books,
a photo database and the
digital e-book and audio
book library
“Most Chinese exhibitors are carrying out their
mission of ‘Going Out’,
and Frankfurt Book Fair
provides the best platform
to get access to international
publishers,” said Liu Zhong,
CPG’s Director of International Cooperation. The
group has teamed with China Mobile to develop digital
content such as comics,
magazines and educational
material for mobile internet
CPG, which also publishes art collections, met
German art and design
publishing house Taschen,
Britain’s Phaidon and Italian and US publishers, Liu
Zhong said.—Reuters
Japan plans to arrest Red
Army member after US
release in January
Tokyo, 16 Oct — Japanese police plan to arrest a
Japanese Red Army member for attempted arson in
connection with a 1986
mortar attack in Indonesia,
after his expected release
from a US prison in January, investigative sources
said on Thursday.
Tsutomu Shirosaki, 66,
is expected to be freed on
16 January, and the US Department of Justice is likely
to deport him to Japan, the
sources said.
Shirosaki has long
been placed by Japan on
an international wanted list.
According to the
sources, Shirosaki is suspected of attempting to
set fire to a hotel room in
Indonesia’s capital Jakarta
in May 1986.
Investigators believe
the attempted arson was
aimed at destroying evidence of his alleged firing
of a mortar shell at the
Japanese Embassy in Jakarta.—Kyodo News
(17-10-2014, Friday)
6:00 am
* Paritta by Venerable
Mingun Sayadaw
6:35 am
* Song and Dance of
National Races
7:00 am
* News / Weather
7:20 am
* Hyper Sports
8:00 am
* News / International News
8:30 am
* TV Drama Series
9:00 am
* News / International News
10:40 am
* Myanmar
Performing Arts
11:30 am
* Cultural Dances
12:00 noon
* News/
International News/
Weather Report
12:40 pm
* Myanmar Movies
3:00 pm
* News
3:15 pm
* AFC U-19 (2014)
(LIVE) (Myanmar
U-19 Vs UAE U-19)
5:30 pm
* TV Drama Series
6:00 pm
* News/
Weather Report
6:20 pm
* Amazing World
6:50 pm
* TV Drama Series
7:00 pm
* News
7:25 pm
* TV Drama Series
8:00 pm
* News/
International News/
Weather Report
8:35 pm
* People Talks
9:00 pm
* News
* Hluttaw Image
* Socio Economic
* Hyper Sport
(17-10-14 07:00 am~
18-10-14 07:00 am) MST
* Local News
* A visit to Kyauk Kyi
* World News
* Guiding Star
of Song Birds
* Local News
* Ruili City with
Mon Yee
* World News
* Bago : A City of
Famous Historic
* Local News
* Wedding Planner
“U Cho Gyi”
* World News
* Director: Kyi Phyu
* Local News
* Fishing: “The Eel
* World News
* My Life & My Art
* Local News
* Halin, A Treasure
Trove of The
Ancient Pyu City
* World News
* Great Minds
of Myanmar
U Kyaw Win)
* Local News
* Walking Along
Orchard Road
* World News
* Sagaing Guitar
* Local News
* A Tea Business:
Pankwan (Part-2)
* World News
* Independent
* Local News
* Myanmar Traditional
Medicine ...Myanmar
* World News
* A Girl Guide
Uchiyama to make 9th title
defence in New Year’s Eve
world tripleheader
Tokyo, 16 Oct —
Takashi Uchiyama will
aim to defend his super
featherweight crown for a
ninth time as part of a WBA
world title tripleheader on
31 December in Tokyo, the
Watanabe Gym announced
on Thursday.
In what will be his
first match since defeating
fourth-ranked challenger
Daiki Kaneko in his eighth
successful title defence a
year ago, Uchiyama will
fight ninth-ranked Israel
Perez of Argentina at Ota
Ward Gymnasium.
Kohei Kono will make
his first defence of the super flyweight title he won
in March when he takes
on fifth-ranked Norberto
Jimenez of the Dominican
Ninth-ranked Ryoichi
Taguchi will challenge light
flyweight champion Alberto
Rossel of Peru.
Kyodo News
Kaymer wins Grand Slam title
in playoff over Watson
Course in the elite 36-hole
event which brings together the winners of the year’s
four majors.
In the sudden-death
playoff at the par-four 18th,
both players hit nice approach shots, but Kaymer’s
finished further from the
hole, so he putted first and
made no mistake, before
Masters champion Watson
missed from inside five feet.
“It was quite an advantage that I had the similar
putt earlier (in regulation),
just a little bit longer, but
pretty much the same line
and I knew it didn’t break
as much as I thought, so that
helped me a lot,” Kaymer
told reporters. Watson was
incredulous his short birdie
putt in the playoff missed,
speculating that wind had
blown it off course.
“I thought I hit a great
putt, stroked it well,” he told
reporters. “I’m guessing
wind bounce, whatever you
want to call it. There’s no
way that ball should go that
way, unless it’s wind forced.
So, it was Martin’s time and
not my time.” Earlier, Kaymer (71) and Masters champion Watson (69) finished
on six-under 136, eight
strokes in front of Northern
Irishman Rory McIlroy and
nine clear of American Jim
Martin Kaymer of Germany hits a chip shot on the 14th hole during the second round
of the 2014 PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky,
on 8 Aug, 2014.—Reuters
World champion Biles wins Sportswoman of Year award
Simone Biles of the US competes on the balance beam
during the women’s team final event at the 2014 World
Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Nanning,
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on 8 Oct, 2014.
New York, 16 Oct—
American Simone Biles,
who won four golds at last
week’s world gymnastics
championships in China,
including the all-around
title, was named Sportswoman of the Year by the
Women’s Sports Foundation on Wednesday.
Biles, 17, also won
gold in the floor exercise
and balance beam in addition to the women’s team
“I’m glad I’m not
competing with her,” 2008
Olympic all-around champion Nastia Liukin told
reporters before handing
Biles the award at a gala
dinner in New York marking the 40th anniversary of
the organization founded
by Billie Jean King.
Liukin said the powerful, 4ft-9in Biles figured
to be hard to beat for 2016
Olympic gold in Rio.
“If she stays on this
path, it’s very difficult for
me to imagine that somebody could come close to
where she is.”
Biles said she felt
honoured to have her name
added to a winners’ list
that included women who
had inspired her, including gymnastics champions
Gabby Douglas (2012)
and Liukin (2008), and
swimmer Missy Franklin
“To be recognized
with the award is unbelievable,” she said.
In other awards, US
ice dancer Meryl Davis
was named Sportswoman of the Year in a team
sport having partnered
with Charlie White to win
Olympic gold at Sochi and
extend an unbeaten streak
through three successive
international seasons.
American Noelle Pikus-Pace won the Wilma
Rudolph Courage Award
for coming back from serious injury and personal
setbacks to claim a silver
medal in skeleton at the
2014 Olympics.
Kenyan Tegla Loroupe, who after winning
three world half-marathon titles and setting two
marathon world records
has dedicated herself to
promoting world peace
through sport, received the
Billie Jean King Contribution Award.
Using her race prize
money, she founded the
Tegla Loroupe Peace
Foundation in 2003 and
has won accolades from
the Kenyan government
for her efforts.—Reuters
Newcastle handed Krul injury boost
London, 16 Oct —
Newcastle United goalkeeper Tim Krul could
play against Leicester City
this weekend after his club
said on Wednesday that his
elbow injury was not as serious as initially feared.
The 26-year-old returned from international
duty with the Netherlands
this week after suffering
the injury in training.
The club initially said
Krul was likely to miss
Saturday’s Premier League
fixture against Leicester
after scans showed he had
damaged elbow ligaments.
Yet they published
an update on their website
(, saying
Newcastle United’s goalkeeper Tim Krul (C) punches
the ball away as he is challenged by Aston Villa’s Aly
Cissokho during their English Premier League soccer
match at Villa Park in Birmingham, central England
on 23 Aug, 2014.—Reuters
the injury was not as severe
as first feared.
“Tim Krul has been
further assessed today by
the club’s medical staff,
and the club can confirm
that he has nothing more
than a very minor elbow
injury,” the statement said.
“The club will continue to monitor the situation
but are confident that he
will be available for the
game against Leicester City
on Saturday,” it added.
Krul has started all
seven of Newcastle’s Premier League games this
season, none of which has
resulted in a win. The club
are currently 18th.
Musa double keeps
Nigeria’s Nations Cup
hopes alive
Abuja, 16 Oct —
Ahmed Musa scored twice
to help holders Nigeria to
their first win in African
Nations Cup qualifying
as they beat Sudan 3-1 in
Abuja on Wednesday to
resurrect their chances of
reaching next year’s finals
in Morocco.
Nigeria had picked up
just one point from their
opening three games in
Group A but the home win
ensured they are now back
in the race for a place at the
finals in Morocco in January — although they will
probably have to win their
last two qualifiers next
month to make sure.
Musa opened the scoring after a mazy run on
goal just after halftime but
Sudan equalised eight minutes later through Ibrahim
Salah. Giant striker Aaron
Samuel, making only his
second appearance, bundled the ball over the line
to restore Nigeria’s lead in
the 66th minute and Russian-based winger Musa
made sure of the win three
minutes from the end of a
match played for a large
part in heavy rain.
Nigeria’s Ahmed
Musa celebrates after
scoring his team’s
second goal against
Argentina during their
2014 World Cup Group
F soccer match at the
Beira Rio stadium in
Porto Alegre on 25
June, 2014.—Reuters
UEFA open disciplinary
proceedings against
Serbia and Albania
Nyon, 16 Oct —
UEFA have opened disciplinary proceedings against
the Serbian and Albanian
football associations following the violence that
caused their Euro 2016
qualifier to be abandoned
on Tuesday.
proceedings have been opened
against the Football Association of Serbia for the
setting off/throwing of fireworks and missiles, crowd
disturbance, field invasion
by supporters, insufficient
organization and use of a
laser pointer,” UEFA said
in a statement on Wednesday. “Proceedings have
also been opened against
the Football Association of
Albania for refusing to play
and the display of an illicit
The case will be heard
by the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body
on 23 October.—Reuters
“R/489 Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at No. 150,
Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light of Myanmar Daily.”
(Kentucky), 16 Oct — US Open
champion Martin Kaymer
sank an eight-foot birdie
putt at the first extra hole
to beat Bubba Watson in
the four-man PGA Grand
Slam of Golf in Bermuda on
Ten days after a blowout singles win over Watson
on the final day of the Ryder Cup, German Kaymer
had to work much harder to
overcome his American rival for a second time.
He erased a two-stroke
deficit in the final two
holes of regulation before
triumphing in breezy conditions at Port Royal Golf
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