NORTH ANDREW SCHOOL NEWSLETTER October 2014 “SELF-CONTROL” - IMPROVEMENT begins with “I” Check us out at School is off and running as we are closing in on the end of the first quarter. Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for October 23 from 10:00am – 7:00pm. Please plan on visiting with your child’s teacher on this day. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact them. S E L F C O N T R O L ~~~~~~ Character is knowing what is right, thinking about what is right, and practicing what is right. There is never a wrong time to do the right thing! ~~~~~~ Next BOE meeting Wednesday, October 15 at 6:30pm Our extra curricular activities have seen great success this fall. The 5th and 6th grade scholar bowl team has been performing great in their competitions. The Cardinal Marching Band looked great in our homecoming parade and looks to compete well in area college homecoming competitions. JH football is having a great season. I want to wish the girls softball team best of luck in districts and the high school football team continued success. Middle school basketball will be starting practice soon and they are sure to offer great seasons for us. The school district will be having its annual Comprehensive School Improvement Plan meeting on Tuesday, October 7 at 6:30pm in the library. The CSIP plan is the vision, goals, and objectives of the school district for the next five years and beyond. The topic of the meeting on October 7 will be covering the strengths and concerns of the school district. If you are interested in serving on the committee as a community member or parent, please contact Jim Shultz at 816-567-2965 or email at We hope you can find the time for this important endeavor. I had the pleasure of attending the Kindergarten Grade Grandparent’s Day on Friday, September 5. The students had prepared videos for their Grandparent’s on this special day. Mrs. Thomas’s and Mrs. Haist’s students did a wonderful job of entertaining their grandparents and love ones. So often we lose sight of the simple things in life, like showing those around us how much we care about them. I would like to commend the staff, students, Board of Education and community members for everything you do for our school district. It takes a community wide effort, which is focused on the betterment of our youth, to make a school district successful. I want to thank you for that effort and your continued support of the North Andrew School District. Jim Shultz Superintendent The next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting will be Wednesday, October 15, 2014 @ 6:30pm in the ITV room. BOARD OF EDUCATION G0ALS The Board of Education established the following goals for the 2014 - 2015 school year during its Board planning session in August. (Established 9-4-97 goal setting meeting Revised 8-21-2014) Recruitment and retention of qualified personnel that strive to meet North Andrew’s expectations of excellence Carryover Balance- Reach and maintain a reserve balance of 25% or greater School district will meet APR – Annual Performance Report - on all M.A.P. levels Long Term – evaluate scores in September and review goals in October Maintain low dropout rate of no more than 3% and a high daily attendance of at least 96% Report in month of February Establish and maintain a high level of discipline and respect within the student body Report in January and June Plan and implement facility recommendations to address district needs for continued improvement Report in December - Facility Committee recommendations Continue to explore and implement enhanced educational opportunities for our district Update in November and June The North Andrew School District, believing all students can learn, will work together to provide a safe, orderly environment in which all students will learn, develop their potential and become responsible members of a global society. Striving for Excellence ELEMENTARY NEWS…. First quarter parent/teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, October 23 rd from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Schedules will be coming home soon. We feel this is an important time for your child as we keep you updated on their progress. We are looking forward to seeing you there! The character trait for the month of October is Self-control – “To be in control of your actions, feelings, words and reactions.” Encourage your son/daughter to show respect and selfcontrol this month. Keep in mind that we have recesses in the morning, so students will start needing to bring jackets so they won’t freeze. The Halloween parade will be at 1:45 on Friday, October 31st. Please continue to be involved with your child’s education on a daily basis. Set aside a regular time for daily homework and provide plenty of positive comments and actions. The teachers and I will be making a concerted effort to keep you informed throughout the school year about your child’s progress. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or the office if you have any questions or concerns. Mark McDaniel Elementary Principal From the desk of Mr. Tolen: Fall has come and along with it cooler weather, beautiful colors, and the approaching end of the first quarter. The quarter will end on October 17th with parent teacher conferences occurring on October 23rd from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Followed by no school on Friday October 24th. In between now and then we will have a grade check so parents and students should be checking the Lumens parent portal/Gradewatch on a daily basis to check on late work and updated grades. We look forward to seeing everyone at parent-teacher conferences, however if you are unable to attend or see a particular teacher please call to schedule a later date and time. Grade cards will be available to pick up, and teachers will be available to visit with you in their classrooms. Please remember these visits are about how we together can help students be the best they can be. It is more productive for all involved to look for solutions rather than persons to blame. Make sure you say hello to our new counselor Mr. Davis, also visit the counselors website on the College Information button to see upcoming events as well as scholarship opportunities for your students. If your senior has not signed up for the ACT they need to do so ASAP to be eligible for some of the scholarship opportunities that come due just after the first of the year. Seniors should also be taking college visits, applying for scholarships, and applying for acceptance to post secondary institutions. Juniors and sophomores also need to take the ACT but remember all Juniors will take a required ACT at school in the spring for state testing requirements. Mr. Davis and the counseling website will have information about all of these events so make sure you check in frequently. Fall Senior night recognition will take place before the football game against Dekalb on Friday October 3rd. Keep looking for updates in the bulletin and on the website and as always feel free to call and ask. Good luck to all fall sports coaches and players as we head into post season play. Junior high basketball practice for students that don’t participate in a fall sport started on September 29th. Be sure your student has a physical completed and on file in Mr. Walker’s office (including all insurance information). We will be taking MAP reward trips for those scoring proficient or advanced on any MAP or End-of-Course test in October. An assembly for students and parents will be held on October 8th at 2:30 p.m. to recognize students that scored Advanced or Proficient on the 2014 grade level assessments and EOC’s. It makes the administration proud to recognize students and staff for excelling in our state testing. We will be sending out information soon and it will be in the bulletin and on the web. Please call Mr. Tolen if you have any questions. Way to go students for excelling in all areas of the MAP and EOC tests last spring. If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call Mr. Tolen or Jan in the office, and be sure to visit our website ( for tons of information on everything happening here at the high school and middle school. Mr. Tolen – MS/HS Principal Fall Homecoming 2014 Caution: Enter At Your Own Risk Those who observed or participated in Homecoming 2014 would agree that it was a big success. This year, after winning the poster contest, the dress-up days, and the float competition, the Seniors were awarded the Spirit Stick at Thursdays bonfire. Friday at the parade, a large crowd was on hand to be showered by candy and to cheer on the Fighting Cardinals. The High School Student Council would like to thank the City of Bolckow for their hospitality during Homecoming week and during the parade. That night, Devin Goff and Kara Powelson were crowned Homecoming King and Queen at the Coronation before the game. North Andrew won the Homecoming game vs. Stewartsville 74 to 14. After the game, the high school students attended the dance. It is safe to say that a large part of the credit for this successful Homecoming goes to the members of the student body, organizations, teams, faculty, administration, staff, and community of North Andrew for their effort, spirit, and support. A great deal of the hard work, organization, and monetary support for Homecoming also comes from the responsible and dedicated members of the North Andrew High School Student Council: Kara Powelson, Kaley Dittemore, Brody Bauman, Mitchell Officer, Darek Mercer, Clayton White, Krystal Atkins, Lauren Cole, Courtney Schuman, Kalee Black, Mariah Gragg, Lance Streeby, and Ryan Hughes (sponsored by Bonnie Lance and Dana Black) Pictured below are: on the left #34 Jarred Ellis, Son of Roger and Charlene Ellis of Rosendale, next to him Krystal Atkins daughter Keith and Sandra Atkins of Fillmore. Next football player #15 Lane Schuman son of Rob and Shannon Schuman of Fillmore, next to him Brooklynn Warner daughter of Adrian Warner of St. Joseph and Kerri Warner of Bolckow. Football player #23 KING Devin Goff son of Nathan and Amy Goff of Rosendale, and QUEEN Kara Powelson daughter of Jeff and Melissa Powelson of Rosendale. Football player #25 Clay White son of Steve White and Jami Brittain of Rosendale, and Taylor Kuykendall daughter of Tim and Delynn Kuykendall of Fillmore. Junior Escorts: On the left Evan Smith son of Amber Smith of Bolckow On the right Kasey Cole daughter of Kevin and Serena Cole of Rosendale "Supplying our school and students with educational tools for success.". Listed below are some of the ways PTO has benefitted the teachers, staff, and students. Parent/teacher conference meals and snacks Classroom literature books for teachers Food for Middle School Fun Night New audio equipment for school play and talent show, etc. Kindergarten Roundup support (snacks, books, drinks) White boards for classrooms Middle School art/history field trip Annual talent show Academic Team t-shirts Science lab equipment MS/HS Nurse testing equipment Student/community exercise equipment Playground safety ground cover Being a part of PTO benefits everyone. You can make a difference by joining PTO ($5.00 per member), attending meetings to help make decisions, and/or volunteering to participate in various events throughout the year. North Andrew PTO meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the commons area. Feel free to contact any member of the executive board if you have any questions or to learn more about PTO. PTO Executive Board: President – Lindy Holt 660-473-0869 Vice-President – Deb Wehr 816-387-1618 Secretary – Jessica Edwards 816-390-5532 Treasurer – Kristin Rasnic 816-261-0809 VOLUNTEERING MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE AND SHOWS YOUR SUPPORT FOR NORTH ANDREW SCHOOL. School Bus Drivers Needed!!! Apply in Person: Durham School Services 709 S Highway 71Savannah, MO 64485 Or by phone at 816-324-1400 Or online at (under ‘Join Our Team’) 7 North Andrew FFA Members submitted entries for the FFA division at the MO State Fair. Members and their results are: Kalee Black-Silver for hot peppers, silver for cherry tomatoes, Gold for Roma Tomatoes, Silver for winter squash, and Silver for Celebrity Tomatoes. Caleb Smith-Bronze for Sweet Corn Brent Windsor-Silver for hot peppers Natasha Hughes-Silver for 2014 Corn Stalks Tucker Graham-Bronze for Alfalfa Hay, Silver for Red Clover Hay, Silver for Grass Hay and Gold for Mixed Grass and Legume Hay Brooke Gragg-Bronze for miniature pumpkins, silver for gourds, Gold for fresh corsage, silver for fresh boutonniere and gold for Fresh Bridal Bouquet. Lauren Cole-Gold for Fresh Corsage, Gold for Fresh Bridal Bouquet and Purple-Grand Champion for Boutonniere. North Andrew FFA FFA Chapter Degree members recently attended the National FFA Officer Visit, held at the old Savannah Middle School Gymnasium. Eleven North Andrew FFA members had the opportunity to work one on one with one of the six National FFA officers, on teamwork, leadership and cooperation skills. Wes Davis, who is serving as the Eastern Region Vice President, presented the program to second year FFA members. North Andrew FFA members who attended were: Front row LtoR: Kalee Black, Mariah Gragg, Allie Grace, Madilyn Shunk, Cole Houston and Wes Davis-National FFA Officer. Back row LtoR: Keifer Steeby, Austin Barnhart, Spencer Kuykendall, Tucker Graham, Tyler Davis and Zach Pittman. NEWS RELEASE FFA Leadership Adventure 2014 - Columbia LOCAL FFA MEMBERS ATTEND MISSOURI LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Member from the North Andrew FFA Chapter recently attended the Missouri FFA Association’s 2014 Leadership Adventure in Columbia. It was held Thursday, July 31st at the University of Missouri Bradford Research and Extension Center. Agricultural careers, leadership development, and positive role models were the focus of the 24th annual conference. Columbia was one of two locations for this conference; the other was in Springfield. Over 200 members and advisors registered for the two conferences from 34 chapters across Missouri. Nearly 6,500 Missouri FFA members and advisors have attended The Leadership Adventure since its beginning in 1990. According to Conference Coordinators Marvin and Karen Hoskey, “This conference annually provides an excellent opportunity for Missouri FFA members to interact with other chapter, state, and national leaders. The sessions foster development of leadership skills and encourage students to practice teamwork and goal setting as they get motivated for the coming school year.” The leadership training was headed by Andrew McCrea, former state and national officer from Missouri, and Corey Flournoy, former state and national officer from Illinois. They were assisted by Jaelynn Bergmann, National Officer Candidate from Missouri. Current State FFA Officers from Missouri guided small groups during the training sessions, which were designed specifically for high school age FFA members’ personal leadership development and planning for future success. Students wanting to learn the basics of self-discovery and understanding their leadership potential were taken through activities to develop teamwork and people skills. The training focused on helping students create an advanced plan for lasting impact on the world through utilizing personal leadership traits and healthy relationships to make their goals a reality. Attending the conference from the local FFA chapter pictured below are: LtoR: Lauren Cole-Secretary, Courtney Schuman-Treasurer, Holly Praiswater-Reporter and Brooke Gragg-Vice President. Seated front row in the picture are State Officers Libby Martin, First VicePresident from Area 8, and Samantha Marre, VicePresident from Area 5. The North Andrew FFA Chapter will begin their annual Fruit sales, starting the middle of September. We will be selling fruit, jellies, cookie dough and meat products from the Smokehouse in Graham MO. If you would like for an FFA member to contact you about our products, call Mr. Windsor at 816567-2525 or and he will have an FFA member get a hold of you. For Sale The Ag Department has 2 sets of deck chairs for sale. Cost is $155 for the set and you receive 2 chairs and a table. The tables and chairs are constructed of treated wood, screwed together and have already been sanded. Please call or e-mail Mr. Windsor if you would be interested in looking at or purchasing a set. Mr. Windsor can be reached at 816-567-2525 or North Andrew FFA Members awarded National American FFA Degree FFA Each year, the National FFA Organization honors FFA members who show the utmost dedication to the organization through their desire to develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The American FFA Degree is bestowed up on a select group of students in recognition for their years and professional excellence. This year, 3,765 American Degrees will be awarded. Abi Cole and Dayton Lamme, members of the North Andrew FFA Chapter in Rosendale, will be awarded the American FFA Degree at the 2014 National FFA Convention and Expo Oct. 29-Nov. 1 in Louisville, KY. Sponsored by ADM Crop Risk Services, Case IH, DuPont Pioneer, Elanco, Farm Credit and Syngenta as a special project of the National FFA Foundation, the award recognizes demonstrated ability and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing or service programs. To be eligible, FFA members must have earned and productively invested $7,500 through a supervised agricultural experience program in which they start, own or hold a professional position in an existing agriculture enterprise. Recipients must also complete 50 hours community service and demonstrate leadership abilities and civic involvement. Each recipient of the American FFA Degree receives a gold American FFA Degree key and a certificate after being recognized on stage at that national convention. The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 579,678 student members in grades seven through twelve who belong to one of 7,570 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Abi is the daughter of Scott and Sarah Cole of Bolckow, MO. She is currently attending Northwest MO State University and majoring in agriculture. Dayton is the son of Jim and MaryAnn Lamme of Rea, MO. He is currently employed with Lamme Farm Services, which construct Sukup Grain Bin Structures. CARDS IN A HURRY With basketball season approaching we would like to remind you about our Cards in a Hurry program. Students and parents can now order a meal to be picked up and taken on the bus with them or eat here after school. This will come in handy for students who have to leave right after school to go to a sporting event or other after school activity. And the price is right! The meal comes with a fresh baked sub sandwich, baked chips, fruit, cookie, and a bottle of water. Payment of $2.70 can be taken from the lunch account or students may pay with cash. Please turn in money with the order form in an envelope that is marked with the students name. We ask that all order forms are turned into the kitchen before noon the day before the event. What is the Parents As Teachers Program? It is a FREE program which offers parents: Research-based information on how children grow and develop. Activities and toys that will foster learning and nurture development. Methods of positive discipline. New techniques for problem solving. Realistic expectations of a child's behavior. Personal visits by a certified parent educator trained in child development. Developmental screenings to reassure parents when the child is developing on target and to identify problems early to assist parents with appropriate interventions. P.A.T. also provides group meet/activities. Research suggests that from birth to three years, and especially the first 6 months of life, the brain goes through the most critical stage of development; by age three, a child will absorb and recognize about 1,000 words, which is 2/3rds of the adult everyday speaking vocabulary; and by age 4, a child's brain will have grown to nearly 3/4 of its adult size! If you are pregnant or have children 0- Kindergarten enroll in PARENTS AS TEACHERS today!! Contact Kelly Sybert (816) 387-3471 to schedule a visit!! PUBLIC NOTICE Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (eligible students) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit a written request to Mrs. Joy Waddell, Assistant Superintendent, identifying the record(s) they wish to inspect. The assistant superintendent will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate. Parents or eligible students may ask MSB to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the assistant superintendent, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If MSB decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. 3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health, or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school; a person or company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, MSB discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. [NOTE: FERPA requires a school district to make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent or student of the records request unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.] 4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the MSB to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605 PUBLIC NOTICE Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232h, requires Missouri School for the Blind to notify you and obtain consent or allow you to opt your child out of participating in certain school activities. These activities include a student survey, analysis, or evaluation that concern one or more of the following eight areas (“protected information surveys”): 1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; 2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family; 3. Sex behavior or attitudes; 4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; 5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; 6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or Ministers; 7. Religious practices affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or 8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility. This requirement also applies to the collection, disclosure or use of student information for marketing purposes (“marketing surveys”), and certain physical exams and screenings. A schedule of activities requiring parental notice and consent/opt-out for the upcoming school year is legally required. (Please note that this notice and consent/opt-out transfers from parents to any student who is 18 or older an emancipated minor under State law.) If you wish to review any survey instrument or instructional material used in connection with any protected information or marketing survey, please submit a request to Missouri School for the Blind, attention Ms. Joy Waddell, Assistant Superintendent, 3815 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110. MSB will notify you of the time and place where you may review these materials. You have the right to review a survey and/or instructional materials before the survey is administered to a student. At this time, MSB has no activity/survey planned that would include any of the above eight areas. If, at any time during this school year, your child is to be included in a survey, MSB will send you the proper information and release form. On September 5th Mrs. Haist and Mrs. Thomas’s First grades celebrated Grandparent's Day!!! New Cardinal Faces….. We are excited to welcome our new ‘Cardinal’ additions to the faculty for the 2014-2015 school year. Joining us are: Farrah Seckel, Tricia Anderson, Wade Bryson, Joe Davis, Jason Tolen, Tracy Salmons and Melissa Miller. We would like to welcome them to the school district and wish them, as well as the rest of the faculty, staff and students a great school year! Farrah Seckel HS Science Tricia Anderson MS Comm Arts Wade Bryson MS Mathematics Tracy Salmons Paraprofessional Joe Davis MS/HS Counselor Melissa Miller 5 Grade Teacher th Jason Tolen MS/HS Principal October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 3 FFA Fall Contest @ NWMSU V/JV Softball @ Home 4:30 (Savannah) 5 6 FFA Halloween Party 12 FCCLA Leadership Conference 19 26 NO SCHOOL Teacher In-Service V/JV Softball @ Worth County 5:00 JH/JV Football @ Home 5:00 (Stanberry) 13 7 8 5/6 Scholar Bowl Meet @ NA 4:30 V Cross Country @ Fremont-Mills 4:30 JH Basketball @ Home 6:00 (Avenue City) 2nd Quarter Begin 27 JH Basketball @ King City 4:30 JH Basketball/Cheer/ HS Retake Pictures 15 Varsity Cross Country @ Falls City 4:30 16 BOE Meeting @ 6:30 22 23 NO SCHOOL FCCLA Regional Meeting @ NWMSU 28 @ JEFFERSON 17 Varsity Football @ South Nodaway 7:00 Softball Sectionals 29 Parent/Teacher Conferences 10:00am – 7:00pm JH Basketball @ Home 6:00 (South Nodaway) 30 Saturday 4 Band Jamboree @ Clarinda JV Softball @ King City 9:00am V/JV Cross Country @ Savannah 9:00am 11 Varsity Football @ SW Ludlow 7:00 DISTRICT SOFTBALL Boss’s Day 21 Varsity Football @ Home 7:00 (DeKalb ) Fall Senior Night 10 PTO Meeting ------------------------14 FCCLA Leadership Conference 20 9 “My Success Event” Friday End of 1st Quarter 24 NO SCHOOL -------------------------18 V/JV Cross Country @ West Platte 9:00am (Platte Ridge Park) NWMSU Homecoming Parade Softball Quarterfinals 25 ACT TEST DATE V Football Districts Round 1 MWSU Homecoming Parade State Softball State Softball 31 Parade 1:45 JH Basketball @ Home 6:00 (NE Nodaway) FCCLA Halloween Party Booster Club Meeting @ 6:00 JH Basketball @ Jefferson 6:00 ********************** National FFA Convention *********************** FCCLA Fall Conference Elementary Parties @ 2:15 V Football Districts Round 2 Deadline to register for December 13 ACT Test date: November 7
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