1. A Thank You from the Lawson Family- Dear Family and Friends, Thank you All for another amazing John Lawson Tamalpa Challenge! We greatly appreciate all your efforts, time, dedication, donations and volunteering that goes into hosting such a terrific cross country race. Your support, friendship, running talent and shared memories all intertwine help to make this a pure classic event each year! Blessings - Happy Trails and Great Health, Kelly, Johnny, Summer, Kelly and Wyatt 2. PA Grand Prix Cross Country Season is in progress and have we got a deal for you! The PAUSATF Cross Country season starts on August 16 and culminates with the PA championship in Golden Gate Park on November 11. Cross country racing on the PA circuit throughout Northern California is as fun as it gets. The Tamalpa Board has decided to offer up a brand new incentive program to encourage everyone to get your shoes dirty and meet your fellow teammates. Tamalpa would love to field teams this year in all age categories with the goal of taking home the most team titles. We have traditionally been the strongest club in cross country. Our large membership allows us the opportunity to have a strong presence and every runner is valued as a team member whether or not they score for the team. We applaud runners of every age and ability so don’t feel like you’re too slow or aren’t race ready – that doesn’t matter! We’d love to see you and have you as part of the team! Let’s field teams in all age categories and bring home the most team titles! We’ve picked six of the most easily accessible cross country races to focus on and will reimburse any Tamalpa runner who has both an active PAUSATF membership and Tamalpa membership who runs a minimum of four of the following races. We will reimburse up to two additional races for a maximum of six listed races. And if you need a racing singlet, head over to Arch Rival in Corte Madera and buy one there and we will reimburse you for the singlet if you run 4 of the targeted races Our targeted races are: 1. Golden Gate Park Open, SF, 4+ Miles Sunday, September 7th 2. Presidio Challenge, SF, 5K Saturday, October 4th 3. The John Lawson Tamalpa Challenge, China Camp Marin, 4.25M Sunday, October 12th 4. Aggies XC Open, Martinez, 4.2M Saturday, October 25 5. Phil Widener Empire Open, Santa Rosa, 3.43M Saturday, November 1 6. PA Cross Country Championships, SF, 4+ Miles or 6+ Miles Sunday, November 16 For details on each race go to http://www.pausatf.org/data/2014/xcgp2014.html. There are 5 other races in the series and we encourage Tamalpans to run these races as well. If you wish to take advantage of this reimbursement program, contact Frank Ruona, Tamalpa Racing Team Coordinator, at fdruona@comcast.net at the conclusion of the Cross Country Season with a breakdown of your reimbursable racing entry fees and your Tamalpa racing singlet cost and you will be sent a reimbursement check. Any questions with regard to this program should be directed to Tamalpa Vice President Ken Grebenstein at kengreb@comcast.net and 415-302-3340 and/or Tamalpa Racing Team Coordinator, Frank Ruona at fdruona@comcast.net and 415-760-8992. The John Lawson Tamalpa Challenge, certainly the best race in the series, will once again be held at China Camp State Park on Sunday, October 12. This is a fantastic venue and always a great day. We encourage all Tamalpans to come out and support the club. 3. PA Grand Prix Racing for 2014 continues on 10/25/14 & 11/09/14 The next Ultra Grand Prix race of 2014 is the Whiskeytown 50K on 10/25/14. The next Road Racing Grand Prix race for 2014 will be the Clarksburg Country Run Half Marathon on 11/9/14 and the next Cross Country Grand Prix will be the 17th Annual Aggies XC Open on 10/25/14. The subsequent race on the Ultra Grand Prix will be the Rio Del Lago 100M on 11/8/14. The subsequent race on the Road Racing Grand Prix will be the Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot 5K on 11/27/14 and the subsequent race on the Cross Country Grand Prix will be the 22nd Annual Phil Widener Empire Open on 11/1/14. We had a VERY good Racing Season in 2013, let’s do it again in 2014. We need to do our best to have Tamalpa Scoring teams at all of these races! In order to score for your Tamalpa racing team, you need to have a 2014 USATF card. Please be aware that USATF cards are annual cards good for one calendar year. If you do not renew your card each year after 12/31 of that year, your USATF card will NOT be valid for the following year! We had Tamalpans running the Across the Bay 12K who thought that their USATF cards were still valid, but were wrong and we could not score those individuals on Tamalpa Teams in the Race! You can check at http://www.pausatf.org/data/members.php?club=100 to see if your USATF card is current. If you do not have a current USATF card sign up for your 2014 USATF card at http://www.pausatf.org/data/PAAppOnline.html. Make sure you list Tamalpa, Club #100 as your Club. It is easy to miss the Club designation when you sign up for your USATF card. Look for the Club Designation on the RIGHT side of the screen Make sure you have your 2014 USATF card and get out and race for your Tamalpa racing team. Make sure you wear a Tamalpa uniform top in all PA races. 4. 2014 PA/USATF ROAD RACE GRAND PRIX SCHEDULE DATE 11/9 11/27 RACE Clarksburg LOCATION Country Run Half Marathon Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot 5K 12/07 California International Marathon Clarksburg San Jose Sacramento San 12/14 Christmas Relays Francisco POINTS 1.5 PRIZE SHORT/LONG MONEY Long $2900 Short $2900 2.0 Long $2900 1.0 (team only) None $2900 2.0 Open only (team 0.0) 5. 2014 Pacific Association Ultra Running Grand Prix Schedule DATE EVENT/DISTANCE LOCATION SURFACE POINTS RACE DIRECTOR/INFO John Oct. 25 Whiskeytown 50K Redding trail 1 Luaces 530/526-3076 jkluaces@gmail.com www.sweatrc.com Rio Del Lago 100M* *$25 entry discount for Nov. 8 defending GP champions - Email Julie Beal's Point trail 3.3 Fingar 916/765-6021 Julie@norcalultras.com http://www.rio100mile.com bill.dodson@yahoo.com for coupon code Nov. Quadruple 29 (28.4M) Dipsea Mill Valley trail 1 John johncatts@earthlink.net Catts 6. 2014 PA Cross Country Schedule Date Day Race Location 10/25 Sat 17th Annual Aggies XC Open Martinez 11/01 Sat 22nd Annual Phil Widener Empire Open Santa Rosa 11/16 Sun 29th Annual PA Cross Country Championships San Francisco (Golden Gate Park) 7. 2014 TCRS Schedule TCRS Date Day 10 Nov 2 Time Location Sun 9:00A Corte Length 5k Race Information Redwood High School Madera 8. Volunteers needed for the 1st Annual Dipsea Kidz Waterfront Run (5K), Sunday, December 14th, 2014- 9:00 am City of Sausalito http://www.dipsea.org/news/2013-03-25-dipsea-kidz.html Hi everyone, The Dipsea Foundation and the folks from the City of Sausalito are planning the 1st Annual Dipsea Kidz Waterfront Run (5K). The race will be held on Sunday, December 14th, 2014 and I am heading up the Set-up & Tear Down crews. Here is what the Dipsea Kidz are - http://www.dipsea.org/news/2013-03-25-dipsea-kidz.html Yep, I’m looking for volunteers :-) I would like to have enough volunteers to have two separate teams, so folks do not have to stick around all day. So, there will be a Set-up Team and a Tear-Down Team. If you are interested in volunteering please let me know. I do not have all the specifics yet, but will communicate them out to potential volunteers as I learn more about the event. Thanks ~ Ed Corral Home: 415.897.5445 Cell: 415.209.4620 Text: 4152094620@vtext.com 9. College of Marin Golf Tournament, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014- Noon. San Geronimo Golf Course 5800 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. San Geronimo, CA 94963. http://goo.gl/E9d76C Hi Frank, Would it be possible to post this in the next “This n’ That” newsletter that you send out? I know there are quite a few golfers in our Tamalpa Club and I think this would be the best way to let them know about this College of Marin fundraiser for their athletes. Also, I think the two of you should correspond to make sure the COM Open All Comers Meets are also posted in our newsletter as I know there are many Tamalpians that like to compete in “local” meets. COM has done a lot for Tamalpa and vice versa, so I think this may be an event that warrants posting. Thanks a lot, Sunny Blende 10. Whiskeytown 50K/30K/8M Trail Runs, 10/25/14 http://www.sweatrc.com/Whiskeytown_Trail_Runs/ 8 am - Whiskeytown Lake. A PA/USATF Grand Prix Championship event. 11. 17th Annual Aggies XC Open, 25 Oct 2014- Women's 4.2 mile Race-9:00am; Master Men's 4.2 mile Race-9:45 AM; OPEN Men’s 4.2 mile Race-10:30 am. Shoreline Park., Martinez, CA A 2014 PAUSATF Cross Country Grand Prix Event. http://www.pausatf.org/data/2014/xcgp2014.html 12. The Honey Badger 5K, 10K & Half Marathon, Saturday, October 25, 2014- 9:00 AM MIWOK MEADOWS, CHINA CAMP STATE PARK, SAN RAFAEL, CA. 94903 http://www.sasquatchracing.com/the-honey-badger-half/ 13. Let’s Go 510 10K Race, Oct. 25, 2014 (Saturday)- 10:00am. The 10k race starts at Golden Gate Fields in Berkeley. The finish line is on the track (yes, the Golden Gate Fields HORSE track). http://letsgo510.com/ 14. Healdsburg Wine Country Half Marathon, Oct. 25, 2014 (Saturday)7:00AM. Alexander & Dry Creek Valleys, http://westvalleytc.allsportcentral.com/EventInfo.cfm?EventID=55807 Healdsburg, CA US 15. 24th Annual Napa Wine Country Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, Saturday, October 25, 2014 @ 9:00 AM Bothe-Napa State Park 3801 St. Helena Highway, Calistoga , CA 94515 http://www.active.com/calistoga-ca/running/trail-run-races/24th-annual-napa-wine-countrymarathon-half-marathon-and-10k-2014 16. Third Annual 2014 Oakland Hella-ween Costume 5K Run, Saturday, October 25, 2014 @ 4:30 PM Starting and finishing in Old Oakland, Lake Merritt. http://www.oaklandmarathon.com/run-the-hella-ween-costume-5k/ 17. Halloween Dash 5K Run, Saturday, October 25, 2014- Bandstand Edoff Memorial Bandstand, Lakeside Park • 666 Bellevue Avenue Oakland, CA 94610 http://www.active.com/oaklandca/running/distance-running-races/halloween-dash-5k-run-2014?int=72-3-A1 18. 11th Annual Coleman Run For the Gold, Sunday, October 26th at 9:00 a.m. Coleman School, 800 Belle Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 Mark your calendars for the 11th Annual Coleman Run For the Gold on Sunday October 26th at 9:00 a.m. This race is a fundraiser for the San Rafael Coleman Elementary School. The goal is to raise money for the school while encouraging a love of fitness and running. The funding supports the Coleman School Physical Education Program, the Music Program and other healthy activities. The course takes you up Gold Hill in the San Rafael Dominican neighborhood for a 1 mile run/walk and a 4K run or 7K run. There is a free pancake breakfast at the end! It is a family focused event, so bring the kids. There are age group awards and lots of fun! To register, go to the website colemanrun.com There will also be race day registration. The race starts and finishes at the school campus: 800 Belle Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 19. Great “Halloween” Highway Run 4M, October 26, 2014 @ 9:00 am Way & Lower Great Highway, San Francisco, CA run-4m-2/?instance_id=234 Lincoln http://dserunners.com/ai1ec_event/great-halloween-highway- 20. Angwin to Angwish 12K & 24K Trail Run, Sunday, October 26, 2014 @ 8:00 AM Pacific Union College, One Angwin Avenue, Angwin, CA 94508 https://www.puc.edu/puc-life/sportsathletics/angwin-to-angwish-trail-run 21. The Lake Hodges Trail Fest 50K, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile, Oct. 26, 20147AM Rancho Bernardo Community Park, 18448 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127 http://lakehodgestrailfest.com/ 22. 2014 - Race to End World Hunger 5K/10K/1K Kids Fun Run, Sunday, October 26, 2014 @ 8:00 AM Sunnyvale Baylands Park 999 E Caribbean Dr,. Sunnyvale, CA 94089 http://www.worldrunnerssv.org/ 23. 5th Annual Paso Robles Harvest Marathon, Sunday, October 26, 2014 @ 7:00 AM Le Vigne Winery, 5115 Buena Vista Dr, Paso Robles, CA 93446 http://www.harvestmarathon.com/ 24. Monster Dash Family 5k, 10k, Half Marathon and Kids Run, Sunday, October 26, 2014 - 8:00 AM Hellyer Park, 985 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA http://raceroster.com/events/2014/3004/monster-dash 25. RUN 10K FEED 10, Sunday, October 26, 2014Beach San Francisco, CA 94129 http://www.run10feed10.com/home/#!/esfcoc 8 AM Crissy Field • 1199 E 26. San Mateo Rotary Fun Run 5K/10K, Sunday, October 26, 2014AM Seal Point Park 1901 J. Hart Clinton Dr. San Mateo, CA 94401 9:00 http://sanmateorotaryfunrun.com/ 27. 22nd Annual Phil Widener Empire Open, 01 November 2014- Women's 3.43 mile Race-9:00am; Master Men's 3.43 mile Race-9:45 AM; OPEN men’s 3.43 mile Race-10:30 am. Spring Lake Regional Park (near Jackrabbit boat launch), Santa Rosa, CA. A 2014 PAUSATF Cross Country Grand Prix Event 3.4 miles rugged dirt trails, a bit of asphalt bike path, a few short hills and some wicked competition. http://www.empirerunners.org 28. 24th Annual Stinson Beach Marathon, Half Marathon & 7 Mile, Saturday, November 1, 2014 @ 9:00 AM Stinson Beach Park Highway 1, Stinson Beach , CA 94970 http://www.active.com/stinson-beach-ca/running/trail-run-races/24th-annual-stinson-beach-marathon-halfmarathon-and-7-mile-2014 29. The 2014 San Juan Trail 50K, November 1st, 2014Campground in the Cleveland National Forest, San Diego, CA 1entryINFO.html 7:00 AM Blue Jay http://www.bigbaztrailraces.com/14/SJT50K- 30. Redwood High bike path 5K TCRS, Sunday, November 2, 20149:00AM. Larkspur, CA http://www.tamalparunners.org/ 31. Stern Grove 4M, Sunday, November 2, 2014 • San Francisco, CA 94044 @ 9:00 AM 33rd Ave. & Wawona St. www.dserunners.com 32. US Half Marathon, Sunday, November 2, 2014waterfront, San Francisco, CA 7:00am Aquatic Park http://www.runsf.com/the-event/ 33. 40th Annual Almond Bowl Half Marathon, November 2, 2014- 8:00 am. The course begins on south park drive and heads towards Manzanita Avenue, Bidwell Park, Chico, CA http://www.chicorunningclub.org/almond-bowl.html 34. Diablo Trail Adventure Half Marathon/10K/5K + Family Hike, Sunday, November 2, 2014- 9:00AM. Castle Rock State Park, Walnut Creek, CA US http://westvalleytc.allsportcentral.com/EventInfo.cfm?EventID=42507 35. 2014 TCS NEW YORK CITY MARATHON, Sunday, November 2, 2014- 9:40 AM. Start Village in Staten Island, NYC, NY http://www.tcsnycmarathon.org/. 36. 35th Annual Apple Hill 8.5 & 3.5 Mile Harvest Run, Sunday, November 2, 2014- 8:50AM ParaVi Winery in the heart of beautiful Camino, California. http://www.applehillrun.com/ 37. MMWD Board Election, November 4, 2014Help Stop MMWD Spraying Roundup above Phoenix Lake A Message to Tamalpans from Mimi Willard After spending 10 years and nearly $1 million on research and consultants to help garner public support, Marin Municipal Water District will enter a formal process in 2015 with the aim of spraying glyphosates (RoundUp) on broom, concentrating initially on vegetation above Phoenix Lake. Over time, I expect more and more Roundup application as resistant super weeds emerge, as has happened in many locales. Meanwhile, Roundup will contaminate the areas where you run and the water you drink, as well as likely accelerate sudden oak death and resultant wildfire risk. Roundup also becomes airborne in dust particles, particularly in dry weather… so you’ll breathe it when you run. It will also get on your dog’s paws (which they lick to clean) if you walk them near sprayed vegetation. Is this the future you want for your watershed? What you can do: Between now and the start of the public hearing process in 2015, the one thing you can do to help stop this madness is elect Larry Bragman to MMWD’s board. An avid hiker and mountain biker, Larry and his trail runner wife Holly, regularly recreate in the watershed. He shares our concerns. He wants our watershed to be an herbicide- and pesticide-free zone. He also has many good ideas of ways to increase our local water yield, promote novel conservation programs, and decrease dependence on insecure imported water. Your future’s at stake in this election even if you do not live in MMWD Voting Division III (Fairfax, San Anselmo, Ross, Kentfield, Greenbrae, San Geronomo Valley, an a portion of Larkspur). Please tell your friends about the Roundup issue, to vote for Larry, and consider making a campaign contribution. For learn more, visit http://www.larrybragman.org/ or contact me: mimiwillard@gmail.com 38. 13th running of the Rio Del Lago 100 Mile Endurance Run, Sat Nov 8, 2014- 5:00 AM The race will start at Beal's Point in the beautiful Sierra Foothills of California, about 40 minutes east of Sacramento, CA. http://www.rio100mile.com/ A PA/USATF Grand Prix Championship event. 39. 2014 USA Masters 5 km Cross Country Championships, Nov. 08, 2014 (Saturday)Northview Church, 12900 Hazel Del Parkway, Carmel, IN 46033 http://www.usatf.org/2014MastersXC.aspx 40. Dog Day at the Dam 2.3 and 4.8 Mile Run/Walk, November. 08, 2014- 8:30 AM 7301 San Pablo Dam Road, El Sobrante, CA You don't need to have a dog to participate! http://wolfpackevents.com/calendar/175 41. Lake Chabot 50K, Marathon, 30K, ½ Marathon & 5 Mile Trail Run, Nov. 08, 2014 (Saturday)- 8:00AM. Lake Chabot Regional Park, Castro Valley, CA US http://westvalleytc.allsportcentral.com/EventInfo.cfm?EventID=56649 42. Starry Night San Francisco 2014 8.5K Run, Saturday, November 8, 20143 p.m. Lake Merced 1 Harding Rd San Francisco, CA 94132 http://pbtf.convio.net/site/TR?fr_id=1820&pg=entry 43. LIVERMORE’s Race to the Flagpole 5K, 10K & ½ Marathon, Nov. 08, 2014 (Saturday)- 8:30AM. Independence Park, 2798 Holmes Street, Livermore, CA http://www.racetotheflagpole.org/ 44. Select Staffing Santa Barbara Veteran’s Day Marathon & Half, Nov. 08, 2014 (Saturday)7:15 AM. Cabrillo Blvd, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 http://www.sbmarathon.com/ 45. The 49th edition of the Clarksburg Country Run, Sunday, November 9th, 2014- 9:15 am Delta High School, 52810 Netherlands Road, Clarksburg, CA 95612 2014 PAUSATF ½ Marathon Championship Grand Prix Event http://clarksburgcountryrun.net/ 46. 2014 College of Marin November All-Comer Track & Field Meet, Sunday, November 9th, 2014- 1:00 pm College of Marin’s Eight lane, all-weather track at the Kentfield Campus. 1:00 50H/60H; 2:00 60m; 3:00 3000m; and 3:30 300m 1:30 2:30 http://marinyouthtrackclub.com/2014-all-comers.html Mile; 600m; 47. Encore Games Seniors’ Track & Field Meet, Sunday, November 9th, 2014- 8:00 am College of San Mateo Track, 1700 West Hillsdale Blvd. San Mateo, CA http://www.encoregames.org/ 48. 2nd Annual Napa Valley Harvest Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Sunday, November 9, 2014 @ 8:00 AM Calistoga High School Track 1608 Lake Street Calistoga , CA 94515 http://www.active.com/calistoga-ca/running/trail-run-races/2nd-annual-napa-valleyharvest-half-marathon-10k-and-5k-2014 49. Mermaid Run San Francisco 5k, 10k, Sirena 10 mi, Sunday, November 9, 2014 @ 7:00 AM Little Marina Green 3500 Yacht Road, San Francisco , CA 94123 http://www.mermaidseries.com/#!__san-francisco 50. Spreckles Lake 5K & Lightning Mile, November 9, 2014 @ 8:45 am JFK Dr & 36th Ave (across from Spreckles Lake), John F Kennedy Drive & 36th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94121 http://dserunners.com/ai1ec_event/spreckles-lake-5k-lightning-mile-2/?instance_id=265 51. Inaugural Surfer's Path 10k & 5k, Sunday, November 9, 2014 @ 8:00 AM 41st Ave near the intersection of Portola Drive at 816 41st Ave Santa Cruz 95062. http://www.runsurferspath.com/ 52. The Athens Marathon, Sunday, November 9, 2014 @ 9:00 AM Start at the ancient battlefield in the town of Marathon, Greece. http://www.athensmarathon.com/marathon/index.php 53. Mt. Tam 10K, ½ Marathon, 30K & 50K Trail Run, Saturday, November 15, 2014- 8:30 AM Stinson Beach, CA http://www.insidetrail.com/ai1ec_event/mt-tamtrail-run/ 54. The Chimera V 100 Miles, Saturday, November 15/16, 2014- 6:00 AM Blue Jay Campground, located in the Trabuco region of the Cleveland National Forest, Lake Elsinore, CA http://www.oldgoatrunners.com/ 55. 29th Annual PA Cross Country Championship, Sun Nov 16, 2014Women's 4 Mile Race-9:00am; Master Men's 6 Mile Race-9:45 AM; OPEN Men’s 6 Mile Race-11:00am. Lindley Meadow, 30th Ave and JFK Dr., Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. A 2014 PAUSATF Cross Country Grand Prix Event. 56. Single/Double Lake Merced Run 4.5M/9M, November 16, 2014 am Lake Merced Boathouse, 1 Harding Road, San Francisco, http://dserunners.com/ai1ec_event/singledouble-lake-merced-run-4-5m9m-2/?instance_id=252 CA @ 9:00 94132 57. Sweet Relief Race Series - San Francisco 5K Run/Walk, Sunday, November 16, 2014- Golden Gate Park • Music Concourse Dr San Francisco, CA 94118 http://www.active.com/san-francisco-ca/running/distance-running-races/sweet-relief-race-series-san-francisco-5krun-walk-2014?int=72-3-A8 58. 15th Annual Silver Strand 10 Mile & ½ Marathon Distance Classic, Sunday, November 16, 2014- 7:00AM Run along the Strand from Coronado to Imperial Beach! http://www.kozevents.com/Running_Events/Silver_Strand_Distance_Classic.htm 59. Waterfront 5K, November 23, 2014 400 Sierra Point Parkway, 5k/?instance_id=250 Brisbane, CA 94005 @ 9:00 am Sierra Point Marina http://dserunners.com/ai1ec_event/waterfront- 60. Awesome 80s Run 5K San Francisco, Sunday, November 23, 20148:00AM Crissy Field 1199 E Beach, San Francisco , CA 94129 awesome-80s-run-5k/ http://awesome80srun.com/san-francisco-
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